The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, October 13, 1865, Image 3

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&frt f ntal fttpaOtr. ’ “ If there ’• a bole iu a’ jour coate, I rede ye tent it; A chiel's amane y« taking notes. And faith he’ll pi*nt It." AnvERTiBB!-My uiUlo trough K fc ^n— Work and Advertise. In business, advertising ia the true philosopher’* stone.—[John J. Astoe. Li tttiilGE, (.EOttbli, OCTOBER IS, 1865. Business Notices inserted under this bead at 60 oents per tine for each insertion. Agents for the Reporter. Tho following gentlemen are tho authorized Agents to receive and receipt for Subscriptions. Advertising and Job Work for the Reporter: BELL & GARK1LL, Atlanta, Georgia. B. L. HARRIS, West Point, Georgia. W. M. K. WATTS. Franklin. Georgia. HUGH !■.. MALONE. Greenville, Georgia. W.G. WHIDBY, Augusta, Georgia. 11 1 Special Notice. AU regular announcements of Candidates w: be obarged £7 50 for each name so announced. Hereafter, all communications suggesting, call ing upon, advocating or opposing Candidates lor offlee, Will be charged for at the pate of 20 cents per line for each and every in-ertion. jf Piano to Rent-—Apply to I. F. Cox. Cloiing the Mails.—The P. M. asks us to say bat the Mail lor the East closes at 10 o’clock, A M. Going West at 12. M. A Good Work begun.—V-'t are glad to see our worthy and energetic city mart-lial, is engaged, with a pretty good force, in woiking our streets, wbiob has not been done for a long time. The JYew Depot Building.—The “ brick and mortar” work of this building is completed, and ready for the carpenters. We hope, ere long, to chronicle the completion of the good work Justice of the Peace.—’Squire Cai.i.away—J.\o. I.—announces the opening of bis office to this city at Whitfield’s corner. His notice will be found in our advertising columns. Insurance.—Maj. J. Buown Mokoan has receiv ed the Agency for the Germania, Hanover, Niaga ra and Republic F ; re and Inland InBiiratifce Com panies of New York- Every body should insure M»j- Moboak represents several first class compa nies, and we call attention to his advertisements, scattered in different columns of this paper. All Pardoned.—We negleoted to state in our last issue that all applications to the President f r pardona, which bad been made by the citizens of this county, had been granted. We believe all parties cotri ng under the 13th Section of the Presi dent’s Amnesty Proclamation* in this county are now pa r donpd. Hon. A. J. Rrquier.—This gentleman, well known as an able and distinguished lawyer, and one of our finest Southern Poets, has been living in this town for some time-being a refugee from Mobile—is ab‘>nt to remove to New York City to enter the practice of law. Mr. It. is an ornament to society wherever he may reside, and wc regret that it is rot to his interest to remain in our midst- The Case of Rev. L. O. Boston. Last week we published an item from the Louisville Journal, of the 2nd, con cerning the arrest of Rev. L. D. Huston, Chapfain Calahan, 48th U. S- C. I., whose conduct at Sfcreveport, Louisiana, gays the Mississippi Clarton, has excited go much criticism, has beeu suspended from the exercise of his functionals su- fumiture —Especial attention of house keep ers and all young ladies knd gentlemen oe.ntem-. plating house keeping, is directed to the advertise ment of our friend. Godfred Kkser. He is mak ing a large lot of Cottage Chairs, and will .-non have them done. He is prepared to make all kinds of furniture demanded in this market If yon wish any furniture repaired, be is fully ptepared to do that od short notie'. i ir. h. Sim* Sr Sons.- Special notice is direettd to the numerous advertisements of tli-s firm, who bav# on band many articles of necessity to a I air ly. We take pleasure in r> cutnmending this firm to public patronage — thuee u ho are not acquainted with them in particular. The Senior of the film is well and fuvoraMy known a* one of the most prompt and reliable business men in this coiumu- nity. Fine Cigars'.—Tom. Bhadkihi.d. the handsome and good looking man, of whom we have often spoken in terras of commeudation, the popular druggist on the Northaide the square, whose come ly, pleasant phiz, is ever radiant with a smite, es pecially far the ladies, has on hand a splendid brand of Cigars which challenges all the segars we have seen ia this market lately, for exquisite flavor. Oh! how tempting to the taste. Too Good to be Lost.'—A certain successful can didatc. not a thousand miles from this office, on the night following the election, prepared a hand some treat for his friends, expecting them to give him a call; but. contrary to the expectations of our bospitial friend, his numerous friends did not call, which they would have done if they bad not concluded timea trere too bard tor such expendi tures. Thus some gord champagne wine was lost ana saved-saved by th ? Delegate elect, aud lost by his frietlds. Store B-oken.Open.—On Wednesday mghslasA, before nine o’clock, the store of Jarboe & C-o. was entered from the rear by Torn, ^former slave of Mr. J.’s, in whom he had the utmost .confidence — He was detected by some one seeing a light in the store, and the alarm given, when Tom fled, leav ing the goods he had selected in the store. He wag caught immediately at his home, on the premise 8 of Mr. J.. and lodged in jail. Mr. Jorboe had left is the same afternoon for Louisville, hy. Such was the confidence reposed in the negro that he was frequently left to close the windows and doorr of the store, well and favorably known in this comtnu- perintendent, by Gen. Canby, nity. The Journal, of the 5th contains vagaries can be investigated. ie on - the following in reference to bis arrest: The Late Church Troubles in this State. —A few days Ago we'announced the at- rest and arrival in this city of the Rev. L.' D. Huston, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, to be sent into Tennessee until further orders. The facts in relation to this delicate matter seem to be that, at the late Conference meeting in Covington, Dr. Huston was appointed to the Taylor- street Methodist Episcopal Church of Newport. An overwhelming majority'-oi the congregation and all the trustees, ex cept one, refused to receive Huston, and called the Rev. Dr. Dandy to fill their pul pit. The latter, being one of the loyal members of Conference, accepted AJtei a contest fo* a couple of weeks, the friends of Huston obtained an order from Judge Doniphan, of the Circuit Court, ousting the loyal members, and putting the Hus ton party in charge of the house. Ibis order was based, we understand, on the fact, or assumed fact, that the church belongs, not to the congregation, but to the Conference, and that the house cannot legally be closed against the minister regularly appointed by the Bishop, lhus the minority triumphed, and were about to hold a meeting on Saturday, under the leadership of Huston, when the latter was arrested by the military authorities, on the charge of being “ a notorious rebel preacher,” aud conveyed to headquarters. Upon what valid ground this arrest was made, we do not know. At any rate, J. R. Hallam telegraphed the President, ask ing the release of Huston, and, having the indorsement of Governor Bramlotte, the President will doubtless listen to his appeal. The order upon which Dr. Huston was arrested is as follows: Heauquartfbs 1st Div., Dep’tof Ky Lexjngtos, Ky., Sept. 28, 1805 Captain D. C. titone, bth U S. Colored Cavalry. Captain: In obedience to instructions* from major-Genoral Palmer, commanding Department of Kentucky, dated Louisville Kentucky, Sept. 27, 1865, you will imme diately proceed to Newport, Kentucky, and arrest one Lorenzo Dow Huston, a notorious rebel Preacher. After securing his arrest, you'will conduct him to Head quarters Department of Kentucky, Louis ville, Kentucky, and turn him over to Captain E B. Harlan, A. A. G. This ae c rnp’.ished, you will return to these head quarters without delay. Bv command of Brigadier-General James S. Bristol). S. P. Plummer, Capt. A. A. A. G. The following is a copy of the telegram forwarded to President Johnson: Newport, Ky., September 30, 1805 To Hi.s Excellency Andrew Johnson Presi dent of the United States, Washington, D. U : L. D Huston, a preacher of the Meth odist Church South; at Newport, Ken tucky, has this day been arrested by nuli- ta: y authority, charged with being a no torious rebel preacher. Mr. lluston has taken the oath required by your amnesty proclamation ot May last; has been duly appointed to the Church at Newport, ami has never, as he has sworn, taken any part ia the rebellion beyond adhering to the South during the past four years, nor preached rebellion. Please telegraph Maj or-General Palmer, at Louisville, to allow him to give bond to answer the charge, which lie can give in any amount. [Signed] J- R Hallam. J. K. Uailam is well known to me, and his statements are entitled to full cre dence. • ' [Signed] Tnos. E. Bramlette, ° Governor of Kentucky. We find the following paragraph in the local column of the Journal, of the 7 th: “The ReW. L. D. Huston, who was taken to Tennessee a few daye ago, to remain until further orders, has been re arrested and brought back to this post, by order of Major General Palmer.” LAGR YNGE PRICES CURRENT. I NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS. Corrected Meekly by A. E. Cox k Co., COMMISSION AND EXCHANGE MERCHANTS. Thursday NbON.Oct. 12, 1865. The Louisville Journal of the 2d con tains the following gratifying intelligence: His Excellency, Thomas E. Bramlette, arrived in this city, from Washington t ltv Saturday morning last The Governor had an interview with President Johnson witli reference to the condition of affairs in this Commonwealth, which resulted in quite a satisfactory manner; and we are -ratified in being enabled to assure our people that at an early period aU the troops now within the limits of this State will be removed, and martial law displac ed by the complete restitution of civil au thority The intelligence will be receiv ed with extreme pleasure all through Kentucky, and will be universally regard ed as another evidence that our able and patriotic Governor is fully alive to the future peace and happiness of our people. Important Order.—Something of con- iderable interest to those who have lost y military seizures will be found below: Headquarters 1 Military Drv. of Tennessee, V Nashville, Teno-, Sept 29, 1865. ) Gen. Orders, No. 32—The uovernment nf the United States is responsible for any and all property seized for military purposes, and any damage resulting to private citizens therefrom w of the same nature as other damages, and will be. sub mitted, for adjudication to the proper au thoritiea at Washington By command of Major General Thomas. J Wm. D. Whipple, Assistant Adjutant General. To The Public.—Any person in Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, or Alabama, hav ing preserved printed copies of my let- ten from the Army, will confer a ®P ecl ®| favour by informing me of the fact, Dy better, at this place. -. The aid of my friends of the press is so licited in giving this card a general cir culation in the States named above; P. W. A. Thomas ton, Upson oo v Ga rage, committed by this individual, was his unwarrantable interference witn a civil officer in the discharge of duties, the circumstances of which, briefly stated are as follows: A negro w^ arrested. ln Bossier Parish for horse stealing,received a fair and impartial trial, aud was con. victed of the crime by a jury. Simon because the prisoner was a negro, Chap lain Calahan, who is connected with the Freedmen’s Bureau, put the presiding Judge under arrest. Gov. Wells will re ceive the thanks of the people for his time ly action in the matter. According to the New Tork Tribune, “the President informed Dean Richmond that he should in no wise interfere with New York politics; that he considered himself pledged to no party, and that only those who approved of bis present policy could be regarded as his friends. He fur ther stated that the policy of reconstruc tion which he is now pursuing is not an experiment, but the settled course which he has determined to carry out w.Miout reference to the wishes of any party.’ \Ye copy the following from the market reports of the Cincinnati Enquirer of the 4th tost.: Hogs—There was still an advance in the rates, and during the week the droves were sold as fast as they arrived, at from $13 50 a 19 50, end some chi ice-lots at $19 75 per 100 pounds. The quality was generally very good. The market closed animated, with ^tendency to still further advance in prices. Bad— Wto learn that in sonic Southern cities the old plq^i of merchants getting their printing doae where they buy their goods, at the North, is rapidly being res tored. They may save a few dollars in some cases, but in our opinion such met) ought to stay there and sell their goods. State Convention Delegates. We give below the names of Delegates as far as beard from : Bank? : J‘>bn Gordon, William Turk. Butts : John Barnett, L. D. Watson. Baldwin : A. H. Kenan'. B B. DeGraffenreitT Bibb : C. B Cole, George M. Logan, T. G. llolt. Bryan: H L. Smith, S. F. Williams. Burke : .Malcolm Jones, B T. Jjnes, G.T Lawson. Baker : "W. D. V\ illiatns. J Hand. Chatham : E. C Anderson, S. Cohen. T. E. Lloyd. Carroll: E. B. Martin, W W. Merrill, C. Walker. Catoosa : Edward Fowler, Wm Henry.* Crawford : T. J. Simmons. A. VN Gibson. Campbell . W. A. Turner, S. G. Johnson. Cass : J P. Parrott. J. K Wikle. Nathan Howard. Clarke: Y. L G. Harris, J. H. Christy, J. C. Johnson.' (J'aytou : J. O. Ellington, A. L. Ilnie. Cobb : A. J. llansell. D. Irwin, William Anderson. Coweta : 1. E. Smith, W.F. Wright. W. W. Thomas. Calhoun : George Cauf y. Henry Hays. Chattahoochee : D. H- Burts, W. Bughy. Clay : K. A- Turnipseed, A 1>. Womack. Coiuuibia: Jas Jones, C H Sfaockly, V M Barnes. Dawson : A J Logan, D P Monroe. DeKulb : 11 P Woollen, M A Candler. Dougherty : G I- Wright, Henry Morgan, Nelson Titt. Dade : J. C. Curveton, E D Graham. 'Effingham : VI Bawlc. J G M >rri 11. Libert : J S Lam-r. W II Adams. Fuisyth : W. H. Bell, Clements. Fayette : John lltiie. Dr Brassell. Fulton : N J Hammond, Jared i Whitaker, GiO W Adair. Floyd : Moore. Harvey. Davis. Gilmer : B B Quillian. Samuel Ralston. Gwinnett : K D Winn. J P Simmons, J W,Baxter rd- ti: (• Thompson. Jas Harlond. Jas-Rogers. lli-nry : K B Arnold, Johu llail.C T Zxchry. Houston : Eli Warren, Jm> M (1 lies. C T Goode. Heard : W M K Watts. Berry D Johnson. Hancock : Stephens. Harris. DuBose. Hall : J N Dorsey, Davis Whelchel, S C Fnser. Harris A W Redding II Williams, E C Wood. Irwin : Jno 15 Dormamy, Jacob V oung. Jackson : M S Tbutnpsob, J B D S Davis, W L Marler : Joins : J. IT Blount. Dr. Ridley. Lumpkin : Wier Boyd, H- W . Riley. Murrax : W. Luffma >, B. F. Parker. Muscogee: W. Williams. H Holt. A. H. Chappell. Meriwether : 0. Warner. J. L. Dixon, h . M. Brant- ley. Morgan : Joshua Tlitl. T. B. Saffold. Macuu : P. Cook. L. M. Felton. Monroe: Cabaniss. Shannon. Murphy. Madison: G. Wash. Dubly Chandler. N> xvton -. P Reynolds, J. J. Floyd. J. A. Stewart. Pike: W. D Alexander. Giles Driver. * Pulaski : Warren, McDuffie.. Putnam : D. It. Adams. R. C. Humber. Richmond : C J Jenkins. J F K ng, A G Walker. Randolph : Callaway, gale Spalding : D H Johnson. L T Doyal. Sumter: Cutts, B lrlow. Brady. Stewart: E F Kirksey. J L Wimberly. M Gillie. Schley : Lassert r. Hudson. Scriven -. Geo R Black. Dr Lovett. Troup: Dr It A T Ridly, Dr J S Ilill, N L Atkin son. Terrell: C B Wooten, P A Cochrane. Twiggs : J E Dupree, Lewis Solomon. Taylor: A H Riley. L Q C McCrary. Talbot : M Bethune. W T Holmes. Z B Trice. . Up-on : J Mathews. O C Sharmaa, W W Hartfield. Walker : Iaawson Black. T T Patton, John Park. Wilkes: G G Norman. Wm M Reese. Wa ton : H D M -Daniel J Sorrels. J W Arnold Whitfield: J F B Jaxkson, J. Richardson, M Tal- iaf*rrs. _ .. „ _ Wa-hington : L C Mathews, David E Cucmings, Joseph S Hook. Wilcox : Stephen Bowen, D Johnson. Wilkinson : J T Hudson R J Cochran. Basging, per yard, .... 35 a 50 Bale Rope, per pound. .... 24 30 Bagging Twine, p-r pound. .. . .... 60 Coffee, Hu>. per pound .... 40 50 “ Jura. “ •• .... 45 55 Tea. Black. “ “ .... 2 00 2 50 •' Green, “ “ Sugar. Brown p-'r p;und .. 25 30 •* Clarified, per pound... . ... . 30 35 “ Crushed, *• •• .... 40 45 “ Loaf. “ *• .... 45 50 Salt, Virginia, p r pound .... o 7 Candles, Star. “ “ .... 35 40 “ Sperm “ •* .... 60 05 “ l allow “ .... 30 40 Iron, Common size, per pound*.. ...: 10 12 “ 7 inch u-ide, •* 3 10 “ Band. “ “ .... 12 Rod. “ “ .... 12 Nails, p-r pound, ‘ “ .... 12 Id Mackerel, per Darrel.... ...20 00 22 00 “ half barrel ... 10 00 12 50 “ quarter barrel.. .. .... 5 00 6 00 Tobacco. Chewing, per pound.. . . 75 2 00 “ moking. •• “ .... 60 1 00 Yarn, per bunch . . . . 3 00 3 25 Osna tire- per yard.. . . . . 30 35 Shii ting, i, “ •* .. . 30 35 Country Produce. Butter, per pound. .... 20 Beesi/ax, per pound .... 25 Chickens . . . . 16 25 COTTMN .... 25 30 Corn, per bushi-1 .... SO yo Apples. Green, per bushel .... 2 00 2 50 Dried, “ “ .... .... 2 no 2 50 Peaches. Dried. “ “ .... .... 2 00 2 50 Flour, per hundred weight .... 6 00 9 00 Egsfs. per dozen .... 15 Feathers, per pound, .... 45 50 Lurd. “ “ .... 15 Oats. “ bushel .... 50 75 Pi tatoas. Sweet, pt r bushel,... .... 75 Pe,;s, .... 60 75 :tVQ, “ “ .... 1 25 1 75 Wheat, “ “ .... 1 75 2 50 TT‘ r E take pleasnre in announcing to th* public VY generally that we have Just ArriTcd from New York, And will be able to show them. In a few dava, a Slendid Stock of - - BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS Of all kinds and qualities; also, a fine stock of G-onts’ Olotlilngf BOOTS, SHOES, HITS, AID FTRMSHLYfi ttOODS, Bv calling at onr Store can be seen the LATEST FASHION PLATES. Instruction on Piano aud Guitar RS. R. K. POYTI1RESS will give Instruc tion on Piano and Guitar, at her residence, opposite the Baptist Church oet6—It* M 1 Plantation, Mules, Stock, Produce, FOR SALE! I WILL sell my Plantation. 41 miles from the town ot LaGrange, 5 Mules. Cows, Hogs, Farm ing Uteueils. Corn. Fodder Peas, Wheat, Rye. Oats. Ac. I wi'l sell all the foregoing property at private sale. Call on B. C. Ferrell or myself, octe-tf WILLIAM J. DIX LL Take Notice, persons indebted to the estate of J. C. Curtright, by Note or Account, unless set tied, or some satisfactory arrangement made, will be sued at the coming term of the Superior Court. Claims coming within Justice Court jurisdiction, as soon as the Accounts can be drawn off. will be found in the hands of Justices of the Peace of the several districts, with positive instructions to make the mouev. SPEER & SPEER. octC-3t Attorneys at Law. Fresli Goods! Sewing Machine Oil, Snuff, Dolley’s Pain Ex trader, Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Tricopherua, Segars. Henry’s Calcined Magnesia, Col ored Paints in oil. Concentrated Ley, Coaoh Varnish, Japan do.. Co pal do., Linseed Oil, White r Lead. Putty, Window Glass, Ink. Blue Stone, Ao .Ac. All of the above articles just received and for i,vr T S. BR.VPFlELD. Jnsl Received, B-st Gunny Rugging, Gr*"-n Leaf Rope. No. 1 Mackerel, by the kit. Superior K;o Coflee, Drovu Sugar. Segars, aad To!>acco. —A LARGE LOT OF— Corn and Corn Meal, So 1 Family Flour, Best Country H.-.ins, Butter. Lard, Ac. WISH TO PURCHASE : 300 Balee Cotton. OUO Bushels Dried Fruit, Peek'd and Unpeeled. i29-t.f J E. MORGAN & SON, North side Public Square. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. We ask the ipecial attention of the Ladies t o our Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, —Consisting in part of— Beautiful Ribbons Elegant Bonnets, llats, Plumes, Ac., All just received and of the latest styles. Mrs. BAXTER will take plea ure in showing the goods, septlo-tf ' WISE & DOUGLASS. NEW DRUG STORE) H. W. FINNEY, Of Alabama. c W.WINTEX, Of Atl-tnta, Ga. FINNEY & WINTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Second door from T. Kile’s, Corner Marietta St Atlanta, Georgia, Ilave on hand, and are daily receiving, ALL KINDS OF OIL, MEDICINES, PAINTS. VARNISHES, PUTTY. HAIR OILS, DRUGS, DYE-STUFFS. WHITE LEAD, WINDOW GLASS PERFUMES, &c., Ac., Ac. The purest of WINES. BRANDIES and WIlIs- KF.Y*. for medicinal purposes, always on l and. Country Merchants and Physicians would do well to call and examine our Stock brfore purchas ing elsewhere, aswe are determined io sell at the lowest market prices. aept‘29- 6m sop- BUKKE & jCO-’S FARMER’S ALMANAC FOR 1866. rpHE undersigned have nowin press, and will I publish on the 1st day bt October, The Farmer’s Almanac, for 1866. Price *5 per gross. Dealers ordering 25 gms- or more, eon have their imprint and advertise- m»nt inserted without extra charge. Sebd in your ord>-r a , at one'-, to sop'29 &'t J. W BUKKE A CO., Macon, Ga. Just Received, COPPERAS. BUCKETS, TEA, CHEESE. MADDER, BLACKING BRUSHES, PICKLES. Ac., Ac. HARWELL & BAKER. aepc-2-tf “ . School Notice. HE SCHOOL of the undersigned will open in T _ the basement of the Baptist Church, the LAST WEDNESDAY IN AUGUST INSTANT| Mrs. E. R. GRIGGS will have charge of the De partroent of Mus c. , Rates of Tuition. $2 50. $3. »4. per month. auelS-tf 1 F. COX_ McCAMY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY, PER FUMERY, &C.,&C., ATLANTA GEORGIA. J. R. BIKRKK, Practical Druggist, of long experince, and JSO. C. WHITHER, Favorah’y known as a businessman, are both with the House, and give their individual attention to the business. - feW" Orders from Merchants, Dealers and Phy sicians solicited, and will be carelully filled. se pt39 McCAMY A CO. WM. F. SPALDING & BRO. K EEP constantly on hand a GENERAL AS SORTMENT of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Hardware, and Ready- Hade Clothing, he. We tender our sinaere thanks to our Patrons and Friends for their liberal patronage: and would be pleased that all persons, wishing to pur chase Goods in our line, would call and examine our Stock. No trouble to show goods. sept26-3m W, F SPALDING A BRO. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. FRESH ARRIVALS AT A. STRA9SBtJRGER’S, 102....... COMMERCE STREET.......101 MONTGOMERY, ALA. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! J UST received a FRESH and MOST DESIRA BLE STOCK OF Groceries, Wines ahd Liquors; — CONSISTING IN PaET OF— 50 barrels Choice Irish Fotntcmt 26 “ -“ Onions, 25 baxes New Codfish, 29 barrels .Mackerel, 10 half barrels do , 100 kits do., 20 cases Sardines, i and i boxes. 50 cases Oyster", “ Chcapeake Bay,” 20 cases assorted Candy. 25 boxes Western Cheese, 50 boxes.assorted and plain Piekle*. 25 boxes Soda. 25 boxes Pepper. 25 ilackaboy Scuff. 100 gross Matches, 60 gross Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, 100 M Domestic and Havana Cigars, 100 boxes Fine and Medium Virginia TobACCo, 300 barrels Flour, assorted brands, ICO cases Ladies’ Children’s and Misses Shoes, 25 dozen Umbrellas, assorted qualities, 60 dozen Brooms, 100 boxes Family Soap, 100 cases Fresh Peaches, Blackberries and FIs Fruits, 50 bales India Bagging, 100 coils Richardson’s “ Green Leaf ” Rope, 50 bags Rio and Laguira Coffee, 25 barrels “ Dexter's” Celebrated Whiskey, 20 barrels Pike's “ Magnolia' Whiskey, 50 barrets Olive Branch Whiskey, 20 barrels Boyle's Rose Whiskey, 25 barrels Derby A Day’s Whiskey, 10 barrels Moncngahela Rye Whiskey, 10 barrels Marshall's Bourbon Whiskey, 10 4 pipes Cognac and Hennesay Brandy, 2 pipes Genuine Hollaed Gin, 10 barrels Jamaica Rum, 30 barrels Sherry, Malaga, Madeira aud Pori Wine, 100 barrels Ale and Porter, in bottles, 260 coses Claret Wine, various brands, 60 coses Genuine Rhine Wine, : 100 baskets and boxes Champagne, of the folic w- ing brands: Heidsick, Krugs & Co., Vo Clicquot and Prince Imperial, 160 cases plantation, Bokcr's, Hostetter’s and Catawba Bitters, 60 cases Club House Gin, 100 enses Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps, 60 cases Port and Sherry Wine, 100 cases Brandy, assorted brands, ICO cases Whiskey, assorted brand, 100 cases Falkirk AIo. 20 kegs Prone Br.andv, 100 barrels Spirits Tnrppntine, fitOl RIJtV, TI3-WARE, AID BLACKSMITH'S IRQ1, STARCH, CANDIES AND BAY RUM. sept20-tf A. STRASSBURGER. LIVERY STABLE. ufHE nmi-rsign'-d have opened A LIVERY 1 STABLE at trie Old Stand of Miller, Ferrell & Co. They are ptepared to furnish Buggies and Horses, and Saddle Horses; also, to Board Horses, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. B. F. CURTRIGHT A CO., septlb-tf Proprietors of the Sims House. -ETNA 1NSRUANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. CASH IlfO SrRPLIS, $5,800,43* 93 Headquarters, Dep't or Georgia. Office Provost Marshal General. Aattusta, Georgia. Oct. 1, 1865 Proooit MurshoJ General's Orders. No. 4. Information having reached th'-se H-adqnart»rs that private arms have, in some instances, D* -n seized by the military authorities in this Depart ment. it is therefore ordered : I That private arms, sdbb as sporting guns, pistols, Ac., (other than Colt's Navy revolvers) will in no case betaken from peaceable persons making no improper use thereof. II. 'The side arms of paroled officers of the late so called Confederate Army, will not be taken from their owners so long as their paroles are observed III. AH other Cenfedecate or United .States anns ot any description, such as musket*, carbines, Colt s Navy revolvors. swords, Ac., will at once be seized together with the ammunition tWrecf, aad all per sons having and concealing the same upon dis covery, will be promptly arrested and summarily P *IV. Assistant Provost Marshals throughout this Department are charged with the execution of this order. By command ol Masor Gf.nerbl Stxedman. H. W. Snow, Lt. Col. A Act’g Pro: Mar. Gen .,M. D. Syphilis Cured. D R. JOSEPH BRADFIECD i« treating Syphilis. in all its forms, with unprecedented success. His treatment ha^ mot failed to effect a permanent (•ure where it has been tried Those laboring under this dreadful disease, would do well to g ve him a call He may be consulted in person, or by letter, at Mountville. Georgia. sep 8-3m Houses and Lots for Sale. TWO of the most durable House- anU to Lots in the city, large aud finely finished, to with wait improved grounds, and every thing V? make them desirable. Oue situated Eiei of the public Square, and th* other on the West. For sate at low figures by sept22-tf ,J.E. MORGAN A SON. T HE undersigned is prepared to take RISES in the above KELT! ABLE COMPANY on reason able terms. J B. MORGAN, Agent 9 f.m Office in A. E. Cox & Co. s store. sep PHOTOGRAPHS. I TAKE PLEASURE IN An nouncing to the good people of LaGrange and vicinity, that I have opened my GALLERY at the Old Stand, over the store of A. E. Cox A Co- I am taking the Card Photograph, The most popular Picture ever yet introduce! l m I have just brought out a fine selection of the Moat Elegant Albums, capacitated for from 12 to 109 Pictures. Also, a flue assortment of Atnbrotype Cases on Hand. I hope to be able to please fho most fnsCdioas, and will receive in payment MONEY or PROVI SIONS. CANNOT GIVE CREDIT. sep22-tf P. PROPfllTT. BOOKSTORE AND W EWS DEPOT T HE undersigned has opened a BOOKSTORE on the West side of the Public Square, where Notice. T HOSE indebted to me by aot« or account, oo Confederate account, will save cost by coming forward and making settlements, either by note or money, before the l«t return day to November Term. (sept29-4t) P. B. HALL. Burglars about ’.-Prepare for them. a NO 6 FIRE-PROOF SAFE, Herring’s make, A ^ ile bv (sepH-tf) J. McLENDON. Bank. Notes Wanted. mne >,;„hp«t market price will be paid tor Bank T Notee, Bonds J mSlbSbOH* 1 ’ jLoad Stock by (wp*-Vf ) MoLBNDW- Plantation for Rent. OFFER FOR RENT. LEASE OR SALE. MY * PLANTATION. 4 mihs east of LaGrange, containing three lots, adjoining lh ® P* Kidd and Mr. Reid. I will ell PL *' NT ^™„ TOOLS and STOCK. Also, some fine MILCH COWS. (sep22-tf) B. T. W.LIN&bEY. Dr. Little C AN be found at his Old Office,‘(Up-Stairs) jjext door to the Sims House. Residence, second block, west of the Square. . . T P. 8.—Persons having Medical Works and In struments will please retorn them. junezd-tt Houses aud Lots for Sale or Lx Change ! I WILL sell, or exchange for other property sev eral Dwelling Houses and Lots in the city or “gS? R. H RICHARDS. Plano for Sale. O NE of Newman’s fine-toned Instruments-all round corners—6 J octave - as good as new For sale cheap. (sepS-tf R- H. RICHARDS. Take Due Notice. HOLD two notes on Henry UoJge? dated Oct 20th. 1860. given by him to me as the purchase money for the house and lot opposite W. B. Jom-s, in LaGrange, Ga., on which said Hodges now r«- (4jo3 The public iu general are hereby duly no- ^ titled that I shall enforce the Vendor's Equitable Lien as soon as possible. ^ __ , JNO. G WHITFIELD, Vendor. La Grange, Ga., eppt. 26tb, 1665. [sep'29-4t To my Creditors. Y OU see the above. Made insolvent by SE CESSION, in the lors of a RESPECTABLE PATRIMONY. I advis- you to look to your own rights and get what you caB. fl 6ept29-4i HENRY HODGES. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. PETITE LOT is situated 300 or 409 yards east lilt! 0 f the Depot; contains about 5 acres ; has a good garden and orchard. The improvements are : a good substantial cottage, containing three large rooms, finished, with fire-places; and one room without fire-place ; dining-room and panji y: wide ball through the centre of the boose, »ud shutters to the windows ; a frame-house, back of the main dwelli' g, containing two large rooms, finished, with fire-places; kitchen, and two servants’ rooms; smoke-house, roomy stable, crib, and loft, and well of good water. For sole cheap App’“ - A. E CO LftGraDge, 6ft.» J !D ® 29tb f 1865. .- The Cotton Market Exdted! S MALL lots of COTTON bought by sept8-« » JESSE McLENDON. he.will keep constantly on hand, BOOKS & STATIONERY, Late Northern News and Literary Papers and Magazines. Also, a fine let of LADIES’ TOILET ARTI CLES, such as Ftoty Seaps, Pomades* f olegnes, Perltanierle*. ■ozodont for the Teeth, Bdrnett’s Cocoalne for the Hair, Laird’s Bloom of Youth, For th< Skin and Complexion, NIGHT BLOOMING CERU3, etc., etc. s«pt22-tf E. D. SMITH. THOMAS S. BitADFIELD, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. LaGrange, Georgia, AND OFFERS FOR H to & CO. je30-lt Assorted Iron e /\/\A POUNDS OF ASSORTED IRON ow 5UUU. Grocer and Commission Merchant, septl-tl LaGrange. Georgia. Kerosftne Oil, L AMP CHIMNEYS AND WICKS, all complete, inst received and lor sale lop for the times. J J. C. YATES, Morgan's old stand, north side the Square, ang26 tf AS JUST RECEIVED, SALE: LnMn’s Ceaatoe and Imitation Extracts, Eaa de Cologne, Shaving Soap, Tooth Brashes, Amber Hair Oil, Phalon’s Hair Invigorator, Seltzer’s Aperient, Telegraph Hatchet, HcHnn’s Elixir of Optam, Hr Lean’s Antl-Blliom PIOs, ilrLean’s Trrmlfugc, Black Pepper, Soper Carbonate Soda. Also, a good variety of DRUGa, MEDICINES and DYE S ITFFS. aug4-tf JUST FROM NEW YORK! ; HAVE just received from New Yorkjand Balti more a fiue assortment of French Calf JSkins, Hemlock and Oak Tanned Sole Leatker 9 With fine trimmings to match, and have myself and my old workmen to put up work iu^my usual superior style, at reasonable and living rates. A small lot of calf skins and finding* for sale cheapj together with some ready-made BOOTS, SHOES, and other tricks in my line—all at the old stand of FREDERICK HOLLE, aug25tf Boot and Shoe Maker. Dentsl Card. E. J. GRAVEN, Dentist, tenders his professional services to tbs citlxene of La Grange and surrounding conn- try. Office over A. E. Cox A Co.’s store. AH kinds of Produce taken in work jajjH-tf I pries of the LaGrange Rcporidf is 14 psi annum - »1 26 tor * month* T H 1 I a