The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, February 09, 1866, Image 2

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ll'.i Grange iUpoilrr. C. H, C. WILLINGHAM. EDITOR. vv'-'-v.-' 5..•■*££0^' ‘NT'i LAdliANGE: rrightful Tornado in Yvwten fourR)* A t rrctpi.n■' nt • f the •'.'<>•* i-ct .r Lr.iuihiti Mat— that, licwi'tii s'\- a;.-! sctc:: ! •.k .--a tie nmg of the z-lili ultbuo. a very destructive t-.r- naluj a'sc! th.-bfegh N-’.vlmrn. in that county, destroyin:: trees, fencing, building®, life—every thing :n it!j lr~ k—in a moment of time! T^e >» nate met at t.i ■ avy hoa-e !'m> • rs w*.w carr ed ly the wind a Prayer by Dr. Mason. : distance of f> -,r hundred yards: n?nd, cn the Cov ington road, near Newborn, a pine board was ndtteo appoint forced through a white oak tiee. which is yet A. 1 ted t’.e M icon T, '-graph.] Mr. Starr of W'i,: ill: GMOilCilA L,KC;iSLATt'KE. tion, as a sui stitm MILLEDGEVILLE, FED 5, 1^ IX SEX A 1 E. : s : n- Mijcel'am'Oits Vctvs lit ins. ‘L A thousand h Direr: have been C5i£»£- n:a. i. i» too seii,e . : I; use tnat the t . } rel iiild Cfia iostui, S. C. IViiitontiarv .system atti the present svs- ... , • . „ r "it i iji i j no report cur-tit a tew days strce, , tent ol ci.tno u law snot d be so modified , .. ,, . that ( ion. horresi has left the country,, is An Art Kntitlod an Act to i teveiit the .-.plead of; Small Pox in this ctate : I WiiKKK-is! The Small Fox lias been in- : ! trodne. d and S likely to spread into m- ( t v e unty in t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, II. S. WIMPISH. A. I). ABRAHAMS. V.Th^ WiMBISH &. CO., sq. ltl . thereby causing! r'reat expense and'.rouble to the people ; j MERCHANTS ASD TRADERS, quare,) -s. • rt and Mrs. Moss, together with the tan-yard of commissioner to make a fn.k fair, eqoita- ! Oo ,he Passed mittmg extern t the Messrs. R.otxs u .v & Ilm, wore entirely destroy b!« and final settlement of tae State mth | Bl ‘. 1 ^ n>*ke « P«»l to fell trees on an- ; was recently c id) u ed : and th* pr mis-® of manv others 'sustain^ Messrs. Devine, Jones A Lee, in rega^o i Othvr s .and and carry off timber. 1 assed. Mr \olek.,a -- ry mure or Ic.-s ireurv. " j the State's interest in the Card Fae|gjg|fc | House adjouruci. Completed a m, _ rtanding with the board :n it! FRIDAY JIORYIYC FKBRIARY fi, IKC6. The rc®;ri nce» and itr.pi voments cf M-ms. J II Kinnet and J. C IIah.ev. Dr. J. J. M-ntoome- Uamjant lladiraH and Sullen Southerners If one d-.Srt.* to v , r*.E : ' w ratnpat Radicals are :a Congo's in dm-unciag the s Southern-rs. :. tiny t- rm *t i- - -by t.-t-r. to read the d- bat s in that rai; t-rdy : a there is any null in th- S. u 1. w! c:e. r<- id debates and. at the s-m<- tune. mi a and collect, i i - . • h ■> ><i 1 t.- the hot 1,1 . d of it. S - i- ■ Ury th- n he can cUin !• i. t..- ' • 1- g-'hty 1 ' I^rainent wh- !\ • • !i-m ■ ,f in ■ as to all..w the contimimce of the former, . , ai d ol tin* ex. -of - . l ; t __ now contradicted a manner as will in'the coin 4 of a lew When tie- war commenced, Rhode Is-! “ 5 ec . l. it enacted by the j (North East comer of the Publics Mr. J. A. W J U I,„ 3 „„ from tl.c Com-1 .«**. «“« ««• snkriority of ti.c dMfem.1 ",g J f* °"' es ^' O00 '' I Ocwrat Amo of of Gcor s .a, , ,.,j to !,,.,k into the interest ! modes of punishment. ° 00 ’ a11 tor abolislu.g slavery i f,e State in the Card Factory, submit-! Tlje <»--vernor seat in a ir.essa 1. ami °HD ^ nr.l,■■ foi tuga j ted Ids rep ,it. The report concluded was lead, atm -Ub c with a rosoluti.m. which was adopted, that . ptiuted. the I b.vernor i ,• r.-.nicstel to sSpoint a • to amend ih-- first c! j That the" Justices of the Inferior Com t of | La Grange, Georgia. u-e wh : ch less than live liundred and eigUy | each county, or the corporate authorities j M ed to Vo P-Htical prisoners are now at the Dry . „ f iU ,v town or city it. this State, w.thin g lPLR,(>R «^R-HOlhE SlttlP FOR siLEli ‘ " ' the limits of which any case or cases of ^ 4 C0 ' .itise et sec, A b:u,,i ot r„H„ rs. w!,o l.a.l K^ccw-1 j P® ,m * p ’ B*H«» ’ j provide a suitable hospital for those so , — i ..ffli.-tml and fc fnndsh them with rncdb-: 0 . msive depredation tly captured in that State. wlMBIa'H * pq if Mr J. C. Paiu v, Mrs. Margaret Mr. Mr Ftn zier introduce-i a till to repeal } =•■ fit. .•.El. Joke- ;.n f IJrtum!. Bi NKur.n (a freedman ' a:: lr ' 1 ‘ : ' ri t> sin's. W | .1 wr r . kiib.l: and- Mr. D. Muss and Tabitha (a A!s "> a b : il t- r^tabhsh an! dcfinj^ie | There is, at presett, butsoqe train a day rf-lati- ns .-I husband and wile, narerf gf-i.-r, in* i n '■a t.: itir. •1 tie d -Tl r Ibf f all- of r tuna-- -ufl f in- !!. \V<- arc inform,-d by tie® correspondent that the uf families of ait the principal s-ufl-r- r“ are !c t in • |,y tte- jury 1 !,e bill was amended, so as • add, bs to the t mstit utioioilist . ffi. to apply to cases - n!y, and pass- , Augusta, lie w:!i greatly ..i interested, bearing the decree <>f credit to regiment, and formerly a prisoner , -f w ar given such tewtitii.rfiy to be jt dged of at Fort Delaware, will send los present as been lei, as. d t \ the 1’iesident. Jmlge John A. Campbell, late Assis- ‘s, ('• r.; p :f= in -pssmn. cry di-.-titutr condition, •* b«viiuf neither shelter, food nor raim« r.t. f. r even the clothing they were j —. o,iuf; was rorn ir. pt.-ces fiua, inetr person* : Who am-uig our leader- will contribute something ill erv l.ineelf l.iji shall not b<- b-»r l “ Ail .tril.ueons i f w*«»1-ver kind, if Ineen I t*» -1 >r - f * f * 1 * * < M ( ' « .M V. • 1 ! i*. f t • f . ] ’ v TL, .♦ » L«. ♦ ’i t \ Mr. Moore, from the Judiciary Commit ' tu, for the month • d Jantiaiv, .shows U1 it Seel et at V , >t \\ ar, ? iige a irieml t,-re,j into law partnership • '•n ..f ."i thud,nl N, w ()i leans. A., has cu rt ith Jmige Sr<*. J. Ami i !l I 111 tin.T ClliiCtfU, the Inferior Court and the said corporate OUST Clifwlng uml .1, in the several counties ami U n a.,tly on ban J am cities <>t tins State, be and arc hereby ail- j — —-—- thol ized to levy an extra »••» sufficient to SaI , t . y ; p.. v ill just and equitalde debts cum act- 1,; ? tee, teport.da bill to regulate llic rela- intermetits—-whites 32; blacks lot* Uf T, nnessc St ate *.mate died of small pox 1 1 “ 1 ' 1 ‘*'^ nl ’ 1 ,kt 1 to tb.dr relief—a loaf of br«-ad. one day's ration tion« between master and servant. these 20 whites, and 71 blacks died in I tl.c i ■ (»|.ls .,1 the .South is «f meat, a gartn. nt, or ft dollar in money ? -Who l-;,j| to in.- -rpotate ihe Insurance the citv. ,t v.5.-:„c!:td.n,mciati..n l.y stopped) h s ears at the cry of th- poor, be riho Company <*f Atlanta. Passed i The'freight on cnto.-n fr. m A e.-list a t , • •. ,! a , a- mouths in slmll cry line-lt but shall not b«- b--*r 1 ' Ail A message was t.-ceiv.d fr rn hm Ex- ' Savannah bv steaii . r has h. . n r. d ae. d cell, T,ey. returning, with, lit his sigtiaturr, t, || y,n p.’-r hale. >■, much f,. r the <• -in- tln- r> solution making valid e-.fitraets I I old that we apj ■y 1 he- man on «i • 1, rCSp. Ct H .eh follow r-, be c,Tin,-rv at' n If cv< r th- r tl„- dev 1 ■ : nnd h, !d l,igl , .■,!■ m a nation, it. w,,**n - (heir Radical !,,.r>- • grc*s by t <-ir )T< re-, urc-s toward' the ml Not a day ; , ,-c», w that the in!'- not a'paih d u. the Radi ■ ,1s : cxf. tiu iti' tl Ol ,, kind hi tie i braidings u:. 1 arc still trait toward th- fin kc.'iiud the- ■ es tie e villein- i. ■ i ine, to c n, m inf, rnal pu iy mg e th- peel !•■ ol the hi of loyally I,, th- -. bolie-al. fit Mat i, and Jiav- the l.rar-i, > 11. th- face of a -ol'mu the- connmy. t, till tlio National C .gl and rt-bel'.ioiis. 77e,, troth! with i!,r mo t pentin;r at ivi-ry hr, utb li- - wl, , i, will I vti tuui ,la:h/ h urts damn them in hist-ry ns men ,•! ti Yes, w-are-eliai g, <1 w, ’h t,e. .• - obstn p, rous a!„l d, li.i 1 l„ the l.e-v of *ho <lont-ra 1 (1,-v rt..n nt U charged, s„ v iUili-,1. and -nr m lr- ,fruit-, 1 and some ten or twelve oth-1« wnund-d - two of tl ice thought to he mortally. Mr. Baii.kt ■a blown ab ut lift'-- Lu,oli d yards. s' .ngl,' [ 'ci-' if pick, clothing, furn Ac., v.-rt; carry,] i.y the wind from Newborn to Rutledge, a distance of not less than e ght miles on at, >ir ! n- ' The width of th- tornado was 'it,o* , i • ' hundr, d yards, and swept the villag- Iroir —,t! t>, North So sudden a: d rapid was ipis-.u;p. i1»h* the cit z-ns in th- East-rn part ot tl;,- e Huge knew nothing of the fr- : ghtfui .-c- Leoriiia htate Items* - i m the R ’fat,tu rua iiiij, anti master a.-ol s-rvant go far as ' The p.isspntrer trains , u f!.,-State lv a«I to negroes, and to define the ^ wt-rj re la ; negro. Fifty c«,p;< " " ‘ deiid to lie piint.-.l, Mr. Freeman, introduced a Lid to change the time of holding the courts in tk- sev oral counties of the Western Circuit Mr. Volek. a distinguished sculptor, has ! afflicted, and to furtnsh them wm. mo OPLEYDID LOT A B. f. CBTSHED A AD «.R W . lunpleted a model for a bust of Gen. Kobt ■ cal ami any other at ten ion that 11 , O Hted -ugar just rcc ired—ch«..per than before. .- rL ! in,1'ctnent tl.ose so afflicted may reipme , by RIMBIsfi&co. "' T ' , , , I'-.Ism to provide proper quarantine regn- ! ’. , l!,t 7 ,al :r V - m,P Stam I 1S :, ", hcn ; l ;lti ,;„s , , prevent the spread of said dis- v^I PER10R A«!R am a day must be cancelled and the \ T , ^ ]|() S()t) or per- date of cancellation appear on the stamp | ‘ -Oie dt i lea\*e his <-r her titelv o! The Indiana farmers fear that the Ire- . j i( ((> ^ {n s . t j ( ) p,. S pj (;l l vv lien tlu-y are ^ ttELY and BLlbl Atl Ut\ am> Rio totrvxs WlMIUCt k Co. *i meet at Kii gst n ab.,jt 1 o'clock d.iv and qm-nt fre« zes an ! thaws, they are having will ruin the prospective wheat crop, ivauuah, The number of American vessels h-s have rented a portion of th.-ir p-ws for and missing during the month of Decern j , : ‘ k , the present year, and ire soliciting -i ma !,. r is fifty-eigtit ‘ j ti-.ns to enable them to purchase an organ. \ resolution has been offen d in ti ,T '; night. t Tiie Methodist (*!mrc' properl v pr,,vidrd f r and guarded at then own expense. Said Court shall n >t pay any expense of any ea<e so situated. ■e. 2. Timt said Courts or oipornte I'JA and BLlTK TEAS—very.fine—for ui/ 'y MIMBI3U & CO. A \OTilER large lot of those ^xlra fine Sh«r» . \ .ir.ll R-.v M Xt'RKH ED WIMBISH & m 1 antiioi ities shall make, ,r can?,- to be Df Of ILL’S HUES—juS rrtiivid and fur $a| ( lie made, a proper and just account of all ex- * _AAlAlRjSH L CO. The special order of the dav, being a i The 14'Jih Illinois K- giment, stationed K> t.tncky Legislature requesting tin- primes aeci uing tr.-m stud quaiant ,m- .m l T ^, fHAIYS and ROPE far Sale by hill to repeal section 3778 ol' the LV-de. i ;it Dalton, was must-red out on the 27th IWulmt to pat-loii John C- Dreckinndge., t D-r attention, eilher nir-be il or nnising \\ WIMBlrll A CO. and to substitute another therefor. U.J j a»d have left for their homes There are Dmt, „ \ Ha.iris ,n. late private seere-1 of all whom ti.ey iutve under their con- ■ “ ~ cieo s— until .ommened t«» th- sc-n- by j>-»k ' ,. f t!l ,. j,,)] j ri to a!l-,w |>ar*ie 9 to j ,,ow n ° Ft'd^ral solders in that place. tarv , f J.-ir,D ,vis who has for some ti'd.and win, submit t - the iegulatioiis of tjv\i;j,|<.h Dairy and A. Y, Slate Chee« n-om the church b. 1! ...d th-scrims ef *hv tinfcr. j t( . Kllfv in where they themselves are ' If Mr. Charles F. Seidell, of the 7th Ga. lime past, be--,, confined in For! Delaware, j said' Court or e, w pot ate auth.-r ities L. fin-. MIMRIsII fhee«e—Tery A CO. EST fliroiug and Smokinz Tobactot cob* 1 Ur .'-ale l,v WIMRIsIlCO. t iber of til 1 small po it his residence in Claikesvill on the loth AVr.MBIsII too. pr, v S-e 1 That His t!i<- lb, -v- / ’ I ■rn, r, bo and he is hereby requested and * T 1 ! • v are try: whi'kev ill • ' ni to r<-,i4 IS 1C tli, v would 1 'tl \s and Pl?t«!s on hand bv WIMBISH ,v co | ieqtiiI'v d to procure the necessary iju.liti- tlit- t ix oil ( v ,,f .r,.|n]i|)e vaccine matt- r at such r,-a- /^f.ArLLIII.A ti and LADIEti Root> nnd Sboti, i t l 1 clicap. by _ WIMBISH ,v (.0 the A'lgU't.i and .Savant • nsnmptioii theie they would | r. ai .1, eomneiisation as he limv ,1 have' t. >nt r: ... t M . \ .nr N iiiviiii.-lut ling ■:i,tn-iit. tl,- - ,1 j. i I• t','i‘i* <• ‘-••I !" w friend TOhke w -iH *| pr--im* tl.** p«i ni,-an an,la.-ity, in '' ihty < ! bis friends -.vl, l„t-d upon his sut*-eri f m iruih to tion hf»i-k thup at tV'ii] tbv c*.-r»t. f«,r ernor t• > »hr« riiiiii wt»# tli«*r ImiimIh i»f t! ;;' , M . ;*i tlicir j*lac s in , • it* aro still Miilcn ('i ni ^ a n ; ' ? fp-m J. M >*i.kikk Mft-f-r »*f Trans * 1 ~ i mi*. •- \}{ th** c nntiy 'Hit r»- »!i **t t !*♦* < (lit<T of tho N Y. N«\VS Augustus R.-sse, E'l . f Madison, h is j. JS iUllv , ,j . lh ,| ,d himself is a stu- f tho C'-dr beet, appointed by tl.** liov.-mor. Judge d,., lt t j, t . Fmvermtv „t Virginia, in the r ,* , f the O,-nudges Cir- nit, to supply ttie her tf -ret r lit, , .. , . ,• , . , .. * f ‘ 11 . , . . t-!ae • t Judge llar-le. eloeled to the Ml- ,, , . i . .1 I land ■ n the mate ' .. ...... , , , A\ lttiui a pvt !• 'd.o! less than tvv,, months V vi n amendments, t , the C,,n>titu- npl- ve the ' ^ " f I -- r , , , f I, I the l I,It• -i Mat, s, l.ave beet, , fl'-l- Isv the members of the present C n- Tt;e Si c ret ary ,f War i as ordered the i mined-ate r« base of ti“ t • I" wing named tie, m< id at F, 11 .-state w rf-pt i senJ,-,l :i: ■ I ing nf us . H - clialgo , r Mi-iaii us. R- „b ■ It utul «orsl,.p t,. tin- grnit In e l ,i t'nns! i I il t inn io I of tin- first r. v. not >'■• n»> t - e the Grneiiil • - mikiiig tl,,- 1 in t- ad ot brie ■ 111 prir.ripl- rest up, ti th - Wo have 1, ; disl-vnlty in b part - f lb- j ■. | to r<sist mu lav. Tr,-si,lent .b Ex eutive , 1- Bid . -••' b " lit, V. s Ml.'i W bite persons The * * i Governor thought the reboiutiuti should lor of the , v !i Kntrr] ? ije is . I ’ ; II-: |,r Mtr, -Hit ve . ti . n r . • ' «'• not h<It;“-*1 ol le* Bi r , p.;j , , H , p S( .'.o,. Ol Jii lire I i.evn-s in th. rar,'for Mayor (||d mi..', ..! lu> , " nn N i.e.t.r *t,e -bids'- found th- fs i,,|| allows ais ns t. dit.r uf ru„,UP op'-n-t : mid p-r t l.«-ir fi’ an afiidav it 1 hat :t ts then } ,r ' rv . v j,j Iu ■ d 1 ' the r t j. s won id h,iv, l,-< n m'-'l s-rv.d hftd . intent loti, witfio, i.-., t.. „,.i.,..w tl... 1 - v 1 1 ' our ronftn r *>• <-n ih- sin-, >*«ful cat,di late We same. Passed. suppose t,i?nd'Bkbkk w-oH »|pr,viate ti e pwr- . Mr Owens introduet d ft resolutiot icli was adopted, requesting the (D,v persons, nnd,-rg-,rig Pulaski: I W i s< i■ .'■art,ue! Miller. II itdv ,-eived inpayment of t!,e ■ !t 'h;x Kdward^lTke. "un, Gild-ns. r ■ r i ! State's tax due the United States and in David \\ iggit,«. Albert K mg B us, \ at, 'War,- *r,..r,.-d ohwrrt „,„ v W! „ ;lI ,s w er t., tssu- and pav Dunn S\ kes. K>««e L- w is. d. and ■ or /*/"<« from a ij,,*? fr-m J '1 >. i »:•:* ot Trvns , * - \ in.i'ii, 1-m:,' re portal: n. t tint >,n and aft,:! Monday, ti e 1 'lh insl.. ' H r SK levs ON TitllC, RV*-;*'5 Dill t>> change the time -1 holding Or- dinains' C> nits fr tli the 2d to the 1st M 'tiday in J.innai y of ,•», h v, »r. Pass, d Dill 1o an., nd s< < ti n 4,o64 ,-! the C--Ie Pass, ^ — - Dd! t am, t.d seetn n 4, J3I , f tie■ C- -de . , " ■ • iksgri-M ph fi-ar, in s’-iiine hut r«pt. 1 p ;lS s, d ; i , ■ pi - ■•tglted up t*> p. Hit cott-n.. Bill to allow «” p„ r« 11“ utial le 1,1 W rk Th, ! .st ra>' , „ the Augusta and S rallr- was 1 i d at G p I:i. "tl ti 3 1 S?. 1 he t raifi l atl Intw-tn the tv* • lit :t t*ie f ,H',wing dav T.l'e large Is d\ w rrt km> ti enp’ ,ved w;!! low tw | nt • -n ti DJI to prescribe the nmde -f entry M-g track •tf„- Cet,» r il, and there n • ity Courts t Augn*t« Sh- ' n! ■ t - !" ,1 -ebt e. - ■ t: i! d , th i , !t:rs < 1 th.- M*:,' t , r, ‘ “ - tr a- s in.. ■ • ii.vr j , -t in-1 < ’• > i r is l’assvd I ■ < I: .fiin M ,1 u alms' ,i. s ,- a at "'It, g-ye k< > p< rs ,f It- rv sin! ! .1 ust ices of the M KVS a »“ ni “' S f - county in this State t w immediate use. , — Sec. l.’ept-als conflicting iawi Pass, ,1 Mi tin Passed i„ the ' ei'i.ti11*111,g mvvs. vJll’ERIOR Apple Aincgar for Salr by ,use 30ih January,Ibbf). O WIMBISH .A CO. A~s,nted f. by the Governor, Februaiv fPl’.Ol I' Aar lory Lotion Yarns and (Bnaburp -, j, ) s»iC» * ' J- always on baud uml for Bale bv WIMBISH k CO. ' A AfSIAS, t rs -li ;,rnl Fine, ju-t rrrrirrd by V. W1 MB1.SH it 00. r I t g_\ III I V e.ll S (,f . i ■ V,'l in B"st,,i lb ' now tin- oldest lb- is ninety-!, >m still active m his. Hie h.7,1, i un,h i In Is Id. vvh-:! ,,iir expolls vv, re ill value = 27^.000.000 no h ss than #1 4,1,000.000 vie iii r.,tt"’!. and over $21,000,000 in MaMiiaetiireis 'in piled s.!2.- ^ , pj-pper. Spiff, Soda. TRi-tard, kt. lOO.OtiO th, whole. II! 1 sb, 1, England l ] u I 1 hei cot- XuR'ista B.ulr,’ vd Ar il rim tiptw-cn SaTinnah a d ir with trait-.® of in* (i-orgift ,1. ',,!!• w' l.-ftve yu(,’i“ta 11 ItO a m a Arr vr m Sav«nn«h 7 no n n, Hud C 35 i.' ■ v, Si', ft-in ,h 7 ,:.o ft m and 7 3-* p m. ft! \>ie i't.i - p r, „nd , r , 4- a m. Mary i'ai ley , eitiZ t,s ,,f Georg; t The R .me ('■ >rt ier stat, s that the rt heat crops ii, v<t ],,, ked in .re pr 'tntsing at tins S, as 'll - t the .ear th ill tin \ d-< now iti • het, kee tieotgia, and that then- w ,s nor,' lai d ftowid in wh> if hist bill than u*o:a] \\ e be -eve that 't th ,t w .s the ■ a-,, d «n here h pat t 1 ti e wh* at w■ • >I',i 'I■ ir11vit ti , vi. rs a • \ ■" r Jliuir c Keif-ml III ffttll.-l - , f are tu t bi.iXK Biuio ,» jn.p, • t-nt ,*t ,-ur Inviu. »:.d th» ■, a de«:r?«, by the fi i-tid® of dev-s- , K' sHi-rs. bu:,,-,I in (J rri*. w.:l b- ailh ut *ie<*ns« .. ... «li- ii in 1 „ p' s, r t,. J., ft,,. FI- lift? taken j Dill to r> peal all anti >1 stilifttion t •* filler iiifuinmtio:, ot the r-n'inc ; I. st. -- ! • si r < ,,r f • I or ft '<• d ftd. f, r » hi vie ibu'ikr. ie.t .o:'y .,* th> *ri,'nd« of. eases 1 pr*'ittide f e-ser-. i v:,„r; *,d IH'ddle ' •*"' '* !l iy. ut-ktiea :i t>> 1 h ,'ditcr i f tie ■ , hft« pr> ®,] (,;:n. thmirfh n Pud Douglas, tin- n,-grog,rat, t, mule il SI,,', eh at the P>| ,ok'y !l, N. A , Ae.ide rnv et mu-ee, a few ,lavs since, in whiel, be t - k Ol,.in to criticise the Pt- si • : ’ n i, cnsti m-tn>n p,,licy. M> ssls s.,111 K A ndei son and p.iishl '1 K J, Ulll.sen, both Confederate getiel ills ii, ft.e i a 1 e War, have entered into ] .Htliof ~sq, f •, r the trails iitiell , >1 the lea! > st o> business in N ■,s 11 v die. ihe President tins appointed ('ipt.iiti N -t., las . i th, ot Ka' \| Iiustel I e ‘ - >1* -it t" fiUM'e, to reside at Athens I i. is is the first appointin' dt of a miaisb i t-- that e, nut i v. T. -te is a d in Staid ti, A .igird *, s. v-n vvi , ks . '.|, w nieh w ighs on, II. ! Hid a b'ftif. \\ h, n I- ill It e :11,1 ,1 cup. and then weighed , m- WIMBI.'lT.YCO. !"i iied States < > 1 her im- \ 7 E(IfiATl'lnnd Plantation Tools for Salebj h. in all, amounted to 2,- -LV1 WIMBISH & CO. I in, ,re than hall ram, fr !n , , e’00* to ai rivr---S»rde- Iron, Tire Iron, Plot am air,t from E_-y pE*.Hi,'* T.".B. B,aJ. Gliimt, and mly l'J7,77C> l> ;l t,-at an,l Crown lines. Nails, all siz-s I cited Stales , " \\ l.MiilSH i CO. | - [)! i.U I! iriif-' for Safe *>> ! ) ‘\Y[\II;IMI k co. r M .1 bf\!cl r «%f T r^ KlPTMF t ur *Krt? ir rf*^ * \ - • f th • V ■ : tli*- W.\ Te C '• » , t \\ 1 ■'.•!> in v • ws. in < r«i i ' ( n.misa ivf.jc ncNf j»n;» Int-F.t i: d >' n t t t the purp S" of try ng b ti oti Hiiiin.ils Im k< "ping tie Mtfie•— <'bttk and I ts C',rtipitnionM tn ctmt*-. 1 r ! " f ,,lf Ir st. Senate adj aim,-1 ! t -M -t-g f.-l. AY P A I- xn d> r. , f Pike. 'Iy »"df •« p -uml. — — t•'< \ * > r*, on M m l *v. r a:\ icled and s, ri n.e c!,a:r in vvlueh fieji D bel t 1. L, It'll "E '<I' E El' /; /;> EX 7.1 7 7 VEX ter a - d ty b-s H-ier. Judge Speer, t, s d vv b, n he s:gt.i 1 the a, tieli > ,-f , a j, i-u PiHMrbvth, tw< tdy y eats' e -.ti- t ' ti:* [- t.d* f! -ri t-. Gem t'i (,iant at A pp. t tnx was Tf e i nmftl -end and •|,|.kc-1 } t n " l > , "' I,rVi Wi,;i “ k, ! ’ 1 ie 1 b olui!:‘ ns Fui: ytah s that, sin e 1,1 Hart 1 ■: d, < tfiv rj. Jirtit,"*. "b l tie I’lMt, d stfttiw t r. tnxu \:i :„'I in estimate has been made ■ f a g-ti, H !. » ir* I rt—,1. iu-. -7 •,{, «■ i -O Fat, e-L- via- fav ar- iu-t i luvelil with Pair f.. a:.:', ■» l make oipitai l-r ir p.n ty th- I'le-t atrui - da 'i\, : tiono of tl rm i\ r li el the manb.n,a- the 11 ii. lil. r. vv I ,t \ are pi imp t-nt !., 11 - i -1 l.. ai d.malivii.uii < u -' r - K’.aUfhf.s upon our maid-, oil :ual an-i .ty. e iae fervvar.l in Ihe Iegi-baiv hab- , t tli-untry, q,,. if.,, to alius*', \ il li fv ami ,1 i spell,lent. ■■ TV. o. T ,m ■ : r»i li ,i« ft* w* 1 - pat'd Mill I," cot rt'Bg" us by mftiliriR h' ' r , ,|.- 1 v " ir .;, r * lm-asuved t rm®. With all this I !!„!/, the R;„: , oil.’ i vv.-e than • should Hi tow up 11; lui'n! 1' vr*. , e iV, ,u . g’ftd !•> e-r that u ami Hanrtrt -.ft h , n enlfcped t t. rm, r ],!. ,port a ns. Th y r-.vltv r r '«*'nt * ■■tu- ipp* .iranoe. TV, w ish them le-1; nbuii- M' ,1 fth, Nni s. W r, id- Hint!. e d ce -per , v a’'v J , err '.! tie n ' ek-t :rc tbrn/ii vtntf« p,'sit : Te’ .I®- B H-no lift® noi !,e-n irirrird ,1 I! a. a.i a | i. | . lam . Ho f-titu, ut- w ill r 1 uki li , - w he ;.ii . iy i • pr M-nt tin 111 Ada; il'ng li e s, VIIhe; a j ,, - to h, Mil k-il, are ii. \ I- ho re-.inlnl a - l„ in- in- re ittimi- J ral to the ti -v, t niuout t! 'li-.' 1 ft* bus !> -- extensirely report ^ through th- pap-r» Gen H-on is etil! single and Mif.' I'lii-sT' \ is in EurofC \ ! !' f 1 » -. il... p *'--ppr,.r*> on tLo — \ , 1. i' i a - ! 1 ad' , t t (-is St a A ! i.'l Htitbot iro tin- city cnunci ] , | \, w I* in t i-fti,*- i liat g- 1 iMk. : f , '.1 ' 1 11 , -1 ( ax* the jti; *.div.-i; ,ii , - ->—11 t s ! f !' i'v th, r-'i-iriff r-aimrd sold: : ' , ,| 1 !:>■ I Rt >,V '' * s !,;1 ati ir strn.-ttng ih*' 1 ::».»• jf Gomm -1 .i'.tft- t > r- **: t ,-i-ttar: Ad l'- !. Th-- ll i:-. s b, *urtH \ t’ll 3 -.Vl-H-k.r rip I Tlic • Il ms, ,-i, 1 at 3 k After rs ing a" 1 1 -. '' : :>■ s ■ 1 t:m<\ il >>**< a ij 'min d till t m tf w m rn* "g | M [LLEDGEYil.I.T-i FEB G l cr ff IX SEX A TE. Tiie - Set ale * \ at 10 4. Prayt t- bv R, V S B: ks < hi rv ti ti of Mr Bedford, the n-t i>77 f t!;t 1 ill t-ft • S-tia'c on ysst'-rdiN reji-ctit-.g repeal all is*vs aErv.- st dietdlati t\'.C y 511 . : was r eeonsi K-ia d 1 • >f the Pint, d States tr*"li ra I q ,iet per vad, “ , nr streets, and, t be c -nsi rvative st ■ et,g th in t lie mat I xeept Ml He portions v isit, d by the rnva- and the t, suit IS that theie are net vob ges ef fi;e t the c:t\ is bt ginning to as er ,ugh t> Mist.un the Pieaident’.s veto stvne a'm ■■*•1 !*"• satin appear at.,-.- it pie it v t • - *: Ty tie imih-. sente i f-efore Mu- war. 'He- fr, i-irn.-n The vv , (V lt h- t cotigreguf i.-n in N ft,-, m nearly nil t > have nneh ■ c m 11 nets y.., k, ; , t ha ps i ti P e vv, ,r id,. ,s t hat ol t Ii .od:- f t th. ,-oy or et,traced m peacef.i! ( much of the Ascension. ■ Kpiseonal, 01 .Iv es' ns Wttbin It. Mild IS l„!:eve,l Fifty Avenue. Its aifrrragate income las that !t they- , in r.-tnaiti nniiiflnenccd by year, as shown by returns, ivu t.f.yttetsm, tlu-y at.d tin :r 1 rm, i masters f 1 S.OOOjtdU. v.ii! live pr-.sp, lotisly a* d happily t ■ the deelarat 1,-ris of the radie-t! - a- - ting te I- • the <m>. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j/ Nl LOT Ml IRISH I>(lT.\T< iKS ju-i re,-rived I- h'.i ' .lull V ti Ft HAM. Ri-iiinial. A 1-,, k !. ■ -i -; . ■; ! r F, ■ i -1 ,- S.j,,., r- w In i he vv-.l! be j ■ i v r m , f r it, sdv .1.' . T VI I ts.v.w < ' o Ill j n i ~ i o 11 .M < ■ i • r 11 ; i r i t SonfItern Fiitixi.itinii .AgcaM* totj.i tf U roi.xT, t;.i. >uti<-e <«» Tn-c Pai'er*. DFF’F I'm F-t I . ) ~ KK<.'. Itnoiitiiu Vail-,, all sizes, just rel Z - ) re 1 bv WIMBISH it CO. • A iKTU.S* CUMkUtV ju-t rt-ri'iidf by ~L WIMBISH A CO R i'S Bijitnd and ( nnininii I’ainled Racket: ■ , i-: i., .v ,1. .-V t ,,. Tubs. ,M> .i-ures. Sic WIMBISH Jc CO. CbOlB.lA ELIJiR A PH, i-t III.I'llKI, AT Ahiciin. (<eorgia. IIAII.V AND WKEKI.Y. J T ' . Ft. STEM) ATI) S I Tl I EL BO Y KM j: i, i t o ir s. TERMS OF SdASCRIPTION: D lily Edition, p-r annum fl!05f w.-. tit, i: w A U. ! V Mi! LEGToiv’d OF I- ICE. 1 . .. . r ?;b rcc -iv« d for the Daily for less ;U: \ it !• S r A It? 1 N n 1, N SI. 1: !•; V K\1 K, j .'•.till-. Tilt**. I.* HI. District Georgia. \ <«rat:g-. F-h. tdh. ].-• ; r |Mii: n -,v !T ( >]ir :t,,r? of the TELEGRAPH at- i v.' •. !1 1 i.-i-l return® Inconi, 1 r< snivel 1 t,, spare no labor, or expense, t-' 1 '} • ‘ ti 1.and application,, |. , make it tli ■ let,line pajier of th- State, if naif | ff ! • • j t i‘ !ll! “ 11 F-fit-nilc r. < )ct>,h. i the .Smith. In a blition to it-regular corp?*f j All, r ii on. is- - wiic are n cn of ,-x pcri-nce. and I i-ivoniiily known i: I hr South — w • luivc cmplnved j ;iM»* con-sjmfikI- nt.s -it rs)o>t of th»* Uni mr i-tcnlf j ‘■I in!i*n-«l -Midi as U a.-hiiurtnii, N* w V • . i. j tr* * 171 1 it! i \: v n 4 v. i B p 11.iIi It, * .(* *T»*n i horn is h:is countorrn in*o* I [lie ' * >r»iiT * A the p ci »mrn.'i !i*i» r at St( v<*i;- F’ ! ■eb. A!., . vviio closed the eating In,use of . All t„ - • •;.1 ,t t la-! I,. re, id many jferv cut arq„ a!s f i m •' ;.-•!) in all t at is >1 the S »»irli. ns vv , ii : ■ N< till, lie h is deem, ! it !,is dnfv to iv'tlidi .iw w : .never < ! eti, ns !•>• had leretelore ir.gmd t-> itimt* diafe ai i uii- p:»l:fi«.-d retm-' ti. i'-.s!;, t> K!1 t fmthei vtatcB ti'.ut lie has beet; '.ti i "iMirtni' l*: with Dishop \\ rInn-r, ot Alabama. >■;; t!ie bs tf D. W. K. I’EACDS’K. D p'ty Cell Notice to Sto< KJiolr.Gns. OFF- 1CK ! b AN I FR S IRON COMPANY / h v Gkam.k I tak- not th- i Nnr M vT-n , and that prelate was s , prompt Mr Drown, a Hi! to" prevent the con- : U ! Z vc " ,, 1 uf t,iH : ' r ' ,th ’ r 1 ar, 111. K.i.iicnls in ' ;T > Tli,- pri,- „f the Atlanta bit,! ig, nc,r i« for : Knmp'ion of grain by distillers, and to of G«,<,rftt» tliat ho at once took th»‘nts.*es- • vidc for the seirure and confiscation of i sai'V «b ps f.r,,ying what ye t remains t the independent S ntliern Church, s ,> It is reported atitlioritiitively from W ash !Ii J. Hence, t '• General <’• ntncil that inct >n, that the internal it-venue receipt/ tbi ir :itr> , -U'design' in 'iil v, iling th, e't ii'li- , ihe Daily. $12 per annum, or $1 .AO per m. nth ; P 111 ' 1 ' tution b r the'.,ke ot oppie"ing tire litflplcss nnd f r the Wnkfy. nj- r annum, or $7 for jii ditiilei J • a net A > •., < 1 that place because m g'.a, has wrht-n s-.idi, rs were n ,t perriiilt. d to . at at t!ie j v ■- Minunieation t , D;sh,,p Iloj-kins, of . u blic tabh.- rm-nt. amt-uncibg that.niusponseb, ' ,„ T „ .r,.| l!is ., n ir) f., rm ed a didega- | f. a-. >,f the- Am, rirati (’"Ionization Society, ; that call* d upon him recently, that lie d d 'KH*»!.l'K!;s. and „tt not approve of the proposition to cob nize ti;,' negro,-s, but tie light that they should have a la ; ti ial wh-ri ih'-v are. Dm ing t he no:ad intet.seiy cold weath er at the N"rth, largo numbers of the !i.-,li inhabiting the waters of (’ape Cod Hay, Mass, perished fi • rn odd, and sea bass, black fish ami lobsters ware washed ashore ir: that locality for miles around. '"y' *!>I uml n .iKc pay •r cmuiu a-ldii- ,-a! will t,, D. W K.PEACOCK. -'"1! Dt !>,v . -it!, D.'i /; a . j luverp I, Ac. ", paid tlieir Tax*- ..I, ait th* > E' vnixa, Fuatcic-:.• The Jeadint* fr.ii-iri i m- forward uni ; I l-J.F.ti RADII vv 1 I, i-' ,]. ,.p :i to::, r ini-r -Is and !', -iings ,.f Gc.i-oia ;,nd 1 r -: l-y ,,f im ' 11 “ , Ii,-r- and get a credit " I I--', ks liavin j bc-n burn-d ,,f il- i-riniuing who l,av, p-o , lea in 1 - n. e.v.iort them t* ■pi ns gi»,r c^. mi l r teeegraph wii a t’h- P„ion. in." •r. Ihirop, TEUCRAI’H an i.-i 'j ou uieg rcoai 'of c in■ i • 1, ,i;.i a: Mr. Butler, a resolution msti ccting the 1 1 1 Committee on Public Education to report had 1- prostrate people nt the Seiitli : : The .Mull, wall Mihiiot clne’lilllv to the lawset ' —-♦■-«— ♦ - - ■> the.Geiuaal Govern:,!-m. ba-id upon purely con- N ":exvi. Ranks —On our 1 nt th pnge will ’oe • on the best method , f providin ' for pu! stitutiouul s but t„ fun.u.e.'in party :in ’' J;oonont :irticle arti<, h- on the suij-ct of lie < duration and the endowment of the | nt ’ vt ‘ Nation.;] Bsnks. to which ire direct the at n tit ion ! B'.ate l nivevsity of our reader'. 0,1 : a! • ’ im ontirn of t! meet ad ol W11 I:, XI Gen- t 1, * I a,,! w million ih ,.r ■j anuai v, am unted ', *■ * 1 ’ 1 Wl11 “ -i ut p-a . <■ , 51 _ -* La br ni"-. , Ih- til-! Tu-',l.,y .Ap.,,.1, ■ i. C • prop-rty -I d < hniauv . (r-al ,-tat- -V "i , -I,tol" |.r:i:,|, t ng uii'.dd at that time, -isl in- -( , ii" r-ui i. a— %\ .ig.iti,one <)x wagon ml y,,,-,. *' th- vv"".J'W„-k uf i'ii.' t.v„-|,„rs' ; V, ag-.n.' !„t"„i ;i ‘ Carpent-rs tools. Pin Broad a.x-. Grhiil Education, Agr : culture nnd the Mechanic ARl * r,," in s ,vv. and many arn-1— " R Ib-f-ie I a- the tru-sourc 3 of all Nati^-*< Also, about ' e'<• bit-.. Thie Thou-and i„ lU rib* - lI ‘d im.l.vidu il p r,-|- :x' .. good bar Iron. 1 ‘ i'er- ai- in ii,.»d of such liriicb ' can huy flo-m Tin* Weekly Telcgmpll. (i -m the undersigned at his re-idenc-, Long Can-. The I*r< prictors tak- special pride in presenting I r„ii[,-oimtv. m any tin* previous to.F.v.jf sal,, th-ir WEFKI.Y EDITION t „ the pul,lie It con- ssa. By order of the I>ir-ctoi'„ tain.- EIGHT PAGES or FIFT Y-SIX t c lEFMNr. .1X0 S. HERE p Terms c f. ! .0 td ■ Onf; ("F THE CoNSTtTT'T! NAT. A V “V7 t III - . ( 1, R oppression they will never yield willing obedienc*,. . ' °* *' llr i Mr. (fwi-iis, it bill to define thn right. 1 of pers-ns owning landings on rivers. ' ^ k, ‘ b 11 *• >vv i: g ( ,m Z-s.i • Mr. Jr 1.1 an. nl 1 idian.i, , if n d a resolution - A I enn.-ylvania paper says that old Tti m ! \lso b’lls t • tiv, ' s li ’" l.h-l ! ^tkvkns hii' a nigger wife an: sever,il children 4703. nnd a bill to amend Section 386f> ult.. d, iaring as the -.''her lies got tugger on ihe brain and hi? , f th,- Code so far as rt # . m . * - j l 'b >:iv ' l| inah. inrluded within this Union according to l - b‘ 1 *‘ , '** advance *,n The Giaeau v CimiN - Dr L F. W. Axnp.i ws ! ''* r Btrozicr, a biii tn regulate The an- i t ;e:r respective numbers, counting the ainn,,inces that t.e wall r S uin- the pul,lies'.!,,n „t f r '“turns of Incorporated Companies ill- Daily and W ■ k y , -m Ci’izcn on W e vv i'ii him suc.-e-s. in the Hons States Corgi, -s. , deliberate judgment ••!' th- 51raise ti.vt the speedv trial of JetVerson Davis for ihe crime of ti'.a', ' . and his prompt -xev.iuon. if f end guilty, <**,. im peratively demanded by ihe people of the Fu ted States, in order that treason may bo ademiatolv branded by the nation, trait,,!.' made infamous, and the repetition of their aim*®, s.s far as possible, prevented. Mr. Souux-es d an amendment, w.iicb style. He reu t see thing® dark!v Mr. Jclian accepted, to provide for the dial either 1 by a civil or military tribunal: and he also ae- 1 cepted n mod fication propos* <1 by Mr. Bingham, ; by adding "or other crimes of which he stands * _ 6 ' eua1:c Di- L nited States, the Ilf * charged.’’ arm ri im< tit n a sitiai' fracti n of two hutidred 1 dollars. \\ itii such receipts, ’ r*v|j y. at wldch liuio h ii ev rylfiing a;t ad cd t , hi* ib,uu- ( nnd Plant — cai'i.-i ing. ja j.url. of t li- loll,, win- ait ft- nItu<ist -Xi-tu'iv, ly cl r-.oEng matter, in i nch dbk- G-r. .ai d in point of typography and gen 1 ral #p* p*-ar;u:c>- i“ without a rival nt*ih„ South. Spec:- bond Bye! JM1E and, r-iun-d will have a <*:»].> , n Friday, ,,le " n»ni),,-fs -eat ty mail to all applicant? b i - umainication' on bii't -ess to WM. A. REID 4 DO.. Pi ,,ptiet< r?. 4c . Macon. A business house at Hilton Head, < C., ; Ds amend Sections 5320, 4792. has passed both Houses of Congress: ii;ls ‘ to ,mui ‘ sil a!l **•« planters ; tures. G!a-s \y' ir -. Crocki-ry ' TV-.r,-.' Knives Vnd -NATIONAL INTEL LIGENCEB, Representatives shall bo arniointed u ‘ t:i eveiy tiling they re- I -rk--, Book? i untmerable. lin- sett of Parlor Fur- WASHINGTON D C. itcs to the citv ! am mg' the st States which may be M' ,m ' <,M themselves or negroes, at twen ' ri: r 1 a ri ','ncluding.a N„ 1 M-lodeon. fine Bureaus,' New-York with good Gla-'-i. £;c Cl at.d '"veil per cent, interest until the crop„V'..l' "■ ^ ui ‘l .-cil a line Buggy and I is sold. ind other^L'nrnitnre. r J'HIft journal, h iving been twice enlarged. !-* >f 'he larg-'t paper? in the country R hole t.umber of persons in each State, i the .-Obi 1 Also, a bil t> increase the fees of conn-j excluding Indians not taxed: ptovided, Hon.C.C.Larq ‘ tv officers ,,) per cent. whenever t’ue elective franchise shall be f , " ll,:i the Mobile r eii.1 s on THiRt* KEAbiNG. ' denied or a! i idged iii any .State on ac- ^ cl 110,11 ^ ashington, n.Hise bi J ! to seb the Exiles’ camp — ' c,,nnt ot ' 1 ‘ act -‘ or Color, all persons therein .s r - r| ”tbd, atid ; * | of such race or color shall be excluded the JMuthcrn States will 1„- deprived of; m j '‘ r ] | ln '-' an ' v,1!l '' Tnmp county. Ga. from the basis of representation.” representation during the existence of the 1 —~ HKXR.VJVRgT e bills of the Western and ! The amendment, of cottrsn. will ’oe Congress 111r nan. of the Albany Patriot, prints bi P n r er ill mournihg—in a sort of ** dark 1 intern*’ Passoti | Resolution of J. A YV. Johnson tn t V.1.IJ-. uillll IIJE 111) ) -iriiii-i, ft- o,, - f - . , r: ' ’ v - 1 , 1 v V. .. C - * ■ eo * ,s ? me ^ printed on tin w itc and heavy paper, and con* C,Tv' i~ (, l! ' ’ . soril< ‘ the best M.lch tain?, in larg-clear type, more reading matter, so jarigdon, elected to Congress f 1 ’ i Vr ° barrels Corn, id») pounds the for of the latest n-w?. gem ral arnlj special- lie district, writes a lotiir let- to 1,.;', i; '’ lt - iini1 many other things togeth-r vviib editorial, rep, >rtori»i and selected reviiui'inj,' tin, ivl.ol,' | ifKf £ i',’ XT'S ..-lOo "SIKZ lmves at the conclusion that ; "'H'ont a by-huhier. /Mr Terms on tig day ot sale. - Th- National Tnt li.igkncf.h is devoted » yv i! I tu* tli.r.t iv.ul rJ' 1 -'‘ir iloirao.-Viiii;. Tronr> wnmiv Cl o v r :. . . v.. ... and qmro piianc'e thgdny of salt*. 1 Tic* National Tnt- llhjenceii i? 3 devoted N- ws. Li!* r.irut *. the inter*-sts o( j Pi .1! U/* i! nttair>- *** ' no «*•»••*•»»«* ® J i i.onfrrcss. correct r ports of the denafejj M ..v. r . | C-eilinsts of the tiro Houses, ns well n?thel»»» ANTI THE X RESIt James Guthrie, of Kentucky, lately de \ EMDE.vr. In 1 Atlantic Railroad to be received f,.r freiglit • mitt- d tn the peop’e of the Btatc-s for rat ification; but, says the L*,uisville Journal, and passage on said road Passed A delegation of Virg inia negroes, dre ed up in the latest style, an iv cd in \Y Georgia, Treoj) county. Ini luioi: C' cnr Sitting jv>n Pocntt I’cih-oses. ! a ,j.| public document!* of each sic-sion. and at a- T is order,-d by thu F- irt th it an election be held tunes i-ml ,--very day the telegraphic despatebe* Bill to regulate the administration of i „• I T is order, <1 by t[,e f.-irl tli "a ibe first i ue-diiy in \ t :s said that it is th . . . . - - - ... larch next, the same aitnoaucing tie- latest intelligence from ef«7 ltigton a lew nays Since, represent ing a being th (ith day for a .1 us-ice of th- I f, rior quarter (.four own and other countrir®. in negro the with n rancor that crops out all ov er the South, j and the admission of — — to their seats in C The Georgia Senators.—The Washington cor- , marked: respondent of the N election Johnson as with regret neeted with the Government That two men ; t})is wii I be a cold shock to the warm should have been selected chiefly because of their . f (>e li ngs „f the nation for restoration for ttrnm nunon n th* t* a E/wli;^ ...i . . , ! - ... ’ ^ it IJ°. l i> i of La (jrrange. Ga . a ty-seven States, and that nineteen of them, > charges the’ same’rate. ** The ' Loud? ’ for,J '' ,hre " acn '" ol lam1 ' n of its Representatives • rate of interest by a vote of 21 to 12, and i )■" I 5 ’ 1 ' 1 . 10 a i ni - | thrr proclamation, setting c „ sts §45 a v ,. ar . The Junwress Mr Gutlirh* r** ' thei1 on ntofon of Mr. Gibson, the bill | ;'' rU1 u,a ! Ult: vnion is composed of twen- Daily News, Globe, g f ’ OUU,,it re * j was indefinitely postposed. | l - v - se J« n that nineteen of them, ; vU J t l)( / sarue t of tbo v.w t*-’- t,. . -.or-ih®*-*t,o - > . i A message was received from his Ex- two '^ 1,r(j ’ s , having voted for Evening Ma'1 is pu f H Stemon' . ’ 1 n " ^ v ! It is s&id they were not to be rdied on; | cellency informing the Senate that the j t -’ . *’ l "" > , ' e , C0I1 | e a part of tlie Constitu- j week et $25 a yei r. * Sfirttnr* fr, m r«ir»i ■ ut- cuFL . i that tiiey have been guilty of treason, j several banks of Augusta bad surrender-! lon » ‘. lfl 111(111 tw o proclamations—one ; D:n i iaV e been i 1 bv li i -t -r nl P r V'"' <ft i ari ^ w< ' vn " not Dust them. • I hope that ed their charters. The Governor appeals i - in "«. 1 lut - there are thirty-six States | p- t . | ‘ b > t 0f ; e . "°" ,b COn »<> such ideas will prevail here. I think to the Legislature for demency towards j ,n J e 1 n,on ’ »!'* the other, by the same "^ ^ b * ‘ f Mm mug Chronicle, i- xt. b-f.iie it),.. Court Hons- door in the 1 :it,-llig*'i;c-r udvocalt-s wh it the Editor? eoDiC,*® one-third interest in tiou'ly beli-v- to b- right and wise in the wf®. 10 ' more or less. Being istruiina of public ifT.iir.' it always strives to 8 1 ” >11 purt.of bit No. 107, in the Sixth distriot of 1 fair ..rri liberal support to those to whose baB- a cnunly. known as the Speer pine , nnd lri g part- is committed I h it iidmini-triition : and as they ho* - 111 t, " : corpotat- .iinit? and immediately upon an independent pres® to he one of th* greats*, introduced in the Fed- : ViTl^ ^ lea ‘ U “ S ,rom L!,<ira "”- to ! " h " • »«<« t’-' 1 cr.tii i-iag the nets of the (ieverntmut wiih fr# prominence in the rebeilion. nnd who eanEot take the oath, simply embarrasses ihe work of re'tora- tdon, and the Southern people in the end become i the chief sufferers. The election of Provisional equal privileges, and equal rights. They were in insurrection. \Ye have sup pressed f iat insurrection. They are now States of the Union; and, if they come r .. t . oi«i« ui me l iiioii; aiiu, 11 iiiev cornt v *E S OHXSOS sutl a Hill would here according to the laws of the States, effort nf nhirh ih ' n - 2 ?1 F’ n of the moral ! they are entitled, in my judgment, to rep- tFpsp two cm tu ’ . ^ 1 l? ' T ' ID need ' ’ i rrsei 't,»tion, and we have no right to re- . , X E wcre nc ‘ t f ^ etc ^ 40 re P re ‘ i fuse it. They are in a minority, and they’ sent anybody but be people of Georgia, and the would be in a minority even if they meant present year from State tax. The memo- i „ people of Georgia have the ConMitntional right, through their representatives in the Legislature, to choose any body whom they please. If Provis ional Governor Johnson and Mr. Joshca Hill had been acceptable to the people of Georgia they would, doubtless, have received the rotes of the legislature for Senatorial honors. minority even if they now what they felt when they raised their arms against the Government; but they do not, ard of those whom they will send here to represent them, nineteen out of twenty will be just as loyal as any of us even some of those who took up arms 3gainst us rial of the banks, including the message, * Tl « 14 1 1, 7 | T . was ordered to be printed. Adjourned, i llje I10r ^ d s Richmond correspondence Dr. 1 aylor, of Richmond, t Baptist) in ! t ’ 'says: An effoi t is making in the Valley to the columns of the New York Examiner f ... . » iui i r, , do tnree nonius fv military education in the various Colleges i REENF \i w 11 n '. ' ! ' i ®f ir ", !11 .y 1 Tri-Wrckly Edition, one year • ; h .’mE r - i„ Hie coiiuir*. “ , 5-y : »«b.Ad.iic, 4 aim.,biding «,.t,«,*i ,‘' 1 " » , !:■ *> * *—«T:: ».» gwe? notice that they will apply to me the first Monday j a September next for letters of dismission do do three month? .--"riot ten from h <i(l i> ui.iui.MiBu 1 10 ti-y one trsHsinilting us the ua® fT| we riiators L infer- says: " boufiierri Baptists are conscious 1 to show c.t,«e if In* at , lnU ‘ rest are required Unhscrih'-rs, aecommpanied with the Jover,.or frier- of no wrong in the matters concerning j -aid letten sbouldT. be grantcT ‘ " | req«* 0ted ° 3 are talked of they ate charged. They have no I luGm L. PITTS, Ordinary, j act as agents. HOUSE OF BEPRESEXTATIVFS 1 f ^ >cli ! rc V'S eIection of Senators Under- says: “Southern Baptists mi » T i wo cl uud bcjjHr illt >tr ril Govrr M ' r Hie House met at 9 o’clock, a. m.—; po „t and John Minor Botts are Prayer by the Chaplain. fm* ti,.* , u .1 u • V*7 7 “ “■'* '-^■gi-u. mey nave no The special order of the day*-the abo-! enornL are trvintr to iet C* v’ Pi ZTTTV°. TllC dee P- ^oad iition of the Penitentiary system of pun- to resign—the former in order that a MiF- been 'du'o- 'by R-e Vml 11,0 Sf - lCtl1 '’'^ lia « j \ LT, p-rson? indebted to the I-Etnte of Tbos. ishinent —was taken up. ta.-,- r » - 4 ! : , n au B u 3 tHe North, and the North I -a Harris, deceased arc reauind to settle Mr. Byrd of Mitchell moved the indefi- i tter that- Robert" E^Lee^or «’ 1! * Ciin or bridge it. As long a s j satne : ani1 those having claims against the nite postponement of th* bill. Lost. prominent Confederate mav be elect ^ 1 n'Zv. pr ^ Ut tbcm to mc pr ° p ' ' ' ? leW-40'.i GF- r ’. II. Y.TN14T0N. Ex’r Kttlice Debtors ami Creditors. Address a.* c-.'mciuEu-r.tioiiB to ■ • SNOW. COYLE t ‘•’iSjssSSihWsri febO WadiiDg^o^ r TMlE price of the EaGrangc RepoD'-r'' ! , nniro - ?! 0‘) f.-r -