The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, June 02, 1859, Image 3

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■BEea THE REPORTER. LtOriiugc, Thursday) Juno 2, 1859. TIiq uadcraiKnod will address his fellow citi zen* on tbs political Issues of the day as follows : Tuesday, Juno 7th. I,a Grange. Wednesday, June 8th, West Point. Friduy, Juno 10th, Qrecnville. Opposition Invited on equal terms. ] ' J. S. SLAUGHTER. Petition! Meeting.—By a resolution passed at tho Opposition Meeting on Tuesday last, It will be seen that the friends of Opposition are requested to meet nt the Court-House in this place, on tho first Tuesday (sale day) In next month. May 26th, 1859. Rail.Road Meeting.—By a resolution which will be found in the proceedings of tho Kail-Road Con vention, held in La Grange on Saturday lost, it will Ire seen that a meeting of the Stockholders of the La Grange and Columbus Rail road, is to ho Treld at Hamilton, on Saturday, Junu 4th, for the election o Directors. May 26th, 1859. New Advertisements.—Attention is called to the new advertisements: of Mr. Richards in to-day’s paper. He always keeps an ex tensive assortment of goods in his line. See " Statement ” of tho La Grange Bank. Soctitern Female College.—By an adver tisement in our columns to-day, it will bo scon that the commencement exercises of this institution will be of a very interesting, character, if wo may be allowed to judge by the reputations of the gentlemen who are to make the addresses &o., during tho week. Dr. Williams, is one of the first proachers in the South. Rev. Mr. Clarke and W. B. Reese, Esq, are, we are informed, dim speakers. As Messrs Brooks & Cox have a very large mhd interesting school—having exerted their utmost ability in tutoring ■ their scholars— we have. no doubt but the approaching commencement will be fraught with interest to all who may attend. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mature Is thfi great Physicians-—'This is now admitted by the medical profession, as a fundamental principle of healing; science. It is wisely provided by the human economy, that whenever anything is wrong In the physical system, tin* natural forces of tho body nrc brought to bear to expel the disease.— The grout aim, thirufnro. is to strengthen the natural powers. This hns been kept in view by the skillful edmpounders of Dlt. .1. HOSTETTER’S BITTERS, which operate to give fresh vitality to all the or<. •of the body. The etlect of this medicine upon the stomach, the liver and the kidneys, are prompt a id decisive. The patient who is wise enough to quit drugging, and try the Biitkus. soon feels as if he had taken a now lease of life, and ns he continues t|io use of the article, he is overjoyed to (ind the streuns of health coursing through his frame. Let n))/Vom •whose clieeck the bloom ha* departed, give l)r. J. llontetter’B Celebrated Hitlers a trial. Sold by druggists and dealers generally, every jvhere. jtiuo2-lm Lyon Vs Magnetic Powder & Pills*—For the /Destruction of oil hi oris of Darden Inserts, .'lots, tiled bugs, Hooches, Ticks* Moths, Rats k Mice, ^c. . .Whatgreater trouble, in an hour of ease. Than jawing rates, bed-bugs and Hens. r^Gardon&CNU <*e preserv'd and houses rid of these pests, ‘it was discovered hy'Jfr.' IS! Lyon, a Fivuch Ubeiriist, in Asia, usd has boon patroniz' d by all 'Etu^eru govei naiefrts and Colleges. Reference tan be made wherever the teriicle lias been tried. It is fret from poison, and harmless to mankind and do mestic animals. Manv worthless imitations are ad vertised. Ho sure it beat’s ike name of E. Lyon.— Itemember— ’Tit* Lyon’s Pew-fier (kills jmioeteiu a trice. While Lyon's Pills am mixed lor rata a ml m’cc. Sample Flasks, 23 cts.; regular sizes, fill cm. A\ $1. R A It Nfe,& PA LHC, New Vi n k. Sold by T. S. BRADFIELD. May U> lm. NEW BUSINESS. Statement of the Condition of the LAGRANGE BANK, Saturday Evening, May lith, 1859. RESOURCES. BIIIb of Exchange and Note Discount, 8168.202 Office Furniture, 626 98 Exohnnge iu Northern and Southern Cities,. 39,170 34 Specie *10,989 40 Notes of other Banks,. ,. .i . .1,848 00 i Cash Vouohors,.i.,. ,Y. 272 72 13,110 18 . *211,109 44 LIABILITIES, Capital Stock *160.009 Circulation,. 40.061 Deposits 13.786 62 Profits 7,201 8? *211,109 44 DIRECTORS. dan-l McMillan, w. f. daNsby. A. M. RAGLAND, IV. H. TULLKR, J CALDWELL, J. R. VALENTINE, and one vacancy. LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. NO. SIUIIEH. NO. SHARES. I. II. Burch*. Co,.. 1878 O. MoMitlnn 10 I. 11. Burch 500 A. M. Ragland, 10 Allred Spink, 10 J. McLendon, 10 Thos. Burch, 600 W. F. Dnnsby, 10 J. G. Ewer 10 W. II. Toller,., 10 G. Ilodges 10 M. Caldwell 1 J. It. Valentino, 10 Geo.Burch 1 J. L. Aldrich, 10 Geo Davis I J. Caldwell 10 E. V. Humphrey, 1 J. E. Brown .1 J. C. Davidson, ,1 C. G. Hammond 1 J. M. Davidson, 1 A. T. Hull t C. L. <> in-field t H. M. Burch 1 N. Sawyer, 1 Tolal number of ehnrcs, 3000 June 2 -It. R. H. RICHARDS’ ADVERTISEMENTS. Hnsuy for Sale. A GOOD SECOND HAND BUGGY—with har ness—has been used but little, and can he had cheap. Enquire of R. II, RICHARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. BROWNWOOD INSTITUTE. (Near La Grange, Go.) The Session, for 1859, will bo opened. on Monday, 10th January. It will consist of two Terms—one of Bix months, the other of threat facuTtv. WILLIAM JOHNS, Principal and PRObitiETOR. Instructor In Political Economy, Moral And Mental Solenco. EJ)WAUB?Il. DICKSON, Instructor In Ancient Lauguagcsand the Physiaal Sciences. D. P. BL ACKSTONE, Instructor in Mathematics—rure arid Mixed. RODNEY DENNIS, Instructor in English Language and Literature. R. M. HEARD AND LADY, Hoarding Department. S A N F OltD’S JUIVEH invigorator. Compounded Entirely from Gums, TS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER ^JL MEDICINES now before the public. T These GfcSts remove all morbid or bAd mAttcr from the system, Rupply Wool Carding at Troup Factory. W E HAVE THE PLEASURE of informing our ffiends in Troup and surrounding counties that we nre receiving a new sett of card clothing, and will be prepared in ft few days to card wool as “ fine as split silk.” Persons having wool rendy, And who nre more convenient to La Grange, cuu deposit nt Cook, Leo nard & Kid's, where our waggon will receive it and return the rolls in a few dnys. Directions must be left whether wool is to bo tolled, or cash paid. No credit, certain. T. LESLIE, Agent. P. S.—Wool should be well washed in cold water'. Much of it received here is not half washed. mnyl9.-5t. G eorgia, tiioup county. ^Ordinary’s Office, May 2fith, 1839. Joseph H. Bnr"ks gives notice that. he will apply to me, on the first Monday in 4.uly next, for letters of Administration on the Estate ol Eliza B. Burks, deceased, Gate of this county.) All persons interest ed are notified to filo their objections with me. (if any.) at or by that time, or letters will be grd||ed. June 2nd.—It. SAMUEL CURTBIGH I\ (HUy. ~ MISCELLANEOUS. >ystc ... .... in their place a heal j&y How of bile, Invlgon Wig the stomach, causing 'rod to digest well, puri fying tho blood, giving tone and health to the whole machinery, remov ing tho cftuse or the disease—effecting a radi-| •rial cure. Bili.ioub attacks are IA dured, And, what is better.,w ^prevented by the occa-| y jflional use of the LiverjfJ fj Only one dose often Ul! repeated is a sure cure O' " !tii r " < The Social Harp. J UST received, a large supply of this Popular Hook. Also, the Christian Minstrel; A New System of Musical Notation : Hy J. B. Aikin, can be had of (Juno2.-1 f.) 1L II. RICHARDS. More New Books. T IIE METHODIST.PULPIT .SOUTH ; Tho Constitutions of the several Staten of the the Union, Ac.; D otionnry of the United States Congress. Contain ing biographical Sketches of its members from the foundation of the Government; The Harp o! A Thousand Strings; Love me Little. Love me Long; The Vagabond: by Aaron Hadenu ; Border War: By J. H. Jones, Author of “Wild Western Scenes;” The Romance of a Poor Young Man ; More A boil t Jesus. Just Uecoived nt the Hook and Music Store of (.June 2.-tf.) It. II. RICIIABDS. J. R. MARTIN &. SON’S ADVERTISEMENTS. Icc! Icc!! Ice!!! or sale by J. U. MARTIN k SON. HA DIES’ ICE-CREAM SALOON. T IL MARTIN * SON having opened an ICE- • CUE AN SALOON, would respectfully an nounce to the .Ladies and Gentlemen of the City of La Grange that they can be supplied with ICE CREAM and ICE DRINKS, nt all hours of the day through the Summer. J. U. MARTIN A: SON. nmyl2-tf. NEW BUSINESS. H OI FOR GOLD AND SILVIA!!-HOW TO mivko- it easy aud cheap. Seall a 3 cent stamp, aqd get full particulars bow to. obtain wealth — Addrees - S. UANKINSON, Chemist, No. 75 West 13 th St. June 2, 1859,-Iy. New York City. Commencement Exercises OF THE SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE, -LA GRANGE, GA. E XAMINATIONS—Friday, Monday and Tuesday. 21th, 27th and 28th ol Juno. COM.tlENCENTSERMON-by Rut. Wm. IWu.ums, U. D., Sabbath 26th Juno. JUNIOR EX 11 ITU?ION—Address by Itev. J- T. Clauer, of Atlanta, Wednesday 29lh. CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC-Wedncsday night. COMMENCEMENT DAY—Address to the Grndtt- ntingClasa, by W. B. Reesb, Eftj.,ul KmfctVllle, lumt, Thursday, 30tb June. LEVEE—nt Night. , ■ , sar-The public arc respectfully invited to attend, o 2.-4t. BROOKS & COX, ProprldtorK. Juno ! HEAXJTHI81 New Orleans Medical Notice. dr. leroy-s mixture FOR the PROMPT AND CERTAIN CURL OF ALL URETHRAL DISEASES, ANI) 1HQ8E AFFECTIONS SOLELT—10 THE 1 UB- ILIC. Seventeen years trial of this Mix ture la.nnsteiwlvo practioo in New Orleans bus ful ly tested its powers and removed thoso prejudices which physloiunsttndjthelpubllo generallyjliavu ngainet ah advertised medicine by its invariable succew in all Urethral Diseases, nuch ns Gonorrhoea, Citron o Gonorrhtea. Gleet. Spaemodio Strictures, Nrttralgla of tho Bladder and Urethra, Affection ol the Kidney s Incontinence of the Urine, Whites, &o. It would bo well in obstinate ousett of Gonorrltteo ■and Gleet to use in Cnnneetion with ‘ho Mixture nur CAMPHORATED BELLADONNA INJECTION. Price 60 oenta. To be hud nlfo of Agents. TAKE NOTICE.— As in all unonrnplicaied caacp .ONE BOTTLE ofDRLE JtOY’8 MIXTURE auttoes ,to effect a permanent cure, in from three to olght .days, assisted, if pcccsaary, by a vial '" tbo Bel adon- ,na<n^cction, tbe cost of getting promptly oored of a ,d!sagVe«able aod often dangerous malndy in tr'UinK. This article la not an empirical remedy, a oure all,” but J« compounded by a pbysioiau and preset ib- ,ed sotoiyifor’Urethral Affection. f This” Mixture" is oon.poundcd in an elegant form, Is not nauseous, like all other remedies ni this peou pilar nature, can not oe detected is purely vegetable and lor promptness ami certainly is uooqualod-one bottle curing recent cases in from toree to seven unys. These great advantages have rendered It very popu lar apd muth prized by Physicians and others. Persons afflicted ore strongly recommended to give It a trial, when its prompt effect will conviuoo them •of Us efficacy. fKicEpBRB0TTLE CAUTION.—Reoolleot tile genuine article is liquor Every French label hoe the written signature o Le Roy, M. D., Paris, on It, and every English lubel Jias the facsimile signature of DR. L. C. THOMSON, & CO... Solo Proprietors, Southern Msdioal Infirmary 142 caronllelet Street New Orloans. ... , _ Just Received a supply of Lo Roy’s Mixture. For (ale wholesale and retail by T. S. BRADFILLD, Druggist, Sole Agent lor La Grange, Geo. jnnej-ly. VERY body in Troup count, Jj fop the La Grange Reporter in Troup county ought to subscribe New Hooks Received May 3rd. T HE l’iliar nf Fire: by Itev, .1. 11. Ingriihatn, author of the Prince nf the House of David. ■Fifth Volume of Spurgeon's Sermons. Tbe Chess Uuild-Book : Teaching tho Rudiments of the Game, An. My Thirty Year's out of the Senate. Ily Jack ) Downing. Taylor's Holy Ui-mgamt Dying. Ai.ogan Horses. By I). C. Linsley. The Culprit Fay. By Joseph Rodman Drake. Osceola: The Seminole. By Captain Matrelleid. The Ludy of the Isle. By Mrs, L\ I). E. N. Suiitli- worllt Father and Daughter: A Portrait from Life. By F. Bremer. The Four Sisters. By F. Bremer. 11. it. niCllABDS. John llardy’s Presentments. G eorgia, tiioup conty. Tuol? Spemiion. Corur, May Term, 18">D^ We, whose Ttuthes appear before you. are ehosen, (after a long continued flight on our pait,) aud s.vorn a- talesman. No. 2 Pettit Juror'. Ivo, of thnt houoi'alile hotly, beg leave of it’s Honor, O. A Bn.i., to make these t in- presentments : We find a guild feeling iimuifusteil among the citiz ms ol La Grange, in erecting borso rack's for tho benefit of those from tint country, and tbe good order in which the wells appear. We npprovo of the Mill- tnry disposition of your City Council in ordering a cannon, for iu case of an insurrection the citizens will lie bcttei prepared lestippress it. We feel proud to know that wo will not be called upon to serve ns jurors for the balance nf the Term, end feel grati fied the case that consumed the time of three days we were not on, ns wo two not f..nd of a sedentary life; but our sympathies were with that Jury—not front the time, but from tho position "In which they slept—the patience exercised by them was remark able. We must confess they hud great confidence In tbe Bar. or his Honor, O. A. Bum.—if the Counsel mislead, his Honor woo'd charge then), (knowing they were all asleep,) so ns to understand the manner iu which they ought to make out their verdict. We recounhend the Inferior Court to have made a lot of benches, suitable for Grand Jurors to sleep on, without disturbing tbe Opurt anil spectators; or, a lot of small mattresses', twelve in number, so ar ranged as for each man to lay flat on his back and sleep. We find there is men loitering about tills place who seem to have no employment, which leads UK to think they are gamblers, and when toat is tho case, we think it prudent for tiio goad citizens to urrnign and have them tried, and if not guilty make them leave; If guilty of tbe ohargo have them to makeonth they never will do so ngnin, and have their oaths and names published in tho I.a Grunge Reporter, and request all papers to copy throughout the United States, that the people lit large may keep a close look out for them, ami by these means will get rid of such society. Wo do not appreciate the manner in which our Sheriff, Tuns. C. Mn.i.i:n and his Deputy, W. B. JoNtss, Imvc treated us this wcok: Men wlioerc summoned to appear as witnesses in cases requested our Deputy Sheritr to lake them as Jurors, as it would enable them to pay their ex penses, ns thoy had lo slay anyhow—instead or that, they were soeeking about seeking whom they might devour, and wo twelve wore the dovoured party. If they, Tuns. C. Mu.i.uit anil W. B. JoXKs, should be found guilty o( an not so low down and degrading ns the above, wo, and each of, us. hnvo agreed to report them to tho City Council ol La Grange, and have thorn moved out upon tho grounds of a nuisance. We recommend our fellow citizen Tip s. J. Tltoitx- ton, ns a person fully competent to select and pur- chsso an elephant, for tho City Council of La Grange, iu order that tho cannon mny be oonveyed to any point with dispatch. We recommend n line lo he drawn accross the Court House, running Enst and West, for tho distinction of tho Bar: I’romincnt lawyers to take their position right of tho Judge and the jncklegs to his left, and tho namos and positions of the lawyers to lie decided by tbe second week's Pettit Jurors. No. 2. and nftcr they decide there will bs a committee appointed to Inform the Bar of their position and report tho same—a refusal on tho part of tho Bar to accept, then necessary means wili ho taken to make'them accept. We think it prudent for Circuses to show nt hnlfprioc, providihg tho admittance Is twenty-live conts, if regulur priou. wo moomtnend the same. We recomettd the Pettit Jurors, No. 1, to write their presentment nnd direct the same to the Chnltahooclia Bridge Company. We recommend to tho Inferior Court the impropriety of neuron men wearing dresses, ns it looks very unnatural and un becoming. within the City of La Grange. We ap prove of his Honor’s disposition manift-slerl towards Gamblers : Twenty five dollars or stay in lull twenty days. Wo recommend the extension of the street running North nnd South, known and distinguished ns African Row, forty feet South of the public square, for the benefit of Qoiiuam, Poythiibsh and Hot mbs, who are doing business without tbe limilii or control of the City. We recommend the names of thoso who witnessed tho sight of Tost Thumb, be published In the la Grange Reporter. in order that they may be broken from suokiug eggs while In their youth. . ... In conclusion wo congratulate onr young men of tho Bar for their kludness during the progress of Court, W. C. WILSON, Foreman. E T. JOHNSON, J. M. BLACKBURN, JONATHAN TYSON, JOSEPH J-THRASH, WILEY B ROBERTS, T. L. HARRIS, W.H. KISTLER, J. M. BCItOGGIN, JACOB GRAY, 8. P. SHIVERS, ■ ■ ' JOHN G. gARDY Clerk. NE>V CONFECTIONERY, CANDY I\ IA N U F A CTO 11Y, Anti Fruit Store. T HE subscribers Imre opened a brnnclt of their business in Lit Grange, next door to McMillan & Burk’s corner, east side of the Square, where thoy will he most happy to reoeive a liberal share of pa tronage. J. It. MARTIN & SON. N. B.—Ail those wishing CANDIES hy the box, will please send iu their orders, which will he attend ed to with promptness and dispatch, novll ly J. R. M. & SON. Porter, Bottle ami Orul't Ale, JUST IIECE1YEI) and for sale by J. it. MARTIN * SON. Fine Cot Basins, TUST RECEIVED and for sale hy J 11. MARTIN * SON. Tobacco. F INE Cignr and Chewing TOBACCO, in store nnd for sal.: next dour south of McMillan & Bark's ir. novll J. It. MARTIN* SON. ■ire ol our Customs limyi'J-tf _ SIMMER. BitO. * CO. " SOMETHiHG NEW IN LA GRANGE. T liK'UNDKItSIliNFD woulil respootDilly inform the citizens <>f La Gnwigo, and surrounding country, that they have just received, und offer fur sale a pure, genuine article of German Hhino Wino. very body ought to purchase while they can get the PUR1D AND GENUINE article, as it is very seldom procured. To Physicians*—Physicians using IVlne In their practice, are invited to call at our store, and ascer tain for themselves as to the purity of this article. To (lie Ladles.—Ah a flavoring article out; Wine will he found far superior to any French or Spanish Wine, which is seldom obtained unadulterated. As this article is sent to us hy our parents we can wnrrant it to be the pure juice of the grape. $1,000 Reward i—^To ' nny person, Uhomist or Druggist, wo will pay $1,000 if they will produce any proof of adulteration iu our Wine, may 12-tf. ZlMM MU. BRO. & Co. for Cholkra MoRBi’s.and a preventive of Cuoi.eua. Only one bottle is need ed to throw out of the system the effects of If! medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and makes the food digest well. One dose, often repent ed, cures Curokic Diar- rhcea in its worst form, while Summer and Bowei. Com ai.aints yield almost to thu first dose. A few bottles will cure Dropsy' by exoiting the absorbents. take pleasure in re commending this medi cine ns a preventive for Fever and Ague,Chill Fever, nnd all Fevers of a Uillious type. . It op erates with certainty.and thousands are willing to testify, to its wonderful irtucs. Ail who use it arc giving their unanimous testi mony iu its favor. Mix wntor in the mouth with the Invigorator, and svt Allow both together. rRICK ONE DOLL VR PER -DOTTLE. Dr. SANDFOBI), Proprietor. No. 313, Brondwny, New York. Retailed hv nil Druggists. Sold, also, by T. 8. BRADFIKLI), i.a Grange. [may -19.-ly. ,Ihvigorator. ; One dose ...... ils sufficient to relieve the I, Jstomnch and prevent the ifood from rising and sour- firig. Only one dose taken jbefore retiring, prevents nightmare. | 'Ouly one dose taken at Slight, loosens the bowels • gently, and cures costive- jness. ; .One dose taken after jeoch meal.will cure Dys pepsia. jl^One d^se of two tea- 1 'spoonfuls will always re 1 Kcve Sfck Headache. Only one.du8(> iminedi- ntely relieves Col H « R > H •y tei H vi ^MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AT J. M. BEALL’S casM cash mmmm, Of Dry Goods and Groceries, /CONSISTING IN PART OF Calicoes; Ginghams ; White, Brown, Striped and Plaid Homespuns ; Panta- V_y loons; Linens; Cottonadcs; Oa&mncrs ; Table Cloths; Table Cutlery; Pocket Knives; Hardware; Spades ; Axes; Chain?; Vices ; Anvils; Hoes; Tubs; Pails; Bucket®; Brooms; Mats; * Shoos; llats ; Crockery ; Glass-Ware ; Sugar ; Tea ; Coffee ; Spice ; Tip per ; Ginger Soda ; Soap; Starch ; Candles ; Baskets; Pickles; Tobacco; Segars, and many other articles for Ladles and Gentlemen. CHEAP GOO OS AND GREAT BARGAINS CAN BE HAD. My object is to BUY LOW and SELL LOW, ami thus benefit yon anti myself. To Jo this, I MUST HAVE YOUR TRADE. By buying of me, yon thus get your Goods nt the very lowest prices, nnd save money ; nnd help me to make some. Ladies’ and Gentlemen, buying in ibis market, will find it to their interest to Examine our VERY LxYRGE STOCK beforo buying, as no charges are made for waiting on you, or for looking at our LOW PRICED (JOOI)S. , rsru-vrh Mr. V. L. Hopson, who is interested, will bo gratified in waiting on you, and selling you GOOD GOODS nt the VERY LOWEST PRICES, in New Room, at my old sland. North « ' “ ~ ‘ La Grange, March 31st.-tf. the Court House. J. i>I. IJEALlj. JOHN GORHAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Groceries, wifie«. that 1 hare Dow on rer offered to this market. GODFRED KENER, MANUFACTURER AND’DEALER IN riRMTURE, BLINDS & SASIIES. Stilt at his Oitl Stand. The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his old friends n’jd" -,, j£ey ^customers that he is still prepared to?25gj^ I all orders for Furniture, Blinds nnd Sashes, with dispatch, nil of which he warrants, llu also deals in Cheap Northern Furniture. Repairing done at short notice nnd on reasonable ternrs. Having secured the services of Mr. ALEXANDER ftUGKRZlNGKR, lie is prepared to accommodate all Lis customers in the way of UP.HOLSTICRING, such as laying Carpets, Oil Cloths, hanging Wall Paper nnd Window Curtains. Mr. E., it is well know n in La Grange, fully understands his business. Tho undersigned is sole Agent fur FISK’S CELE BRATED Metalio Rurial Cases, which lie keeps constantly on hand, nnd in order, nnd ready nt all times to he served to customers, lie keeps on hand all sizes nnd styles, inc'uding Ladies’ Cases with full glns.-ca on top. L am nlso prepared to make COFFINS of every description, from the most expensive nnd .beautiful to the cheapest aud most common. Jt&t" I will receive in exchange* for Furniture all kinds of country produce. jan27 tr ‘ GODFRED KENF.R. N EW FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT! . Joiner &, Pike Have opened a NEW FUBNITURE ESTABLISHMENT nt the first door Z, MMER, BRO. & CO.’S ADVERTISEMENTS. ®Vimn?i f "‘ cS,m * ,l0 ""’"' llorc led Ice!! Ice!!! ! All Articles in the Furnit tor. Li nr, CE-CBEAM amt Soda Water constantly nt the j Which they intend to sell on tho lowest possible I TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to the Citizens of Troup, nnd adjoining cn hand, and nre constantly receiving, the LARGEST STOCK OF GROCERIES t MY STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF Segnrs^ Coffee, Rice, Candles Meal, Flour* Liquors, Syrup nnd Molaises, Tobacco, Osnabiirgs, Nails, Hard-Ware and Wood-Ware; ALSO, a general assortment of Bugging and Hope* 1 beg leave to say to thu Planters, now is the time to pur chase these two articles as I nm offering • T ^\ r great inducements. ALSO, a fine lot of Bacon, holli of Clear Sides and Canvassed Hams, and will keep ccn^fnnt supply for tWc * toiling to purchase. % ' To my old friends nnd customer*, and those who may favor mo with a call. 1 pledge myself thAt mvrffnft on my part shall he wanting tu Suit them, both in qualify nnd price of Groceries. GIVE ME A CALL aud I will prove the tree hy its fruits. (April llih.-tl.) JONN GORIIAMi Cheese. 1‘inoapple and State CHEESE, j and for sale next door south of McMillan * corner. J. II. MARTIN & SON. Plain and Fancy Cntidiea, N store aud for sale next door south ot McMillan & . Bn kVoormnv il. H. MARTIN &-SON.. novll MAY CONVENTION! P ERSONS vistiting Augusta during the approach-. ing Kail Road Convention are invited to call ut the New Carpet Store of Jas. G. Bailie A* Brother, 203. Broad St., a fow doors above -ho Hail Road Bank, where they will find the luigest stock of Carpets ever offered in Augusta. JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. JAM Erf G. BAILIE, King St., Charleston, S. C. April 28.—fit. I Entirely New ! Entzrely.Ncwil WHAT IS IT? THAT WONDERFUL PURIFYING AGENT, DABBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUIDi j 1 itis is a Khn DifcSoVcVy. It is tho ivsiiU of - Learned Research. It is n triumph | x»f Scientific Skill! * I T is a Chemical "Union of materials, provide ! hy Nature herself, lor rendering pure theuir we breathe. Its action in in obedience to fixed laws. QUICk, SURE, POWERFUL l It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitchens; It removes all offensive odors*, It cures bnruB with instant'C'cVtninty It is the beat preparation over used for fresh wound*; It destroys all vegetable and animal poisons; It relieves in a few bccomIs the bites of Insects, It scatters boils when forming ; It soothes bolls when formed, and heals them raj- NOTION. “Freights as Chcni> as the Cheapest.” T HE EXCEL LINE having been thoroughly or- gnn'zed on the 29t'.i April, l\ Is. Wade, appoint ed President. T. 11. Johnson, Secretary, R. Johnson. Agent at Savannah and II. F._ Ruwll, Agent nt Augusta ; the Summer Excel will in future run in connection with New York, Philadelphia, and Balti more Steamships nt Savannah nnd Georgia Rail Rond \ at Augusta, leaving tsaVnmmh on Saturday Evening, and Augusta on Wednesday Morning. All Goods for j l’t cleanScs the teeth and purifies the breath. Northern and European markets and the Interior Tho worst symptou s of Typhoid and Scarlet Fever should be addressed to care of Agents, Excel Line, at | are mitigated by the use. ot this Fluid ; it has beau Suvannnh and Augusta. Forwarding of course free | known to check the spread of Typhoid Feverip l\itni- With men ho perfectly acquainted with the forward-! i'es and upon plantations, ing and shipping business, it. is needless to assure Leading physicians are lifting \\ in Uhfmerton f Cd- the public that promptness will characterise all oper- lumbiYi, Savabnith. Augusta, Atlanta, \fncbn, UoluVn- atious o! IhlB Company. bus. Montgomery.-Selma, Mobile nnd New OHeftns. It. JOHNSON, Ag’t Savannah. | The hospitals of New OrlranBlmd Mobile Art: bsibg mayl2-3m. H. F. RUSSEtjL. Ag’t Adgustrt. lit. ‘ I Hospital.**, corporations, ship masters, m^bjtfa^ur* | ets. planters, physieiaus, lurnished by the gailou at ! idly A RADICAL CURE FOR ITERNTA, or RUPTURE. LA CHANGE CONFECTIONERY CANDY MaIiIUFAGTORY. r FIIE. undersigned take tho liberty to announce to JL the people and their customers in goneral, that they continue to keep always on hand a large and well selected stock ol CoiifcctionericB and Provisions, And also a nice stock of STICK AND FANCY CANDIES Of their bibn Manufacture, Which they warrant 10 bo equal to any Candy made in the United States, which will bo sold wtioleH^c aud retail, on reasonable terms. Wedding And Party Cake Will bo put up In the mOst wrtfkman-likc munucr. Orders from the eountiy Will be promptly nt- tomleil to. Bee our advefti^dments 'elsewhere, and give ns a call. tiov25 ZIMMfelt, BRO. & CO. THOS. 8. BRADFIELO’S ADVERTISEMENTS %£ Cocoine.” J UST RECEIVED, a small lot of Cocoitie, 6 )>ow proparatl- n for tho Hair, made Irotn Cofcoa Nuts, by (miiy!2-tf.) T. S. BRAIlFiELD. IVo lia Ono Price For our goods ; and patrons sending orders for goods may rest assured that they Will he dealt with an though personally present. We shall keep on hand every description of COFFINS—from the fluent to Hie cheapest jSttr- Persons wishing OLD FURNlTt/Rti RE- PAIRED, can have it done on the shortest notice, ttml n the most satisfactory stylo. jan13 ly Hk P. IIOLLE, “DUTCH” BOOT & SHOEMAKER, L A G R A N a E , 0 A .. Is still at his old stand, witch) he is prepared to till all orders in his lino at the shortest uo- fcioo, on the following J • T E RMS: o cuikuit. carR V .ht Boots (pump or Ptlolled) $0 00... .$8 00 Tooting Boots 0 00.... fi 00‘ Doubled Soled 10 00.. 9. 00 He keeps constantly on hand SOLE LEATHER. BINDINGS, and all kinds of iiUter'al in liis iltle of j^iKimjss, Ibr sale. febl7 ly^ VALENTINE KLEIN, FRENCH Root tihd Shoe Malioi, Informs the citizens of La Grange nnd sur- #0*1 rounding toiintry. that ho has opened a Shop r IMSouth side of the iHtblid Square, over Dr. Lit tle's office. All orders promptly attended to. . dee2» ly DRESS-MABtiafa ! * , u ^AtnS. SUE DICKEN T> FM^hOTFULLT IntoFms her friends aud th'6 pub- JV lie gen^l'Ally, that sho Will lierea ter he found at Zhc MILLl.VBRY STORE OVER MR. WHITFIELD, Where she invites all who desire Dreggis Cuij Fitted A ltd Made, in Die most fo6h'ionnbl6 styled. Mrs. D. has now fo- Uoived her PATTERNS for the Spring Styled. Mhrtehl7-tf. I' Notice lo Contractors. A CONTRACT for the building of a BRIDGfe over Fidl Creek will he let out, on the IstTues- ifay In June next, t<J the lowest bidder, in front of tho Court-House, in tho City of La Grange. may!0.-21. . . J. B. MORGAN, Clerk. ‘‘Fldriincl.’ 5 I F YOU WANT a nice perfume buy a bottle of Florimel from T. S. BItADFIELD. mny^-tt. kalUntoii I S THE BEST KNOWN THING for removing tan or frookles from tho lace ami hands. For saU by may 12-tf. T. 8. HHADFIBLD. Low’d Brown Windsor Soap I S THE BEST soap for Toilet use. Call at T. S. BRADFIELD'S DRUG STORE and purchase a few cukes. tuny 12-If. Cod Liver Oil. I HAVE a good supply of SIMES & BURNETT’S COD LIVER OIL on band, may 12-tf.—tl T. S. BRADFIELD. Syringes. T HE BEST SYRINGE no* iq use is MOttSY„ & SMITH'S Extension Gum Elastic SytiUge. . For sale by (m»yl2-tf.) T. S. BRADFILD. Burning Fluid. J UST received two hundred gallons Burning FLUID, and forsalo by T. S. BRADFIELD. mayl2-tf. Trusses. T HE best Truss known to tbe medical profession ts Ritter’s Improved Trues. Call st T. S. BBAD- FJELP'S znd examine thorp. majy-TZtf. FOR SALE! HHDS. nr choice BACON ; @U 4(1 BuIch of Heavy BAGGING j it>0 Coils of ROPE; 400 Bucko Of SALT ; }5 II lids, of SUGAR! 60 Snfiks “Ko. I ” FLOtiR: 60 Bills. New Orleans SYRUt*; All just received and for snle on the best terms by ynayl2-tf. WITtlEUSPOON & CURTRtGHT. (COOPER A ROGERS, D'AREllOtlSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LA GRANGE, G A, T^HE undersigned having associated tlicmseives ttn- 1 dcr the firm-name of C06PER * ROGERS, will give their personal attention ta tho Storage of COT. tON aiid othef produce. d, N. COOPER, ' doc28 ly F. O. RCGEttS. Wanted, jrnn BUshELS of corn ; OUU 609 - “ Wheat; 600 » » Dried FrUit; ; 600 Dried tildes, For which Use highest markot prices will be paid, in Cash. COOPER * ItOGERS. C OTTAGE CHAIRS ; Fane; Thrashers; Lime, Plaster and Cement. For sale by COOPER * ROGKR8. B lanks of evjery description for Sole at tb, REPORTER OpEJCR. reduced rat. For sale by druggists and couhIVy ’nibfeltnntJ' gen- oYaHy; from whom orders are h'Fpe’etfallv solicited. TOE USE of THE moss DISPENSED} Try at 1>ust one bottle. Price'69 cents. Follow WITH. directions. T HE ATTENTION of those who nre tlic subjects nt'! ir.U' .Miiuutncturcil onlj ip the Laboratory of Hernia, (or ns it is commonly called Bupture,) j are invited to the fact that the diseaho is no longer i tJonSidored iucurahie. Those who nre the subjects of) tills annoying incoiU’LMiiencj are requested to call at; For : the officeV>! Dr. iL W. Ashford, Vvhero they will he relieved bV A Very simple bporatiun by TllOMAS R. ASI1 FORD. M, I). The operatibu wait lirfttestablishe'd by*!)^ WUDT0IOR, of Kuropc, and is hbw practiced extensively hy Dr. CHOITIN, of New Orleans, to whom I am indebted lor iriy knowledge of tho opera tion. R. ASIIFORD, from his attention to upwards of 20 cases in the Charily Hospital. Now Orleans, offers his services with every confidence, knowing that the operation will effect a permanent and radical cure, dispensing entirely with tbe use of the Truss, attended With, Very little pain and do danger td the patient. Nb.charge Uhless a cure. For Reference : Dr. S. CIU)P,rIN.. Frofessbr of Surgery In Hid New Orleans School of Medioifie, and Sargeoh to Charity Hospital. may 12-tf. THOS. It. ASIIF HID. BAUTHOkF’S SEWING MACHINES Ale tho only Machines which se\Y$ in a superior mnuner.Croth. Keftbys-, Silks, Iiinous, Mtislius, •to. Homs, Gathers,) Tucks and Stitches In cord of all sizes without Basting. U*es Flat, cotton or silk thrVnd. ___ Makes a back stitdh’bn both sides which is very elastic; will notrip nor caiu not btt rAvcled-. The Maohind is vdry Biilipio. Ruhs nt high speed, nnd in fact is the only Machine made that can be relied on for doing thecdaW*u3l hnu finest work on the Paulo Mathirte with equal facility. PRICB. from $53 (to to $1*10 00. Persons buying Machines can havo servauts instructed hbw to operate them, fFiie Of charge, hy selVding them to nly Office. A. LBYDKN,.(iep’l Ag’t, Atlanta, Ga. Surtd for Circtrlars and Samples, -tferu • Wnyl2-ly. 7 AI. ztLOEtl & fco~ EAfiERS IN HEAD)'.MADE CLOftliNG. ' GENTS FURNlSlil.VG. GOODS, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, Ac., Ab , have jus( received n large and well selected fttodlc of YOUTHS & BOY’S CLOTHING- Which they sell at very low prices. They tllVitO thebiliieiiH <if Lit Grange.and vicinity to call and exaffiihb theit (it)OuS Und judge for the • selves. v ' • If coats or pants yoU want to fit, Ail'd ori yorir person neat to sit’; Such wants we promise to supply, And suit both pocket amt tbe eye. Lome one, come nil, edme short arid lull, We kindly nbk attention : - : Here everything is at your call, That jo drir linb you mention, tiloths, Cnss’nriercs and Vestings, too, Bought low, nnd well selected, Of every style, and every brie', By fashion not neglected. Then, ori’ce ngViin, we bid you call, Your trouble we’ll, repay, By profit** small, uhd that’s hbt all; ** Well suited,” yon Will say. [mnyl9-tf. y in ui ?. DARBY, Auburn, A1 AY iu La Grange by , T. .S. BRADFIELD, Dn. J. M. NOKLL. West Point, bv JO.sUn bradf!eLP. N. I).—Persons wishing soils, ores. Water Ad., anal yzed call have it done on moderate ternth by tending W . . • • . ttov-l ly . . PROF. J. DARBY: ~ MOHE NEW MARBLE! LAGRANGE MARBLE WORKS, BY LOUIS HARTMAN. ile would respect fully inforiri the’ fclti- zens nnd former pa trons of LhGrangehhd snrroquding corintty, that bh bus. a wel) ua 1 sorted stock oY : ' MONlllWhE NTS, 'Curved 8; Pftiik; •T'O Gothic Headstones . axi> STATUARY^ Both American thid Italian Marti*.- Mr. H. will be pien|<d to fill oidefk. and on mort? rerisohnble’diTins tliuit any uthor estatiitshment South. Perstiris wishi iri^ such work will flrid it to their intent to call ahd examine his stodk before purchasing fdtowhch*. Wareroom South side Of tlm Public Square-. All orders nttepded to With promptness. •M. V. MuGUTuHiN, Traveling Agent. Mr. H. is ngerit for WOOD & RKROT'S IKON Railing. npvi9(i83T)ly . JOHN -Wi’/OOX,-, ' SOUTH'StDE pi’BL'IU SQUARE;' LuGraisKc, Ga. . MAWEAGTCABli AND DEALER iN B oots, sttOES,.sCLE leather, UALFskiws, Shoe Pegs, Linings, Rindfngs and Findingk.' Hoots arnl SlIOOH—all qualities and prices*, for,tbe Cash. j Mare’,/ 17th Orn. . • ' FINE COTTON CHW. . ; • ■MANUFACTURED BY GEOitCiE KIDi),,. r I • ickin i.VnRxxon.'SEaifmx. - -U- j n^UKSE Vri peri or Gins.-nre jtisfly oblebrrited i 1 ginning,fine lint arid lightness Of drarieht- WImi I the twenty five ye'nrs. ad$irtr- | tage of the best machinery, aud all tbo.modenHu*- j nroVcitfoiAs of the day at'hand. the proprietor flatters I millRell that he otiri, with a fair triav, Witfsfy.tJj’eIfntJst | faitTaious taste, ns Well qb ^ista(D the high oharactft of hik Gins. Thosj from a ’distance, call "be suppliHt on tho shortest notice'by giving hitt'fia brAur,- or euH- ing in povsori. Thrinkiril for the very liberal- patron- ago that has boon beniuwed ou him, uv begs u contin uance of the same. HEARD it DEkllV, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MEtlCliANTS, Augusta, Georgia^ T> KSRECTFULLY solicit cohsigntrientS of Colton, LV arid Prodube gHuernlly, and of goods to bo forwarded, pledging themselves to give their undi vided attention to tbe promotion of the interest of their patrons. Orders for Bagging, Rors, and family eqppliee, promptly attended to. Ail the facilities due from Factors to Patrons, shall bo granted with a literal baud. IS A, AC'J. HE AlUir Aug. 19, 1858. ly* WX RepoiHtig solicited of all do fobll ly lePcrlnUpn*. D. knoNyl; J58, Agent. 4 DltY goods at cost. T HE UNDERSIGNED will sell from no-j untiltho 1st June. Ills entire stock of NEW DRY GOODS, iT COST-FOR C1SU! . vr Call soon or you will lotio a bargain. THE WHOLE STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW. No Bonks will b* kept at the above rates. B. F. CURTRIGHT. May 6—tf. Piano for Solo. .OHT3 for Mis. Aj>p1v W. if JOfTfiB, COT*