Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, Afrit 18, 1789.]
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Conjtitution of Georgia,
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. S M I T 11, Printer to the State; Ef'ays , Articles of
Intelligence , Advertijements , &c. will be gratefully received , and every kina of Printing performed, j
An Aft
To redeem the Paper Medium o)
this State.
WHEREAS it is ne
cessary and expedi
ent, from the injury
which has arisen to
individuals, and for the redora
tion of public credit, that mea
sures be taken to redeem and take
up the current medium, now in
circulation in this date: And
whereas five thousand pounds of
the said paper medium, appropri
ated in the Trealury towards a
finking fund, agreeable to a re
folut’on of the twenty-second m
ilant, has been burnt under the
infpeftion of the Committee of
Finance, the amount and respec
tive denominations of which to
be certified by the Treaiurer, and
entered on the minutes of tire
General Aflembly j
Be it therefore enabled by the
IReprefentatives of the Freemen of
the State of Georgia in General
Ajfembly met , and by the autho
rity of the fame , That the further
sum of five thousand pounds of
the tax of the current year, and
of four fucce(live years thereaf
ter, be appropriated in like man
ner as atorefaid, and annually
burnt under the regulations here
in before pointed out.
And be it enabled by the autho
rity aforejaid , That from and
immediately after the United
States in Congreis affcmbled,
shall or may pals any aft or afts,
for laying impods or laying di
rest taxes within this date, then
and in that case, luch part or
K\ parts of the aft, entitled 44 An aft
for emittinlgthe sum of fifty thou
sand pounds paper medium, and
for other purposes therein men
tioned, H that relate to receiving
imposts or duties as aforefaid, be,
and the fame is hereby repealed.
And be it enabled by the autho .
rity aJoreJaid % That the time for
*' ‘ * * # . . •
taking up the said current 'medi
um of this date, be extended un -
til the fifeenth day of janua y
one thoufmd seven hundred and
ninety-four, and (hull continue
to be a tender in all cases, ex
cept for impods and direct taxes
as aforefaid, any law to the con
trary notwithdanding.
By Order of the l&ufe ,
JOHN POWELL, Speaker .
Augufla , February 3, 17^9.
xs&KaßSKae. xaesatgessae
An Aft
To prevent the clipping and muti
lating the cur tent coin of this
State .
WHEREAS the mod
mifehievous conle
quences are daily ex
, periencal by the
good citizens of this date, from
the nefarious praftlce of clip
ping and mutilating the circulat
ing ipecie thereof, to prevent the
lame, «
Be it enabled by the Rcpref n
tatives of the Freemen of the State
of Georgia in General Ajfembly
mety and by the authority of the
fame. That all gold and sliver coin
of full weight, (hall pais current
by tale within this date.
And be it further That
if any person or periods, (hall
prelume to cut, clip, or mutilate
the gold or silver coin current in
this date, after -tlbe fird day of
; March next, he, die, or they lo
: offending, and fliail be lawfully
1 convtfted thereof, (hall forfeit for
the fird offence the sum of one
hundred pounds, one half to go
to the informer, and the other
half to go to the use of the aca
demy within the county or coun
ties where such offence may be
committed j and for the second
4 offence, on conviftion before any
, court of judicature having cognf*
[Vol. 111. No. CXXXIH.)
mwmm I ■» - ghlfc
?ance thereof, he, flie, or they
thall, and are hereby declared
guilty ot.felony, and shall luffer
ueath without benefit of clergy.
By Order cj tie Houle,
JOHN POWELL, Speaker. ■
Augusta , February 3, 1789.
HOU S E of ASSEMBLY, Str.ur*
. • da y* 'January 31, 1789
ON reading over the minutes of yerter
day, a motion was made by Mr. Tel
tuit, fccondcd by Mr. Mathews, to amend
tbe Report* of the Committee*on Finance,
agreed to in the words following:
“ That all ftich persons jvho have paid the
penalties imposed by the said afls, dull, upou
paying the fpecitics conformably to the regu
lations herein pointed out, be entitled to the
said penalty as a defaulter, to be returned to
him or them ; and the refpetf ive Collectors
are hereby directed and required to aft con
iormably thereto-, and where the pinnies have
been paid into the Treasury J>y any Collector
or C olieClors as aforefaid, the Treafurer,upon
the certificate of luch Collector or Collectors,
lhall refund the money out of theTieafury.
the quell ion to agree tc the amendment
it palled in the affirmative. /. ,
Ext raft from the Minuies t
# Publilhed in the State Gazette, No. 12;,
■ —1 ..
On thn jit jl ' IVedneJ'day in May next ,
1 he Commiflioners of the I own
of Augusta, will difpo<e of ft me '
Valuable Lots ,
adjoining and contiguous to the
Lower Ware~Boufe, in the faiji
- April a, 1789
# * 'r
! **—ll l| m. , „ .■in 1 ,
Tilt Rb is low in my pof
(effion a small negro fcl
; low, named John, about 40 years
of age; fays he belongs to a Sa-.
; muel Waynes, at Antigua; that
his master left him at C'harlefton
about the time ot its being cap
tured by the Britifb, and that he
has since been inthe pcfltfiion of
divers perlons. Any person claim
ing laid negro, may have him
by applying to me, proving bis or
her piopeity, and paying c h> ■ get.