The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, January 01, 1857, Image 3

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' from this, it matter, per- *P< i in it much, both in tone and eonally offensive in itself. Your enswors, therefore, to my last two onquirtos, taken in connection with tho whole of your response to niy first letter of the 17sh Instant, by no" means constitute such an explanation of Hie offensive character of tho report, whioh hrttf been com municated to me, of your remarks at Thony) son and Augusta, as I can receive with a dim regard to my honor as a gentleman, and ray integrity as a man. I do not deem it proper on-this occasion to join issue with you In uhy statement of, facts in account of wlrat either you or I said at Lex ington. You hold yourself responsible, I sup pose, for your own vetslon of loth; and for tho vorsion ns given by yourself, ps well as iti tone and manner, I ask of yottjhat satisfac tion which is usual between gentlemen in such eases. My friend, ITon Thomas Vf. Thomas, who will hand you this, is authorized to make all tiecossary arrangements, allowing such terms •only as my present distanco may roquiro. liespeetfully, Alexander H. Stephens. To B. If. Hill, Esq , LnGrnnge, Ga. La Grange, Ga , Doc 6, lS5fi. Dear Sin; Your letter of 29th November, Was handed to mo a few moments since, by Hon. Thomas W. Thomas. You say that my letter of tho 24 th ultimo, '"has in it much, both in tone and matter, per-. Eonally offensive^ in itself,* Ac., and without Spool Tying any thing which you designate as offensive, you proceed to ask of me ‘‘that satisfaction which is usual between gentlemen in such cases.” It might be somo satisfaction for you to eboot at me, though I should entertain no great fear of being hit; but candor requires mo to any, with ray present feelings, I could not deliberately shoot nt you, and for many reasons—a few only of whioh I will now givo : 1st. I might possibly hit you, and though you may not consider your life valuable, yet to take it would bo a great annoyance to me ever afterwards. Tho ceaseless accusations of my oonscienco that I was a inurtUrcr, would be tha bane of nil my future happiness. 2d. I am not conscious of having given you nny just ground of offence. In my letter of •tho 24th, I authorize you to construe my re marks by tho meaning of your own charge, to whioh tile remarks were intended as a reply. If tho reply, then, was offensive, it only proves that you so intended your charge, and in that view you, are entitled to no satisfaction, and I » satisfied with the reply Further than this I distinctly disclaimed any personal allu sion or unkindness, and notwithstanding your “ belligerent message,” feel none now. 3d. If the invitation to mortal combat is intended ns a mere formal occasion, to exchange a few harmless shots and then have an adjust ment, T can only say I never engage in farces, normakc feigned issues. If I could be made conscious that I had done you injustice, I should not wait first to bo siiot at. If you did me injustice, I met the occasion with the remedy, and it does seem, made a shot Which produced a wider, if not a deeper sore than any within tho power of powder and hall to produce Now, sir, (as t always speak plainly,) I will only add that I know of nothing which has oc curred between you and mo which could nu thorize or justify a duel; and while I have never at Ally time had an insult offered me, nor 1 an aggression attempted, I shall yet know how toaeet and repel a«y that may be offered by say gentleman who may presume upon this re fusal or otherwise. Youra, respectfully, Ac , B. II. Hill. lion A. II. Stephens. nny pay. Wo further recommend tlio appointment of Wiley II. Sims, William Wagner and Tlios S. Brad- flcld, to compose said Committee j and also recom mend to tile Inferior Court the appointment of a sim ilar Committee annually. We aro pleased to state, from information recolvcd from tho poor school commissioner of said county, ffhat lie will lmvc money enough to pay all tho ac counts Ibr tlio education of tho Indigent poor of said county, ffir the present year. Wo find, from examination of tho Insolvent !ls(,pn the tax book, presented to us by Daniel Johnson, tax collector for said county, for tlio ycur 1850, do hereby allow said collector $98 and 28 cents as his Insolvent list on account of tho State tax, and $08 and 28 cents ns his Insolvent list on account of his county tax, also tho sum of $105 and 24 oonts illegal tax, ns shown by the tax book. Wo also flml in the hands of said tax collector, the sum of $20.81, excess ol tax, Which Is not Shown on the tax book, and which amount wo recommend as nn appropriation fur tho support of the invalid poor of said county. Wo also recommend to the Comptroller General a reduction of the sum of $84.05—said amount having been twice charged on dcfhultcrs property. We request that these presentments be published in tho'‘LaGrango Reporter” and “West Point lien- eon.” In taking leave of Ills Honor, Judge Dull, and So licitor General F.. J. lllnkcly. wo tcidor them our thanks for their kind mid polite uttentlou to this bo dy during its present WILLIAM Rj2ID, Foreman, Thomas Brndficld, Kilns Davidson, John l'axton, Jacob Miller, Thos. C. Moreland, (iilbort Forbes. Goodwin D. Floyd, James M’Onlly, Adam C. Frost, Wm .1. Sappington, Wm, S. Maddox, Wiiliitln Wagner, i James 91. Truitt, ■John Evans, Wiioy II. Sims, Wm. Hopson, Elijah Satterwhite, Wm. A. Hardy, Leonidas llnrris. Andrew J Tatum, John T. Newton, Lemuel L. Hardy. Ordered, that the foregoing presentments bo pnb lished, as requested by tlio Grand Jury. Granted. O. A HULL, J. S. C.C.C. CANDIDATES. We are authorized to announce the name of ISAAC II. PITMAN/*an n candidate for Tax Collector ot the ensuing election in January j^.V’ p We are authorized to announce the name nry. ol DANIEL JOHNSON as a candidate Tax Collector. Election first Monday in Jan B rowuwood Vnsdtiitc*- Gcorgi a. -Near LaG^ngf<\ FACULTY. II. Ci IIOOTEN, A. M., Prof, of Nat. Sclent*. I F. COX, A. M., Prof, of Mathematics. Y. T. SANFORD, A. B.. Prof of Language* Itcv. W. M. CUNNINGHAM, A. M., Prol. of Greek anil Mcntui Science. The faculty of this Institution Is composed out of toachors of thorongh scholarshp and experi ence. The JViends of the Institution will Iwt np^'d to learn that Mr. Cunningham is expected to ffiphd'n portion of the day In tho school-room. The Spring Term commences the last Monany\in January, and closes the last Thursday in June. Tno Fall Term commences tho lest Wednesday in Angiht and closes tho first Thursday in December. r Students ontering within two weeks from tho be ginning of the term, will bo required to pay tuition for the whole term. Those entering after that tini will be charged from the time of entrance till th • close of the term. No deduction for protracted *1 Bunco unless from providential causes, or at the (fia cre t Ion of tho grincipals. IIOOTEN & COX. janl tf Principals and Proprietors. | u^GrunKC High School. — 1857. This School will bo opened on the Second Monday, the 12th of January, 1857. A competent Assistant is procured. It is hoped that the old friends of the School will again favor us with tho charge of their sons. Tuition—Primary, per month, $3 Ob Arithmetic, Grammar per month, 4 00 Higher Eng. and Classics, per month. 5 00 French and other modern languages (ex tra,) per month, 2 00 Academical year 10 months. Tho leuflt charge made is for one month, janl it HENRY llQf) rIIroup County Sheriffs Sales* — JL be sold, 1 me aM* 5 ' i. —Will Br before tho Court II011-0 door, in tin’ town of La Grange, within the lawful hour, of sale, on tile first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to wit: A lot of Land, containing 75 acres, more oilass. number not known, in tlio G7.1d district, G. M. f of Troup county, ndjnining tile lands ot II. D. A. Tharp. J110, Guuhling and others. Levied on as the )>topo: - y of \V. G. B. C. Smith, in favor of W. C. Mitcham. Ivs. said Smith. Levy made ninl returned to a constable. W, H. JUNES, Sheriff. ' F or sale.—Will he sold before the Court Home door, in*LaGrangc, on the first Tuesday in January, the House anil Lot on which I now reside. The house is entirely new, containing live rooms.—- There is also 43 acres ot excellent land attached. 'Fends ensv, and will he made known on the day of sale, jinl It E. Y. SPEEIt, Ex'rx. A Chill.—.111 persons Indebted on the Books of Jones A Young will be sued without distinction if payment Is not made try tho first (lay of January next. [decldSt] N M. 11 /111 It IS, Attorney. P AINTING.—The subscriber having taken iris former shop for the purpose of carrying oil Mil. F.orron :—Please announce my name s a candidate for I lie office of Solicitor Gun- oral of the Coweta Circuit. lilcclion first Monday in January next. EDW. YOUNG HILL, Jn. Wc lire nsillinrlxcd to announce the name of THOMAS L. OOOPEIt, Esq., of Atlanta, as candidate for Solicitor General of the Cowotn Circuit. Election on first Monday in January, IH57. Wc arc HlUheri/ed to announce the name of N. J. IIAMMOND, of Atlanta, ascandldatc or Solicitor Gencrnl of the Coweta Circuit. Election on first .Monday in January, 1857. [oovG tdc] Wc are authorized to announce the name of LEWIS III.NES as candidate for Receiver of I'ax It darns Election 1st Monday irr January, 1857 lAdtxrlisemenl.] Good Authority.—Tiro Cincinnati liven ing Nanpariul says of tire Perry Davis’ Pain Killer :—It removes pain as if by magic from any part of the body, and no ono who knows its virtue would willingly be without it. December 18, 2t. Grand Jury Presentments. Wc, the Grand Jurors, chosen and sworn for the third week of the November Term, 185fi, of tho Su perior Court of Troup county, Ga.,osk leave to make tho following presentments: We have had before us, and carefully examined the general presentments of the two preceding weeks ot the Gland Juries, and heartily concur with rhom in the following recommendations, to wit ; Wo recommend the Inferior Court to re-cover the Bridge across Yollowjacket creek, on the State road, near John Shank’s. Wo also recommend the rebuild ing of the bridge across Flat-Shoal creek, on tlio county line road, near Thomas Hardy’s. Wc also think it very important to have tho road leading from La Grange to Heed’s ferry, on the Chattahoochee river, opened thirty feet wide, os it is now one ol tho most important market roads in the county. We unanimously recommend aud request tho patrol com missioners throughout tho county, and especially in the Ln Grange district, to lmvo the patrol laws strict ly executed, and ask the co-operation of the Inferior Court, in looking to tho proper officers, to haue this duty performed. Wc do not concur in opinion with the previous Ju- Tlcs in recommending the rebuilding of the bridge across Long Cane creek, on the Hamilton road : we think it would be a useless expense to tlio county, ns the ford is vory good nnd very seldom past fording, and when the water is too high to ford the creek, the bridge cannot bo reached on account of water. We find, from examining Ihe presentments of the two past weeks’Juries, that only a partial examina tion of tho hooks of the different officers of Courts have bccu mode, they leaving and asking that exami nation to be continued and completed by this weeks' Jury. We beg leave to state that in our opinion this sort of an examination will not amount to unytbing. Tho short time allotcd to a committee appointed for this purpose, from tho body of a Grand Jury, will not admit of more than time enough to give a passing look at tho mechanical part of tho work, witeout be ing able to tell anything as to the correctness or ua- ■corrcdtncHS of tho hooks; hence wo unanimously re commend to the Inferior Court the appointment if three fit nnd proper persons, wIiobc duty it shall ho to make a full, complete and thorough examination of all the books kept by tho Clerk of the Superior Court, Clerk of tho Interior Oourt, Ordinary, Sheriff, Poor School Commissioner, Fines, Forfeitures. Ac.; aud that said Committee ho instructed to commence said ex animation from such dato as they in their judgment may think necessary; and that said Committee keep a full nnd correct account of their acts in a book to he kept for that puipoae ; and that said Committee be paid from the county treasury the sum of four dollars each per day for such servloes; and should Bald Com- ' neglect or refuse to discharge said duty fully l *~>tially, on 1} before the first day of the next i Court, then they shall not be entitled to SPECIAL NOTICES. Dancing Soiree. A PARTY will he given at my done, king saloon on WEDNESDAY EVEN’g/ a general Painting business, would most respectfully request the inhabitants of this city, nnd all others wi-hing House. Sign and Ornamental Painting, Gla zing, Paper Hanging, Graining, Marbling, Ac., done in a workman like manner, to give him acall. Feed ing confident, from his past experience ns Painter, &c., that ho will bo able to suit, in every respect, all those who lavor him with their patronage. Orders from the country promptly attended to Satisfaction warranted ; nnd satisfactory references given If tff quired. Shop up-stairs in the brick building opposite the Sims House, and above the La Grange Hotel, dec 18 tf JOHN M. WINTElUCH. eM Will'd, IIo !—'The^subsoriber desiring NEXT, 7th -ffoatnnt Tho roam using SO smair, there will he no ndmiltonco for gentlemen except pa rents of scholars and patrons of tho seiiool. R. J. POWELL, janl U Maitre dc Danse. Davis’ Dai in Killer. was attacked witli dysentery, and it soon be came very distressing; I used this medicine accord- ing to the directions, and was cured in three days,' My wifo was also nttneked with pntn in the stomach, in consequence of eating too soon after a fit of sick- ness; she was relieved in a few minutes alter taking this medicine. To use her own words, she said she fell the pain remove alter she had taken it as quick you could see a lump of sugar dissolve in Cold water. My son wos burnt so badlv the skin was off; I applied the medicine immodiutcly, nnd it look the fire out nnd heeled the wound in less time than I ever sutv one healed before. One of my children fell over a chair and bruised its head very bad, but tire bruise was soon dispersed by bathing in this medicine. 1 will mention one ease more of its wondergni effect in curing a wound inflicted by my 1 falling out of doors and culling himself badly; ihe pain was soon relieved, nnd the wound healed by this medicine. In fact it is the best family medicine t ever used for Ihe euro of colds' coughs, ond a number of other complaints incident, to tho human family, PERRY M. PECKHAM, Full River. Sold by all Dculcrs in Medicine. dec!8 2t Wlstar’s Balaam of Wild Clicrry. From the Boston Journal. This medicine, coming from n respectable source, and carefully prepared hv an experienced and skill ful physician, is received by the public with confi dence- Its efficacy hnsbeen proved in many obdurate cases of disease, and its fame has rapidly extended. It has been extensively used in every part of the country, particularly in the Middle nnd Norlhcn Slutcs, and strong testimony, from high respectable und inlcligcnt persons, has been adduced in favor of its mmils us n remedy for Colds nnd Coughs, affections of the Chest, diseased Liver- No other Cough remedy has ever attained so high a reputation. None genuine unless signed I. BUTTE on tho wrapper. SETH W. FOWLE, & CO., 138 Washington Street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. dcclfl It NEW ADVEIiTISEMENTS. M eriwether SlierilFs Sule^.-—Will be Hold on the first Tuesday in February next, to change his business, offers for sale his Plai tatlon near Long Cane Depot, in Troup county, coi tainiug eight hundrod and thirty-seven and a half (837 1-2) hcrcs. The place is as well improved ns any In Troup county, and offers as great inducements to purchasers There is a creek running through ttys, centre of the plantation, having over one hundred acres of as good bottom land ns any on the river. All persons wishing to purchase would do well to c soon, as I am determined to seVL If noji.dtojwwttl before, will he sold on the first Tuesday In Janffa next, at public outcry, in the city of La Grange. Terms made known on the day of sale. If 70a want a GOOD PAPER Subscribe for V THE NATION,” Tho raf)st popular Weekly in America, which has immediately upon its issue, sprang into an t IMMENSE CIRCULATION. tjla rapid success is UNPRECEDENTED in the HlaTOUY of JOURNALISM, nnd can only bo no- counted for by the fact that the Proprietors have em ployed, without regard to oxpense, the STAR WRITERS OF AMERICA. THE NATION is tho ONLY Paper which contains the witty uuMonoua and aidk-bplittino mvktchks of that Comical Genius, nnd UNRIVALLED HUMORIST, KNIGHT RUSS OCKSIDE, M. D, Of which series, one sketch is worth the whole years subscription. THE NATION IS EDITED BY S . M. BIGELOW, AND MRS E D. E N. SOUTIIWORT1I, Who is well known as one of the MOST POPULAR WRITERS IN AMERICA. In addition to the above we have ongnged as Con tributor, Claua Morton, Henry W. Hkiwert, Alice Cary, W \V. Fosdick, Mrs. A. F. Law, VV. P. Brannan, Mrs. E. F., • Ben. Caskday, Park Benjamin. C. A. Paoe. And Numerous Others. TO THE FAIR SEX. Wc particularly commend our sheet. Their depart ment will he Edited with the utmost care, nnd no cx- nsc or labor snared to render tlio columns devoted their especial benefit, unusually Brilliant, Attractive, Instructive nnd Ornamental. THE FARMERS’ AND PLANTERS’ CORNER Will contain Practical Suggestions and Agricultural Hints, contt United and culled from sources the most reliable, and containing information which will prove to them in the course of a single year, of almost in calculable benefit. Tho other departments of our paper will receive the attention they respectively demand, each being especially aud carefully prepared to meet the varied tastes ol the several classes of its readers'. Among these we may mention Original Stories and Poemp. Editorial llnmldings nnd SkeichingH, Spicy City News, Washington Gos sip, New Yoik Chit Chat, the Latest Paris Fashions, Practical Receipts for the Household und Toilet. “The Little One’s’’ Department. Gems from Prose and Poetry, Reader’s Guide. Translations, Historical .Sketches «fcc., &c. The NATION is issued in Quarto Form, (eight pages.) and each number will contain nt least two Original Engravings, thus furnishing our subscribers at the end of the year with a volume containing 410 large size, beautifully printed pages of Unsurpassed Vovc'.lctlrs, Sketches, &c*. together WITH OVER 100 ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS. The Nation is sent at the following remarkably low Subscription and CLunuiNO Terms : invariably in advance. Sinolk Copies, 2 00 per annum. Two “ (to one address) 3 50 “ Three “ 5 00 “ Six “ 0 00 “ Ten “ 15 00 “ And one copy free to the getter up of the Club of Ten. ^■gr* All those sending us subscriptions from the British Provinces, must enclose in addition to the sub scription price, 25 cents lor each subscriber, are compelled to prepay the United States postage. All letters containing money should be registered and directed plainly, nnd they will come at our risk [J otherwise we arc not responsible lor tbem (CP Hpecimon copies will lie sent tree to Post Mas tors, Agents, and all who wisli to get up a club ;—tc all others, on receipt of four cents in stamps. The .ospvnsc of registering is only 5 cents. v Address CROFUT Sc BIG FLOW, 83 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Among the hundreds of complimentary notices, wo GROCERIES AND WESTERN PRODUCE. “Cash Sales and Small Profits.” . T HF. undersigned having bought out the entire stock o! LROiKItll.S of Wm.S. Johnson, takes Wiut md.thotf of informing the citizens of Troup and the adjoining counties, that he has on hand, aud will bfreddiVlngt pally, the largest assortment of GROCERIES ever offered in this market, Consisting of Cotree, Sugar. Rice, Molasses, Bacon, Iron. Liquors of all kinds, Bagging, Hope tP Twine, Hardware of every description, Salt, 'Tobacco, tine Hnvaua Cigars, and every other article usually kept in his line. Being conscious of the abundnnt pood things he has in store, he hopes to snre his friends with something* more palatable than his services for the past two years have been. He also takes occasion to inform the public that no has secured the services ot Mr. CHARLES P. WITHERSPOON, who will be pleased to wait upon his old friends, and especially his Mer wether acquaintances. Last, though not least, our motto is * Cash Sules and Small Frofits.” La Grange, Ga . March 27,1856. It. F. IRADDOX. P. S.—Our friends will find us at the old stand ol Wm. S. Johnson, known as “Ragland’s Corner,” South- cast corner of the Public Square. [3m] —* lotteries. Iloyn l Slav ana MsOltery LOTTERIES. T IIE next Ordinary Drawing of the ROYAL IT A AN \ LOTTERY, conducted by the Spanish SOUTHERN LOTTE IIY, ON TIIE HAVANA PLAN. Government under the supervision of the Captain General of Cuba, will take place at Havana on SATURDAY, JANUARY 3d, 1857. $i afi o 8® 5 Sorlco Numero 574 Orilinario. Capital Prize 9100,000! SO IIEME: Prize of do. do. do. I-onir Dane Ga. duel I id* JA MES S. WALKJJR. jm ^ve received from newspaper? in every section of the Wmwe quote the follov N otice*--All persons indebted to Thos. C. Mil ler, or to the firm of MUler & Young, cither by account or note aac requested to make pay moot between this and Christmas. I will most positively, and without discrimination, place nil my claims in tty hands of an Attorney at Law, for suit. My condition requires punctual payments, and I am determined to wind up my business. You will therefore save costs and tee 1 ing by responding cheerfully to the notioc. T. C. MILL1.1L -j* j nn j am ] interesting contents, and froj dccll It [ition.—All persons aro forewarned _ ’tiding for a certain note made payable to John Young.,91* bearer, for $tni)0, signed J* Rlchefe berger & Co., dated sometime in the summer of 1854. and duo 25th December or 1st January following, with credits on it amounting to about $750. Said note sued on in tho Inferior Court of 'Troup county, ... ^ v, , ‘p i / ’ case we are bound to give way to merit. Uu ike ma- paid, we do not intena to pay itagaim . t paid decll 3t' ERGER, F or ftsilc.—A Klurgniit f wishing to confine himself strictly to tho Jew- The subscriber tly to the Jev his entire stock of Musi elry business, offers for sale his entire stock of Must^ and Musical Merchandise. The stock contains a, line lot of native and foreign sheet-music, by the most, popular composers, carelully selected, together with Pianos, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, all kinds of Brass Instruments, and in short, everything usually kept 11 a Music Store. Being convenient to the large mush schools, and having a considerable country trade, th< stand is a good one for any person wishing to embftil in the hnsiness. N. GOODMAii, Ln(lrange, Dccombcr, 1850. dcc4 lm kT Society Under the First Empire, nblic The Republican Court of Washington : By R. W. Griswold. The Gem of the Season. Leaflets of Memory -with beautiful illustrations. Book of Beauty. Reliqucs ot Ancient English Poetry: By Thomas Percy. Tho Floral Keepsake. Poetry of the Woods. Poetry of the Fields. Poetry of tho Year. Sabbath Bells chimed by the Poets. Also, numerous other handsome-bound Books just! reclved at the BOOKSTORE. B rass CornUli mid Bordering new and beautiful patterns : also. Bands, Pins. To be had at the BOOKSTO 1 (owing extract from *• Tho •. we quote the N. Y. Sun, “Tho Nation appears in clear large typo on snow’ white paper, and is richly adorned with illustrations,” —N. Y. Sun. f *It will attain to a high position in tho literary World.”—Philadelphia Daily News. “It is One of the best weeklies now published, nnd we tftko pleasure in bringing it to the notice of the reading public.”—Harrisburg, Pa., Herald. The talent and energy ot the proprietors. Its orlg>* 1 and interesting contents, and the beauty of the typography, cannot tail to secure tor it u general cir culation.”— Williamshurg, Pa., Independent Press “x4s a literary and family journal, wc have no hesi tation In pronouncing it the best amor ges. We advise the Ladies to procure it without de- loy.”—Fulton, Pa. Repaid lean. “Wc dislike pulling city emanations, but in this case wc arc bound to give way to merit. Unlike ma* $100,000 I 50,000 20,000 I 10.000 5,000 j j?2.000 1.000 400 141) do. 200 20 Approximation 7,200 APPROXIMATIONS. The two preceeding and the two following numbers to those winning the following prizes arc entitled to, viz: To the $100,000, $600 I 'To the $20,000, $100 4 50,000, 400 I “ 10,000, 200 To the $5,000 - - $200 TIGS' All the Prizes above stated are drawn at ev ery drawing. Whole tickets, $20; Halves, $10; Quarters, $5. The Prizes are payable without discount on pre sentation of the ticket at the Royal Treasury, in Ha vana, as soon ns the result becomes known, and are paid in Spanish Doubloons. The subscriber will cash all prizes at 5 per cent, discount, charging this for the risk, &c, attending collection. The Official Drawing will be published in th Charleston Courier a copy ol which will he sent to each purchaser. All Orders sent to the undersigned strictly confidential, and will be attended to with dispatch. Address, JOHN E. NELSON. apr 3, ly Box 130, Charleston. S, C Swan So Co.’s Lotteries. Plil7.ES GUARANTIED! $102,000! I—ONI.Y I5,o00 NUMBERS! ! Prizes payable tcithout Deduction ! Capital $ 15,000 ! JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! ( By Authority of the State of Georgia.) ClilM U* To he drawn January 15th, 1857, at Concert IIolI f Macon. Ga.. under the sworn superintendence of Col Geo. M. Logan and W C. Anderson, Esq. Remember, this Lottery bus only Fifteen Thousand Numbers—less than any Lottery iu the world! therefore it is the beat for investment. Ex amine the Scheme! SCHEME. 1500 Prizes of 20 Aproxlmations of 50 $1001) are 500 aro 100 are 40 are 100 are 50 are 20 are $15,000 5.000 2,001) 4,000 2.500 8,000 60,000 2,000 2.500 1,000 SOUTHERN NIL1TARYACADKMY LOTTERY. Glass ITI. To be drawn in the City of Mobile, Alabama, in public, on SATURDAY, January 10, 1856, on the Plan of SING I E NUMBERS 1 Jxo. IIuutel, and VV. W. McGuire, Ksqs., Comm’rs, $1,000 200 100 30,000 TICKETS ONLY—3,280 PR ZES! MORE THAN ONE ritlZK to every ten tickets NOVEL SCHEME! 1 Prize of * $40,000 I I Prizes of 1 “ ” 12.000 I 10 “ 1 “ 5,000 I 100 “ 1 “ 2,000 100 “ 1 “ 1,000 | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of $150 approxim’g to $40,000 aro 4 “ 125 “ 12,000 aro j,000 are 1712 Prizes amounting to $102,00t> Tickets $10 00—Halves $5 00—Quarters $2 50. The 1,500 Prizes of $40 are determined by the num~ her which draws the $15,000 Prize: if that number should be an odd number, then every odd number ticket in the scheme will be entitled to $40 ; if an even number, then every even number ticket will be entitled to $10, in addition to nny other Prize which may he drawn. All those tickets ending with 0, 2. 4. 6, H, are even —all those ending with 1, 3. 5, 7, 9, are odd. Persons sending money by mail need not fear Itn being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Com munications confidential. Bunk Notes of sound Banks taken at par, UTF Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, oct. 26. Macon, Ga. pZt" J A S. S. HERRING, Agent, La Grange. Gn- ITI Alt V lx AN ■> LOTTLUILS! FOR JANUARY, 1857. II. FRANCE & CO., Managers. Drawings scouducted undej the superintendence of the State Lottery Conunissboners. PRIZES PAID AS SOON AS DRAWN. $G00 5110 100 75 8 60 40 3000 400 2,000 aro 300 1,000 are 400 200 aro 1800 120,000 $204,000 3,280 prizes, amounting to Whole Tickets, $10 ; Halves, $5; Quarters, $2.50. The first 307 -prizes are decided in tho usual man- an overdose of flimsy, wishey-woshey stuff from the hands of crack-brained authors..”—Erie City Dis patch. “ It has tho most beautiful engraved bead wc over saw, and its contents are deeply entertaining, truly delicious dnd soul-absorbing.”—Williamsburg, Vo Ga zette. “There Is room for just such a paper, nnd it has Bo- cured two ns true heads and hearts to control its col umns as tho literary and social world holds.”— Wells- borough. Pa. Agitator. 1 “It will soon become a lending paper nt the flre- Bbje.”—lloonville, Mo. Observtr. b* “We seldom endorse northern papers, but In this Instance we are forced to overcome our prejudice, and \oommcnd the •*Nation” to our readers.”—Troy. Ala. Bulletin. [deoil 4t] N ew Booth t If civ Goodm I — Valentine Zimmer respectfully informs his friends and __ w _ speett the public generally, that ho Is now receiving, oppo site the Sims House, from the Northern markets daily, a fresh supply of every thing Iu his line, which he offers at unusually low prices Among them may be found the following—cither at wholesale or retail: Oranges, Citron, Lemons, \Toticet-I will sell to the highest bidder, in the jA| city of La Grange, on the first Tuesday in January next, a negro girl, five years old, well grown, and.vcry likely. Sold for the purpose of raising money. Terms twelve month’s credit, with approved Tty. (deo4 4t) L. PITTS. security. TV] otice.—Having got iny books of accounts burned In tho late fire, all persons owing inn before tlio Court House door ill the town of Green ville, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: The west half of Lot No. 252, in the 8th district of originally Troup now Meriwether county : levied on as the property of Daniel Halfacre, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Meriwether Superior Court, in favor of Myron Ellis, and transferred to E. C. Maffctt, vs. the said Daniel Halfacre, maker, and Wm. Hamilton endorser, and Walton Ector, tecurlty, - - — — *Lr~ r will plcaso call and let us have a reckoning and a set tlement, ns I shall need every cent due me in conse quence of my late misfortune. 1 oct.'K) tf MARY WITH AM. Fig 8 } Raisins, Almonds, Piokles, assorted, Prunes, ‘ickaroni, Inger, jperj _ uamon, jheese, (American,) do. Imported, Fresh Cranberries, Cakes, nil kinds. Sardines, Onions, Mackerel, American Cigars, Cuba Dec. 31,1856. JOHN S. BLALOCK, Sheriff. M For sale or rent.—I desire to sell or rent my house and lot, and any one wishing to purchase or rent cun do cither on very reason able terms for cash or approved credit. The house is large, comfortable and convenient, nnd plastered throughout It is situated near the Methodist church and the La Grange Female College, and is well suit ed for those who aro desirous of taV’ng boarders, or of sending their children to school. The lot contains three acres, enc/osed by new and substantial fencing, and is well arranged for comfort and coavenionee.—• There is on it a good water well and ono of the best dry wells in the county ; an excellent new stable, cow bouse, framed negro houses, and. in short, all the necessary outhouses convenient and iu good order. It contains also a variety of choice fruit, such as ap ples, pears, peaches, plums, figs, chcrrieo, raspberries and strawberries. (janl tf) Dr, 0. IIQLTr L aud for sale* — The subscriber offers for sale bis Plantation, lying in Lee county, con taining 1300 acres, 500 acres of which is cleared, 3(10 first and second quality hammock, and the balance in tho woods. There is a good new Gin House and Screw on the premises ; Overseer’s bouse and Negro cabins new. Said plantation lies 6 miles north of Starkvllle, within 2 1-2 miles of the Bailrond. Terms made favorable. Address, dcc4 tf B. H. CAMERON, La Grange, Ga. L ot flue Havana Cigai‘9-The best Iq[ market—just received bv U ovl3 tf CHRISTIAN ZIMMER. Fair War 11111 h\ 4 LL persons Indebted to G«o. 8. Eaton are hcre- /V by notified, that unless they pay up, or make satisfactory settlement with the undersigned, immedi ately, they will be sued. Verbum sat. (dec. *' .21,51 tf.) A. A. ROBERTS. I nil us Ifoack respectfully informs the public that he Is again prepared to do all klndojjf Clock and Watch repairing. Opposite the new Bap- tlst^Churcb, LaGrango Ga. [dec 18 tf.j B LA.NKS OF EVBItY DESCRIPTION FOB Sale at the REPORTER OFFICE; Irish Potatoes, Brazil Nuts, Pecan “ Filbert “ Walnuts, Peanuts. Candies, assorted, Sperm Candles, Adaman. do. Tallow do. Yeast Powders, Mustard, (Fr. and Eng. Ginger Preserves, English Sauces, Fresh Oysters, Pickled do. Spioed, do. Cod Fish, Mac ahoy Snuff, Best Tobacco, &c , See.: Also, a large lot of all kinds of Toys, Fire-Works, ~ L. and Fancy Goods. nov27 6m VAL. ZIMMER. H arilware* Iron, Carriage Materi als, &c.—NATHAN WEED, Macon, Ga.. of fers for sale, at lowest market rates in any city, a large and complete assortment of the following: Genuine Swedes Iron, English an dRefined Iron, Horse Shoe Iron, Plow and Cast Steel, ...German and Blister Steel, 'T*Nail8 and Spikes, Anvils and Vises. Bellows and Hammers, Screw Plates,'Longs, Scovil’s & Brades’ Hoes, Genuine Collins Axes, Mill Irons and Saws, Circular Saws, 48 a 50 in Corn Shellers and Mills, Gin Bands, nov27 lm Axles and Springs, Spokes, Hubs nnd Reins, halts and Whippletrees, Buggy Seats ami Bodies, Scut Sticks, Carved Running Goar, Patent and Collar Leather, Enam’d Leather and Cloth, Point and Sand Bands, Carriage aud Tire Bolts, Axle Clips, Whip nnd Shaft Sockets, Malleahlo Castings, Mechanic’s Tools, Boring Machines. P ictures—Pictures. ones, among which is Colo’s Voyage of Life, in -A few very choice four parts: also, gilt frames, with or without pictures: .0 bo had at the BOOKS! ORE. jryt*£|ea for 1857*—A fine assortment of the&o truly useful companions to bo found at BOOKSTORE. 3000 prises of $40 will lie determined by the last figure of the number that draws the $40,000 prize. For example, if the number drawing the $40,000 prize ends with No. 1, then all the tickets where the number ends in I will lie entitled to $40. If tho number ends with No. 2. then all tho tickets where the number ends in 2, will be entitled to $40, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the follow ing rates, which Is the risk : Ccrtiflcateof Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $60 “ “ 10 Half “ 30 “ 11 10 Quarter “ 15 Orders forTickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN Sz CO., Atlanta, Ga., Or S. SWAN, Montgomen/. Ala. Or S. SWAN, Box 200, Mobile, Ala. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY !! CLASS 22, To tic drnwn in tlio Oily of Atlnntn, Georgia. In pub lic, on S 1 UUDAY DEC. 2(1, 1H5(I, on the l’hin u! SINGLE NUMBERS. 30,000 TICKETS—3,280 PRIZES I More than one P'iie to ercry ten Ticket.! ORIGINAL SCHEME! I Prlr.o of t Frlr.e o< 1 1’rir.c of 1 Frir.o of 1 Fifto of $40,000 12,000 o,ooo 2,001) 1,0110 approximation prizes. 4 rrir.cB of $ I SO Approxim’g to $40,000 aro 1 Prloe of 10 Prlr.cB of 100 Prlacs ot 100 IqjfCB of #1,000 200 too 70 4 I’riaesof 125 4 Friaea of 100 •' 4 Frlees of 75 “ 8 Prizes of 50 “ 40 Frizes of 43 “ 3000 PrlzoB of 40 amounting to 12,000 are 5,000 are 2,000 arc 1,000 are 200 aro 000 500 400 300 400 1800 Prizes, amounting to $201,000 Tickets, $10 ; Halves. $5 ; Quarters, $2 50. Tile 3,000 prizes of $40 will be determined by the Inst llgure ol the number that draws the $40,000 Prize For example—if the number drawing tile $40,000 Fiize ends with No. 1 then all tlio Tickets where (lie number ends in I, will lie entitled to $1(1. II the Number ends with No. 2, then oil the Tickets where tile Number ends in 2 will be entitled to ($40, and so on to 0, Cortillcatcs of Packages will lie sold at tho follow lug rates, which is the risk on them. Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $00 <• •• 10 Half “ 80 «« “ 10 Quarter *‘ 15 Address orders for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack ages of Tickets, either to ° U OWAK .7 Oratul Jflarylaint Lottery. Oil (lie Havnnii Plan. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY EXTRA CLASa^l To be drawn SATUR 20,000 Nun In these Lotteries eomc one, as all wheel. Iff?' T, H. IIj Mumigcrs to fill 78 Numbci 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prizo of . 2 prizo of 2 prizo of 2 prizo of 2 prizes of 189 prizes of APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 of $155 Approximating lo- 1 of 100 “ 1,000 Prizes, S133,G0<p Whole Tickets $10; Ha!ves5; Quarters $2.5(> Brilliant Scheme! GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MD, To be drawn SATURDAY, JAN 24th, 1857 In Baltimore, MaiylamL SCHEME. 1 Prize of $fi0 ooo 1 Prize of 29.980 2 Prises of 10.000 4 Prises of 5 000 8 Prise* of 2,500 100 Prizes of 1,000 339 Prises of 390 63 Prizes of 109 63 Prizes of 80 126 Prizes of 60 6,303 Prizes of 40 29,293 Prizes of 20 30 303 Prizes, amounting to $1,202 OOO Wholes $20; Halves 10; Quar. 5; Eighths 2.50 S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga., or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala.. juneT) PLAN OF SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES. jSB" All orders for tickets or packages in any of the Maryland Lotteries, will receive prompt attention, aud the drawing mailed to nil purchasers immediate ly alter it is over. Address T. II, HUBBARD & CO., No. 39 Fayettc-st., or Box No. 40. Baltimore, Maryland. oclD ’SC, ly. Barnes & Jours, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MER- ICHANTS, Augusta, Ga.. Would hereby ten der their services to the public—hoping by Btrlet 30,000 numbers corresponding with those on the perronul attention to business to merit a liberal share .1-0 nlne,>il In nn« Wheel. The (li st 880 nrizes 1 of patronage. All orders carelully filled at the loweat are placed in another Wheel. A number Is drawn from the number Wheel, nnd at the same time a prize is drawn from the other Wheel. The prize drawn is pluced against the numlior drawn. Tins operation is repeated until nil the prizes nre drawn out. (EF In-ordering tickets, enclose the money to our address for tlio tickets ordered—on receipt of which they will bo forwarded by firsl mail Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, nnd give their Post Office, County and State. ID* Remember that evory Prize is drawn, and pay able in full without deduction. (D* All Prizes of ($1,000 and under, paid immedi ately alter the drawing—other Prizes at tho usual timo of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will bo forwarded to purchasers Im mediately after tho drawing. Prizo Tiokets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at eithor offico. jnneS . X old Pons 1111(1 Cases. —A very large and 1 1 superior assortment, direct from the manufac turers. Tic Points are all warranted ; nnd and now nens will bo given when tho Points come off Just ro ccivcd at tho BOOKSTORE. market rates. Liberal cash advances made on con. slgnment in store. Orders strictly complied with, aud return sules promptly made. WM. F„ BARNES, Late of tho firm of Dyt A Karnes. JAMES A. JONES, Of Oglethorpe county. Augnstn, Oct. 2, 185(1. fim Bouse and Lot for sulu. rj’UIE subscriber having purchased .1. another lot more suitable to his ifift itTprovidedtne W rapping Paper.-—200.reams,^assorted sizes, ju: i, just received at the BOOKSTORE. means, offers fur sale bis House and! Lot whereon bo now lives. It can be! purchased cither tor cash or on n credit, provided I purchaser secures the payments beyond uny doubt.— Dio bouse contains eight looms seventeen feet square, with wardrobes, closets. Ac., and is built with good materials, part rock anil brick. It is finished ln ele gant style inside and cut, and presents two fronts to the streets running parallel on each side. It is sltuj ated in n desirable part of lm Grange, and very con venient, both to the Methodist Church and the Mont gomery Chapel, and the wholo surrounded on the front sides with good substantial rock walls. For further particulars call and see tha subscriber- GODFItED February 7,1850. ( 4