The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, September 29, 1865, Image 3

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y h * . ^ - f ' \ m $ 0ta't fUpjfttr. h Jf there : ts a bole in a’ your coats, I rede ye tent it; ‘ A chi el's amang ye taking notes," - And faith he’ll prent it.” Advertise 1—My motto through life has been— Work and Advertise. In business, advertising is the true philosopher’s stone.—[John J. Actor. UfiUlCE, CEORtU, SEPTEMBER 29,1865. jM- BusineU Notices inserted under this head at 20 cents per line for each insertion. Agents for the Reporter. The following gentlemen are the authorised Agents to receive and receipt for Subscriptions, Advertising and Job Work for the Reporter: BELL & GASKILL, Atlanta, Georgia. B. L. HARRIS. West Ppint, Georgia. W. M. K. WATTS. Franklin. Georgia. HUGH E. MALONE, Greenville, Georgia. W G. WHIDBY, Augusta, Georgia. f/l&-Photograph Albums at E. D. Smith’s It For all Northern Daily Papers, enquire of E. D. Smith, at the News Depot. It The lady who left a Black Pr.rasol at E. D. Smith’s, on Monday last, can have it by calling and describing the color thereof. It Don't Subscribe!. Patronize Home Insti tutions for Illustrated Papers, Ladies’ Books and Magazines, at E. D. Smith’s. It ^ar-Go to E. D. Smith’s Book and Stationery Store for Fancy and Plain Envelopes and Note Pnpor, Pens, Ink and Mucilage. It jf£T Ladies’ and Gents’ Toilet Articles of all descriptions, Sozodont, Cocoaine, Bloom of Youth, Taints, Powders, &c., at E. D. Smith’s. It Pardoned— The following gentlemen of thi R county, have beer, pardoned by the Fesideijt, viz : Jno. ThomaH, A. S. Harris, Heory West. Closing the Moils.—The P. M.apksus to say that the Mail for the East closes at 10 o’plock, A A. Going West at 12, M. Pay your Postage.—Fred. Ball, Postmaster at this place, informs ns that he has a good supply of postage stamps and stamped envelopes on hand. 1 1 Vor the present we cannot publish literary productions. We hope to be able, in a short while to receive the contributions'of our literary friends- J\~ew Advertisements this Week—We call es pecial attention to the advertisement of Mr A. Sthabsbi'Kgkk. of Montgomery, Ala , notifying merchants and dealers of bis large stock of goods. McCamy & Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Atlunta. Fixnkv & Winter, also wholesale and retail druggeste of Atlanta. Harwell A Baker has just received a fresh sup ply of goods. J. E. Morgan A Son have also received articles too numerous to mention, but useful to all. Maj J. Brown Morgan, Agent AStna Insurance Company. Wm. F. SrAMUMi & Bro. advertise their goods They have a full assortment.of fancy and staple dry goods. Purchasers will do well to give them n call. , • — r Nrw Advertisements I.ast Wt ek.—\\e inadver tently neglected to call attention to the following advertisements: E. M. Bm.'4'k ft Co., of Augusta. J. K. Morgan & Son, wholesale and retail gro cers and commission merchants. Also, two houses and lots which they otter for sale. Linton A Douoiitv, of'Augusta, who propose to make liberal cash advances upou cotton to be shipped to New York. Dr. 1). H. Morrison, who comes among us and offers his services as a physician and surgeon. J. II. Hamilton offering a reward for a stolen horse. Mattrnss making under the Reporter office. From the ChattanoogaG^zette] Assault on Ex-Governor Brown* Governor Brown, while passing through Chattanooga on the 11th, on his way home was sufrounded by a number of. railroad employees, who threatened to inflict per sonal injury upon him. Through the in tervention of several United States mili tary officers the men were quieted, and Mr. Brown escaped unharmed. The reason given by the railroad men for their threatened action was, that dur ing Sherman’s * campaign through Geor gia, BrowD, who was at that time Govern or of that State, had issued an order to the effect that all- railroad employees found in Georgia employed in the service of the United States Government should if captured by the rebels, be immediately shot. We publish the following note from Governor Joseph E. Brown with pleasure It is right that the country should know that Gov. Brown was not responsible for the cruelties to prisoners, and that he nev er authorized any Buch treatment by those ander his command: Atlanta, Sept. 11, 1865. To the Editor of the Chattanooga Gazette: It was represented as I passed through East Tennessee that t,:e Railroad men who were in the service of the United States during Sherman’s march through Georgia, has been informed and generally believe, that I issued an order to the 'troops nnder my command that they should execute all prisoners taken on the State Road. The report does me gross injustice. I never at any time issued an order to any troops or persons under my command to execute, abuse or cruelly treat any person in the service of the Uni ted States, who had, or might surrender himself as a prisoner; nor did I ever en courage or sanction the execution of, or any unkind treatment to any persons. No part of the troops who operated in the rear of General Sherman’s army while upon the State Road, were at any time under my command. All such when call ed out as State troops, were directed to report to the Confederate General in com mand, and were s ibject to his orders, un der such officers as he might assign to the direction of that service. JosF.rii E. Brown*. Important Case— Tiie Rights of Ne groes in Indiana.—The following we copy from the Lafayette Courier: An action was recently brought against Moses Hanger, a well known farmer of this county, on the charge of giving em ployment to a negro, in violation of the law, based upon the 13th article of the Constitution, which prohibits the emigra tion of negroes to the State after the 31st of October, 1851. The penalty is a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $500. The negro is also subject to prosecution, but in this case the action was brought* against the white man alone. The complaint was fil ed before a civil magistrate at Clark's llill, but was tried by a change of venue before Esquire VVinsbip, at StockwelT.— The. case was prosecuted in behalf of the Stale by ex-Mayor Ward, of this city, and defended by a brevet lawyer named Rein hart. The facts being true as alleged in the complaint, Squire W.inship rendered a decision for the State, on the strict letter of the law, and assessed a fine of $10 and costs. The case will go to the Supreme Court of the United States on appeal, and, from the issues involved, is destined to figure in tiie jurisprudence of the country, along with the Dred Scott and other decisions in which the natural and inalienable rights of man have been called in question. Lawlessness in Upper Georgia.—We re gret to learn that much lawlessness ex ists in Upper Georgia. \Ve aretol^-ihat a number of officers of the Confederate ar my are afraid to return to their homes.— In the upper part of the State crimes are committed daily. Even as fa r down as Clark county, human life is little thought of. A lew days since, a band of men, some twelve or fourteen in numbqr, went to the residence of a young man iu that comity, and took him out and shot him several times, leaving him for dead. The sister of the young man went to his assis tance and finding him still alive, dressed his wounds. The band returning shortly, after to see if they effectually accomplish ed their purpose, found their helpless vic tim sitting in the lap of his sister, who was ministering to him, when they again shot him, and departed leaviug him dead. The Federal officer in command of the district having been informed o$ the in tention of the law-breakers, sent two parties of soldiers to intercept them who succeeded iu capturing all but two. The young mau who was killed was charged, by those who shot him, with having beeu an active Confederate and with having been engaged in fighting bushwhackers in that section of the State during the war.— Chronicle <k Seotinel. The Herald’s Washington special, dat ed September 19, say the whole number of uegro troops mustered into the service the commencement of the war is, in round numbers, 180,000. The deaths and casu : alties among them greatly exceed the pro portion among the whites, and amounted to over 50,000. Sixty thousand of the re maining 130,000 have, lately been ordered to be mustered out in the several depart ments. Oue Hundred Dollars Reward* STOLEN from the premises of C. C. fep^Xllardisoa. near Cusseta. Ga., on Monday ■ H In L. A GRANGE PRICES CURRENT. Corrected Weekly by 1. E. Cox ft Co., COMMISSION AMD SXCHAKOB MERCHANTS. Thursday Noon, Sept. 21,1865. mm Bagging, per yard .. 35 a 50 Bale Rope, pec pound .. 24 30 Bagging Twine, per pound,. /. .. 50 Coffee, Rio, per pound, .. 40 60 “ Java, “ “ 45 55 Tea. Btack, “ “ ,. 200 2 50 “ Green, “ “ . .... Sugar, Brown per ponnd, .... .. 25 30 Clarified, per pound, .. 30 33 “ Crushed, “ “ .. 40 ^ 45 “ Loaf, “ “ .. 45 60 Salt, Virginia, per pound., 6 *7 Caudles, Star, “ “ .. 35 40 “ Sperm “ n .. 60 65 “ '1 allow •* “ .... .. 30 40 Iron, Common size, per pound,.... .. 10 12 “ 7 inch tcide, “ “ 8 10 “ Band, “ “ .... 12 “ - JVail Bod. “ “ .... .. 12 Nails, per ponnd. '* “ .... .. 12 15 Mackerel, per barrel ..20 00 22 00 “ “ half parrel . .10 00 12 50 “ “ quarter barrel .. 5 00 6 00 Tobacco, Chewing, per pound.... .. 75 2 00 “ moking, “ “ ... .. 50 1 00 Yarn, per bunch .. 3 00 o Osna urg> per yard .. 80 35 Shirting, “ “ .. 30 35 •night. Aug. 14th, one heavy-built, light iron grey HORSE, ten or eleven years old, blind in lett eye, but blindness not perceptible except on close examination ; saddle masks on his buck. The horse is very gentle and works well in har ness. I will pay FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD for the recovery of the Horse, and FIFTY' DOL LARS for the apprehension of the thief. J. II. HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 13, 18C5. sep22-2t J. R. WARREN. W. W. BURCH WARREN & BURCH, Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Agents for the Sale of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, 94 COMMERCE STREET, 94 Montgomery, Ala. M ERCHANTS buying for the trade will always find our Stock ot TOBACCO varied and complete, embracing almost every style and quali ty. We exp' ct soon to be adding to our present assortment, lnr.c shipments direct from our friends in Virginia and North Carolina, which we will sell, as ‘-••retofore. at manuf vc'urers prices In conn'-ctio.'’ with our Well known and loug- establishcd Tobacco Trade, we are receiving A Large and Splendid Stock of Groceries, Including almost any "and every nrticle usually found n a <«roc«Ty Hou e. Being connected with a House in New .Orleans, we Lave facilities and advantages in this line of business not surpassed by a-iy other House in this city • We invite attention to our General Stock, both Tobacco and Groceries, nnd. with the advantages we possess, leelconfident that we cun offer induce ment.-. (sept22-3m) WARREN & BURCH. Country Produce* Butter, per pound 20 Beeswax, per pound 25 Chickens, 15 COTTON, , 25 Corn, per bushel, j..... 80 Apples, Green, per bushel, 2 00 “ Dried, •• *• 2 00 Peaches, Drii ', “ “ 2 00 Flour, per hundred weight,- 6 00 Eggs, per dozen 15 Feathers, per pound, 45 Lard, “ “ 15 Oats. “ bushel 50 Potatoes, Sweet, per bushel, 75 Peas, “ “ 00 Rye, “ “ 1 25 Wheat, “ “ 1 75 NEW ARRIVAL OF C00DS. TTTE take pleasure In announcing to ths public V V generally that we have Just Arrived fro us ftetar tork, And will be able to show them, in a few days, a Slendid Stock of BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS, Ladies* dress goods Of all kinds and qualities; also," a fine stock of Gents’ Olotlilnst BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ATD FITUISnWGCOODS, Bv calling at onr Store can be seen the LATEST FASHION PLATES. 25 30 90 2 50- 2 50 2 50 9 00 50 28 76 1 75 2 50 PHYSICIANS’ FEE BIEL. W E, the Physicians ol the City of La Grange-, have agreed to conform our charges to the following, viz: Day Visit, §2 00 Night Visit from bed, 4 Ol) Mileage, (day. per mile 50 “ (nigbi,) per mile.. 1 00 Detention per lour, after second hour 1 00 Consultation, ixclusive of visit and mileuge, .10 00 Blood-letting.general or local 2 00 Extracting T«*»lh 1 0l) Office Prescriftion. verbal or written... .1 to 5 00 Vaginal Exairiautiou, 2 to 6 00 Obstetrical Cises, simple, exclusive of visit, niilewgt. and detention after 5 hours.. 10 f>o Obstetrical Casts, instrumental, exclusive of . visit, mileage, and detention after 5 hours,! 20 to 60 00 Prescription :‘or Gonorhcca 10 00 “ “ Syphilis 20 00 Medicines, in all cases, extra charges. All oth er charges, not specified, in proportion. The Credit System in all business transactions now beingiibolished.Physicians will expect prompt payment after rendition of services from their em ployers and patrons. 1 J R. A. T. RIDLEY, N-N. SMITH, A.C. WARE, J. A. LONG. J. E. McMILLAN, J.C. HENDERSON, T. N. ROBERTS, poptl5—ft S I). LITTLE. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. We ask the special attention of the Ladies to our Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, —Consisting in part of— Beautiful Ribbons, Elegant Bonnets, Hats, Plumes, Ac., 9 All just received and of the latertstylA. Mrs. BANTER will take plea ure in showing’tbe goods. septl5-tf WISE & DOUGLASS. W. H. SIMS &. SONS, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS GENERAL INSURANCE AND COLLECTING AGENTS, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA, Take pleasure in announcing to their friends’, and the public generally, that they are again estnb iLherl in business, on the north east comer of the Public Square, in the largeand comtnodious store house lormerly occupied by Messrs. 1. A. & J. B. REID. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the PUR CHASE. SALE AND SHIPMENT OF COTTON; and, from long experience in the business, flatter themselves that entire satisfaction will be given. Storage for Cotton and all Kinds of Produce. Consignments Solicited. REFERENCES. Variety LAGRANGE, GA. Hon. B.H. Hill, “ B. II. Bigham, Messrs. A. E.Cox & Co., James Turner, Ttios. S. Bradfleld, Bogert A Forbes, Daniel McMillan. roLt'Minis, ga. J. K. Redd .V Co., -aniuel Farrar, ATLANTA, GA. Col. R. F. Maddox, Thos. G. Simms, Gen. Austell, Col. Jno. T. Smith, AUGUSTA, GA. Stephen D. Heard, Wm. A. Bealle, L. R. Davis, III. F. Russell. NEW YORK. (At ftis Old Stand of Stringer ft Brother; oft tit) East Side of the Panic Bquart,) ; La Grange, Georgia. WJE ARE RECEIVING AND OPENING ft v ▼ beautiful variety of dry goods And notions* SUITED TO THE SUMMER AND FALL TRAHE^ embracing USEFUL ARTICLES in great HAetf; AT L0W_PRICES I —OCR STOCK gosswrs IN PART Of— American Prints, the Black Craps, finest brands, „ Crape Collars, English Berage, solid Gents’ and Ladies’ Rid colors, ing Gloves, Mozambiqnes, Ladiea’ Black and Col- Black Berage, ored Lisle Gloves and Black Alpaccas, Gauntlets, Black DeLaines, Ladies’ and Gents’ Neck Himalaya Cloth, TieS, Nainsook, Paper Collars, India, Swiss, Jaconet ft Coates’ Thread, from No. Cross Band Muslin, 10 to No. 60, Balmorals, Clark’s Colored Thread, Corsets, Ladies’ Tuck, Side and Hoop Skirts, Round Combs, Gents’ and Ladies’ Hats, Plain, Gilt and Beaded the very latest styles, Dressing Combs, Gents’, Ladies’, Misses * Hair Combe, Infants’ ghfies, H«fir Brushes, Gents’and Ladies’ Ho-Tooth Brushes. piory, English and American Cassimere, Pens, Bleached and Brown Do- Hair Pins, tnestics, Lubin’e Extracts Cologne, Osnaburgs, - Rose Oil and Pomades, Gents’ Silk, Linen and Foolscap, Letter and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Note Paper, Ladies Handkerchiefs, Pens and Ink, Shirt Bosoms, Fish Hooks and Li nes, Ladies’ Hats, Violin Strings, Ribbons, all Widths and Razors and Brushes, colors, Fancy Soap, Leather Belts, RoSin ooap, . ^ Belt Buckles, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Braids, all colors, Syrup, Linen Sets, plain A fig’d, &c. f &c., &c. And many other Articles too tedious to mention, which we offer VERY LOW FOR CfflTED STATES CURRENCY. Our Goods are purchased in the Eastern Markets FOR CASH. We will receive Fresli Supplies Every Week) and invite the citizens of Troup and adjoining counties to j^Sr-CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK.-ti-^ ’ JARBOE & CO. LaGrange, Ga., Aug. 1, 1865. aug4—tf Peter Freer. aug25tf Bulwin, Starr A Co. TO OWNERS OF COTTON. The following is from the Rome Courier. as the Ladies, Government officers, and others, are interested in the point once at issue, but now determined by Maj. Gen Steedman, the military commandant of Georgia, it will doubtless attract the at tention of all concerned. DUE AMD TIMELY NOTICE. A letter came to this Postoffice for a young lady, addressed to the care of her father. Tfce young lady had not taken the “ oath of allegiance,” and still refused to do so, but her father had, and demanded the letter, on the ground that it was ad dressed to his care. The Postmaster de clined delivering it on the grounds that it would have been an evasion of the orders, and would not have been justifiable in do ing so, under all the existing circumstan ces. The point was made and referred to the General for his decision. The follow ing is his reply: Headq’rs Dep’tof Georgia, ) Augusta, Sept, 13th, 1864. j Bespectfully returned to the Postmas ter at Rome Ga., through military chan nels ;*the letter will not be delivered until the orders of the military commander of the Department are complied with. Par ties (not alien citizens) .who cannot com ply with the laws cf the country, will pre pare themselves to leave the country. By command of Maj. Gen. Steedman. Edwvrd G. Disk, A. A. G. Mr. F. Ball, Postmaster at this place, has been erred with a copy of the above Order, and in~ strutted, by the military, to enforce it.—[Ed.Rep The Radicals Breeding a" Black Insur rection.—The Scientific American says that Colt’s pistol factory is running twen ty hours a day in order to supply the in creased demand for revolvers, and adds that most of the orders come from South ern negroes. This fact taken in connec tion with the statement of an Alabama correspondent that large numbers of the newest and most improved repeating ri fles are scattered among the negroes in different localities of the-South, would in dicate that a negro insurrection is in contemplation. General Mead’s visit to South Carolina ^ran to prevent the recurrence of conflict between the military and civil authorities of that State. He had an interview, at Columbia, with General Gillmore and Governor perry, at which a satisfactory adjustment was made. ^Self-Defence.—Tlio working men of South Wheeling, Ya., have formed a joint stock company, with a capital of $12,000 for the purpose of establishing a first class grocery store, from which they are to obtain their family supplies at the low est cash rates, the profits to be distributed pro rata among the stockholders. The shares are fixed at |en dollars, no person to be allowed to subscribe for more than ten shares. A similar enterprise, two years ago, in Atlanta worked very well. The origin of this plan is due to the working men of Iiochedale, England, who had the honour of being visited by depudations from France, 'Russia and other continental powers, to investigate the practical work ings of their institution. Hon. Henry S. Foote, having returned from exile to his home at Nashville Tenn., has addressed a letter to the editor of the Nashville Dispatch, in which he denies the charge of the Cincinnati! Enquirer that his recent letter to Hon. A. 0. F. Nicholson, in favor of negro suffrage, was written to secure his pardon by President Johnson. Mr Foote declares that at the time of writing that letter he thought it highly probable that the views expressed in it would diminish his changes of release and that it was the resalt of careful and laborious reflection upon the subject dis cussed. The following is the resolution indors ing President Johnson which was tabled by a large majority in the Minnesota Re- publican State Convention: Resolved, That we recognize in the civil and military acts of Andrew Johnson, as they stand out before the world during the darkest period of the nation’s trial, the fearless patriot, the able statesman, the honest mab; and that we pledge to his wise and patriotic measures for the' restoration of the Union oar cordial sup port. _ A Big Majority.—We understand, says Moble News of the 10th ult., that at the of gfo camp at Dog River, at the sngges- t : cn of tht General commanding, a propo sition was made to the freedmen to go bi-ck to work for their former .masters in the interior. There were nine hundred >. resent at the meeting, and passed a re solution by a vote of seven hundred to two hundred to go back. They leave this evening. —— —' — A body of men have left St. Louie to join the Libera! army is Metico. BOOKSTORE AND NEWS DEPOT. 1 MIE undersigned lias opened a BOOKSTORE on tlie West side of the Public Square, where he will keep constantly on hand, BOOKS & STATIONERY, Eate Northern News and Literary Papers and Magazines. Also, a fine lot of LADIES’ TOILET ARTI CLES, such as \ Fancy Soaps, Pomades, Colognes, Perfumeries, Sozodont for tbe Teeth, Burnett’s Cocoaine tor tbe Bair, Laird’s Bloom of Youth, For the Skin and Complexion, NIGHT BLOOMING CERUS, etc., etc. eept22-tf E. I). SM1TII. BROWN WOOD INSTITUTE. N E W S CII (J OL F 0 Ji B O YS. THE undersigned pr»pn*<*s tonpen an ENGLISH A CLASSICAL SUHOOI. FOR BOYS, at Brownwond Institute, On Jlttohl, September 11th, in which there will he tr'ixnt all the branches of learning u-ually embraced in a regular Classical Course ot Education. Every effort will be made lOadvance the Pupil in his studies, and make him thorough in what he attempt* to learn. Having hatl considerable experience, heretofore, in the profession of teaching. I leel th< more inclined to believe that I can give satisfaction to alt who en- Yrusl their sous to my cate. Reference as to character or qualifications may be made to Rev. W. M. Cunningham, Prof I F. Cox. or Mr. Daniel McMillan. TUITION lor term of twenty weeks, $3 and S5 per month. (ffept8-lm) L. II WILSON. PHOTOGRAPHS. I TAKE PLEASURE IN AN- nounc ug to the good people of LaGrange and vicinity, that I __ have opened my GALLERY at the Old Stand, over the store of A. E. Cox A Co. I am taking tbe Card Photograph, The most popular Picture ever yet introduced I I have just brought out a fine selection of the Most Elegant Albums, capacitated for from 12 to 100 Pictures. Also, a fine assortment of A mbrotype Cases on Hand* I hope to be able to please tbe most fastidious, and will receive in payment MONEY or PROVI SIONS. CANNOT GIVE CREDIT. sep22-tf - P■* PROPHiiT. employment wanted. T HE advertiser—a Printer by trade, and having had thirty years experience in the manage ment of Newspaper and Job offices—desires a sit uation as General Superintendent in some re spectable establishment for the remainder of the current year, or for a longer period, if satisfactory terms are obtained. He thoroughly understands his business; is temperate ; not atriiid of work ; and will exert himself, by all honorable means, to advance the interest ot his employer, lie will go whithersoever his services may be required ; but would prefer a situation in Georgia—bis natite State—where he is extensively and, trusts, not un favorably known both to the Craft aud publie. For further information, address (until tbe 20th instant) C. H. C. Willingham, Editor “Reporter,” La Grange, Georgia. septl-tf — f— • School Notice. , T HESCnOOL of the nndersigned will open in tbe basement of the Baptist Church, the . Last Wednesday in august instant. Mrs. E. R. GRIGGS will have charge of tbe De partment of Music. Rates of Tuition, $2 50, $3, $4, §5 per month. augl8-tf I. F. COX.. 5000 eeptl-lt Assorted Iron. POUNDS OF ASSORTED IRON on hand and for sale by * J. L. MORGAN, Grocer and Commission Merchant. LaGrange. Georgia. Houses and Lots for Sale or Ex change ! 1 WILL sell, or exchange for other property sev eral Dwelling Houses and Lots in tbe city of LaGrrfSge. Euquire-of sept8-tf R. H. RICHARDS. Just Received, COPPERAS. BUCKETS, TEA. CHEESE, MADDER, • BLACKING BRU8HE8, PICKLES, Ac., Ac. sepoa-tf HARWELL ft BAKER. Houses and Lots for Sale. , TWO of tbe most durable Houses and ■ Lots in the'city, large and finely finished, with well improved grounds, and every thing to make them desirable. One situated East of the Public Square, and the' other on the West. For sale at low figures by septZ2-tf . MGRGAN ft SON. Plantation for Rent. 1 OFFER FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE, MY PLANTATION, 4 miles east ef LaGrange, containing three lotsadjoimug th ep lacesofM r, Kidd and Mr. Retd. I will tell PLANTATION. TOOLS and STOCK. Alee, some fine Ml^H COWS. * fseptfr-tf) B. T. W. LINDSEY. . Dr* Little C AN be found nt his Old Office, (Up-Stairs) next door to the Sims House. Residence, second stcumeots will please tetnrn them. janetS-tf Music* <T*fiE undersigned proposes to I X at her residence, on Monday For terms, aug 18-5t For terms, applj^ in person take a Music Class next, August 21st. RS. DaYID A. WALKER. P RODUCE, of all kinds, received in payment for the Reporter at the market prices when the produced is deliver, d. We find that the large quantity of Cotton which we own and control in South Western Georgia, and the unsettled condition of the country, will require n? to ESTABLISH A HOUSE AT APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA, for the purpose of receiving and forwarding all Cotton to our houses at Liverpool and New York. We will be associated nt that point with .the mo t eminent business jnen of the country, who will receive, store, compress and forward all con signments, pay taxes, charges and make advances upon shipments to WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York; W. C. WATTS ft CO., Liverpool; or, GIVCS, WATTS & CO.,New Orleans, or will for ward cotton on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS, where owners prefer to consign to other houses. Bagging and Rope Fnrnished. Shippers can rely on prompt attention. General patronage solicited. Address E. B. BRCCE, BOBCAT ft CO., septS-lm . Apalachicola, Florida. TO OWNERS OF COTTON. Kerosine Oil, L AMP CHIMNEYS AND WICKS, all complete, just received and lor sale low for the timee. J. C. YATES, Morgan’s old stand, north side the Square. aug25 tf Mattraps Making and Repairing, F T the room under the Reporter Office, next door to Fr Holle’s. boot abd shoe shop. Also BED COMFORTS and QUILTS made to order. Per sons wishing such work will please call and leave their ordersr sept22-3m Wanted. S IX LADIES WANTED WHO UNDERSTAND TRIMMING BONNETS and DRBSS MAKING, Apply immediately at tbe eto. ; of septis-tf WISE ft DOUGLASS. Bank Notes Wanted. • rpHE highest market price will be paid for Batik L Notes, Bonds and Coupons of State and Rail- Road Stock by (eeptS-tf) J. McLKNDON. Burglars about!—Prepare for them. A VO. 9 FIRE PROOF 8AFE, Herring’s make, for ante by (sspS-tf ) J. McLENDON I N answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are prepared TO TAKE CHARGE OF, PUT IN ORDER AND SHIP, ANY LOT OF COTTON In the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Ala- b ima, as we bave local agents at nearly every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, capacity and experience, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all Tares and Charges of every Description, ia4 nit Liberal Advances on the Cotton. In short, we take charge of the Cotton on the re ceipts or orders, and give the OWNERS NO TROUBLE WHATEVER from the time we receive it until sold and returns made by our houses. y WATTS, CRANE ft CO., » New York, or W. C. WATTS ft CO., Literpool, England. We Invite tbe special attention of non-residents to onr facilities. E. M. BRUCE ft CO., septl5-lm Augusta jGeorgia. On Consignment and for Sale* W E HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT AND FOR SALE, at the Old Stand of Pullen ft COX, BROWN SHIRTING, PAPER, « SHEETINGS, ENVELOPES, PRINTS, MUSLINS, BUTTONS, THREAD, HOPS, - RIO COFFEE, RAZOR STRAPS* TABLE LINEN, SHOES, june23-tf TOBACO, MEAL, PEAS, COTTON CARDS, • TOWELS, NAPKINS, PEARL BUTTONS, PANT BUTTONS, HATS, ftc., 4c., A. E. COX ft CO. Fancy k Staple Goods. rjMIE PEOPLE OF TROUP COUNT!', GA., Are invited to purchase their FAMILY SUPPLIES At the bouse f rnr crly occupied by Morgan & Beall, NORtH SIDE THE SQUARE, LA GRANGE, TThete a largo assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HAtS ft CAPS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, FURNISHING GOODS, ft YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, CROCKERY WARE, &C., AC., WILL BE KEPT CONSf ANtLY ON HAND, FOR CASH OR BARTER, In quantities and AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURCHASER, Ang. 11, 1865. J. C. YATES. THE ONE-ARMED MAN’S CONFECTIONERY STORE/ H' SARDINE3, OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, CHEESE, MACKEREL, SMOKED HERRING, BUTTER, EGGS, CORN MEAL, LARD, CRACKERS, PICKLES, CANDLES, Butter and Eggs Cinstantly on hand. aug25 3m L. S. COX AS on band at hia Store, next door to S. W Moore’s, a good assortment of the following articles: CANDIED BOURBON WHISKEY, CORN PEACH BRANDY, NUTS, PEPPER, CHEWING TOBACCO, SMOKING “ TACKS, WRITING FLUID, BLACKING, MATCHES, COPPERAS. Plano for.Sale. O NE of Newman’s fine-toned Instruments—all round corners—fi| octave—as good as new. For sale cheap. (ssp8-tf R. H. RICHARDS- THOMAS S. BRADFIELD, DRUGGIST ANrAPOTHECARY, Da Grange, Georgia, H as just received, and offers for SALE: LnMn’s fiemfoe and latitat loo Extracts, Band*Cologne, Shaving Song, Tooth Brahes, Amber Bair N, j Phalon’t Malr tevfferater, Seltzer’s iperlt, Telegrogh Matches, Hearn’s EMr ef t McLean’s McLean’s Black Pepper, fisher Cart 0—te Soda* Also, a gjod variety Of DRUGS, MEDICINES and DYE-STUFFS. . aug4-tf Tbe Cotton Market Rxcited! 0,eow ^8S*&*««>*.