The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, October 13, 1865, Image 4

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"~v~- -j* . Contract.. We publish ihefollomiog letter, a*J* the Southern Recorder, on this .subject, from Washington CHj for public informa tion. J*ef»0n8 making bids for mail con tracts can see. what will be allowed for Boch service.. It is, we learn, a settled principle with the Federal Government to take no bid over the rates of 1861, to de preciate its own currency. Persons mak ing bids are requested to address the au thorities at-Washington City: Post Office Department, 1 Contract Office, >- Washington,* Sept. 13, 1865.) Sir; The Department is in daily receipt of proposals from various parties for the performance of mail service iu Georgia, in which the bidders name rates of pay above tlic maximum fixed by the 1 os>mas ter General to be allowed for temporary service. The rates so fixed were deter mined by the average pay in 1861 of va rious routes in the feouth and Southwest, taken indiscriminately, and are as follows: For once a week service, £8 per mile per annum. For twice a week service, $15 per mile per annum. . • For three times a week service, $22 per mile per annum. As many of the proposes referred to come througf the Executive office, I have thought proper to give you this informa tion, adding the request that jt may be communicated, whenever opportunity of fers, to such persons us desire to Obtain 'citizens, one to be elected by the white contracts for temporary mail service, in asmuch as the Department will consider no proposal which names a larger rate than that above specified. l T ery respectfully, . Your obedient .servant, Geo. W. McClellan, Second Asu’t P. M. General, lion. Jame3 Johnson, Provisional Gover nor of Georgia, Milli.dgeviile, Ga. The Oath of Loyalty.—In July, 18G3, a law Was passed by Congress requiring the following oath ot “every person elected or appointed to any office cf honor or emolument, civil, military or naval, or ary other department of the public service, ex cept the President of the United States,’’ to-wit: “ 1 solemnly swear that I have never voluntariiy borne arms against the United States since 1 have been a citizen thereof ; that 1 have voluntarily given no aid, coun tenance, conned or encouragement to per sons engaged in armed hostility thereto; that 1 have neither sought nor accepted, nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office whatever under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United Strtes; that I have not yielded a voluntary support to any pretended gov ernment, authority, power or constitution within the United dtates hostile or inimi cal thereto; and I du further swear that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, 1 will support and defend the constitution of the United States,” &c. This is the oath which the members of the last Congress were required to take, and which, unless changed, the members of the new Cougress will lie required also to take. Tire Republicans have a large majority iq both Houses. Now the whole matter rests with them. We are in their bands yet. Unless they consider the Pre sident’s amnesty as wiping out all offen ces connected with the late revolution, or modify the oath in some way, it will be very difficult for any man who may be elected at "the South to gain admission.— It should be the aim of every Southern State to choose men as members of Con gress, whose antecedents will be tbe least objectionable. Better select those who will stand some chance of being admitted, than those who stand none. A Patriotic Letter fboitGbk. Lee.—The Index, of Petersburg, publishes the sub joined extract from * private letter to one of its editors, from Gen. Lee: “ It should be the object of all to avoid controversy, to allay passion, give free scope to reason and every kindly feeling. By doing this and-epcouraging our citi zens to engage in the duties of life with their whole heart and mind, with the de termination not to be turned aside by tbooghts of the past, or fears of the fatnre, our country will cot only be restored in material prosperity, but will be advanced in science, virtue and religion. , Wishing you every success, I am, most truly yours, R. E. Lee.” A meeting of negroes was held at Gloucester Court House, Virginia, a few days since. The prevailing idea with those . in attendance wa3 that they were- to have lands given them. A letter to the Fredericksburg Era says: The agent of the Freedrcen’s Bureau also made a speech to them, 3nying that he wished to disabuse their minds of the impression thaUthey* were to own lands except by purchase. I hear that the ne groes afterwards called him a d—d “ee- cesh,” and said they “intended to report him.” Maj. E. E. Howard," commissioner of Freetlmen, has authorized the establish ment of a court for the examination into all difficulties arising between the freed- men and their employers. The Assistant Superintendent of the bureau, with two citizens and the other by the freedmen, are to constitute this Court, the jurisdic tion of which is' limited to the cane indi cated above. In furtherance of this plan General Howard has beeu making the tour of Virginia. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer from Washington saye: It is evident that the popular current is settling strongly in favor of the adnr’n- istration policy, and it is thought that its opponents will not be able to raise a cor poral’s guard in the rle*t Congress.— Sumner in the Senate, and Thad. Stevens in the House, w ill be left almost alone. A Washington dispatch to the Cincin nati Gazelle says that prominent Demo cratic politicians, who are engaged in figuring upon the character of the next Congress, say that there will be a major ity of ten in favor of admitting tiie South ern members who come prepared to take the test oath. Who can take it? The Rice Crop.—We regret to hear •that the rice crop of Georgia this year will be almost a.i entire failure. In the region raising this crop, the negroes have been free from compulsion during the whole year, and this failure of the rice crop is the first fruit (or lack of limit) of the experiment of free black Jabor in Georg ia. — Col. Enqa irer.. A Massacnuseetts regiment is claiming tiie honor of having killed Stonewall Jack- son. God pity tbe^ioul that is willing to have rest upon it the stain of killing such a man. He was, however through mistake killed by some of-his own men; so the seekers after the doubtf ul honor, can rest easy on that score. W. H. SIMS Jt SONS, AUCTION ^COMMISSION MERCHANTS, general nSCRilCE UB MLLECTRC ACOTS, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA, Take pleasure in announcing to their friends, and tbe public generally, that they are again estab lished in business, on tbe north-east corner of the Public Square, in tbe large and commodious store house formerly occupied by Messrs. I. A. & J. B. REID. % SPECIAL ATTENTION eiven to the PUR CHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT OP COTTON; and, from long experience in tbe business, flatter themselves that, entire satisfaction will be given. Storage fpr Cotton and all Kinds of Produce. Consignments Solicited. REFERENCES: LAGRANG3, GA. I ATLANTA, QA. Hon. B. H. Hill, " !Col. R. F. Maddox, “ B. H. B'gbam, iThos. O. Simms, Messrs. A. E.Cox & Co., Gen. Austell, James Turner, Thos. S. Bradfield, Bogert <fc Forbeft, Daniel McMillan. cou'Mnrs. ga. J. K. Redd & Co., Samuel Farrar, Col. Jno. T. Smith* ! AUGUSTA, GA. Stephen D. Heard, IWuj.A. Be&lSe, ! L. B. Dr.vis, ,H. F. Russell. j NEW TORE. Peter freer. aug25tf Balwin, Starr & Co. HARWELL & BAKER H AVE in store, and will constantly keep on ba.-d, the following articles for sale: j j. WARREN* V. W. BCRCHt WARREN A BURCH, Commission Merchants AND. WHOLESALE GROCERS} Agents for tbe Sale of Unsafeetared sod Snaking Tobacco, 94 COMMERCE STREET, 94 Montgomery, Ala. M ERCHANTS buying for the trade will always find our Stock of TOBACCO varied and complete, embracing almost every style and quali ty. We expect soon to be adding to our present assortment, lar^e shipments direct from our friends in Virginia and North Carolina, which we will sell, as heretofore, at manufacturers prices. In connection with our well-known and long* established Tobacco Trade, we are receiving A Large and Splendid Stock of Groceries, Including almost any "and every article usually fount! in a Grocery Hon e. Being connected with a House In New ^Orleans, wc have facilities and advantages in this line of business not surpassed by any other House in this city. We invite attention to our General Stock, both Tobacco and Groceries, and. with the advantages we possess. feet confident that we can offer induce ments. (sept22-3m) • WARREN & BURCH. RIO COFFEE. BROW N SUGAR, CLARIFIED SUGAR, CRUSHED SUGAR, BACON,' LARD, FLOUR, Vinegar, SALT, Old Bonrbcn WH1SKEF, FRENCH BRANDY, I. X. L. ALE, CUMPAGNE CIDER, WOLFS SCHNAPPS, J^se Oakley's BAR SOAP, CASTILE SOAP, COLGATE'S JOAP, STARCH, RAISINS, ALMONDS, COCOA NUTS, COPERAS, MADDER, BUCKETS, BLAING-BRUSEES, NAILS, SHOT, ' CANDIES, FINE TOBACCO, COMMON TOBACCO, SMOX’G TOBACCO, SNUFF, SODA, CRACKERS, SHOE THREAD, BAGGING, ROPE, SIFTERS. TIN WARE, MEN'S SHOES. LADIES’ SHOES, BROOMS, TUBS, PEPPER, ALSPIC2, NUTMEGS,' CANDLES, MATCHES, BLACKING, AG. &6., AC. POWUER, - PERCUSSION CAPS, TEA, PICKLES, CHEESE, AC, AC., AC. The public are respectfully invited to give ns a call and examine cur stuck. ang25tf HARWELL A BAKER. TO OWNERS OF COTTON. The Military Respect the Law.—There are two very significant and important facts growing out of the war—the first of which is the quiet "and carhest manner in which so many officers and soldiers re turn to the post of duty; and the second, the respect shown for law and order by all the brave and good men who have held command in our armies. Upon the last point, tho Round Take of this week thus particularizes: “There is hardly an instance to be found throughout the whole war of milita ry insubordination or contempt of Die civil authorities by an educated military officer. Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Mc- Clellau, Buell, Lee, Johnston—all other leading generals, tforth and South—have been noted for theirabsclnte subordination to the ruling powers. On the other hand those who hava shown the least regards for the restraints of civil authority, have been in every instance, lawyers. Stan ton, Folt, Butler, Sfchencb, Carrington and Wallace are all lawyers. Each of these has come out of the war without any military reputation, and each has been conspicuous for the utter disregard for all legal and civil restraints. (foop Mdvice.—A correspondent of th§ Philadelphia Ledger states that Rev. Dr. Newman, of the Northern Methodist Epis copal Church, has had an interview with President Johnson “ with reference to se- curing, if possible, one of the Methodist churches ol New Orleans, for the use of those wh° have ftteuded upon his preach- Sto* that “it •tgoment thS * it JK? " ght one of the three Methodist Episcopal churches of that ci^ should be set apart for,” and “that the edifice should be kaown as the oroper- thj of the Northern Church.” But to-this Mr. Johnson decidedly objected. Be con* sidered the churches thorightlnl property of truatee8 > u>d if the Methodists of the North were anxious for • our church* at the Sooth, ‘tbe. best way for them *r an Id ftOiM » interest notes axe in circulation. “ And yc have taken the tctutal pledge, have ve?’ said somebody to an Irishmen, j “ Indade I have, and I’m not ashamed of ! itaitLer.” “-And did not Paul tell Timo-* thy to take a little wine for iris stomach’s sake?” “So he did; but my name’s not Timothy, and there’s nothin’ the matter with my stomach.” In an excited discission, yesterday, be-' tween a democrat and a German republi can, the former referred to the habeas corpus. “Habeas corpus,” responded the republican; “talk to me about habeas cor pus. I knows him well. He is a dam old copperhead.— Cin. Enquirer. Among those who have been reduced from affluence to squaiid poverty by the results of the war iu Virginia, and who have been compelled to seek charity at the hands of Gov. Pierpont, of that State is a daughter^of the late venerable Chief Justice Marshall. Since the first inst. seventeen national banks have beeu authorized, mostly in the Southern States. The total number of these institutions now in operation is one thousand four hundred aud sixty-seven, employing an aggregate capital of $398,- 157, 2s5. Catholic priests have been arrestd in St. Louis for preaching without taking the oath, aud several ministers of other denominations, in various ; parts of the State, are now under bonds to answer for the same offence. A Washington dispatch to tbe N. York World says: It is thought that the milita ry force will soon be withdrawn from Vir ginia, and the power to maintain order placed in the bauds of the militia, the same as in the case of Mississippi. A few days since the officer and guard placed on 0. C. Clay’s casement, in Fort ress Monroe, were withdrawn. It is thought that .both Mr.Clay and John Mitchel will shortly have their privileges extended upon their paroles. The Attorney general of Missouri has given an opinion that Sunday school teach ers in that Stale, are not required to take the preacher’s oath. This opinion will probably result to the ‘inquiry of- his loy- Qov. Wells has issued * proclamation ^“•^Uog-a general election in Louisiana t .•for State officers, to he held on the lnt fr— Monday in November* next. ^ ^ „ says, President John- 8 5?, m 4 “ke * young widow. He don’t Ion * death - I N ans wer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we wou’d say that we are prepared TO TAKE CHARGE OF, PUT IN ORDER AND SHIP, ANY LOT OF COTTON In the £t ;tes of Georgia, South Carolina or Ala bama, as we have local agents at nearly every town, and n -orps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, capacity ar.d experience, t<f take charge of every lot. We yvI‘1 aim pay all Taxes and Charges of eve.;’ Description, And uAc LDtnf Advances on the Cotton. In short; we t;<ke ch '-rge of tiie Cotton on the re- eeijns or orde'a, aci give the OWNERS NO TROUBLE WHATEVER fr<,ra tho time ve receive it until sold aud returns made by our houses. WATTS, CR ANE A CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS A CO.. Liverpool, England. We invite tho special attention of non-residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE A CO , sept 15-1 m Augusta. Georgia. On Consignment and for Stile. \\j E HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT AND FOR Vv SALE, at the Old Stand of Pullen & COX, BROWN SHIRTING, PAPEP., “ SHEETINGS. ENVELOPES, PRINTS. MUSLINS, BUTTONS, THREAD, HOFS, RIO COFFEE, RAZOR STRAPS, TABLE LINEN, SHOES, jnne23-tf TOBACO, MEAL, PEAS, COTTOxI CARDS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, PEARL BUTTONS, PANT BUTTONS, HATS, Ac., Ac., A. E. COX A CO. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP ASD HARNESS REPAIRING. m. THE nr.dei jigned has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP under tbe “Reporter” office, where he is prepared to execute all orders confided to him. with neatness and dispatch. He will ales) repair harness, auglltf > J, SLOPER. TAILORING. ' ALONZO C. BIRD , H AS opened a TAILOR SHOP over the Store of Messrs. A. b. Cox & Co., where he is pre pared to do ALL KINDS OF WORK in his line, and respectfully asks for a liberal share of pa tronage. * He will have, in a few days, the latest styles of PLATES AND PATTERNS. Give him a call and try him. auglltf THE SIMS HOUSE, At LaGrange, Georgia, I S NOW OPEN for the accommodation of the Public generally. The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Tne Rooms have been newly fitted np, and the Proprietors are determined to make eve body comfortable who may call on them, augll-tf B. F. CURTRIGHT & CO. MEDICAL CARD. - DRS. LONG la WARE H AVING reamed their co-partnership j B PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, respeetfelly tender their eervioes to the citizens of La Grange and Tronp county, In the practice of the various branches of the medical profession. J* A. LONG. M. D. A. C. WARE, M. D. Jut Received, Livergol Salt, 'Mackerel, French Mustard, Yeast Powders, r&sw ■ Coco* Nat Dippers, Well Buckets, New Orleans Syrup, For all by Cumberland Sauce. Cream Ale, Sunny Side - Chew. Tobacco,. Cream Crackers, Soda Crackers, eto. etc, etc. HAKWEL A BAKU LAND & COLLECTING OFFICE. BELL & GASKILL, i • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, TTAXING renewed their partnership, (snspend- J± ed by the war,) offer their services to the public as REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Will give especial attention to CONVEYANCING , EXAMINING TITLES TO REAL ESTATE, and COLLECTING DEBTS. One of the fii ;a has been a Real Estate Agent in this city for fifteen years, anil the other connected with him for several years before the war : ami, from their thorough acquaintance with the place, they are confident in assuring, by their agency, decided advantages to persous wishing to Buy, Sell, Rent or Lease Real Estate in or near At lanta. Ollice np stairs, first building on Whitehall street, on the left going from tbe Railroad. References: Mayor and citizens of Atlanta ; James Gardner, Augusta; J. W. Fears & Go.. C. A. Nutting. Macon ; Austell <t Inman, John Living ston, New York. MARCUS A. BELL, septl-Sm V. A. GASK1LL. T. L. LANOSTOV. 11ENV. E. CRANE. C. C. IT AM ICC". LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Alabama Street, under Exchange Hotel,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, W ILL give prompt and personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. Consignments of Goods and Coun try Produce Solicited. Orders for Good.-, or any tiling in onr market, .promptly filled at lowest market rates. REFERENCES: G. W. Williams A Co., Charleston. S. C.: A. .1 Brady, B'di & Christian, Savannah, Gti ; P.. M. *B:.;h«p & Co., Cincinnati. Ohio: Huichins. Dbii- can .*•. < o . Louisvitl . Kv ; Roberts, Stretlin > Co., Nashvilio. Tenn ; Prominent Du-ir.ess men of Au gusta, Athens and Atlanta. Ga. eeptl-3ni* ~lUS T RBGEIVEB} AT CLEAVELAAD & ADAMS’ GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY, (West side of the Public Square, next door to * Wise & Douglass.) SUGAR, of all grades, COFFEE. TOBACCO, CIGARS. CANDLES. OYSTERS. SARDINES, 200 Ptdnds of Prime CHELSK, Pickles, Shoe Brushes, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brush es, Coinl*s, Segars. Pocket Knives, Shoes, Violin Strings, CARES and FRUITS of all Kinds, with which we are prepared to till all orders ~ for Wedding or Pic Nic Parties, And every thing in the way of GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES, which we offer Cheap for Cash Only! J. H. CLEAVELAND, scptl-tf W. A. ADAMS. FRESH ARRIVAL! Kerosene Lamps, Concentrated Ley for making Soap, Essence Jamaica Ginger, Copperas, Cooking Soda, Shoe Brushes, Chrome Green, u Yellow, Just received by sepl-G T. S. BRADFIEa GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Of Columbus, Ga. CHARTERED IN 185?. FARCY i . ' l v mum ' GOODS. T he people of troup county, ga, Are iavited to purchase their Family Supplies At the house f rmerly occupied by Morgan A Beall, NORTH SIDE THE SQUARE, ' LA GRANGE, Where a large assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS St CAPS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, FURNISHING GOODS, * YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, CROCKERYWARE, AC., &C., WILL SE KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND, FOR CASH OR BARTER, In quantities and AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURCHASER. Aug. 11,1865. J. C. YATES. JUST RECEIVED ! BY J. L. MORGAN, GROCER k COMMISSION MERCHANT, LaGrju ^e, Georgia: 20 barrels SUGAR, IS sacks COFFER, 6 barrels supiTime Family FLOUR, 50 kits mackerel, Nos. i and 2, 800 pounds 80DA, • No dozens bolLles LEMON SYRUP, 10 dozens cans OYSTERS, 150 full boxes SARDtN ES, 20 pounds IJLACK PEPPFR, 400 pounds FEARL STARCH, 100 pounds TOILET SOA-P, 240 pounds GERMAN SOAP, 1 gross ceseo CASTILE SOAP, 1 gross bottles MASON’S BLACK INK, 2 gross boxes “ BLACKING, 8000 SEGA US, ' 150 pounds Black and Green TEA, Blueing, 31a Combs, KEROSENE tier, Copper as, C arry- , Horse Brushes, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS AND OIL, &c., Ac* pS' COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find iff to their advantage to call and examine my goods. sepil-tf J. L. MORGAN. FRESHATiRlVAl! JOHM N. COOPER k CO. H AVE JUST RECEIVED and opened .’or sale at their store, West side ; Le Public Square, 10 rolls KENTUCKY RAGGING, J2 coils ROPE. 20 sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 3 barrels fine Crushed SUGAR, 5 “ good Brown “ 2 “ MACKEREL, No. 1, 12 kits -1 dozen cans PICKLED.OYSTERS, 10 dozen bottle:-: Oid Bourbon WHISKY, C> “ “ SCI I LED AM SCHNAPPS, 4 “ “ GIN COCKTAIL. A LSO: Flour. Meal. Bacon, Lard, Soda Crackers, Smoked Herring, Rabins, Soda. Pepper, Spice, Cop peras, Matches, Candles, Chewing and .Smoking Tobacco, Mason’s Black ing, Blacking Brushes, Cigars, Peach Brandy, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarns, and Cot ton Cards, &c., Ac.' The public respectfully invited to give ns a septS-tf JOHN N..COOPER 3*CO. all NE J GOODS, NEW GOODS! $25,000 WORTH OF NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED At the Old BooR>Store Stand, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA. T his stock is fresh and complete, embracing DRY GOODS, hits, caps, boots, siles, mo serious, and many other Articles too numerous to mention —ail of which will be SOLD LOW for NEW QOOt w. c.jAimm**.**# Variety (At the Old Stand of Berfofer'k Brother, <o» fee East Side of the Pubtie Square,) La Grange, Gjearfln- W E ARE RECEIVING AHD OPBNDW » beautiful variety ot DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS! SUITED TO THE SUMMER AND FALL TRADE, embracing USEFUL ARTICLES in greet variety, IT LOW PRICE! 1 —OUU STOCK CONSISTS n paw OS— American Printe, the finest brands, English Bermge ; colon, Mozambiqnes, Black Berage, Black Alpaccah, Black DeLaines, Himalaya Cloth, Nainsook, . Black Crape, Grape Collars, 1 solid Gents’ and Ladles’ Bid log Gloves, Ladies’ Black and Gol* ored Lisle Gloves aal Gauntlets, Ladies’ and Gents’ Neck Ties, Paper Collars, * India, Swiss, Jaconet A Coates’Thread, from No. Cross Band Muslin, 10 to No. 60, Balmorals, . Clark’s Colored Thread, Corsets, Ladies’ Tuck, Side and Hoop Skirts, Round Combs, Gents’ and Ladies’ Hats, Plain, Gilt and Beaded the very latest styles, Dressing Combs, Gents’, Ladies’, Misses A Hair Ceioba, Infants’ Shoes. Hair Brushes, Gents’ and Ladies’ Ho- Tooth Brushes, siery, English and American Cnssimere, Pens, Bleached and Brown Do- Hair Pins, nestles, Lnbin’s E streets Cologne, Osuaburgs, * Rose Oil and Pomades, Gents’ Silk, Linen and Foolscap, Letter and Cotton Handkerchief, Note Paper, Lndies Handkerchiefs, Pens and Ink, Shirt Bosomg, Fish Hooka and Lines, Ladies’ Hats, Violin Strings, Ribbons, all widths and Razors and Brushes, colors, Fancy Soap, Leather Belts, Rosin Soap, Beit Buckles, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Braids, all colors, Syrup, Linen Sets, plair & flg’d, &c., Ac., Ac. And many other Articles too tedious to mention, which we offer VERY LOW FOR IY1TED STATES CURRENCY. Onr Goods arc purchased in tbe Eastern Markets FOR CASH. We will receive Fresh Supplies Every Week, and invito the citizens of Trottp and adjoining c toiiesto pt3~CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK.-tfest ' JARBOE A CO. L.nG range, Ga., Aug. 1, 1865. % aug4-tf Wauled. C*TX LADIES WANTED WHO UNDERSTAND hJ TRIMMING BONNETS and DRESS MAKING. Apply immediately at tbe store of ropt 15—tf WISE & DOUGLASS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTsT*** Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate John R. George, laic of Troup county, dec*tsed,ars notified to make immediate payment: and those having demands against said estate will present them in terms of the Law. oct 6-40d ELIZABETH GEORGE, Adtn’x. Notice to Debtors and Creditors* * A LL persons indebted to the estate of James T. Dix, lat$ of Troop c.ouflty, deceased, are no* tifie-.i to nnke immediate payment to B.C Ferrell, or to the undersigned ; and those having demands against said estate will present them iu terms of tht Law. foot d-40d] WM. J. DIX. Ex’r. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on first Tuesday in December next-, before tbe Courthouse door in theCity of La Grange, two hundred and seventy-seven acres ol Land, more or less, being the place where on Miss Nancy Boyd now lives, in the fifth district of Troup county. Sold as the property of Henry Boyd, deceased, by an order cf the Court of Ordi nary of Troup county, for tbe benefit of tbe he>rs and creditors of said^eceased. Terms on the day. octC-tds JOSEPH BOFD, Adm’r. Troup Sheriil’s Sale. YTTTLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Novem- V V ber next, before the Court House door, in the city of La Grange, the following property: F. 0. Rogers’ interest in a house and lot. in the city of LaGrange, lying east of the depot, and formerly owned by Hansel Joiner ; also one brok en lot of crockery ware, t side-saddle, about 1 bushel salt, 2 barrels, 1 wasbstand, 1 lot bottles, iron mortar and pestle, 1 clock, 2 quilt frames, 1 feather bed, 1 matrass, 1 bolster, 2 pillows, 1 quilt, 1 sheet, 1 water bucket, 5 old chairs, 1 flute, and also 300 acres of land, Jot num.ber 9-5 and east half of lot 98, lying in the 12th district of Troup county, and known as the Hemphill place. Property pointed out to me by plaintiff s. Sold to satisfy divers fi. fas. issued from the Superior Court of Troup county iu favor of Jesse McLen don, A. C. Ware and others vs. F. O. Rogers. sept29-tds W. H. COOPER, D. Sheriff. J. F. B9ZE3UT, President. B. F. WILL COX, Secretary £ ap i ta1 ’ • • $350,000 Cash and Surplus, 70,000 JOHN C. WHITNER, Special Agent, ’ Atlanta, Georgia. T HE undersigned is prepared to take risks in tbe above Reliable Southern Company on reasoble terms. J. B. MORGAN 8e Pl~ly At A. E. Cox & Co., LaGrange. Just Received by J. L. Morgan 200 pounds assorted CANDIE8," * 100 25 65 128 240 Fancy Cream CANDIES. Broken Rock “ Sugar Plumbs, Dried Figs, Corn Starch, 6 dozen bottles Tomato Catsup, V “ “ Worcester Sauce, 3 “ « Pepper ' “ 216 **' Currants, J86 “ Almonds. •epUMf W. E. LOVELACE, TaUor, H AS OPENED A SHOP In the back room of tho store of Mown. Cleavetand * Adame, next door to'Wias A Douglass • All work entrusted to tint will be lotah good style nod with dispatch. septl>3n a Notice to Debtors and Creditors* A LL persons indebted to tbe estate, of J. M. Harrington, late of Troup coun y, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having claims against tbe deceased will pre sent them to me in terms of tbe law. sept29-40 B. L. HARRIS, Adm’r. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to tbe estate of John T. Gay, late of Troop county, deceased, are re quired to make immed ate payment; and those baviug claims against said deceased, will present them to me in terms of the law. sep22-4tfd •C. E. GAY, Adm’x. Executor’s Sale. Greenbacks, Specie or Bank Bills, OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR COTTON, either in large or small lot « the pnrchMer. ^ N - fhe firgt Tuesday in November next. I trill LaGrange, Ga., June 28. 18G5. ° je30-tf *08 ‘SBriffiiMWMilASSMH&gl*. FINS, of all descriptions, si ways kept on hand. He slsoproposes to8AW TIMBER INTO LUM BER on Shares octlS-tf THE ONE-ARMED MAN’S 1 CONFECTIONERY STORE. LEWIS SKID. COX H AS on hand at bis 8tore, next door to S. W - Moore’s, a good assortment of the following tbe tr im mi- ids ed articles: SARDINES, OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, CHEESE, Mackerel, SMOKED HERRING, BUTTER, EGGS, CORN MEAL, LARD, CRACKERS, PICKLES, CANDLES, CANDIES, BOURBON WHISKEY, |)f CORN - “ be PEACH BRANDY, fe- NUTS, in PEPPER, d, CHEWING TOBACCd, til Georgia, Tronp County. Court or Okhjubt. Oct. 11,1865. W HEREAS. J, H.,Cleavstand has mhde appll. cation to the Court for letters of guardian ship to the person end property of Charles T. I Daffy, minor of Franklin Daffy, tlwrastd: - Three are. therefore, to cita and mlmoniah aW 1 persons to show eanse, if any they hate, on or Ml „ fore the first Monday in December, next, wbj said letters should not be granted. octl5-td LrFITT8, Ordinary. SMOKING . “ TACKS, - WRITING FLUID, BLACKING, - f MATCHES, . (JOPPERAS. Butter and Egg* constantly on hand.' aug25 3m Mattraso Making and Repairing, I N tbe room under the Reporter Office, next door to F. Holle’s boot aod shoe shop. Al*p BED COMFORTS. and QUILTS made to order. Per- SOM wishing suoh work will please eaU and leave : their t*den. sept2a-3m .J Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL pertofw indebted to tbs estate of JOBN J. A, WALKER, lots ot Tronp county, are hereby required to nuke lamedieta ] Md those having claims against said wiU present them to the nndsnlgnsd prupniy an- thentieatad in tarns ef fee laaT - ootU-40d NEWTON 8. WaLKB, Adn*r. Georgia, Tronp Cputy. Corner or Otouit, Ost 10, INK. WHEREAS, W. H. Thsnpsoa has smHbI to **. ne for the Guardtaaship of BEsbaD^fe 1 These are, Ihmfers to die and nfnanita aE ; , r caos, if any they havs, so or hs> j MoodairlaDseembsr aatt* furs the first said letters should art be granted oetis-td LgankOiMf*