The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, November 20, 1868, Image 3

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N mul feilMf I OcrroBim Aoiu'au,tubal Redout. —The Diwhfc., mc.nt of .l^ri* ulturo hop toimefl u report of tb. condition of the orotw in October, which »ay« ' ~fnir this'*dop5rtni«nitof tiio Uk.VuTtm.^a«io full pronileo of t^o early munmor has not wo would like to Uavo tin* oxnevi* Tjeen realized iu the wheat harvoHt. 1 he in- . them on all *ul\)ort* pertaining to the Yum oreofiG is scarcely moro than three per ceut., and .that is obtained mainly from the Paciflo coast. The decrease in production is chiefly in Maine, No.w Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey Vnrth rinrnlinn. Smith Carolina Labor, labor—honest labor— Labor keep* me Well nul stronr Labor Hitoa *»<• food aud raine r*, LabSr, too, inftlro.i rtyfftCR. Labor mikea mo greet tho uioruiug In tho glorious hour of dawn, Aud I see tho UU1* and vaUtya inn their gotten gatmrois on. Labor brings au eve of aolaco. Whon my hands their tolls forego, And orross my heart in alienee, Cherished streams of memory flow Labor curtains night with gladness, roat aud happy dreams, And tho oleep that fallows labor With a mystic plcnsuro teems. Labor bringsmo all I need: While l work 1 need not borrov Hauds are toiling for tvd\v. Mind Is busy for to morrow. “Labor! Laborl** crirth nature. “ Labor!” Hlngs the wheol of tinn And In their own mystic language. Earth, aud aky, and occ»u chime. Labor, labor! no’er bo idle, Labor, labor while ye can: ’Tls tuo Iron age of labor— Labor culy makes tho man. les. ,‘trntor'a Bair. Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Toxas. Tho oat crop is somewhat larger than Inst year, but not up to the wants of the oouutry or the expectations of tho early summer. Of cot ton, tho returns indicate a small crop, possibly liftocn or twonty per cent, loss than last year, but a complete estimate cannot bo mado until the crop is gathered. UeturuB from Louisan a indicate an increase of twenty-two per cent, over last year in sugar cam. The amount of old wheat on hand is some what less than usual throughout tho country, with the exception of the cotton Stated, which have a higher average than Inst year. This re mark will not apply to Texas, whore tho grana ries are universally empty. The quantity left over in Wisconsin is relatively somewhat lowe than iu the neighboring States. Tho stock of bcovea iu preparation for market is larger than Inst year, vest and south cf New Jersey, except Indiana and Illinois, which States constitute an important beef producing section. The deficiency in Illinois io placed at two per cent, and Indiana at five per ceut. The con dition of fattening cattle is almost universally superior, giving promise of better agd larger meat supplies than usual. A PenV«^f?iV!Wtrtll3 ValuablcCity I'rcpcrty for Sale! W ILL l* sold before tho Oourt Houae door, tu tho rity of LbOfMf*. Troup eouuty, Georgia, on the Ural Tuesday In Docorabur uext, withiu tho legal hours of naK tho following property, to wit: Five Hundred Acre* of LAND, mow or lean, lying aforcu miles North of l aO range, near Hhlloh Church, in the Hat- rlaonvlllo District of the Held eouuty, aud known as tho plantation of .T. J. Walker, deceased, with a eomfortoblo Dwolliug, (lift House, Cotton Horew, *e., Are. .Mho, a DWELLINQ HOUSE. iu the city of LaGrange, Ith two acres of Laud, more or loan, attached—situated „a tho South aide of Qreonvtllo atroet, aud Weat of cross street, arpnratlnp it, from Jeeso MeLeudou’a forroor real- donee, and enst of tho Atlanta and Went Point Railroad. Also, a VACANT LOT, on <ho Hast side of Public Square, in onid city—bouudod North by T. 8. McKee's Granite Store House, and South by brick building of James Ix>yd —with half interest lu first Btory of laid McKee's South wall; and, alto, to pvrfort Utica (and for oaeb) to JO feet nquare iu rear of shire room uow occupied by W. ». Dan ib v A Co,, (tho widow's dower excepted,) which will be designated before day of aole. . Sold for the benefit ol the heirs aud creditors of said TERMS OF BALE:—One-half Cash, or within thirty das a, the other half on Twelve Mouths' Credit, with tutor- eat tVow day of Bale. Bond, fbr UUch, and poeuiaaiou will l*o given when the flrat payment Ih made. Titles will bo located when all the purchase money la paid. R. 8. McFAULIN, Administrator, ftetobet 53. Id. debonitnji Tadle for Planting Corn, Etc. —The follow ing table may be useful for readily pointiug out the number of hills of potatoes ana corn, or of plants and t rees, etc., required for au acre of land, when planted nt any of the undermention ed distances apart; Cotton should be picked during this month.— If you let it remain m the field until beaten out by tho rains, the quality will bo greatly deterior ated, and considerably of it scattered and lost. Besides it will bo very difficult to get the ireed- men to pick in oold weather. We call the atten tion of the planter to the importance of packing his cotton in good bagging, having the sides ami ends of tho bales well covered, and making the balea of heavy weights, say not less than 450 lbs. each. Buyers always prefer cotton packed in this manner, aud will generally pay a fraction for it It is an important question with the planter how to prevent the propagation and in crease of the caterpillar, which has so seriously injured the present crop, and in sorao localities, almost destroyed it It is the theory of some that tho egg of tho insect is dopositod and pre served during tho winter in the pith of tho stalk; othors, that they aro placed at the root of the plant; and others again, that the insect burrows three or four inches under ground, whero it re mains in the chrysalis* state until spring, when it comes forte, in tho form of a fly, to propa gate its speoios; and it is respectively recom mended that tha stalks bo gathered up and burn ed, and that tho ground be broken up in tho winter, thereby exposing their bods to the aotion of tho frost, by which the chrysalis would be destroyed. Both plans could be tried, and no means should be neglected for proventing the reappeurunui of the peat. Havf A«tmtul<trfttor'« Hale. ILL bo aold, on tho llnrt Tuesday in Doconibor next, before tho Oourt IlaRM door of Troup county,' at public outcry betweeu the legal bourn of solo, tut lowing doacribod Lands, to wit ■ Fifteen Iluudrod Acres of Lund, tho » being tho Legal Advertisements. Georgia, Troup County. OOI/WT OF OvrUNAOT, Oct. 9<l, 1 R8. BAHAMA HAMMWH\ raving topHod to am for lug tho hoadt la there u<* medicine that will satisfy K lo—that will permanently eradicate nil forms of d Fever? Yen. U can be dc These are, there!pro. to otto and admonish all and sin- aud where ran it bo had ? , 111 lettera of admlaUtr'.Uon oo Urn estate of WlUlam lOMijr it combat* next, to show cauao, If any they Uavo, why oald icttcm Hhould not be granted. ovft-td-#3 IT. H. CARY, Ordinary. r bt'fbro tho nvtboy t BO H(V CHII dono. What la tho c Georgia, Trenp County. Court or Ordtrabt, Wovcmber Tenn, 186S. I T having boon roproaented to the Oourt that tho catato of F. M. McWatora, lato of said county, decoaaod, la unroproaontod: . . , t „ Theeo aro, therefore, to clta and odmonlah all parties concoruod, to bo aud nupoar Ht my offloo, ftrut Monday In December next, to show < have, why aomo fit and proper (notion Hhould not lM>lnto«l to administer on the aonm lu terms of Urn law. uovd-td-|| H. W. CARY, Ordinary. Georgia. Marlwcihcr County. W HEREAS, Floyd Morris applies fm* lettera of odmlu- latmtion on tho <>.«Uto wllllaui Morris, Into of aold county, doo*aaod: . . .... , This lu, therefore, to cilo and admonish all concerned, to show oanne. if any oxista, why sold letters nhonld uot bo grautod on the lot Momla..' lu TVccmbor next. Given undor my hand and official idgnoinrc, this 83d Oclohor, IBM. JA8. W. BANNING, Distance opart. i ft. by ) ft 1 •• 1 " H “ li “ 2 “ \ “ 24“ 24*" :t “ l “ :l “ 3 “ 3 “ 3 “ 34 “ 34 “ 4 “ 1 “ Ao. nf Plants. 174,240 43,500 10,300 21,780 10.800 0,968 14,520 7,200 4,840 3,655 10,890 r» 44f» 4 “ :i “ 3,030 4 “ 44 “ 41 " 2,151 1 “ 8,712 i “ 4,350 5 “ 4 “ 5 “ 0 “ 1,741 r> i “ 5J •• 1,417 G “ n “ 1,210 04 " GA “ 7 •< 7 “ 888 8 “ S “ 086 9 “ 9 “ 537 10 “ 10 “ 435 Foundering Horses.- -A certain euro for Plantation and Form whoroon John Hardin, late of said Couutv, deooaood, lived at the time of his death. This I^ind lies ou Long Cane crook, on tho Whltoaviuo rood, leadina from laGranae to Oohimbua, flvo miles South of La Grange and adjoining lands or Dr. R. A. T. Ridloy, A. E. Cox, John Hogg and othora. It. will be aold In throe porcola—one of six hundred acres, including tho dwelling house; ono of four hundred and fifty acres, adjoining tno above on tho South, and tho re- tuahiing other of four humlrod and fifty acroa hUU ftirthor South. There ore housoti on two of thoue (>orcola and con venient building places on the othor. Any person wishing to look at thla Land can do ao by calling on the tubaenbor or Aloxander Plpor, near the place, who will show It to them. Thla land win bo sold as the property of eald John Har din, deceased, by ou order of tho Oourt of Ordinary of said County and for tho benefit o.' tho heira and creditors of said daccasod. TERMS CABII l , , . Octl7-7t HIRAM DENNIS, Administrator. Georgia. Meriwether County. W HEREAS, Goorgo Jam os applies for letters of admin istration upon tho estate of John B. James, lato of said county, deceased: _ . . „ . This Is, therefore, to olio and admonish all concornad. to be and appear at my office, withiu tho time proscribed bv law, and show cause, why said letters should not be granted by moou tho first Monday in December. 18B8. Thla Nov. 3d, 1808. nov6-td -$3 JAS. W. BANNING. Troup County Sheriffs Hales. YiriLL be sold, on tho first Tuesday In Dccembor next, W before tho Court House door of Troup county, be tween the usual hours of sale the following property ; Lot No. 328, lving in tho 7th District of Troup county, containing 200 scree, more or less, adjoining lands of Truitt. Hardy and others. Lovied ou as the property of Samuel Akers to satisfy a Mortgago Fi. la. Issued from Troup Superior Court In favor of D. A. Beat!, transferee of T. T. Smith vs. 8amuol Akers. Mortgago doted 9th ^Alho, «t tho some time and placo will bo sold, Lot of Land, lying South-West of La Grange—two aud a half miles from La Grange—it being tho 8outh portion of B. M. Wilkes' farm; the Hamilton rood running through said lot of land. Levied on as the property of B. M. Wilks, to sat isfy two A. fas. issued from Troup Superior Court—ono in favor or John G. Whitfield and ono lu favor of Augustus C. Wan* vh. B. M. Wilks. Property pointed out by plain* tiff'm attorney. novfltd J- O. r “ cd, you snouldsow wheat, ryo, oats, etc., but doivt flow grain of any kind on poor laud with out manure; it don't pay. You should, also, be caroful in selecting Rood seed. There aro more i - . - w v . .. .. , -. - , . failures of crops from using poor seed than from ! ot water and boil it down to a quart, anv other causo. * htmm ho_ liquid and dvoncli; in. twenty-tour founder iu a horse is to stand him iu water up to his belly. I have known it practiced lor fifty years; and swathing tho legs in hot wo ter, vine gar and sugar of lead aro all good to some extent: but a founaer must be relieved suddenly or tho horse will show stiffness in his action aud have deformed and callous tender hoofs. Water applied to the legs I do not consider a positive cure; the disease must be attacked at the root by bleeding and purging; a few drops of blood taken from below the fetlocks will hast en his recovery. Bat the most certain and quick remedy that I have ever known is n green gourd. Take a large green gourd, cut it up, put it into a id any other cause. Iu digging potatoes, be particular and have as few cut or bruised as possible. r Prepare proper shelter for your stock during wmt^r, and have your hogs in good condition v °r tho first suitable weather. They ??<it boforc cold weather sets in on than alter, as a certain portion of —^ 'ssaty to keep up the temperature - - -v body, and wh»n the atmosphere becomes cold, the carbon of th*. food, which would turn to fat, is burned out to keep tho auuna! qomfort- able, and an extra consumption is required to answer both purposes. It would, therefore, bo economy to commence fattening them early. Proflta of F&rmtng. No small experience and sODlh observation con vinces me that circumstances being equal, farm ing will furnish as ample a compensation for labor, as ample a dividend upon capital invested, as the common trades which men engage in, nud oven the ordinary pursuits of mercantile and commercial life. Of course I except all extraor dinary cases of good fortune, and all matter of gambling and speculation. Tho returns of most crops strike one some times wdth astonishment, and would, if token us n test, lead to the most delusive speculations. — A grain of seed sometimes returns one hundred fold! and this being BO\vn a sc. ond year, would perhaps give ten thousand fold, and so ou in geometrical ratio. Seventy bushels of potatoes planted will yield fourteen lo;;u<lied, or twenty for one;' a bushel of wheat *owu will yield thirty .for one; a peok of corn planted will yield sixty bushels, or two hnndpfd and forty for one; a pound of carrot, beojf, or rota boga seed, will produce six to mV '"hundred bushel/, worth one hundred dollars. * The proceeds in -A**pe case3 seem to be enor mous, yet they aiconstantly realized, and that -too, in many V /sos, at comparatively small ox- f nse. But'"ho confident conclusions of the ex- hcTWfitHtf' ; farming are to be drawn from snch . resiolts as these; so many untold circumstances \ of abatement cater into tho cost, that if these vero the only dementi* given in the case, the so- - lution of the problems would givo the most cr- roneyus and deceptive results. Z e are not to look to agriculture for any ex- •dinnry or sudden gains, os, for example, tho drawing of a prize in a lottery, or a shrewd speculation in stocks. If wq will toko ton merchants with a fixed amount of capital, and ten farmers with the same amount, we will find that at tho end of twenty years tho farmers have tho greatest in crease of. capital, and that the increase is more evenly divided among them than among the merchants. Farming is also flu* safer and more .certain to secure a competency than mercantile pursuits. I venture to say that twenty mer chants fail in business to ono farmer, and this ought tj open tho eyes of yflung men With small <v»pital going into business.—Gtnnanlown Tele graph. The Bots in* Houses. —Bots, Lots—confound tho bote! In ono sense, surely, it is “ the worm that never diefth;** for ten times a year some empirical recipe—and stale at that—travels the round of our agricultural exchanges, for tho in fallible destruction of this vivacious creature.— Would it not be as well to ascertain whether the bots do injure the horse, beforo drenching him with all sorts of nostrums—ail more or less in jurious and absurd? For our part, w^do not be lieve that this worm injures him in the slightest degree, and in this opinion we are sustained by - -Yonatt—the very highest veterinary authority.— Wo remomber a discussion among some artilery officers on this very • subject, in the month of March—just before the evacuation of Centreville. Half a dozen dead horses were opaned, and the stomachs of all of them were more or lees eaten into and riddled by the bots, and yet no one claimed that these animals died of the bo Is. — — TJia fact is, tho stomach of the horso is the natural habitation of the insect If the horse dies, tho worm bores through tee stomach in the attempt to escape a place no longer suited to its wants—precisely os the rat will abandon a fall ing house. It in preposterous to suppose that one of nature's noblest o' *" the _ ... hope this question will be thoroughly ventilated nt the next meeting of the Veterinarian Associa tion, and set at rest forever. —-Field, Turf (tad JFbrm. Ths Wheat and Potato Crop of the United Kingdom.—The yield of the wheat in the United Kingdom is said to be, with ti|BMt|Mption of that part of it which was pioduchijH shallow v . vols and light sand, nearly wKe os the good crop of 1809 although it iaHs wort of the yield of 1864 It exceeds the average crop about as much as the crpp of 1804. It exceeds the hours the horso will be perfectly himself. The gourd is a powerful diuretic, and will cause the horse tofetale the most offensive odor. In 1822 I traded for two fine young marcs in Augusta, Ga. I rode one of them to Kentucky, and my servant the other. Early one mor&ing at tho crossing of Clinch River, Tenn., y;o found one of the mares so badly fonnder&d that she could not be led out of tho stable. I procured a green gourd and drenched hs-r as directed above, a ad directed tho servant; to remain until she was able to travel, expecting that he would roach TOWNS. Bhnriff. Postponed Administrator's Hale. .4 Valuable Plantation and Mill Soat For Sale. W ILL bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in Dccombcr, by virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Troup county, for the benefit of tho holrs and creditors, the fnl* lowing well known property of the estate of John Bird, deceased: Lot No. 100, 12th District Troup county, 202 Acres. 102 £ “ 162, Georgia, Meriwether County! W HEREAS, JamoB M. Arrington roprosonts to tho Court that ho has frilly administered tho estate of Tsbltho Jeter, doccnscd: , „ This Is, thoreforo, to cite and Admonish all concerned .to show cause, in the timo prescribed by law. why letters of diamiMlon from said trust, should not bo granted said ap plicant on tho 1st Monday In May, 1869. Given under my hand and official signature, October 22, 8168. rnov6td-t6).TAW. W. BANNING, o, " ‘ DROMjOOLE k CO.'A 1£K1V<» Of Is to-day tl duo now bo . . givo tho most perfect satisfaction Jn ah rospeot*. Every plantation should buy ono dozou bottlos at a time. Bilioun Fovorn, which immediately arouses the liver, cleanses the stom ach, opons the Imwels, and rttver fails to cure tho * forms of Chills and Fever. Chills aro so oasily cured by i, that It is folly to suffer any longer. Farmers and Planters, Everywhere, could save much tlm© and money among their hAiids by koopiug a constant supply of tho Kiug of Chills on hand, as It makes quick aud permanent cures without affecting the head, uuu Is a powerful toulc to pro root a return. Wo appoal to all who suffer with Chills. DROMGOOLE k CO.'H ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS, A boautlful medicinal compound, prepared by a class of rogular anil experienced physicians who have boor tiring medicine in tho South lor twenty years. This Female Regulator Is a powerful Utorlue Toulc, arousing tho Womb to a healthy action, thereby curl up painful, suppressed or Irregular menstruation, falling of tho Womb, Loueorrhoja or Whites, Ulceration and Irrita- r of tho Womb, Swimming and Giddiness of tho l, Palpitation of tho Uoart, Melancholly and Sick Headache, Ovarian Diseases, Doraugomont of the Kidneys uud Bladder, and all thoso peculiar complaints affectiug Dr. John Bull’s Column. DR. JOHN BULL'S td-mcim-V iek.yi i:ib i s Georgia, Tsronp County. Court or OnniNanv, May 27,18G8. B L. HARRIS, Administrator of J. M. Harriugton. dc • ceased, gives notice that he will apply to this < for letters of dismission from sold trust: These are, therefore, to dto all persons concerned to bo at. this office on or l»efore tho first Monday in Decembor next, to show cause, If auy they can, why said letters should not bo granted, (may29-^1) L. PITOTS, Ordinal?* Georgia*, Meriwether County. C AROLINE MITCHELL has applied for exemption of porsonalty, and sotting apart and valuation of home stead. and I will pass upon tho sarao at 10 o'clock, a. ra., on Monday, tho 23d day of Novombor, 1868, at my office, in Oroonviilo in said county. novl3-2t-|l,60 J. W. BANNING.« Notice to Debtors and Crsdltors LL persons indobtod to tho estate of John Motley, do- s hereby notified to inako immodlate psy- A ; ceased, .in uoiuuj uumuvu — ■■■—- t—f mont; and those having claims against said oatate will ren Jor tliom in, In compliance with the law, or this notice will bo plead in bar of thotr collection. nov!3-7t-* JANE MOTLEY, Executrix. Will?, Mother and Slutor, Georgia, Troup County. ■\TOTIOE Is hereby given thnt on tho first Monday in Do- oembor next, I will apply to the Ordinary of Troup county for leave to soil the real oatate of Thomaa Jonuluge, lute of said county, deceased. oct2-td P. E. L. JENNINGS. Ex'r. Georgia, Meriwether County. S IXTY days after date I will apply to tho Honorable Court of Ordiuary for lcavo to sell the real estate be longing to tho estate of Creod Caldwell, deceased. This Nov, 2, 1868. [nov6-60d-|5] jqSEPH CALDWELL. Rend a fow extracts from letters: “ Eugllah Female Ritters cured mo of folllug of tho Womb.”' “My wife carrlod six bottles to Pluo Bluff, two bottle ourod her T)f Louoorrhcoa, and she sold tho remain der." “Send ono bottle of English Femalo Ritters for Palpitation aud Sick Hoadnoho." “Throo bottlos of En glish Femalo Bitters cured my wlfo of painful menstrua tion." “O, I feci so much hotter after lining English Fo- male Bitters. It strengthens me." “ Four bottlos of En< gliah Female Bitters euro my wlfo of ulceration of tho womb." Blood and Bonoa such as Skin Disoasos, Eruptions on tho Face, brokou down Constitutions, Shattered Norvea. Effects of Mercury, Scrofula. Glandular Tumors and Swellings, Old Ulcers and Sores of long standing, and all that class of diseases where the blood has become Impure, and this condition of your blood must bo ohanged, altered beforo you can got woll, and for thU purposo nothing is bolter than DROMGOOLE k CO.’S CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH, This Blood Purifier Is composed of StiUingla, Yolk Dock, Sarsaparilla, Burdock aud Iodide Potash, and poraonB know them to be good, all physicians say well os those who speak from oxpcrtcoco. There arc improvements ou the plantation, including a Two Story Dwelling, containing six rooms, necessary out houses, stables, gin house, iu which there is a gin. This property will bo sold for CASH, and either entire or in lots to suit purchaser*. Tho water power is sufficient for a splendid mill or a manufactory whore tho old mill stood. novtMd AMANDA M. BIRD. Executrix. Postponed Administrator's Sale. "1 FT ILL be sold before tho Oourt House door. In the city \r of LnOrauge, within the legal hour* ol wile, on tho first Tuesday In December next, *11 tho IiANDS belonging to tho estate of Willis J. Whatley, lute «*f Troup county, deceased, (the widow’s dower oxcepted.) consisting «*f about ouu hundred and sixty ucxvh. ouo mile ir.iui the vil lage of Antlo-Ja. Those d.-sirotiR of purchasing nn excellent small fknn, aro lt\*. itotl to an examination of this before the clay of sale. Sold ninlor nn ord.-rcr from tho Honorable Court of Or- (Unary of »aid county. TERMS CASH. U64d II. H. CARY. Adm*r. Administrator'll Hale. wether county, Go., between the usual hours ol sale, the lands bolonfiiug to the estate of Jackson Cone, deceased— consisting of lots No. 212 aud 337* lying aud being in the 7th and 8th Districts of said county, about three miles . D. ABRAHAMS. of tho Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county. nflcr my avrival ho ernno in with iho maro, in good plight as if nothing hud happened.—Cbr- rtspondenct Jiural World. MEAsnaxa Corn in the Shuck. —Editors Southern Cultivator: Your correspondent, F. B. T., gives soveral rules for raennuring com with the shuck on, in tho crib—said rules tivken from the back numbers of the Cu Hi eaten'—all ol' whieh widely differ in the result. I would say to F. B. T., and all others inter ested, that I have a rule derived from the actual measurement of two cribs of corn in tho shuck, and which may bo relied on os being as nearly correct as measurement of com, iu the shuck, can be. I levelled the com in both cribs, then measured the crib—length, breadth and lieighth —multiplying together and getting tho cubic feet. I then measured the com in a flour barrel, noting the number of barrels; I then divided tKa number of onbie feet by the number of barrels* which gave, in both instances, threo and a third cubic feet to the barrel. Hole derived. Multiply the length, breadth and depth together. Multiply this product by threo, and divide by ten. The reason for multi plying by three and dividing by ton* is in order to bring the cubic foot, both in v.' o crib and in the barrel, into thirds. This rule will give the number of flour barrels in tho crib, which may be taken for so many bushels, if the com is good, ordinary, and toler ably well slip-shucked. But, if tho com is very good, or quite inferior, the barrel will hold more or less than a bushel, according to tho quality of tho com. All you have to do, in such case, is to shell out your barrel and calculate accordingly. W. BLEWETT. >f tho Court of Ordinary of Moriwi-tnor county. TF.HMs (’ASH! unless changed on day of wile. UOVlJMf-$4.W> WSf. A. ADAMS. Adm'r. \V AdmlubtruDr*' Sale. FILL bo Bold beforo tho Court Kongo door, in La Grange, on tbo ftr«tTuombiy iu December noxt. fi t of mid county, i 'lie propert. a order of the Court of Ordinary of Troup county. GEO. L. DAVIS. ( ... 4 ..t nuo*i i .Mini r W Try It.—Farmers as well as sailors should be apprized of changes in tho weather before they occur. Barometers are too costly to be in the reach of many, but here is a cheap way to moke one, which we find in an exchange: A good tanners barometer may be made in the following maimer: Take a common gloss pickle bottle, wide mouthed; fill it withm three "inches of the top with water, then toko a common Florence oil flask, removing the straw covering and cleansing the flask thoroughly, plunge tne neck of the flask as for as it will go, and tho barometer is complete. In fine weather the water will rise in the nock of tho flask even higher than the mouth of the pickle bottle, ond in wet, windy weather, it will tall to within an inch of the mouth of the flask. Before a heavy gale of wind, the water has been seen to leavo the flask altogether at least eight hoars beforo the gale camo to its height The invention was mado by a German, and communicated to a London journal. Recipe fob Pickling Beef.—I have seen in the Cultivator numbers of recipes for pickling beef, which I have tried. But of all, tho follow ing is the reejpe. It has boen used for tho last ten years by a lady neigblx?r of mine, and has never failed It will keep well in warm weather. During the hottest weather, it may be necessary to reboil the brine, adding a little salt; cool and pour back. 8 pounds salt, 1£ pounds sugar, 4 ounces salt petre, 4 gallons water. Boil together until it gives off no seunj, and cool. Cut the beef into pieces suitable for pickling, rub well with salt, and let it lay for twnnty-four hours; then throw it into a tub jjfceold water for two hours; take out and ruhifas dry as you con, with a towel.— Pack down close in a barrel, and pour the brine mercy of so contemptible on insect. Ve jeor round Q. W. ALLEN. "A wcU-cooked pieoe of ment,” says Prof. Johnson, iu hiu “Chemistry of Common Life,” “ahonl4 be full of its own juice.” In roosting, therefore, it should be exposed to o quick fire, that the external surface may contract at once, and the inico be retained. In boiling, the meat should be put into boiling voter first, unless beef tea, broth, or soup is to be prepared from it; then it should bo gut into cold water and slowly brought to a" -The pleasures arising from tbs culture of fiow- m ore harmless and pare; a streak, a tint, a shade, becomes a triumph whieh though often obtained by chance, is seoured alone by morning core, by evening caution ond tho vigilance of days. It inn employment whiob li — * is excludes neither the t; teems with boi Mt up eing e out contention or I fbrmer closes an article on the 3 proper application'rf manure, by "On heavy clay lands manure liberally and plow It under; on light soils top drees in more limited quantities, but more frequently than on 8"^-" Oiuhard. —A prominent orehar IMP that In one of during tho season, '* * - itedjbg Merlxvctlxcr HherlfT'M Sale. ILL bo Hold, ou tho find Tuesday in Dccombcr next, beforo tlio Court House door In Greenville, Meri- . _er eouuty. Go., the fallowing lot* <»/ Lind, to-wtt: Lots No. H‘J uud H3. m the 11th District of originally Troup now Meriwether eouuty, to asttofy u fi. fa. from the Superior Oourt of *aitl county, lu fiivqr of L. M. Aduitix, udminfa- trutor on the estate of Thomas It. Hootcn, deceased, vb. Benton B. Ector, to pay the purchoho money. " " * of Octobcr/1868. V. w. BLOUNT, Sheriff. This 28th dny c iov0td-?2 r W’ Administrator's Hale. ILL bo Bold, by virtue of un order from tho Court ot . Ordinary of Meriwuthor county. Go., on the find Tuesday in Jnnuury, 1869, one fifth iutereest in lote of UuiIh No. 66 and 67, lying aud being lu the 8th district of said county, belonging to the efltote of JnKuph Moore, de ceased, Terms Cash. This Nov. 3d, 1868. nov6-td-$l CHA8. O. MOORE, AdmT. WIMBISH <t CO., MERCHANTS uml TRADERS, (North list Corner Public Square,) Kidney unci Bladder Allbctions, Which arc so eomtnou among all (-hiutes iu the Routhoru climate, nro immediately cured by the use of Drotugoolo k Co.’s Extract BEARBER11Y, CUBKBS <fc BUCIIU It will cure Retentioo or Non-Rctentlon of Urine. Grav el, Thick or Milky Urine, Difficulty of Urinating. Puin in tho Back, Bloody Uriuo, Melancholly and Evil Forobixl- Usfi Great Southern Preparationn U»o Groat Southern Preparations Use Groat. Southern. Preparations. Why? Bocanso they aro a clang of modidnee prepared by the rogular medical profession in tho South, aru geuu- ine roinedien, spodklty adapted to HonlUern diseases and urn giving universal Hiitisfaetion. Hold by Druggists oven* whero. Ordors solicited. J. P. DIIOMGOOLE k CO., Proprietors. Orders for any of tho Grout Southern Prepamtion**. can be addressod to any of tho following wholnsalo ag- BULL S CE0R0N BITTERS. AUTHKNTIO DOCUMENTS ! Ai'liaiiMaN Hoard From! TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MEN! From X V. lhrrinn'i /Mwphhl «/ the 1'nbUc /.oin.J SUFICIHOR COURT CALENDAR. Rovlnod, Oolobor, 1CMIH. BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT. Nof.i. H. Khiuiit, Judge; H. Calvin Johnson, Bollcltor, CUcrukoo—First Monday In March and August, CnPiv—Tlilfd Mondny In Mnroh and first Monday In Oct. Mlllmi—I'ourtU Monday hi March aud third Momlny In Fon^th—First Monday hi April nud fourth Mondny lu Unupkhi—Heeond Mouduy In April nnd second Mondny in Hoptombnr. . „ Dawson—Third Mondny fin April nnd aooond Mondny in PlSniith Mondays lu April nud September. Gilmor—Bscond Moudsys lu Msy nud (\*tol»er. rnnnln—Third ” fj XmvuH—>tondny» nflcr tbo fourth Mondays lu May am' Oetobor. BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. Wm. M. Bbhsions, Judge: J. 8. Wiooins, Solicitor. Kclrols—Moudny after tho fourth Monday iu March nnd Heptemhor. , _ . . Glynn—Third Monday hi April nnd October. Pierce—-Thursday licforo the first Moiuluy in Mnroh and Heptemhor. , „ , Third Mondnv in March nnd September. „ .. .. •- ■- it < j otc «--- W«y —Fourth Moudny In April nnd October. CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT. E. II. WonnKM., Judge; John Peabody, Solicitor. Chattahoochee—Fourth Monday 111 March and September. ^ Harris—Hocond Monday lu April uml October. Marion—First " March and September. Muscogee—Second Mondny tu May ami October. Hchh-y “ “ April nnd October. Talbot—Third “ March nud Heptemhor. Toylor—First " April nnd October. CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. JOHIAIl R. ralUIOTr, Judge; ClIAB. E. IlUOTI.ES, SolJi ltorJ Bnrtow—Third Monday Ui March uud Hej'tembur. CatooHB—Hcoond •» February and August. Cbattoogn—First " March nud Suptembor. Dsflo—Hcoond “ May aud November. Gordon—Hrat " April nud October. Muraay—'Third Whitfield—Fourth Monday U» April aud Ocpihofj' “ COWETA CIRCUIT. J. P. Porr, Judge; Wm. A. Adamk Bolicltor. (Afler the first of January, 1869.) Clayton—Hecoml Momlny in Mnroh and Hoptembcr. DnKulh—First Fayette—Tird Fulton—First Mori watltoi*—First * Troup—Third • May and Novombor. April jind October. March and September*. ) EASTERN CIRCUIT. / Judge; Autued B. Sxrru, Rolleifcor/ ’ Ionduy in April nud on second M/ ndny in November. / . after third Mmiiluy iu Match uud ' purohuslug BarHapnrilln nud Cedron Blttors. My son-in-law, who was with ino in tho storo, lion boen down with tho UheumnUHin for sumo time, commenced on tho Bitters nnd soon found his general honlth improved. Dr. Gist, who has boouiu bad honlth, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Ooffoo, who hns been in had health fbr several years —stomach and liver aflboted—improved very much by the use of your Blttors. Indeed, the CEDRON BITTERS lias given yon groat popularity in this settlement. I think I could soil a groat quantity of your Mediciuvn this full—os- poo telly of your Cedron Bitters aud Sarsaparilla. Ship me via Memphis, c*ro of llickct k Neely. Respectfully, C. B. WALKER. r Legal Advertisements. Troup Superior Court, May Term, 1808. RULE NISI TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE. Wtlliam Dai.lis, Administrator on tho Estate of Amos Hu- guloy, deceased, vs. Micklebcrry P. Ferrell. I T being reprm*ntcd to tho CourtVy tho potltion of Wm. Dnllls, administrator ou tlie estate of Amos lluguloy, deconaod, that, by deed of mortgage, dated the tenth day of March, A. D., 1866, Mlckloburry P. Ferrell convoyed to the said Amos Huguloy, Ida heirs and usaigns, the follow ing described parcel of land, so wit: a lot of land lying partly In Chambers county, Alabama, and partly in Geor gia, Troop county, bounded on tho north by lauds of Cole man B. Ferrell, on the east by tho Chattahoochee river, on the south by the lands ot John Andeniou, Casey Cumber land, Jesse Mooeley and W. J. Doyle, and on the west by the lunds of Hcury Morris and Jesso Moseley—it being tho farm on which tho said M. P. Ferrell roBlded in tho year 1865—for tho purpose of securing the payment of a promtsory note made by the said Micklebcrry P. Ferrell to the said Aroos Htignley, and duo on the twenty-fifth day of December, 1806, then next uftor the date thereof, and dat ed touth day of March, I860, for the sum of thirteon hun dred aud fifty dollars, which note is now duo aud unpaid, ami la horc shown to tho Court. It is Ordered, That tho said Mlckleborry P. Ferroll do pay into this Court, by tho first day of the uext term of tho said Superior Court, tho principal, interest and costs duo ou said noto, or show cause, if any* ho has to tho con trary, or that in default thereof, foreclosing bo granted to the said William Dailis, administrator on the estate of Amo* Huguloy, deceased, of said mortgage, and tho equi ty of redemption of the said Micklebcrry P. Forrell there in bo forever barred, and that service of thla rule bo per fected on said Mlckleborry P. Ferrell according to law. H. BIGHAM, * •ctfrilly invite tbo attention of the public GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, HEAVY BOOTS AND SHOES, BUGGY AND WAGON MATERIALS, STOVES, AC., AC. STEWART'S CRUSHED. POWDERED, A. B nnd C SU GARS, and SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP ond MOLASSES, CHOICE RIO, LAGUAYHA and JAVA COFFEES, STOVES—(Warranted to givo satisfaction,) GUNNY and BLANKET BAGGING! (44 to 40 in. to 2\' lbs.,) GREEN LEAF ROPE ond ARROW TIES, AXLES, HUBS, RIMS and 8POKES, (buggy nnd wagon) BUGGY TRIMMINGS, (every kind,) GUNS, PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES nnd CAPS, PLANTATION and MECHANIC'S, TOOLS,(every kind,) LOCKS, BUTTS and SCREWS, (groatvariety,) BUGGY and WAGON HARNESS, CALF SKINS, SOLE, UPPER and HARNESS LEATHER, IRON ond STEEL, (Swedes and Rofined—all alaes,) SUPERIOR CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, BACON, LARD and FLOUR, (superior quality,) Q^TON YARNS, OSNABURG8, STRIPES A SHIRTINGS, NO. 1 SHORE and BAY MACKEREL and WHITE FISH, on tho most reason- WIMBISH k CO. BENJ. S£. kS«L8 kBON.I rU ““ U£rs A true extract from tho Minutes of said Court R. 8. McFARLIN. Clerk. Troup Superior Court, May Term, 1808. RULE NISI TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE. William Dallis. Administrator on the Estate of .Vino* Hu- guley, deceased, vs. Coleman B. FerrclL I T being represented to tho Court by tho potltion of Wm. Dnllla, administrator ou tho estate of Amos Huguloy, deceased, that, by deed of mortgage, dated tho sixth day of April, A. D., 1866, Coleman B. Ferrell conveyed to the said Amo* Uuguley, his heirs and assigns, tho following dMoribed parcel of land, to wit, bounded a« follow*: Ou the North by B. C. Ferrell’* land, on the east by tho Chat- tabooche river, on the west by lands formerly known as tho Bonucr place, and on tho south by M. P. Ferrellte plantation—containing nine hundred acres, more or less; .j * — •-» »— '— * *-» ——of Troup, n: portion of Hold premises being in said nud State of Georgia, for tbo purpose of re cot’ ment of a promlsory noto mode by the sold Coleman B. Ferrell to the said Amos Huguloy, and duo on the sixth day of April, A. D. f 1866, then next after the date thereof, dated tho sixth dny of April, 1866, for tho sura of two thousand and seven hundred dollars, which note is now due nud unpaid, and is here shown to the Court. It is Ordered, That the said Coleman B. Ferrell do pay Into this Court by tho first day of the next Term of sold Superior Court tho principal, Interest and costs duo said noto, or show cause, if any ho hss, to tho contraiy, that iu default thereof, foreclosure bo granted to the said William DalUs, administrator on tho estate of the said Amos Huguloy, deceased, of said mortgage, and tho equi ty of redemption of tho said Coleman B. Ferrell therein, be forever barred, and the service of tills rule bo perfected on said Coleman B. Ferrell according to law. BENJ H. BIGHAM, 1 M . lnH(r , u 1). L. KABB18 it SON, J rtainUir * Atiorae>«. Georgia, Meriwether County, L EROY C. MANN, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Ba!»er Mann, doc’d, havinguppliod to in fer letters of dismiasion from sold trust: This la, there- fere, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my Office, on or before the first Monday in March, 1860, to show cause, If any they uan, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under ray hand and official signature, this Slat day of August, 1808. aepA-pra feoffl JAS, W. BANNING, Georgia, Meriwether County. W HEREAS, Mary E. McLendon applies for letters of administration upon th* estate of Freeman H. Mc Lendon, Jr., late«f said county, deoeaaedt These are. therefore, to rite and admonish all concerned to bo and appear at my office within tho timo prescribed by law, and ahow ranso. if any exists, why raid letters should not be granted on the first Monday In December. Given under my hand and officio] signature, this Octo ber 12th, 1868. (octJ6-td|3) J. W. BANNING, O. M. C. Georgia, Troup County. Ordikaky's Oryxes, Novi _ mHOMAfl B. MORGAN has sppfled for 1 DeveoMBr. and setting apart snd rahi stead. P IST»^s on Tj ■% B OARY, Ordinary. F Clover Seed I [RE8H and GENUINE, for sale by WIMBISH k CO. Family Flour I F RESH and of superior quality, just received and for sale by EDWIN MORRIS k CO., Loulnvillo, Ky. BARNES, WARD Ar CO., New Orleans. I. C. DuBOSE, Mobile, Ain. COLLINS BROTHERS. Ht. Louis. Also, for salo by BRADFIELD k PITMAN, octanov LaGrange, Georgia. BOOTS AND SHOES! r ITAI^r. AXD WINTEIt STOCK! m ONE of tlio firm of IXJVLIACE k BROTHER lias just returned from Now York, whero we pur- :hu*cd a large stock of all kinds of the Boat Boots anil Shoes! which wo shall sell at low figures for CASH! We also XJuII'h Worm Destroyer* To my United Slates and World-Wide Readers: I HAVE received many testimonials from profiVsfonal and medical men. a* my nlmauacs nnd various* publi cations have shown, all of which ure geuuinc. Tho follow ing Jotter from a highly educated and popular physician in Georgia, is certainly one ol the mont Huiislb!*- commu nications I have ever rend. Dr. Clement known exactly what ho HiM-nkn of, and his testimony deserves to bo writ ten in- letters of gold. Iionr whut the Doctor says of BULL'S WORM DESTROYER. D R.JI- your “Worm.Dostroyor" several triuls, aud find it wonderfully efficacious. It has not failed in u single in stance to have tbe wished for effect I am doing a pretty large country practice, aud have dully use for some article of tlio kind. I urn free to confess that I know of no rem edy recommended by tho ablest authors that is so certain and speedy in its effects. On the contrary they aro uncer tain in the extreme. My object iu writing>J you is to find out upon whut terms I con get the mo*Hnne directly from you. If I can get it upon easy■terms I shall use a great deal of it. I am aware tlmt tli^fise of such articles is con trary to the teachings aintepructlce of a grout majority of the ’regular linn of M. T)7n, but I see no Just cause <»r good in discarding a remedy which wo know to ho efficient is to alleviate sufferinghumnnity which 1 may be able nnmaud—not hesitating because some one more Inge- s than myself may have learned its effects first, and *0011 red the sole right to use that knowledge. However, I * y no moans an advocate nnd supporter of the thou sands of worthless nostrums tlint Hood the country, that purport to cure all innunsr of disease to which human flesh is heir. PIojiho reply soon, uud inform mo of your am. sir, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. HULL’S SAUSAFA1UI-.L.A. A Good Reason fbr the Captain's Futtli. EASTERN CIRCUIT. Wat. Schley, Judge; Bryan—Fourth Mondny niter fourth Month . Bulloch—Friday after after tlio fourth Monday in October Chatham—Sooond Monday in Jauunrvand M Efflnglinm—Moudny nflcr the fourth Mondnt aooond Monday alter tlio fourth M<y ’ Liberty—Third Mondny In April fourth Monday in November, Mclutodi—Thursday after tho nud Thursday nfter tho fourth Montgomery—Thursday uftcr March and Thursday after thil Tattnall— 1 Third Monday in Maroj txtober. FLINT OU James W. Orek.v, Judge; I. Butts—Second Monday iu Mnrol Henry— 1 Third “ April Monroe—Fourth “ Newton— 1 Third “ Piko—Flrat Spalding—First “ Upson—First • MACON CIRCUIT Cabletos B. Cole. Judge; K. W. Ilibb— 1 Third Monday in May aud No- Houston—Thin! Mncou—Second Twiggs—Fourth MIDDLE CIRCUIT. Wm. Gilson, Judge; Jno. R. I*nrscoTT. Burke—Third Monday iu May aud NovciubJ ('olumbia—First ** Miuvh uml Sept Eniniimd—WeducMilny after the fourth Moi aud September. Joflersou—Hecoml Monday in May i Johnson—Fourth “ . March uml Se/® Richmond—Second “ January and Scriven—First " May nud Noi Washington—Second Monday in March nn NORTHERN CIRCUIT. GAUNETT Anduews, Judge; J. M. M.vrni Elbert—Second Monday in March nnd Heptembcl have a well assorted stock of llBmeOIade Boot* and Shoe* ! WIMBISH k CO. Manure Your Wheat! certificates. For sale by WIMBISH k CO. Choice Country Han ^Q0 LBS. CHOICE COUNTRY HAMS for sale by WIMBISH k CO. Extra Flue Cheese t 1 AAA MS. EXTRA FINE CHEESE, Jnst received JLUUV/ by WIMBISH k CO. 8TOVE8! STOVES!! 3TOVE8H! JOHN F. SLAUGHTER & CO., MANTTTACTUUXBS AND DEALEIUj IN STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARES, (South side Public Squaro,) La Grange, Georgia. m (the beat COOK f ROOFING, GUTTERING, and all kinds of JOB WORK, wfll bo made to give en tire satisfaction. We have the “Good Samaritan/’ STOVE made,} and other patterns of cook- •toves—all of which are warranted to give aatisfitetion or can bo returned. Our WHOLESALE PRICES for tin-ware aro as Cheap at any other house in the State. Wo will duplicate btlla modo In Atlanta or elsewhere. We will also keep a general asaortmont of Honae Furnishing Goods. We reimectfolly ask our old friends, and citizens gener ally, of Troup and surrounding countie* to call and exam ine for thcmselvea. We can and will sell nu chenwna ary other house. augQMf Repaired, Free of Charge, Should They Rip! Wo hare Jnst received 12 dozen pairs of Miles’ Congress Gaiter* I Wo deal in the best of Good*. Wo have no dog-tail Shoe*. We have a largo stock of Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather and French Cnlf Skins; Shoe Makers’ Tools and Shoe Finding*! 1 price We will sell you Crogens $1 80 por pair, home-made, and all other kind* of Boot* and fljiocs in proportion. Give un a call, before making your purchases, and ] our Good*. We charge nothing for showing them, Como one I Com* all 1! and*co 49" We have a similar Store in West Point. ul Augtnd.l ud October. M'urt-h und September.! CiliiHMcock— 1 Third * Hancock—Second " llart—Third Lincoln—Fourth “ Madison—Firot “ Oglethorpe—Third Mm Tuliivfcrib—Fourth Worron—First WWu.*—lfeurih “ Ul-•NT f^KH CIRCUIT. P. U. Rouinsov, Judge; Fleming Jordan, Solicitor. Baldwin—Fourth Moudny iu February and August. Greene—S«k oml •* March nnd Kop.tember. JttHlHtr—Fourth “ April and October. Jones—'Third “ “ Morgan—First “ March nnd September. a Putimiii—Fourth “ •• Wilkiusou—First “ April and Oetobor. I’ATAULA CIRCUIT. D. Ik, TIaurell, Judge; S. W. Paiiklr, Solicitor. 1 Clay—Fourth Monday iu February und Auguut. Early—First ‘ Benton Baubacks, Mo., April 30th, 1866. D ll. JOHN BULL—Dead Sin;—Knowing the efficiency of your Sarsaparilla, nud the healing aud bcueficiul qualities it possesses, I scud you the following statement of my case: I whs wounded about two yonrsngo—was tnkon prisoner and confined for sixteon months. Being moved so often, my wounds have not heulcd yet I have not sat up n mo ment since I was wounded. I am shot through the hips. My general health is impaired, and 1 need something to assist nature. I huve more faith in your Sarsaparilla than nuytliiug else. I wish that that is genuine. Plcuso express me hull' a dozen bottles, and obligo CAPT. C. P. JOHNSON, fit. Louis, Mo. P. S.—Tho following was written April 30, i860, by Mrs. Je nnie Johnson, mothor of C'upt. Johnson: D R. BULL—DEAn Sib:—My husband, Dr. C. 8. John son, was a skillful Surgeon nnd Physician iu Cen tral Now York, whom ho died, leaving tlio nbovo C. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen yoars of ngo ho had u chronic diarrhnou und scrofula, for which 1 gave him your Sarsaparilla, rr ounun him. 1 have for ton years recom mended it to mauy in Now York. Ohio and Iowa, for scrof- ulu, fevor Horos, and general debility. Perfect success has atteuded it Tho cures effocted, in somo cases, of scrofula and fever sores wore almost miraculous. I ain very anx ious for m.v son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. Ho is fearful of getting a spurious article, lienee liis writing to you for it His wounds were terrible, but I believe ho will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON. DR. JOHN BULL, Manufacturer and Vonder of tho Celobratcd SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, April uud Octobel May and November. Htownrt—Third “ April and Octolwr. Terrell—Fourth “ May nnd November. Webster—Second Monday March and September. SOUTHERN CIRCUIT. J. R. Alexander, Judge; W. B. Bennett, Solicitor.j Berrien—Monday after Irwin Court Brooks—Monday alter Lowndes Court Colquitt—Monday utter th* thiol Monday in May and Nj| vember. Irwin—On Thursday nfter Telfair Court. Laurens—Second Monday in April aud Octolier. Lowndes—Mondays alter Colquitt Court. Pulaski—Third Monday iu April und October. Telfair—Friday alter tho fourth Monday iu April and C SOUTH-WESTERN CIRCUITS. J. M. Clarke, Judge; It. II. Wiiitelky, Solicitor.^ Baker—Third Moudny iu May nnd November. Calhoun—Third “ March aud September. Decatur—Fourth “ April and October. Dougherty—First Monday iu June und Decora!) I>*o—Fourth. Mitoholl—Second Sumter— “ Worth—Third March and September, j May nnd Nove/nbor April and October. TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT. J. 8. Bioiiy, Judge; C. 1). FoiUjYTlT, Solicitor. Campbell—Third Monday in February and Augusts Carroll—First “ April and October. Coweta—First “ March and September January and July. April “ud October. March and Scptciuberf February nnd August* January uud July. Haralson—Third Hoard—Thlnl Paulding'—First Polk—Fourth ron THE CUBE OF Ague and Fever, or ChlU* and Fcve r iE. . for it a to tho publio 49" Wo want 40,000 i for which we Cord* BARK, and $8 at our Tannery. mUO,000 pounds of Dry ana flroon HIDES, > w eo.nt cash prttaB, aiio, 200 r T«nne^ J *° PCr * l I -* aran 80 LnGrangc, Oct. 23, 18CB. E proprietor of this celebrated racdicino justly claims ” iperiority over all other remedies ever ottered . for the safe, certain, speedy awl permanent of Ague and Fovor, or Chills and Fever, whether of *hort or long standing. Ho refer* to tho entire Western and 8onthwe*tern country to bear him testimony to the truth of th* assertion that in no case whatever will it Coil to cure, if the directions aro strictly followed and carried out In a great manv cases a aJi'3lo doso baa been mifj. cient to cure, and whole ffuuille* have been oy,rcd i>y a single bottle, with a perfect restomtion to Ihe gengxxl 2SH 1 ' a 11 ,8 * ^O^over, prudent, and lu overy caso more certain to cur*;, if Its use i* continued In smaller dose* for a W . .. op r wo ., ft " cr Vno disease has been checked, more CHnecial^r m md long standing cases. Usually, thl* mcdicino >ni not require any aid to keep the bowel* IS on -«T; should tho patient, howovor, require a ca- tnaruc Medicine, after hiving taken throo or fbm* dose* of ponic, a single dose o( BULL’S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS Js sufficient, Hr. John P- a |., Principal onie. i 1,0 i0 . Cil06« STREET, EOUISVILLE, KESTCCKV. W-AHof (bo Above remedies tot .ale by Pr.dfl.lil A' - - - - Jon'Jl-ly WESTERN CIRCUIT. C. D. Davib, Judge; W. L. Mauler, Solidly Banks—First Monday in April and October. Clarke— “ •• February and socond In l Franklin—Second Monday in April and October. Gwinnett—First •• March and second 1 Habersham—Third “ April nnd October. S [all—Third “ Mnroh aud Soptomhl nckson—Fourtli “ February und Augr Rabun—First “ April and October. Walton—Thlnl “ February uml Aug White—Monday nfter fourth April and October. ffiy 1 SAVANNAH REIHJHLI< k Dally nn«l Weolcly. BY J. R. SNEED, PROPRIETO of this time-honored journal, and expect* t< entire time to making it, ns a newspaper, sec in tho South. Tho liberal patronage of post years, while tho Republican wo* under his dull agos him to hope that by prompt und continui the publio will enable him to carry this purpose To the Moi ."hunts of tho South, and ospcch own State, ho looks with confidence for a gen promising them, in return, tho best Now and Political Journal that hi* oxpericucc un can produce. The Weekly Republican, designed more especial planting community, oml other* who have not lego ot a daily mail, will Im found to contain all of'the week condensed into u small compass, end of the year we expect to issno It on a laqi sheet of eight pages, to contaiu more reading i auy pnpor In tho 8outh. Terms—Daily, ono year, $10; six montha, £5 timo, (per month,' *!; WoeUy, i>er year, $3. N. B.—Pay in advance, for cither edition, will cd, without exception. All letters Hhould be addressed as below: J. R. 8NE novig “ Republican* * Office, 8avanotth7 WEEKLY NATIONAL REPUUUC'A AucuhIh, Georgia. or* of tho DAILY NATIONA iimpliauce with the popular demand, uienccd the publication, in this city, on Saturday, tbi October, of a Weekly journal, titlod a s abovo. Weekly National Republican contains Txr^nty-ElgUt Column, ^ principally from the Daily, embracing the late ®£.Vrs by Telegraph aud MoU, frill Roport* of the Market Editorials, MlscWlany, Poetry. Hint* on Farming, GardeL iug. Stock and Fruit Raising, etc., and will bo furuiahei at tho low price of Two Dollars nor annum. In advj or, to Clubs of ton or more, at ono Post Office, at and Fifty Cents, cuch. E. H. PUGUE Augusta. Sore.mher 4,18flH.—13tf Pitman, PnjggiatM, ^iGrangc, C B. &AS8KEN. | B. W. YOBK. | B. T. JOCB UNITED STATES HOTEL. SASSDEN, YORK & JOURDA PROPRIETORS. J. W. F. BRYSON AmTTt. JOIRDAX,*^ THIN one hundred yards of tin Depot, Corner of Alabama and Atlanta,,.,,. IHE prion of The. LaOuanoe RnKPouTTii $'i for six months: nnd tl for thn rjiHE