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About Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1860)
irv w.-s. JONES. CMktIiVICLE 4 SENTINEL. FL'HUSHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, • I'Y W. S.,JONKS. TERMS. *. Jj. *. i'AFiii—Published Morn mg and Even i UfLi.per annum. :>•i. *i i‘A P-(A mammoth sheet) —Two f i >K? per itn-nim. A ‘ WAVS IN ADVANOK. sUtr for Advertising. .p. rnt.-ji :or adverting in tit* COM STJIUTION 1 ...... < A >KSTIKEIi have been eutah .n > > v h.;: ■ rIKi• y KKTS.publishedln Ihe a.iv, * ■ f.i.. f. .'re tir-‘ :•!wriion, and two ar > a naij i'... i- inert insertion. AH auvertlse ... gt mail 8 .<■ ra ■ i more. i .atl *6.00 ; Da: y 0": v r..aUi £.OO .vl M.-'i I- r-. r . : Ccitis ner lift# of solid Nonpareil, • . 1 ;* t nt-> . i each gnbsequer.t Insertion In i \ • aiiv-rtli,. mei.;.- to be counted ar making five lines or -.OiO, : ...:i ! vs > • ulv ftif iT!. :rn #7/0 l lav.- Daily o;is >. ff.tli 4.00 i it-TLAY i D AIV Kiss. * ; EM ENTfk Five Cents per Umo( • N for •! .. insertion in Pally. All advertise* cents to counted as five lines or more. i c Irin.-s ■‘.illy one month #IO.OO r ;• c 1 :r ::s Daily or mouth 6.00 tv. nta root (or month.-, in either das?, will be i ■ ‘1: 0’ !••• n/ othiy cates, for each subsequent month, l'or in* li.. six m-m he, and m-fourlh for each succeeding month. MARRIAGES, DKA’i HS-tnd FUNERAL NOTICES, JV* V Cents cadi. OBITUARIES, Ten Cents per line. UMi h for Weekly Advertisements. • K V A DVrftTtaEMKNTS, published once a week, to im.yor Weekly, &<p.>ck and a half Cents per line, for each : a -t n. s y i'.< AL NGTICRB, TrnCc'it * per line, for the first lnscr ■s. ■- • (V r.<f i-er hit.- for i ach si.-■ sequent Insertion. “.."Tttntlys,:-'yRirt'iSEMUNtS, Ter, CVr.fc |.er Un osertiuii. v -** . \i iCUOM ANTSai; t IH.VINK.SS jmN whose advertisements i :-hmjte.l, w.’i in- 1 a discount At Iwenty-fiveper cent. i .>;n t:u o i.hee, when their .cilia amount to Fifty Dollars, in six months, it , a! 1 ’n ten daysaftcr presentation. WM.‘ 5. JONES, Propi iotor Chronicle & .Sentinel. J AM ES GARDNER, I’ roprlc tor Constl t uUoaulist. Iron ovr Evening Edition of yesterday. I. .... West Florida Again*! Secession, Marianna, Dec. ‘24,1860. —Editor Columbus En quirer—Dear Sir: Election for delegates to the State Convention came off last Saturday. The disunion secession ticket is badly beaten. ’ Breck inridge carried the county by 53 votes; the disun ionists are beaten by 45 votes. The Governor elect took the stump and was associated with the Circuit Court Judge (Finly.) 4 West Florida, you may rely, will go against the disunion project by at least 800 votes, and if the Convention fails to wait for the co-operation of Georgia and Alabama, it will be killed off by 2,000. All this fuss and feathers is only so much bluster. The people stand on Hill and Stephens’ position. Yours, truly, M. M.lton, Fla., Dec. 24. —Editor Columbus En quirer : At the election for delegates to the State Convention, in this county (Santa Rosa) the Co operation candidates were elected by four to one. Respectfully, ‘ F. Vermont Disposed to Put Herself Right.— The Boston Journal (Republican) learns from Vermont that there is a strong feeling in favor of a repeal of the Personal Libert}* law of that Slate, and adds : The Commissioners to whom the mat ter was referred at the recent session will, it is said, advise a repeal, and Govs Fairbanks favors their action. Revival op Business in* Memphis. —The Mem phis Enquirer, of the 21st, reports an increased activity in the general business of that city. The Palmetto and the Pelican. —We leirn front the New Orleans Crescent that the bark Sea r flW|ze cleared from that port for France with the Palmetto and the Pelican flag flying at her main auff fore. Among the passengers which left California by the last steamer, were a large number of aspir ing Republican politicians en route for Washing ton, where they propose spending the winter, ex pecting the incoming Administration to select from among their number the principal Federal officers for that coast in the spring. Some 1,000 men are supported by Federal patronage in Cali fornia, and thousands of place-hunters have been developed. The Republican papers in California charge that a secret organization is concerting measures for the establishment of an independent Republic ou the Pacific coast, iu case of a dissolution of the Union. The chut ge does not seem to be sustain ed by evidence. A New Confederacy.— A W'asbiugton letter says it is ascertained, from sources entitled to credit, that a project exists for the secession of the Florida Keys, und the capture of the forts at Key West and the Tortugas. The leading spirit of the movement is said to be a Government offi cial, and the object stated to be carte blanche for pursuing the business of wrecking. Shooting in Autauga, Ala.—We learn as we go to press, that a man by the name of Jack Stoneker, while intoxicated last night attempted to take the life of his wife by shooting at her. Failing to hit her with the shot, he drew his knife, and waa in the act of cutting her throat, when his son, a lad about 14 or 15 years old, picked up his gun and fired at his degraded father, killing him instantly, the ball taking effect in the head. This happened near Robinson’s Springs, in Au tauga county.— Mont. Mail. MARKETS. New Orleans, Dec. 29.—Sales of cotton to day 7500 bales. Middling Sales of the week 62,00(J*bales. Receipts of the week 67,000 against So,ooo bales. Decrease at this port 112,- 250 bales ; all ports 494,500 bales. Exports of the week 63,500 ; total exports 669,500 bales.— 1 Stock 844,000 bales. Freights on cotton to Liver pool 11 16d. JOHNSTON’S un mi FROM THE South Pacific Ocean. The Analysis of this GUANO by Prof. Campbell Morfit, of tyew York, fully substantiated by Prof, Joseph Jones, of ibis city, show’s it contains 03 per cent, of Phosphate, [of Lime and L per cent, of Ammo nia, with some Potash, Soda and ►Magnesia. We had but ten barrels of it in rime for last Spring’s crops. The r reports from the Planters who used At then, are without exception, very Pfavorable ; and we believe it to be r valuable Fertiler. L\,The price of it |< ash ; or Forty-Five rtntil November next, without ijile- I r, st. k We invite Planters to give it a f f **‘irial. L i : Mmi e. wilcox & co. deeSfe. v BOOK BINDING. The Chronicle & Sentinel BOOK BINDERY Is now in full operation, with recent additions of new materials and conveniences of all kinds. All BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MUSIC, Ae., can be BOUND IN ANY STYLE, from the plainest to the most ornamental, on moderate terms, and with punctuality a*nd dispatch. BLANK BOOKS For District Officers, Sheriffs, Clerks, Tax Col. ectors, Ac., as well as for Counting Houses, and for any other purpose, will be manufactured to order, in the most substantial and superior style Terms moderate, and promptness observed. W. S. JONES. mim savings mi. intercut Paid on Deposits. OFFICE AT THE INSURANCE BANK. OPH DAILY FROM 1 ((’CLOCK UNTIL SUNSET. Mo.\ky returned on short notice, or In cases of necessity without nitlce. Interest paid on a single month's doposit. No limitation on the amounts received, except that eents or fractions of a dollar cannot be deposited. Interest paid or compounded every sis months, on the first of January and first of July. Accounts will be opened for Children, Minors, Married Wo men, Corporations, societies, Trustees, Agents, and Associa tions of every kind. WM. At. D’ANTIGNAO, Picsldent. dec!9 C. F. McCAY. Treasurer. MiI,I,EI)(SEVILLE RAILROAD. Office of the millepoevillb> C 0.,) A„, . September S, 1860. J I) a meeting of the Board of Director* this day held, the following Resolutions were passed by the Board : Unsolved, Tha t the Chief Engineer be instructed to employ such additional assistance as may be necessary to finish the lo cation of the line of Road by the first of November next, to be let by Sections after advertisement, so soon as each Section has been reported to the Board. Resolved, That the President be authorized to make a call upon the. Stockholders of the Mlll jdgevlllc Railroad Company Übr payment of the following Instalments upon their BfocK, In addition to the 5 per cent, required at the time of subscription, to wit: Five per cent, on the 10th of October, 1860. Fifteen per cent. “ 10th of November, 1860. Five “ “ 10th of December, 1860. Five “ “ loth of January, 1861. True extract from the Mluules of the Board. W. AIILO OLIN, Sec'y and Treas. In pursuance of the 2d Resolution aliove, the Stockholders o the MUledgevllie Railroad Company are requested to pay the Instalments asset forth In said Resolution, at the office of said Company in Augusta. 8. D. HEARD, President. Augusta, Sept. 4,1860. sapS tJalO THE Only Discovery WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR RESTORING The Haiti anil Cirar. MANY, since discovery of Prof. Wood, hiJfcfct tempted not only to Imitate his Restorative, hut profeas to have discovered something that would produco results iden tic >,l ; but they have all come and gone, being carried away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to Its rosAilesa sway. Read ti.e following : _ . Bath, Mb , April ISth, 1839. Fros. O J. Wood & Co—Gents: The letter I wrote you In 18A6, concerning your val able Hair Kc-torative, and which von published In this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous inquiries touching the facts in the case. The inqui ries are—first, is it a f:i t of my habitation and name, a* in the communication ; second, is it true of nil contained the- e ln ; third, does my li >ir still continue to be in good order ana of natural color ?” To all 1 can and do answer. Invariably yea. r lt mdr Vs AVf-n better than In xny stngs of my Wi) f-S 46 years past—mure soft, thrifty and better colored ; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why It is not generally true, is that the substance Is washed ofl” by frequeut uhlutlon of the face, when if care were used in wiping the face in close con nection with the vhi-ikera, the same result will fellow as to the hair. I have been In the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New England, asking me if my hair still con tinues to he good ; as there is so much fraud In the m&aujoc ture and sale of various compounds us well as tills, it has no doubt bf on basely imitated and been used, not only without a.-v good .fleet, but to absolute injury. 1 have not used any of your Restorative of any account tor some months, and ret my hair Is as good as ever, and hundreds have sxamiued It wHh surprise, as 1 am now 61 years old and not e. gray hair In tny head or ou my fact*; and’to prove this fact, I send vou a lock of my hair taken off the past week. I received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which lam rbry grateful. 1 gave it to my friends, and thereby induced them to try it; many were skeptical uuitl after trial, ami then purcha-sed ami used it with universal success. 1 will ask as a favor, that you send me a test by which I can discover fraud, in the Restora tive, sold by many, I feur, without authority from you. A pure arll.-ie will Insure success, and I believe where yooc effects do not. f. Ilow, the failure is caused by the impure article, which curses the inventor of the good. 1 deem It my duty on hereto fore, to keep you apprised'of the continued effect, on my hair, o.s i assure all who Inquire of me of my unshaken opinion of its valuable results I remain, dear dr, yours, A. C. Kisyoso. Aaron’s Res, Kr., Nov. 80,1888. Prof. O ,1. Wood—Dear bl r : 1 would certainly be doing you a great Injustice not to make known to the world the wonderful, as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from using one bottle of your Hair Restorative. After usiftg every kind of Restorative extant, but without success, und finding mv head nearly destitute of hair, I was Anally induced to try i bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, candor and Justice compel me to announce to whoever may read this, that 1 now possess anew and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce ri her and handsomer than the original was. I will therefore take occasion to recommend this invaluable remedy to all who may feel the necessity of It, Respectfully yours, Rev. 8. Bsook- P. S. This testimonial of my approbation Air your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) Is unsolicited ; but If you think It worthy a place among the test insert If you wish ; Ls not de stroy and say nothing. Yours, &e., Rev. 8. A. B. Depot, 4-14 Brea'’.way, and sold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put up In bottles of three sizes, via: large, medium, and small; the small holds half a pint,and retails for one dollar per bottle : the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 per cant more In propor tion,and retails for SB. O. J. WOOD <fe Cos., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, Bt. Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Qoods Dealers. dec2B-d&wßm GROVER St BAKER SEWING MACHINE At Reduced Prices, NO. 255 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. 1 WOULD respectfully Inform the public, that prices of the GROVEtt & BAKER MACHINES, have beau greatly reduced, and they are now within the reach of every (tally. I have, and shall keep on hand, all the different styles, with the latest improvements, lue uding the FAMILY’ BHUTTLK MACHINE. Persons purchasing, can have their choice betwc eu the Shut tle and the Spool Machine. All are warranted to do coarse and fine Sewing of every de sorption. Machines will he furnished to Clergymen with families, and to all religious and charitable soderies, wheats the Machines are to be used for purposes of charity, at a discount of twenty iive ner cent from retail prices. BEWING, of every description, done with neatness *nd de spatch at the Sales Room. All orders from the country will meet with promp! attorn -lon. R. A. .JONES, Agent. dec6-lm TO THE MIMUTI wm AX’D ALL OTHERS THAT ARE WIDE AWAKE I OFFER TO-DAY the beat permanent inve meut . for the times. Having deterxuii.ed to change my residence, I offter for sale on the most reasonable terms, the cheapest and best Plantation In Georgia, taking Into consideration the quality of sol Land its contiguity to Augusta, being located 4 miles by Road and 8 miles by Canal from the city. There are 987 acres in the tract, 400 of which are cleared and 200 of that In the be6t River Bottom Land, the latter thorough ly drained ; and all the cleared Land lu good order for cultlua tion. The upland well adapted toaNursery and Fruit Raising with an Orchard of Belect Fruit, ot ten acres, and X here ot , Strawberries. The Improvements of the place consist of a fine ’ commodious Dwelling House, with all the necessary out-build ings, an abundant supply of good watea, Overseer's House and Negro Houses sufficient to accommodate thirty hands, two large Barns and necessary running gear. The Augusta Canal runs through the Plantation, with a right of free navigation. There Is also an extensive deposit of flue clay for making Brick, with an abundance of Wood, and with the tree navigation of the Canal, the whole product of the place can be got to market without cost. Any persons desirous of making good Investment, would do wed to examine the premises, or address the subscriber for fur ther paitlculars. Terms made reasonable. Address J . HENRY McALPIN, nov2s-dl&w3t Augusta, (la. Sugars. | DDLS. A and C Clarified SUGARS, for sale by 1.0 U dec6-lw WILCOX A HAND. W.J.HAMILL. Wholesale Dealer in mill FEED, CORN, OUTS, NO. 50 S. FREDERICK ttVilfSlST,’ ■ BALTIMORE. yIA-dfim AUGUSTA, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1860. METROPOLITAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. c’ a I-rT A1 $300,000. GASH SURPLUS 100,000. Is prepared to take risks on all Insurable Property In the rates o * Tl ® Uß^a ’ throughout the State of Georgia, at fair Gen JAMES LOitIMEK GRAHAM, Pres t. EDIT AKD A. STANSBUUY, Sec’y. J. C, DAWSON, Agent, y No. 2 Warron Block, Augaata. INCORPORATED 1819. Charter* Perpetual. ITNA INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $1,500,000. SURPLUS % 500,000. ASSETS 2,194,000. Tills Company is well known in this city, and throughout the Union, os the leading Fire Insurance Company. It has earned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, überal and equitable performance of Its obligations, unequalled by any other Company. B. H. BRODNAX, Agent, for Augusta and vicinity, Jyvl dly opposite Bridge Bank Building. Fire Insurance o SECURITY AND ECONOMY. 0- PER CENT OP NETT PROFITS DIVIDED ANNUALLY IN SCRIP TO POLICY HOLDERS. o THE BLMOKE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. CASH CAPITAL - - - $250,000. THE INHURED PARTICIPATE IN THE PROFITS, WITHOUT ANY .LIABILITY WHATEVER. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM M. MARTIN, President, J.Legare Yates, A. S. Johnston, Geo. W. Williams, A R. Taft, William C. Bee, Henry Buist. 8. N. Hart.. J. Reid Boylsion, John B. Lafltte, Hugh R. Banks, Win. C. Courtney, E. L. Adams, Edw. Sebriug, O.V. Chamberlain, JOSEPH WHILDEN, Sec’y & Treas. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for this titv, will take risks as low as other equally responsible Companies A. M. JACKSON, Agent, novß-3m 2-18 Broad Street. 7,477 ACHES LAUD FOR SALE! fitHE undetigned offbrsthe following LANDS for sale: In JL ‘■ he 6th district of Dooly county. Nos. 216, 227,199 ;In the Ttn district Irwin county. Nos. CO, 116, 69, 172, 21, 72, 16, 118, 84, 1?, 11, IS!, 173 : in the 8d district Early county, No. 161 ; in the ITtn district Early county, No. 141. lam anxious to sell the above named Lands, and any one w string to buy, will do well to call on, or address me, at Cool Bpring, Wilkinson county, Ga. N. J. BROWN, doefi Land for. Sale. I OFFER for sale, 1800 acrea of LAND. In Jefferson county, about nine miles north of Louisville, lying on Rocky Com fbrt arid Dewharl’s creeks. On the place there is a good new framed Dwelling with eight rooms, and other out-buildings, all new and in good repair ; also, a good set of Mills, with three run of Stones, Oin House and anew Borew, put up last fall, and Saw* Mill—all running by water power, on a never-failing stream, with a plenty of timber to run the saw. The place can- Plantation Tools. Any person that wishes to purchase such property, can find the subscriber on the place at any time. Jyfl-wtf E. CLARK. TRUSTEE’S SALE. ■\\rjLL be sold before the Court House door in the town of V T Lexington, Georgia, an the first Tuesday in JAN UAKY next, tho following named Negroes, to wit: A Negro Man named Oweu. 80 years old ;, a Woman, SO years old ; a boy Edmund, 14 years old. Said Negroes being held by me as Trustee of Mrs. Martha Ann Scott and her children, and sold for the benefit of creditors by virtue of a decree in the Chancery Court of Oglethorpe county'in said State. Nov. 25, iB6O. KOBT. C. DANIEL. Trustee. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GRF.KABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, Georgia, will lie sold before the Court House door, in Lexlngiou, lu said county, on the first Tuesday In FEBRUARY next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Beveu hundred and seventeen acres of Land, tie the same more or less, lying In said county, within three miles of Lex ington, on tho waters of Indian creek, adjoining lands of Wm. M. Lane, Robert Harr ton, Thomas liowner and others, it being the residence of the late Pleasant Robertson, ceccased, at the time of his death. ALSO, The following named Negroes to wit: Pherhla, very old and decrepld; AUstV and child Betsey; Caroline and two children, Levi and Jake; Tonev ; Eliza and two children Lucy and Marv : George, diseased ; Daniel, 21 years of age ; D: ve, 20 years of age ; Maria, 17 years old ; Boott, 15 years old ; John, Andrew, Llxcte, Violet, Amy, Dick, Owen and Harriet. Ali belonging to the esta'e of the late Pleasant Poberts-m, dee’d, and sold fm- the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms of sale on the day. December 12, 1860. ALVIN M. ROBERTSON, Ex’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Oidlnary of Lin coln county will be sold on the first Tuesday in FK UARY next, at the Court Mouse door of said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: A Negro Man named Davis, about 88 years old, a good planta tion smith ; also, one thousand acres of Land, more or less, In Linooln county, on the waters of Little River, on the road lend ing from Washington to Augusta, one mile from RayavlUe, ad lofiitng lands of Moses Harwich, Dunicl Marshall and John L Wilkes, It being the same place whereon Jimerson Mabry re sided at the time of his death. Sold as the property of said Jimerson Mabry, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and oredl o sos said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Dec. ID, 1880. JOHN M. OUTLIFF, Adm’r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. pursuance of the last will and testament of Gilchrist Over I ton, late of Taliaferro county, deceased, will be sold a Crawfordvllle, Taliaferro countv within Ihe usual hours o sale, on the first Tuesday In JANu ARY next, the Plantation whereon said deceased lived at the time of hla death, containing sixteen hundred aorea. more or less, lying on Harden’s creek. T. e place Is well improved, well timbered, and contains a large proportion of choice bottom lands. TeCms of sale—crcklt of 12 months, with Interest and good security. On the next day at the late residence of said deceased, will be sold the Perishable Property ot said deceased, consisting of Corn, Fodder, Wheat, Oats, Peas. Potatoes, Horses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Wagons, Blacksmith's Tools, Fanning Implements. Ac. Kale to continue from day to day until ufi Is sold. Terms made known on the day. Nov 17,1880. WM. A. OVERTON, Ex’r. EXECUTOR'S SHE. /"VY Tuesday, the Lit day of JANUARY next, atthe Uourt \ / House door, In Waynesboro’, Ga., within the legal h< urs or public tales, by virtue of an oruer of tho Court ot Oibinary or Richmond county, and also, In pursuance ot an Interlocu tory decree In Chancery, lately granted by the Superior Uourt of sata county, will be sold, about Eighty Negroes, Men, Women and Children, accustomed to Plantation work, and moat of them likely and valuable. ALSO, On the following day, (Wednesday, tire 2d,) at the Plantation of the late Col. John McKlnne, In Burke county, about three miles from Green’s Cut, will be sold, the Earn ing Utensils, Cm*, Yedder, Horses, Mules, Live Stock, and other perishable property on said Plantation. Terms—For the Negroes, note*, with approved personal se curity, payable January 1,1862, with Interest fiom date. For the perishable property, a credit until January, 1862, for ap rroved paper will be given. CHAS. J. JENKINS, „ WM. A. WALTON, Executors of John McKlnne, deceased. novE3-twAwtd EXECUTORS’ SALE. XHTlJlubesold at the Court House door hi the city of At -11 ianta, on the first Tuesday In JANUJfiRY next, within the legal hours of sale, a port ion of Land belonging to the es tate or Isaac Ramsey, late of Columbia county, deceased, am is at lxig of the following tracts of Land, to wit: Lot No. 145, in the North of the 18th district, ortgirfallv Cherokee, now Dawson county, containing 40 acres. Lot No. 447.3d district, 8d section, originally Cherokee now Paulding county, containing 40 acres. Lot No. 168,19 th district, 3d section originally Cherokee now Paulding county, containing 40 acres. No. 163,16tb district, Ist section, originally Cherokee now Lumpkin county, containing 40 acres. Lot No. 128, 9tn district, Ist section Hal] county, containing lflOK acres. Also, 48 acres adjoining the above and Smith £ Colton's laud. ALSO, 200 acres, more or leas, in the county of Hall, lying and being In the 912th district G. M., In the Four Mile Purchase, the same being Head Right Lands. ALSO, The Limestone Spring tract of Land, in tho county of Hall, containing 600 acres, be the same more or less, adjoining lauds of Nelson, Maye, Banks, Sullivan, Brown and Cozart. No. 90, In the 10th district of Habersham county, containing 200 acres. On the same day In Albany, Baker county. Lot No. 841, In the Bth district of originally Irwin now Coffee county, contain ing 490 acres: Lot No. 291, in the 7th district of originally Ap pling now Clinch county, containing 490 acres ; and Lot Nc. 807, In the Bth district of originally Early now Mitchell county containing 250 acres. Terms made known on day of sale. PHOCION RAMSEY, 1 WM. S. MOUGHON, I _ ml , „ WM. H. BONNER, f Executors. GEORGE L. D. RICE, J November 18. 1860. EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Ogle thorpe county, will be sold on the first Tuesday In ifUARY next before the Court House door In Lexington, In said county, within the legal hours of sale, a tract of Land containing two hundred andEfty acree, be the same more or lese, lying In said county, adjoining the lands of John Arm- BgxDng, Dr. Neeson, Mrs. Armstrong, G. W. Moore and Thos. with the Improvements thereon. Said traermSWfcyttkmglngto the estate of John Swanson, do- of the heirs and creditors of said mediciMl MRS. WIl&LOW, A a experienced Nurse and Female Musician, presents to the attention of dmwKi, her SOOTHINGISYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TIETHIND, which greatly facilitates the process 4Lteething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation, allay all pain and spas modic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE tDiIE BOWEIX. Depend upon It, mothers, it will giveto yourselves,and RELIEF AND HEALTH T##AOLR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for ovc-r ten years, and CAN SAY, INCONFIDENmRa N’DTRUTJfoIit what we have never] T"’ been aole to say of any other MRS. M edict nr— NEVER HAS WINSLOH’S IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE] r., INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A! SOOTHING . CURE, when timely used| SYRUP. Never did we know an in-1 1 - _ stance of dis satisfaction by any one who used it. ojytlie contrary, a'l are delighted with its operations, and speaWi terms of commenda tion otita magical efli’ct.. and medical x3. lues. We speak in t his matter “ WHAT WE DO KNOW,” wtl* ten yearn’experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFIL MENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the lr.fant is suffWTng from pain and ex haustion, relief will be found in fifteen or tweutv minutes after the syrup 1 administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most experienced ana skilful Nurses in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SftCCESSIn THOUSANDS OF It not only relieves the child from p £ln, but invigorates the stomach ana bowels, corrects acidity, rflid gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND W IND COLIC. and overcome con-l wotTh ivulsions, which If not speedily reme- .. blind, end in dea.h We believe it the ( lIILFtIILN BEST AND SU REST REMEDY ip i, pipii | luwj IN THE WOULD in all cases of DY- * ** * “‘"JMhuntkky an and DIARRHEA IN CIIIIDKENj wlu-tfierit arises from teeth ing, or from any other eauso We wouwsay to every mother who has a child suffering from any of tli* foregoing complaints— Do not let your prejudices, nor the prejudices of others stand between you and ybur suffering child, and the reliefthat will be BURE —yes, ABSOLUTELY BUUJEjHo follow the use of this _ medicine, If timely used. Full for using will accom pany each bottle. None genuine uflpthc facsimile of CUK TIB & PERKINS, New York,! s on mo outside wrapper. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 18 CEDAR ST, NEW YORK. I*KICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER COTTLE Sold iu Augusta by PLUMB & LEiTNEU, and Druggists generally. _ ‘ ruhlC-d&wly A YfRS’SARSAHAKIIiL A. A COMPOUND remedy in which e hove labored to pro duce the most effectual alterative t.iat can be made. It is a concentrated extract of l’ara so combined with other substawes of still greater alterati ve power as to afford an effective antidote for tne diseas s Sarwvariila is reputed to cure. It is believed that suen a lemedj* is wanted by tiiose who sutler from Strumous complaints, odd one. which will accomplish their cure must of irnnense service to this large class of our afflicted How completely tills compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of tbe worst cases to be found of the following complaints : Scrofula and Scrofulous Complaints, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Sait Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic AfiljJjtions, Mercurial Dis ease, Dropsy, Neuralgia or lie Douloureux, Debility, Dyspep sia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose o, St. Anthony’s Fiie, and Indeed the whole class of complaint.-; arising from Impurity of the Blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel tne foal humors which fee- * ter int-he blood at tulsseason oftlie yegg. By the timely ex pulsion of them many rankling disoraei-wnre nipped in the hud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruption and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid ltuelSof corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out die vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin In pimples, eruptions or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish iu the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer lorcleansing the blood. Keep the ! lood healthy,and all Is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life lsdliiorde-ed or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, t lie reputation of accom plishing these ends. But the world has-been egregrlou.-ly de ceived by preparations oi'it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that i* claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extract sot it., con tain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have 1 e.-n misled by large bot tles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla lor one dollar. Most of these have been floods upon the sick, lor they not only contain little, if any,- sarraf luiiia but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful dia-p ----sapa’T7ff!rMt: f hr'trgsTfrntiiri’y.; l 'n-dm- umq'i rrftrtrr,- * despised, and has bco me synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to sunply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues w. ieh are irresistible by the ordinary run of the cuaeoees It is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from tbe system, the remedy hould be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. €. AYEEt & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle ; Sl* Bottle* for $ . AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, has won for Itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Compift'nt, tnatlt is entirely unnecessary tor us to recount the evidence of It- 1 virtues, wherever it lias been employed. As it lias long been In constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people Its quality Is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to ao for their relief all It has ever been found to do. AYER S CATHARTIC PILLS, For the cure of Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery. Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheu matisms, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drop sy, Tetter, Tumors and Balt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neural gia, as a Dinner PHI, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the. best aperient in the world for ail the purposes of u fnniilv physic. Price 26 eentßper box ; Five Boxes for sl. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent, personages, have lent their names to certify the unpar alleled usefuln ss of these remedies, but our space nere will not permit the Insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of thq above complaints, and the treatment that shoutd be followed for their cure. Do not be put olf by unprincipled dealers with other prepara tions they make more profit on. Demand Ayer’s, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should Jiave It. All our remedies are for sale by HAVILANI), CHICHESTER & CO., Sole Agents. For sale by Druggists generally throughout the country. apAd&wlv Dropsy Cured. 3PME undersigned professes to cure DROPSY of every de L scription. lie can be seen personally five miles south of nion Point, or address by letter to Union Point, Greene coun ty, Ga. The medicine can besent auywbere by express, with directions forgiving It. I also profess to treat some Female diseases successfully, such as Whites, Ac. I will attend per sonally,)!'requested and paid for my trouble. I will buy Ne groes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, as the owner may prefer. MILES G. BROOME. This Is to certify that my father had a negro man afflicted with Dropsy In ISM ; he had been treated by several physicians without any cure, when he applied to.M.G. Broome for hla remedy, which cured him. He is still living and in good health. H. Champion. Greenesboro ,Ga., Jan.2lst, 1858. This Is to certify that Iliad a negro woman badly afflicted with Dropsy for a considerable time.. She was attended bv several physicians: they failed to make a cure. 1 beard ofM. G Broome, and put her under his treatment, and In less than a year she was thoroughly cured of Dropsy. J amish Davant. Union Point, Ga., 1859. Tills Is to certify that I have had a negro woman afflicted with Dropav in 1858; 1 put her under the treatment of M. U. Baoeva, who made a permanent cure of her. She is still living andlu good health. TKAVIB C. CARLTON. au2Awtf _ GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, THE PUREST AND BEST. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, AAD DISEASES OF THE LIVER. II V Klt complaints are the prevailing diseases of the Sotilh- J ern climate, and the Sarsaparilla that grows in the South ern climate, if richtly prepared. Is better tor Ihe diseases or this climate than the fotelgu growth. It cannot be prepared so well at the North as it ran at the South; nothing can lie gained by sending North for Sarsaparilla, or using the Sarsapa rilla prepared North. Prepared by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga. For sale by Druggists generally. hecl9-w-2t* FRESH Garden Seeds! WARRANTED GENUINE. CROP 1860. expect to receive our stock of GARDEN SEEDS it this season, much earlier than usual. The assortment will be more extensive and more complete than formerly, having added several new and choice varieties to our already large Catalogue. Our Seeds are raised by some of the most reliable Seed Grow era In tne country, from selected stock, and our customers may have implicit confidence In what we send them, as being per fectly FRESH and PURE, as we keep no old Seed whatever from one season to another. For the convenience of Merchants, we have almost every sort n papers ; and for Planters and Gardeners, in bulk. PLUM tS & LEITNER, Druggists, 212 Broad street Augusta, Ga. Augusta, 12th October. 1869. octl2 dentalcardT T. II- BEVINS. g"VFFI(TK on Broad Street, over Messrs. D’Antignac A Weems, opposite Messrs. Bores A Brown’s. CaUandsee specimens of work—especially the Continuous Gum—they are perfectly beautiful, and all that could be desired in a Plate. sepfiO-dAwly PATENT ■ MEDLC!NES. SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT Is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact,•(Standard Medicine, known and approved by all that have used it, and denee in all the diseases for it has cured thousands wit h given up all hopes of relief, asi tifleates in my possession show, The dose must be adapted’ dividual taking it, and used in, iy on the Bowels. Let the dictates o( you in the use of the It will cure Liver Com Dyspepsia, Chronic I)i Elaints, Dysentery,Sour itual Costi vo n ess,! ra Morbus, Cholera In male Weaknesses, Jauff successfully as an Ordii It will cure Sick Head testify,) in twenty mini spoonfuls are taken at tack. All who use it arej in its favor. Mix water iu the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. IH3( E £1 PER BOTTLE. ALSO, SANFO li D ’ S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Vxtfactß,andimt up In IS laws Cases, air tiglit, and will keep in any climate. The Family OATIIAKTIO Cathartic which the proprietor than twenty years. | The constantly increasing, long used these Pills, and the ir. regard to their use, has In In the reach of ail, The Profession well know on different, portions of the The FAMILY PATH\R< ferenecto this well established, variety of the purest Vegeta on every part of the alimcnta’ in all cases wiiere a Cathartic* anents oftlie Stomafth, Sleepi 1 Loins, C’ostiveness, Pain and 1 from sudden cold, which frei long course of Fever, Loss of] tionofCold over the Body,: weight, in the head, all Ini in Children or Adults, ltheu, the Blood, and many dlseaseto, rous to mention in this adveJ CATHARTIC PILLS.’ PRICK THREE HIMES. The LIVER INVIGORATOR ami FAMILY CATHAR TIC PILLS are retailed hy Druggists generally, and sold whole sale by tlie trade In ail the large towns. S. T. AY. SANFORD, M. IX, Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway, New York, Corner Fulton st For sale in Augusta by PLUMB & LEITNER, HAVI LAND, CHICHESTER k CO., fm. H. TUTT, and others. mylO-d&wly PEOF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR. AN EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECONOMICAL COMPOUND, FOR RESTORING GRLY HAIR to its original color, without dyiu , and preventing the Ilair from turning grey. FOR PRRVI3NTING BALDNESS, and curing it wiien tliere is the least particle of vitality for re cuperative energy remaining. FOR REM VING P CT7RF A DANDUFF and all Cutaneous Affections jf the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, to it an uncalled gloss, aud brimanev. making it The great celebrity and the increasing demand for this une qualled preparation, convinces the proprietor that, one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior quali ties eve any other preparation at present in use. It cleanses tire head and scalp from dandrufl and other cutaneous diseases; cause* the hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance; and also where the hair is loosening and thinning, it. will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those parts which lave become bald, causing tto yield a fre.-h covering of hair. There are hundreds of Ladies amt Gentlemen in , t w York who have had their hair restored by the use of the Invigorator, when ail other preparations hud failed. L. M. has in ins pos session letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest, respectability, it will effectually pre vent the hair from turning grey until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair has already changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will certainly restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. Asa perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative, it ts peculiarly recommended, having aa agreeable fragrance ; and the great facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can be dressed in any required form so as to [.reserve its placo, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for ft by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be with nut, as the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists’ and perfumers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guar dians to the h-;■ of ids Invigorator, in cases where the childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a good head of Hair, as it removes any” impurities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal 01 which is necessary, bot h for the health of the child and the future ap pearauce of its Hair. CAUTION-—None genuine without the facsimile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper ; also, L* MILLER’S IIAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 66 Dev Street, and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after years of scientific experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly, without i ■ juiy to the Hair or Mein—warranted the best article of the kind in existence. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS Depot, 56 Dey Street, New-York. aut-wly Dr. J. H. McLEAN’S STRKNGTHEWNii CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER, ‘The Greatest Remedy in Hie World, and the Most Delicious and Delvjhtful Cordial ever taken. IT in strictly a scientific and Vegetable Compound, procured by the distillation of Roots, lforbs and Hark. Yellow Hock, Blood Kuot, Black Hoot, Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dandelion inters u. to its composition. The entire active reme dial principle of each ingredient is thoroughly extracted by my new method of distilling, producing a deliclaus, exhlleratlng spirit, and the most infallible remedy for renovating tlie dis eased system, and restoring the sics, suffering and debilitated Invalid to health and strength. MoLEA.VS STRENGTHENING CORDIAL Will effectually cure LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Riles, Acidity or Sick ness oftlie Stomach, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Dull Rain or Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Krncations, Clinaking or Suffo cating feeling when lying down, Dryness or Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Night Sweats, Inward Fevers, Rain In the Small of the flack, Chest or Side, Sudden Flushes of Heat, De pression of Spirits, Frightful Dreams, Langer Despondency or any Nervous Diseases, Sore or Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Ague (or Chills and Fever.) OVER A MILLION OP BOTTLES Have been sold during the last six months, and in no instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction. Who. then, will suf fer from weakness or Debility when McLEAN’S STRENGTH EN” 1N G CORDIAL will cure you ? No language can convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired bv sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organization srestored to its nrindtive health and vigor. MARRIED PERSONS. Or others conscious of inability, from wbathever cause, will find BcLEAN’S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL a thorough re generator of the syste-m ; and all who may have injured them selves by improper indulgence, will flml"in this Ooreilal a cer tain euroland epeedy remedy. TO THE LADIES. McLEAN’S STRENGTHENING COKDIALIs a sovereign cure for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WHITES, Obstruc ted or difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine or Involun tary Discharge thereof. Falling of the Womb, Gideiiness, Faint ing and all diseases incident to Females. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. It will stimulate, st rengthen, and invigorate you and cause the bloom of health to mount your cheek again. Every’ bottle is warranted to give satisfaction. FOR CHILDREN. If your children are sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLEAN’S CORDIAL will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay not a moment, try it, and you will be convinced. It is delicious to take. Caution.—Reware of Druggists or dealers who may try to palm upon you some bitter, or Sarsapajrilla trash, which they ean buy cheap, by saying it is (ust as good. Avoid such men. Ask for .McLEAN’S STRENGTH INu CORDIAL, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly, and at the same time strengthen the system. One tablespoonful taken every morning fasting, is a certain prevenvative for Cholera, Chills and Fever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent disease. It is put up in large bottles. ■Price only $1 per bottle, or 0 bottles for 45. For sale by all respectable Druggists in the South. J. H. McLKAN, Sole Proprietorof this Cordial. Also, McLean’s Volcanic Wil Lirnent. Principal Depot on the comer of Third and Pine-sts, St. Louis, Mo. ap2o’6(M&wly FALL AND WINTER BONNETS. MISS MATTHEWS lias returned from New York, sine will on THURSDAY, October 26th, open a rich stock of French and American BONNETS, CAPS, and HEAD DRESSES. On baud, a large lot of CLOAKS, which will be sold a,, a great reduction. Also, a variety of other Goods, such as EM BROIDERIES, LACES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, FURS, WOR STED GOODS, Ac. WM. MATTHEWS. 0c24-lm | is now resorted to with confl- I which it is recommended, in the last t wo years who had I the numerous unsolicited cer- Lothe temperament of the in- I such quantities as to act gent j vour judgment guide ! Liver Invigorator, and ’ plaints, Biliou s Attacks, farrhea, Summer Oom <Stomach, Dropsy, Jla , Cholic, Cholera, Chole (fautum, Flatulence, Fe i dice, and may be used Inary Family Medicine. t ache, (as thousands can I utes, if two or three tea I commencement of at- I giving their testimony •LIVER INVIGORATOR. ; PILL, is a gentle hut active • lias used in nis practice more j demand from those who have satisfaction which all express [ duced me to place them with- I that different Cathartics act bowels. (TIC PJLLhas, with due de i fact, been compounded from & tile Extracts, which act alike ry canal, and are good and safe is needed, such as Derango uess, Pauls in the Buck at .1 Soreness over the whole body, quently, if neglected, end in a Appetite, a Creeping Bensa- Kestlessness, Headache, or flammatory Diseases, Worms matism, a great Purifier o, which flesh is heir, too name tlsement. Dose, Ito 3. WAKKHOUSKS. J.IUUttJONES, ” LATE OF CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ijcoeml Commission Merchants, BROAD STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL, AUGUSTA. EovlS-Om j ~Tt7~cT DAWSON, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, NO. 2 W ARREN BLOCK. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, .ly’B 6m HEARD & CLARKE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE. ON REYNOLD STREET. {Hear South Caroline liailroad Depot,) A.UQUSTA, WILL devote their personal attention to the Sale and Storage of Cotton and all other l*ro uce ; also, to re ceiving and forwarding Goods. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly at tendedto. Liberal Cash Advances made at all times on Produce in store. ISAAC T. HEARD. iy24-d&wtf lIEN KY K. CLA KKE. ANTOINE POULLAIN, COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEO. ritllE usual Cash facilities required, will be extended to my L friends and customers, and the sale of all Option consigned to me shall have my personal attention. au9-d,few6m GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE 6c COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Warehouse formerly occupied by Bimpsou Jr Gardiner,) Mclntosh street, AUGUSTA, GA., WILL give their personal attention to the selling of Colton, or such other produce, as may be sent to them by then friends and the planting public. Orders for 1 lagging, Rope, and Family Supplies, filled to the best advantage. Cash Advances made upon Produce In Store, when required JAMES X. GARDINER, formerly Simpson & Gardiner. ySahu . ST. JOHN MOORE. DOUGHTY,BE ALL & CO. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEO, CIONTINUES business at their old stand (Fire-Proof liuild j mgs,) on Jackson Street, and renew the lender of their ser vices to their old friends and customers. Advances as heretofore. E. W. DOUGHTY, W. A. BEALL. C. W*. DOUGHTY. Augusta, Augusta, August 20, ISflO. auS2-d2w&w6m P. 6. MORROW, Warrhouse and Commission MEIIOIIAIvrT. At the Fire-Proof Warehouseof Fhlnizy c£ Clayton, AUGUSTA, GA., Office on the Corner vs Reynolds dk Campbell Sts., IIP STAIRS, WILL devote Iris personal attention to the sale and storage f V of <’otton, nnd all other Produce. Ordurs for Family and Plantation Supplies, filled at the low csl market prices. Cash Advances made on Produce in store. Charges cus tomary. Augusta, Ga., August, 1860. auls-d&wStn I‘iliiNlZY & CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, Corner of Reynolds and Campbell Streets, Augusta, C4eo. TTAVIXG made extensive additions to our Warehous Al during the summer, it. is now one ofthemostcommodiou In the Southern country. We are better prepared than ever so tlie transaction of the Commission Business in every depart ment. On all consignments of Produce from our customers, heir interest will be faithfully regarded. F. PHINIZY, E.P. CLAYTON. Augusta, Sept. 1, 1860. sep2-d&wßm M. R STOVALL, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA., (10!\TU\UKS the business in all its branches, in his large j and commodious Fire-Proof Wareliouse, on Jackson street, near tlie Globe Hotel. Orders for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly and carefully filled. The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. nu2l-d&wfim JAMES A. JONES, Warehouse & Commissioß Merchant, NO. 6 rttclNTOSif STREET, AUGUSTA, G- _A VV ILL continue the Commission business in all Its branches. , 7 Persona! attention givento the sale and storage of COT TON, and all other produce consigned to him. Thankful for the liberal patronage of his friends in lormer years, he wouIU respectfully solicit a coptinuance of the same, ami that of the public generally. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, carefully fill ed at the lowest market price. Liberal cash advances made od Produce in store. J. A. JONES. Augusta, July 4,1800. ivC-d&wOm W. M. & A. A.BEALL, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, UA. WK will continue the Warehouse and Commission Bus!- V T ness at the same stand, in Metcalfs Fire-proof Ware house, ton Reynolds’, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, Metcalfs Range,) in the centre of the city and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton. Grain, and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit a contin uance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended, and that of the public generally, pledging the strictest personal at tention to all business entrusted to our care. All consignments to B. & 8., will have our prompt attention. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce in Store. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. WM. M. BEALL, A. A.> BEALL. Augusta, Ga., July 9, 1860. jylS-dii&wGm D’Antignac, Evans & Cos., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GhA.- WE continue the above business at our commodious Ware house on Reynold slrcet. near the United States Hotel, where we may always be found to attend to the inteiest of our customers. ‘ , Orders for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly filled, and all the usual facilities granted to our friends. Cash Advances made on produce in store. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, GEO. W. EVANS, jy22-dAw6tn WM. E. EVANS. DEVEREUX & KAiAPP, No. 23 Mclntosh Street, IMPORTERS (Direct) or Fine WINES. BRANDIES X and GINS. On hand, a superior article of Monongahela, Rye, Cabinet and Wheat WHISKEYS. octSl-d-jw* HEARD & SIMPSON, Warehouse and Commission MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WE will continue the Warehouse and Com missis n Busi ness, at our old stand, where we solicit a continuance of the patronage of our old friends and the public generally. sus dww6m HEARD £ BIMPBON. VOL. XXIV. NO. 307 PROFESSIONAL CAROS. EDVV. F. B. LANGSTROTB, -ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 AUGUSTA, GA. ‘"'Uj DAIYTIC’UL All attention given to collec loa of Oia.aV* ■ and drawW up of legal instruments. Office No f w ashmgton utrcet, between Broad and Reynold*. Refers to Gov. John Milton, Marianna. Fla. ; < 101. John tier, Augusta, G*.f Frolb. &R. Campbell. novM IVIhLIA'JLfI.wSEEI ER, ~ LAW AUGUSTA,’"GE( OFFICE CORNER BROAD A WASHINfrT IN STREET* IS COMMISSIONER IWR\ New Ynrt, Connects t, Rhode Island, Florida, v , Vermont, Alalfuna.^®3^^H oetV-dsm | EDWIN H. POWERS^ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY AUGUSTA,’ GA. A LL business coming within the pale of his profession, en- Al. trusted to his r.Rxt, will be discharged with fidelity. Ot fice over No. 4 Warier. Block. augt-dftwly THOMAS W. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke au / v, Columbia, and may be found for the present at the office of M. H. Talbot, Esq., nearly oppositethe United States Hotel. Same entrance as to the office of the late firm of Millers A Jackson. f e b36-Iy WRIGHT & GIBSON - 2'TOIINEYS at law, AUGUSTA, GA. V\j ,L practice In all the counties of the Middle Circuit, i and Warren and Lincoln of the Northern. Office on L. -id street. In LaFavette Hall building. a. r. Wright. wm.oibson. febll-d&wly JNO. P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr. s ATTORNEY AT LAW, / \FFICJK over Poullaln, Jennings A Co.’e new Waiehouse A f Jackson Street. o cl4 JOHN MIILEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, V\T ILL practice in the counties of the Middle Circuit. V T Office No. 3 Warren Block. octlO U. L. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAFAYETTE, GA. ■leSO ’ THKODOKB C. COME, ISAAC L. TOOPE. CONE & TOOLE. ATTORNEYS A.T 3L..AW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, OJict First Door beloxo the Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta, Go. I HAVE associated with me In the Practice of Law,ISAAC. L. TOOLE, Esq. We win practice in the Pill.;'- ties : Columbia, Washington. ocriven, Burke, Rich mond, Jacrovu ana warren; in the Supreme Court of Geor gia, in the U. S. Court for the District of Georgia, and by special contracts in South Carolina. Ail business entrusted to us will be faithfully and punctually discharged. N. B. I will regularly attend the Courts mentioned above. jeS-d&wtf THEODORE C. CONK. FEaNK H. MILIEU* Attorney at law AUGUSTA, GA. \VTLL practice in all the counties ot the Middle Circuit, T Y in the Circuit Court of the United States. COMMISSIONER FOR New York. North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Mississippi, California. Office in the rear room over Sherman, Jessup A Co.’s Store opposite the United States Hotel. feb26-dJtwly bemovalT UHANK H. MILL UK, Attorney at Law, has removed A his Office to the front room over Conley, Force A 00. < Store, opposite the Insurance Bunk, octe-ddcwlm. JOHN K. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITV, AUGUSTA, GA. WJ"ILL Practice in Richmond, Columbia, and Burke Cohd v 7 ties. In Georgia, and In the Circuit Court of the Umted States for the Districts of Georgia. Commissioner for tha States of Alabama, Tennessee ana Texas. Office over the store of Sherman, Jessup & Cos., next above the City Bank, feb&d&wly LOFTON & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, GA. “WILL practice In the Counties of Oglethorpe, Madison 7 7 Hart, Elbert, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliaferro, VVarren, Han cock and Glasscoca. . JOHN T. LOFTON. WM. H. SMITH. feb2l-d irwly** JOHN WHIT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CITUBERT, GA., W/TLL practice in the counties of Rindolph, Stewart, Quit It man. Clay, Early, Terrell and Calhoun. Collections i >d Land Claims promptly attended to. my 26 T. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ATHENS, GA. WTILL practice in the counties of Jackson, Clark, Walton, IT Gwinnett, Hall, Rabun, White, Habersham, Fcankilr and Banks, of the W estem Circuit. janiyfiO-ly JONES, RODGERS & ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. f |MIE Ann o'” Berrien, Jones & Cos., having been dissolved by _L the death or Mr. Berrien, tbe undersigned will practice in Copartnership, except in Criminal Practice, lu the Courts o’ the Middle District, in the Supreme Court, and In the Clrcm. Courtof the United States for the District of Georgia. OFFICE IN WAYNESBORO’, BURKE CO., GA. MALDOLM D. JONES, ALPHKOB If. BODOEES, WILLIAM B. BOHBBTB. je27 d*wly A RIVER PLANTATION FOR SALE I CIOINT AINING Three Thousand Acres, lying in the 14th / District of Lee county, immediately on Flint River, ltd toining lands of N. Wiley—Fourteen Hundred Acres in a hi.fl state of cultivation ; a first-rate DWELLING HOUSE, with 8 Rooms, Good Framed Negro Cabi n*s AND GOOD GIN HOUSE AND SCREW. ALSO, A Saw and Grist Mill, and water sufficient for a water Gin. Persons desirous of purchasing, will call on .the undersigned, at Americus, Georgia. G. F. SMITH. ap24-wtf MAPEjS’ SOIL-LIFTING PLOW! TIT HEN a surface Plow Is run at a depth of twelve inches, V 7 and :t two-horse Soil-Lifting Plow follows, which Is ca pable of disintegrating to a depth of fifteen Inches more, there is a ti ‘tal disintegrated depth of twenty-seven inches, and those who so practice will find that they have another farm beDeath that represented on their map. - A smaller Blze of thU Plftw, (one horse) thinner in the sole and more dart-like In Its figure, is an admirable implement for cultivating crops, and wIS do •he work of more than forty men with hoes. With the corn crop, this tool may run dose alongside the corn, and to the full depth of twelve inches when the corn Is put three inches high, and before the roots occupy the space between the rows.; this will lift the soil, move every corn plant with the soli, ana for so slight a distance as not to separate tbe particles from the roots yet so completely loosening the mass that the plant raav be picked up with the fingers, This Is more thorough cultivation than can be obtained by one hundred hoelngs, leaving tha soil In better tilth and cutting of no roots. More than twenty thousand of these Plows were sold last year. PRICEB : One Horse $9 SO Two Horse 12 SO “ •” with Cutter 14 uo Three Horse T...... 14 00 “ “ withCntter HLAHWha For salt bV * J. A. QUxMiIW ootlßdlawtf N. S Warren Block, Ay*"’ . |