Newspaper Page Text
.~L * 37 5 4 I 3.4
Leaving a balance for which the Trea
surer ilTued his execution the ißth
September, 1788, of 1470 5 o 1-4
* Paid since to John Meals, Treasurer,
by the Coroner, in part of the Exe
cution, 8;j it 6
Leaving a balance ftfll unpaid of 614 13 6 1-4
for the year 1787, for which sum he (lands accountable, exclusive
of what may have been recovered by bim of the defaulters
For the year 1783, Richard Avcock, Collector, has fully com
pleated the payment, and therefore your Committee recommend that
2ie be difeharged after fix months publication of this report.
For the year 1785, your Committee cannot afeertain any balance
which may be due from the Collector, owing to the irregularity of
the return as above mentioned.
For the year 1786, the Collector having made a final settlement
with the Treasurer, except for the errors since discovered in the re
turn of that year by the Auditor, to the amount of 1421. us. 1 id. 1-4
your Committee fubniit to the consideration of the Houfc whether
or not he be difeharged ; but recommend, that the Executive be
empowered to take order thereon.
The returns for this county have been made by the Clerks, and the
payments thereon by the Collectors are as follows:
J 783. Amount of return, . 151 11 5
Paid John Martin,
then Treasurer, by
John Elliot, Col. IC7 10 5
Paid Seth John Cuth
bert,then T reafur
er, by do. 19 7 8
Charges, 7 4 23-4
Leaving a deficiency of jT.ij 9. j 1-4
J 785. Amount of return, exclusive of de
faulters, 719 4 6 I*4
Paid Seth JohnCuth
bert, then Trea
surer, by Gideon
Dowse, Collector, Cs 310 6 3-4
Paid George Jones,
then Treasurer,
by do. c 8 8 4 1-st
Leaving, Without any allowance: for
comraiffion, or any other charge, a
deficiency only #f 57
178 6* Amount of 'return, 1312 4 5 1-z
Paid George Jrfnes,
then Treasurer, by
John Dollar, Col. 1060 1 2
Paid John Meal?,
Treasurer, by do. 216 12 4 i*2
Commidions & other
charges, 45 11 o
*787, Amount of return, cxdufive of defaulters, 1756 16 9 1-2
DeduCt Benjamin Andrew’s tax included ,
in the Richmond return also, in which
county the fame Was paid, 4 5
’ , 1728 12 4 1-2
Paid John Meals,
Treasurer, by John
Dollar, Collector, 1658 t o
Commifiion and
other charges, 69 o 3
t * ,rJ
Leaving a deficiencv for that year, ex
clusive of what may have been re
ceived of Defaulters, of 1 11 1 1-2
Your Committee remark, that although from the above statement
there appears’to be’ a deficiency of 17K id. 3-4 for the year
1783, the payments made by John Elliot, the Collector, were conli
dered by the then Treasurer in full of hit collection for that year,
and therefore leave to the consideration of the 1 House the propriety
of giving hint a difeharge. ,
For 1785 and 1786, the Collectors appear to have performed the
duties required of them with punctuality, and ought to be difeharg
ed ; but recommend, tbat the Executive be empowered to take or
der thereon.
For 1787 there appears to be a deficiency of il. us. id. 1-2,
f»r which sum, and any monies received of defaulters, the Collector
(lands accountable.
G L Y N N.
1786. For this year no return his been made by the Clerk, orpay
tnents by the Collector,
1787. Amount of return, 84 *4 8 3-4
Paid John Meals,'
Treasurer, by John
Palmer, Collector, 79 18 23-4
Commiflun. with
Clerks and Receiv
ers fees, for the
payment of which
•ouchtrs have oof
1 teen filed in ihe
Treasury, will be 4 id 6
1786. For this year no return has been made by the Clerk, of
payments by the Collector.
1787. Arnouut of return, 718 24 03-4
Deduct tor John
Ferrie’s property
over-taxed, and
disapproved of by
, theHoufe, 4*7 *5 4 H
DeduCt also Michael
Ruriulph’s tax, he
having paid into
the Treasury, a
greeably to his
own return, 51.185.
' although taxed 34 8 6 ~
— 3 62 3 IO 1-4
• ' £• 10 * 2-4
Paid John Meals, Treasurer, by Natha
niel Aildy, Collector, ißd i 3 6
Leaving a deficiency of £.69 11 8' 1-4
for which the laid ( ulleCtor rtanefa accountable.
* • »
178 C. Amount of return, 167 8 it 3-4
i 2 ;b7* Arnouut of return, 39a 13 5
Both years amounting to £. 560 2 4 -4
of which uo pan has been paid to the Treasurer. .
1786. No return or payments.
1787. Amount of tetuin, 851. 14s. 51!. i-g, of which no pife
lias bceu paid to the Treasurer.
. \ ‘ GREENE.
178 IS. Amount of return, 32<S 17 o
Deduct for infolvcutfi per the Collector's
attetled iiil, • 7 14. 3
£-2*9 * 9
Paid George ]onen,
then Treasurer, by
•> , John Swepfon,Col. 262 15 8
To John Meals,
Treasurer, by do. 34 19 l
Com million & other
charges, a 1 8 o
~ jC-3 19 % 9
> .
* * / / .» f ■ *****
1737. Amount of return, 6031. los. 9d. 1-4 of which uo part
has been paid into the Trerfury.
Your Committee /ecomraend, that the above a d foregoing ftitc
mein and remarks Be publilhed ; and also, thar t Executive uk®
speedy meafure* to effect the deficiencies arifine thereiu, oy direct
ing execution* agree ib*y to law, and foi compelling the different re
turns to be made and audited, and thereafter to be deposited in he
Treasury, laving always, the counties heretofore indulged, as far as
1 elate* 10 the coiiactiou of the fpecific taxes only.
„ Extra#, frotn the Minutes ,
, fi F F I N G H A M*.
The returns from this county have been duly made by the Clerks*
and payments made thereou by the fcveral Collectors as follows :
1783. Amount of return, 6l 10 6
Paid John Martin;
then Trealurer, by *
Theophiius Lun
dy, Collector, 56 la 6 I*4/
1785. Amman of return, . 276 I 5 1-4*
Paid George Jones,
theuTreafuie., by
Abraham Ravot,
Collector, 269 12 10
17SAmount of leturn,
Paid George jones,
theii Trealurer, oy
Tlios. Lane, Col. 335 18 9
1787. Amouut of icturji, ' <so9 3; 9' 3-4
Paid John Meaie,
- Treasurer, by do. 519 7 8 —.
- Total amount of returns 13*3 4 7
Arnouut of payments 1181 iz 9 1-4
Leaving a'’efieScncy of £.131 12 9 3.4
of which a part, your Committee conceive, may arise on neepflary
charges and iufolvents; and are of opinion, that the Collectors for
the year 1783, 1785* have complied with the duties required
of them with care and fidelity, and ought to be difeharged after ffc
mouths publication of this report. Os the deficiency of 89 1. 18 s. id.
3-4 in the year 1787, the fnm of 401. 1 is. 4d. 3-4 arifea on com*
miflioot, the fees of the Clerk, and the diftriCt Receivers, leaving afte'r
wsrds 491. 6s. ryd. Bill due, for which sum (he Collector of thar
year (lands accountable.
• —T—TT r ■, m ■ || , 0 •
f •* The amount of return from the county of EJfiftg'tam, tor thu
year 1787, having beeii omitted in our lad, induces us 10 republic
die rctui us from that county. —-In the amount of payments from Cha
* tl»*m county, 101783, far 188). i;s. 3d. i-j,ind igsl. 171.3 d, i*a.