Newspaper Page Text
■ SATURDAY, 0 dober 23, 17^0?]
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, rtiall remain inviolate. ConJJitution of Georgia*
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN R. S M I T H, Printer to the State* PJfays* Articles cS
Intelligence , Advertisements , &c. will be gratefully received , and every kindof Printing performed.
*■ - ■ - ■ • - —1 •• —**—• 1 ■ -
Augujia, October 14, J79°‘
T HE rank and arrangement of the Mi
litia of Effingham coun r y are eftabliih-
Cd this day in the following otder :
Caleb Howell, Esq. Col. August 24, 17.81.
Daniel Howell, Esq Lieut. Gol. Feb. 15, 1785
Benjamin Lanier, Major, Feb. 15, 1785.
Firfl Company.
John Everett, Esq. Captain, Oft. 9, 1787.
William Durrance, Gent. Ift Lieut, do.
Aaron Cone, Gent 2d Lieut. do.
Second Company*.
John Martin Dasher, Esq. Captain.
John Kogler, Gent, ill Lieut.
Earned Zettrour, Gent. 2d Lieut..
Third Company.
Thomas VVylly, Esq. ( apt. June, 1787.
Jonathan Rohn, Gent, id Lieut.
Matthew Rohn, Gent. 2d Lieut.
Fourth Company.
John Cope, Esq. Capt. Off. 2, *787:.
Christ. Dasher, Gent, id Lieut. May 7,1788.
Joseph Wm-. Spencer, Gent. 2-d Lieut.
Fifth Company.
Clement Lanier; Esq? (apt. Feb. 15, 1785.
John Mezele, Gent; id Lieut. Aug. 15, 1785.
Walliam Kulhing. Gent. 2d Lieut, do.
Sixth Company.
Na.hbniel Hr.dfon, Esq (apt. Feb. 15, 1784.
William Shepperd, Gent. iff Lieut* June 25,
Henry joice; Gent. 2d Lieut, do.
Seventh Company.
John Lott, fen. Esq. Capt. Off. 9, 178)’.
John Lott, jun. Gent, id Lieut, do.
Stephen Miles, Gent. 2d Lieut. do*
Eighth Company.
John Mickell, Esq. Capt. Oft. 9, 178*7.
Thomas Jones Knight, Gent. Ift Lieut, do.
John Lanier, Gent. 2d Lieutenant, do.
Ninth Company.
John M'Call, Efq* Capt. Oftober 9, 1757.
William O’Niel, Gent, id Lieut, do.
George M‘Call, Gent. 2d Lieut, do.
By Order of th> Commander in Chief)
J. MERIWETHER, Secretary.
• gke* &* efccfrdi'gfosfa
LONDON*, August 10.
Orders have been signed at the admiralty,
and sent off to the different ports of Great-
Britain and Ireland, to withdraw the press
warrants, and for the officers to return home
with their accounts to the board.
Whitehall , Augvfi 5, 1790. Thi6 morq
-ing one of his Majefty** messengers arrived
from Madrid, at the office of his Grace the
Duke of Leeds, his Majefly’s principal Se
cretary of State for Foreign affairs,- withdif
patebes from the Right Hon. Alicyne FitZr
Herbert, his Majefty’* Ambassador Extraor
dinary and Plenipotentiary at that Court, con
taining an account of the following declara
tion- and couater declaration having been
signed and exchanged, on the 24th of July last,
ly his Excellency on the part of his Mijefty,
and by his Excellency Count Florida Wane*,
Jiis Catholick Majwi'f Minister and Princi
pal Secretary of State, on the part of the C»»
tholic King.
Hit flritinnick Majefly Ikvlng complained
il e uptuie of ciuam n/ty belonging, to
his fubjefts in the port cf Nootka, filtrated nn
the north-weft coast of America, by an officer
in the service of the King, the underfigne *,
Cbunfellor and Principal Secretary of State to
his M.ijefty, being thereunto duly authorized,
declares in the name and by tht'Oider of Ins
said Majesty, that he is willing to give Ltis
faftiem to his firirannick Mijefty for the in
jury of which he has complained ; fully pei
fuaded that his fard Ikita nick Majesty would
aft in the fame manner towards the King un
der finular circumstances 4 and his Mujcfty
further engages to makt fall reftit ut ion of all
the Bricifh veffrls which weie captured at
' Nootka, and to indemnify tVie parties inter
efied in thufe vessels for the losses which they
lhall have fuflained, as soon as the amount
thereof (hall have been afeertained.
It beiug. understood that this declaiation is
not to preclude or prejudice the ultericrdif
cuffioii of any right which his Majesty may
claim to form an exclusive eftabiiihment at
. the port of Nootka.
In witnef# whereof I have signed this, de
claration, and feilcd- it with the teal of
nvy arms, at Madrid, the 24th of July,
1 79 P.
(L. S.) Signed-
His Catholick Majesty having declared (hat
he was willing to give fatisfaftion for the in
jury done to the King, by the capture of cer
tain vcffels belonging to his fubjefts in the
bay of Nootka; and the count de Florida
Blanca having signed, in the name and by or
der of his Catholic Majesty, a declaration to
this effeft, and by which his said Majesty
' likewiie engages to make full reflitution of
the vessels so captured, and to indemnify the
parties interested in thole vellels tor the losses
' they fliall have fuflaiued, the undei signed Ain
, baffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary cf
his Majesty to the King, being thereto duly
and exp.refsly authoriied, accepts the said de
claration in the name of the King, and de
clares that his Majesty will tonlidcr this de
, claration, together with the-performance of
the engagements contained therein, as a full
and entire fatisfaftnon tor the injury of which
tirs. Majesty has complained.
The underlined declares, at the Tune time,
that it is to be understood, that neither the
said declaration signed by C urt Florida B'an
ca, nor the acceptance thereof by the under
signed, in. the name of-the King, -is to pre
clude or prejudice, in any 1 efpect, the right
which his Majesty may claim to ar.y eftab-
Llhmcnt which his fubj-fts may have formed,
or fiioub! be desirous ot forming m future, at
the said bay of Nootki.
In witcefs whereof 1 have signed this Cou
nter Declaration, and lc-aied with the leal
cf my arms, at Madrid, the 24th ot Ju
ly, 1790.
(L. S.V Signed
SAVA N N A H, Sept. 2].
A letter from tr. Mary’s, daied the io*l>
inst. received by a mercantile hoolc in this
city the 19th, contain# the following intent*
pence, Mi.
** We hive the pleafureto inform vou that
tI.C king of Spain has or ered the Gnvtrwou
of thf ploii ai not in receive any Negi..e»
from the U.inrJ u! Asn.'iu. A* <>l
ficer arrived here t:*n days part from the G >»*
vernor ©f Eart-Florida, with a prociamat: an
to this purport. Enclosed you l>«ve a c<vy
of the Governor** orders to his officers cor>
manding on the frontiers, which you mar
publith, if >ou fee fit, as coming from lan t*
Feagrove, llq. Colledor of*St. Mary’s/ lclt'
the information lh »uld be doubted.”
By a Royal Schedule of the 17'h of la ft
May his Spanish Majesty has been pleated to*
declare, that the pradice of giving freedom?
to Negroes from the United States, who*
llniild take refuge in Spanifli territories, iliall*
cease for the piefcut; of which I give j*»i
notice, that you ffiould so give to uudeiffand
to anv Negro who may seek proteflion on
this frontier, tit. 2A^gnji % *
Governor Eall-FluiiJa.
To the Commanding Ojjictrt on St* Maryj Ri
%er t Honda .
A U'G U S T A,* GElober 23,
! Returns of Reprefentaiives .
Bjfing&am corny. Elihu Lyman, anATho - *
mas Wyllv, Efqra.
Liberty count v- pmes OignlPiat, Ferdi--
nand O’Neal, William- M*lniofl»/ and jjiyes*
M. Stuart, Efqrs.
Franklin county* Captains Houghton and 4
On Friday the i j*h inst. the honotable
James Iredell, one of the AflWiate Juflices of
the Supreme Court of the United Sratetf, ar
rived here, and on the fame day the Circuit *
Court for the Diflrid <>f Georgia was opened— ■
a fufficient number of judges-not attending to*
proceed to business, -the Conn was adjourned *
to meet at Savannah*on the day .’appoinied by
We-'are informed that the f*a! cf tlfe Cir-
’ cuit and D.ltrid courts, lor the difljid of
Georgia, has a; rived in Savannah.
The President of the United States has heen *
jdcaled to appoint Robert-Morris Jnd/e for
the diltrid of New*Jerfey, in the place of the •
Hon. David Breaily, deceafedf
On the nth ult. the Prefidcnt of the United *
S;ate» at rived at Mftunt Vernon. evening arrived from the northward,,
ti e Rev. Mr. Palmer, and Mfe. Paimer*
The Virginia Gazette and Geneiil Adver
tiser cf the 2ad Sept, fays .A
“ We learn from thF weflern country that -' K
the K'eiuuckey Convention his determined iiflke
favor of a.reparation, and large
a;e making in that country for off-vfive one-*
ratjons jgaintt the Indians, who h%vs conj
r mitred fi many murders, and ha. raffed thtf**
country f«» much, that it can no louder he*en##
rimed ; such devaluation m*y fbo'-vly beexJ*
j cctej to taka p'a'-c tin* the name of a Shawl* -
nefe* nation will be no-more: Tint, on
fide the Cu'nherlandvnoontain?; jsleafitu? p»» r '*
fped* are it» view ; a genera! peace likl
lake jifare with the f anthem tribe* ; *.XtvA n *
a i«l crf< .cot lYffeir. of y '"e tun- nt*"|or*» hertii*
edablnhed under the aufpkes of Contrtf* - ; Ik
\ (n: of the mdricfl fe f ins-in a t#.npe r a* *»*
f tlob.ioua tliiipte, wt'h t'n» ir »'Wre-aiMC
(. haivcU, efer yet c*pfn««cttl,*: tr. ***
•' *T
[VbL. IV. No. CCi5 ,