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SATURDAY, September iS, 1795.]
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FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, ihall remain inviolate. Confiitutitn #/ Gtorgim .
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AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to Tiit State-, Essays, Articles es
Intelligence , Advertisements , fcfc. will be gratefully received, ana every kind of Printing performed.
Prom the Grand Jury of the county
of Burke , August 26, *790.
1. II? E present, a* a grievance, that'
? v the improvement of the navi
gation of the river Oegechee ii not properly
attended to, owing to the want of i'ufficient
number of Commissioners to superintend the
b'lfinefs i we therefore recommend that Ste
phen Johnson be appointed in the room of
Matthzw Paramote, deceased; Thomas May
in the room of Samuel Lanier, (who has re
igned) between Buckfccud and Horse Creek;
also, that Hudson Whitaker be appointed iu
the room of John Davis, whs has removed
from the diflrid next above Buckhead.
2. We present as a grievance that Brier
Creek has not been cleared out, agreeably to
an ad of the General Aflembly, as we con
ceive that the improvement of the naviga
tion of said creek would be of public utility,
3. We present Nicholas Cavenah, for
taking compensation from John Roberts, for
dealing a calf the property of said Cavenah,
and thereby fufferin# said Roberts to escape
condign puuifhmect, which said matter may
be proved by James Coward, Patrick Connel
ly and John Scott.
4. On the information of William Wo
mack, we prelent Jefie Bad tor keeping a
difordeily houfc, and for retailing spirituous
liquors without licence, contrary to law.
5. We present as a grievance, that the
j-oad leading from Louilvilie to vvafhiugtou,
in the county of Wilke*, has not been opened
agreeable to an ad of Adembly for that
purpose ; and we tecommend that Blailingham
Jiarvey, fen. Zacharuh Gray, and Alexander
Ir win, be appointed CommiSoners to fupei
in end the laying out and opening the said
foad; in the molt dired and heft war rewards
the laid place, as far as the county extends.
6. We pieient as a grievance, that the
road leading from Aeguria to Savannah, be
tween B er Creek midge to Creek, is
Without a Commifiioner ; aud we recommend
that William Be l, fen. be appointed a Com
ti'iiffioner for the fame, in the room of Eiitha
Thornton, who has resigned.
j We pxefcnt William Jones for turning
the road from LouifviUe to Savannah several
nufes out of the dired and usual course of
said road, whtneby it is rendered irapaflable,
and fevetai citizens are thereby materially in
jured. We recommend that Reuben Lett bo
appointed a Commiflioner of said road, in the
room of Francis Pugh, who has refigued, and
that John Vickers be appoint'd a Commif
f,oners of the fame in the room es William
8. We present the Colledor of taxes of
the county, for the year 1789, for not col
lecting an extra tax imposed by the Superior
Court, for the purpose of ending and keep
ing in repair the public brigdei in this county.
We desire that thtfe our Piefemments be
Bublirtied in the Gaze te f aud that his Houor
the Judge receive our thanks for his ( barge
•t the commencement of the present term,
iamuel Lini(K» F»rtmun, Jefle Barns,
John Wade, J'd»n Moure,
Matthew Msrfhall, W.llism filming.
Williita iuuglil»» JsWM Wi<tttiu#bsPV
William Courfey, Thos. Yarbro"gh,
Robert Bowling, Robert Ronaldloa.
Mill* Murphy,
Extraß from tin Court Bockty
EDWARD WAT 1 S, G. 3. C. B. C.
The Jcllowifig is publijhed by
Copy of tbt Arndts of the COMBINED SO
Article I. Society (hall be no-
A minated and known by
the name of the Combined Society ; and tt»f
member* thereof (hall be considered a* men
of Arid integrity and perfeveiance, who
ihall be firft firmly bound to secrecy, previ
ous to theii being admitted to the knowledge
or myfieries thereof.
Art. a. Any member of this foci*:y w. tiling
other* of their acquaintance to be initiated,
(hall recommend tta person or perfon* so
wilhed to be initiated, and if approved of
by a majority of the member* thereof, the*
the pert on cr perfooefo wiftied to be initiated,
may, by approbation of a majority of the
laid society, be foheited and brought forward
agieeable to the firit article theteof.
An. 3. That thufe who may be admit
ted into the Combined Society dull boar an
equal expeuce, and ufa their utraoft endea
vour* to carry into effttt all plant that may
be proposed and agreed to by a majority of
the member* of said lociety. Provided the
laid plan be continent with the principle* of
these article*. And no plan or rei'olutioii (hall
be entered into that haa not been read twice
at two different meetings.
Art. 4. The general meetißg* of the Com
bined Society (hall be annually 011 the lift
Thursday in September, when they (hall pro
ceed to the choice of a Prefideqt, Secretary,
aud Treasurer, who (hall, with a majority of
the metnoer* of’ said society, proceed to
bulincls : The monthly mectiugs (lull be on
the iaft Thursday in each month, for the pur
pole of initiating such a* may he approved of
by a majority of the members of (aid society.
Art. 5. In case of emergency, the Tre
fident (hall have power to convene the society
at any time or place neccdary, and proceed
to bufinefs*
A.rt. 6. The President (hall have power to
give a difpenfationtoany thtee ot the members
of this society, to form themfelve* into prime
bodies, and initiate such a* may be approved
of and found worthy, agreeable to these ar
Art. 7. Whenever there ft»a!l be effablilh
td five prime bodies, they (hail proceed to
cboofe out of their refpettive focietiet, on*
repreieutativc for every twenty members,
which said representative* (hall compofa the
General Society.
Art. 8* The representatives to the Ge
neral Society (lull be cholen annually on the
temb day of August, which said reprefenta
tive* so cholen out of the refpedive prime
bodies, Hull form th*tuf«lve* into a koocul
cenvcudoo, it any trine or piece they (hall
lieicafter agree on or think proper.
Ait, 9, The general convention (hall pro.
reeU 10 ibe choice of a Grand Preri tent, Vtee
, ftekuw esd lewiftny) who tail, wuh 4
majority of the said Representative* chof?»
from the refpeftive prime bodies, form the
Geucrai Society, and proceed to bufinef*. 1
Art. 10. Whatever plan or refolutioa *
may be entered into by the General Society, •
ihall at the expeucc of the whole of theCorn
timed Society be carried in o effect.
Art. if. After the General Society is
compofcd, the Grand President and Vice
-I’ielident alone (lull have power to issue all
dd'penlatiou* 10 the refpeflive prime bodies*
or to auy five of the combined friend*, t#
form tnemfc'.ves into prime bodies.
Art. iz. In cases of emergency, the Granff
President aud Vice-President clone (hall have
power 10 ionv«n* the General Society at an/
. time or place uectlFary, and preceed to bufi*
Art. 13. Provided any member or raern*
bars of the Combined Society (hall neglctf to
attend th# general, monthly, or called mect
iugs ot laid (octet/, such member or mem- *
bcis without a fatisiaftory apology, (hall bd
fubjeef to such a tint a* a majority of said so
ciety may heteaftcr point out, not exceeding
tea dollars.
Art. 14. And there (hall he no alterati«tf
in thefs article* of the Combined Society, ex
cept it be by approbation of four-fifth* of the
combiued fiieudr or members of said fociety*
'Jheic article* wet*euteiad info aud agreed
on the twenty-third day of July, “no
thousand (even hundred and ninety, Os
the Matnbei* of said Society.
Purport of iht ntctffary Oaths f Initiation*
I. Th-t 1 wiU never reveal, nor caule i*
be revealed, in auy manner whs ever, an/
secret or fecret*, which may at this or an/
.tim* heieafter be tevealed unto me lefpcfi
iug this society, without the content and ap«
probation of the society henu fiifi obtained*
». That I will support, maintain, and de
. feud the foregoing article*, and he true t#
each one of the Combined Society.
the two foie or fir# fingers ©f
your right hand act of* yout taoutb.
The following is a copy •! an inffrument of
writing delivered with th* foregoing ar
A PUn to proms it the inter est of tbt Combined
Society .
That all that trtft of country situate, lying
and being, fouth of the Orooec river, and
bounding by a line running from the head eg
source of the Appalachee river, or fouth fori#
of the Oconee river, in a direr! line to tb©
head or source of Flint river; thence down
the said river to the confluence of it and
Cbatahouchee ; thence in a direst line to thd
head or source of Saint Maty*! river; thenc©
to the confluence of the Oakmulgee and Oco
nee ; thence up the Oconee to the place of be
ginning ; and eftixnated to include abooß
eight millions of acres, which was set spare
by the Geueral Aflembly of thl* flats in Au
g- 1a cue thousand (even hundred and eighty
feveu, and pieferved lor accommodating the
late (late trno[ e, Agreeably to their contra'?
with the (late, 011 entering into feme* fo*
fupprefliug the violence* ot the Creek Indian*,
as preferibed by the General Assembly of f*»«s
(late, (lull he f«t apart for that pnrpef©,
And whereat the claim* due M/n Hear* ind
foldier* amount only to 1 wo bundled and t *en«
ty tluic li&uieud out bandied forty actifr
£Vol. IY. No.^CYr^