The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, August 11, 1859, Image 4

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< •wttmUsstouei's -Sale. |j-neouGU, TKOWcOUNTY. B Y virtue of an onlcr p&*80<l At tho lnrt MayTorm . Ordinary’*Office, May 12th. 1«59. •of Troap Superior Court, A. D. MKifi, lit the b Thomn* OhsiirddlM, A'lmlnhdrutor fin the Entato of r.&poof the application of Spivey PhritfH, at id, l^ nTniiam ’ClmihUKlif!, 4trenn»e<l, (Jato of Hus eoimty.) VTrHof Portiton, Ao.. will bo gold on the ffou Turn- | ^ vw , notice thaMic will apply to«nc, <n ’the woodai •day rn September nett. ut the .■Court house door, 1m | Monday lr. January wcxC for letters of diRmi»*km| **kl county, lietwecn the legal liohr? of *ile, the from mid trust. Alltpersfliwi interested tw*e natifivd, tfoUowing tracts or paitccls*or land. : Seventy- U 0 Qj,. thekrobjections with me, (rf any,) At or by ' 4 omuacree,tooro or Urtw.tkflrig fia<tiiowil lot (No. 8.'») time, or letters of dt-ni)Mton will be granttid. tUHtdier^iglrty-five ; also, toityeig'ht acre*, inure or . W n V |.?l.-tf, SAM'fj •CCUTlllUllT, Ordinary. lesa, being a part- of fmctlonal lot (No. tiuurbor * "r*.*; 1 : % «flglrty-slx. All .ItimlcdljdilgaadlkdifgDMfce-fonrih | / JUOUUU, MtUVl CUUNT\. diet-net or mill Slate and oonnty, sml making in tlio V 1 Ordinary e ••mot. Jnn. lUlli, V ■>. ■ MOTCgBle onr handled 4mA nineteen acre?. -more. or Bnnkrter TTnrpvr, fctocntw m 1ku Mate *r Sniil I,nmls oolil Tor lire benefit ol paid Petition-1 111TJit’r. dopca-ed. elves notice Hint Ira "HI WJ *’ a «p. bp a division ol paid land could not bb nude | me. on tho second Monday In January w’M.,for letters without duplicating tho vnlne of the &tui:e. Turms made known on dnv of sale 1JJTTERIES, $ 3 6 6 , OT'O f I .of dWlrttrsdoii from paid trust. All persons tntcrerled I arc untitled to file Itidr nljectkinv willi mo. (If «ny,) I at tvr liy that lime, or lelrerp ol' rti- ,\ri«sioti wilt bo i granted. .SAMUEL CURTRIC.Hr, Ordinary- | jlllH'iO “11. li. C t houuia, rimer county. 1 . OrdirmTy'stilBce, .tune 28 fh. 1859. LOTTE] 4JJIEF.N li. CAUDLE] FRANCIS A. MOST. j- Oon>ml« i nei'«. .101 IN TALLY. J Jmetin. 12m. (innrdlnn’tt Sale. I 75^ A ; R Eariv, Fmccutar on Estate of Simeon W ILL TIE SOLI) lifforotlto Court Ilnitpe door, Fnr1 1( , c , (1 K | vt ^ <,, nt rt, e will apply tome in l.a Orange, Ga , mi Urn Grot 1 uosrluy in j ( ' fi| . rt |„ September next, for Jearo r Oet'rwxi. within tlioAcgal hours of sale, agreeably , pi „ U(0 Hl ,„, Kat , lt ,. of f ., >ia {M , AU pc^mrs in to *n order of tho l.nurt of Ordinary, ol Harris j l r ^ t< .j Rrc , 0 r.|Bed to (llo their oljjootlens with me, connty, Ga.. tho inlereft of the winotv << ItiomaflC-i , , p.. lkM ,' mlr , or leave wilt lie granted. Froet. ileo'd.. it being l a in the following liiiuhi, to , _ if J SAM'L CURTfflGUT, Ortl’y. »elt: Part of Lot, number nlnely-slx, t-Hrt.) irnd part | J of lot, nnmlior imr hundred nod nine, (103,1 eontnlll- r a ifoUQIA, Tllolil 1 COUNTY, log in all one hundred and ninety ncres. more or less, j \ If Oolinnry vlfiiee, .Tune AOili. lh.iTI. lying in the fourth jjlptrlct of Troup county. _ | gopnn Smith. Erertilir «a the Estate of Winslon t will also pell, at the same time mid place, my lit- Smilh. deceased, gives nolioo that she,will app'y to tercet 111 snhl lnrids, it being 1 o part. I m0j on n, 0 ,] r st Monday in September nett, for leave JOHN T. liADNEV, Gunrdinn <0 ollc tl,c negrom of mid Estate. All persons nog-l.-tds. for said Minor’s. | i„(ercetial aro notified tnlile their ol.jiieiintia with To ho Distributed. 2;1828 MIZES. Mrnvftnn One Prize, to Alepry Two Ti OKOKUI.V STATE LOTH Pdr the henollt (if -the MONT1CELLO UNION ACA^tWY ■OF .TAKFk.H Cdu<tv, «F.Olc«3ti. , \A iUhorizM by Special Act of f. <'yi>;UpfYC* MilvlNNKY A 00., Manatfi‘4^ CAPITAL PRIZE ^ $60,000. TICKETS ONLY JIB Hitler*. Quarters ami Eights in Peopgrtfo*- TO BE BRAWN EACU SATURDAY INJCriy, ISIS, 1 TUP. CJTV OP SAVANNAH, IlKOItlllA. flaps 211, to be Drawn .Inly 2, IS5SW flass 27, to be Drawn July 1), tb.Ylh*' Class 2S, 10 be Drawn .Inly K>, 18.V). Class 21). (o be Drawn July 23,1831).' Class 33, to Hr Drawn July 3d, lSHC’ Ji AGNIP.ICUNT SCHEME. *83.0001 5 Prl«e8ofi(<We3re5.0l» | 20.0001 13 10.3031 2 5.331) 2 4.000 j 2 30.11(11 53 “ 153 imo 7.SU0 2,00(1 jl(10 “ . limW»3.IKi3 J ,50J 100 ’• 115 arji »„ r >03 1,103] 103 41 55 rfe S,50«, WOOD, EDDY & CO.tS SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (ChaTtclid hy the Slntc of Georgia.) CAE 1 Priso of Postponed Sales, W ILL be sold on Hie first Tuesduy ia Srpt. next, lie I mo tho Court*houao door of Troup county, the following property: Also, r lot of clothing, confuting of Conffl Pantn, Vertfs And other articles usually kept in a gentle* innnV furnishing Store li'evied on the property of Told & BteU to satisfy fi. fa., Iwued frmn the Sui’crior Court of 'rroup county, one in favor of Horsey, Austin & Co M and otlicr ti. fit’s in my hands vs. 'load d Brett. ftugwt *1-1 m. W. B. JONES: D. Sheriff. Executor’s Sale. A GBEEABLY to rtU * order from tho Court of Or dinury tor Tronp County, will to sold, at lit" Court lluui'c dour, in the Town of Greenville, Meri wether county, on the lirst Tuesday ill October next, tho Plantation of Nathan Truitt, deceased. Into ol Troup county, lying and being in the Ulh district ol Meriwether county, six mile* South of (Jranlvillc, containing Eight hundred mid lilly acres. Tkijms on day of sale. nuL't- tds. IT. S. WIMBPSTT. Kx’r. fif any.) at or by that timo, julyfi 11 bo granted. SAMCRL CLTITRIGIIT. Ord’y G KOIUII A, TROP COUNTY. f Ordinary f tf Oflioc, May ITtb, 1'Sotl. James M. Hopson, Executor on the Estate of Snljra Ifopson. deceased, (lute of tliis couiitj’.) given notice that he wilt apply to me, on the (iiW. Monday in Do comber next., ior letters of disinis iou from said trust. All persons interested are notified <•» li!'| their objeotions with mo, fif'any,) at or by that time, or letters of dismission will he granted mayl0-tf. SAM'Ii. CP KT K1GI IT. Ordinary. — »w.uwrw»»gy ■“DBM J IIOWAUI) ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A. Hfi'icrolcnt Institution islabthhcd by special En dowment for the KUicf nf Utr Sick and Dhticsscd, aflUct it icilfi Virulent \* Epidemic Viscoses. rpufcj HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the I. awful destruction o! human life .caused l»y Sexual diseases, and Hie deceptions pvacllcod upon theuutor- tunatc victims ol such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consul Bug Surgeon, as a OilAlUTABLH ACT worthy of iheir name, to open n INoiiC'C. 1 Dispensary for tlio treatment of this class of diseases. O N’the 1st Tuesday in October next we will sell j in .,u their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE to the highest bidder, before the Court Hons" , (jitATlS to nil who apply by letter, with a description door in La Grunge, between the legal hours of sale, J 0 j coudilloa. (age, occupation, habits ol lifo. &c) all the shares owned by tin* late Thomas KvanNi . ll)( ] j n Cns ^4 ( ,f ( .xirumc poverty, to PIJUNLSII ME1)1* in Troup F.jclory. said sal" having beim duly author-1 (jjxES FREE OF CJIAUCE. It is needless to mid ized by ail order from the Court of Ordinary of Tronp i t j u , Association commands the highest Medical county. THOMAS C. E V ANS, Adui’r. } sUill of the age, and will furnish tliu most approved nug-t fit. R. B. EVANS, A lm'x. inodorii treatment. APT ROXIM ATI' IN, PHIZ E3. 1UUZB #30,000! *riokote Only tjfelO! TV ODD, EDDY & CO., jlavateri. Succewiors to S. SWAN & CO. nriE foil,wing Soboino will be ih-nwn by WOOD, J. EDDY * CO., Manngom of the Spotra Academy Lottery, in oacli of tliclr Single Noniher Lotteries lor August, 185!), at AUGUSTA, Geo., in publio, un- slur tbeHuperintcudcuocof ComrcIsHionoca. Class 3* draws Saturday, August C>, 1850. Class 33 draws Saturday, August 13, 1850. Class 31 draws Saturday, Augnst 20, 1850. Class 35 draws Saturday, August 27,1850. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tlrkrfs. I'ItcTbonaandFour Hundred and Elglily-live Prlxosl Nearly One l’rizo to every Niue Tickels. MAGNIFICENT SCIIEME1 TO BE DRAWX EACH SATURDAY IN AUGUST! .*50,000 1 1 Price of 1,500 20,000 50 “ 530 10,003 ( 130 ’■ ,aK'! lot) i « 5,«oo | ioo « .... soa 1 “ 4,000 100 “ .... 150 i *’ !i,ooo loo « .... loo approximation prizes. . 4 pr'utos of *'400 approx, to *50,0(10 prize tiro *1.000 FOR. THE PEOPLE ! I TS A POYTTIBSS baa made hrrnngemcnts to give a series of exhibitions In bis line of bndneea, far ; « tbe mutual benefit of HIMSELF and Itie rUBUO 1 Th« exhibition ootnmenclug at ths usual boars of btisIncEB. A. M.,'and will continue on every baslnres (lay throughout the mason. Each Enter, tainment will open with 500 site 5.030 , „ . p , 400 aw 800 JPrfeoor 300 600 1 - 200 m 400 A GRAND DISPLAY OF Bacon, Jardi m flours v ^ .Meal, •Sugar, ' Collfec, Hicc, Troup Factory OsnaburgR & Tarns! Salt, Touncco, Cigars, Candles, Starch, Pepper, Pot-ware, AiCe, tcc.. 20.000 I ll.OOO 5.000 4.000 3.000 2 .AIK) l »l)0 too is 7 coo 300 100 (540 4 NO 400 H’20 8 000 210.000 , 800 250 > “ 223 “ 200 44 l. r »0 44 100 “ 20 are . THIS EXHIBITION WILL be coufluclod on the plan adopted by flic Yankee Soap Peddler who admitted the people to hi lectures without choree, hut expected every one to buy a cuke of Soap—provided thoy wanted it. And le it bo recollected then, THAT IIVERY ARTICLE EXHIMTFD will be for tale, BY THE RETAIL Ott WHOLESALE, at prices, I'D It CASH, that will bear the strongest competition! June 9th, 1858. F. A. POY Til HESS, Eh G Tange, Cc. AT .1. M. tmmm €A: Of (woods and Clro ics, 4»H0 ' /~(bN8lSTlNG IN TAUT OF Oalioocs; Ginghams; White, Brnwn^Slrlped »nfl P1»M fcJM.OIO July 20Ih, 18:»9. James \, Wad*, A*\m'r on Estata of Jaimm t\. \. t .. ;:-,i ,t ir , Bn-v/'II, flcmiHHl. (Into of this county.) gives notice 1 (bat bo uill apply to mo, on Ilio first Moiwlay In October n-’xf, for leave to sell a portion of I he negroes ol said E*tate. .Ml persons interestnl will filu their objections with mo, (if uny.j at or by that time, or leave will bo grant ni. ftiigi. SAMUFJi OUUTRIGTIT, Onlinary. ( 711COUGIA, TEOIT COUNTV. X Onlinary’s Oflicc, August 2nd, 1 NfiO. Mrs. Emily O. Fleming gives notice that she will apply to me. on the first Monday in .September next, fur letters of Administration on (bo Estate of James Fleming, deceased, (late of this county.) All persons interested nre notified to file their objections with me. (if anv,) ut or bv that time, or letters will he granted. nug4. SAMUEL CUUTU1GIIT, Ordinary. /pWO MONTHS AFTER DATE, to wit, nt the M. October Turin, 185fi, of the Court of Ordinary for Troup county, Georgia, I shnll apply to Slid Court for leave to sell a portion of the slaves belong ing to the Estate ofBtcpheti II. Willis, Into of oard county, dec*d. li. J. WILLI 4, Adtn’r nug.-4. T>e bonis !ion. n EO ItCi l A, TH ()\ , T r (IT)’ll NT Y. VI Ordinary’s Ofl’ino, July 19th, 18.M). Upson H. Clark gives notice that lie will apply to me, on tho first Monday in September next, for letters of Guardianship to the person and property of Leonard II. Clark. All persons interested are notified to tile their objections with me, (it any.) at or by (1ml time, or lotion* will be granted, j illy 28 th. SAM'L CTUTHIGIIT. Onlj KOliUIA, TROUP (JOUNTVj^ , VT r> w .)i..,g.i-. , M .<»>Ur.ii. Anril till). Dw9. Reuben VT Miillion Estate of Elizaboth Mull'rTgives notice that be will npplypo me. Trie tint Monday in November next, for letters ol dismission from said Trust. All persons interested lire notified to tile their objections with n*". (it any.) at or by that time, or let tors of dismission will bo grant ed said applicant- SAMUEL CUltTltlGUT,Ord'y. April Mill. if. G EOUGIA, TROUD Ci )UNTJ. Ordinary’s Olllce, April fitb, I8.V.). Mrs. Evidinn Ltlidsuy, Adm’x., on Estate of Jacob Lindsay, deoM., gives notice that she will apply t" me. 011 the first Monday in November next, for letters of dismission from said Trust. All persons interested nro notified to tile their objections with me, (if any.) at or by that time, or letters of dismission will be granted said applicant. [April 11th.-If.] SAMUELGUETRIUTIT, Ord’y. /GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTV. vJ Ordinary’s Ollleo, Feb. 7, 18.'9. Gideon Lcverett, Executor bn the Estate of Tims. Lovorotl, Sen., deoeast d. gives notice that bo will ap ply to ine on the flrrt Monday in September next, fur Letters of Dismission from said trust. All persons interested are notified to file their objections with me (if any) at, or by that time, or Letters will be granted said applicant. 3AML. CURTRIG11T, Ord’y. frlil0 dm G eorgia, troup county. Ordinary’s Ofilcp. March 2. 18.'ifi. Robert L. Gilliam and John Henderson, Executors on Estate of James Freeman, deceased, gives notice that they will apply to me on tlio fir.-t Monday in Mepteinber next Ibr letters ol dismission from said trust. All persons intrusted nre notified to file tboir otu'ectlons with me (II any) at or by that time or let ters will he granted said applicants, inch;) (bn. SAME. CUKTKIGIIT, Ord’y W";,: G eorgia, troup county. Ordinary f » Olllce, March 2, 1850. Johnson Frost, Administrator on Estate ol Win. King, deceased, gives notice that he will apply to me on the first Monday in September next fur letters of dismission from said trust. All persons intrusted arc notified to file their objections with n»o (if any) ut or by that time or letters will he granted, nich'd Out. 8AMIj. CURTRIGT, Ord’y. C IEOItaiA, TROUP COUNTY. T Ordinary's Office,Marco I, 1P'»9. Wiley P. Burks. Executor on Estate of Sarah Frances Hill, deceased, gives notice that lie will ap ply to nic. on the first Monday iti October next, lor Letters of Dismission from said trust. All persons interested arc notified to file their objections with me (if any) at or by that time, or letters of dismission will be granted. SAML. C’URTUIGIIT, Ord’y. inch It) (bn G 4 EOUGIA.TIIOUP COUNTY.—All persons having J demands against Eliza B. Bin ke, deceased, late of this county, are hereby notified to present them properly attested to me. within the time prescribed by iuw. or they will not be settled. And all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. J. 11. BURKS, Adrn’r. j illy 14 -tl. G EORGIA, TROUP COUNTY.~At tlio September Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, ! tie's office. All orders promptly attended to, 1 will apply to said Court for leave to soil the bind ' dcc23 ly and negroes of tbe Estate of Amy 11. Foster alius —— Amy II. Oliver, ami I will ttluo, thou anil tliwu.apply AUCTION & COMMISSION HOUSE, for leave to Bell the lands of the Estato of Francis! T , v w r, r .v VI , 0 Foster deceased. WILLIAM M. BOOKER, u Y ' v ’ Ji * h 3 ’ Administrator of Amy II. Foster alias Oliver, I (>range 9 Geo. and Admiidetrator de bonnin non of Fraucio Foster. J T)ARTICULAR attention given to the Kale of every juQe9.-tf. j J. thing entrusted to bio care. luayC tliclr Annual smses, for the xpress the highest sh ops wliicli has intended tho Iji- Vjoiv of ihu Consulting Burgeon in t .c cure ol S]icrma- l,onb(ca, Seminal Wankums, Impoluncc, Ganorrhien, The Directors of the Association. 1 Report upon the treatment cl Se> year ending January 1st, lb.Ml, . Ac. t-SyiJiiliP, the vice of Onanism or Self aim and order a continuance 0/ the sumo plan for the en suing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, Teel assured that their labors in this sphere ol benevolent eil'ort have been of great benefit to Hie nlilictod, especially to Hie young, and they have resolved to devote thorn- selves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much despised cause. An admirable Report on SpcrnvilorrhiKi, ( 'r Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self- abuse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will he sent by nmi ;(in a sealed envelope.) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt, of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and Tracis on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, die t. Ac., are constantly being publiahed for gratuitous distribu tion, and will be sent to tlio afflicted. Some of t ho new remedies and methods o! treatment discovered during the fast year, are ol great value. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE C. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon. Howard Association No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of tho Direct 2a,82b Prizes amounting 1.o ITrtiflratrs ol FarRtigrfi will be sold at tlu follow ing rates, which is the risk : C'ei tilicuti.s of Packages of 10 Whole Tf&keliT' $fiO 10 Half “ .A.3M “ 44 10 Quarter 44 .... If* “ “ 10 Eighth “ ... 7 Mi IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to our address lor tlu5 tickets ordered, on receipt of‘which they will tie fuftvnrdod 1 by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets in any figure thev may designate. ^ The list of drawn, numbers and prizes will he sent to purel osi*!** iminediatoiy after Hi a diHwio^ NOTICE TO CORRESPOND NTS. . Those who prefer not sending money hy-^Hfll, can use Tlio Express Ooinipauios, whereby money lor Tickets, ill sums of 'fb^Kt^oliars and ^inwards, can be sent us AT OUR 111 K. AND EXPENSE, ; from nnv city or town where there is an Express 0 lice. The money and order must hee.ucInsiM in a Covmunrnt Post Olllce S f aimed tiiindopr, or the Express Eompinies e.anuul reooivo llnyn. All commuircalious strictly confidential. > OrdorR for Tickets or Certificates, t.y Mail or Ex- pre.-iB, to he directed t(» ^ MoK 1 NNT.Y A, CO.. .Savannah, Ga. Eutirely New ! Eutiirly iVtvivl! \VIIAT|flfcLT THAT IVONUKIll'Ulf DA HUY'S IMiOlMl This is a Now J)i.«< J,earned llesu of Scientific Skill ] T is a Chemical Uni Nature berm H. tor renderin'.* pure ttieuir we breutlie in obedir , r > 185 Pda or amounting to $820,000 Whole Tickets $10 5 Halves $5; Quarters $2^ flrtSr Remember that every Prize in the above Hciieme is drawn, and payable iu full without deduc tion. Certificates of Packages will be sold at | the following rates, which is the risk : Certificate ol Package of 10 Whole Tickets $80 “ 10,Half 44 40 « “ JO Quarter 44 20 “ 4< 10 Eighth 44 10 Linens; Cottonmlefl; OwsUners5 Table Cloths; Tabto Cutlery? Pockei spades: Axes; Olinirs.; Vices; Anvils; IIocs; Tubs; PMtor Bucket*; Biw, Slices j Hats; Crockery; Glass-Ware ; Sugar; Tea; Coffee; Spice; Poj per; 0 Ingcr Soda; soap; Starch; Candles j Baskets J • . r : v . Pickles; Tobacco; Segars, *>’ and mnny other articles Tor Ladies and Gentlemen, CHEAP GOODS AND DR EAT BARGAINS CAN BE HAD. Mv nl.i.'Pt Is to HUY LOW nnd S15LL LOW, and thus bonefit yon and myself. To do this, I MUST II VVli YOUTH TRADE. By buying of mo, you tlms got your Goods at the very lowest prices, and 8»v» ; and liolr, me to mnke some. Ladies' nnd Gentlemen, buying in this market, will find it to Iheir lnt«re»t to F,\nmino onr VERY LARGE STOCK before buying, ns no charges nro made for waiting oo you, l'or looking nt our LOW l'RICKD GOODS. _ ... rnnh Mr V I. Horsow wtio is intbroated, will bn grntidcd in waiting on yon, nnd soiling you GOOD GOODS nt the VERY LOWEST BRICKS. In New Room, at my old stand, North of the CouM Ilnuse. Ln Grange, Miircli 31n(.-lf. *»• • BJbAIolo. ING AGENT, m: j’l.uio! • Jttkdt of ,ill! ■.itmiaL. prA\ 1 led EZRA D. 11EARTWELL. President. . Faihcuii.d, Sec’y* • Fop28 '58, ly Mi’.Hfln? 1:1 !ii:svA oyj* August 12^ 1858. •; xg^jChrffitf\JlHnnta. (la,— rftMENi The 17Hi of Decemlmr, 1850, iny body, 1' jrs and reel were severely mosheil by tin* tin* W. A* A. Railroad. 1 lay in lied one year, attended by the best physicians. My legs and feet were awfully ulcerated and intlamed. I used all the recommended remedies, old and new, without any benefit, that 1 know of. 1 sullen d in this v ay lor live long years. Relict in my ease w as hopeless. My suliej iiie was great -not only in my feet and legs, lout often the most acute pain iu my chest and side and cough that drove away all sleep. I saw your adver tisement ol Eureka Oil ; it was recommended in my case. 1 bought a lew bottles, iu the uso of which 1 found great relief 1 have continued the use of the medicine, not only in my case, but in several ch*cs «»1 cough, iullanmmtory rheumatism, letters, cramps, colic, poro throat and swollen glands, bruisos. all with tho most happy results, lean say, in truth, thank God that 1 am wvJI once more. I am free ol pain, in- Ihnnation, ulcers, and cough. I have used it with such wonderful success iu my family and neighbor hood, as well as on myself, that I loci it but justice to you and tbe public to give it this my highest recom mendation. that thealllioted in all the land may know that Eureka Oil merits first- attention ns an invaluable medicine. No one is safe without it; no family should ever be without it. . i can be seen at any time as trav eling .postmaster on the Atlanta & La Grange Kail Road. 1 have been traveling postmaster on the 8tule Road lor several years, nnd now postmaster on the Atlanta LuGrnngo Road. C. IIibbktts, P. M. Sold in La Grange by T. S. BRADF1ELD and by J. M. NO ELL, Druggists, nnd by all Druggists. G. \V. CROFT & CO., Sole Proprietors, jan20 ly Atlanta, Ga. TI C KER & PKRKIJNS’ SOUTHERN PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY OF ART Augusta, Geo. Photographic Portraits from Life. Dagucroh/pe, Ambrotjtpe and .Miniature Likenesses of every description enlarged by the Photographic process to Cabinet or Life. Size, and colored in Oil, Eli de/ or Water Colors, by the best Portrait tecs in the Country. would respeollujly call tlio attention of our rous patrons nnd friends in Georgia to the above style of Pictures. The Colored Photograph is beginning lobe generally known ami appreciated, nnd is taking tiie place of all other kinds of Portraiture. Our facilities for the production of this stylo pf Pic- turo arc unsurpassul by those of any similar estab lishments in tlie world. Our wide and well-known reputation us Photographic Artists is sufficient guar antee, to those who know us, of the superior charac ter of our work, while the great amount of business wo do enables us to work cheaper than the cheapest. NOTE.— Wo have secured the services of Mr. J. M. TOMLINSON, the distinguished Portrait Painter and Photographic Col irist, and shall be happy to re ceive through him orders for the abovo stylo of work from our friends in La Grange. Specimens may be sern at Mr. P. Prophitt’s Aiubrotype Gallery, where orders nmy lie loll ulso. J. Tuckmt. J. \V. Perxjkh. VALENTI MS KLEIN, F It ENOH 13oo t ancl S lioo ]\Iakot, rr LjV j Informs the citizens of La Grange nnd sur- yH * rounding country, that be has opened a Shop T South side of the Public Square, over Dr. Llt- Its ael.ii • to fixed In quick, suae, rowanruu; It purtfleR dw r elBags. sinks, kir. us ; It removes all ofi' iisivc odor' ll cures burns with instant certainly ; ll is the b«*st preparation ever used Ibr fresh wciiuds; li destroys all v *getabio ami animal pofs«ms: It relieves iu u lew seconds the hitcsftu unsoc(s, furmeiL uml heals them rap- ecs, etc.: 11 scatters li «bi‘ It south** nulls wit- li cleanses the teeth iindjfcui®eB the I 't he worst sympton s of ‘fijylfnid and Scarlet l are. mitig *ted by Hie uso ol this Fluid ; it^ms I known to clu ck tho spread of Typhoid Fever in lunii- ies and upon pi mte.lions. Leading physicians aro using it iu Charleston. Co lumbia, Savannah, Augusta. Atlanta. Macon. (Jolum bus. Montgomery. Selma, Mobilu and New Orleans. The llospitalsuf New Orleans and Moldla lire tiuhig it. Hospitals, corporations, ship masters, "maimfnc.hir ers. planters, physicians, luruished l»y the gallon at reduced rales. For sale by druggists and conn try mcreh.iiits gen erally, from whom orders are respect fully solicited. Try at least one bottle. Price' 50 cents.* Fullow directions. 'jfJA" Maiiulnotureil only iu the Tmlmralory .*f .1. DARBY, AubmjL'Ada. For sale iu La Grange by T S. BIlADPHfiLD, Dn. J. M. NOELL. West Point, by JOSIA1I BIIADFhELD. N. B.— Persons wishing soils, ores, water Arc., anal yzed can have it done on moderate terms byjfcuding to ■ i, hov4 ly_ l‘R()F. J. HARRY. M011E JS'E'.V MARBLE I. A (ill MAKBT.H WOlOCS, BY LOUIS HARTMAN, SPARTA AC A DM51Y l.OTTKRV, Glass No. 4U5. DRAWS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1859, O-V TIfV Timm NmiDER P'JjAN. 78 Nuiubcro—lo Drawn Ballots, Nearly one Prize tu every Titty Trefoils 1 1 Grand Prize of #R),0«0. \ Prize of $19.8i)2!| 8 Prizes of $2,000! It Prizes of '1,1)00! 207 Prizes of 225! &u.. &c., I &c., _ kc. 82 HO6 Prizes amounting to $578,177 ! Whole Tickets $10 ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 50. Vi OliimMr. TICKETS Oil CERTIFICATES, Enclose the moue.y to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will ho lor warded by first mail. Tho Listof Drawn Numbors nnd Prizes will he sent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. ,/TuJ- Purchasers will pmase write their signature? plain, and give their l’.uat Hlfico,Founty and State piTr A Oircular showing tlio plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. dr. Ut" .VII priz -8 of $1,000 and under paid iminedi al(dy after the drawing — other prizes at the usual time <d forty days. IVoticc to forrrspoiwlcnta* Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use T’Jic Adiim* Express Company, whereby money for Tickets, iu sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can he sent us AT Oia RISK AMD EX PEASE, from nrtv city or toW%wliere they have nn offloo.— The mon'ey and order iwht be enclosed In n“Govrnrr- mknt Post Okpiok Rtampkd Knvki.ojo:,’’ or the Ex presH Coiiipany cnnimt receive them. | rer All Communieatioiis strictly contldential. ()iders Ibr Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be directed to WOOD. EDDY & CO., Augusta, Ga., or, WOOD. EDDY k CO., Atlanta. Ga., or, WOOD, EDDY' A. CO., Wilmington, Del. Yo.. A list of tli*! nantbi r* that are draw n from the wheel, with tli" ,iii!■ *«-at of fhe prize that each one is entitl' d to. will l*e published itt r every drawing, iu tiie following pa pur. : /- . ■'’(! ((la.\Cons/itution- a tint. t\1 o'il /! ::i ■/< r Y-. ',ri'/r Cnziitc, New York ll'rr'/i/ Du, ti. . /.’■ 1 iimn I Dispatch, Paulding ( \1 -v.v.) cinri Ol and Atw York Times. ALBERT Mill MANN, W A T C 11 M A lv I-; 11 AND J E W ELLER, LaGrange, Geo. ffL Will do all work in bis line of business at tbe kf -A shortest notice and on reasonable terms, llo solicits a liberal share ot the public patronage. Shop East side of Ihe public square. nmyUUf lloibrni PIxysicmn. n n . .T . 11. I. A S I T T 12 11 ESPE0TFULLY tenders bis services as heretofore, iu the practice of Mkdkun'b. Sunonuv and On- sTKTitics. to the citizens of La Grange nnd vicinity. llo will also prescribe for ciiitoxic cases—such as Rheumatism, Dropsy, Liver Diseases, Dyspepsia, (have!. Diarrham, Bronchitis, Asthma, Chills, and Fever, &e., residing without tho usuul sphere of his practice. Ills cxnerlnco and success, combined with the effi ciency oi tho UioFOJt.M System in the treatment of Fe male Diseases, induce him to dovote u large share of ntt mtion to that class of maladies. Zlo, thcroi’oro, solicits a fair trial by all—far and near—who may wish to commit their case? to his care. pH" Packages ot Medicine may bo sent by mail or otherwise, to any part of the country. janlS-Gm MM fiORHAl, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Seller li €roccries I T \K12 P1.E AKTJUE In nrni-mnclnc: to tlio CHir.«hi> of Trnur), nml mljoininp oornilio?, Hint I liovc now nn I,;,i,(I, ami nro coimtautly roooirtng. tho L.VUCl HST S COOK OH (.1BOOB1UB? over otl'cred to-Uii» inm-kot. MY STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF Seears, Coffee, llice, Candles, Meal, Flour, Liquors, Syrup and Molasses, Tobacco, Osnablirg-i, Nails, llard-Warc and Wood-Ware^ ALSO, a general assm-tnienl of llagging and Rope. 1 beg leave to suy to the Planters, now is ihe time to pur chase these two articles as I am offering / gi'cntinducement*. ALSO, v a line lot of _ ^ Hamift, / hoili of Clear Sides and Canvassed Hums, uad will keep consent supply, for those wishing ,0 * To my ohl friends nnd customers, and those who may favor me with a culbl pledge mysolf that «o effort on my part shall be wanting to suit them, both in quality and price of GrucuMcs. GIVE M B A CALL and I will prdvo*tho tree by its fruits. (April Mth.-tl.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4LEKS m ®-MHCERIES Have now on hand, nnd are still receiving a very fine assortment of GROCERIES, to which we invite the attention of CASH CUSTOMERS and those who pay promptly on short timo. Our stuck in part consists of LV GODFRED KENER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN lie would .-rcppcct- fully inform tbe citi zens nnd fhnxjur pa trons of LaG range nnd surrounding Country, FURNITURE, BLINDS & SASHES. Still at his Old Stand. that lie has a well as sorted stock of MONUMENTS, Carved k \* Plain; Gothic ilcaSstoncs Tlio undersigned takes ploasurc in, announcing to his old friends nud* customers that he is still prepared tog till all orders for Furniture, Rliuds nnd Sashes, AND with dispatch, all ut which lie warrants. 1 f T A i> v il.vnlu In DWean Northern Fnrnituro. Renuiri B-dh American and Italian Marble. Mr. II. will hejpleascd to fill aiders, and on more reasonable terms than any other establishment South. Persons wish ing finch work M-ill find it to their interest to call and examine his slock before purchasing elsewhere. Wureroom South side of tho Public Square. All orders uttondod to with promptness. M. Y. McOUTCniN, Traveling Agent. p-ar- Mr. II. is agent for WOOD & PEROT’S IRON RAILING. novl9(1857)ly "new FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT! Joiner & Pike Have opened a NEW FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT at the first door South of the films House, they keep constantly on hand AH Articles in the Furniture line, Which they intend to sell on tho lowest rnissihie terms. We have hut One Price For our goods ; and patrons soudlng orders for goods may rest assured that they will bo dealt with as though personally present. pat" We shall keep on hand every description of COFFINS—from the finest to the cheapest. pit" Persons wishing OLD FURNITURE RE PAIRED, con have it done on the shortest notice, aud in the most satisfactory style. jan!3 ly p£c SuSfCftbc for tbe 4 * La Grange Reporter.” Ho also STATUA, R Y, deals In Cheap Northern Fnrnituro. Repairing done at short notice nnd on reasonable terms. Having secured the services of.Mr. ALEXANDER ERGERZINGER, ho is prepared to accommodate all his customers in the way of . - UPHOLSTERING, such as laying Carpets, Oil Cloths, banging Wall Paper and Window Curtains. Mr. K., it is well known in La Orange, fully understands his business. The undersigned is sole Ageut for FISK’S CELE BRATED Motalic Burial Cases, which he keeps constantly on hand, and in order, nnd ready ut all times to be served to customers, lie keeps on hand all sizes and styles, including Ladies’ Oases with full glnsfea on top. I ain also prepared to mnko COFFINS of every description, from the most expensive and beautiful to the cheapest and most common. pdSr I will reooivo in cxchango tor Furniture all kinds of country produce. jnn27 tf GODFRED KENER. . JOHN W .COX, SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUAItE, LaGi-angc, Ga. MAmJFAOTUIlER AND DEALER IN B oots, shoes, sole leather, calf skins, Shoe Pegs, Linings, Bindings and Findiuge. • Boots and Shoes—all qualities and prices, for the Cash. March 17th. Cm. TD VERY body in Tronp county ought to ill for the La Grange Reporter. subscribe filed of every quality. Syrup and Molasses of the best qualities. Cheese of the best qualities. Tobaccos of tiie best brands. Cigars of HupfM-im- finvoi*. O.iiiiibtu-gH nml Factory Yarns. Iris!, Potatoes ol tlio Lost oimlitioa. Mails, Ha»-il uml Wood Ware. yxTxrx> IN LARUE LOTS T-t!' Wo exp-et to keep nil (ha nliovc articles on Imnd, myl to soli tliom at tlio lowost market prices. Persons desiring anytlifhg in out- lino <>r business nre hereby assured that we nre alwayB ready to present diem with such inducements as will make il to their interest to give us their custom. WITHERSPOON & CURTRIGHT. I. uGrangCf Ga., March 10,1859. mchlOtt , Coflfccs of nil kinds nnd grades. Sugars of nil kinds nml grades. Slice of the finest qualities. CandlCH of every description, Meal, Flour and Salt. Liquors of all kinds. Bagging. Rope and Twin?. JLroti , a largo lot of all sizes and kinds. EtAOOKT WHKELER & WILSON’S SEWING MACHINES. T IIE excellence ol these Machines seems to bo ac knowledged by all who have tried them. They are adapted to nil kinds of family work ; they make a xtitcb on both sides alike, and sew very rapidly. Any number of testimonials certifying thoir good qualities, could lio given if it were deemed necessary. Thcfio Machines will be furnished at New York prices, shipping expenses added, as follows : New Stylo Machine $50 00 Medium Machine on plain table 75 00 “ “ panel £ cuso 80 00 4 ‘ 41 £ case mahogany. 85 00 u “ lull cuso 44 100 00 Ilomracrs 5 00 Needles, each 10 Persons desiring further information can sond for circular, *n whioh full particulars arc given. J. F. AWTREY, Agent, One door East Arnoof es’ Corner. mcliS tf SIMPSON’S GIANT HORSE POWER. T IBS VALUABLE POWER is simple in its con struction—no cogg wheels used—not liable to get out of order—occupying only 8 by 12 feet room. Two horses (without driver) will do tho work of tour or five horses with the old gear. Any fair workman can do tho work. A few choice county rights yet for Rale. This is a southern invention and uo hum bug. [ juno.-3m.] JOHN SIMPSON, Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE TO FARMERS A!YD THE PiBLIC GETERALLY. T HE SUBSCRIBER having obtained a patent for 44 A NEW AND IMPROVED PLOW STOCK,” is now prepared to sell on the very best Terms, State, County, Shop or Individual rights. Address, Marietta, Go. WM. J. GRYFFIES, Pat. P. S.—Competent Agents wanted. raayl2-tf. B LANK8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR it tho REPORTER OFFICE. NEW JEWELRY STORE. N. GOODMAN, Gk WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, keeps jK,Sg.coiistantiv ou baud a very lurgo and superior as sortment of GOLD AND SILVER-WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Ho is also prepared to do ANY KIND OF WORK in his line uf business. HAIR WORK dono to order nnd on short notice. Also, any kind of orders in his lino filled faithfully and proinptty. >rSf- Jhst received a now lot of PLATED WARE and CLOCKS. junolO ly BARTIIOLF’S SEWING MACHINERY - Are tbe only Machines which sews in a superior manner,Cloth, Kersoys, Silks, Linens, Muslins, &o. Hems, Gathers, Tucks and Stitches ia cord of all sizes without Basting. U«es Flax, cotton or silk tbreud. Makes, a back stitch oa both sides which is vory clastic; will notrip nor can not be raveled. The Machine Is very simple. Runs at high speed, nnd in fnot is tbe only Machine made that can be relied on for doing the coarsest and finest work on tbe same Machine with equal facility. PRICE, from $55 00 to $140 00. Persons buying Machines can have servants instructed how to operate them, froe of charge, by sending them to my office. A. LEYDEN, Gen’l Ag’t, Atlanta, Ga. p3" Send for Circulars aud Samples. mayl2-ly. M TIIE SIMS nOUSE—This new and commodious HOTEL is now open for the accom modation of tho publio. Tlio furnituro is entirely now, and tho rooms comfortable and well ventilated. Thotablowill always bo supplied with the best tho market affords, opd no pains will be spared to render the guests comfortable. C. So 3. nEARD, Proprietors. La Grange,Oct 19,’65 (tf.) Dr. P. J. Nelson, MOUlJTVILLE, TROUP COUNTY, GEORGIA, Armed and Equipped as the direct, I—At lib Post with the Harness on 1 T ENDERS his professional services to the oitizens of Monntvlfle and vicinity. From the experi ence and success I have in the Practice of Medicloo, I feel myself oompetent todischaags tbe duties of ray profession. Charges moderate. janlB-fim