The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, November 10, 1865, Image 1

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by JONES & WILLINGHAM. LA-GRANGE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1865. VOLUME the la grange reporter. rates '»F SCBSCRIKTION and advertising Club ot tkw copies on«- y**ar *» ™ Club of fltecopiaa ooc year, 1J Biuglc copy Invariably in advance, jm~ Al i paper* Flopped at the end of the time paid for if not previously renewed. Advertisement* inaerlcd at the rain af One Dollar and Fifty Cents per square of Ten Lin-s. fur the Art! insertion, and Seventy-five Cents lor each subsequent inse tion—payable in advance Liberal deduction* made on contract* fur adver listwtit* running three month* and lunyr. " MASOm 1 blKECTOHY. Union Lodge, IMo. 28, F.*. A.*. M. M EETS on the FIRST and THIRD FRIDAY SIGHTS 1 .„d, r ..h BiDi|!TW . jf . E.O. Roger*, Secretary. SI. Johu’a Chapter, No. II, M EETS on the SECOND and FOURTli FRI DAY NIGHTS in each month. HENRY HODGES, I!.-. P.-. John G. WiUTniciJ>. Secretary. Schley Council, No. 1-4, M EETS on the FIltST and THIRD SATUR DAY'S in rneb month, at 10 o'clock A. M. JAMES A. LONG, T.\ I. K.\ 8.. Hkmit Hwmim. Secretary. Atlanta A Went l»oiiit Kuil-Itoad. GEORGE G. HULL, Kui«-rintend. nt. OlTWAItll THAIS- 1 INWAUn TRAIN. ItdVr Atlanta, f..00 n.m Leave Wnt 1’t 1 0(1 p m Arrive at Arrive at Fiat Point, Fairborn.... ralnn-tlo,. .. Ncoaaii,.... GraRtvIlle,. H*K»n.ville, LaOranne.. 6.25 . 7.25 . HID . ll :.c .10 21 11 01! 11.41 Long Caue,. ..11-44 Long Cane, . . l.aGrange , 1 l.tgnnitvi lie,.. Gruntvillc,.-. • Ncwiian, Palmetto, .... Fairborn East Point,. . . West Point. .. 12.04 p.m Atlanta... 1.20 1 55 2 33 3.07 3 52 4 53 5 34 G .8 7 ti3 nil D. II. MoKItl-O.V. J. J. CUAWKOIIU. MOH It I SO \ ECUAWFOKD, DRUGGISTS 8l APOTHECARIES, (TVcat Side of the Public Square,) La Granite, Georgia, J J.WE now, ami will constantly keep on hand. A FULL ASSORT M ENT OK - Dares atd aedichics ril.TITS 4YD DYE.STIFFS 0.LS, VIRMSIitS, 1C., Andcall tfcc particular |attcntion of the LADIES to (heir fine selection of Perfumery, Iliiir-Hruslies, Combs, Tooth-llruaHew, Dec. TV) uo have on hand a *m.d THE I'lMIKfT LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. fi^na^rKirriONS till*Al at ull bonr*cor- ffftly a rut with tlipptitoh. mokoan. SON, „ ISO. K. HnRtsaN. J. E. MORGAN k. W H () L E S A L K A N D U E T A I L SROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LAGRANGE. GEORGIA, For the Sale o i Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat, Flour, Uncoil, Lard, Dried Iruit, Produce Generally. We also Veep on hand a good assortment of 'Groceries of all Description*. Will purchoae Cotton and all Gonntfy Prsaloee at LIBERAL PRICES <hat u.«y be brought to us. Georgia St at® Coaveatlw October 30, 1865. The Convention met and was opened with Prayer bv Rev. Wm. Flinn. Col. Anderson, or Chatham, from the Committee of Five, appointed for that porpoee, presented the followiag Memorial in reference to the pardon of Political Priaooer»-*which wae uoanimoiuJy agreed to: Mtl.LCDOEVIt.EK. Oct. 30tb, ISG3 To Hit Excellency Andrew Juimom, Prevident of the United Statu : The delegate* of the Slate of Georgia, in Con vention assembled,do earnestly invoke the Execu tive clemency io behalf of Jefferson Davl* and Alexander H. Slepbeos, and Jamea A Seddoa of Virginia. A. G. McGrath of South Carolina, Alii •on und David Yirtee of Florida, and H. W. Mer cer, of Georgia, aow confined aa pc aonera, sign- in rlv circumstanced. Your Excellency ha* been pleased to rev fore Mr. Stephens t<> bis liberty. He returns to the grateful people of this State, aa a solemn pledge of the mag nanimiry which rales the psblie council*; and bis great name and influence will be potent to revive the amity ol the past, and fructify the wise and generous policy which yonr Excellency ha* inau gurated. Emboldened by thi* example, impelled by the purity of our motives, and stimulated by tbe prayers of a numerous people, we appeal for clemency lu behalf of the distinguished persona we have named Restore than to liberty sod to the embrace* of their families; translate them from captivity to the light of freedom and hope, and the gratitude of the prisoners will be mingled with the joyful acclamations which shall ascend to Heaven from the hearts of this people. J. ff-ison Davis was elected to his high position by our suff'iiges, and in response to our wishes.— We imposed upon him a responsibility which be did i.ot seek Originally opposed to the sectional policy io which public opinion, with irtesistible pow< r finally drove him, he became the exponent of our principle* and Ibe leader of our cau>-«. IL- aimply responded to the united voice of his sec tion. If he then is guilty, so are we ; we were the principals, he was our agent. Let uot the retribu tion ol a mighty nation be visited upon bis bead, while we, who u~gcd him to bis destiny.are suffer ed to • scape. The liberul clemency of the govern ment has been < Mended over us ; we breathe the air and experience the blessings of freedom ; we therefore ask that the leader, who. in response to the democratic instinct* of hi* nature, the princi ple-* of , is party, and the solieita.ions *>f hi* sec tion. became the bead and front of our offending, shall not now bo bruised for our iniquities, or punished for our transgression*. Mr. Davis was not Ibe leader t.f a feeble at.d temporary insurrection ; be wa* the representa tive ol great idea* and the exponent of piincples which etirred and consolidated a i umeroua at d in telligent people. Ibid people was not hi* dupe.— They pursued the cause they adopted of their uwu free will, and he did not draw them on. but fol lowed after them. It is for this reason that we uvnke the Executive clemency in his behalf. Hi* frame i* fe* ble ; hi* health is delicate ; all brokeu by the storm* of State ; h>- languishes out in cap tivity a vicarious punishment for tbo uc's of bit people. Thousand* of hearts are touched with bis distress; thousands of pruyeis imrei <1 to Ilesven lor his relief. We invoke in his behalf the gen erous exercise of the prerogative to pardon which the form and principles of the Constitution offer as • beuifleriit instrument to a merciful Executive.— We »,k the contiuuunee of that career of clemency which your Excellency bur begun and w hich alone, we earnestly believe, cm secure th* true unity and laalit,w e rent ness of this nation, lhspenaing our great Matter on h » r t'. \u«. uansmi-ted to your count. ' men a* one of the be net act or* of mankind Ibe tWutut.on of our country renewed and fm tiii. d by your measure.. „i 1 „nce mure extend il» protection over a cou- t Bled and happy people bonded a. it w,U be upon consent and affection, and reeling. Uka rrrut arch of the II-«'ens. equally upon all Mr. Jenkins, from the Committee of Sixteen, *u Received at Milledgevlle, Oct. 29th, 1865—By telegraph from Washington, Oct. 28. To His Excellency Jus. Johnson: Yonr several telegrams have been re ceived. The President of the United States cannot recognize the people of any State as having resumed the relationsof loyalty to the Union that admit, as legal obligations, contracts or debts created on them, to promote the war of the rebellion. (Signed) William Seward. The Message was referred to the Committee of Sixteen, and the Coa\ cation adjourned till after- soon. At 3| o'clock the Convention met. The following Message was received from tbo Provisional Governor: Be it ordained, That the sum of ten dollars per day be paid to the President of the Convention during 1 the term of the session of this Convention; the sum of five dollars per every twenty miles trav eled coming to Miiledgeville and return ing home; ur»d the sum of six dollars per day be paid to each member of the Con vention, and the same mileage; and the sum of six dollars per day and tiie same mileage to the door keeper, and messen gers; and the sum of eight dollars per day to the Secretary, and seven dollars per day each to the Journalizing, Engross ing and Enrolling Clerks. Mr. Wright, of Coweta, offered the following— which lies over: Execctite Office, 1 Miiledgeville, Oct. 30th, I860 j Gentlemen of the Convention : I Whereat, A diffeieno* of opinion exists 1 have the honor herewith to submit to , !,n on P the people of Georgians 10 the nb- you, showing the amount of money receiv-! li -' :4,io,,s rating on them to pay the debt ed and expended bv me since entering ! ,,f the S,atp . contracted for carrying on upon the duties of my office: I 1,10 war ; a,,d whereas, part of the debt <d Borrowed ol T. F. Metcalf, of Augusta. j this State contracted during the war, was in gold.. $20,e00 00 fur other purposes about which there can *!. t he T*?^ ‘ Ul f be no difference, as in case of that part * which was made in payment for stock in the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, which stock is still the property of the State. ccat. per annum,and payable in rold on the 6th day of DecemU-r, 1866, or the 1st day of Drcember, 18C7, at the election of the Stale. Borrowed of E. M Bruce A Co “ “ Augusta Manufacturing Company Borrowed of J. M. Newby “ “ C. F. McCuy Cash of G. F. Crona. for Card* sold.. . The gold received was sold at a piemi- um of 46 j per ceut., making Total, 10.000 00 ami that part which was in payment of the salaries of Judges and other public officers which was necessary to maintain government and keep order at home lim ing the war, and that part which was for 9 300 00 ! mo,,r . v meet the call of humanity upon ; the State. $53.8t»u 00 1 Be if therefore Resulted, That a commit The last sums named were received in tee of three be appointed to ascertain a.oco 00 2.500 00 5.000 00 2,000 00 notes, or the 6 per cent imtes, which tiiey represcut, and at the same per cent; the above per cent upon each State issue be ing gold value at the date of the issue.— Provided, that each person or corporation in this State, subscribing for stock, shall pay into the treasury of the State two per cent on the whole amount of stock taken in specie, or the treasury notes of the U. States 1 J ,l ■ * “ ■ • - this State, and report to this Convention by ordinance or otherwise. The Presideat announced the following, ns the Sepeeial Committee under the above revolution : Messrs. Mathew*, of Oglethorpe ; Alexander, of Thomas; ilarris, of Worth; McDaniel, of Wallen; Uaosell, of Cobb; Atkinson, of Camden; Triee, ot Talbot; Luffman, of Murray; Ilammond, of Ful* ■ZrtJZr? ""'7.V- ‘o' U ' i Anderson, ol Ch.-ham; Murphj. of Monroe; l„ r,.|.v -, n,l He ? f" " f “”7 aU . 1 * "’.Hrer. of Richmond; Le.i. of Clrcene; TM*. hereby authorized and required to is- i ...a ,, V, T other purposes fhereiu sue to such purchasers scrip f or ouc 8 | larc for every one hundred dollars subscribed and paid lor as aforesaid. That the trea surer is hereby directed to mark “paid,” and file away, all State bonds or notes and certificates taken up as aforesaid, and keep them snhject to the direction of the General Assembly. And it shall be his duty to keep a book of stock, in which shall be entered the name «>f each person or corporation taking stock, with the seed, of Clay; Wright, of Dougherty, and Black, of roit. Mr. Wikle, cl Cas*, submitted the following: The Committee of seveu to whom was referred the message of his Excellency, Jas. Johnson, and the documents accotii- panyying it on the subject of dolton and tobacco, purchased by the State, desiting further information on that subject: It is Resolved, That liis Excellency, the Gov- currency, and are to be paid in currency, and bear interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum from the 6th of October, 1865, payable out of the first available taxes collected. The expenditures are ns follows*: Items in warrants in Comptroller General's re port 8 4,050 00 Freight on public documents 10 00 H J. G. lYilliiims. temporary services, 25 (HI Advanced to L. H. Briscoe, Secretary, 85 00 I). A. Oaraker, work and material,. . . 326 70 K. F. Williams, work on State Muuso clock 40 00 E. D Brown, fur light wood furnished, 150 00 $4'.C*6 Jai. Johnson. Tro. Got. ol Ga. Mr Giles presented the following, referred : which was AN ORDINANCE. To declare valid certain sales and invest ments made l>y and payments made to Executors, Administratois, Guardians and other Trustees in this Stute. j what part of said debt was contracted for the purpose of carrying on the war; 1 and wh it part for other purposes, and ! that said committee report the facts to j tfie next General Assembly of this State ! for their action. Mr. Rawls, of F.fflngham, offered the following i —which lie* over : j Whereas, By the misfortunes and rr- | suits of the late war the people of Leor- i gia have been, in a great measure, left ! moneyless, and many of them without any | reasonable prospect at an early day of j making money, and many, too, holders of i large real estates, such as lands, which ; are, from the embarrassed condition of the people dormant and likely to remain ! so for some time to come, to the owners ! <>f which it would be a great sacrifice to force a sale of snclt property at this time to meet the tax demands of the State and cneral governments therefore «>•<• omci uumn-MH imr oi*i«. i Resolved That this Convention most res lie d ordained by the people of Georgia' pectlully recommend for the consideration f the ensuing Legislature, and urge up- *' *' passage of some bili Based ,r .e .. ••• _nd general government, mu- rl . : until the pecuniary condition of the coiin- passed since the adoption of the ordinance n bc|Jl . r t . lia i,l c . people to othei - ‘ I wise meet their, demands. in Convention Assembled: That all saL-i-. i o — r. and investments made Ly, and payments , o' 1 them the pass; made to. Executors, administratori. /u *r, 1 noon the rn-dn ' f ; ‘J p ...»»» ! fmm the State ami the Legislature of the State of Georgia, , |hp cllIl i Jiry milled the following repo-1 commonly called the ordinance of sec s sion, be and they are hereby declared val id. Wright, of Coweta, moved that the < om Mr. Thr Coastitutioa was furthtr considorrd. until the hour of adjournment. miltee of Sixteen be instructed to report by or dinance, or otherwise, soon# mode, other than the The C nnlniftec of 16, to whom was re- | GoVcr nor, of the appoint rn*d the message o* the Provisional G»» v ’ j the officers and employees Novkmbkr 1. The Convention met at 9 i o'clock, and was open ed with Prayer. Mr Mathew*, of Oglethorpe, offered a resolu tion in relation to the nle of the Western and At Untc Railroad, but the Convention refused to suspend the rules tor the purpose ol taking it up ami Abandoned t.tmu, n.»'y _ | Resolve<1, t hat tne memorial w.*. * .«»- t Mf Mal j ar d. of Liberty, offered a resolution- under consideration and direct me to r - j 0 f t | ie United States in btdialf of Jef-; lieir over _that no member of tbo Conven- pu.t the following resolution: ft>rson D . ivi8 an d others, signed by the > m diera compensation after - * J Tl,al thc President and attested by tbe &creUry , ^ of absence haB ^ granted, except said leave of aWncc was granted in consequence ot ment or the election of ferted the message of the Provisional uov- • the ofnccr8 and employees of the YYeetern and A‘- rrnor enclosing a communication bom | Unt5c Railroad. B. i-vGen. Tillson, Assistant Commission i 0n mot{on of M r Ccnaa, of Baldwin, thc fol- er of the Bureau ul Eict'dnien, K'ffngtcs ! j ow j n g was adopted: ' Resolved, That the memorial to the Pres- ,. r ot tne rsuren u ui j niuu, .., --- 0 and Abandoned Lands, have had the same IM U'lp'IIdllWII IdMIl^ KIOCK, wllfl l he I ", * IIIO UAWIUItJ, vuv- county of their residence, and a statement j ernor requested to communicate to this of tlie kind of securities in which payment j Convention, if within his power to do so, is received. And the treasurer is hereby l “ ,w H,,, «h money lias been drawn from authorized to employ such number of clerks i tl ic Treasury of this State, with which to to aid him in counting said securities, and j purchase tobacco, when, by whom, by issuing said stock, and keeping said book, | what ai,d whose authority it was as his Excellency, the Governor, may di- ! tIrawn . a » d >n what kind of currency it rcct. * ' j Was drawn, whether State or Confederate And be it further ordained, That such ' States money, bills or bonds; or what and portion of the stock as mav remain unsold, ; of difierent kinds of money bills or bonds, shall be the property of the State till ■ 1,uW mncl ' " f eacl > ki " d . and how much sold, and the Stale, a*8 such stockholder. colt, » n amJ tobacco was purchased with shall enjoy all the rights and privileges ! r l J»« >»o'iey of the State so drawn from the of other stockholders, and may at all meet-j I leasury; the number ot bales and their ings of the stockliolders be represented j wei « l,t . a,ld when al,d fr o«» whom it was bv a commission appointed by the Gov- j purchased, and at what price, and wheth- ernnr for that purpose er waa P a ‘ d ^' r ,n the same kind of cur- And be it further ordained. That so ■ renL T. money or bonds, that was so drawn j soon as five inilli >ns of dollars of suid i huDilliclreasnry, witliwhicbtopnrchaae stork shall have been subscribed and 1 Close articles. How many agents were paid fur, the stockholders, including the 1 mnph.yed to purchase the cotton and to- State as such, until all the stock is taken j bai ‘ Cu *>«»■<■•>« referred to, and who they be and are hereby declared to be a body j were * where they now reside, and corporate and politic, by the name and ' Cien resided, and what compensation, and style of the Western Atlantic Rail Road ! b,nv a,,d >» what it was paid, then and Company, with all the l ights privileges cacb of them, and by whom, fur their ser- and immunities of the Railroad a,.d Bank- j v * ctS > al1 ^ a ^ so what portion of the cot- ing Company, except that said company \ ,UU 80 purchased by the State has been shall have no banking privileges unless j 8y ^ d » aild b J' wlmin, and to whom sold, hereafter given by the Legislature, and i when, at what price, and for what curren tly stock held by individuals and corpor- ^ b w :, . s s °l d > and what amount of btate at ions, as other Railroad stuck in the ! m °ney issuetl since the war, has been State is taxed. i placed in tiie Treasury; and where and by Audi're it further ordained, That as soon whom placed there, and what amount of aR saul sum of five millions of dollars of j M, cli State money has been exchanged for said stock is subscribed and paid for, it Confederate States bills or bonds, before mid since it went into the Treasury; and when and by whom, and with whom.— And especially what Stute officers or offi cials have made such exchange, and when and with whom, and what amount each State officer or ugent has thus exchanged, and what use has been made by all such officers or agents with the Confederate money they thus acquired by such ex- Dn motion of n 'rt(-*».. , , ' t r ' Dumes, of Columbia, the f..l- tke subject oTltlfc ow— — » ing to the State, shall have power to send fur persons and papers, and compel the at tendance of witnesses during its settings On motion of Mr. Hook, of Washington, it was Resolved, That the name of the Hon. A. S. Cutts, delegate from the county of bnm- tcr, be added to tiie committee of 16, ap pointed this morning under the resolution ,,f Mr. Mathews, of Oglethorpe. The Convention then further considered thc Constitution, and adjourned till morning. H me , Resolved, by the Convention!. That the wise and liberal proposition of Brtg Oeu. Tillson, Assistant Commissioner of the Fteedmeu’s Bureau, to employ certain of ficers of this SjjSt'e as agents of said Bu of the Convention, be transmitted to the i President of the United States. On motion of Mr. DeGraffenreid, a Committee, C*n*c One, (•■( A I It rent., to adjust difficulties between the j white and colored people of this btate,. 8 ’ .. 0 f Troup-lo be styled the Located on NdfU' side Tublic Fifuare, Gorham fc ° Ul ^3. E. MORGAN A SOS J O. TCCXKR- be and the same is hereby ncceprcu, ®»u , “““ f " Hrpro vine the daily Jour- : u it is hereby ordained by toe Convention, j du y o ‘ . p u blic Printer for 1 a • (,., Gw. Justices of the Peace. Ordinaries | n.l before >ts submission to the I ubhc , sickness of h mself or family. Dr. Ridley, <>f Troup, offered the following— which lies over : Resolved, That Messrs. R<*>noh J «.. of Newton; Moreland, of Troup, and Keddtng, of Harris, be, and the same are hereby shall be the duty uf the Governor to give notice fur 30 days in two or more news papers in ttiis State, that an election will be held at the capitol of the State, on a day mentioned in said notice, for seven directors to manage the affairs of said Western &. Atlantic R. R. C<»., at which election stockholders may vote in person board of direcioV" ‘ fJ "‘uinea, That'‘s' w) to elect all officers necessary i<» . er management of the attaint of the com pany, who shall hold their offices for one vear, unless sooner removed for good cause by the board of directors, and un- j til their successors are elected and quali- fied- i And be it further ordained, That the j meeting of the stockholders shall bean nual for thc election : 1 Directors at At lanta. .. And be it further ordained. 1 hat said sale of said road and its appurtenances shall in no way effect any pledge or inort- gage of the road heretofore made by the j State, for any part of tier indebtedness, but said company shall hold 6aid road subject to all such liens or m -rtgages as the State may have given, till the debt intended to be secured thereby is entire ly extinguished. And be it further ordained, lhat no part of said State bonds or treasury notes issued since the 19th January 1861. shall be received in payment for said stock, oi f,,r any other purpose, unless they are presented at thc treasury, within four State, and for named: % Be it ordained by the people of the State of Gmrgia, in Convention auembled, Hat the General Assembly of this State is re spectfully requested, at its first session un der this constitution, and annually there after, to make such appropriations and provisions as may, in their judgment, be necessary for the support and mainten ance of the indigent widows add orphans of deceased soldiers of this State. Be it further ordained, That disabled soldiers, who are without the means of sopport, and whose disability is such aa to reader them incompetent or unable to make a living by their own exertions, shall be entitled to tbe benefits of the pro visions of tbe foregoing ordinance. Mr.' Lawson offered the foQowiog—which was taken tip and a&o£teff: _ AN ORDINANCE, To legalize the contracts made by guar dians, administrators, executors and trustees, with the freedmen lor tbe ben efit of their wards and estates and to authorize said gaardians to make such contracts until provided for by tbe leg islature: Be it ordained by the people of the State of Georgia, in Convention assembled, That all contracts made by guardians, admin* istratofs, eiecutors and trustees, d’ith freedmen and freedworneD, for fbe benefit of their wards’ estates, be. and the samo is hereby legalized; and that they be au thorized to make such contracts, uutil pro vided for by the Legislature. Mr. Robinson, of Early, offered the following— which li«* over i Resolved, That this Convention recom mend to the next General Assembly the propriety of abolishing the penitentiary system, and adopting some other mode of punishment, better adapted to the wants of the Country in its present condition. Mr. Jcnkin* effcred tbe following— which was adopted r Resolved, That as soon as thc Conven tion Las passed the Constitution of the State, one thousand copies of the same be printed for the use of tiie members of tbe Convention. Tbe Conventiou adjourned till morning. November 4. The Convention wm opened with Prayer by Rat. Mr. Daly. Furtber busrbcss waa suspended to allow Mr. Chappell, of Muscogee, to offer thc following reso lutions on the death of Hon. Hines Holt, a dele gate from that county r Resolved, That the members of the* Con vention deeply lament the death of their late associate in this body, the Hon. Hines Holt, a delegate from thc Countv of u..~ - : That as a mark of Tin; icix arm tut tot spatu ’w c. B.nxT. w. n. Btaunti-u DAY, BUSSELL fc Tl’UKLB, GENERAL AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Corner of Broad ami Jackson Streets.) Augusta, Georgia, W ILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF U kinds af C**4ft Stacks, l!wod*, Produce, RVSl Estate, Merchandize of aR Minds, Rones, Hides, he. Particular attention paid to the SALE and FORWARDING of COTTON. Contienments solicited from all quarters. Liberal Advances made on Consignments, and prompt Kcmtitenccs made. Rcier iu> Messrs. J. E. Morgan & Son *011 Mewp. A. E Cot A Co ■ LaOrange. Ga- july28-6tn E. H. BRUCE & UO-, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GA. E. F. METCALFE fc CO., C91H1SSM* HI FOtWUDIN MERCHANTS, V SiVANNAH, GA. E* M. BRUCE, MORGAN At CO., COTTON FACTORS kFOtWlEMNC ItfttHANTS, APALACHICOLA, FLA. «W- Advances made on Consignments to Yt ATTS. CRASH A CO . New York. WATTS. GIVEN <1 CO . New Orteoiw, W.C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool,Bag. By sit her ef tht above Houses. *eptSi-3ai that tiie Justices of the*Peace, Ordinaries j n.l before its submission to the Public rnmer tor j to thc next Legiulatur^ tl.T presentea at un. ». -- ----™ ^ ..,„j u ll „ther civil officers or unofficial i publication. ., ! true condition of the finance* of the istate j inoIll | lS after the date of t . citizen of this State, are hereby authoriz | On motion of Mr. Boyd, ol Lumpkin, tbe follow- ^ Geurgia _ w hat appropriations have j ment b y the Treasurer, as herein befo , d to perform such services as may be ing was adopted: . . i been made, and for wliat purpose how !j dsreetc-d. to be made, d. sigtmted bv suid agent in adjusting j Resolved, By the people of Georgia in , m0ch fur the military, and how much lor difficulties between the white and color-1 Convention assembled, That onr Senators j ^ c ; v ji department of the State, since population of this State, in maintain- ‘ an( j representative irt the next Congress ing the police of the cuuutry, and other j of the United States be requested to urge similar matters, whenever requested so . apo u thc proper authorities the early re- - * - - J I 8U mption of ceiuing Gold in tne Branch to act by suit! superintendent. On motion of Judge Hook, of Washington, the Mint at Dabloncga, Ga resolutions was amended aa follows, and the re port adopted: Mr. Jenkins, from the Committee of Sixteen, reported an additional Article of the Constitution 1 a www|f*v*. • ^ t rrpot ICU Provided, That nothing in this ordi- ^ich was discussed, nance contained, shall be understood in i Qa motion of Mr. Hopkins. Hon. Wm. M. Bar uny wise to indicate the view* of this i QCtt 0 f Virginia, wasr iuvited to a scat or. flic floor Convention as to the character ot witness* j of the Conrenfiotf. cs hereafter to be admitted in certain cas- Adjourned till morning. es. It being the judgment of this body | ' that this is a matter of Legislature cog- October 31. nizancc only. ! Tbe Convaotion met and was opened with 1 raj- The following Message was received from His , er by tbe Rev " m - Flynn. J. BIlOW-> MORGAN, agent fob the mail, luinffBi iugama a FIRE & INLAND INSURANCE COMPANIES, New Ywrjk. Excellency thc Provisional Governor: Executive Office, ) Mn.i.F.DGEviL! v, Oct. 28th, 1865. j Gentlemen of the Convention: On last eveuing I received the follow ing telegram. Concurring in tbe justice and propriety of tbe views therein con tained, it is respectfully recommeuded, that the action of the Convention couform thereto. „ , „ J. Johnson, Prov. Gov. of Ga. Received at Miiledgeville, Oct. 29th, 1865—Bv telegraph from Washington, 28—To Governor Johnson: ^ Your dispatch lias been received, people of Georgia should #»ot besyUle on moment, repudiating evCry Bing ® . . of debt created for the purpose of aiding the rebellion.against the Government o the United States. „ . It will not do to levy and collect taxes from a State and people that „Afti. loyal and Hi the Union, to pay * debt that was pra..ilS i .i-in., ihoin nnt tberc- aetlVttaa ALKIANDBB STODilABT, Gcavral Agn*. Mo. A Pme st - “■■• .Pf .dse people ©f th«t Stato pf Wtutrinfloenced,Witt eretfUdb*. DJ VUv xav- v *• — A Mt-asage was received from His Excellency the Provisional Governor, covering correspondence relative to the sale of the State's cotton. On motion of Mr.Morgan, of Dougherty, a Com mittce of three was appointed to call on the Pro visional Governor of the State for copies of aR communications between him and the Preside* of the United States, and She Secretary of State re lating to the public debt of Georgia. Mr. Walker, of Liberty, offered the following— lieawver » < “ Whereas, Rigid economy in the adnoim i&tioo of public offices w ao element of strength m republican gorernmentsi, jteSdtved, That' the multiplication of public offices ia coodcamed by tbe people of Georgia. _ . . That the Legislatwre be re- Quested to fix the salariew of the t.fficer* l^tbe Legislature, judicial and Executive deDartmcnW-ttt oucb cumpeoa»tK>n m will b- comoieiwwretewith fcbe aerncea re« Sred. U. Martin,of Habcrdta*,c«ercd |he foUowi-£ AN (MWIANCB, . . Ytis civil and oossUtiwd the 1st of January, 1861; what amount of bonds and treasury notes has been is sued during the same penud of tune und for what purpose; what investment ha e been made by the State in cotton, »tock> ar.d other securities, and by whose a thority; and to set forth tiie condmut. and character and resources upon which the State may rely to pay such indebtedness, and that such committee have P»wer to send for persons and papers. And be U further ordered, in case any member ot this commute shah fail or refuse to serve, the remainder of tbe committee shall have power to fill the vacancy, and that tb. next Legislature have power to make coni' pensafiou for the services of said com mittee. The following was offered by Mr.^oben, of Chat- Mr. CooX, of Macon, submitted the following re solutions, which were laid on the tabl for the present: Resolved, That tbe convention do here by approve of and ratify the action of .^pli E Blown, late Governor of this State, and of Provisional Governor James John son in disavowing thc of the arrent of the State in the sale of bales of cotton in Savannah iu November last November 3. TbeConvention met and was opened with Prayer. The time of the Convention wa* occupied, dur ing the morning session, on the Contitution, which was gone through with and adopted. Tbe Convention met at 3| P. M. Mr. Chappell, of Muscogee, offered tbe follow ing-which, on bia motion* was made the special order for to morrow morning : an ordinance. Be it ordained by the people ot Oeorgia, in Convention assembled, That all the debts contracted or incurred by the btate of Georgia, either as a separate State or a* a member of the late partnersJup or Confederacy of States, styled the Confed erate States of America, for the purpose of carrying on the late war of secession against the United State# of America, or fur the purpose of aiding, abetting or pi .noting said War, in any way directly or indirectly, be and tbe same are heraby de- clared null and void, and the Legislature is hereby prohibited forever from, in anj way, acknowledging or paying the same | debts, or an, « f-« P*» mr thirty days. Resolved, That a committee of four mem bers from this Convention be appointed by the President to superintend tbo ar rangements touching the remains of the deceased, and to attend them from tb» city to his late home in Muscogee county. Resolved, That the members of tbe Con vention will, in a body, attend thc remain# of tbe deceased, from bis late lodging# in this city, to tbe railroad depot. Resolved, That a copy of these isola tion# be transmitted by tbe Secretary of the Convention to the fainilj of the de ceased. Eloquent add ressea, eulogistic of distinguish ed deceased and in support of thc rosolutioai, were made by Messrs. Cbappel and Jenkins; after which the resolutions were adopted and the Coaventlon adjourned till Monday morthtg. New York, Oct. 22.—Tbe following des patch is published in tbe Greenville Moun taineer, dated Washington, Sept. 27, 186a. Gov. B. F. Perry': I th^nk yon for your dispatch of the 28th inst. I have to con gratulate your Convention upon its har- mouioos and successful attendance to tbe Constitution. It afforded great gratifica tion to all who favor a speedy restoration of all the States iu the Union. Let this work go on, and we w»! Soon be once more a united and happy people, forget ting the past and looking jvith confidence to a harmoqious future. rSienedl Andrew Johnson, President United States. ham. sad r*:erred to the Commit ee of Sixteen: ; id present i t¥ar w in ersalMtt .oi .Uti#' SMITH k 0»N*Akj WAMEWHBfc A>» CIUlSMI KJACMATT*, LAOBA»6l,6BO«GDf — . ,'eni. il ttfiUMh ' OAg ka iaeaAaE k»»0»# OMAo, WFp«aimA«^t F.#- .fwwsta ksfiif Mfdi*41 W*raL_ T _ afifttoxtiU wU’. ttesae ttturp thtm. Jk» on*2l-t; K, aw—" w: ,* b ® an ordinance To provide f.»r the sale of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, i. Be it ordained by the people of Georgia in Convention assembled, That the vy es- j nave tne imuu. „ . gt tern & Atlantic Railroad, with all its ap Jcgof tplegrams 8 ent by me on TndayU* portenances, i# hereby vaJotNl at two mil- - tQ the Secretory of ^ta t ®» 8 l'- - , g tates Hons two hundred thousaud dollars, and J , tbe p re 8ident of tho United States. S' L i.,U,.h. re . of one huu- j u ” x f« telegram., aad U« repUe, before c«i«Diniiuie*atea. ex _ . ,AN (MWIAJsCM, im pprfb* altepsd the 'Lolord. That Hi. BKellency, l>r»«l«- „,g ai, law for lh.t b “ C "“ i - ^.j t... an- 0 ,- nrovide for thc same, said _ * an, part tlmraof, by any mnnr'y, properly. *>«(» « »“ e " , fatty kind t» that object. 2. Be it further ordawed,- That jno#- Utuch as the annual income of the Stoto before and during said war, from toxa tion and other sources of revcn ”J’ J^.. amply sufficient for the ^ flinarv civil government of the ^tate, nno f the plvment of all it. expenses, inc - r ? were the offspring and re## 1 ** ;• “ntWr i. .. therefore thc judgmect. ”U aaee and decree of U.i, tpat all debts of 'be State ineorrml atir - -SSLttfSVI? itiuai Governor, be and he is hereby au thorized and required to adopt such meas ures and take* such action as will serve and'protect (he interest of the btate in said cotton. The consideration of the Constitution of tbe State was resumed ; and the Courentiou af'jutirn- i-d. at 1P.M. The Convention met agreeably to a jemrnrae Tbe following Message from ,be Provisional Gov ernor was read: Executive Oitice, Miiledgeville, Ga.. Uct, 31, 18G5. f Gentlemen </the Convention: I have the honor to transmit dred dollars each, and it .hall be the duty of the Treasurer of this State to advei tise said road for sale, in all the paper, pub lished in Ibis State for one month, allowiug any and all citissetw of this State, and no other persons, to take stock and to pay for thc same either in specie or theTrcas- ory note, off tb# United State., or in the bond# of the State of Georgia, issued prior to the 19tb of January, 1861, including *1 no 000 100 of baud* issued after that date wr stock in the Atlantic and Golf railrddi it par; or in any of tiie bonds io- soetf by the State after that time ait seven- *»-five cent# is the 4otU#,or in a»y of tlm Treasury poto# thoSia% knows aa the 8 par cent notes, payable in specie or * per c6nt uonds, at seventy-five cento in tne fluftaf nr in shy of the Treasury notes known a# « fW ’ n amdssmor • F«t ce#ihoad#, ai^H cento in tbe dtolara* ot in any off (Aha goto# <» siud ticulcd . • poepfl whor0 it exi.ibit all tbe offi j ing on tbc .^J/.uSTshpwu by itspartial t i.-ive iiad with the Gov- ; shall be satisfat- J narticolar cial intercourse I_ ba „.i :ltillll tfJ ;iU ,i di rt interestccUur‘-»f that any particola debt or debt/* were incurred for other pur- tbe debt of Georgia (Signed) J. Johnson, Prov. Gov. of Ga. r&e Stotes vote#: and W amin^snflWt«« [copv.] „ T,. IlisExeeHency, i»»« Pres ' idl " ,l L S 'm«id'te^>ct.he\r.rdebt. sJld teeloce slMHfkl U» t-»* jJSpb;, Prov. Gov. Ga. .. nr tbe Consiitut'on was re- ■— ^atjoarnadaota-^Kig. November 2. TheCw.veotioawet.a4 was opened with Prayer h-ilfl. Kr.lwwar. ' ■ On jnotion of Mr. Mathews, of Oglethorpe, the IMIowIa* «•"****** 1 " Resolved, That a committee of 16, one froov-e«ch judicial district, be appointed who are hereby instructed to take into consideration tbe-ne«lr8sify of providing 'for tiie temporary organization of one or more militia companiea ia''« f tcb county to Qi'Ul til uGt'v* > • • nust-s than that of carrying on, siding or Lhcttin"' thc war, directly or indirectly. 3 Be it further ordained/ That *11 bill., bonds, note* i>r evideuce# of debt what ever, issued by the State, payable only jo Confederate currency, or on a contingency or contingencies which have tieker hap pened, and can now never happ^rt, have ceased to be debts at all, eitbcriuwhote or part, and are hereby wholly prohibiteo from being paid, even thongb issued for other purposes tbadtbat» ryiug on tjie said war or aiding 0* fishing it, directly ^ Af, or- 4. Be it further ordained- dinance sh*H be part « State- and fundamentollatvo ^ ^ following— Mr . Cutto, to 3 ^ ,f iSSwi op sad sdoptod: whieh. on hh “JJJJjwwaRCB Mskiog ittbedaty «f for the support o orphans °* One of the prominent member# of tbe Sooth Carolina State Convention, recent ly in session, wa# General McGowan, one of the bravest of the Covfedsrate officers- In a speech before that body be said: It is not trae that South Carolina car- ries a dagger underneath her yestmen s. wetrt ont of tho Union with an open hand and an open heart, and sba i# gnmg back into tbe Union With an open hand and an open heart. She ha* lost all her material resource#, but she has not lost her honor; and she returns to the ewter- bood of Stole# wiM» fall determination to be true and loysl in word *nd deed, A Dispatch from N. York snj*’- Ward Beecher yesterday dehver^ # mon in which Im gave to h># ■•J, endorsement of President J focbc ^ r . his reconstruction pol ,c y» °r? f 2L >ot i 1 }n- «d 3S,sksS-ass S£Si£$3S|s be accorded an wit, whs it •to eacnea orwonBy **** ^ ^ |Mto Sassaalg N.