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SATURDAY, ilfora&
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FREEDOM of the PRESS,, and TRI A L by JUR Y, lhall remain inviolate. - Conftitutio* » f Cto^in.
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AUGUSTA; Printed by J O H N E. * S M I.T H, Printer to TUfc State* *PJfays % nrtu'es of
Intelligence , Advertisements , &c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed
i. ■ ■ ■ ■* ■ v» %
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STATE-HOUSE. Augujla , Saturday , March 20, 1790.
CONSIDERATION being had on “ An Aft for irapofiug a Tax for the year* 1790, 1 >
, J^ r^erei * at ! he ,e^ orß °f for the current .year, in the several counties throughout the State be direfted to transmit Retirne
01 ail Taxes to be by them received, agreeably to the Form hereunto inaexed.
'’l"-- ' •• •. » , ■ , • „ ’ ‘ V
: The Jirft Moiety. | Otbtv Mo.*, io:,u
Gold 6c silver. ißaiicls rice Amt. of tice. Hhdstobac- Amount of iAmount of 1 ift MtC. Amount.
©ate when Os whom > *' ltJ f ‘\ co at 1.6/4 tobacco. Mon,, j ■■
J|eceived received. £• •• Id. — cwt ~ —i £• 1<• 1 <l. per cwt. /'. j j. [f,|, j t £ * •.. ■
'" I I 111111 |'' j I
Which said Returns, after the commencement of the several coileftin.. a. 1.1. I l.< • 1.. ■ ,-oj
Warrants that are receivable in the Taxes of .he current year, ffiaH 1e \ ” P t 0 ,he firfl Monday in each month; and that a'T
n* fpC . C,fic w . hlch 11 rc P r cfents j and the said Colleftofg are hereby hT >**,* ICC , or tobacco column, exprefling the equality of each
a goldand silver by each of them received* as also of all fpecificfi by each of th/m* to nuke a final p.ymenr to the Treafurerof
Ordered. That the foregoing Order and Form be published. m collcC * ed » ol » or before the firrt day of March next.
J V " ~-.v , Auefl * J- Meriwether, s. c. d.
————————— m I
»* c•* * ' • .* ; * •^
War-Office of the United States a
INFORMATION is hereby given to ail the
“Invalid Pensioners of the United States,
refidmg jvithin the Bates refpetfively, that
one moiety of their Annual pension, com
lueoeing on the fifth day of March last, will
be paid at the places, and by the persons here- j
,in after-mentioned, on the fifth day of March
♦nftaing, and Jthat the fecood moiety of the said
annual peofion hvili be paid at the fame places
and by the fame persons, on the fifth day of
June ensuing., ,
Hbe States, Places, fetfontby •whom
the pension will
* ' V " '** be paid.
New-Kamplhire, Portfmoutli, Jofcph Whipple.
Ktarachafctts, Boston, Bo jam. o Lincoln
Rhode*UUnd, Providence, Jeremiah Oliuy.
ConiuA cut, NefcLundop, Jcc. Hunthigtoe.
New-York, Hew-York,. John Lamb.
New-Jerfay. Peith AmboyJohn Halit d.
Pennlylvania, Philadelphia, Sharp Dcl/rny.
Delaware, Wilmington, George Bulb.
Maryland, Baltimore, OihoH. Williams.
Sa»*r I. .HwilMd, william Heth.
Nonb-CaroHna, Hlllftmough, T h/ Hywood.
iouth-Caroliea, Charleston, George Abbot Hall
Georgia, Savannah, J ihn Hbc;;ham.
By order of the Prtfident of
the United States ,
. Secretary for the Dtf irigum of Wir* '
Jfta* lo| i;?t*
> * ‘ <? v
IN order to prevent unfuccefsful applica
tiona the following information is repub
luhed, refpetfing the vouchers which will be
required. ' ‘
-the retom. Which have beeo or (hall be
to the Secretary foe the Depaitmem of
War, bp the fcveral-Statea, of the peolioos
which have •>«» granted, arid paid by them
refpettively, Will, together with the vonchers
herein required, beconlideied as the evidence
whereon the payments are to be made. '
/ Every application for payment mnft be ac*
< companies by the following vouchers.
I ft. The certificate given by the ltate, fpe- :
cifymg that the person pofleffing it, ia in faft
an invalid, and afeertaiuing the sum to which,
. as fnch, he is annually entitled.
ld, J r * An affidavit agreeably to the follow* *
J mg form, to wit : A. B. came before uie,
one of the Jufticet for the couuty of
. intheftateof and made oath that he is
the fame A. B, to whom the original certifi
j cate in his polltffion wss given, of Which the
following is a copy, (the certificate givcu by
the state <o be v recited.)
That he served in , ‘V (regiment nr vcf
fel) at the tin#’be was difablsd, end that he
1 bow tefidts in th* ,* * ' • end county
4H haa rt(idcd ibtie for
•* ' )
[Vox.. IV. No. CLXXXT.j
r '
the last yeiti,. previous to which he
resided in *
In case an Invalid thould apply for payment
br an attorney the fa id attorney mud, be
firies the .certificate and oath before tec iced,
of at,oroey
fl A ' ®; of - couo, r »f - Date
® • ... d 0 h ? r « b 7 conitnute and appoint
L .* ?* A ray lawful attornevj to re in my behalf „f (the firft
fcrond raoieiy) of my annitif penß-n, „ „ !
Invalid of the United States, from the fourth :
day of March, one thoufan I seven hundted
and eighty.nine. ' ' ’ *
tedimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and leal, this
s;pned and sealed
in the presence jf
Acknowldkred before me
Applications of eaecotora or adrainißratori
ran# be a. compan, ed with legal evidence of
their refpecuve o nce., ,nd also of ,het,n,«
cla ni * d,ed * t>enfioa lhe f m *f
By Command of the President of the Unit*
«d bines of America,
. „ H. KNOX, **'
Becre f ary for th« Depsiytofm yf Wif*
Udsinr Ij| ijig.