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About The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1789)
f»ii • ! V . Seif. IV. All causes (Kail be tried in the county where the defendant resides; except in cases of real estate, which (hall be tried in the county where such estate lies; and in criminal cases, which (hall be tried in the county where the crime (hall be committed. Seif, V. The Judges of the Superior Court, and Attorney-General, (hall have a competent (alary established by law,, which (hall not be increaled nor dimini(hed during their continuance in office ; and 4 ihall hold their cbmmiflions during the term ot three years. A R T I C L E IV. % Sect. I. The eledors of the members of both branches of the General Aflembly (hail be citizens and inhabitants of this (late $ arid (hali have attain ed to the age of twenty-one years ; and have paid tax for the year preceeding the eledion, and (hall have resided fix months within the county., Sect * 11. All eledions (hall be by ballot, and the Houle of Representatives, in all appointments ot (fate officers, (hall vote for three perions, and a lift of the three persons, having the higheftnumber of votes, (hall be signed by the Speaker, and tent to the Senate; which (hall, from luch lift, determine, by a majority of their votes, the officer eleded; except militia officers, and the secretaries of the Governor, who (hall be appointed by the Governor atone, under such regulations and reftridions as the Ge neral Aflembly may prescribe. The General As sembly may veil the appointment of inferior officers in the Governor, the Courts of Justice, or in such other manner, as they may by law eftablilh. Sect 111. Freedom of the prcls, and trial by • jury, (hall remain inviolate. , Sett. IV. All persons (hall be entitled to the be nefit of the writ of Habeas Corpus. Sect. V. All perions (hall have the free exercise of religion ; without being obliged to contribute to the (upport of any religious profeflion but their own. . Sect. VI. Estates (hall riot be entailed; and when a perlon dies intestate, leaving a wife and children, the wife (hall have a childVlhare, of her dower, at her option : if there be no wife, the estate (hall be equally divided among the children, and their le gal representatives of the firft degree. ’ s The distri bution of all other intestate estates may be regulat ed by law. , ; .. .. .< , .. Seif. VH. At the general eledion for members of Aflembiy, in the year one thousand, seven hun dred and ninety-four, the eledors in each county (hall eled three persons to reprefen t them in a con vention, for the purpose of taking into considera tion the alterations necessary to be made in this Con stitution ; who (ball meet at such time arid place as the General Aflembly may appoint; "arid if two thirds of the whole nmnoer (hall meet and concur, they (hall proceed to agree on such alterations and amendments, as they may think proper: Provided, That after two-thirds (hall have concurred to pro ceed to alterations and amendments, a majority (hall determine on the particulars bf such alterations and amendments. Seif. VIII. This Constitution (hall take effed, and be in full force, on the firft Monday in Odober, next after the adoption of the fame; arid the Ex ecutive (hall be authorifed to alter the time for the fitting of the Superior Courts, so that the fame may not interfere with the annual eledions in the rtfpefllve counties, or the meeting of the firftGt neial Aflembly. Done at Augusta in Convention, the sixth dav ot May, in the year of our Lord one thou sand, leven hundred and eighty nine, and in the year of sovereignty and independence of* the United States the thirteenth. WILLIAM GIBBONS, President, • ' an * De!e Z“‘eJrom Chatham. Asa Emanuel, ... > Justus H. Scheuber, 3 Latham* Benjamin I anier, V John Green, \ Effingham. Nathan Brownfon, J David Emanuel, r Hugh Lawson, (. Burke. Wilfiam Li tie, • J Abraham Marthal, t William F. Booker, 1 i Richmond. Leonard Marbury, j John Talbot, A ljrl , Jeremiah Walker,' 5 Wilkes. Lauchlan M‘lnto(h, Liberty . Alexander Biffett, Glynn . * Jared Irwin, T John Watts, C TTaJhinzton. Joshua Williams, ) S Middleton Woods, Franklin Joseph Carmichael, 7 Henry Karr, Greene . ! \ %* * Aiujl D. LONGSTREET, Stc’ryC These are, therefore, to . announce and notify the fame to the people at large of this State, and to all others whom it may concern; to commence at the time, and in the manner, therein exprefTed. ' ■ V ■ V ■ ■ -y-‘ t J V.' .! f: GIVEN tinder ms Hand , and the Great Seal of the said state. in the Council Chamber, at Au gufia, this eleventh day of May , ‘in the year of our Lord , one thou!and , leven hundred and eighty-nine ; and of our sovereignty and inde pendence the thirteenth. • • v ' *\ * *» George Walton/ i 'J ■ . By Pis Hsner's Command, JOHN MILTON, Sec'ry. GOD SAVE THE STATE. ON the 4th of April lafl Robert Stark,, of Fair Hill, in South- Carolina, agreed to lst me have a negroe wench, named Dol ly, in part payment of a debt due to me/rom his father, Col. Stark { . but a difference in opinion arising between us, rejecting the value that Iliould be put upon the. wench, Robert Stark proposed to refer me to his mother, at Independent Level, to fettle the price after I.had seen the wench, and for that purp.ofe, gave me a letter to heron that fubjeft : .» At riv arrival, I delivered the letter, and related to Mrs. Stark the convention that bad pal Ted between her son and myfelf. She observed, that he had fignified in his letter that I ought to allow tool, for the wench ; but as he had left it to her to fix the price, she said, in consideration of the great indulgence I had given Col. Stark, llie Would charge me no more than what Ihe thought the wench was really worth, and that was 601. I agreed to the price ; and accord ingly gave a receipt for that sum to Mrs. Stark, in difeharge of so much money in part of the debt due to me, and the wench was deli -1 j vered in preface of Major Mee and another person, the former of ; whom lent me a horse, and procured me a lad to bfing the wench to Augusta., And whereas, on the evening of the 18th o£ April, an at tempt was made to deal the wench from my house, and having fuffici - ent reasons to apprehind the fame steps will be taken again, I thus publicly forewarn all persons, on their peril, from making the like attempts in future. GEORGE HUNT. Augujla, May 14, 1785. ' %