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SATURDAY, March l 3; 1790.]
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FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, lhall remain inviolate. Confitution of Georgia*
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. S M.l TH, Printer to the States E/ays, At tides of
Intelligence, Advertisements, lie. -will be gratefully received,. and every kind of Printing performed.
STATE-HOUSE, Augusta, Martha 1790.
Ordered, That the Return of the Eledion
of Aldermen for the town of Augusta, to
gether with tljp Executive Proceedings there
on, be publilhed ; and that the fame be pre
faced with the hid and second enading clauses
of *« An Ad for regulating the town of Au
gusta,” &c. also, of the second enading clause
and the firft proviso of “ An Ad for afeer
taining the rights of Aliens.”
Attest, J. MERIWETHER, S. E. D
BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Re
presentatives of the State of Georgia, in
General Assembly met , That seven ft' and dis- r
creet persons (hall be elected from among the
inhabitants of the town of Augusta, who (hall
he eccupiers of a houfc or lot therein, which
seven persons so eleded, lhall be styled the Al
dermen of the said town.
rind be it further enaßed, That on the firft
Monday in January next, and in every second
year thereafter, the proprietors of thehoufes
or lots within the town of Augusta, and the
limits thereof, as herein after pointed out,
/hall meet at the market-house of the said
town, and before two,or more magistrates of
the county of Richmond, lhall proceed to
eled by bailor, seven persons as aforefaid,
having the qualifications above, mentioned,
and the persons fp chosen, or a majority of
them, (hall meet on the second Monday in
January, and eled by ballot, out of their own
body, a Mayor for the said town* and (hall
rr\ /~<i 1 .4 r—*- orncci*
annninf-.a Town . . ,
as may be neceflary to carry this Ad into ef
fed: And -the said Mayor and Aldermen, be
fore they proceed on the duties of their of
tjee, (hall fake the following oath or affirma
tion, to wit :
« I do swear or affirm, that I will diligent
ly and uprightly perform the duties of May
or or Alderman for the town of Augusta, ac
cording to the best of my knowledge and
Secretary's Office, March 9» 179°'
I, John Milton, Esquire, Secretary ot the
Sstate of Georgia, aforefaid, do hereby certi
fy the above and foregoing to be and contain
true copies of the firft, and second enading
clauses of an ad entitled, “ An Ad for re
“ gulating the town of Augusta, and to :
** amend entitled “ An Ad for re
-4t gulating the town of Savannah and-the
** hamlets thereof,” palled at Augusta the
23d day of December, 1789.
And be it enaßed by the authority aforefaid-
That any alien orfubjed of any foreign state
or power, being desirous of becoming a citi
zen of this ftite; who hath resided at lead
twelve months in the fame, and after the ex
piration thereof, doth obtain from the Grand
Jury of the county where he refidcs, a Certi
ficate, purporting that he hath demeaned him
tfelf as an honest man and- friend to the'go-'
vernment of the state, (which Certificate (hall
be recorded in the Superior Court of laid
county) the said alien or person so apply
ing, lhall, before the Judges of the said
Court, take and fubferibe the following outh :
«« IA. B. do folcmnly swear, that I wHI bear
true allegiance to the State of Georgia, and
will support the lawi and couftitution thereof
10 the uimoft of my power. So help .in
God.” Then and in that case, such person
(hall be entitled to all the rights, liberties and
immunities of a free fubjed. Provided al
ways t atid be it enaßed by the au hority afore -
Jaid , That no such perl'on lhail be a
of the General Assembly, or of the Executive
Council, or hold any office of trust or profit,
or vote for Members of the General Ail’em
bly, for the term of seven years, and until
the Legislature (hall by special ad for that pur
pose, enable such person so to do,
Secretary's March 9, 1 79°*
I, John Milton, Esquire, Secretary of the
State of Georgia, aforefaid, do hereby certi
fy the above and foregoing to be and contain
true copies of the second enading clause and
the firft proviso of an ad entitled, «« An;ad
j " to afeettain the rights of aliens, and point
** ing out a mode for the admiflion of citi
“ zens,” palfed at Savannah, the 7th of Fe
bruary, 1785.
. ■, n 11.
STATE-HOUSE, Augusta, Jan. 7, 1790!
William Glafcock and Dalziel Hunter, En
quires, Jufticea of the Peace for the county
of Richmond, in conformity to a Proclama
tion of the 24th day of December, 1789,
presented a return in the words following,
S I R,
At an eledion held in Augusta, on Mon
day. the ath day of January, 1790, for the
purpose of eleding seven Aldermen (or said
* place, we, the fubferibers, presiding Justices
of said eledion, on taking an exad account
of the votes, and calling up the ballots, do
find the following persons, residents and inha
bitants of Augusta, eleded Aldermen, name
: ly, Godfrey Zimmermann, Mathias Maher,
James Gardner, Nathan Hills, George Barnes,
Abraham Jones, and James Brown.
dalziel HUNTER.
Market-house , >
Jan . 6, 1790. 5
We, the fubferibers, who presided at the
above eledion, do certify that no (heriff at
tended said eledion.
Augusta, fan. t , 1790.
Ordered, That the said Returh be deppfited
among the Archives of Office,
A letter of this day from John Milton and
John Meals, Esquires. with its enclolure,
were read, and are as fallows, viz,
We, the; underwritten, deputized hr a
number of lot-holders in the town of Au
gusta, do ourselves the honor of laying before
your Excellency, the enclosed reasons vand re
monftranee signed by them, against the lega
lity of the eledion for Aldermen, on Monday
the 4th instant.
We have the honor to be;
Your Excellency's mod obedient fervantfi,
Augusta, Jan. 7,1790.*
His Excellency the Governor.
WE, the underwritten inhabitant* us the
town of Augusta, are of opinion, that the c
•kltai of Aldertnes for At Gtd town, held on
[Vol. IV. o. CLXXIX.J
the 4th infiant, is illegal, and ought to be set
aside for the following reasons:
1 ft. Because several persons wtre fullered
to vote, who had not the netefiary qualifica
tions, being (as will be found on fcrutiniziog*
tile lift of voters) neither occupiers of houfcs
or lot-holders within the limits of the said
town, which the law positively requires.
ad. Because several other voters, although
occupiers of houses or Jobholders within the
limits of the said town, being aliens, we con
ceive are thereby disqualified ; for, notwith
standing the law is fiicnt on this head, it could
never be the iutention of the Legifiatute, that
persons cf this defeription fliould be entitled to
all the priviledgesand immunities of citizens.
3d. Because some of those aliens, by
means of the persons included in the two fore
going articles, stand ingheft on the poll, and
will therefore, Ihould the eledion be declared
legal, become Executive officers, possessing all
the powers of Jufiices of the Peace, added
to that of malting aflefiments on the property
of citizens, fubjed, as the law now stands,
to no control.
Jan. 9, 1790*
{.Signed by a number of" refpeßable Inhabitants.'^
Postponed for conlideration.
Adjourned,. >
STATE-HOUSE, AuguJJa, Jan. 8, 1790#'
Confideratioos being taken on the afore
mentioned return aud re moult ranee ;
Ordered , That the presiding Jufiices make
a return of the poll held on the 4th instant,
at the Market-house, for eleding Aldermen
for the town of Augusta, as delivered them
by the Clerks, and that they'' do attend to.
morrow, at 12 o’clock, at the State-House.
That the persons returned as be
ing eleded Aldermen for the town of Au
gusta, ai d the deputation of the memorialifts
objeding to the eledion, be notified that the
said parties may be heard by themselves or
cuunfel, to-morrow, at 12 o’clock, at the
That the persons returned as Al
dermen for the town of Augusta, be served
with a certified copy of the remonfirance,
That the Solicitor-General be re
quefied to give his attendance at the State-
House, to-moriow at 1 2 o’clock.
STATE-HOUSE, Angujla, Jan 9, 1790.
The order of the day for enquiring into the '
legality of the eledion of Aldermen, held in
Augusta, on Monday the 4th inst. being taken
up, and the parties having beer) duly notified
to attend, the return of the eledion, as certifi
ed by the prefiditrg Jufiices, and a communica
tion from Johfi Milton and John Meals, Ef
quiie*, whh a remunffrance from sundry per
fous, were read; and Mr. Jufiice G1 f.ock
aud Mr. Jufiice Hunter being called, anlwer
ed severally to the following interrogatories,
on oath :
Qtiefiionr by Mr. Milton.
Do you not remember that there were two
persons objected to on the day of eledion,'
aud their names thus tru tfed ■
Auiwcrcd by Jufiice Glalcock.
Do rou know any that voted, that
weit not pofielTed of the necc/Tary qualifi
cations f
A, No,
'F a t,f. it main tiff fee tie 4th fagt*)