The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, November 03, 1865, Image 3

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* u " W uwA" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P.Calla- At the Baptist Church.- by Ref j i 1865, New Goods! 1866. of Miwiwippi. and «»* ^waids, of this place, | iUUWl x v v daughter of Gen. *• W. C. JAKBOE’S Variety Store, ^On the East Side of the Public Square, -IE* La Grange, Georgia. Exchangee pl«»* c c0 ^'-j u j t-> ,t the residence On Sunday ti*IU>v. Robert W. Dixon, of the ladies ^ he r r ’Zw* T and Mi.“a Mol lie E. Mr. ^'nairi»V> aal D PaWLlo. an 0 26tb „i t . a t th* residence On the flV f ’ BlD * Timbers county. Ala., by the of M. B. (; ^ opn iDgham. Mr. A. J. Gkadt and u^a^aA> b “ #T8 ’ MlW . r«i.lenoe of the bride s father, near At 1 ,j, ar( i countv. on the 22d ult., by Her. T^ ac jjition to mv large and varied stock of DRY HoB *u rr Jons M. Rkcokd. of Texas, and Miss j J_ G00DS and NOTIONS. I have just received s - 1 RiPnsovo of the former place. [ and now opening Twenty Thousand Dollars stock A ** A . - , rih ,. u by Rev. R. W. Dixon, Mr. Jons | 0 f jT.^Villuvs and Miss Mauv M. Oaldwjcll. of. ^ND NVINTER GOODS, we arc indebted for the pn»t^> W c COMPLETE stock of the ^*Tul m U*,***>\ axj) fancy goods iifh them, one and all, a happy journey be.] , For Congress. THE NATIONAL AMERICAN- ITS PUBLICATION SOON TO BE REVIVED GREAT OPENING! bill, Jl&rra son and i-riw. ther, ,Catnp- to be found in the State ! £IIis stock consist?, in part, of— JVoohn Dress Goods ! Georgia in the next Congress of the Luited Slat... Election Wednesday, Nov. lath.^ ^ pURDY. For (lit* State Legislature. jLir W‘‘ ore authorized to announce the name of t: 1> I'll MAN n« acandldato tor the approach ing Legielulnn*. French Merinos—all colors! All-Wool DeLain* s—all colors ! All-Wijjd D< Laines—black ! All Wool DeLuines— figured ! Black Alpacca 1 ,1 Mohair! Solid Mohair—all colors! Silk-warp Poplins ! Black IJurnbazin-s! Pacific DcLaines! ! tf/g-Vi'* are avthoriied to announce the name of F A FKOSf as a Candidate for the next Leg lilaturc of Georgia. A fii erican Prints! To thr l‘'<T lr °f Troup rounty : ! ] rei.veetfully announce myself as a candidate j (o rrjveeoui. you in the coining Legislature. I n dergrateful obligations for the favor shown me. ! hj my friends, at the Inst election, and believing j ihey still have the same opinion of m<*. I nm ir.» j diiced to oiler my services. 1 pledge myself to the protection of the |»uopW\ anti to ilo n^tin^jhat. will increase their bunb ns J.L. MORGAN. Vr.ssttH .1 onr i Sr Wim.imihaM : Please announce my name u* a candidate tor the n°.vt Legislatme. If elect id. i promise to represent the people of the Coup if ns faitlifiilly ns J iiuve per forne d my duties m a citizen dui ing the last four years. IllKAM DENNIS. pm cue—dark colors ! Merimac—dark colors ! Dunnel s—dark colors! Philip Allen's—Fancy, for Shirts! Plniip Allen’s—dark color- ! Latica«ter—dark colors ! r Atnoskeg— dark colors ! American—solid black! American—white and black ! English Print' ! French 1 1 Prints ! rpHB undersigned takes pleasure in announcing L to its old patrons md ibe public that arrange ments have been nearly perfected by which the *• National American” will be revised, in a new an i attractive form, and under very favorable aus pices. in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, early « tne ensuing year. . , The paper was established in 18o6, and enjoyeu a patronage and popularity greatly superior to any of its city cotemporaries up to January, lob*, when it was discontinued in consequence of the secession of Georgia from the Union. It will be remembered as a bold and consistent JK'ational Journal—zealously opposing Secession and Disun ion. an t as warmly advocating the development of the vast and varied Resources of the South— particularly of Georgia ; the adoption of a liberal system of Public Schools and General Education : an enlightened system ol Agriculture ; the promo tion and elevation of the Mechanic Arts ; the es tablishment of Manufactories, and the encourage ment Of every industrial pursuit calculated to im prove the Minds and Morals of our People and ren der them prosperous and happy in the “ Union of our Fathers.” It will be the aim of its projector and his pres ent Associates to sustain, in all its leading fea tures, the weil-carned good name, independence and consistency of the paper, and to make it. if possible, even mure acceptable and popular than , in its hitherto palmiest days. Tha paper will in ; no wise beli» it., past proud record. It wt'l con tinue Union, yet thoroughly Southern iu its tone and character—proscribing no man who did his duty in the troublous Past, and fearlessly, yet courteously, opposing every measure, party or clique whose b nets may be deem'-d inimical to the peace and prosperity of the Country at large. The interests of the Subscriber as well as those of the Adrertistr will be protected, and ev>-ry effort made to make the American a Lice and Reliable j\~tws. Political. Cotnmercia and Family Journal. The National Americas will be published Daily and Weekly in the City of Atlanta, and furnished toSubscrib-Ts. if by mail, at $10. or by carri* r m the city, at $12 per annum, for the Daily, aud $4 tor the Weekly—strictly in advance. G. U. UANLfjlTER. November 1,18G5. AT WniTFIELD’S OLD CORNER! D ,RYDGOO DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, ISAAC WISE. ROB'! O. DOCGLA3S. Wise & Douglass, GEORGIA PETROLEUM COMPACTI Georgia, Coweta County : JJAYE jnst received and offer for sale at the LOWEST PRICES 1 HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, CROGKERY, And Goods of all Kinds. A FTER rn interval of four years, I have the pleasure of offering a select stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods CALICOES, of the best brands. CALICOES, Black. GINGHAMS; Worsted DeLAINES, Plain DeLAINES ; French MERINOS ; Plain and Figured ALAPACA, Black and Colored ALAPACA ; The Real IRISH POPLINS ! Fifty different patterns—the finest in fhe market. Red, White and Yellow FLANNELS ; OPERA FLANNELS of all colors : Linseys, Kerseys and Stripes ! IRISH LINEN, BROWN LINEN, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLING, NAPKINS, TABLE and PIANO COVER: SILKS! K Now all men by these presents, That we, Wir.Ltm MrNAtOHT. of Atlanta, Georgia, Jksse A. Ansley, ol Augusta, Georgia, James L. Rogers, Moses P. Kellogg, Henkx K. Allen, John B. WtLLCOtaoN and Stephen D. Smith, of Newnan, Georgia, being desirous of as* sociating ourselves together as a Body Corporate# under the name and style of the < ( Georgia Petroleum Company,” for the purpose of mining PetrolEnh, or COAL OIL. preparing the same far market, and vending the same at points and places most conducive to the interests of all concerned, do hereby and here in deolare and apply— _ J I. That yoor applicants be associated and incor porated together under tjie corporate name and style of the “GEORGIA PETROLEUM COM PANY,” with all the powers, privileges, rights and immunities by the Code and Laws of the State of Georgia in such cases made and provided. II. That the objects of this Incorporation, or As sociation, will be the mining for Petroleum, or Coal Oil, in the Coal regions of Georgia and Alabama, and at such points as the Geological features of the country may indicate as most conducive to success, the preparation of said Petroleum, or Ceal Oil, when found, for market, aud the vending of the same in suitable markets. III. That the period for which these applicants desire the bei efits of Incorporation, in the manner and for the purposes within specified, is twenty (20) .years. IwThat the Capital Stock of this Corporation shall consist of Ten Thousand Shares, ot the par value of Ten Dollars per share ; that the same is, or shall be, represented in actual Property by leas es on CotI Lands in the State of Alabama, situate and being, and known and designated as follows : ; CO, H• ?3 » Lot. 52 3 Comty in which I 3 S" located. l- |St. Clair county. G i n " h a m s ! West Point. La., Oct 5. 187o. Wit i.tMiiit'i— Sir: Annonrtce toy nnmo an a t'andidat'' for the tu xt Legislature without the wlicitution • f " Matty Friend?,'’ or of “ Matty \ o- trid." 1 am on “ toy own hook ” II. (i TATE. line of these Goods. S I L K S ! Solid Black Black, figured ! While Goods! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I.antl for Saif. 1 OFFER fur Mile my LAND, lying two and u half milt s West of the city of LaGrauge.on the ronil to Vernon. Tln re is. Three Hundred and Fif ty Acres in the tract — m il improved, with good but iling?. .No. Ac. 1 also offer f.'f sale TWO IKti’SES and LOTS In the e.Hy of LaGrnitge, i.enr the Public square. B„v:t ' \V. 11. SIMS. Jaconet Mrslins ! Swiss .Muslins ! Cambrics ! Check Jaconet ! Strip- d Jaconet ! Plain Nainsook ! French Jaconet! Checked Nainsook l Mi J.adlC.s 1 pud Gcntlcvu'n's ITantH'erchirfs ! A large variety. Gentlemen's and Misses' JTo.-ier>j! HERE! HERE! MORE NEW GROCERIES AT to my old friends and pat .ons, with the assurance ’ of every color, description and quality a fiue lot. that 1 wil! make it my study to pleas- iu quality , aad orice. I trust my old friend and patrons, and i ali who wish to encourage honest effort, will give i me a call (oct27-tf) J NO. G. VN HITFIELD. J. L. MORGAN’S. Cheap as Dirt, and fresh from Market ! C° OFFER! SUGAR! SIRUP! (Porto Rico.) TEA ! (Green and Black,) SALT! MACKEREL l CHEESE ! SPICES 1 of all kinds. ASSORTED CANDIES 1 BRANDIES! W I N E S ! PICKLES 1 CATSUPS! SAUSES! Medical Card. CCHE Hnh-ciihi'r. having djtermined to return to I Virginia, 1ms su d his location to I>r 1,. C. IVisnov, el I.ilierty Ilil , who is thoroughly quali fied tn prnctire Medicine in nil its brancluz.— 'I hen fore, the aubscril>er hopes thnt the patronuge re liberally bestowed on him, will, in future, be boftowed on bis successor. Dr. Winnow. 11. M. MACKAN, M. D. Corinth, Heard eo., Ga.Oot. 2”, ISt'd. now. Gentb-men’s Shawls ! Ladiis’ and Misses’ Shaw l' ! Nubias! Hoods! Sontags ! Ladies' and Gentlemen’? Under wear ! Ladies’ and G-ntb men’s (Jnuntlets ! Kid Gloves Lyle Tin tad Gloves ! NAII.S! of all kinds. iron: LAMPS! OILS! Ac. STARCH! CANDLES! SOAPS! Ac. Ac. Sic. 31 ore New and Fresh Goods! Fine Cigars, Night Blooming Cereus. Anther Lav ender Water, Jockey Club. Lilly White, Fine Toilet Soaps, Kerosine Lamps. Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills. Spencer’s I’iPs, Strong’s Sanative Pills, Ayer’s Pills, C h-.unpion's Pills, McLean's Pills, Wood’s Hair Restorative, Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, Mrs. Allen’s Zylobaleamum, Sanford's Liver Invigorator, Hembo’d’s Ex tract Buchu, McLean's Vermifuge. Frahenstock'e Vermifuge. S'>zodont for the Teeth. Pink Cerate for the Itch, and many other articles very useful. All of the above Good? just received and for gale by THOMAS S. BRAUF1ELD. OKOltOIA IIOJ1E INSURANCE COMPANY Ol Columbus, Oa. . CHARTERED IN ls. r )9. J. F. BOZF.fl.tli, President. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary F l a ii n e l s ! COT T O N. IAVF.RY AND SALE STABLES. P. L. MILLER & CO. TO EFFECT'FULLY inform the Citizens of T.a- 1\. Grange, and the Traveling public generally, ti nt they hnvo openetl thw Stables formerly kept by Miller. Ferrell & Co., wbvre they will k. ep con •.Wally on hnml. fur Hire, (lie best SADDLE and HARNESS HORSES, HACKS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &o. They wdl al-o keep Horses and Mules for sale Ordi-rs tuf .the Purchase or Sal*- of Stock prompt ly attended to. All orders tor the OMNIBUS must be left at the (flier of the Sims House. N B. The highest cash pricee paid for Corn. Oats, Fodder, Ilav, Ac., delivered at the Stables. LaGmngr, Georgia, Oct. SI. 1805. nov3-tf White Flannel, Saxony Flannel, Scarlet Flannel. TwiPid Flannel, Solid colored Basque Flannel. Fancy Opera i'lanml, Colored Wore Flannel. Capital $350,000 Cush and Surplus 70.0U0 JOHN C. WHITNEU, -Special Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. I ^IIE undersigned is prepared to take risks iu the above reliable Southern Company on reaeoble terms. J. B. MORGAN, sepl-ly At A. E. Cox A Co., l.aGrange. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS! Ready-made Clothing! In Suits and Separate Garments. LADIES’ SHOES—evepv style! GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES! BOY'S. MISSES AND INFANT’S SHOES Piece Goods! : Bror.-l Cloth?, Sattiuetts, Doe-skin Cassimere, Jeuna. It ESI DENCE FOR SALE. WILL BE SOLD, at public outcry, in the town of Lnttrange on the first Toes- J day in December next, the HOUSE AND j Tweeds, Hats and Caps! Gentlemen’s Hats and Caps—every grade ! Boy’s Huts and Caps--great variety. U»T formerly owned by the late Rufus Broome, and more recently occni ied by tiis family. The Residcuco was built by the most skillful ir)ite workmen, anil the material composing it was selected with the u most. care. There is not a piece o! sap in the building. The place is conveniently situated to the Public Square, Depot, Ac. There are attached to it. a Dry Well, a Pantry with two rooms of good size, a Warehouse, Carriage House. Stable. Ae. Also, a large and excellent Garden, in the centre of which is a very handsome Summer House. -Indeed, the place comprises all the comforts and conveniences necessary to a pleasant hotuv. Sold as the prop erty of Miss Henrietta Broome, deceased. Terms, cash. [novIS] JOHN R. BROOME. Es’r. DRESS TRIMMINGS—every style HARD-WARE 1 TABLE AND TEA SPOONS ! CROCKERY and GLASS-WARE! TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY! M illiner y! THE ONE-ARM MAN DIVIDING HIS PROFITS WITH HIS CUSTOMERS!!! In the Mlllinerv Department. I have the finest LEGHORN and ENGLISH STRAW HATS and BONNETS, of the latest styles ; SILK and FFLT HATS and TURBANS ; FLOWERS. PLUMES and ORNAMENTS, and a fine line of VELVETS. made or trimmed JOHN T. EDMUNDS & CO., BANKERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS,! Macon, Georgia, Office on Third St., next door to Post Ufflce. W E , are prepared to make cash advances on shipments of cotton to Norton. Slaughter & Co., New York, or to our correspondents in Liver pool. England. Planters end owners of cotton entrusting the same to our care for sale or shipment, shall have prompt returns of sale, in gold er currency as they may direct. , We solieit oidqra for the purchase ef Cotton. Gold and silver and sight exchange on Neiv York bonght and sold. We refer by permission to J B Ross & Son, Bow- dre Jk Anderson, Knott A Howe, R W Oubbedge, Hardeman & Sparks. N A llardee & Co.S-tvannah; Titird National Bauk, Nashville; Citizens’Back, Louisville; Commercial Bank, Louisville. oct 27-lm YV. E. LOVELACE, Tailor, H AS OPENED A SHOP in the back room of the store of Messrs. Cleaveland A Adams, Di-xt d or to W’iaeA Douglass AH work entrusted to him will be done in good style and with dispatch. septl-itm* Ladies’ HOSE, CORSETS, IIOOP-SKIRTS. BALMORALS! of all styles and qualities—a large and fine supply. Ladies’ SHOES, GLOVES, BELTS, in great variety—some. Hie finest in the World! KNIT FANCY GOODS! Such as — NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, and noons— New Styles. CLOAKS! In CLOAKS we have a splendid stock—embracing a great variety, from plain to those trim med iu the most gorgeous manner. S00 SnAWLS, EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS, CUFFS ; and, H Fine Sugars! FHITE. Brown and Crushed, to be found at the store of W. II. SIMS & SONS. Fresl* Corn Meal A LWAYS kept in Store bv W. II. SIMS & S0N3.. Sorglium Syrup, O F superior quality, for sale low by W. II. SIMS & SONS. The Cotton Market Excited! ^M ALL lots ot COTTON bought by Iu fact, everything: usually kept in the finest City Retail Dry Goods Stores. “NOTIONS!” of all sorts. FANCY COMBS, CUSHIONS, WATERFALLS, NETS, PINS, SeptS-tf jesse McLendon. INTERESTING! T HE subscriber has OPENED BUSINESS, on the North side of the Public Square, next door to T. S. Bradfield's Drug Store, as a GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. He will always keep a well supplied Stock of Goods in his line. Ilis motto will be, Burglars about!—Prepare for them. NO. 6 FIRE-PROOF SAFE. Herring’s make, for sale by (sepb-tf) J. McLENDON. Card Printing. W E have on band a lot- of substantial CARDS which we on short notice. aug!9-dtf ill print to order, in neat style, WILLINGHAM & CO. Extra Family Flour. BARRELS Extra (Western) Family Flour. just received by W r . H. SIMS & SONS. u Quick Sales aud Short Profits.” £*t~ Bonnets, llats and Caps to order. The Trade supplied on moderate terras. My affable Assistants, Mrs. Jci.ia Witter and 1 YEJERMTNLD to sell Goods as low as the low- Me srs. Daniel McMillan and J. Brown Morgan, •*-, “I.and to be content, with “ QUICK SALES j will ' AND SHORT PROFITS,” I oiler to customers ,4 Coffee, Sugar, Fish, Cheese. Crackers. Shoe Pegs. Thread. Awls, Ilafts, u . and Chewing Tobncoo. Candles. Mvll Buckets, Tubs. Blue Buckets, tanev Candles, Macabsv Snuff, Cigars, Powder,Caps.Tacks, Nuts, ° X « » •* v « LoKcU-ra, Sardines. Soda, Sirui Sirup Gates. Ginger. Spice. Pepper, rnrAv^ 11 < t ua ^ < K y > Whisky, nnv5 always on hand, fresh. L. SKIDMORE COX. PHOTtHiRAPHicrGALlTERYr & PR0PHITT TAKE pleasure in announcing be pleased to wait on their old friends. Call and so# us ! W. C. JARBOE. I.aGrange. Georgia, November 3,1865. Georgia, Troup County: CorKT of Ordinary, October 31,1SG5. S W. SWANSON having made application to • me for Letters of Administration do bonis non on the estate of N. G. Swanson late ol Greene county, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Decembor next, why said Letters should not be granted. dpv3 L. PITTS, Ordinary. ‘bev are now work in patch. The AMBROTYPf‘ U ’v!.V , ? < !* ^ d « SPHERKOTYPK,aDd.ewt^ i .“®^ x OTYPE, VL3ITE—the most pw2^T^’DE ever introduced—taken frim titv!? . Picture Ambrotypes. ** copied from Having just erected a large and . Light, and availed themselvefol^u varied ImprovemenU in PhotographvthMrfcif® 4 hesitancy in saying that theW turee equal to tboee of any Gadery SonuT» .. c ~ where. * Tboyhavo jnst received, an* will fctm „ i the bust and moat elegant PHOTOGRAPHIC ai BUMS—ali abea: alio. Carte de Vi*it«,foT^r of all prominent Generals aid other Celebriti« -’ Ambrotvpn Cases, of every description ; and, id hl l r * D t . h ® Material and FacilitieTnnd *° “»ke Pietnres that will challenge the admratmnof every person of aste tol appre^b Gallery, at the on the corner Executor’s Sale. TT7TLL be sold on the first Tseeday in January V V next, before the Court House door in La- Grange, Troup county, all the LAND belonging to the estate of Robert Hall, late of said county, deceased, (the if blow’s dower excepted ) consist ing of two hundred and ninetv (290) acres, more or less—it being the place wnereon Robert Hall resided at the time of bis death, and known as part of Lota Nos. 63 and 97 in the filth district of Troop county. Sold !*pder the last- will and ten- tamentof said deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on, (he day of sale. , ) i! ' ’ T nov3 JOHN N. HALL, Err, Georgia, Troup County* Court or Ordinabt, November 1,1865. W L. ALFORD having made application to « me for Letters oT Aaministiation upan the estate of W.C. Alford, late of said county, deceas ed ; These are, therefore, to cite and admnnieh all rsons to show cauge, if any they have, oo or be- Wof t^BaptbVChnrrt. H- w. MOCII, ^ £ftor«3 f- TK0TBTTT. the first Monday ip,December next, why said ere should not be granted XoyJ L- PITTS, Ordinary. t /TroupCouuty: Court or Ordinary, October 27,1865. 7AH SATTERWQITlS having made applt *»«d county, deceased; These aw*, ihare- "N> to eite and'admonish all persona to — net os granted.. £aor3| r L. PlTlS, Ordinary. He has on hand 100 boxes of FINE TOBACCO for sale on commission.. (oc27) I. A. REID. A’Bargain Offered! I OFFER MY HOUSE AND LOT in La Grange, together with HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Said lot is situated on the Greenville road, about three quarters of a mile from the Court House, and contains overtwo acres of ground. There are on the place a House of five rooms, pantries, closets, kiteheu, servants’ house, Ac. Terms easy. If not sold by the first Tuesday in November, it will be sold publicly. oct27-2t MRS. E. Y. HILL. Kanawlia Salt* Cl CT BaRRELS fine Kanawha Salt jnst in store at W. H. SIMS & SONS. © Fine Old Bourbon Wkiskey. BARRELS just received and for sale by W. H. SIMS & SONS. Large Lot of (Bacon O N band aud for sale at the lowest market P prices. W. H. SIMS & SONS. Just Received, Best Gunny Bagging, Green Leaf Rope. No. 1 Mackerel, by the kit, Superior Rio Coffee, Drown Sugar, Segars, and Tobaoce. —A LARGE LOT OF— Corn and Corn Meal, Ne. 1 Family Flour, Best Country Hams, , Butter, Lard, Ac. WISH TO PURCHASE: 300 Balps Cotton. 500 Bushels Dried Fruit, - r - - . — Peeh-d and Unpridtd- . i f sep3kAf ' - f 3. fe'MOROAN & SON, North side Public Square, ' I ii orses aud Males .Wanted* persons having Horses nr Moles to sell will call on (ect27-lm> i&LANK. WARD.* Iron and Steel. ^ large let of Swedes frew aafi Flow Steel, as sorted sixes. Just received and for sale by »:i io;; w.a.shis & soNs. Osnaburgs* T HREE bales Osnabnrgs, just received and fbr gale by W, H. SIMS & SONS. . Cotton.Yarns. rpHREE bales Ccttoa Yainto; jOrt received .1 and tor sale by ,W. ; H. 8IMS & SONSB. Instruction on Piano and Guitar. M RS. R. K. POYTHRESS will give Instruc tion on Piano and Guitar, at her residence, opposite the Baptist Chhi ch oct6-4t* Piano for Sale. NE of Newman’s fin , '-toned Instruments—all round corners—6i octave —as goodias new. For sale cheap. (sep8-tf R. H. RICHMIDS. O’ Sundries, (“So-Called.”) S OAP, Candles, Bluestone, Corn Starch, Soda, Jug Ware, and many other articles—all for sale low by W. H SIMS A SONS. Bank Notes Wanted* T HE highest market price will be paid for Bank Notes, Bonds and Coupons of State and Rail- Road Stodk by ;; (septS-tf ) J. McLENDON. t Dental Card* ‘ E. J. CRAVEN. Dentist, tenders his firofessianal services to the citizens of La Grange and sarroundiog coun try. Gfiee.over A. E. Cox A Co.’s store. All kiads trf Produce taken: to-payment for work ■ u . '• ' july24-tf Houses and Lots for Sale or Ex* U : change! T WILL sell, or exchange for other property sev eral Dwelling Houses and Lots in Jhe city of LaGrange. Enquire of hept8-tf R. H RICHARDS. Hats and Caps. W E will receive, in a tow days, a fine lot of Hats and. Capa oct20 W, H. SIMS fit SONS. Boots and Shoes* . ^ vecrivs, iu o few days, s large lot of Bools tM oboes. oat 20 £ - ' yr *. H. 8IM9 ASONS. TOP WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION neatly «T«ad expeditiously executed at this offioe, upon 4 MWtonable terras. Addri— K i JON DUSfc, of ^i far the S***P MBtr y tecsl1 *^Jgr*et prices ^ ^ WISE t DOT ieivtiti: - READY-MADE CLOTHING! WntE A DoiGUtss would call the special attention of their friends and the public to their large and well-selected stock of WINTER CLOTHING! Consisting, in part, of Fine Cassimere SUITS, Black COATS and PANTS, Black aud Fancy Velvet VESTS, White VESTS, OVERCOATS, UNDERSHIRTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, NECK-TIES, SUSPENDERS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GLOVES and GAUNTLETS, North-East 4 19 15 I East SO .. ’.. North-West 4 16:./.. South-West j'31 : - NW4 of SW 4 9i.. j 5 .. SW4 of NW 4 9 -- NW 4 of SE 4 4 ..;.. -- SW 4 of SE 4' 4/ .L. South East 4 9'15| OMr’est, Walker county. South-West 4 9;..!-- j | sw4ofNEj 9..1 | -- South-West 4 S If/. .. 1 i SE 4 of SE 4 29 ..1 j - - NE i of NW 4 17 i.. -: .. | ; -- NW 4<>f NW4 8 -• t •• NE 4 of NE 4, 7 . . .. 1 j .. W i of NW 4' 4/.... .. ] ! .. E i of NW 4 U..L. .. j 1 .. SWj ofSVV' 4 28 ..j.. .. i i .. SW 4 of SW 4 27,. .. NW 4 of NW4 36;..!.. South East j 21 11 10 South-JVest 4 29|.. 1 . W 4 of NE 4 33} . 1 .. ' 1040j .. 1 Fayette county. Said leases being in favor of these applicants and each for the period of twenty years from the date of these presents, duly made and executed by’the owners respectively of ssid Lots of Land. V. That full power and a thorily be granted to these applicants, for valuable consideration, to sell and assign to any third partiesShares of Stock, or Certificates of interest, in the said Company. VI. That the place of General Business, and tbo Location of said Incorporation, shall be at New nan, Cowota county, Georgia. WILLIAM McNAUGHT; JESSE A. ANSLEY, JAMES L. ROGERS. MOSES P. KELLOGG, HENRY K ALLFN, JOHN B WILLCOXSON, STEPHEN D. SMITH. Georgia, Fallen County: P ERSONALLY appeared bafore me, Wx. Marx- ham. a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid. Wn.i.iAM McNaUGUt, Presi dent of the Association above-named, and of th4 Applicants for Incorporation, above set forth, who, being duly sworn, deposeth and saitb, That tbs Leases upon the Lots of Land in the said applica tion. foregoing mentioned and described, compost ing the Capital Stock and Property of the Associa tion and Manufacturing Corporatipn prayed for. are reasonably valued at and worth the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars. WM. McNAUGHT, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this sixth day of October, A. D. 1865. WM. MARKHAM, oc!20-2m Notary Public for Fulton County. BOOKSTORE AND NEWS DEPOT. T HE undersigned has opened a BOOKSTORE on the West side of the Public Square, where he will keep constantly on hand, BOOKS & STATIONERY, Late Northern News and Literary Papers and Magazines* Also, a fine lot of LADIES’ TOILET ARTI CLES, such as Fancy Soaps, Pomades, f olognes, Perfumeries, Sozodont for (be Teeth, Barnett’s Coeoalne for the Hair, Laird’s Bloom of Youth) For the Skin and Complexion, NIGHT BLOOMING CERUS, etc., etc. sept22-tf E. D. SMITH. UMBRELLAS, VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, TRUNKS. NEGRO GOODS! Blankets, Wool Hats, Kersey Saits, and Brogans—at the lowest prices. THOMAS S. BRADFIELD, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, LaGrange, Georgia, H as just received, and offers for SALE: Labia’s Genuine and Imitation Extracts, Ean de Cologne, Shaving Soap, Tooth Brashes, Amber Hair (HI, Phalon’s flair Invigorator, Seltzer’s Aperient, Telegraph Hatches, flcflnn’s Elixir ef Opium, flcLean’s AatPBiiions PIBS, HcLean’s Vermifuge, Black Pepper, Soper Carbonate Seda. * Also, a good vftriety of DRUGS,' MEDICINES •. ’ >ug4-tf and DYE-STUFFS. JUST FROM NEW YORK! I HAVE just received from New Yorkjaad Balti more a fine assortment of MILLINERY! Our Millinery Store, ander the supervision of Mrs. Baxter, offers the choicest assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, , Feathers, Ornaments, Ac., &c. ever offered in this or any other market. DRESS MAKING and CUTTING done at redao- td rates. Bonnets and HaU trimmed to order, DRESS TRTMMI*GS, «»«* as Fancy Buttons, Gimp. Bugle Trimmings, fts^te-osastoatlyon hand—and *re es every day. irC\i ii\ piCtc ■; i ii i wi mpeatftilly « r fri * odb in *he Ciey French Calf iSkint, Hemloeh nnd Oak. Tanned Sole Leathery With fine trimmings to match, and have myself and my old workmen to put up work in Uiy uonal superior style, at reasonable and living rated ▲ email lot of calf skins and findings for r* together with tome ready-made BOOTS,, *nd other tricks In my lino—all at the old ang2Mf FREDERICK HOLLB, Boot and Shoe Makar. Kerosine Dil.- L amp chimneys a»b wicKS/aiiedri jnst received and lor sate tow fer tho- .. ,, : f.a. YATE8,. a«g25 t? aDi neriheide the SfOMfe. - - ‘V