Newspaper Page Text
M. Maher & Co.
Iu tbe la ft veflets from Loudon, Liverpool,
. . Br.ftol, Si c Sic.
And art now opining for SALE,
At the Green Store in Broad-street, opposite
to where they lived iaft year, the following
Which they will fell cheap for Calh or
SUPERFINE 7-4, 8 4, 9-4, and
10-4 rose blankets
London and Bristol duffil ditto
Superfine broad cloths of the n£w?ft
and molt talhionanle colours.
Second cloths and caffimcres
Bath coatings and double mill drab
White and coloured plains
'Blue and white twill’d kerfys
Scarlet and white flannels and linfeys
Green, blue and spotted ruggs
Camlet and green baize »
Camlet coats ready made
Goyduroy, jeans and fdftians.
Printed v Jvcrets, plulh 6c short
1 h ckfets and royai rib
Black and drab coloured velvets
Bombas’(lns and florentine , ,
Durants, callimancoes and moreenS
MuflinetS and dimities
Toylinets and printed jeans
Black mode, and a variety of rib
Green, blue and pink perfian
Irilh linens and ihectings
Printed linens, calicoes and chintz
Bed bunts and bed ticking
Checks, ciowLs and brown holland
Scots and German oznabrigs
Ii ifh droghedas and hemp roll
Kuflla fhecting, heflians and ti.k
Striped and check lawns
Stfipsd and check lawn hancker
, chiefs
• Pbcket handkerchiefs of variouskinds
Black, white, and colourtd silk
hand ke 1 chiefs
Ladies' cotton handkerchiefs and
shawls 4 : . v ;
CatnbrLk; plain lawn and muslin
Lawn, kerning, and gauze hand
Seeing filits and twist
Ounce, pound, ezhabrig and flioc
Men’s and woman’s (addles r
Bridles, surcingles, girths, whips,
and stirrup leathers ~
Men’s Ihoes and boots , „
Ladies callimanco, lading and lea
ther (hues *£
Men’s and boys fine and coarse hats
Ladies Falhionabte hats
Scarlet and cloth coloured cardinals
Men’s and women’s worsted, thread,
cotton and silk .hose
Men’s and ladies gloves and m.its
Hafrfburgh lines and bed cords v
Pots, Dutch ovens and frying pans
Cast iron tea kettles, and copper do.
pewter plates, diflies, bafons and
gdd. 2od. tod. Bd. 6d. & 4d. nails
flat and fbarp points
Flooring brads aud Flemish tacks
Broacf, weeding, hilling and grub
bing hoes
MilVerofs cut, hand, & tenett saws j
Smiths anvils, vicer, files and pin
Bar lead, and (hot assorted
Gun, guns and gun locks
Stock locks, chest locks, ike. &c.
Cutteau, pen, fboemakers ik butch
ers knives
Knives and rorks, & stirrup irons
Club, failing and broad axes
v'-naffic.and curb bridle bits
Shoemakers tools in complete sets
Plough and waggon chains
Coopers axes and adzes
H and I-L hinges, and hooks and
Augers, chiflels and gouges
Plane irons, gimlets and hammers
Mill, crosscut, whip and hand law
Hand vices, girth & throat buckles
Shaving doxcs, ivory fit horn combs
Scma; s, fnufteis and fiih hooks
Coffee mills, shovels and longs
Saddle tacks and laddie holies
Drawing knives and fneepfliears
Fashionable and common buttons, &
Buckles of va • us kinds
Looking-glaflls, fiddles and fiddle
ibings . „ 2
' Plated and spring fpuisy
Sid irons and Ipades f
‘''Girth webb, currycombs and brulhes
Brais, iron and tin candlelticks
Kaz rs, razor ft raps and hones
scythes, cutting knives, and reap
Pound pins, needles and thimbles
Large and fmail trunks
? A variety of tin m are
Cotton and wool cards
Queen's ware places and diflies
Liverpool china cups and lancers
Jugs, mugs, bowls, tureens, coffee
■ pots, kc.tx c.
Decanters, tumblers, wine-glafles,
goblets, &c.
Pamis, oil, and window buttons
Writing paper and ink powder
Scaling wax, wafers and quil.s
Mode’s Geography
Giblon’s Surveying H .
Common hrayer books, with a large
coile&ion of Webtter's firft, le- ,
cond, 2nd third parts of a Gram
matical institute of the Englilh
language v containing the Ame
rican Spcilingbook, Ins Englifli
Grammar, and the American be
led ion
Bibles, Teflaments, and Spelling
Jamaica, Weft-India,and Northward
i Brandy, wine and gin
MolaiTcs, loaf and Mulcovado sugar
Bar iron, (hear moulds & griiiuftones
German and blistered ftcei
A Hum and fine ialt. ...+
Hyfon, green.and. boliea teas
and chocolate,
Soap, candles, and starch
Snuff in bottles. ,
A lllpice, pepper and mustard t
Saltpetre, brimstone, copperas, al
lum, ginger, cloves, nutmegs, cin
namon, camphire, fairs, tarier,
Turlington, jallop, rli***harb f .An*
, derfbn's pills, Godfrey’s cordial,
British oil, blue stone, and ciem.
" tarter.
Thchighejl price given jar Tobacco ,
, •
Twenty Dollars Reward.
STRAYtDior flolen from the fubfcriberV
plantation, near Savannah, a lmely,,»
BLACK HORSE, upwards of 15 hands high*
about fix years of lge, has a ftur in.his
head, and lohie grey nails in his tail, brand
ed on ihc mountyig buttock B C and C J, the
letter is rather imperfect, and on the mount
ing Ihoulder S C. - The above reward will he
given to-any peifoa who will, deliver him to
the fubferiber in Savannah, or ten dollars, if
delivered to Mr. Thomas Cumming, in Au
—. .u | JOSEPH CLAY.
Savanna h, Nov. 19, 1789.
ALL persons having demands by bond,
note, or Daniel Wali- -
cou, late of. Richmond .county, planter, de-. >
ceased, are desired to make them known,
■ duly attested, to, the fubferiber; who earn
eaftly solicits those indebted, to.take the ne- >
ceifary Heps for difehargiug their refpe&ivc .
dues, as well to prevent suits at law, as to
enable him to fatisfy .the .legal creditors.
Npv. a<s, 1789.
t •*, i ■ - - ~ r1
To be Leafed,
~ Fora term not exceeding one or two years,
A Plantation,
In the county of Burke, belonging to the ertate
"of Thomas Chifolin, Esq. deceased \ also, a* '
saw and grid mill thereon, together with nine
prime field ilaves, plantation tools, See. Foe
terms, apply to
Augitfta, Nov. 27, 1789.
- LL persons having any demands, agaiuft
the eftare of Thomas Chifolin, late of
Burke county, Esq. deceased, are. requeued
to deliver them in to the fubferibers, proper
ly attested; and all persons indebted to the.
said ertate, are desired to make payment so
soon as pofliblfe, 111 order that the demands
against the fame mav be difeharged. *
v. WILLIAM FEW, 5 tx rt *
• Augusta, Nov. 27, 1789.
. - I. ---»<»"■ 11. y I■■ *.
To be fold at public bale,
At the Vendue-houfe in Savannah, on Tuef
day, ihc 1 jtb December, next, at i:o’clock,
A TRACT of oak and hickory laud on
Savauuah tivpr, about five miles above ,
the town, containiag about acres, be-*
tween Rae’s Hall,and Brampton.
A Trattof iandcontaiumgabout tea acres*,
the firft quality of riVer swamp, uppofito
• Brampton, on the fame river. *
A trad of land containing about 200 acre?,
under dams, the firTt quality of tide iwatnp i
and about tooacie* high laud, adjoining.with
a dwelling houle, So c. two miles hplovV Sa-
adjoining lands of General Jaiuea
jackfon. The above lauds formerly belonged
to the estate of Btoutou, the picfcut
owners unknown.
1350 actcs of prime land, on Skc
.do.way lilaud, the property of John Bowman,
Efq..ot South-Catoliua. • .
v A TraA of laud containing 500 acres, on
St, Mari*# river, three or four hundred acres,
of which are cleared, bounded by the New
'Town of St. Majy’s, »o the eadward ; foun
-erly the piofcrty ar.d fettled by jermau and
Charles Wnght, now the propeity of Mr.
John Ferry, of South-Carohna.
A lor, and part of a lot, at Yamacraw,
with a what 1 and, (lore, where the iuipedliihi
• of tobacco is at preJcnt, tfie property of Mr,
Morriicai Sheltall. \ jL
Two lot*, No. 4 and 5, fourth tything
Reynolds Ward, laid to to Major
1 houias Wailiington.—TheNabove Leing Seiz
ed tor public tax, will be 10% for the paper
medium of this Mate. , ,*«
Savannah, J\o-v 10, J 789.
*4.* Adveitifeuients omitted in this foe„
wain of room, lhall be iutcited in out nexk.