Newspaper Page Text
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SATURDAY, March 20, 1790.3
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FREEDOM of the FRE SSj and T RI A D ~by * JUR Y, thall Tema*h inviolate. Conjiiturion of Georgia*
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AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. S M I X H, : Printer to t- e State; bjfayr, Articles of
Intelligence , Advertisements , &c. will be gratefully received , ana every kind of Printing performed \
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l ST ATE, -HOIf SE, Augu/la, March 5. .179°-
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CONSIDERATION being taken on a Letter of the 13th January last, fromM'Keen Green, £fq. late Colleftor of the Specific Tax in Effing-;
ham county, and reference being had to “ An Aft for railing Supplies,” at and after'the rare of lix (hilling* and three-pence on every
hundred pounds value, &c. passed aijt Augufia the 31st day es Oftober,, and particularly to the following cjaufe therein, via. “ And the
nett amount thereof (hall be paid into the Trcafury of the State,&c, Alto to “ An Aft tp extend the time for sailing Supplies,” dated ift
February, 1788, wherein it is direfted, ** That so much of the Law for railing Supplies,' asdirefts thp nett amount of.the Tax to be paul
€t * nto the Treasury, ihall not be confirmed to extend to empower the Agent to difpo/e of any of the fpecific articles received by him, yither
“ than as Ihall be direfted by the Executive ” Sec. And also to«« An Ad for laying a Tax for the year t;Bßwherein it a enacted,
“ That an additional Tax of four ihillings and two-pence sterling oh every hundred, pounds. va|u*, M &c r ‘.‘ in Specifics, be paid slu,con
formity to the aforefaid recitals, and by virtue of the powers by them vetted, it is " * / *
Ordered, That the several Collectors of the Specific Tax for the years 1787 and 1788, within the refpeftive counties throughout the state, be,
and they .are hereby direfted and required to expose to sale, ,sos the cqrren. money of the Rate, the remaining part of fnv-h Ipecifics, as n<*w aro
in their hands refpeftively, immediately after having given thirty days notice of the fame, at three or more public places in the refpeftive coun-.
ties, and to transmit the several nett amouots thereof to the Treasurer: And the Collectors aforefaid arc also direded and required, wi hm futy
days to make Returns of the quantity and species of fpecifics by tach of them received, and.of whom,, together with lie Returns of what may
remain unpaid and also of the quantity and species of Specifics delivered by each of them, together with the dates, and naineo of the peifons
to whom fucb delivery or deliveries may have been made, which Returns dull be made agreeable to the form hereunto annexed.
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Z A RETURN of Specific Articles received by CnUeElor oj the Specific Tax
% Jor the County of Jor the Tear 1787. . ' .
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*The like form to be observed in the Sotcific Return* fnr fh* ..oo * T •. . . ' '
the term of fix month*; and eachColkftor is also diretfed to nlke Mn « f?ence ,n c <>‘ i€ 3ion of the said taxes to be eiven be
if all p,,meote made to him. " ‘' d m “ ke Momhl > R “ ut, “ V «*»«<*<!, up , 0 ft, «, ft Monday in each month.
|| A communication of this day from the Treasurer, with its enclosures t - v
1 Ordered, That the several Receivers General of tti Specific Taxes for* the years 1787 add ,%»« , v .
& sics received and iflued by each of them, noting therein the dates an H nerfil* tn ' 7 J ar ? 88, be < * ,re^ed t 0 a fiateroent of Sp*ri«
l|#ecifying the several authorities for making such delivery or deliveries ? W ° m * lV9fy or deliveries may tuve been made, as also
m Qritrtd, That the foregoing proceeding,. relative to the Specific Taxes for the years, ,77 7 8 7 and ~88, be pohlifted.
| . . ~ . J*. MERIWETHER, 8. E. D.
Pp'* < }.t . S<T'A?EmIiOUSE>$ < T'A?EmIiOUSE> March 6, 1790.
That the Treasurer bit direded to furnifh a general flateraent of the Treafurv to »h* «,<* j • w
a standing rule, that a like fiatement be made ufi to the firft Monday in each month c t ° da * ,n M arc h* 17901 and tint ithe
and Federal Securities, that may be from time m * ** of all State
B ™V h TH a : C k deft / oyed ' W “ h * reciW 6f »"* *° d E lUma "**"• ***** oi Stai.
I *• March, ,7,0, and
1 *u*j bo dtlUo/od| will) ft ffeiuj of dates, tad 4«giiUuyf Uif fame. *** CuuC iU * Ul * ,<;l ‘ yw lIJI fcWftl luma that a,a ok
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[Vol. IV. No. CfcSXtX.J