The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, August 11, 1859, Image 3

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atod on the summit of the highest hill, not oiily in the village, but for many miles around. - There ao^nts to be o descent for several miles ia/eVery direction, and tlion hills and mountains rise in the distance on ■every hand,' giving the enclosed spaco of country the appearance of a vast amphithe atre. Au revoke Yours, truly, J - G. H. B. for tho Reporter. Akmohy or tuk Ii. Ij. Guards, ) July 30, 1859. ^ ) At a meeting held by the La Orange Light Guards, after their return from their late encampment at the White Sulphur Springs, the following resolutions wero unanimously adopted: Kesolvccf, That the thanks of the La Grange Light Guards, arc tendered to Messrs. Mabks and Sox, the worthy and gentlemanly pro prietors of tin; iWliito Sulphur Springs, for the many hospitalities tendered to the Guards during thoir late encampment, at that delightful watering place. Resolued, That tho thunks of the corps bo extended to Col. Wilkins, for tho polite and gentlomanly ; raannor in which ho received ' ‘ Abe Guards on their arrival Iphur Springs.' mfi iat the'.foregoing resolutions be published in the La Grange liepniier, and that copies of the same be sent to the ubov named gentlemen, J. S. ITfcmnxo, ■T. N. Ceuriiu, Jxo. Ii. Bamm. Opposition State Convention. Our paper has been a little delayed this -week in order that we miglit publish-tile name of the man nominated <tt yesterday as tlie standard-bearer of our party in .the Gubernatorial race. \\ MilM-.N AIKEN, E up, of lUms, was unanimously and by accl :- illation, nominated as tho Opposition cawl- dato for ’Governor. The Convention was composed ofllio ablest men in the State. Indeed we have, seen, no whefce, a more respectable assemblage 'of men together in any eapaeity. The greatest enthoshism and unanimity prevailed throughout the ehtii e proceedings. We have tho liglji sort of a candidate ; aiju it in now tlio dtity^ul the Oppositionists to buolvlO oiftheir .ara)i'«, a»"l £" Contest gallantly and fa^hlully an.I tho Vir* ifc >ry is ours All hail tl^ Fourth Congressiondt District, LIS'f OF APPOINTMENTS, Tbe undersigned will address thoir fellow* citizens of the Fourth Congressional District at the following times aud places, viz ; Greenville,. Thursday, August 11th. Carrollton,.v..... ..Tuesday, August 16fch. Villa Bica,. ... v. .Wednesday, August 18th. Powder Springs,, v ..Thursday, August 19th. Marriotta, *.. .Friday, August 20th. Liokskillet,...........Saturday, Aug. 20th. Franklin,. Tuesday, August 23rd. Bowdon, Wednesday, Aug. 24th. La Grange, ...Tuesday, August 80th. Liberty Hill, Wednesday, August 81st. West Point,..... .Thursday, September 1st, Campbellton,.. .Saturday, September 3rd. Atlanta,'... > * v.. .Tuesday, September T8th. Newnan K .........Tlutrsday, Sept., 15th. Decatur, ...Monday, September 16th. Stone Mountain,.. Tuesday, September 20th. - WM.F. WRIGHT, LUCIUS J. GARTRBLL. Atlanta & West Point Rail-Road. For tho Information of our readers and tho public generally, wo insert tho following Schedule of the Passeuger Trains: OUTWARD, OR DOWN TRAINS. Night. Leaven Atlanta 0.30 a.m. Arrive at E. Pt. 0*50 Kulrburu, 1.33. Palmetto, 2.00 Newnan, 2 44 Grantvilla, 3.20 Hogansvillo,3.56 t aGrango, 4.4(5 ong Cane, 5 24 West Point. 5 46 Day Leave Atlanta, 10.15 a.m. Arrive at E. Pt. 10.86 Fairbuvn, 11.18 Palmetto, 11.44 Nuwmvn, 12.28 Grantville, 1.1 lp.m. Hog’iuville, 1.57 LuGrango, 2 41 Long Cane, 3.16 West Point, 3.40 INWARD, OR UP TRAINS. Night c Leaves W. Point 3.55 a.m. Arrives L. Cane, 4 11 LhGrange, 4.46 Hognn8'vilio,5.32 Gruntvillo, 5.68 Newnan, 6 57 Palmetto, 7.88 Fairbiim, 7.6!) East Point, 8,37 Atlanta, 9,00 Day* Leaves W. Point 2.55 p.m. Arrives L. Cane, 3.11 # i*aGrange, 3,46 Tlogansville,429 Grautville, 8 55 Nownnn, 6.36 Palmetto, 6.22 Fairburn, '6.45 East Point, 7.26 Atlanta, 7.60 Mr. Hill '-*-W(r+itlro the fullowt|^^*a|PB^f It,•Minin, from the afficlnsK.ii of a lnhoruil e.ommeiit in tho Con^HinhiiigUixt, on the lute letter of Benj. II. Hill George M. Dudley, <• Xlic Savannah ltemimicnn publishes 'Mr. Hill's letter, and eoniftiemls it to the sittaii- tion of its readers as 1 a statesmanlike docu ment,’ ami declares that ‘l'or patriotic sen timents, lliqiiinpli investigation, logic, and eloquent expression, it is shrpnssed by mitli- imr that has appeared on Die public alburs Binee the be S ii,i,iiig of the slavery question! “Does our eotemporary consider the dis- union sontiineiits of Mr. Hill's letter stateu- nianlike,’ or ‘palriotie’y and does he up- prove those seiitimeiils ?” We do not regard the letter of Col. Hill as recommending “ disutiiou” as a. remedy for any grievaneo (hat the south is likely to have inflicted upon ltor, or in any contingen cy. Does our eotemporary hold that there tin, la; no other resistance, or iisurpalion and wrong, than a dissolution of the Union, When Mr. Hill recommends “ war—war, in ■every sense liy which the totm is defined, or ‘definable,” as the only resort against those who would violate.the law and overthrow <tho constitution of thoir country, dons lie mean that wo should first dissolve the Union and then fight those people for contempt ol a ciinstitution and law which no longer ex ist to bind them 1 Wo regard the entire Comment of our co temporary upon the letter of Mr. Hill as un just to that gentleman, and a labored and 'studious attempt to force an opponent into a wrong position. We shall discuss the po sitions of Mr. Ilill more fully at an early ■day. . m t TUe First Response. The Augusta C'omdilulionaUst, in noticing (without copying) the letter of Hon. B. 11. Hill, which we publish to-day, says : “Mr. Hill will probably go. after the Charleston Convention lias aoted( in quest of a Southern Confederacy ; for that Convention will not give him ‘principles and a nominee coming distinctly and boldly up to the re quisition of this letter.’ In other words, tho Democratic party, in its next national plat form, will not insist upon (lie passage by Congress of a slave code for tlio Territories.” Tito ConMu(ionnt.iil, having shown a decided leaning towards Judge Douglas, could hardly bo expected to aid in demand ing Congressional protection for slavery in tlio Territories,; and perhaps the Uemncratic party of tho South may, ns it predicts, con- scut to forego this constitutional rifCnt with' a. view of securing patrihmph in tlio Presidential election. Bill/if. they thus in gloriously desert, tho Eo.utii in an emergency calling for the union and fidelity of all her sons, tho hypocrisy of all their past profess ions will have been revealed by the act, and they will have lost their only opportunity to •procure a recognition of tlie just claims of .thoir own section.—Columbus iJiujuirer. Cheat Depth of the Ocean.—The following .account of the depth at which the ocean has been sounded, will give some idea oi the vast valleys that exist in. its bed. J he sounding was performed in tho Atlantic, and the depth at which bottom was reached was 7,106 fathoms, or 14,412 yards, being over eight miles. The time required for this immense length of line to run out was about mine hours and a half. NEW BUSIRES& La Grange Female College \ I TILL BEGIN ITS SIXTEENTH Annual Sossioh. W on Monday; tho 26th September, 1859, with tbe fallowing Faculty s Rev. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, A. M., PRESIDENT, Professor bf Moral Philosophy anil Belles Latters. JOHN W. AKERS, A. M., Prpfossor of Mathematics. HENRY T. HEARD, An M . Ms D., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. EDWARD R. DICKSON. A. ML, Professor of Latin ami Greek Languages. J. J. JUDGE, Pr6fcsfeor of English Literature, and Principal of the Preparatory Department. MRS HANNAH P. JUDGE, Instructress in English Literature and Evidences of CUHuiitmity. ; 'Gfei'TtGt', II. BRIGGS. A. M , Professor of Music aud Modern Languages. mrs. Mattie a iwiggs, Assistant in Music. MISS .' v. Assistant in Music. ' MISS Department of Drawing und ■Ph.inting. P. G. Steward. ' . , EXPENSES';—For Board, including Washfog kfid fuel, and for tuition in the College course, inoluu ing Ancient and Motlern Lauguagos. aud incidtal expenses.*&c., $187. Preparatory VothVu $30. l’ri- miiiy‘oohrsu $24. All of the ah6ve expenses refer to the usual Session of II4 months. F6r Catalogues apply, t-ft one of the Faculty. JOHN W. AKERS, nug’l l .-£fn. Societiiry of Faculty. Sl’f.l I \r. NOTICES. TPS' Wo aro authorized to announce the name of L. PITTS ns a candidate for Ordiuary ot Troup County at the election in January noxfc. Lyon’s Powder and his Pills. All the insect tribe will kBl.^ JudgeMkiijh, President of the American Institute, says,—“ The discovery of powder. Prof. Lyon U of national importance. Tho Fanners’ Club mvo, tested it thoroughly. Lftcnath, grasshoppers, nnts i bugs and all vermin can bo destroyed, gardens presort*' od, and houses made pnro. U isfrcnftoiA poison to trtankind, as we saio Mr. t.ybn cut it." There is no question as to the great ellioacy of this article. A fhw applications destroys every thing like garden worms, bed-bugs, (leas, ticks, roaches, Ac. It is an Asiatic plant discovered by Mr. E. LVox. Many imitaVrons will l»o ollorcd. Bo sure it bears his ad dress. Remember-— ’Tin LyCiPs Powder kills nil inserts in a trice, While Lyon’8 Pills aro mixod for rats and mice. Persons afflicted with the Fevor and Aguo should not spare cither time, trouble or expense, to procure Dr. IIOstetMF’g Celebrated Hitter^ whose beneficent effects upon tho human system has beou clearly prov*. cd to those who lmVe been strickou down in 5 short spaco of time by this drendful oOTSe, t hose checks are wun and pieagre, and whoso nights an? sloi.pless and ; restless, and whose eyes are dim and sunken, with death staring them in the face, this compound must' prove a blessing ; snatching them as it were from the very mouth of tlio grave. None can know its true value until they 'have tested it. When all Others i have failed, those Bitters have restored the smfiVrcrs to pristine health. Their popularity in all the Wes tern and Southern parts should introduce them to all families. Sold by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. aug4-l Misu;i.i.A\’mi s. Notice. A LL persons wishing Malay’s Patent Iron Screw. in the county of Troun, will send in thoir Orders immediately, so that l may have the Iron ready. Any information wanting in relation to the durability of said Screw apply to U. As T. Ridley or Soth Tatum, as both of (he above have'one in use. Address me n't Mounlville. (aujr4.) I. FINCHER. La iiriwtgc Female College. ( July (i. IS.Vft. ] W HEREAS n portion of tlie citi/.ensot La Grange, prompted by thoir generous dovotiun to ihe r*a Grange Female College, have presented it with a large anil lftie College Bell, and having, also, erected on the College building- a suitable Dome for the same. Be it therefore Itisu/ved, That we. the Board of Trustees of said Col lego, do hereby tender our grateful acKuowledge- meuls to tho said citizens for their very liberal duunliorrs to saW College ; and that v/ocheerfully and gratefully accept tlio same. Rest)tied, That the above preamble dud rosotutious be published in the city paper. W. J. SASNETT, augl l.-lfc. President of tlio Bodvd. MISl'FIJiANKOUS^ - READ THIS J KcvV Orleans illcillcnl Notice. DR. LB ROY’S MIXTURE FOR THE PROMPT AND CERTAIN CURE OF ALL URETHRAL DISEASES, AND THOSE AFFECTIONS SOLELY—TO T11E PUB LtC. Seventeen years trial of this Mix l^re jUnn oxtensive practice in New Orleans has ful ly b.^fTd its powers and removed those prejudices whyjyjhyslcinnHXnd the’pnMic generally liave itgainst iq?»u:ti«cd medicine by its invariable success in all Ureti^*al Diseases, such as GoitOrrha a.. Chronic GoniwVtirpa, Gleet. Spasmodic Strictures, Neuralgia of th^ Bladder and Uruthtft, Xtfuctinn bf the Kuluey’s Incomiiiencc of the Urine, Whites, &c. It would ho well in obstinate cases of Gonorrluee andjfffoet to use in connection,>vith the Mixture our CAMUjlORATlvD BELLADONNA INJECTION.— Priest) cents. To be had also of Agents. TAKT. NOTICE.—As in all uncomplicated cases ON EE. iTTLE of DR. LB RoV^S MIXTURE suflices d eft* • a permanent cure, in from three to eight Medical College of Georgia. T HE Twenty-Eighth Course of Lectures in this In stitution, will coiutneace oh MONDAY, tlio 7th NOVEMBER next, with an Introductory Lecture by Prof. JOSEPH JONES. Anatomy, II. F. CAMPBELL, M. I). Surgery, L. A. DUGAS, M. I). Institutes and Practice. L. 1). FORD. M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, II. V. M. MILLER. M. D. Materia Mddica. Therapeutics and Medic.dl Juris prudence, I. P. GARVIN. M. D. Chemistry, JOSEPH JONES, M. R. Obsterics, J. A. EVE. M D. , , „ Ad unct to the Pro tea-id r df Obslorics, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. 1). Demonstrator, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. D. Assistant Demonstrator. S. JB. SIMMONS. M. D. Prosecutor to the Prdfessor of Surgery, U. W. D 1 . FORD. M. D. Curater of Museum, T. P. CLEVELAND, M. D. Fees for entire course $105 Matriculation (to be taken once,).6 Practical Anatomy 10 Clinical Leotures no extra charge. For further particulars, apply to I. P. GARVIN, Dean. Augusta, August 11, 1850.—tf. FINK COTTON G INS. MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE IvtDD, NKAU I.AOHANOK. OKOltUIA. T HESE superior Gins are justly celebrated for fast ginning, fine lint and li^htrtoss of draught. With tho experience of twenty-five years, and the hdvan- tage of the best machinery, and all the modern im provements of the day at hand, tho proprietor flatters nims’ell ’that ho can. with a fair frial, satisfy the most fastidious taste, ns well as sustain the high character of his Gins. Those from a distance can be supplied on the shortest notice by giving him an order, or call ing in person. Thankful for tho very liberal patron age that has been bestowed on him, he begs a contin uance of the same. Repairing solicited of all descriptions. fobll ly I). D. KNOWLES. Agent. ATLANTA^1ACIiTnT: IVORKS. V T this establishment may be found the Vn'ost. ex tensive ami varied assortment of Patterns fi r .Merchant and Custom Mills in the Stale, embracing tho latest improvements for Mill Gearirtg found anv- wnero Tho experience 6*1'tho Superintendent (J. i.. Dunning) 1ms been equal t o any one of Ids agem mill building, and from t'uis fact can advise tit'Cse who want advice. To lumbermen I would say. if you want a saw-mill at all, get a circular mill. There is no mmliako about thoir advantage— not any. We make them on short notice, and so do others ; but we mean to have those of Our build good enough, it not the host yet made, O’ Terms cash ; or, in other words, /»«»/ a a d hr paid. JAMES L DUNNING. .Superintendent . tlunta Machine WVivks. ! ncfJ'.t ly i S A \ r O H i) 1 s L I V K St l N V I (i O It A T O It \ Compounded Entirely from Liims* 1 8 ONMOF THE BIwJ'L.lAUdLJA'l'l\’E AND LIVER MEUILINES now buftwre the pubMo. Those GY.\’is remove allj n ' ! wlidc morbid 6V t»ad niatter jvi# Only one dose often froth‘the system, supply LI} ri'p- ated is a sure ing in their place a heal- ".rCuoi* ' f '' , * r,, u 1 tli'y flow of bile. invigora- Q. ii prevai ting the^toiiiach,causing ^ Oul'yi food (6 digest well, pun-ed to t lying the Idhrtd. giving * • syslet tone and heal'th id tlu* medicin whole machinery.‘i’cniov >ickncss ing the cause of Mm One bottle takon lor disease—effecting a rude Hi\nt».’K removes all cal euro. “ sallow ncsx or iimmthi u! Biu.iors attacks arc A color from the skin, cured,and. what is better, v One dose taken a short prevented by the oee.a- ^ time before eating gives sionnl use of the Liverin vigor to the appetite and Invigorutor. j^|makes the food digest One dose after eating [^iw’cdI. is sufficient to relieve the , | Otto do«t», oflen repeat stomach and prevent the Kled. cures Cnitokto Diau- food from rising and sour-,r uhika in its worst form, ing. . while Si ; m m k it a n o Only one dose taken cj Bowki.Comai.aixtsyield before retiring, prevents' almost to the first dose, nightmare. H A few bottles will cure Only one dose taken at Ditoi'sv by exciting the night, loosens the bowels jabsorbents, gently; aud outescostive- n We take plonhVrre lb re ness. commending this niedi- Onc dose taken n ft or'H cine ns A preventive for each meal will care Dys-, iFkvkh Xni> Adck,CHit.i. pepsin K Fkvkii. and all Fevers ol One. dose of two tea- jr a Bli.uous tyi*k. It op spoonfuls will ahvays re- ^'orates with certainty .and lh vo Sick IIkadaciu;. W thousands are willing to Only onedi»8e iimnedi- *1 testily to its Wohdcri'ul atoly relieves 0 o l i c,IHI virt ues. All who uso it are giving their hnanimous testi mony in its favor. Mix \ValyV in the mouth with the Invig'orutor, and sw .tllow bh'tli together. I’ltltJK ONK POI.V.AH PF.U HOTT1.R. Dr. SANDFOIM), Proprietor. No. 346, Broadway, New York. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold. also, by T. S. BRAD FIELD, La Grange. [may-l!) -lv. days, assisted, if necessary, by a vial of the Belladon na 11-union, the cos 1 ! of getting promptly cured of a disacVetablo and oflen dangerous malady is trifling. This Article is not an empirical remedy., a “ cure all.”is compounded by a physician ntid ^rescrib- ed soi*ty Rir Urethral Affection. Tins ' Mixture” is cotf.pocnded in an elegant form, is not nuntoeou8, like all other h. icdiesof this pecu liar cun not be detected is purely vegetable, nod t v promptness and certainly ir. wne(|walcd—one Undo ing recent oases in fiom lliTeeto seven days. ’nfr • great advantages have rendered It very popu lar i » much prized by Physicians and others. IV . ii alllictod are strongly recommended to give „ it a t i wlu*j» its^trompt effect will convince them IVfoj , • ^ ' PRICE PER BOTTLE #3. CA CTli 'N’.-— Recollect the genuine article is liquid. Eviiy. I’V iid» label has the written signature of Lu H'C . M. IV, Paris, no it, and every English label ha<* the fac simile signature of Dlt.'L. Oi THOMSON. A CO.. Sole Proprietors. SoiaMior i Medical lufiDnary 112 carondolct Street New Orients. Just Ro cived a supply of Le Roy’s Mixture. For sale wholesale and retail by T. S. BRADF1ELD, Druggist, Sofc Agent lor La Grange. Get). ■ (Cninci’s Casket llnrial Case, fit npjL CASKET BURIAL CASE, represented l»y tho JL J[ahovc engraving, is beautifully finished in imi- tntrtgbf pub sited Rosewood, nnd is the most tasteful ftitd®ppVopriau‘ Ym tallic case n«\V umsI. 11. YiertnitM a vibw of tho entire body after it is enclosed, tho tup beit\ipA'.«)mpnscd of thick pD.te glass, protected liyclub- oraWy 1 ornamented caps, one of which may tn* seen lit yptitlace in the engraving. All sizes from 27 1-2 to i^*>nfches in length-, const an t-ly n'U hflYid. N^SlE PLATES furnished, neatly engiaved. N. B.—A’o charge foe druipr^r. or delivery DILLINGHAM A DENSON. Sefet. 23—tf. Columbus, Georgia. jmoWNWOOI) INSTITl TK. (Near La Grange, Gu.) Tlwflespion. for i860, will be opened on Monday. 10th January. It will consist of two TcfiuS—one of six mouths, tlie other v)f three. t FACULTY, Wtr.UAM .TQIlSs, I’lUM'iPAi. wi. VunnuKTim. tiiMti'iioUA' ill VoViifotil Kcon>trtty, MoVat and .Mental .!5c.iiiiico. U. PtCKSON. Instructor In <hnguagcs and the Physioul MISCKLLAM’.orS. R. H. RICHARDS’ ADVERTISEMENTS. Tlie Social Harp. T UST received, a large supply of this Popular Book. Also, tho Clnistlan Minstrel; A New System of MusRkl Notation: By J. D. Aikln, can he had of (Jnno2.-tf.) * R. H. UIPHABI'S. More New Hooks'. T HE METHODIST PULPIT SOUTH ; The LlohsUWlioihi uff 'th'o BoVctkl States of the the Uh!6u, X’o.; . , t Dictionar'y of the Unitod States Congress. Contain ing Biographical Sketches of its members froth the foundation of tho Government; The llarp of A Thousand SlnbgiO, Iiovo me Love me Long; The Vagabond: By Aaron B.idenu ; t Border, War; By J. B. Jones, Auihor of “Wild Western Scorn s The Romanee of a Poor Young Man : More About Jesus. Just Received at the Book and Music Store of (June 2 -t.f.) I', H. RK'IIARMS. New’ Hooks Received May 3i(l, r pilF Pillar of Fire: by Rev. .1. H Ingraham^ A author of the Prince of the House of David. Fifth, Volume of Spurgeon’s Sermons. The Che.*:i Hand-Book : Teaching the Rudiments of the Game, tV:. My Thirty Years oOt of the Senate. By Jack Downing. Taylor’s Tidy Llvjng and Dying. Morgan lWseg. B.v D. G. Litisloy. Tho Culprit Fay. By Joseph Rodman Drake. Osceola; The Seminole, liv Captain Mane Reid. The Lady tff the Isle. By .Vlrs. E. D. E. S’, goath- worth Father and Daughter'; A portrait boro Life. Pv F. Bremer. The Four Sisters. By F. Bremer. R. 11. RICHARDS. J. R. MARTIN &. SON’S ADVERTISEMENTS, ALWAYS on cc! let*!! Ice!!! band and for sale bv /A. may 12- tf. J R. MARTIN .«• SOW LA DIGS’ JOK-CIU I V.U SALOON. I R. MARTIN A: SON having opened an ICE- f J • CREAN SALOON, would respectfully «n- nounoe to tho Ladies an l Gentlemen of the City of La Irrnngo that thev can he supplied with ICE CREAM and ICE DRINKS, at all loans of the day through the Summer. J. R. MARTIN A SON. may 12-If. NEW CONKKCTION KKY, CAN I yY M A N U FA C T O LIV, And Fruit Store. r pliE suhf;6ribers haVo opened a branch of th6ir L business iYi La Grange, no.vl do6rt0 McMillan A. Butk’s corner, east side of the Sqhare, \Vheru they will be most hr.fflty to rdceiVe a 11 beta Pali tiro 6f 'pa- troimge. i. It. MARTIN & SON. N. B.—All those wishing CANDIES by the hhx, will pleaVe send In their order's, which \\nlt be ttleihl- ed to with promplues3 and dispatch, novll ly J. It. M. & SON. Porter, Bottle and Draft Air, TUST RECEIVED aud lor sale by J J. R. MARTIN A SON. Fiuc Got Rasius, J UST RECEIVED and for sale by .1. R. MARTIN A SON. M ISU'lLLANKOrs. ^ Dl*. J . W. .v T. U. Ash (oral, ArsooIuI' v in tlw Piacticu nf tin; vtuiltis t it w< iii s or jimtici.vr, SUUOKItV AN 11 DIISTKUIC3, juniD-tr. l.n UiaitKe, (>». A it a id cat. cnil] , . roit TTKliNTA, Of U< ) v rCTJ;i;. bisciwsKA •cm: or no: n. nyrn, rpift-; ATTKNTJON ot li.oc J- llernlk. (nr as U fs'cdkt! kl*e liivited to Ihe fit'st that tl considered incurable. Those lhis'h ! nn»A*thg iifd6nVc.niedc • a tlie office‘of DRS. AS 11 FOR I VilieVed t*v a very simple ope ASHFORD. M I). The opera I by Dr. WVDTZEIt. extensively by Dr. FIloPPIN. of N- whom 1 aiu indebted lor uiy kitowlcdg tint Nio the subjects of etilled Rupture.) rase is no longer re Ihe subj-et* of [|U< 8trd to* vail at ere they will he i l.v TlioMAS R. is ii. st establish, d is now puicticr.t Oi leans, of the oper .. R. ASIH’ORD. from his atlmtlon to upwards of ,’/6'chseh in the’Charily llospiial, New tbdeans. offers hissorviers with every confidence. hVioWing that the operation will effect a permanent and radical cure, dispensing entirely with the use ol lheTrnss. attended with very little •pain and fto da.ig. r fo the patient. No chuvrfe unless a cure. For Reference : Dr. S. Cl 101*PIN. Piofe-sn'r of Surgery in the New (hdeaVts .SchtSol of Medicine, and Surgeon to Charity IlbspitM. ‘may 12 - t f. ‘ •” Til OS. R. A SI IF RD. ^ HIK FA . in. when that ch. ski'llully com- o the oilier.— hvotes her ex- ixk phks: H AS located at West P will contiinto ,o p. diseases, in which she has auoc New Orleans, lor several yea both Aloyatby aud Water cure, bines tbe two, making one nu\i. The maladies to which Doctrobs elusive attention are Klu'iimatisiti, Aotir;tl; r iu, Sc r ol ii I a , Paralysis, Telter^'anm', Dropsy, Throat a n d C’licst Diseases, Sick Head Ache, Cataract, Acute and Chronic Op- t halmia, A tiutirosin : .1 IjS 0, Fcmal .* Diseases of every form nni rhn’p'e. She casi be 'cbtisulied ei*thcr in person, or by letter, with paindtrrfovy references given at West Point, or N. Orleans. per* Where no efiro is elf-clod, no charge is made, save for medlc'm'<*» After a easo is discharged, remnles VriH he afforded g’rw/ts should the lormer symplomr return. Ratks of CttAHUK -aeewdind to the caso, nnd tint, by He* visit, the prescription, or lime required to perfect a cure. Valuable Properly for Sale*. O N TUESDAY the 22nd day of November next, it being Tuesday of Court, 1 will sell at public) Auction - , bufo'i'o the Cotirt-llouac duojv in La Grange, Un ;, n\v IIOuso «.xxcl IjOt, now occupied by .1 allies H.Sooll. E-q. This property is situated vc-y conveniently to tlio l.uslness square', id in one of thu best neighborhoods in the City Tobacco. lAlNE ditpir ‘ftftfl Chawing Tl «J ACOri. in Flora nnf I forsftlc n'ext ddoV fetbifh of MoMvilait & Did’li’: corner. hovVI .1. R. MARTIN A’ SON. • LAGKSTONE, rihentMtcs- Pure and Mixed. M«V DMNNiS, Mljtnv ill Kn^lisli l.niigiii'go tun. fii\chvturo. II. M. HHAttW •it) I.AUV, I DKfAltTMKN Kit A Mo ie l.otth* is need- •ow out of the the effects of after a lung G eorgia, troup county. Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 29th, 1859v John C. Thompson, Administrator on the Estate of James Bullock, Dnc’d., gives notico that he will ap ply to mo, on tho first Monday in November next, for loave to sell the negroes of said deceased, or a portion of them. All persons interested will make their objections known to ine, (if any,) at or by that time, or leave will bo granted, augll. SAM’L CURTRIGIIT, Ord’y. G eorgia,troup county. Ordiuary’s Office, Aug. 18th, I860. Adam Ragland gives notico that he will apply to mo, on the first Monday in October next, for letters of Guardianship to tho person and property of Francis D. Ann Ellzar and Jessie G. Fuller, minors of Jessie G. Fuller, Deo’d. All persons interested are notiUed to file thoir objections with me, (if any,) at or by that time, or letters will bo granted, augll. SAM'L CURTRIGHT, Ord’y. To Contractors* W ILL bo let ou the 1st Tuesday in September, before the Court House door, in La Grange* a contract for the buildiug of a new bridge acoross Yellow Jacket Creek, near Hogan's Mills, augll.—4t. J. B. MORGAN, CFk Inf. Court. Strayed I ^ROM THE SUBSCRIBER, 2 miles north of Long . Cane, ou the 1st inst., two mules, one a lurgo bay horso mule aud the other a small mouse colored white mouth mare mule. Any infortnaeion In re gard to them will bo thankfully j^ooivud, and any person taking them up and writing to mo at Long Cane will De liberally rowarded. uugll.-2t.* JOHN A. FORMBY. UN1VKKSJTY OF NASIIVIKKK* MILITARY college. J. BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M D., I). Y>.\ GhanboUarol the University, aud Professor of Chem istry and Geology. Cot.. B. It. JOHNSON, Superintendent of the Military College and Professor of Engineering. JAMES F. HAMILTON. A. M„ Professor of Mathematics, and Natural Philosophy. J. II. STEWART, A. M., Professor of Greek and Latin Languages nnd Litcra- * lure. GEORGE S, BLACKIE/A. M , M D., Professor of Botany and Nutural History. Itev. J. W. HOYTE, A. M.. Mv D , Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Biblical Litratura. C.K. WINSTON, M.D., Surgeon. The First Term of tho Academic Yent* U559-60 commences on the 5th of September, 1859. . The Second Term commences on th6 23rd of Janua ry, 1860. Commencement Exercises tuko place on the 7th of June, I860. Tuition, Boarding, Washing. Fuel, Rooms,Scrvnnts’ attendftnoe, and Uso of Arras, $105 per Term. Mar- tricnlntion Fee, $5. Students aro required to furnish their rooms. Engineering. French. Spanish, Gornmn Drawing. Book-keeping, and Funding eubh $10 pe Term of Twenty weeks. In the regular Colleglalo CoOrso, ihe anoionfc repu tation of the University for Scientific and Clusicul SoholArship maintained, nnd at tho Htnhe time every facility afforded tho«e who desire to pursue a partiul course. Besides the four regular College Classes, there is also a Preparatory Class. Studouts under 14 years of age Will not bo admitted. By the aid of Military Discipline, effectivo govern ment is established, and health, physicalj|pltur4-,good order and industrious habits are promoted. Fot* Catalogues, or additional information, apply to any Member of the Faculty or B. It. JOHNSON, Superintendent. July, 1st, 1859.2t J\. 1\ MADDOX, (r.AIK OK I.A (5 It A VttK, URORmA,) WirOLESAl.E AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Will receive and sell all Mads of Produce on . CoDFlgnmunt, I AjikNOW RECEIVING and will continue to receive, perhaps, tint imrgosh^iocU of tivncoricA) I ^iIl/t' 1 II !’• »r MS 11 —-on 1 y by which I can s'OIVnt Muri^otlter,, ll.irris and Heard county Iriends to give trte a call, ort Alabaina Street, opposite th.e pus- Monger Depot. pQ- C,1Stl OilPEllS SOMCITKD. AtlanIt., Georgia. July 21st -tf. Foil kX kK A Desirable Faw’.ly Residence lu (Re CPy of La Grange. ri^HE subscriber having determined to move West X olliei.n l\Vr sale Ids HOUSE am) LOT. situated on the main street leading 1ii*nS the Public Square to Ihe R. R. Depot, and adjoining the lot of Judge Jcdm Doiiglas. The LOT contains about one nnd halt acres. The impfoveniuntb consist of u good dv,tilling house, a now kitchen, and other necessary out Louse, dry well. Ac., with a gdoil well of ns fine it^Tas any in tlie city. J. M. NOKLL. fi'Gyi i-if. <'ool»r. ii & iiounjHs, WiUltlllOL'SE AND COMMISSION MURCUANTS ; LA GRANGE, GA. qYiir undersigned having associated themselves un- J. der thy firm-name of COOPER cN: ROGERS, will give their’persoiial attention to the storage of COT TON nnd 0thcV produ’Cb. J. N. COOPER, dee28 ly F. 0. ROGERS. /'\0TTAGE CHAIRS") m ' \J Funs; Thrashors'; Lithe, Plaster and Ctfnient. Fnr sain by OOOl'KU A litK.l-;itiS ‘■'rat V. 1IOL.L.E, “DC'i'CU” HOOT & SHOEM AKER, h A (i R A N G E, QA.t Is Ptill at bis old stafid, where he is prepared to lili all orders in hib line at tlie shortest no tice, on the folldwing TERMS'; CRKDIT. HASH Boots (pump or st idled) $0 00.... $8 00 'F(‘<illfnjr"Be)H?i. ti 00.. Doubled Soled 10 t'0..., 9 00 He keens constantly on hand SOLE LEATHER, FINDINGS, and all kinds of material in hit) Hue of btnJnoss, for sale. febl7 ly ZIMMER, BRO^S, CO.’S ADVERTISEMENTS. l'\v<> Tliousniid llusi lils of lVtu Iics . VVultli’A W E WILT. I’AV » full' prlcii for ^cricliy.i, of Tttitt on slmroB if prefomul. july-14—If. ZIMMER. RRO. & TO. IAI.TIMOUH FRESH COVE OVSTEItS. gVEHY body In Troop county ought to iubaoribe for tbe Lu Grunge Reporter. m : H1KK. HVK OIC’lLKN 'OEsrECTFULIiV informe hor I'rieude and the pub- IV lie ffeneruily, tlml sbo will lioreu'ter be liilind nl tlurMIl.I.INERV STORE OVER Mil. WHITFIELD whore ebo iovitoK nil whu deeire Dresses Cut, Fitted ami Made, in the most fivsifioimbio styles. Mrs. D. lias nuw re. ceived tier PATTERNS for tlie Sprlug StyleH. Mnrohl7-tf. ■tNGr.lSII fiai'ry, Pineapple anil FTtfilo CHEESE. J ill store and lor sale unit odor south of McMihnn Hulk's corner. .1. it. MARTIN &■ SON. Tho Lot coot lillH t NV acre 1 , nun 0 n* less, has cx- ccHonl well i V \VaVur fipbn it. V •twelliiig and other bnihlings nv oomni idious and ii good repair, lias cnclosiiru nil good,a „d He-gar, Cl spot unsurpassed liv any in Lli City. Possession g veil 1st January; I860. T Kit mm : V VC Tim lied Dollui msU, tho baUance in. t wo .wavm with interest Irom d: tc. jnm-lG.-tf. U M. S. EZELL. I'laiu and Fawey Candies. N* siore and for sate licit door Foil III 0( McNlillnit & 1)0 it's corner. J. R. MARTIN & SUN. DRUG STORE. URQUHART & CHAPMAN, (At tho old Stand ol Diiiilorlh A Nagel.) Columbus, (.ieorgiii^ iVN'Euir hand a large and well selected stock ID of •200 tits. lAXi.fNNATI SMOKED BEEF. , 1'RESH SAI.MUN.-s. tu pound cans. .Tost received by ZIMMER, tutu. A CO. Jn1VO.-l.fc _ lefi! lee !! Ice !! TCE CREAM. Sil AUHETS, LEMONADE and SODA A WATER will ini kept on limbi to tho aceoinmo- ilntion of oue customers through tlio season, jiincil. ZIMMER. llltO. &C0. I5rus;.B tto MocUoinosi PAINTS. OILS,. VARNISHES. GLASS. SDfClf, CUN DRESS WATER, Pure BRANDIES ami WINES, POTASH. 'PKHFCAll’JfV A \ l> SO.Vl'S. Fishing Taoklo, Surgical InHtrun'uuitw. () D A'; STARCH. GARDKN SF.F.DS, and all oITut articles fur family uso usually for sale ia a DRUG STORK, which they offer oil accommodating torms. r; C ii;spiliiin, (U\io of tlffl firm of Brooks Chapman.) ;uu! .Mr. Oliver Btuifoifli fr«»ni their long experience in the business, hope to moeivu a liberal share of the pafionago of thoir friends and former customers, aud all who may favor them with a cull. [juuelC.-ll ? * Dr. J A. UKIJUIIART &■ F. S. CHAPMAN. fc*'V! ice!! Ice!!! "0E-CRRAM and Soda Water ooustantly at the l service ol our Customers. inayl2-tf _ ZIMMER. BRO. »V CO. Iy,V CiR.YXKi: CON FECTIONEllY DANDY MANOFABTO.RY, r PIIE undersigned take tho liberty to announce to |_ the people nnd their customers in general, that they continue to keep always on hand a largb and well selected stock of Confectioneries arid Provisions, And also a nice stock of STICK AND FANCV CANDIES Of their own Man ufficturr, Which they warrant to be equal Vo any Candy made ip the United Stated which Will be sold wholesulu and retail, on reasonable terms. Wedding nnd Party Cake IVill lie put up in tho most workmnu-liko manner. ptf* Orders from the country will he promptly at tended to. See bur advertisements elsewhere, and give us a call. nov25 KIMMBit, BRO. A CO. THOS. 8, BRAOFIELD’S ADVERTISEMENTS Tiin>i]> St'cil. I riAVE IN STORE a largo lot of nsaorfcil kimla ol Turnip Hoed, wbicb 1 will soil on gooil torins. Julyo]. T.S. BltADFlELD. 1M. V 1,0101 4.. (■<>., D eal lift ft is re\dv-made Clotiiing, GENTS FliRNfwutNG GOODS, BOOTS. SHOES. HATS, .Vo., Sir . Iinyo JwA vrai.tvril a Inrqe kail well solrctril stock of. VOCTllft h UlJVS CLOTHING whlfli limy soil at, vary low prloc-. Tli,.y invito llipciihn'iu. "f I.n Grunge ami vioiuity to cult nmTexaniino llici'r GOODS and judge fur lliou)'- tol'vcs., If coals or pallia )ou want, to (it. And nn your pnr.<nu neat to ail ; Snoli wsmia wo pruinlao to anppiV., And suit built pocket mid tin; eye. Como one. com" all, oAjirt’slioil and tall, Wo kindlv ask alfenjloii: liore ovcrytlii'ng ill at your rail, TltiU in our line you mention, Cl.dlis. Ci'nsim-rca and A'oaliiijja. too, Boliglit low. and well selected, Or oveiy style, and every lino, By last)ion in'it neglected. Tlion, once again, we bid you call, ■ Yo.ur trouble wo'B repay. By profits stun It, and tlmt's not all, •• Well suited." you will say. [mayl!l-tf. _ nKAUl) & OEHKV, Warehouse and commission merchants', Augiuta. Ucatgju, R espectfully snLcit cdnsHftiutenfe of Cotton' and of Produce generally. uVul of goods to bo forwarded, pledging themselves to give their midi;. Vidc'd attention td tltu prOmutiun of tlie Interest of their patrons. Orders far Bulnim), Born, and fttmily supplies, probip’Gy atteiided to. .. , All the I'licililies iluo from Factors to Pattons, shall bo granted with a liberal hand. . IS VAC T. HEARD, Aug. lil. Ily' WM.C. DERRY. Dr. AlcCItiiiu’s AVorm Confections I S tho ncutest and most ucoeptablo vermifuge that can lie given to delicate children. For sale by July 51. T.S. BltADFlELD. Krcmil Cliiltirett C YAN be.quietril by sending to'T. S. BRADFIF.LD'S J DRUG STOitB ami getting a hoi,tlo bl “Mrs, Winklbw5 sSoothing Syrup," unfi give Ihcm a Final! (Iqho. July 21. B. B. ALFRED, SURGEON DENTIST, La Grang^/Gcorgla. Office over B. F. Cuitrfghv* Store. Old stand of J. Ja- Murch 17,1859. ly*. Notice; L OSf pil MISLAID, a note* oil J6hn C. Battle given soirtutiina in the Spring Of 1858, for two htiU'lrod and fifty dollars, duo the twenty-fifth of December last. The note lias \i cro.dil of ouo hundred dollatu the twenty fifth of February laFt._ All iiersous aro warned not to trade for said note. )uly28.-tt, C. D. BUHKS. FOR SAKE! (IHDS. of choice BACON ; 40 Bales of Heavy BAGGING } 100 Coils of ROPE ; 400 Sacks oifSALT : 15 llhds. of.SUGAR ; 60 Sacks “ No. 1 ’* FLOUR : 60 Bbls. New Orleans bYRUl*; All just rocolved and for sale on the best terms by 4nayl2-tf. WITHERSPOON & CURTRIGIIT. The Ue^t Alterative I S (t Swuines Pauucoa.” Kept constantly on hand at Ihy store. [July 21.] T. S. BRADFIKIjD. 30 AUCTION 4k, COMMISSION HOUSE, BY W. B. JONES, Lu Grunge, Geo. P ARTICULAR ntti ntlou given to the sale of every thing entrusted tu Ills care. mu.yd Dr. lluulluiiinl’n Germuu IMHers K EPT eonstnutly iu store, aud fur sale liy July 21. T. 8. BltADFlELD. Incliun Cologogiiu I S SAID TO BE the host remedy In use lor the Aguo nnd Fcvbr. For sulo by July 21. T.S. BltADFlELD. 1ME1IAVES HOLLAND HITTERS A RE highly t'ocuitiairndeil for diseases of the kid neys, indigestion, Ac. For sale by July 21. T. S. ltllADKIELD. Trusses; T HE host Truss known to tbi) medical nrofeepion is Ritter's Improved TritBS. Call at T. S. BKAD- FIELD’8 and examine tHcot. may-12tf. 3NT OT^CB. ‘‘Ifrciglits us clienp us (lie ( Ueupest.^ T HE EXCEL LINE having been thoroughly or ganized on the ZOfc’.i April, P. Ij. Wade, appelat ed President. T. 11. Johiavn. Secretary, R. Johnson,! Agent at Savannah mid H, F. .Uu-sell, Agent at Augu.-tn ; the Siruiner Es'e.d will iu (litlire run in eiinueetloa witli Nrw York. Philadelphia, abd Baltir more Stcuipslilps at Savnanali and Georgia Rail Utmil at Augusta, leaving Sarniliiah Oil Satitidny Evening', and Augusta ml Wedm-aday Mdriilug. AH Gnods fur Norllieri) and Eilrotnmn markets, nnd tlio Inlgrjuf sliuutd hr iiddressed to cnie of Agbntk, Excel Lino, u« Snviiiinali and Abguata. -Fbrwurdlng of obin'ee fri-c- Wltliniull sit perfectly ucipm:nluil witli the rurwmd. im- and shipping business, it is needless to iWsuro the putd o Hint pi umptness will cllaraCtoHse all npeG aliens Ul this Company, R. JOHNSON. Ag't Savannah, mavpi dim. II. F. RUSHELL. Ag't Augusta.^. Wanilfk 'rtn bushels of CORN V OUU 000 “ " Wheat.! .. 600 “ " f'fied Frlill; 600 Dried Hides. . , . For Yvblch tho highest ulaik'dl Jjrlpbs paid lA Casa. CtiOI’ER * ROGERS^ ""r A in WARNING. A LL PERSONS iiulehlltt to Dr. NATHAN RENt WICK will ph-iwc come (ot-wnrd and settle; His Books ore in our hnmls fur apllcoltunj liud retntn- dav will nut be passed Without suit, junoW-at.] SPEER fe SPEER, AHoHtby’s at Law. . B LANKS OF Sain at thy EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR reporter ymcE. A Piuuo for Sule. N oxcolleut PI-VX0 FORTE lor sals. A ( I)0v4 VY.RiJO,