The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, November 30, 1860, Image 3

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!he deal Reporter. Ol’KIl'E, IV. E. Corner l'nbllc Square, OVKR JOHN U. WIHTVntl.n’s 8T»HK. TERMS OF SUDSCUtrTlON. II paM wKMn U» ** «» II lb* cad of lb* year, * 50 ;*■ So imprr soul out of thin Congressional Dis trict, br adjoining connliea.with"Ul the CASH ; and In nnansn will an order for tho Paper lx- dblMal lo unless aooHUipsnbsl with money, or nsallsfcoiory re- Theur terms trill *r stricili/ adherml la. l^ttiraiiRe, (leorRla, Nov- 30, ISOO. *'! 1 . 1 Itf* Attention in directed to the advertise ment of Mr. Thomas Simmon, headed, “Five Hollars Keward.” teT Sec the now uilvuitisiini'iitK of Oaxs & Oo. and KnwAiut Host:. Thojr offer rare in ducement* to their customer*. Tiion* Superior Court.—Wo neglected to state in onr last week’* paper that the fall term of our Superior Court was in session— .lodge Ul.i.i. presiding Very little matter of importance was transacted. Admitted.—Ouryoung friomJ.X (J. Giuhon was, on yesterday morning, examined and admitted to the practico of law. We trust he may always have good “cases,” and never get on the tcroiuj title of any suit in which lie limy ho engaged. terTin bi"!' mil business houses gen- -orally, friii '• • d during the day, Wednes day, in ncenrduri'• with the requestor the Governor. Appropriate services were held at, the Baptist church. We are not informed whether or not services were held in the other churches. Tiie “ Uni" Tciisir.— Mr. J. I., Ikinu, of this county, presented us on yesterday the "big gest” turnips wo have ever soon—olio of which measured 21 inches in nirciimforance and 12 inches long, and ircir/hetl a little, utter rii/hl jitiinul.t! This lays every tiling else in the shade as far us turnips are concerned.— Can any body bout this ? Fuikmen’* Party.—The lirst anniversary of Diligent Fire Company, No, 1, of this city, was celebrated mi Monday last by u parade in the afternoon and a party at nigliht, given at Sterling Hall. The party passed off quite pleasantly, we hope, to all. Prom enading and conversation were the order in the early part of the night. At t) o'clock a cold collation was served, and the enterlain- melit was continued with dancing'. He regret that lliero was considerable dis satisfaction created and about onc-tliird of the party retired in eoiiHcqociiee of the dancing. Satikii Cia n Conckiit.—Considering the threatening aspect of llie weather on i’hurs- day evening, tlio 22nd instant, the atten- dmicc at the enneert given by the Sutter Club was very good, and we trust that file muliencc were well ph ased with the pro- grioniiio. Among the members ol the < lub uru niiisieians ol the lirst ordei <d talent. As a pianist, Professor Ibiggs lias lew equals, while the snperority of Mr. Schlicliter, time nf p*»*y p< buy all your Blankets, Shawls, Dry Goods and Clothing, si -ai-rtl *'* ■* . «j Cheep, Cash.' iiovttO- II North-West Corel Jiimounrfmfnts of € We ere Authorized to a noon nee the bum of IIKKNBTT II. II. GATES os n candidate for the ofllco of Tax Receiver at the ensuing January elec tion. * pRr We are authorized to announce the nine of S. J. McGLAINK an a candidal*' for the ofllco of Tux Colleotor of Troup county at the ensuing Janu ary election. octA* ter We arc authorized to nnnoance the name of LEWIS HINES as a candidnto for re election to the office of Receiver of Tax Return* for thin county. .JMT- We arc authorized to announce the name of DANIEL JOHNSON an a candidate for re-election to tho ofllco of Tax Colleotor for Troup County, at the euHiiing election, ou the first Monday in January next. per We nre authorized to announce the name of N. J. HAMMOND, of Atlanta, a* n candidate for Solicitor General of the Coweta Circuit at the elec tion in January next sept28 JUT We nre authorized to announce the name of S. W. JONES, Ehj., of Fayette county, an a candi date for Solicitor General ol the Coweta Circuit, ut tlie election in Januury next. T4r We nre authorized to aniiounec the name ol BRYAN A. WESTBROOK, of Greeiivlllo, Meri wether county, Gn., a* a candidate tor Solicitor Gen eral of the Coweta Circuit at the ensuing .election. Election first Wednesday in January next. MISCELLANEOUS. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL perMiiiM indebted to tho estate of Nicholas Tompkins. lute of Heard county, deceased, are notified and requested to .make imiiiediale payment, and those having demand* against mid deceased must present them in terms of the law. nov80 tod. B. II. HILL* ExV, Executor^ Sale* B Y virtue of tho last will and testament of Nicholas Tompkins. deoM., 1 will sell before the Court House door in the town of Franklin, Heard county, I»liin the legal lion i s ol sale, on the first Tuesday in .1 imi 11 v next, the following lauds and uegroos, lo-wit: MILL SETTLEMEN V. 1210 ACRES. Nos. tlti, less 50 acres in N. E. corner, 7b, 77, N. i 80, 84, Hf>, lets 50 ullr t in S. W. corner, and 70, in the 18th Dh-trict originally Carroll, now Heard county. YELLOW DIRT PLANTATION, 520 ACRES.— Nos, 17:5. 171, uud fraction 176, 115 acres, and frac tion |7ti. (I lo ol an acre, in the 1th District origiu- ally Crrt’oll, now Heard county. GOSHEN I’LANTATION, tiOO ACRES. Nos. 77, 70, and 52. in the 11 Hi District originally (Carroll, now Heard County. Also, lots of land nos. 12. 108, and 240, in tlio lltli District; nos. 28 and 80, in the 12tli District; nos. 17 and 122. in the IMth IMstuct; all originally Carroll, ISCEI JANOl’S A' [860. NEW STORE AND DRYGOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES\ I860. ■£., CTO. J. J A C O B E, I N returning thanks la III. numerous friend, anil ciistmi|»r» I»r their past liberal palronnge. ri-rpeclftllly Inlnrm. the citizens of Ladrsnaa nnd vicinity that he is now opening at hi* spnelou* npw CONNECTION V, ITII HIS OI.D STAND.)' on the west xlilc of the puflllo square, two iloor. north or Tur ner’s corner a Intge and m ignlficent stock of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, Embracing Drv ntal Honey Goods, Clothing. Boots and Slioox, Unix and Ciqis, Oiin. and Pistols of tho latex* nnd moxt Improved patents. Jewelry. Pilrnixhlng anil Hluntatlon Oondx, and many urtlolcx Wn sonwroi 1 * t" mention. I would particularly call llio nltentinn or Planter* lo my xlock or NEGRO BLANKETS. EE l 8RVS and BROGANS, the price* of which defy competition—of thin a trial cannot fall to convince tho moxt faxiidioux buyers. I can from long experience in tho bnainexs, guarantee to the publlo xoch value in every description ol goods as cannot bo «qunlcil elsewhere. J. .1M-OBE. ter 1 ' REMEMBER,” NO CONNECTION WHATEVER WITH "JACOBE’S OLD STAND." “©« La Grunge, Ga., Nov. 10th, 1800. SPECIAL NOTICE. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! AT G-REATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ho would draw particular attention to his stock of I.ARIES' DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AMD EM BROIDERIES, amongst which will yet lx* found nomc very desirable styles, lie lias also on hand a largo namrlmentof PINK HKD BLANKETS, which will lie m.IJ al cod prion Al-IthAp)-MADE CLOTIIINO AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Those not yet nipplleil with nil Ininr wintvf goods will Sod it to their in Lores! So call at my store before pnrclun ng elsewhere. , v EDWARD ROSE, 00112-11) Next Door to J. C. CUHTRIOH’T. La Grange. Gn. CHEAPER THAN EVER! EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! IMtY «00l>s. (LimilMU BKI.0W COST! NEW STORE!—LARGE STOCK! JACOBE’S OLD ST21ND ! Ur i.kinift. *'"‘V .1 Mi ‘ • . M ^ll. Iv'lHM witll til. 11.. . VJ .-.I ' tin! llntr, Mi TumiiHHon, mill Di Aihcd ;»s hftkiii.l vi«>1 iiiinti.inl /iiniiicr tin* nils mi army uf Idlonl seldom ^t'llior iiiWMn hiii ill a I'lacc n.n I wo Tiopo wi» limy I"' piocm.i |.m collect..I t. Till* FOLLOWING NEGJlOE.*: Mrrrlca, a man llfty yenr* old; Cato, a man forly- t»v»* >enm old; Ally, a woinud lorly-livu yearn old; Wealey, a man twenty live yearn old; Jock, a man iwrniy-two ycui'H <dd; Tom, a man twenty-one yours •dil; Flloti, a woman Iweuly-two yearn old; Alice, a U»y bevi iitccii yt ars old; Andy, a boy oiglitcm years o'd; (’barley, a boy iw lve year* old; Frank, a man I'jriy-live years old: Clark and hi* wile Kinily. Iwcnty- IIve and tw.miy tlin e yenis old. and ill* ir cliildren— Nolly, a girl live years old, Holla, a girl Ihrce years old. and Mary, a child live inoiiths old; Becky, a woman twenty-on.- yearn old. and her child Amos, a buy two years old; Miily, a wmimu twuniy live years old; (diaries, a mail twenty-seven years old; Chance, u buy eight years old; Mulling, a womou lorly years old. and In r cliildren -.Sarah, a gir' ten yeass old. Am.iudii, a g*rl six years old. and Harriet, a girl three year- old; Kose. a woman twenty live years old, and b- r eliildreii Miles, a boy eight year* old, June, a g.i I six years old, and Ambrose, u child two years '••d, Fanny, a wt»uia » eighteen years old; Narcissus, a worn hi twenty two yeais and her child Olive, two y nos old; Allred, a boy i f t en years old. At tho same time and place, sixty-eight shares ($1700 00) lii tlio Franklin Brulgu Com pa ay; als-r, one wagon a id four nml : . an ox cart and oxen. And all other pi ope. ly. r il and p< 1‘aoiial, la longing lo Hi tale ol Niehoia.- Tompkins, which was not or wl.icli has not already been A S it i> ni'oc.xnry for us to hoII our entire stock lo close out Urn interest of n retiring partner by the 1st ■A of January, we will oiler great bargains in I.AIMES' DllK-S GOODS. OI.OAKS. (MIRMLEE ami Ct.OTII SHAWLS. IIGGI’ SKIRTS. LADIES. MISSES ami CHILDREN'S SHOES. DOMESTICS. AC. CLOTHING IIEI.OW COST. A large slock of DRY GOODS. Our large slock ol Men’s unRJh'ys Cloth iug, lloat«. Shoes, Hals. Caps, Blankets and Plantation Urognns, Trnnkx, Valises and Cat put lings, must lie sold, uud therefore you can gel them BELOW NEW YORK. COST! Overcoats, Shawls and Blankets, at great bargains. An early call positively be sold ; therefore, call early at the new, cheap, cash, corner store, square. UAHS La Grange. Ga.. Nov. 30th. Id (HI Sign ol the Cheap pnlicited. ns our entire stork muni >, noi tli-west corner of public COM PA IN Y, Cliean Cash Si ore. SELLING OFF AT COST. w E A It K NOW OKPKKIMJ OIK LA“GE AM) WKLL-SKKKCTKI) STOCK OP CLOTHING AT COST!!! We call tlio attention of all persons wishing to purchase in our line to our stock, and ri-ipiest them to give uh a call immmediatoly, ns our whole stock mtiiM be sobl out by the FIltST OF M A bull. N. B.—All piTB-uiH having aeeonnts with n-* will pleo^e call ami settle, ns nur books will be bail-led over tor oolleotion BY TilK FIUST OF JaNUAUY, 18t;i. TAKE NOTICE. AND GOVERN YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY! II. * A. WEST11 ELMER, with PiriLLIP -VDT.ER. La Grunge, (la., Novombur 23rd, i860. oe.i 12-Om. MISCELI.ANEOUS. C. ZIMMEIt V CAPPEL'3 ADVSRTIStMENTS. LA GHANGE Confectionery CANDY MANUFACTORY. r l-HE undersigiu-d Like the liberty to announce to l the peapli- and their customers in general, that they continue lo keep always on hand a large and well selected stock ol Cuufcctionerica nnd Provisions, And also a nice rtook of STICK ANO FANCY CANDIES Of their uini .Manufacture, Which they warrant to hu equal tq any Candy made ill the United Hlatex, which will be sold wholesale nnd retail, on ruaaonablu terms. Wedding and PaVty Oalte Will bo put tip In the must workmun-llkc manner. **■ <> rders from the oountry will he promptly at- tendeil to. 8ec our advertisements elsewhere, and give ns n call. nov25 ZIMMER. RltO. A CO. Oysters! Oysters! I j’-RErill NORFOLK OYSTERS, in kegs nnd cans, every day through the season. Lib,ml deduc tions will be made when purchased by the box. imvltt. ZIMMER & CAPFUL. Ittiisins! Itnisins! 1 / A/ \ WH ILE, half ami quarter Is xes layer nnd L l A / M. It. llaislitB, just received, nnd for sale by no*lti. ZIMMER * CAPPED. 500 Sardines. BOXES SARDINES jus* received by MOV Hi ZIMMER ,t CAl’t’EL. Christmas Toys and Pi re-Works. C HRISTMAS TOYS and FIRE WORKS nlre dy on baud, and for sale by nevltl ZIMMER A CAPPED. HIIXKTE DIUEUT FROM THE RHINE RIVER! OUR OWN JMPOUATION! rpilR und.-Tsignud beg leave to nnnoneft lo their X oiiHtomerM lliilt tln-y have received another lul of UlilNL WINE of tho finest brands, which they now offer for pale at reasonable prices. Thin WINK is imported by iia direc t from the Uldne Hivcr in Ger many, and therefore we can warrant it pure and gen uine, without any adulti ration whatever. Give us a cull, and judge for yourselves. may 25 XIMMKU A GAIT EL. LAOEll BKERl LAGER iifiRH W E have received and keep crustuntly on hand a large i*upuly of Philadelphia LAuBIt BEKIv, in wln-le and half barrels, wbicii we -ell, wlndesale and retail, as reasonable terms, llavinr made ar rangements with the Philadelphia Brewers, we are able to sell Lager Beer as low as it can be obtained from any market .South. jp-ii" Empty barrelB to bo returned. may25 ZIMMKU *Sr 'WPPEL.^ Ciguirt! Cigars!! A MONGST our various kind* ofCIG A IIS, you will find flie EMPIRE STATE «f thu South and the HEN BY CLAY, to be number one brand* Cheese! Cheese!! 9 I'MIE bent ai-norlment of Clicene now in market, snob X na STATE. PINE APPLE, ENGLISH DAlltl . NUT MEM, and SWiZEU CHEESE,'for rale at our Store. AI no newly reached DIG ED BEEF and BUFFALO TONGUES. ZIMMER & CAPPEL. J. C. GURTRIGHT’S ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. CUFuHiGm, WIIOEESAEE k 11ETAIE GUOCKU, li A G il A N G E . G A . 1/ W W W \ BUSHELS of COILN to arrive, which H/.wl/U I will si II at $1 per buldiel. •’ nit-HI J. u, CURTRIGHT. 1,000.? Corn for Salt*! BUSHELS uf CORN on Inunl ami lin sale (j I ; J. (i. GUTIIIGIIT. HpiTlnlly biqu smM. lot Dntiigi'; an I ivo liiqni wo limy hu |»;tr- doiiutl l..t H iving; tlint mir | |>lu t“ [ coiigniDilnto llii'insrlvTH (III linvillje ill tli. il iniilst n cllll) "I miisiciiiii.s so ivull i'uIciiI.iIi il ' tu give lliclli |>i11>1 ii- ciilci tilillllti-llls, so re- i fltlt.-ll It ml |llcilsill)V. Tliis iimi'li we Imvc r,-lt cDiiHlniiiicd tnHiiy ill jllhticc III till- |ll inci|'lll |M'I lill'llll'i s ill III!' club, lluui^li we lid sonic Hi'lifitry ill lining; ,Ti iii ciiiMi'quciifi" uf mir own cuiinuctinii with ilium. 111*. E. I*. Hill'll. Tliis gi iillciu iti iiruiii'lic'il bis " liiruwcl! ” j Hurmt'ii tu I lie .Mcllnslisl ciiiijci'ognliiiii "it Sniubiy Sickness |ueventeil mu' iitlemluiu'e. Onr object new is tu pay an bilinlilu tribulc to nil i.-fliciunI ami able paster - a g'i'iilleimin wbV'So Iicqimililaiii-e we sluill ever eberisb mill prize liir bis aiuiableness ami zeiibniK (’bri-liiili ili-vuti<in. Tu bis ebnrge be lias been lailbliil ami Hue, mill tlio Methodist aliun lias liTmod an allaclnueiit fur biiu Dial cun indy end with life. A petition —imfmnusly signed by pimple of all deno- iiiiiiatiulis, as well ns by nenrly nil uf tlio members of h'is Church, if we nre not inis- tuketi—lins been sent tu die Bisliup fur bis return. If we inny Id permitted to express our bumble upinimi we think it nuthing bill no net uf justice tlint lie sbmild be reluriied tu tlii-. ttntiim, ns lie bus sucli a largo family and da incuiivenieiiec of moving is so great. T da wisduni of the Cunfereuco urdiiins 11 isc we, in coininoii with utber citizens, ■ grot it ; but if be is returned we shall all . nice. TU. Ov)grnntril Bitters,—For years mcilicnl * li o liail biion taxed and lliu skill of tlio physician ax a .sti-d in tlm hope of discovering sumo remedy Mailable to cure that most (lt«lrei*ln£ id all diseases Dyspepsia, ns well us 1 Is long train of evils under their various names. ‘ , No medicine existed which would speedily, perma nently, ctnally, and radically cure and expel there diseases Irom the system until Dr. Green made known hi,discovery of The Oxygenated Bitters. Suclfis Its remarkable power and peculiarity, that 1 cases which for years have ballled Ilia roost patent medicine and the professional skill skill, yielded to this remedy as readily u* if the disease were lint uf a ‘ day's standing. For all il is oases of the Stomach mil Digestive Organs, and for Debility it is , equally siiliilaiy and certain. from IF. A. Harp, K#]., FAxiur ttf tin• “ Cor- vifjtun (Ga.j '/Vines.” CovisoTON, April 7, IHlill. S. W. Fowls A Cc..— Itintlcincn : Having derived Is-nelll from the use of die Oxygunali-d Hillers. I am glad to do the public a fsror l,y reccmmeiidiug them. For Dyspepsia mid its attendant evils, I consider it remedy of inestimable wslas. W. A. HARP. llox.Wii.UAS TV. Lasii, now Mayor of Norforlk. Va.. hM just rendered the following testimony of tlio produced by the used tho Oxgeliated Hittersi Mewr,. Hktii IV. Fowl.!: & Co.,— GestlnuieuOne of my servants sulfered for Several years with pro/ops tie uteri, and was so much prisilratkl by the dis. asens lo be rrmlbied to her b .1, expecting (o die. Sho then tmik llio Oxygenated Ritter, ami recovered health. \VM. TV, LAMH. prepared l.v SETH TV. FOIVLF. A < <).. Ho.-lmi, and for xixle'by j J CRAWFORD and T. B. HUAI)- fiU'd.b. Druggll* La Grange, Ga.. NovJ It Di Sill ! PETFHSON’ti MAGAZINE and the ilfl OUTER one year to .any |»r»pii fop ?i(/5 I,> day until all is sold, ie irs and creditors. .mills credit, unless other- inn.TII id-. I! NJAMIN II HILL, K.x r. $5.00 Reward! O rol.l'.N Irom llio Hutisci-iher on tin- n'gbt of Hie ' llltli III November, a plain, doiible-emcd SILVER WATCH, gold hinges ami English lever made liy •lo-h hi ITmhci'tnn. and No. fill.122. The above re tim'd will lie paid lor the delivery of xmd watch to me iii I.a Grange, or nnv information euiiceridng its itTnieiiliiilils, so I Inal I call gel il. The watch had nltiieh.'d lo it. when stolen, u plated chain, (mi imitnlinii of a snake.) will) a key ut tho end uril. THOMAS SlMl'SON. Lu Grange, Nov. 2ii. isiiil. If. KKTTLKW KLL’S MANIPULATED GUANO. 'I'llK srilSCIMBFI! HAS ON HAND SBV33HAX. TONS Of THIS Valuable Fertilizer, WHICH III-: CAN HKl'nMWKN'D full WHEAT AND OTHER SMALL GRAIN CROPS. FOR SAKE ItY TIIE TON OU SACK. APPLY TO JOIIKT UNT. COOPER, AT IIIS WAUE-IIOESE, N E AH T II I-: I) Fa POT. \VM. I*. MKASLHY. Trim,, County,.On., Nov. 2d. ISflo. J, R, MARTIN & SON, ■ all Gl-UllgC, Gt-OlgiHj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Choice Contiaotioneries AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. W E HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FINE AND lar^e lot of , ENGLISH DAIRY AND STATE CHEESE, IHtlt.D BEEF, PICKLES, SUCKS, COVE OYSTERS, SARDINES, • SODA ANI) linT'Elt CKACKKKS, Also, A FINE LOT OF CIGARS ANO TOBACCO, rtrfiMOiistcrjs in thtir JtaKon. GIVE 118 A CAL.lx. TEH.MS CASH, J R. MARTINA BON. La Grange. Ga., Oct, 5, 1860, 860. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS! 1861. GOOD ANO CliMAP DRY GOODS! r | MIE S1IBSCUIBKU BUGS TO I \ Ft HIM IUS FUIK.NBS AND T1IIC l'UBLIC GKNI3RALLY THAT I1K L in now prepand to hIiow A Full Stoek oi Full ;in<l Winter Drv Uoods, CONSIS T INCr (~) F DRESS GOODS OK EVERY STYLE AND QUALITY, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, (HJNS, AC. A GREAT VARIETY OF PLANTATION GOODS, SUCH AS BLANKETS, KERSEYS. SING OK AND UOPULK SULK KUSSKT OIK MIA NS, WOOD HATS, &(!., &C. A Ixnrgo and. Frosh. Supply of ROCK ISLAND (NORTH CAROLINA) CASSI.MKRKS, ,1 KAN'S AND KKRSKYS, ■ ALL OF WHICH I W ILL SELL <>.\ LIJiKKAL TERMS AND AT FRIGES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 1 again lender my thanks for Hie liberal palrnmige I have received, nnd trust. HY FAIR AND HONEST DEALING, AND A CONTINUED EFFORT TO PI,EASE MY FRIENDS, tn retain their tom and support. sepiU-Sm. JOHN G. WIIITEIELI). 100 Ibirndscboicu mission, for uu Family Flo lu low Iur i ui roueivt d on com ia*li by inny 11 J. (.1 . GUItTItIGUT. on * H MJSIILADS choice Tci iuef»>cu Uncoil just Z\) r Dccivud and foi i- sale hy npr‘20 J. 1 ;. cuitTiiHHi r. rtA HALLS IIAGG irit.g, 10U Coils l.NG. .V) li Rape, for si tills Pa tolled Bug* tie id nprJU .1 U GUIITRIOIIT. Tt nbacco. 100 IloXUH TubllCCI for siilt* very l< ». various brands and qualifies uw by J. 0. ClJltTRIGHT. 200 DariclH of chi which I will h nice new Fi ell low for lour, just received Clisll. Aug D> 18(10. .1 ( CUUTUIG1IT. ROLL ON WHEELS! Sugars. p-r\ Bids A B. AC. Sugar,'.; 2i> Mils Crushed, Puml ')v/ and Granulated Sugars, lorsa'c liy api 2()_ . J. C. CfaltTRIGHT, Mlscolliinoous. Q/A Hlids Now Orleans Sugar! HO bids New Orleans -f/\f Syrup; 12(1 hull'barrel, Now OrieuiiH Syrup; 50 bags Itio Unll'ce; 2illl Sacks Salt; 100 kegs Nulls; 211 hull bids While Fish; All Packages Mackerel; 30 boxes Slur Caudles; 10 boxes Sperm do. for sale liy J. ('. GUItTItIGUT. I run k. Steel. A large lot nf iron and Plow Steel. Blnckstnith ,Y Tools, Ac.. I'm- sale liy J. U I'UItTRlGHT. feh24 J. J CRAWFORD'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Orclinnl Grass unit llod Clover Seed. A GOOD lot nl Orchard (Iriius and Red Clover Sold in store and for sale bv sept2! J. J. CRAWFORD. store and for mile liy J. d. CR.WVFORD. 200 ,J!S VIRGINIA SMOKING TOBACCO in Bllgl A I1KAVY lot of Kroncli Wiuilow OIiihh. from 8x10 to 24x30, in store ami lor hiiIo 5*v uuk!7 J. J.UR.VWFORD. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. 18e*V . I. September. 1860. M'MILLAN & BURKS, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA. W E ARE NOW RECEIVING ANI) WILL, IN A FEW DAYS, HAVElIN A COMPLETE Stock ol Fall and Winter Dress Goods, an examination of whioh wc would very respectfully solicit from our lady customer,, friend,, nml the pv.bllc generally. LADTES’ DRESS GOODS: Pluin Black and Reps Silks, Fancy Silks, (set figures, newest styles,) Fancy nnd Plain Merino, nnd Plain Delaines, Delaine Robes, Morning Di'lninc Robes, Silk Mitts, Hosiery, Laces and Embroideries, Ladies and Misses Cloaks, Ladies Silk Vests, Irish Linens, Pillow Case Linens, Linen Sbeotinjs, A full assortment nf Fancy Articles. PLANTATION GOODS: Blankets, Georgia Plains, Stripes, Kerseys mid Brogans. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS : A Fine Stock of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Men’s and Boys’ Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Merino Shirts, Canton Flannel Drawers, Kid, Buck, Dogskin uud Woolen Gloves,, Jlats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. OROCK.ERY. SPORTING ARTICLES: Single and Double Barreled (finis, (best manufactures,) from $20 to (fun Rods, Shot Belts ami Pouches, Powder Flasks, Gnu Tips and Worms, Pouch Slides, (fun Wads, Ac., &e. NORTH CAROLINA JEANS AND KERSEYS. Jte- W,. will oftVr onr stock on LIBERAL TERMS to PROMPT PAYING CUSTOMFdlS. and will nukr INDUCEMENTS to CASH BUYERS. *opt7-ll McMILLAN A BURKS. PLEASE ItEAl) THIS! H AVING noticed In tlio Rrporlrr that not only the GOODS, hut also tho PUI0ES of Home of our mir chaniR are advertised, and having proven to our customers for the hist ten years that we sell goods as low ns any house in the State, ntill we take the liberty to aanminco publicly that we have reduced our prices in out WEST S1DK OF THE] (J /\ g H ST O R j [PUBLIC SQUARE. A* wc Imvc bought a very large stock, nnd the prospects for cash being anything but favorable, wo give herewith a statement of prices of our STAPLE PRY GOODS, CLOTHIN3, BOOTS, SHOES, AC.: Throe hundred plerc* best fallrox, war rained fust rotors, suitable for dresses, from 11-1 lo • eents. Three hundred pleecs (jullt fnllros, at 4 1-2 eents I quilt Lining ut 4 1-2 tents. Blenching, from 5 1-2 to 12 1.2—the best. Itrown Shil ling and Sheeting from 7 to III rent,. A good nssorlmrnt of Figured Drlitlnrs from S 1-2 lo 12 1-2—the latest and belt styles. One hundred handsome t'hemlllr Shawls at 92.75—werth $7.00. Two hundred aud llfly Wool Shawl, from 50 rent,, U],w nrds. 4 handsome line of French tlerlno at 75 rents per yard. Ill Wool Kobe* at $7.00. i good nssorlmrnt of Silk, from $10.01) a pattern upwards. A goCt! of Hose from 7 J cents a dozen, upwards. Also, Gloves, limbrolder- Irs, llandkerrhlrfs, kr., at reduced prlrcs s nnd cvrryllilng else hi our line nrrordlngly. We also rail your attention lu our prlrcs of Hoops i 10 Spring,, 35 cent,) 20 Spring,, 70 cents) 30 Springs, from 90 cents lo $1.25) 40 Springs, $1.37 1-2$ 50 Springs, from $1.75 to $2.00. Our nothing wc wit! sell at Manufacturing prices. Business Coat, and Orer-ronts from $2.50, upwards. Handsome, plain Winter Vest, at 75 cent,. A ge*d ar ticle of Fanis at $1.87 1-2. A line stock of blark touts, Pants, Flush Vests, Hats, Caps, B**t,and Sheet, ALSO, Ful ly pit i'i's Ciiipi'ting, (lli'iissols,) Tapestry, (SI ply nml 2 ply,) Stair Curpcting, Win- ilow Curtains, Table Cloths, Toweling, Irish Lilian, (Jottoll ami Lilian Shootings, Ac. ALSO, A LARGE AND CHEAP STOCK OF PLANTATION GOODS. Tiie Inidlis and Gentlenr-n ol La Grange uud the Fui reunding enquiry are r<Kpic,le<l lu give us a call, and they will !hii| it a faul, that ive arcrelli.ig goods as advertised above. La Grange, Sept. 21, 1SII0. M. II. RERINGER k BROTHER. BOA RDM AN, GRAY k CO'S. INSULATED IRON FRAME, AND CORRUGATED SOUNDING-BOARD PIANOS; NEWMAN, BRO. & SON’S PATENT DOUBLE SOUNDING-BOARD PIANOS, AND JOHN B. DNNILAM’S IRON FRAME OVER STRUNG PIANOS. Also, MASON k HAMLIN’S, PRINCE’S AND J. FOSTER’S PREMIUM MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS. t SHALL at all times keep a large stock of the above justly oolnbrutud Instrument, on hand, whioh, for power, sweetness anil purily of tone, anil a perfection of touch, entirely unapproachable, are beyond question mining Hie Iasi Hindu’ III the llnitod Stales, anil are so acknowledged by all oompotciil and dl,Inter ested persons. Music Stools In ilalr Olntli and Flush. Bunks, Sheet Music, nnd Musical Merchandize gen erally. Prices ns Imv as any in Hie Southern Market. Orders solicited and promptly attended tu. Jiilylil K. H lUCHAKDS. IndiM Rubber Depot!—Call at the Hook Store, U UBBKR TOY8-ALL KINDS. Rubber Slates—ALL SIZES. Rubber Foot Mats. Itubbei Drinking Cups, Rubber Killing Whips, liiibli. r Thimbles. Rubber Hre-siug Combe. Rubber Ink Stauds. Rubber Canes—n BEAUTIFUL assortment—Gold bends anil plain. Rubber Rattles and Teething Ring, —jnst the thing, liir the Isilses. Hiibls-r Dress Shields. Rubber Chest Expanders good exorcise. Rubber Plano and Melodcon Covers—a PINK o* Hortmuiit. out 12. R. II. RICHARDS. R. H. RICHARDS, PKAU'.lt IN BOOKS, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUTCNTS, Stotionoi-y; &e., &c., LA (ill AN OK GEOROIA Hiili'crilKT* have cFtahlishcil n CAKUIAGK RICI’O.SITOItY in Hie city of Lu Grunge, where they will I keep on haii'l f«»r rale, coimtautly, a lur^e monument of nil kinds of vi hiclen. They arc now just receiving from the best f COACHES, Carriages, ROGKAWAYS, BRETTS. PHAKT0SS, WHICH tlmy pninosu GU1PP1N, or COLUMllUH. THEIR POLICY WILL ALWAYS BE TO MAKE SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. Thi,ho iii want of a Carriage. IJuggy. or anything nine in our line, will consult their interests hy giving iin a call. Our llepodlory is located one d iur immediately east of Mewtra. Kidd tt Cook’* Gr»»c**ry slure. oil the Hiiith-euHl corner ot the put>lic Mjuare. (Jive us \ call if you want to l»uy a uarri.ige. and il wc dou’t sell to you it will not he our fault. DON'T HUY BEFORE LOOKING AT OUR STOCKi MILLER, FERRELL & CO. eH at the North the most fashionalde , q tylcH BUGGIES. T W O 11 O R S E AND "Plantation WAG0HS, i law an thu nunc (inscription of vehicles can be bought in ATLANTA, iz BARRELS, EXTRA BURNING FLUID, in store •J und lor sale hy, J. J. CRAWFORD. July 27. Trimses, Trusses, bp HE best Truss ill line i. Killer’s, lor sale liy J- upl"27 J J. CRAWFORD. C IIIKI.STADOKA'S 1IA1U DYE,for sale by J npi‘27 J. J. CRAWFORD. Kltliil anil Kerosene Lamps! F LUIJ) AND KEROSENE LAMPS, lntc»t patent,, ] just reouived aud fur sale by niareli9-tf. J. J. CRAWFORD. VVlitte Lend. A LARGE LOT of.pure White Lend iusl received mill Iur , ale by jiuili.ll J. J. CRAWFORD. .lust lleeeived, A SPLENDID nssorrment of BEAUTIFUL POCK ET BIBLES. Irimi fill Cl lll, lo $12.00. Alsu, u NEW l.OT OF SHEET MUSIC, cell2. R. IL RICHARDS. Fishing Tackle! Fishing Tackle! S UCH us ticks. I,inr,. Rods. Reels. Floa;,. Sink ers—logeiher with a great many other articles Iur tlshing purpose—just received at the nov'2 BOOK STORE. Call Soon ! CflWO SHOW OASES lor sale LOW nt It. It. Rich. I i.r.U’ nugl7 BOOK STOUR Wall Paper and Ilorders, F ROM Fifteen Cants to One Dollar and Fttty C«nl per roll—new style,—just received by juneS K. II. RICHARDS. Snow White Zinc. A LOT’ON HAND for sale. A good article.— Call ou junli-tf J. J. CRAWFORD. Cigars and Tobacco, C T1GAKS AND TOBACCO, ol the fluest linmds, J always on hand, fanlt-tf. J. J. CRAWF0.RI) (fennine Kerosene Oil, I N store fur sale by J. J. CRAWFORD. $50 Reward. XT'| FT V 1)01, LA US UKWAIID in for the L Hpprehi nsiiui uf a Imy imint* I SAM. lie is about mix foul high—black lively countoimmod—weighs fthout one hundred and oi^hty-liie pounds twenty- two or twoiity-thru«! years old. Hu was sold ns the property of Dr. Hruwii’. of La Grange, Troup county, Ga. Hi was emplovt d a long tune at Mr. Alexander s Livery Stable, in Gr*fHtL 11857-56.) Hu has been out over twelve mouths, and won lust seeu in La Grange, two months ugo. His lather nml mother live either in (4riflin or Atlanta. The above reward will lie paid ua toon an ho in Iodized in onu «u(e place where 1 oan gut hold of him. LHKQV NAlUfcR. poVj-lra. Macon. Gn. Particular ISoticz*, M V Books and Accountn are in the lutudn of Mi LBS 11. HIMo Era., for collection. fal;^0 N. GOODMAN. NEW JEWELRY STORE. N. (j(H)DiVlAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, keeps Jfi.Aeiiiistaiiilv on baud a very large and superior as- surtmunt of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Ife is also prepared to do ANY KIND OF WORK in his line uf husinass. 1| AIR W () R K done lo <i|dev uud on short notice. — Also, any kiod of ordaxs lu bia line filled faithfully and promptly. JtAr Just received a sew loi ut PLATED WARE und CLOCKS. juiiclll ly ] AUCTION K COMMISSION HOUSE, BY W . B. JONES, Lll (il'Ullge, Geo. i P ARTICULAR attention given lo Ike sale of every ! thing entrusted to his {arfi ^ 010)0 1 1'otaib. [ W1I.L receive in n feiv days u good assortment of potash in bnrrels, cans, nnd jars. innruhlO-tf J. J. CRAWFORD. 010,000 DOIxtiARS WORTH OF FARMS AM) BUILDING LOTS, TN THE GOLD REGION OFVIROINIA. (Culpeper 1 counly.) Is lo be divided amongst 10,200 subscri bers on tho third IM/lfi|/«y if carry month, until all is sold. Subscriptions only ten dollars each ; one- half down, tiie rest on delivery of Deed. Every sub scriber will get a Building Lot or ix Farm, ranging in value from $Dl lo $25,110(1. These Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increuse in the value of wliicli will Compensate fur the apparent low price now asked. Ample security v.dll ho given for the faithful performance of.ccmtrnuts and premises. O' More agvniH are wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will he given. Borne Agents write that they arv making 200 dollars per month. For full particulars, Subscriptions Agen cies. Ac., apply. E. BAVDER. iiovlti-ift. Port linynl, Caroline couuty, Va. Cherokee Liiuu f I THOMPSON k IHCKS will supply any demand | for CHEROKEE LIME in any quantities. Give l||em a call, (f, P O R T R A I T S ! TUCKER & PERKINS' Photographic Portraits Colored to Life! f I MULSH PORTRAITS nre unrivaled fur their TRUTH nnd ACCURACY OF LIKENESS. PERFECTION 1 and BRILLIANCY OF COLORING nnd AUTISTIC EFFECT. These SUPERB PORTRAITS are acknowledged In siirpam those ol roust other Galleries, North or South, or pcrlcction of resemblance, truth and character | These PORTRAITS are made from life, or copied from Daguerrentypoa, Ao., and enlarged to any requir- , d size—Irmn the smallest miniature to full length life size, and pninlcd by Mr. JT. M. Tomlinson whrow ability as tui artist .mil successful Portrait Fuioter, is acknowledged by cunnoisicur$ and judges of ( the art. Pcrnon* having Daguerreotype* of f lieir Deceasied Friend* or ltelatives, by giving a description uf thu complexion, color of hair, eyes, Ac., oan have them copied to the six* of life, with a perfection and accuracy truly womtaftiil. We can refer, wi^h confidence, to tho many parties ill Lit Grange and vicinity poaflesHing Portrait ! executed by uh. ptr All peraons are cordially invited to oall and see for (huniftelvev, ut MR PROPHITT’S GALLERY. LA GRANGE GA, where nre on exhibition a largo ootlcctian ol PORTRAITS, which Mr. PROI’IIITT will lake plebnuro In showing. Lu Grange, Ga., jan6-tf AT J. M. BEALL’S CHEAP CASH STORE llltY GOODS iN» tt R 0€E K IK S ! C ONSISTING IN PART OF Calicoes; Ginghams ; While, Brown,Striped and Ptmid Hcmcepnnsq Pants loons; Uncos ; Coltanades; Uassimers ; Table Ulolhs ; Table Cutlery; Pocket Knivee; Hardware) Spades; Axes; Chairs; Vices; Anvils; Hoes; Tubs; Pails; Buckets; Brooms; Mats; Slices; Hats; Crockery ; Glass-Ware ; Sugar ; Tea ; Coffee; Spice ; Pep per; Ginger Sislu ; Soap; Starch ; Candlss; Baskets; Pickbs; Tobacco; Segura, and many other articles for Ladies and Gentlemen. CHEAP GOODS AND CHEAT BARGAINS CAN BE HAD, My object is to BUY LOW and SELL LOW, and thus benefit you and myself. To do this, I Wfif HAVE YOUR TRADE. By buying of ine. yon thus get your Goods st tho very lowest priest, and rare money ; and help roe to make some. Ladies’ and Gentlemen, buying .a Ibis market, will fiud It tt> tbair I interest to Exuraine our VERY LARGE STOCK before buying, ns no charges are made for waiting op you, I or for looking al our LOW PRICED GOODS. 1 La Grange, March 3Ut.-tf. J, M. BKALI,,