The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, October 17, 1862, Image 4

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* f*^s. .r *\- ^ t r Wy- Tht Military GiettpHon Act. The following is • copy of tbs Exemption Act, M finally passed by Congress! . A BILL . To exempt certain per amt f*om military terv- ice, and to repeal the act entitled "An Act to exempt certain pertont from enrollment for ter vice in the army of the Confederate Skates,” approved the 31st of April, 18624 invalids, omens or ootxsxuent, citxKs, ktc. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, Tbst all persons wlto shall be held unfit for military scrjrice in the field, by reason of bodily or mental incapac ity or imbecility, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, the Vico President of the Confederate States, the officers, judi cial and executive, of the Confederate and Slate Governments, including postmasters appointed by the President and confirmed by tbs Senate, and such clerks in t.ioir offices as nra allowed by the Postmaster General, and sow employed, and excluding all other (WaUnaatnra. their assistant^ and clerks: -and, except such State officers.aar-the severul States stay have declared, or muy hereafter declare by law to be liable to militia duty; the members of both Houses of the Congress of the.Confederate States, and of thu Legis latures of the several States, and their re spective officers; all clerks now in the offices of the Confederate and State governments, authorized by law, receiving salaries or fees. VOLUNTEER .TROOri. All voluntoer troops heretofore raised by any-State since the passage of the act enti tled "An act further to provide for the pub lic defence,” approved April 16th, 1862, while Such troops shall be in nutivo service under Slate authority, provided that* this exemp tion shall not Apply to aiiy person who was liable to be celled into service by virtue of ■aid act of April 10th, 1862. TRANSPORTATION AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. All pilots and persons engngod in the mer chant marine service; the president, superin tendents, conductors, treasurer,'chief clerk, engineers, managers, station agents, section masters, two expert track Imnda to oath sec tion of eight miles, and mechanics in the active service and employment of railroad companies, not to embrace laborers, porters and messengers: the presidi-nt, general su perintendent and operators of telegraph com- paoies. tho locu! superintendent and operat ors of said companies nut to exceed four iTi number at anyloculify tint that ut. the seat of government of fho Confederate Stales; the president, superintendents, captains, en gineers, chief clerk and mechanics in -the active service and employment of all compa nies engaged-in river and canal navigation, and ail cuptains of boats, and engineers thereon employed. KUllUllS, riUNtEKS AMD PUEACURfUt. One editor of each newspaper now being published, and apeiaemployees as the editor or proprietor may Certify upou oath to be indispensable for conducting the publication; the public printer, and t-hoso employed to perform the public printing for tint Confede rate and State Governments; every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of Ids ncct and in the regular discharge of ministerial ditties. RELIGIOUS NON-COM DATA NTS. All persons who have been und now arc members of the Society of Friends and tht* Association of Hunkers, Nazureius. iind Mon- uonista, in regular incmberBliip with their respective denominations, provided (Bombers of Friends, Niizureiics, Me nnonists,Slid Hank ers, shall furnish substitutes, or pity a tax of (500 ouch into tlio public Treasury. PHYSICIANS. All physicians who now are aqd for the last five years have boon in actual practice of their profassion. SHOEMAKERS, TANNERS, ETC, All shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, wag on makers, millers and their eiigipoors, mill wrights, skilled and actually employed as their regular vocation iu the a4id trades, habitually engaged in working for the pub lic nnd whilst so uctuully employed; provi ded said persona shall make oath in writing that they are so skilled and actually cm- K cd ut tlio tiino as their regular vocation ue of the ubove . trades, which affidavit shall only be prima facie evidence of the facts theroin stated. A PROVISO AGAINST EXTORTION. Provided further, Tlmt tho exemptions here in grunted to persons by ri'ltttumif cueniwr meemrarcni or mnpr'iicciipaltofor employ ment not connected with the public service -hall be subject to the condition that the pruducts of the lubor of such exempts, or of the companies and establishments With which they are connected, shall be Hold und dis posed of by the proprietors ut prices nut exceeding 75 per centum upon the cost of production, or within u maximum to bo fixed by the Secretary of Wur under rticii regula tions as he may prescribe; uod it Is further provided that if the proprietors of any such manufacturing establishment ahull ho shown updo evidence to be submitted to and judged of by the Secretary of War to huvli violated, or in any manner evaded, the true intent and spirit of tiic foregoing proviso, the ex emptions therein grunted, shall nt* longer bo extended to them, superintendents, or opera tives in said establishments, hut they, amt each und every one of them, siiall be fortli- with enrolled under tho provisions of tbU act, sad ordered into the Confederate- urmy, and shall in 00 event be again exempted therefrom by reason of said manufacturing establiahmentu or employments tbereiu. hospitals, asylums, etc. All superintendents of public hospitals, luuatio asylums, and the regular physicians, nurses, and attendants therein, und the teach- srs employed in the institutions for the deaf, dumb, and blind. In each apothecary store now established and doing business, one apothecary in gooa standing, who is s prac tical apothecary. WOOL, COTTON, AND PAPER HANOTACItfHRHS., Superintendent and operatives in wool end cotton factories, paper mills, and superin tendents end managers of wool-carding ma chine* who may be exempted by the Secre tary of War, provided the profits of such establishments shall not exceed Seventy-five per centum npon the cost of production, to be determined apon oath of the parties, sub ject to the same penalties for violation of the provisions herein contained as are hereinbe fore provided in case of other mannfactt.ring und mechanical employments. stock raisers. One male citizen for every 600 head of cattle, for every 250 head of horses or mules, and one shepherd for every 600 head of sheep, of such persons as are engaged ex clusively in raiaing stock, provided there iu no while male adult uotjiabltt to do military duty engaged with uueb persons in raising .-Ad -t-is-tr overseers on plantations. To bpciii'o tlio proper police of the country, one person either as agent, owner, or over seer on euch plantation ou which one white person is required to be kept by thu laws or ordinances id any State, and on which there is no white malu adult uot liable to do mili tary serviuo, and in States having no such law one person, us agent, owuur, or overseer on each plantation, of twenty negroes, and on which there is no white mule adult not liable to militury service, und, furthermore, fur additional police for every twenty ne groes on two or more plantation* within fire miles of each other, and each having less than twenty negroes, and on which tln-ro is no white tnulo adult not liablo to military duty, one person, being tiie oldest of the owtiers of overseers on such plantations. SPECIAL EXEMPTIONS. Also, a regiment ruined und*r and by au thority of the State of Texas for the frontier defence, now in tho service; and such other persons as the President shall be satisfied oil account of justice, equity, or.necessity, ought to be exempted, are hereby exempted from military service in the armies of tlio Confederate Stoles; provided that the ex emptions herein above enumerated ahull on ly continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations. 2. That the act entitled “An act to ex empted certain peusons from enrollment f->v service in thu armies of tho Confederate States,’’approved tlio 21st April, 18112, is hereby repented. EDUCATIONAL EXEMPTIONS. All presidents and teachers of colleges, **»>*• «4 *»**# i •**, aotioitld, mid tlivolii^-iinil anriiiiA' lies who have been regularly engaged as such for two years preceding the passage of this act. ARTISANS EMPLOYER ON " GOVERNMENT WORK.” Alt artisans, mechanics, and employees in tlio establishment of the government for the manufacture of arm*, ordnance, ord- iiauco.Stores, and other munitions of war, who may bo certified by the superintendent* as necessary for such establishment; also all ai-liauns, mechanic*, and employees in tlio establishment of such persona as uro or may ho engaged under contracts with tlio government iu furniMliing arms, ordinance, ordnance stores, and other munitions of war. saddle*, harneas, and army supplies,-provid ed that tho chief of the orduunce bureau, or sonic ordnance officer authorized by him for the purpose, siiall approve of the number of operatives required in such establishment; all persons employed in the manufacture of arms, or ordnance of any kind by tfie sever al Stato Governments, whom the Governor or Secretary of Slate thereof muy certify to be n.ecoBSttry to the same; all persons engag ed iti tlio construction of sltips, gunboats, engiues, sails, or oilier articles n -ccssary to the public defence under tlm direction of tne Secretary of Navy; all superintendents, man agers, mechanics, iind miners employed in tiie production and manufacture of salt, to thu extent of 20 bushels per day, ami of lead and iron, and all persons engaged in making churcoal for muking pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers, messengers, wagoners and servants, unless emuinyed at works con ducted under the authority and by the offi cers or ugents of a State, or in works em ployed in the production of iron for tho Con federate States. ... ,1 ■ Gen. McClellan, in his offiuiul report, states his loss at the buttle of Boonsboro’, or South Mountain, as follows ; Killed, 433 Wounded, j sort Missing, ' 73 Total, 2,315 He states the loss at Sharpsburg or Anti- etum, ns follows : TJY virtue aft D TbOBSHM. (h Ex*cstsr«« Bale. St will sod Iretanst of Jets C. of Tfwap essotj.) deceased. will br sold on the fort Tuesday In November asxt, be- twees the ewfol boars of sale, bsfors tbs Csort Howie door In «b* town of UOrsogejJn »ld enmty, two low of Isadtn tbs worth District of sold ooonty— It being the late nstdeiwe of fold dssasesd-sootata- log lour hundred and ire [409] acres. Also, ten likely negroes, ris: HeiTT. a man shout 48 yean of ege; Joanns, a women about 8* yeun of age, and her Infanteblld, shoot S months of scat Toby, a man about M yean of sge ( 80m, a boy oboSt IS years of age: Wlllbim, a bor about wn yean of sge; Jane, a girl about 8 yean of age; Mary, a girl about 0 years of ago j Caroline, a girl sbont 4 years of ago; Hambleton, a boy- «ho«t 2 yean of sge. All belong ing to the cstoW *1 said deceased, and raid for distri bution. Terms cash, snlern etrcnmstancc* require s change; »u™ MirfU.m .gE|psnlnr of J.O. Thomason. decM Killed, 2,010 Wnnrded, 0.410 Missing, 1,043 Total, 14.460 Loss in the two battles, 14,190 We publish the above simply as McClel- Inn’n confession that his loss does not fall under the figures he givod. His conjectures as to our losses, aro entitled,to no attention. Even his positive assertions • where he has a right to know the truth, have long ceased to be of anv snthority except as against him self. —Rich. Enq. Mp" Subscribe lor tbs La Orange Reporter. |n -Wlp* )Y virtue of so ofjjh- from the Honorable Court of jonslyJ will sell, ss Admin JsfaedB. Hill, deceased, on ssnt next, all tb« listing of a LI • a WOMAN oud deceased, fur LL, Adm'r. Bile. LuOrango, 00 tlio 11 or boorabsid”sSd two~l»o4 a U'lf "ercs of ladd.neaT Joseph Kutlcdgc*** Term on tlio day vf.tnw. scptA-td W. W. OARMBLR AiiiH’r. OBNOY. SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANIES, Was* Pslat, Ussnta, uwn niiiHMKinittuit cotfrm, Capital,.. .6113,000 iotiirmce ctirui er the tiuH op menu, Wlae better, nrgMa. Capital,. .*300, COO nxeuu m in auun nmnmcE covin, Capital, ..8200.000 «MHM HOME MSOMBCE fOlPiXI Colsmbm, Georgia. Capital ....*230.000 FLORIDA HOME IHSOURCE CORFU!*, Ipatarblcsta, PisrMU, Capital TT.,., ,...*160.000 -ALSO— UFElMGRiMC DCriRTHEXT OF GE8RCM HOSE IRKBMCE CORNU*, Lsested at Savaaaah, fieorgta rpHB sohsnlber,agent for tho above rel 1 panics, is prepared to tabs rlskaon buildings - merensodlee, furniture, ootton poshed or onpaeked, next, l ie REAL l7n pisnlntions er Is war»htm*es, and on llfr of white anndera, deosaecd, eomtstlng and negroet on the most (avpraUe tens* eon- AfUita fa* Wit Pslat Attests te West Pslat, 00 ml lea—Fare,.,,,, OBOROEO. HULL, Superintendent •snlS* (HaH) It sis, OUTWARD. Leave* Allsofa SAtls.wi ArrireatE.Pt. S.08 Fairborn, 8.48 Palnietto, 4.08 PoWell’e, 4*4 Ncwtittn, 4.62 Grantvllle, 6.32 IIognnsvl1le.6.8T Whitfield’s, 6 25 LnGrange, R 4i Long (Jane, 7.15 West Pcint, 7.36 ■W w : inwabb. Leaves W.Petal I2.40a.«ti Arrive* L.Gase, 13.67 LaOraage, 18* Whitfield, nog’nille, Ovsnivflle, ffefrhbb, PowellV, Palmetto, Falrbnrn, , . , East Point, 8.11 Atlanta, 4.16 4.30 OUTWARD. Leave Atlinta, 6.00 p.n Arrive at L.Pt. 6.22 Falrhurn, 7 05 Palmetto, 7 3 Powell’*, 7 67 Newnnn. 8.16 Grnntvilla 8.53 Hog'navllle.R.SO Wliilfielil, 10.07 LsOronge, 10.26 Long Cane, 10.60 West Point 11.22 Attlfi Train. INWARD. Leave* W. Point 1.00 p.m Arrive* L.Cane, 2.16 LtGraage, 2.50 Whitfield, 8.IO Hog’nsville,3.38 Gvantville, 3.50 Newnsn, 4.(8 Powell’s, 6 00 Palmetto, 6.24 Falrbnrn. 6.46 East Point, 6.26 Atlanta, 0.4* Georgia, Troop County, Oiidin'ahy’s Omct. Sept. 231,1801. W ALKER DUN80N nnd JAMES M. HAIRSTON Klve notice that they wilt apply to me on the fltot Monday io Nnvemlicr uuxt for letters of udrnin- letralion Ue bonis non oo thu estnto of Jaiqe* MoCnl- ley. Sun., deceased. All parsons interested are notified to file their ob jections with mo (If any) at or l>y that t:me, or letter* will be granted. scpl2(i-t4 SAMUEf, CU JTRIGIIT, Ord’y. Georgia. Troup County, Ohdikanrt's OvriCE, Sept. 3. 1362. N ATHAN LIPSCOMB, aduiiniatratnr on tbeestate of Lewis- D. Llpsoomb, deceased, gives notice that lie will apply fo mo on tin first Monday In No l» nil«r next tor toavo to sett tbe personal estate of said deceased. ■ , - All persons interested aro notified to file tbelr ob jections with me. if any, tit or by that time or leave will be granted. tt.VMU.EL OJUTIUQIIT. Bi-pIS-Wl , Ordinary Georgia, Troup Coxtitf|r. Oriunauv’h Orrms, Sept. J, 1802. M ARY-JANE UKEY, ■ulnilniwl rn t rix on the es tate of John 0. Gorcy, dt-oensoil, gives notice tlmt she will apply In on on the first Monday in No vember next, lor lunr« to sell the real estate ol -laid deceased. All person* Interested aro notified to file their ob- j oiioim with m», if any. nt or by that time of leave will be granted. SAMUEL CUttTIHGHT, *epl5-d Ordinary. Georgia j Troup Caunty. OititiNAiir’* OmoE, Sept. 15th, 1802. W ILLIAM II. FINCHER, Executor on the exists of Isaac Fincher, deooaxed, give* Rolioa that lie will apply to me on the first Monday iu December next for leave to soilthe land and nogroes of ,■aid d-ceexed. Ait pr'rxnnUTnicrfsreu are notltti-il to nto inotr oh- iectii-n* with ine (It any) nt or by that time, or loavo will b- granted. SAMUEL CintTIUGlIT, w-ptllMd Ordinary. Georgia, Troup County. Oudinahy’h OmoK, Sept. 18th. 18C2. 4 MANDA D. BUIIT, Administratrix «o the i-ststo of tVillinm Burt, deceased, gives nutico that she will apply to me »n the first Monday in December next Tor leave to sell the negroes ut' raid estate, or A portion ol thorn. All persons Interested aro notified th flip their ob jections with me (if any) at or by (hat tlnre. or leave will bo granted. SAMUEL CUliTIUGlIT, Brptl!)-td Ordinary. Georgia, Troup County OuniNARY's Opeick. Aug. 23th. 1862. E LI MoMILLAN, Administrator an tbu estate of L. B. McMillan, drocased, gives notion that he will apply to mo on the first Monday In November next for ienvt to sell tbe real estate of said deceased. All persons interested are notified to file tbelr ob jection* with me—if any—nt or by that time, or leave will bogrnnted. nug»-Ht SAMUEL CURTRiaHT. Ord’y. Georgia, Troup County. OnnisAiir’s OrviCK, Sept. 15th, 1802. W ILLIAM W. PKATIIEU gives notice that ho will apply to me oo the first Monday in Novem ber next far letters of administration on the estate ol John W. Jackson, deceased. All peraona interested are notified to file their ob jections with me (if any) at or by that time, or let ters will be granted. SAMUEL CURTKIGHT, sept 10-td Ordinary. Ge^rglos Troup County, Ohdinary’s OrriCK, Oct. 2, 1862. A ARON EVANS give* notice that he will apply In me, on the first Monday in Novemlier next for letters of administration on the estate of Enoch U. Fl-renco.deceased. All person* interested are notified to file their ob jections with mo, II any. at or by that timo, nr letters will be granted. SAMUEL CUKTRIGHT, oct8-td Ordinary. Georgia, Troup Coctniyl , Monday la Novamber next for letter* LBfMal«tratl«a on tho estate ol David A. Porter, (late of this county.) deocascd. All persons latsredod or* notified to file their ob jections with ms; if any, at or by that time, or Let ters will bo granted. 8AM. CURTRlGHT, ooi3-td , <w . Ordinary. Georgia, Troup County. O N the first Monday In December next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Troup oouoty lor lenvo to soil the land and negroes belonging to tbs ostato of Charles B Cox. Into oi said oounty, dec'd., for the bum-fit of the heir* and creditors of said Ue- oefised. *ept2A-td JAMES M. OCX, Adm'r. apply or 1st Georgia, Troup County, T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Troup county, Ga., for learo In sell tlm land and negro of Thomas P. Floyd, late of Troup county, deceased. ougaMtO TUPS. B. FLOYD. Ex’r. Notice to Qebtor* anil Creditors. A LI. persons Indebted to ibe estate of John 0, Thomason, late of Taoup county, deoeased, aro requested to muke Immediate payment; and tlioae having demands against said deceased are required tn present them, duly authenticated, in terms of tbe lew. (srp5-40d) H. F. THOMASON, Ex’r. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL p -rssns indebted to tha estate of G. A. Tray. lor late of Troop coanty, deceased, ere request ed to make Immediate payment; and tho## having demands against said deceased will present them, du ly authenticated, tn terms of the law. •eptUMOd’ GEO. H. TRAYLOR, Adm’r. parsons and negro** < sis,rat with prsdsnes. West Poiiif. 0e. ■ovl5-tr ' tfODrUL'Jl.MKNE!?, MANDFA0TURER and DEAL?®!*; FURNIT U R E, BUNDSlWI D 8 A$Hf S, (SUMat hit Old stand,) La Grange, Georgia# , Tbe vndsrsigned takes pleasure I n announcing to. his-oltl. 1'rieqda pvd _jcnstumer* that he Is still propated all orders for • ^ Furniture, Blinds nnd Sashes, .. with dispatch, all ol Which ho warrants. He also had on hand some . . - - v- -.«• Cheap -Northern Furniture. / REPAIRING DONE at short nottoo and on reasona Wo terns. -He Is prepared to ' - " . 1 Afoke Wooden Coflkns of every description, front the mO*t expensive end beaiitifirt to the cheapest end. most common. He wilt receive: UiuxahaSge for Furuttorr, All Kinds of Country Produce. ' All who wish to jfnrctiarsc clirap, these hard times, will do well to give-the nudevsigned a call. j«i»2T tf - : ‘GOOFUED KENEIt. LAGRANGETANNKUY r pUE undersigned beg leave very rospectfiilly to A call the oitentlnirof t|ie paidic-to the fact ihW they aro engaged in tbe wauulecture ol, Leather and Shoes On a very extended sente, and, bone tlmt tho public will appreciate their efforts to build up tli* manufac turing Interest-of La Grange and Truup oounty, and of the Soij^. Their SlIOESnrc mnnnfactnriil III the very Best Manner, With great care, mid of l)(e Very Best Material. The highest cash prices paid fiir Hides and TalleVr. They are also ready, at all times, to makeepgngo- men ts for Tan Bark, and they hope that they can miihoit to thcndraalngr of farmer* to save their BARK whan clearing uptheir und. (apr.5-tf.) RAMSEY. REA A CO, VALENTINE ZIMMER, CONFECTIONER AXi> MAS’UFACTlltER OP Xl.". KlN'DS OP CARDIES,- WHICH HE WIU. SEU, AT Wlioleiale and, At tbs Lowest Psalble Cadi Pries*. HE bn* also, lo consectloa with til* Coufoctlonery,« _ E 11 CRT, And keeps constantly on hnnd all kinds of Plain and Fancy Cakfr*. Parties nnd weddidgs furnished at th: enrtl est notice, on the most reasonable terms, consistent with tho times. aprllll-tf. N E G K O 1 NF 1 R M A U Y. DRS. LONG A VaRE W OULD respeotfully announce to the oltizcns of Troup and adjoluiog coant'es that they have established no Infirmary In tbe olty of La Grange, for tbe treatment of Surgical and Chronic Diseases. We bare spared no efforts or expense hi supplying ourselves with everything necessary for the lueccas- ful treatment of tblsclnsa of diseases. - We earnestly contend that the reason wh j the pro fession sc. often fall to cure Chronic diseases is owing to tbe scuroity of visits and the waut of. complete control ol the patient. The bidding is In a healthy and retired locality— the rooms are large sod well ventilated, and furnished with every thing necessary far the comfort of tbe sick. - Special attention will be pafd to the RADICAL earoof HERNIA—to tbe treatment of DISEASES OF FEtfALES-oftke EYE, and GENITO URINARY ORGAN8. For farther particulars, apply to the nndtntgned. .. JAS. A. LONG.M.D., » u *10 A. C. WAKE, M. D. * Macon ts- WetfcnriRaiEResd. Atlanta te.Mncoe, 102 mile*—Fare, 84 50 ALFRED L. TYLER, Saprrlntcndent. _ Miens' A. W«rrKas Rah.soati Company. 1 Mseijn..Georgia, Jsly 30, 1802. f O n a»l sOcr gnnday, 41b at Angnst. tbe I’svten- ger end Mail Train will run us fullows : Leave M.ienn... i....... S S'l A. M. Arrive at Atlanta*. .4 SO P. M. Leave Atlanta.... 11 #0 A. M. Airhc nt Mscos..j..... T | 53 P.M. XI,’- n'oid eonncel* with Central, Sentb-Wealern ,;d Mnscogsv ?*«W*d*-st MscoS. . Georgia RaU-I^*■ juIZ* 1 ** Angu lnta Atlanta, 17| uillra—r•. -...*6 60 GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent. ' On amJ-aftePSonday. July 27tb, Sunday D*J 7Va(s resumed oil mulo Hue, stao.Trains on Athes* and nashiiiglon ilranclHs wi|l nu to conned until Jm- tber miLco. • ^ XK..TK. Atlanta...- .. ... Atlanta........ Angaria....... Augusta \ ngusta....... Augusta. Atlanta.-....... AtVniHiY.^., a m ... .7.16 p m , ,.-,8.46 am ... .4.00 pm ,,..604 pSt .. ..5 30 a m .., .5.32 p m ....2.05 a ai Trains rono'oting with Washington and Atlien* Branches tesv« Augusta nt 6.45 s. m. amt Atlant.i at Nn conneettnn with Wnrrentnn oa Sun day. Keltlr Train leaves Augusta 6.16 p. ra. Western St Atlantic Itnll-Uoad. Atlanta to Glinttnnpoga, 138 miles—Fare,... .85 (10 JOHN S. UOWLVND, Superintendent. Eight Passenger Trains. Leaves Akl line, nightly, at,.. 7.30, p. m. Arrivesnt Utmitannogn at. ............ 4.10, *, m. L-nyes Oh iMnneogn at 6.05, p m. Arridesot Aitaniln at.., 2:32, a. m. Express Freight and Passenger Trains, Lenves-Atlanta,at g.oo, a. in. XwtyesntChnitanoogn at 6 30, p. hi. Leaves Chattanooga at 1.50, a. m. Arrl«e*>!Atlaatasf. l.oo,p.m. TUI* Road connects each wny with tho ltnuie Branch Railroad at Kingston, the EastTcnneser and Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A' Chnttannog Railroad at Chattanooga. South Caroling Unil-lload. Augusta to Charleston, 136miles—Fare,..... .35 00 Augusta to Columbia, J.T! miliv—Fare,...... . ,5 lit) HENRY T. PEAKE. General Superintendent, Day Passenger Train. ' Lngyo Augusta. JaiJy,st... .,...,...,..8.00, p. m. Arrive nt Ctiarleston at. 3-30. p. m. Arrive at Columbia nt...4 H6.p. m. Leave Clmrlrstun. daily, at.... ....,.. .6.45., p. m. Arrive at Augustast .... 1.15,p. m. Night Train. • Leave Angustn at .',T.SO.p: m. Arrive at Charlsston fit 4 30 m* Arm* at Columbia nt 6 SJfi p. m. Leave Charleston at....;.... 2 80 p.m. Arrive at Augusta *t ,11.15, p. in. Both trains connect at KHigsrtlle wllli the Wll- mtngloh and Mnnoheatev Used ; t¥e D*jr Train from Augusta connects at Columbia with the Charlotte R«d. At Augusta, both Trains connect with the Georgia (toad nod tbs Augusta and Savannah. Rosil LOUIS HARTMAN, MARBLE DEALER, AND MANUFACTURER OF MONUMENT8 ' 1 >‘AKd tombs, Tlend Sleoes, Urs. ‘01"' ‘J&MLZIi LA OR ANGELA. A GOOD GUANCE. D ESIRING to clnso up my biisines* a* near a possible immediately, I propose to Uks 1. iy ment of debts due me, COTTON, CORN, WI1 . 1’ &C., at the Very Highest Market Prices. All those who owe mo will certainly avail them- solvss of this opportunity to pay, when no mom-v i* required. ~ ■ CONFEDERATE BONDS or TREASURY NOTE& better than money with me. ' “ oct4-tf. , J. C. CURTRlGltT. A CHANGE TO SUIT TIIE TIME!?}. F ROM and after this date the CASH will be re quired for all work done In my shop. | am almost out qI mnierlst, anil entirely out ofm#nry,- nnd without money I can get no more material, Ev ery brnnou of business has adopted ‘ The Cash System,. In order to sustain themselves. I must, (oo, or go under.. Don’t grumble, friends, hut help me along, until times ohange for the heller, whpn wo-willfaH book on our good old ways, iwlylO-tf F.IIOLLK. Notice. r~*~7~”' D URING my absence In th* Confederate eervbse, 1 ! have plaoed my books of aooonots ■ and note* in the bauds of J. W. K. ALFORD,, my sink, far colleotfon. My debtor, will pleas* ball on ulm ahd wUla their-aroousts and not**, as b* wUbos to bloss np tho I woks forthwith. v „j march21-tf. J. C. CURTRlGbT. ‘