Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, January 1790.]
* ’ * *.» • •
gazette®* the state.
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, flull remain iuviolate. Constitution of Georgia.
‘ r ........ - . . . • • . ...!». '
• ~ . .. i ,*»
AUGUSTA: Printed by JO H N E. BMI T H, Printer to the State; EJays, Articles if
Intelligence, Advertifemenfs, (del will be gratefully received, ana every kind erf Printing performed.
An Aft
$o regulate the form and manner
of holding Elections for Mem *
ters to reprefenf the inhabitants
of this State in General Jffem- y
BE it enabled by the Settdfe and House of Re"
prejentatives of the fate of Georgia
Genital AffembU met, That the Sheriff of each
county, together with two justices of the peace,
not being candidates, and in Case of the absence
Os the Sheriff, the under Sheriff, iball be the
presiding ajid returning office/a of all Oleftiong
for Senators and ReprefentatiytS* which may
be elected from refpertive cou'ntie'l; and that
all cleftions shall be held at the Courc-houfe
of the county, or at the place appointed for
holding Superior Courts, that the haines of
*Jie candidates (hall be affixed on the door of
the Court-house, or in fame other public
place where the ele<flion may be held ; and
after the poll is clofod and votes funvqed up,
the person or perform having the highest m»mv
S* of votes, (hall be deemed and declared the
(Senator and lleprefentativcs at the fucceedwg
‘General Afffembly.
And be it further enabled. That the time for
taking votes at any ele&ion be, between the
ioursi of nine o’clock in the morning and fix
o’clocVin the afternoon ; and when any doubts
shall artfe with the superintending officers, as
Vo the'qualification of ele&ors, the following
oath shall be atfminiftered by any one of the
'fopeirintendi ng officers, before the person,
Uyhofe vote is so disputed, (hall be entitled to
vote : “ I A. to. do solemnly fweator affirm,
of (as the case “may be) that I have attained
** to the age of twenty-one years, and have
«« paid tar for the* year proceeding the
*< election, and have resided fix months with
al in the count/ ; and' tbit l am a citizen and
«< an inhabitant of this date.” , r .. .
And be it further enfSedf That if the super
intending officers (hail make’a fraudulent re
turn, or they, of either of them,'while Su
perintending such election, or any candidate
•jftall influence, or endeavour to influence or
jwrfuade any voter not to vote as be firft de
-frgned or intended, or (hall take any undue
means to obtain a vote, he or they (hall for
feit for such offkbce/twentf-five pounds [to
-be recovered by bill, plaint, hr information,
In the Superior or county courts of fuchcbunty;
, and d a Justice, (hallalfo be forever diftjatfifced
'ffotri Serving in the commission of the peace,
r and if a candidate, and elected, he (hall be
incapacitated thereby from serving.
' And it it further enacted, That if any per*
tbtror persons whatever shall, on any day ap
pointed for the election of a Senator, Repre
sentative or Representatives, to serve inr the
General Assembly, presume to violate the
freedom qf such election by any arret, me
nace or threats,-or ateertipt to over-awe, as
♦ Vfght, or force any person qualified to vote,
againfi his inclination or ionfcience, or o
thtrwife by briber? obtain any vote s or who
shall, after the said election ii over, menace,
or defpnefully ufa, or abuf# iuy perfm be
eaufe ht bub not vot#(t as he or they wouJd
have had him, evary such person so offending,
upon due and fufficieot proof made' ot such
violfnof or alula, menacing or threatenini^
before any fuftice of tbe Peace, (hall be
bound over to the Superior or County Court,
hlmfelf .in fifty pounds, and two securities in
the sum of twenty, -five pound® each, and to .
be of goed behaviour, and abide the Sentence
of the laid Couira, where, if the offender or
offenders are convided and found guilty of
such offence or offence® as aforefaid, then he
or they ihail refpedively, for each offence,
forfeit a sum not exceeding fifty pounds, and
be committed to jail without bail or main*
prize till the fame be paid, which fine so im
posed, (hall be recovered and paid aa before
direfted. , ,
And be it further enacted * That no civil of
fice* ihail execute any writ or civil process
whatloever, upon the body of any perfou
qualified to vote for members of the General
Afi'ctnbly as before in this Ad directed, ei
ther in his jouruey to, or in his return from
the place of cledion s Provided* he ihail not >
be more than forty* eight hours on his journey
either going to, returning from, or during
his flay there, upon that account, under the
penalty of a sum &ot exceeding fifty pounds,
to be recovered of, and from the officer who
(hall arreff or feive any process as aforefaid
after such manner and form, and to be aif
pofed of as herein before d>reded : And all
such writs or civil process, executed on the
body of any person either going to or being
at, within the time limited by this clause, or
returning from the place where such eledion
is appointed, he being qualified to give his
vote thereat, are hereby declared null and
void, - . , . i i
And be it enacted , That all writs of elec
tion for filling vacancies that may happen in
the Senate or lioule of Reprcfentatives, ihail
fc*e direded, to the fheriff o! the county, or,
in his absence, to the under then ß, who is
hereby authorifed to summons two J offices,
not being candidates, to assist in holding laid
eledion, which (hall be held as herein before
pointed out agreeably to such writ; and the
(heriff is hereby diredeffto give ten days no
tice of such eledion, by advertifiog the fame
at the place of holding Superior Courts, and
at three or more public places within the
county aforefaid. . . J(
And be it enacted , That the fuperintendihg 7
officers be authorifed, and are hereby em
powered to appoint three clerks to attend the
laid eledion, whose duty it (hall be to keep
three rolls, where the names of all the voters
(hair be entered, and that after the poll be
closed, ibetaid clerks (hall take three papers, '
I in each of which they (hall insert the' names of
thefevilraleatfdldatjg, and (hail keep, count,and
number opposite the naihe bf each candidate,
the several votcs'in'hrrorVheir favor.
And be it farther enacted , That all laws
heretofore passed for regulatingeledions, (hall
be, and the fame are hereby repealed.
SEABORN JONES, Speaker of the
House of Repre/entatives .
N. BROWNSON, President of tbe
Senate .
Concurred Dec. 8, 1789.
-SO©- * •
STAT&HOUSE, J.*i 16, »7S>o.
Ordered, *
That the hecrtia ry of the State tnnfmit to
MfsaMwOtfe/efieit Twiggs, • unified
[Vot! IV. No. CLXXII.>
I *
Extract of such parts >f the Ad entitled, “ Aa
“ Ad for prefciibtug the regulations and re
“ firidions uudei which the Governor (hall
<* appoint Militia Officeis,” &c. as refped
the Officers of Militia.
: extract.
BL it enacted by the Senate ana House of Re
pr est m alivel of the Jiate ts Georgia in Gent rat
/tjtmt'.j met fi That.the Governor (hall appoint
aud comtTi<ffion, Militia, Officers,: Provided
aivuaytt That no person (hall be appointed oC
commissioned who (hall not have been a citi
zeu of this Hate for three yeart, or have
fetved with reputation as a commissioned of
ficer in the army of the United States.
And be it further enacted That all Milituc
Officers already appointed, or that (lull here
after be appointed, dial! be rpfidents of the
county with the regiments or company in
which they are commissioned ; and where,
and as often as it (hall be otherwile, the Go
vernor (hall appoint and commission a refideut
or residents iii his or their room and Head.
?* ‘' *' ‘' i: * * ' } " ■ ‘ ’ ‘ '* , j
A Bargain.
s *• 1
That valuable Plantation, situated about twen« n
ty four miles below Augofta, upon Savanmh
. fiuer, known by the name of
Profpeß Hill
Containing about 409a acres, poo arces of
which are prime river swamp, aoo oak and
hickory, and the remainder good pine land,
which lies very convenient to a fine bold fir earn.
On the premises are a good dtwiling house,
barn and orchard —:8o acres of the swamp,
and 4© acres of the high Jafid, are clear and
under fence.
A L k S ;O,
Sixteen hundree acres of land,, situated on.
’ Walnut. Branch, Burke county, bounded weft-
< wardly by. Rrier Creek, (outhwardly by Mr.
Amos Whitehead’s, and eaffwardly contigu
ous to Waynefbdrqugb.—The situation and
quality of these lands are too well known and
• admitted to require any further defeription.
For terms, apply to
.James Alger ,
At Cumming & M‘Credie»
{ ; •
Augusta, Jan. *3, 1790. 3w
* .»*•*-« ■' • i. , -. •
« i »| » 1 * • • 4 .**, ' ,
SUCH perfon* as have aeglefted to wort
on that part of the toad lying between
Brownfborough and Bedford, are requeftedto
be surf appear at the house of Mr. Thomas
Greer, 011 Friday, the 19th ioffant, to (hew
cause (if any they have) why fines (hall not
be imposed agreeably to law.
JM. 8), Iff*