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SATURDAY, My 16, 1789.]'
AN D \
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Confiitution of Georgia*
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State ; EJfays , Articles of
Intelligence , Advert foments, &c* will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed.
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Esquire, Captain General, Governor and
Commander in Chief, in and over the
said State.
WHEREAS the Convention of Deputies
from the people, convened at Augusta,
oh Monday the fourth day of May,
instant, did agree upon, adopt, and
ki ratify a Constitution for the Government of this
f State, ih the'words following ;
W 6% the underwritten delegates from the
people, in Convention met, do declare
that the following articles (hall form
the Constitution for, the government of this state ;
and, by virtue of the powers in us veiled for that
piirpofe, do hereby ratify and confirm the fame.
State of Georgian
Sett. I. V' j legislative power shall be vested
in two separate and diftind branch
es, to wit, a Senate and House of
Rcprefentatives* to be stiled “the General As
Sect . 11. The Senate shall be eTeded on the firft
Monday in Odober in every third year, until such
day of eledion be altered by law; and shall be*
composed of one member from each county, chos
en by the eledors thereof; and shall continue for
* the term of three years. -
Sect. 111. No person fhalTbe a member of the
Senate, who shall not have attained to the age of
twenty-eight years; and who shall not have been
nine years an inhabitant of the United States, and
three years a citizen of this state, and shall be an
inhabitant of that county for which he shall be
cleded, and have resided therein fix months im
mediately preceeding his eledion; and shall be
■ . . 0 ■ - y n
poflefled, in'hisown right, oftwo hundred and fifty
acres of land, or some property to the amount cf
two hundred and fifty pounds.
Sect. IV. The Senate shall eled, by ballot, a
President out ot their own body.
Sect. V. Ihe Senate (hall have solely the power
to try all impeachments.
Sect Vi. The eledioft of members for the
House of Reprelentatives (hall he annual, on th 6
firft Monday in October, until such day of eledion
be altered by law ; and shall be competed of mem
bers from each county, in the following propor
tions : Camden, two ; Glynn, two ; Liberty, four >
Chatham,- five; Effingham,* two; Burke, four;
Richmond, four; Wilkes, five; Waffirngton, two ';
Greene, two, and Franklin, two.
Sect. VII No person (hall be a member of thb
Houle of Representatives, who shall not have at
tained to the age of twenty- one years, and have
been seven years a citizen of the United States, and
two years an inhabitant ot this slate ; and shall be
an inhabitant of that county for which he shall be
eleded, and have resided therein three months
immediately preceeding his eledion : and shall be
poflefTed, in his own right, of two hundred acres of
land, or other property to the amount of one bun-'
dred and fifty pounds.
Sect. VIII. The House of Representatives shall
chule their Speaker, and other cfnceirs.
Sect. IX. They shall have solely the power to
impeach all persons who have been, or may be in
ofoce- % # : 4
Sect. X v No person holding a military commis
sion, or office ot profit, under this, or the United
of either of them, (except justices of the
peace, and officers of the militia,) shall be allowed
to take his feat as a member of either branch of
the General Aflembly : Nor shall any Senator, or
Representative, be eleded to any office of profit,
which shall be created during his appointment.
Sect. XI. The meeting of the General Affbtnbly
shall be annual, on the firft Monday in November,
until such day of meeting Be altered by law ,
Sect: XU. One-third of the members, of each
branch, shall have power to proceed ro bufrnefs,
but a smaller number niay % adjourn from day to
day, and. ompel the attendance of their members,
in such manner a$ each House may preicribe.
Sect. XIII. Each Houle shall be judges of the
eledions, returns, and qualifications cf its own
members; with powers to expel, or punish for
disorderly behaviour.
Sect . XIV. No Senator or Representative shall be
liable to be arrefled during his attendance on the
General Aflembly, ot for a reasonable time in go.*
[Vol. 111. No. CXXXVII.i'
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