The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, September 22, 1865, Image 1

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rirt~ :fT ~rr.:irmjp. • Ac .. •£ . -£> .V i ~i§ ' A & Ai / iiHpM'# i|a§4 : : ♦ VOLUME XXL &jrt Jgi Grange ib'porlnJ W^TKfirf i: IONK-. <’. I. V. :. Joni:s /X wn.i.fxo1j/*m, I’akliiberji an«! I* r o ;»r i 11» r •. Kates ol !sul»'< i ij»ti«>i» : < >ne copy one year -;. > • One copy -ix tnoiif h- . “ ,<> Om copy three- morii.ii.-, ; .' Siuglc copy.. 10 hl r ”rirjfjt,/ ;<j n,Irani , AH papers- -toppo-1 at ihe et«i -,J -lit paid for if not previous !y ; ac-wc-d Kates of Ail* c-i ti.-ing. Advertisements' ir.r- r!<-I u? rb<* r..r « of O. Dollar per “quart- cf T-.-n Li;;- - for tee first in- r- lion, and Kifiy Cents' for -.a*:!. .c;.' tit*—payable in advance. UOERAL .MiENCV, COMMISSION AND E/CHANGE BUSINESS. LaUranse. Georsia. !-.~i a' he (M LA GRANGE. GEORGIA. HI! DAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER •> > i8i>J. .■:.y.v l.itil an ' ,U:'l jf . cc Th lows The- * Japit-S \l. -■ purchase -,! ry existed, fort the al> hesaee Ti. considerate. Shell; • lie time ?!.< "‘•V: git' *. it ‘L>. »*,:« C .;*>} any iron sci sv tL-r flint'* be- r!-; ; i They „ i J .i'Al . « * . .' Pi If.r- f, ■t-init .lolin.uir-i Spceclt t<» flit- -a • : <g :> r Soatltcrn !)t*lc:aticii. in th - . ’ f Hawing r»i>- the main j*t int* -1 ! lu ’[‘*'* • h nad P c-sklcnt - >1 ns n to ' , f 1 }?, ’ !: ‘- - < |h el 1: e ' - /ate- ot tie- S •atlit-rn S-atf-: <1 v. ps ulm ot I ri.-l tee payable roantry v ! 1 M IK urM«er!*ijrr!e*t r - me- . stand of I'.n|.: a L ~ We arc readv to -i'. di wii.’.'.o V'»K/-GY COMMISSION M0 EXCHANGE »IN15S3— giving “pcciii! attention to t..c Purciia-c- and Sale ol • oilou »u<! all I 1 ! idu.'t. Dry b o o <1 - a i> <1 <- i r* we aiay collect <d’-er -i ,:.ii. Ci-ll OR CittlLk ANi* ' /MIL;: :! LICITEll. • jaae3-tl A : 1. ree<: .red a for the a:.i! !e?S t'TO:'; that the c Ti e for C-t Ul.i‘; Hlic.s .: -VO C falld :•- : • - - th-' ;:-ti otion i.- .' pit 1c 1 f;;' : ire ' . is 2 : led say s -V * • «'ne *::C -jaT.t .. aovLJs;.< •: flu- : . I paj . ... y ■■ - Tb -. t against th<. p-;-.-:.; - - f th< note - ... • . f| • . prove Mo'.t • ' - • f , »t th .v iVcst U r : . • . pass ' ‘ rc the i<- • !!:o:» } say wo f r it tvar us w: worr n.-sj-onsihle Y- s, tin S >i:th :na-! • t’.o if-sue. and I know th-.- padre «T the i '-'-Opr. W'-'* rnr.firrii t/i Irti. :'.r f ■"*' when f ‘ is i.’-t ili^i -.i*t w’ i i •< t-i ->;no* Ir»i u y lj;i- ' it fiend in ji tho \ trinin; i,.U• i ;:avc o-n.f- fogetl.oi .t: ov a;:<i n :T- rin-.-s 1b ; each other. i hey h;n! hc*-t» f ft! ir eri r and it? rc ilt, i • • : piril nipai < rof: Lave 1 ec omc c r ! .! ol UiiY will fra ' ;lv acknowl ;'Z\ 1 lirccl rnaai-< i: 't:i'l m l'.e* ■ U ;i*. i ....... - ; fri< . ' : hcii :* 1 .of / i! I( 1 li'iert '■ aa tlifV 1.... ,-;r- V. <j of ; ar „. rair-o m d . I r--:.n.-. . V.', af' . . : :-. - ; :-v aii: the i.-ts s lament as been a. . U-.7 - ' ! . .: • : . ! in If . . pro o was .-a t Vl't.lo O -t.s.rr are .. P ii.'-t 1 a h >Ut tii" 't*. East, a:.: that vsH : . or a ront::: ■ i . w:«: t! •st. r. ir \V- .t v. P*- . pi :.’»?• T<-a : at JMBEIt 37. in es> ii&e that '.-• : ’.«/ k, \ of. he . i ’--it :i «• tri ! r»jjo — w an i .' a i f. --i t .it the naryO tlii'ii,. or pay o Ii: ■ III log:.- f.i lire, ur- ii-.j - if lVi ! be ■ osi «.t 1‘retaiitio». - i > /.' *i, afiiMton to the •.. i . ’■:> f/t-giftlaturc and •f .: • I > i-i i-r.ii aii.t • -isii l» mi iik-st '* n- n w>k> •fx.;t,r VV.-ob- in i •• ire al e v\y f *r CongncMi swf »>> r< - «-i* » the I etii and '. »,t t • haiii e i/f .. . e f«-juji.-c ' .r, i- rJCfiA : . (<> I— i •».- not Mich : rd, »-y unfSi -» ICC !»I I* c •>J :: i t.uiu.:.iV . . <:ogra-f>:‘; a. - - ennol — j .1 hr... 3-- but : i' :* sar WANTED WHEAT. i;i — * i - "f r;. i ‘ C. B. i».ir. a <\c.' ll.U, Ui rSMLb t. i ^ < Kbit. <; -I X K R A L AUCTION -1, Chhi'/iSGiON MERCHANT it>jRi--r «#f Ltr«-ail and -Ja<.k-jn -trrtb . AKscBsta. bt-«t ::ia, U MI.l. ATTKNL* T'i T.fif i'S'itCIfA.'T A' Hi hhid- of CoMfi-, Stort.«, Pioiid-. I’t irdlK-r. Real o!*W', -.t -M f.arl-, '•i i :-i.« t-il A ,1 ■t ,-t a in. engage-j m nel who has Leretofoi in _r.:ns witli gr...' sk: ! and Lor .:s*a ::i - ■d tin. le.-iccst i-ntlh -{ the war, is i. -v selling b;t!c-ropc ar-l i-agriitg aiioti:' : nc of St n< ill la . . - si’s i art . te rt g : ' ruiu s, is pres v:_ r >j- t . t-.-o.-i! the oin : i ei r--:-r -' 13 . . .y urge ; : j • tit 3:1-1 A:si .7- I have and Li: urea? itc t: t- tod. V■ ,-<-i _ :t. a;, article - in making - y 1 ■ position 1 : net ni.; -*. we that ” ; . tii.»; -.jch ptr*.t:i'» .- ( -r.' ■ rr.!« Stale*, or rtutnrc ilnr- - Hy ir favor of - - . s . . : ?-•« ru«; can- •' bcid-lator*?. I«t ' " ' ■ p" - i-.i.i-i;-; and prjtleiit ! ;r. ! viviog eke e t-i kn-ijim. tothe ♦ ► rcit n« sy” ni I I *' r ' ?r»: art* r'»r ecru- '» >1. wfiviu W'2 ■ J pent - n t.> - • that many io-Jm .iticb .p ’ " ' ■'! i i I : 1- ; . »,l li,.; war at - . . ; *' - . II cfcctcil Ul s ‘ 41 v - i . r.ifh as • ..rt I*, iht: jrri at ! t'i ton a-.-i i • ' i'i of th . ,aiiiry. Hut, while 1= o-ir : . in ti.- - { -.innti-m anl ijg. ’. J i ■ *Iiy • • iW not upon the simj!-: I 1'j’y uv! y I, f - ;V th< m ouro-U ta, 4 .r*':: l . - others to oestfj desire the ear- ,.. h:ary rale. hs:,ul 1 -- \r-torati-iR jf the rcl-.rioch to I • with lit tie de ay aa 1- i- r 3-e- ; ■ for order, for • •••• r ;s <r•, » - ’ -.r-, iso-sa. Ai,,i Particular att n* a paid FMR w AI: P !.'•«: f • n if f« • N Coiiiigumen’r sol:- i■ 1 : Lili-m! Advec • s :: -1^ o; |»oa:|il li' aiiiiuu.o Kcler to M- J. K. Mr A. K. C- v A t'i. . !. .t. ; l S: > a an.l M« t.i V;t . .'Iilit—:y having L M ASON K ititil'A I'nion Lot! A /J ECTS ou the FIU.'T ivd A N11 i III.-. iu each uiotilh. ii. A. T F. U. Rogkk.-. Secrctarv e. No. -S. A.*. >1.*. ST fid THIRD FRIDAY id.IV St. r’lP.pter. No. -S. M ECTS or the SECOND aud FOURTH Ft.! DAY MluilTS in cadij HENRY lluDGEi. 51 I’ John G Wuitkiki.i.. Secret my. Schley Council, No. I ». M EETS on th FIRST an.l THIRD SATFK DAYS in “acb nuiath. at 10 o'clock, A Bl. JAMES A. I.OXG. T- 1. . K Sr. Hknkv Hoimjk?, Secretary. s.nn H s. WIREUOrSE IYD COHTiSSIOT ’ILRCHtYTS. L A G R A N G r. ci i . O rt G I A . \\J 11.1, receive and -tor. C< iTT< <N, I’Rt 'PL < K ww and MERCHANDIZE. Also, 111 \ and SEI.L Protuce. Colton. Com. Baco,;. I.ard. Flour, Meal, and all descriptions of Merchandize. Warehouse near the Depot. ' julv/c-tf S3- Ti - l’r- side: stiPite .t LexiugT- tent • r ’ ;: - L : and, uj n act eptii r it - ' . ice I the . isi I i expressing ! : - ii*vv's as t* 1 ti.c p. _is'-..t l.iiti- f S-'.-nther'i !!!!_n fin- unstrv ‘ it is. said Le, “the vlutv • { - very .Luzon, in the pi-.-ent o.iuditian r >f the c -’jistry. to dn all in his . power to aid in the rcstorati'Ci of peae-- ai:(! ’lariiioiiv, mvt '-.o way t • oi p n the policy - l fin State and *ti r:.! <L.v- -.-rniuMils d:re-_ud t t-.e • -l , —:-r'; ai i. th -: ft rriu t ' ■ new Ial i with it in was being intrested, lie contiuu i d it : s part!y incnuilieiit on those charged w-:i : f. •* .tract:«.m ot the young ti. irity ’ Sue . u cuts cannot eonnne Li titer - Ivs to 'lie un-jHaidied assent >f all sen; • 1 virtcoi o: rnb- •avs a W.;cl'(; U Herr is a m< fact which may -- ;t :.s 'tp-ii: ti;e I , Cts ot nr State ' iy ct our p( on* -opie t i f< i: it! -n a::d pr li tills- ‘-.If : -J : : -JI 1-y uie li-.i'-va! power -•.».* mo..ts- • ■ r> Inct f 1 nisiana - 1 nea *y a niiili ol » .irr-is. efiough for lire wi sumption - -5 * i f . 1 : I t -V& - : : .:itv : in el | •J 11 i.i.r we iiud that v.e i 1 At 1 f*: t A *.. . » whatever ur-.y 1-; r - • ■ : . . •- * 7 -■ ■■ * wme rlrtj < ■ ‘ J- 111c' ti;a{ «lid -. - i -sry to 1/ ii- ho* > JfJJ i '.J't n6 WCVCT : t ; * ,t ' L'r<* it jl* : - la;..;i • Ui t P .'■y a ■ 'ingle <: Olit i.*i A ihc i reanary. ; . L; a;;i! wc A ivj! i wi ; • I n i - : ■! u> iit> wfeii i j Wh : e l rt joice that ! *:» > r r 'i»^. r » h i ; : after they drew ti ;orr ' < ;i A i • t r>r o' Ttifii-dj ! j 1 of n vi: • IT'tlZpt i e i-itrintic, lib.r •on -bn - 1 1 J -if:i i appv la .-1.- c->. i j • »J . i-tying f f hf-i 1 a., an-: ittTul fit/' r-c>3 ot a 1 Jtv w cl! performed 1 1 ! era <> if the L 4 •' • tore !>:;t on the i ' Thc 'i t r >V 4 •1 i*«ji ; 1'J {.*■-> HiM not c n ly l ave y ! *i f the people ! other hand, drew EY‘;m >ioi) to i 1 ‘:‘>V mount i i :: ' ; - i iy h-gitimately the wort 1, to know wh :. : e ! declared ? more paid :r . \ * - fim',' tiiat : | come be • .. lirO p OJ;i< : of Alabama in se- 1 A~ (a r,r, ! ad li-sintegrat i-jn of the ■*tales, ,T :cr-; were :jo*arIy tv.-l r;J;ly e.;U lit Ithat 1 b e) J • :\y. • * n •♦ t‘ .-•iti tliem if; the arn r •quaky opp-iscd * o a ns !i 1 iC :i t ar< y. ’ H a v :-1 tilCIliSC.: \* y, 1 y paying' in !■_ at lire ; tn ! ( /r* r<;3! The Legisla- ' CG! acc-nlrat ion >f n >1V r here iin<!<_-r ‘*ro» 1 !“■ ■'■■J to $300 . lore i Vl-hU received; a:.-i i tare of . Alain may I.'C ealled together hato ver gui.S'i or nam- f r !-'t*l still c?i . WO Till 11 ; u o • the re hr -1, to the energy die- . by the 1 first M* ,;i<!ay of Noveml/cr. Its - A Unit«-l Stater 1 lari' w.- it _ . fs xtvor ij l . :> : i the: -. f roa price vf.rsai! v Tm A ar p l am ■ .rsu’sonic cboi'.s la its- ■ . . • , i - itifi : to see so r lany * i :v 1 *_• bf» _ : *ai , v s '■ i . . 1 ' _ me v ns II ; t \V i. am plea.i-d f< iia.s l»ci::i saiu < rr- t'-at 1 that it played by tht C mj tr< Hei books a:.J i .-irnct:.- * the 'I a.s t, ti. ; whole duty i’i e rt at; ol . tv c n Vf '1! - Hi '5 f >; •*. U’ lV-S .1 H vising the Receirt i mores'- Hiaj Lave !-i 1 Le duties of any ative body which ver convened ...i11.' -. »1 .» I - - - - . - : .1 .i.,. \Y, aspn vil:d: -f ivi S* that i should :■ -t -i>i> ,rici..-'. - * tl.-it rratifv su At. . i, to mid I.. J. tiAKTKEI.I.. T. IV. ,T. IU' GAKTREM. & 111 id., ATTORNEYS AT LAW.j Atlanta, Georgia i Thf Wastz ij i York i ' grand total ■ oceasionei! oy t! | valuation of uk 11 \ i-: */.h.-'Testimates the “.OuO ■"•!> Ouu as ilic loss : war ” As tiic census j . whcle prop'-riy of tht . . navi ton. - i a: the pro :r own - ’ ji t country is §1 ti,0*a'.UdOjW•**. it v;a. • uf Cni Ne v E biy • tii- - shown that ittc war destrryed ,»ne- : - : •- S half of our national wealth. This is : J j c OFFICE—On Aliiiiunia s>troct. a R-w dc-v-r b t - \ gro&s sophism, for ti e reason that wetc i low the Exchaugc Hotel. julv6-3ui f, -t ~ ...i A 1 e ——— • tnc national wea,tu esiunatcu ty tue ■ ageu Atlanta & Wot Point K.ail-Koad. ru j e us j s t \, c * ^tc of the war, the grand rystt-rt: w! 3t sn- GEORGE G. 1IL EL. Superintendent. . w : n .-v; ] Ojjt;: lawi'e u u y aggregate wcnlu reach a sum much nearer * l Y .*-•*. ' A V ocTw.iBnTK.MN. ixwAi;;) tk'ix. ; / A. . , . . , . 1 ji national V.'t altL. Lravc Atlanta.6.00a.m. L>art West F t 1<».45 a.m. • thirty-two tuan sixteen thousand mlbons I _ jrmer • that I Uj .gratify, and li av-.t.! !vr-« L *.ji p:esect tLcmseh'vs pical - feelings. I: my ad!i sot il: 1 c :t.-- and for their;!•• - s, ll. ; a;.; i.-r -l'i-iiiiaus t;. *t I might ■ v ;. : ake w .. d • <; :-s J’at. gentlemen, if 1 kn j Jiyseil I thi k I do, T : ; aw I am ; > u; ern nr !c, nd i love thern, and ■ ... in : y to restore the: kappiuf as a:,d pr . ;>• y i.-y y- i ;-efjrc the :-t ■ 1 rf._i..i--l :rif-: in whom tVy Lad rej -i led them astray. If t..eie is that cas. be doue-on n.y !■/;•;. ou correct principles of the cm- stitat . to promote tjie-se ends, be as- < ire.I - a'i t til Oil.'. Ci:al : 1 kee Georg ofl ■ is the • . oi 1< *• .-nuf.j-.-a 11.rough t ie f.-gL .’ ri;! to su ;h an . xtc.of t! it n --1 the | - .; Jo put a stop i vi! that was done tern7 . . late j Wilton ssity. but j :wi; jf q whici r< itt t o • -. fy tj tilli t!l< . to- regulate ;a’ I'stay inditri.-i! : j debt, to - -.amir. : Ban!:.-. to ioo 1 LegisLatur- . '-a i »lan*! - md or i oii6 j r :t. -ruM tn sort: t. uss. vUiL ill* -T: be undone .,1,1,. at . as teov wera inflicting upon u- ... .... industrial br q ; _ r- ? r ; if* ftc?,;;rc ' that 1 > > : ira no on • : : Tit N ruu-cel to ie-ai. har J;- . ve-.i ai, a i pe -ple ul -.: l. . rc I-;.'. 1 .-: pul ii-shr-d !r rn . It ,i may breathe a dif-; 1 ,-.V cciun - :.A ic-t them trouble i ; Treasury, believe that it is tlie- , paid in i- ii ; Within the ! come aM nubjectH si t•/-.:• j! a -i : 'viioi re a- to i.v ' :>io.-<tie econony of ■ ; f.t".: of i*. jpositions . and pun jii crime, to er-reentiv*- action «i[»t,n if/ ’ I- co’td : ‘ loll of V)jO '•as to -. bat arts of tho fM.-.t ! .in yij.-trs, shall oin.'a Litcd, and to do ft other t: digs which tho new relation of -!j;;v- lit: .i ; * - Mate v> ti.e G'l-neial Govcrninent ren j lerspropi j i lie Legislature must alga 1 • 4 . • lc-ct U. «at< in ( ingress.' To do I id-is ,- wc x.iiist have meu 1 .* ! - *ir-- i, l *!y i d<: and discreet, but ; .*.•! / ;>rev, »t; . re«.>i;d may n ,1 redound cvJif* ‘ a* . ’ - --.; .-! >1 t!;f .ftat*- We are now in :no it , *n i p-.'ii-id o! Un:..-’.v -u; in a probations eet’ i.. It i - . 1 > stale which our LditLolic friends would asjp-iti'.g me?: t j delib- : ur-!! p-ii gatory. 'I j get out of euimnilita- ijc.r.ocivres out of scats f O' puigat/ny, v/e may have to do vc-ty ;:•! maiiy ln*ngs witich may grate against* with delegates t«_- a Uon-1 o«.n liiclmiUoi.H, but which, as good citi- iera! rule; tliey !l-.’ freer ! zees, v/e should not i;esiiatc to do- No ictd . Utah >1.1 appro Tate more highly than wc roo tL< reor: :ii. . wc suij-.-ct for the f‘ voi the 1-1*-a. U t- f. v.-’.iy we '.an nave ; lit nft.e faitu Iftierc to take ho! i of the p a Lard thing v/itn are seat:, of honor ,t in t!u • •; ere may be speeches published from I It should be remembered, tliat if fourty-1 do ^the splendid bearing of those geutlc- ’ -.-a:, us quarters that may breathe a dif-1 y/tf counties did not pay a cent into the men wh r four years contested for the 111 fcrent spirit, l at >;*> r.-jt let them trouble ! Treasury, and that about f-.-oi./y uma ; Toutht-rn revolution Of whatever party •j. - xc te v-.u: top believe that it is the ! paid in but little more Ginn they <irv-^ - or creed liic-y might ue, their names will Arrive at East Point.... 6.30 Fair burn,.... 7.3a Palmetto.. . . 815 Newnan,.... 9.16 Grant* ill*',. .10.1*5 IIogaQsvill-3.. 10.50 LaGrangc. .1155 Long Cane, 12*10. Amn at j The whole loss, saving nothing about the ! -r-. c \v , T - - Ti, v,-t Long Cano, .11.10 -. . . ’ ' , **. i 1 l.aGrange, . .11.50 ; ot prouuctiou by t» c :*j5S in the ser- Washingtoi;. to llogansville, t '2.56 vice of a million and a half of producers ! > ... Newnan,. . . 2,15 ) for lour years, will not exceed one-sixth ; - TLc tria i of Henry Wirz i of the wealth of the United States, or ive in history for devotion to their kin- Palmeito. . Fairburn... East Point, W«st Point,... 1A5 p.ui. Atlanta. 3.51 4 30 5.34 6.00 i about sixteen per cent. It will require ] but a few years to pay that amount. >4a T General Marmaduke, known as a \ ot u’.s supenoi council ot uz intend Notice Tills! TIIE SUBSCRIBER; thankful for past .favors, and by a prompt attention to .business,hopes fora continuance of the_- same. Cutting and Work Done Promptly. i v p e ,, e to abroad and remain without i S UNTK^PUD^OR N ° W0BK DEL1VEKED j the Vnited States during the pleasure of all sept5-tf new and important features man. the judge advocate, stated that he! , . - * , i . r „ . ■ M® r i‘-;b ill-.., \vir Tho ; «'ork m a proper spirit? In other words is a question taat teo, " that this not a trial of AVirg but! ’ {:l us look to the constitution. The issue | tentien of the student of p*ditical econo- j ccmp-isherl fact. i was fact is, Id attract the at- i tiou of the State to the_Union is an ac- * prominent officer in the late revolution, is ; I t] lC f; rs t one to avail himself of the pri- u f _ , , • i who were ins miiilarv superiors L r GILBERT FORRES. . the Government, and has received a pass* j r)|js phase t1ie tr i a5 f,as assumed a, Dr. Henderson, ! port accordingly. Gcu. beauregard uac ; pti 3st und greater importance/’ Misstntri and uf the C. .S. Army.') i also applied for a passport, under the j *- — *■ . __ me ddal’toptaxt a t ormnpro i _ _ „ n . . F ! TKn f. .llntritur c^riU’C (Late of AJi-«»Mirt and vf the C QFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES j 8ame official ordcr 0 f the V-/ to the citizens of La Grange and vicinity, j respectfully solicits a stare of tfceir patronage. , State, through the me r„- Ui^S My Wen<i. «*»"> * uieriy open pied by Dr. Little. jane30-3m. m^ed-'VaW ’The * h:t3 Leea made and decided. Then as j my: nor can the superficial thinker grasp j The Federal Congress in lsC2 enacted *; t.-i ftni-imun a> • wise men—men who see right and are de-: the question iu all its bearings. j t;ia ’ n ' J person eon d hold a seat iu Goji- If counties are sensitive of their'exist-• gross whu had at any time been connected : army or syrnpathiz- cause. Tiiat act ute book, llow for us to elect g to the principles of honor and ! port and educate its own poor, and pay* ■ mernijers who come within the obnoxious 1 of justice ? - ’ jits own members to the legislature In j classes! It maybe asked whether any Tue institution of slavery is gone. The i this the day of general bankruptcy and i rnan can be found within this district, of Albert Lehmann, Wx watchmaker and jeweler, SS* Grange, Georgia, v»iL,L do all work in liisline ol business atthe bnortestn°ticeand on rea?onablc terms. Heso- licitsa liberal share 6f the public patronage, shop east sideof thepnblicsquare, mayltt HentU Card. B. J. CRAVEN, Dentist, tenders his.i •_ .professional services to tbe citizens lslu . *of La Grange and surroundine coun try. Office over A. E. Cox & Co.’s store. AH kinds of Produce taken in payment for Wlrt .juiyit-tf Cheering.— The Coiumbus Sun saja. »«. j Fia-.e. Prov.Gov. When appointed have it, on good authority, that most of: N. Carolina, W.W. Holden, May 29,18f>5 our manufactories will be rebuilt on a • Mississippi, \\ L. Sharkey, June- 13. . , .. - „ 1 Georgia, James Johnson, .June 1 q ‘ large scale, lhc owning them ( ^ ? namHton ; J|1M n ; .. have both ihc means and the enterprise to j Alabama, L. E. Farsons, June 21, “ undertake such work. Success to enter-; (■ ro :iiu B F. Perry, June 30, “ prise, say we, aud down with slow* coacn- : Florida, T\ Martin, July 13, T HE price of ibe LaGrangc Reporter is ^4 per aanam—$1 *25 for H oioutU** ^ ^ ! 4 3t. Ijouis paper csiiciat^s that fiws TTTTi ii„ j ! hundred houses of worship will be closed Cusns Lee, late of the so-called . \[j SSO nri by the 2d of September, the army, and son of Gen. R. E 1-f.e, j ... l3 ' tors being Vmwillingor unable to take I®' rebel succeeds Stonewa” Jacks;.;' as a Pr-fes-] oath -:nje:ncd upon them by tie. sor in the Virginia Mi iii.frv- Tactimte. ! c astitet 4 . r aud every promise fully sustained. [Cries; 1 now county, can show themselves fully j si stent ly opposed the act of secession in “It will ."I* j able to maintaiu the organization of' a ‘ the outset, and desired during the war ’ What I ask or desire of the South or county witlioct caning upon the State to j the reconstruction of the Union. North, East or West, Is to be sustained , support tliem, wisdom demands tiiat they ' It is manifest that .if delegates be scut in carrying out the principles of the Con-1 remain as they are. It is no argument to j to'Congress who cannot take the new oath stitntion. It is not to be denied that we say, that the Court Ilohsc is twenty or J of mendiership, they will be excluded.— have been great sufferers on both sides.— thirty indes off, and the oont-ottenc-e of the j This woifld be a ca*amity,for we need the Good men liave fallen, ami much misery ‘ people must be consulted at the cxpeucc j votes ot bouth-jru Congressmen to uaito it* being endured as a ueees3ary result of f the tftate' A juror might as well fail j with the conservatives si the North, for die*.i r b*-t an:;*; i.iveat.:: .*t come V\ j|V »i. t .IJIJ'I'f'-lCJ. 1 the rcstoratviu of peace and harmony.