The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, December 04, 1868, Image 2

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V«Mnm»Y Communication*, containing tntero»ttng <’ important N«wa, aollctted from any quarter. REJeOTKD COMMUNICATION* We Cannot IlluterUlke to ro urn, nnlowH postage is aunt with them to do ho. LAGRANGE. GEORGIA, 1>K4 KMIIKU l. I.Him. For CongroNH: mmmrmm 11 livcMAur jm.m, or COWETA. The Trades and Proftnlonu. Next to the agricultural intorcBts oftho South, tho mechanical trades become tho Aral in impor tant in tho material prosperity of our people. The mechanic art* have been Badly neglected among us, and tho consequence in, we have but few ftrat rate mechanics in our midnt, and they are mostly from the North or foreign countries. In former days tho wealthier or better educated of our young men dovoted themselves to tho pro fessions, or lived an gentlomon upon their prop erty, and none but the poorer close engaged in, the meohanic arte. Tho truth, plainly stated, is, it was thought degrading to be a mechanic; and, for that reason, those disposed to learn tho trades were deterred from doing so by social tracism, to a great or loss extent, and there were found few young raon of intelligence and education who had tho courage to meet such op position, knowing that a few months of study in the professions opened to them tho avenuo of respectability, whothor their acquirements ou tfitted them to it or not This is the truth and are cannot deny it, however disagreeable the re collection of it may bo. Now that our people arc all generally poor, and all must look to some source or means of gaining an honorablo livelihood, it behooves us to foster and encourage all tho trades as honora ble, and those who ply them ns worthy of con fidence and respeot. The lawyer and tho phy sician are no more worthy of consideration, be cause u»y are such, than the intellgont, indus trious mechanic. To bo tho first it requires brain, education and scientific mind; to bo the other, it requires, labor study and gonitis, and long years of persevoronco and experience.— The trades shonld bo no less fostered and en couraged than the professions. They all go to add to and build up the material interests and renown of all peoples in all countries. Without them, we would bo less than civilized. Neither can be dispensed with. They are honorable alike when they aro honorably practiced or fol lowed, and no one is the better for being a pro fessional man or an artisan. There never was a more egregious error than to hear people spoak or write flippantly of the ‘ ‘hum dale mechanic” or “artisan.” Such talk is simply nonsense, and is supremely ridiculous. The intelligent and oducated mechanic who, by study Hichnvlng Politico. Somo of our exchanges nnnounco to their readers since tho olootion that they intend to es chew polities as much as possible. Aro they re pentant sinners around the altars of a revival or camp-inucting confessing their past sins V Have they boon sowing tho devil in being engaged in polities? Wo feel sorry far somo of our newspa per friends. Oh, but say they, wo shall give moro attention to the material interests of tho ountry. Are not tho material interests of tho country involved in the politics of tho country? Wo think they are, and shall not eschew polities any more than wo would meat and bread. Tin health of the body politic is Just as necessary a our physical comfort—for wo cannot havo the latter without tho former. Eschew politics indeed! Whftta propoatorous idea! There ia not a single one of theso pa per**, who wo going to oaohcV politics, but will bo thundering away at onrpet-baggtvry and seal- a waggery in loss than a woeh, and if they do not, they are not worthy of confidence. Wo expoot to eschew politics whenever tho millen- ium comes, if we don’t dlo befare tluit time.— So it will be with our contemporaries, all their protestations to the contrary. No American, once ongaged in politics, lias ever been known eschew it. Our people aro all moro or lean pol iticians. Politics enters into the genius of our government to make thorn suoh, and ho who is not a politician to somo extent ia not a good American. Now, if our editorial friends intend to turn their journals into religious papers, then they may eschew politics therein, but they will always talk politics. In is our intention to make the ltiSKORTER, as far as we are able, subserve the best and highest interests, and it shall bo our business, as it iB our bounden duty, to assail all political moosuses that come in tho way of those interests. Aro wo not right in so doing? Such being oar duty, how con wo, or any other faithful sentinel on the watch-tower, eschew pol itics ? We dont intend to make any such foolibh and hazardous attempt. New Advert isements. At tent Ion, Teacher* J TEACHERS WANTED—To toko charge or the Mllltown, Alu.. Male and female Academy, for the year I860. Application!* will ho tv- ompeteut, and 1 until 15th of l apply except wit ..... who can «lve good roforonooH.anrf will bo qulrtdTo taliu tho school upon their own merlin. DAV1I) QUEER, President. t. A. Scorr, Secretary. dcei-Qt To Holder* or couuty Orders, Troup County November noth, 18GS. j X T IS ORDERED BY THE COURT, That all County oi dew, now outalamling, Including Jury Morin, bo pri Routed to tho County Troiumrer, by tu« 20th day ol Doeeu bor, that ho tuny register tho Burnt', and ondor«n thereo ‘Pronoutod," No njipropriatlon^wtll bo made to nio< CARY, Ordinary. Tv Uond C'ommtNNlonciB. COURT OP ORDINARY, ) SiiTiNn n>n County lTurosns, J Troup County, Ga.. Nov. noth. 1808. ) I T IS ORDERED BY THE COURT, That the Rood Con raisaionors, tu and for tho oevornl Militia Districts Troup county, make, w ithout delay, ucurelul examination of all tho Bridges in their roHnectlvu rtistriet% which have boon heretofore kept up by the county: That tu making i\ew Advertisements, WARE’S DRUC STORE! AUGUSTUS C. WARE, lAlltJGOIHT AND APOTlIKOAHY, North Side Public Square, LHUrn ngr, Cl corgi*. *f 1'UUSUHUItUM) IIUoil al “H hour*. New Advertisements. WIT.!, \\ before t will tent the with nine. > this'( I the ! •opairing, i II. H. CARY, Onlluary, DU.taliiUon, opartnernhlp heretofore existing between A. C. * under tlie t\rm uame of lent.— \ tlnu red by mutual ec ; autliorltcd to nettle will A. a WARE, M. II- IliIJi. November 23d, 1868.—deceit* rpilE pnblto are hereby notlftcd that. bnving bought out X. the interest of Milo* H. Hill, in the llriu of Ware k Hill, I will Htlll continue tho drug businesH, and a prescrip tion practice, at the “Sl«u of the Mortar," North side of the public square. Particular attention ylvcm to tho treat ment and cure of all chronic diseases. AU0USTU8 O. WARE. November 27th, 1R(W.—dec4-3f* HinttliN Tonic Syr Dozen SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, for chills ond fever, just received and for sale by A. 0. WARE. Hughes* Ague Cure. O Dozen HUGHES’ AOUE CURE Juat received and for t* sole by A. C. WARE. Ayrea* Ague Cure, ,) Dozen AYRES' AGUE CURE Just received and for Mile Noth P ERSONS having Cotton «t. and holding tho receipts I to como forward and payjill ate will apply to the Atlanta Era and Auoubta Republican.— These two papers, tho representative organs in this State of the negroes, aro not at all ogroed in their ideas of the political situation. The latter is very complimentary to tho former, as tho extracts from tho Republican will show: Satisfactory.—A gentleman visiting Atlanta, a day or two since, inquired of a sprightly little newsboy why so many persons held their hand kerchiefs to their noses. ‘•Because,” replied the boy, “the Era again lias its rear open.”— Tho explanation was deemed satisfactory. Better Look' to His Laurels.—Tho Atlanta Era speaks of tho “FabulousK. K's.” Our “Shy ster” had bettor look to his laurels. Ought to Know.—The editor of tlm Era sayR that lying is easier than oditing a daily paper.— I He ought to know. 30 day Cotton for tho name. Stored by P. J. WilkiuHon, F. A. Frost, F. A. Front, F. II. Holluwny, L. Bcringcr. ,1. W. Smoeklv, B. G. Witcher, S. G. Gammon, M. Groduv, J. E. Moses, II. R. Harrison, doo4-f»t k *d with th* undei 'tho tunic, aro re ourt for leave to Marks P K W diamond I* FF V H LB J 8 K F W BO MR SMJTIf k O'NEAL. THE DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC FOR IHOU. 1809. It will contain, boahlea tho UHiml mutter of nil Al manacs. full and official rctuniH of tlio Protildontial and other elections, counpurcd. with previous ones, the most important Acts »»f Congro**, President Johnson's Veto Messages and Proclamations, Lists of Federal and Stato Officers Members of Congress, .Statistical and other infor mation IndlspouHublo to ovary politician, planter, farmer, Chani]>t<m*s Pc 9 cr and Ague I*llls» ■r and Ague PILLS, just Rr.d Cooking Soda. C'rrnm Tartar. YrAKt Powder Tioup County Slierlft n Mule*. ILL bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in Januury next, > Court Hffilfto doer of ^’roup county, be tween the usual hours ofsAlo. tho following nruporty : One Imudredoiie and one-fom th acres of Laud, it being the south hall of I/it No. adjoining lauds of John Lovelace and those lately belonging to tho Ewtuto of John Hardin—some 5 miles South of IA Grange. Levied nn uh the property of Malirina Moore to HAtialy a FI. Fa. hnnod from 'l amp Superior Court in wvor of F. A. Frost vb. Babrlna Moore. Property pointed out In said Pi. Fa. AIho, at tho Biunn time and place, will be sold Lot of Lund No. IH, and forty-seven acres of lsd No. 47; Raid I,ami shunted, lying and being in the fltliDistrict of Truaip couuty. Levied on uh the property of .John C. Battle to satisfy a FI. Fa. issued from Troup Superior Omni in fttvor of B. H- Hill vs. Joliu C. Battle. Proporty pointed out by Plaintiff. Also, at the muno time and place will bo void, I<ot of Land No. 4H, and forty-soven acres of Lot No. 47, In tho (Hit District of Troup county. Levied on us tho property Tty pointed Also, at tho s;m nnd land thereunto attached, ii being the plucc whereon A. & Harris now lives, aud containing 3A0 acres, bounded on the West by the premises of P. JI. Green aud H. W Swanson, on Uio South by W. 13. Ferrell and others, on tin East by F. llolle, and F. A. Frost, on the North by the Road leading from La Uroitgo to Woat Point. Lovlod the property of A. H. Harris to satlsl^* a Fi. Fa. issued from Troup Superior Oourt lu lUvor ot Jesse McLondou vs. A- H. Harris. Also, ut tho same time and place, will 1>« Hold tho Ilonse and land tliemunto belong!uff, it being the place wlinfon "vis, containing TiO acres, adjoin- and 8. W. Swauaon on tlio west, W'.'B. Ferrell and others on the South, F. Hollo aud F. A. Frost oil the East, tlio road leading from La Grange to West Point on the North. Levied ou as tho property of Absalom H. Harris to satisfy a Fi. Fa. Issued from Troup Superior Court in favor of Thomas B. Greenwood vs. Ab salom H. Harris. Proporty polntod out by Pralntllf. Also, at the same lime nnd place, will ho sold tho House aud laud thereunto utUohod, it being tlio place whereon A. H. Huvris now lives, containing 250 ueros, adjoining lands of 1». n. Green nnd s. W. Hwaimon ou t!;o West, \Y. B. Ferrell iukI others on the Month; F. Hollo, F. A. Front, and William C. Yancey ou tho East, on tho North by the road leuding from Lu Grange to West Point; situated, lying and being In tlio Hth District, G. M. of Troup county. Levied on as the property of A. B. Hards to antisiy a Fi. Fa. issu ed from Troup Superior Court In Oivor ol Jesse McLondou vs. A. N. Harris, principal, and T. H. Bradllcld, endorser. Property poiutod out by Plaintiff’a Attorney. Also, at tho smile time uml place, will bo sold Eight Hun dred Acres of Land, more nr less, situated, lying and lie- in tho KO.ith iMcLondou’h) District, G. M., of Troup county, adjoining lands of M. W. Swanson on the North, W. T. Mooty and J. F. Moivland on tho East, J. P. Culberson on tho South, H. Maffctt aud 8. W. S.vansou on tho West.— Levied on ns the property of AlNolnn 8. Harris to saUsfy a Fi. Fa. issued from Troup Superior Oonrt in favor Augus tus G. Warn vh. Absalom 8. iiiuris^ Property pointed out by Plaintiff. Also, at tlio some time nnd place, will bn sold the hotel property, siluutod in the City of La Grange, South-East of the public square, known as tho LuUrango Hotel, now oc cupied by vivlou Holmes. _Lcviod on as the property of LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE!! HAA r KI) I’M TROTTP COUNTY! THE WAY TO FORTUNE MADE EASY I OUR SALES INCREASED ONE-HALF! M EN ask m is, wo n Wisc& Douglass’ Column. _ chant or mechanic AU oiiicrs wilt be fill'd aettnriltoo M the <Tntr Ion. The CASH, must accompany nil ordcro. TERMS • SinRle copies, by ranil, prepaid. >fthc i opioa, by . , , . . . . , | Wo like to see those fellows nulling each oth- aud ha» made hmuelfprofic.ont and ^ ^ ^ We<w nQ int8rwt in Uu . mattov prosperous u hu, should stand as, ^ , ook „ n uud h h . Ha , lm! bn! •and does stand as high, in tho estimation ot sen- , 1 ^ sihle people, as anybody else, because such arc I I Tj IE Griffin Star.—The Star, which has herc- trnly, with tho agricultural people, “the bone y o f ore beon a tri-weekly paper, has been consid- nnd sinew of tho laud.” Then, why exhibit enlarged, and will, hereafter, be publisli- such stupid ignorance and want of appro- semi-weekly. The irrepressible Fitch has ro- ciation of the noble, as to speak of the mcchan-'|^u. C( j ^ ordor to give more attention to raising ic as a very hnmblo individual, whon in fact, he ifcoys, of which he hnr. a numerous collection j perh^ ^ ^ ^ ^ stands out in life the front figure of a country’s* w in c h h e has been for several years engaged in I employed the'blWa prosperity and advancement? Why should tho J raa king up. In his retirement, wo wish the old j studious and learned professional man be more " honored for his acquirements than the expert j nil. prepaid.. iv mail, prepaid.. Ties, l\v c xi>roB3. ^Fifteen c Onu lmudrcd < Address VAN EYRIE, HORTON k CO.. Publishers. d»v4 No. 108, Nasaau Bin j t. Now Yprk. UOUANSvilli: high school. H ['AJ.F Gross Preston, & Merrill's YEABT POWDERS just received uud for salo by Illiwk Pepper. .\lsplcr vl ALSriCE just 1 llnrrcl Spirits Turpentine •cccivcd and fir b ilc by I Bond Train Oil Alsu, at tlio tamo lime and nlaco, will be sold tho brick Stove House, Hltuak'd iu th*> city of LaGrango, South-wcat corner of tlio public Hquaro, nt prcaont occupied by N. A. Mooty ns a Grocery Store. Lovied on uh tho property of William T. Godwin to Hatiafy u FI. Fft. isaiiod from Troup Superior Court lu favor of Jessn McLendon vs. John C Battle, principal, nnd William T.Godwin, endorser. Prop orty polutnd out by I'laiulilV. Levy made by J. O. Towns, former Sheriff. AIho, at tho same time nnd pine.?, will be sold Lot rJ Land No. *213. containing 202 q iuuvh. acres aud 00 links of Lot No. 214, all Shoal crock; also, east half of I/it No. 2311; alwo, 75 acres, the south-west oomor of 1/it No. 23!); also 25 'utch of I/it No. 210—all of add laud situated, lying aud being in Troup county. Levied ou as tho property of Edwin C. Drum- moud toaatlHfy a FI. Fa. issued from Harris Superior Court in favor of sterling. J. Elder vh. William M. Griggs, Edwin (’, Drummond and John G. Griggs, principals, and Joel G. Henry, acmirlty on npnoul. AIho, at tho hjiiup time and j-Jncc. will ho sold a House nnd Lot situated iu the city of Went Point, Gn., known and doscribed iu the map of said City as Lot No. in Block No. 7, it living Uio house occupied in 1867 by It. W. Dukes for a liar room. Jjoviod on as the property of William Williama to satisiy n Fi. Fa. bisued front Troup Superior Court iu Ikvor of A. B. Croft A Bros. vh. Mann Martin ami William WilUuniB. Also, at tlio name time niuf place, will bo Hold IM of Land No. 213, containing 202*j acren; 4 acrcH and (50liultH of Lot No. 214; East halt of Lot No. 230; 7f» acres, Houth-west comer of Lot No. 230 ; 25 ocvoh of 1/it No. 2.SO, Hltuak'd in tho 6th District of Troup county, On. Levied on a« the property of Edwin C. Drummond t-> mtisiy a Fi. Fa. issu ed from the Junticcfl' Gmrt 099th District. G. M.. of Troup county, in favor of John A. Baugh vh. Edwin <!. Drummond. ihiug to nnqwro their t h co-laboretd taying to those is for College a J 1 Supreme Court ItEPonm—Wo havo received part first of tho 38th volume of the Reports of Decisions of tho Supremo Court of Georgia, December term, 1807, with respects of the Re porter and Printers. Present: Hiram Warner, Chief Justioo; Iverson L. Harris and Dawson A. Walker, Judges; N. J. Hammond, Reporter. This is a volume of 100 pages, neatly printed by J. W. Burke & Co., of Macon, Ga. They will please accept our thanks for this courtesy, and believe us ever more theirs. The Newspapeb.—Wo direct tho attention of our readers to tho article on first page of this week’s Reporter, headed, “What a live paper does for its city.” It is from that able Southern journal, tho Mobile Register, of which the Hon. John Forsyth is the editor. No thinking person can read the article without seeing and appre ciating tho truths therein set forth. Wo wish every one of our local merchants and business men would seo the importance of the facts set forth and act accordingly. Tiie Sumter Weekly Republican.—This ster ling Southwestern Goorgia Democratic journal has recently donned a neat new dress and been greatly enlarged. Charlie Hancock, tlio editor and proprietor, ia said to be making a fortune in the newspaper business. We wish he were able to send us his tri-weekly instead of his weekly—for we would like to see more of Han cock than we do. Whon we publish a daily we shall send it for his tri-weekly. i thoso wishing br l tho host families, at moderate pens January 11th, 1808. A. 1*. NORV WM. E. GLASTON, JAMES M. PONDER JOHN H. OLIVER, JOEL J. LOFTIN'. Hogansvillo, December 1st, lflftfl.—t-lm liAUTIHU XWiZ IN LKiHaMilC: GOODS AT COSTf GOODS AT COST!! t TNTIL Jamiarv. 1869. wo will hi:11 our CLOTHING, I BOOTS and SIR )ES. HATS’ aud CAPS; J- INE MlES.- GOODS and LADIES’ CLOAKS, At Cost for thr Money'. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES foi And all other goods n the CASH I Now ia the. time to we wav, and will prov yourselvefl. looo w next, the it b\ i and Hntisty All Indebted to I'm Are earnestly requested to eorac forward anc Wc Nerd the Money. LaGrange, Deeemhr i patriiwch muchly of this world's prosperity.— | their danuhtam Uugitlii Miu<ic : , that , | l , ^ ,,,, , . i . bettor school in Georgia. Uoflansvillc i.s a thriving bind- I j The Star 18' now owned and ably conducted by new tiwu. midway hot ween Newnan and Lauranse. on fV •ivnd finished meohanic? Both mast possess | jj PSBnl .Speights & Bridges, who are determined “Si I 1 geniue to roach proficiency. Brains are ncccn- | to nla i, 0 the paper all that, fan ho demanded in | ‘ '• ‘ : sarv to success in both instances, and iudustn', \ t i, e g^ape P f a familyjtaper. Trice f t per year, j labor aud closo application ore ns indispensable $2,50 for six months. ■.to tha one as tho other. Neither can succeed | without continued effort aud years of industrious toil. Tho professional man employs brain*, the mechanic brain and muscle. Now, what we desire to impress upon the tntttdt of our young men is, that a diversity of employments, as well as capital, is requisite for ■ucoeea In life itmoug onr people. All can't be profiewional men any more than that the profes sions can bo dispensed with. All honor does not belong to the professions any more than wealth ia confinod to certain avocations in life. Fame and fortune aro attainable in all the avoca tions of life. It only needs the will, the peree- voreuce and the application to business, and tbe 'brain, to rise to distinction in them all—whether professional or mechanical. Any idea to the contrary is only ignorant and vulgar, and it is time we of the South should learn those facts - and appreciate them accordingly, in order that labor and talent may be diversified and dignified for the general prosperity of all. To attain suc cess in any profession or business, one must be educated for tho peculiar avocation to which he aspires to follow. He must be imbued with the spirit of success or ho will live the plodding life of a jack-leg, quack or botch, and die “ Uohonorcd and uuming.” Lawyers, doctors, men of science, mechanics, Agriculturalists and merchants aro all necessary to make up the prosperous and busy throng of life. All aro necessary to each other’s prosperity and happiness and the world’s progress and tho fame of a country. All have each a sphere im portant to fill, and he who best fills it deserves the most honor. Therefore, let none imagine for a moment that any one business in life is the only avenue to success. Let all not aspire to enter tho professions, and leave unfading honors in the mechanic arts to remain unclaimed. Let young men and boys endeavor to discover their own cast of mind for business, and engage in that avocation of life for which their talents and genius seem to fit them, and, so engag ing, heart and soul, succoss in life will assuredly be attained in a majority of coses. The South has the material resources sufficient to make her almost independent of other sections, and these must be developed by her own people if they .will; if they will not, then by strangers. Then let every avocation of life be encouraged .and fostered. Give overy man honor and re- apeot as he deserves it. Let advaacenxent and success be tho watchwords of our people, and the time will speedily come whon we may defy the world in living almost to ourselves. Don’t all try to be professional men, nor need the girls all expect to marry professional men any more than the professional men should marry all the girls. Let us give honor whore it is duo. Let 'the social circle expand, and all who ore entitled •to respeot, be admitted therein. Encourage and inspire industry—create emulation in all the professions and trades of life. That is just what this country needs for its full and complete de velopment and prosperity. And the more onr people appreciate these facts, the bettor it will be for all. Sonpx, veil nflilfni Stric tly for Cush l Ami puvcluuierB will como whoro they con buy at tlio fol lowing licitmcc*! Frierh * CHOICE ltIO COFFEE, at 25 cents por pound, THE FINEST SUGARS, nt 10, 17 and 18 cento por pound, ELEGANT SYRUP, ut the low ll»iiroH of 75 eta per gallon, AN EXTRA FINE ARTICLE SYRUP, $t 15 cto. “ “ HEAVY B.VOGINO,(3Cx47>2?b lb» to yard, 27*,c. por yard, BOP£, (Rimrauteod) 10 ami 12 cents por pound, TOBACCO—we sell 8 large plugs for $1 Of), Any amount of flue Tobaccos nt from 50 ctfl. to {1 00 V lb. But here is tlio Chcnprst Thing Yet !■ Wc are actually selling BALT cheaper than they HoJVit a Bultvillc, Virginia. \V.u offer birgo Liverpool sacks, weigh Three Dolling Wo offer Virginia SALT at OSNABURGS, SHIRTINGS, COTTON STRIPES, FACTORY THREAD, BOOTS and SHOES uud. HATS, GREAT SUCCESS OP THE “CASH SYSTEM!" W'uSE & DOUGLASS' •« €.? .m w »t« mm. ■£ CROWDED ALL TlTJffl TIM. 1C 1 M5W GOODS' ItECEIVKD DAILY f THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY I ATTENTIVE SALESMEN, POLITE TREATMENT, » mw- ■ «-«>M T Domcfttlc Goails! —Such PRINTS, (fancy and SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, (plain OSNABURGS, lid.) d htripod,) oiiHtulil will I Hold fourteen acroa of I.uj . . . _ described lu Grccn’M Biirvay uh the Brick Yura Lot, no East Hide of the Oliattahoooluio river; it being that pa of laud to which H. T. Martin established a Deed at Nov. Term. Troup Superior Court. Levied on an property of II. T. Martin to satisfy a Fi. F.i. issued 1 the WJiitfleld County Court in favor of YuUh k Co. v < com 'lining ■. acres; 4 acres 214; East half of Lot No. 230; 75 I corner, of Lot No. ‘230; 25 acres of L I th • 5th District of Troup county. Lev ! erty of Edwin C. Urumninnd, to wittof } from tho Jurtico'H Court of the (JOUUi Dl. of John A. Baugh ? vhich will B»-ll \ cheapor tliai iy otic r house i For I ho Cush! To ilio»( Owl 11 BLEACHED HOMESPUN, 3-4, T-8 and l-l wide 42 INCH PILLOW CASING, 9-4. 10-4 aud 11-4 SHEETINGS, BKDTR'KING, DRII.LS, JEANS, WHITE AND RED FLANNELS, OPERA FL.VNNEIR, (all colors,) CANTON FLANNEL, (brown and bleached,)’ RROWN HOI J. AND, (8iluHia’H,) PAPER CAMBRICS, Ac., kc. Dri'HB GoihIh ! WORSTED DEI.AINKS. all wool. dkl.\ini:h, (ail colors,) MOHAIKB, LUSTRES. AI-PACO AS, ENGLISH AND FRENCH MERINOS, BILKS, (block and colored,) I the different qualities of POPTJNS, and tho 1 Trimmings, of Evi ry Ih>Hcri|»f Ion I RIBBONS, (fringe, gimp, wtiin amfsllk.) While (•noils anil Li priced up to tlio flniMt Thrcudc JACONETS, TAItl.KTfVN. (nil cnlom.? DOTTED TA RJ.ETON. cnllrd I'roil, mm\h for part • ' “ kccji isMirtment, from tlio lie ul cotmldo; f In 1 ado 1 * large lot Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, , V and SEGARS. jitst r-.-.-eived and for sab’ hj TOBACCO, SNUFFS WARE. b time ul returned to be LiGmnge IMITATION. TIIREAI) and VALENCIA I ACES, REAL. CLUNY. THREAD aiul VAL. LACES. warn; green, brown, blue and rlacksilk RVCFS, for tdiinning druHHi’H, FT.UTING. MAGIC RUFFLINif. ALEXANDRIA DRILLING, S1IKA MUSLINS. id plat old t lc w I n fjTToli acco, IU? TOBACCO jupt received and J Gibbon*. hc( tJpilHtaljle. Aim. the I lying in tho h >reon D. F. Sir ■nt Point. Ga., o Iver. dericrtbtd f D. F I'a. iHSu-d from' tin 1. M . of Tiinip.oounty, in favor of priuaiph the Woat Hide 1 Lot 5. In Block 13. prope i pur, kimlly rnul en Midi not to become offen r thin i^ onr way of doing l.FKED GOODS, (foi HUSH LINEN. LONG CLOTHS. White Lend. Lbs. WHITE LEAD just ri by r less, of the The Griffin Herald. —This paper has taken on a new dress, and presents a very genteel ap pearance. Tho Christian gentleman who pre sides over its columns will certainly do all ho can to oxalt tho standard of piety among his readers and increase their zeal in tho perform ance of good works. It is good there should be at least one Chistian among tho Georgia editori al fraternity, as one to bo emulated for his vir tues. Augusta Redeemed.—It is with joy unspeaka ble and in language not to be written, we chron iclo the glorious news that tho beautiful city of Augusta, Ga., has redeemed herself by electing a Democratic Mayor aud Council by a handsome majority. Tho “Mink,” ono Foster Blodgett, wan the Radical candidate for Mayor. From reading the Augusta Republican, one would think that its editor associates with the negroes, lives with them, has his being with them and sleeps with them. Wonder if he marches in political processions with them ?— The Era Bard won’t. 1311. O. S. I’ROPniTT’S FAMILY MEDICI MES, CONHIBTISO OF HW CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODINE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, AGUE PILLS and DYSENTERY CORDIAL. T HE excellent rcmortics of O. S. Prophitt, M. D., need no recommendation—'their well known power in re moving the diseuaen peculiar to our Southern climate hav ing ulreudy established l'or them an enviable reputation in Georgia and tho adjoining States. Ah Uio majority of por- in living iu the South are predisposed to dlncasu of tlio . er, it to granted by all intelligent Physician* that most the puiuH ami achcH of our people are due to m-gaule or functional derangement of that important organ. Prnph- itt’s Anti-BUioiiH Pill-s and Liver Mediciuoo Htrike directly root of tho evil. They cure tho Liver, which, in nine cases out of ten. is at tho bottom of the Coughs, Dyn- popsia, Cholic, Sick Headache, RheumatiHiu, ConHtipution, Menstrual Obatructiona, etc., so common among our peo- pie. Earache. Tootliaclie, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ami bodily piiin* of every kind, l)oe boiore PROPUITI'S PAIN KILL IT like cliuff before the wind. iu havo Indigestion or Dyspepsia, in any form, or an)* other Chronic DIhciiho, uhc PROPHITT’S LIVER MED- Tbk Ki-Kloi Republican. ■ -The Augusta Rt- pubRean is terribly exorcised with the presence of Ku-Kluxes in Georgia. It seems to bo shout as superstitious iu regard to thorn as the ne- groes are of ghosts; aud, therefore, is a fit rep resentative of tho party of which it is the advo cate and supporter. Tho Ku-KInx Klan liked to have crazed Gov, Brownlow, of Tenuessee; they cracked the skull of poor old Caldwell, last spring, and he hasn’t got over it yet; and now the disease has strack tbe editor of the RepuhU- can. Poor devils, see how they shake in their hoots. They hear the rattling of dry bones at every step they take. Bat really, they are making consummate agues and fools of themselves. Have n't they sense enough to see that somebody is only making •port of thorn for their own amusement ? Why, tbe negroes have gotten over the scare of Ku- Kluxes long ago! The Macon papers chronicle the death of a printer named Houry J. King, well known in that city and Augusta as a member of the typographical art He was buried by tho Prin ters’ Union of Macon. We knew Mr. King in Augusta in 1852. Dr. J. 0. O. Blackburn, ut one time ed itor of a paper in Lumpkin, Stewart county, in this State, having read law, and was admitted to the bar some years ago, has commenced tho practice at Euharlee, in this State. The Augusta Republican has the figure of a woman at ite editorial head, which is meant to represent, wo suppose, the ‘'goddeBS of liberty, who has boon so ruthlessly outraged by the Rad ical party. There are only two Radical papers in Georgia that we ever hear of—the Atlanta Era and the Augnsta Republican—nnd they nrc just as jealous of each other ns two old maids. Two of onr Savannah exchanges—the .VeuiJ and the Advertiser—have been engaged in quite a little sput. Come, brethren, bo peacea ble -affeotionato one toward tho other. ,"SW Tbe lady members of the Baptist church in SondersviUe, have resolved themselves into a Committee for the purpose of raising finals suf ficient to build a Baptist house of ifprship in that place, J&r A girl, with two heads, is on exhibition in N«w Orleans, If both tongueB are as long usual, it is reasonable to snpposo she keeps up a tremendous noise. ySf If tbe Ku-Klax continue to flourish much longer, the Radical party will die out soon, We say let them rip! urlty. Levy matlo uivl ruin .iinae anil Lot wborcou D. F. Shanf. ■ itv Wrvt Ro'.ut, on Mi.- Went nido t or, iteHCrib*d oh Lous. Block 13, tho prope and'lSil’k a to mo by ; FROST, H AIL A* CO. ANOTHER OUTBREAK Juki IUrrhvctUev County (HicrlffM Sales. FILL bo sold, before tlie Court nomto door i Toenvill’.!. on the UrntTucHday in Jii -»»; pr<>porty, to-wit »nc uunorcu and eighty-live acre rth and West portion of lot No. 12. AIho, 1. I lo,. except ft rencrvation of two acres for a churt thou. Lota Noh. 2f»3 and *2C7,Ykcept the mill thereon, I live acroB, moro or Iohh, sold with tlio mill AIho, lot . 2t>8, except live acres, nioru or Icbh. Hold with the mill lot 207, and excepting, also, ton lien’s Hold with the churvlv thoreoni with the privilege of tho Hpring, AIho, the. following lands, situat' d in tlio second dintriet of said county, to wit: Tho West halt of lot No. 102, and one hun dred and twenty-eight acres of the Western portion of lot No. M3. Atoo, interest in remainder, after tho termina tion of the life interest of airs. Jane (Jampbell. (dower.) lu the following lands in the same district, to-wit: Lot.-? "Nob. 93, and 91, tlio South half of lot No. 98; and lots Noh. 99, Ido, 120 and 127, except tho mill thereon, and ten acres Bold with tho miBPnud Nob. 130 and 131. Also, lots Noh. 158 nnd 159—each of Ha id whole lots containing two hun dred uud two nnd one-lialf acres, more or Iohh. Levied on ns the property of Cutlett Campbell, deceased, by virtue of. and to satisfy, all. fa. issued from Moriwother Superior Court in favor of Isaac U. Williams A. Boykin. Catlett Campbell, n cipul, Milton 1\ Tucker r J stay of ii. fa. Properly pointed out by B. Hill, Plaintiffs Attorney. W. H. Graham* aud o of Hoed cotton ferto Bath 701«t Dia.. i k Oslin. for Hie use of Lewis Schuosslor vh. David snaei and Patrick GibliouR security. L«vy uvul : and return to in*.* by u Constable. Also, a Hi *ui»e and Lofiir tbe city of Went Point, on t VVYbt side of the Chattahoochee river, whereon David Sha-for now liven, describad UH Lot 5, Block in. in the in Levied on ns the property David F. Shea: Fi. Fa. is G. M.. of T JllHtiCI ‘roup couuty. in favo hauler. Levy made; iccurity. Property pointed out by F. W. BLOUNT, Sheriff. AIho. a House ami l ot iu tlio city of Went Point. Ga.. on the West side of tho Clrottahooelieo river, it being the place whereon D. l'iShaefer live-*, described iu the map oi Huid City as Lot 5. in Block 13. Levied on tho property of David F. Hhacfvr to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from tin* Justice's Court of the 70Int Din., G. AL, of Troup county, in favor of William 15. Jouos vh. David i'. Shoafer. Lovy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also, nt the wane tiino ami place will bo sold, a certain square of ground culled tlio “Garden Lot," with teua- montH thereon; sitnuteil and lying iu the city of West i Point, Ga., West of the Chattahoochee river; said Horn*..’ I l Lot is the saino recently claimed by Mrs. Caroline j COU iET sri’EELf ami STRJNf lliin rtepavimeni uonhUus t”o wc imi wt would, tlier fore, only h:i liing in that line usually kept in a November 12. 1888. I rill IF. firm tof Thornton k Fledgo 1b. bv mutual couscnt. | 1 ihi * dnv dissolved, Mr. Sledge withdrawing. Honks * wiU lx Ionud ut old mUuiL THORNTON A SLEDGE. ! h prope Hunter, and wlicrcon she resided. of Timothy Collins to satisfy a l'i. Fa. issued from ironn Superior Court in favor of Conklin k Smith vh. T. .k T. Collins. lTnporty pointed out by Plaintiff'« Attorneys.-— Lovy mado by J. O. To’ doc. 4 Georgia, Ulcrhvot THOS. ('. MILLER. : •r County. D" Covington, Georgia. I F vou get snake bit. use PHOFtfnTS PAIN KILL IT, internal and external. If you have a fresh wouud of kind, use the P;un Kill It. If you get dog bit, apply the Pain Kill it. O. S. PROPHI’UT, rn»prkitor, Covington, Georgia. It O. S. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILLIOUS VEGETABLE PILLS, Purgative and Febrifuge. _ . t Pilla may be relied upon iih a safe and efficiont cathartic, in ail Febrile ond Acute Dis»aHeH, at ull times, O. S. PKOPIIITT, Proprietor. (Vviugtou, Georgia. D n. O. S. PROPHITT'S VEOETAUIX A»i3 ITIXS.O safe and certain remedy for Ague sort Fever, d-- aud Fever, ami all kinds of Periodical DIhouhck, and is safe and reliable for all to take nt uuy time. O. S. PROPHITT, Proprietor, Covington, Goorgia. DR. O. S. PROPHITT’S Compound lDymontery Oovdml, SAFE and genuine romedy for all kiud« of Periodical Diseases, Dysenteries, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux, kc. lay bo given to all sizes, ages and sexes, and at ull times, with perfect safety, where there is anything of that class indicated AH of the above medicines will lie sold by the dozen tore at a discount of 33X per cent For sale by Brndfleld it Pitman, LoGrange, Qa., and Druggists, generally in the Southwest. Prepared by O. S. PROPHITT, dceA-ly Covington, Georgia. Ti*ou|» Grand Jury Presentments. YTrE, the Grand Jurors, chosen and sworn for therscc- > V ond week of the Fall Term, 1 SliH, of Troup Superior Court, submit thn following general presentments: Wo have examined tho unimishod county business left over by tbe Grand Jurors of last week so far us opportunity has afforded. We find the County Treasurer’s books well and neatly kept, nnd balanced to dote, showing the o<*uuty to bo in debt to the Treasurer. Vouchers properly arranged and numbered. We have been unable to examine records of the late Sheriff, Air. J. O. Towns—he having made to this body tho same report as stated by presentments of lust week. We have investigated, so far as circumstances permitted, the indebtedness of the Coiuity, aud respectfully recoin- •nd a tux of one hundred per cent, upon tho State tax levied for county purposes. (Vo concur with the Grand Jurors of the first week In urging upon tho Ordinary the necessity of speedy uetiou relative to tlie bridges und crossings in different parts of tho county—finding many tu uu uusufe condition, and some dangerous. Wc recommend to the Ordinary two and a half dollars per day compensation service* of Jurors. We regret, from business before us, that wo lmvo been unable to devote more time to the investigation .of comity business, aud othor matters of importance to the penplo. In talcing leave of his Honor. Judge Pope, we tender our thanks for his kindness manifested to our body during its t^sion; aud to tluw .Solicitor. Ucmol, Col. W. A. Adams, "oturn our thah'ls for his faithful performance of duty ttU \Vc reqm-sl tnn- pur general presentments bo published in The LaGrakof. RepoKZP®* .Tamos M. Truitt, Andrew J. Tatum, A , .ul for let ters of guardianship of tho person and property of Ida Davis, iniuor and orphan of said deceased: Thoso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concomod to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted on tho Monday iu January, 1859. This November 27, 1838. (docl(5-td$:J) J. W. BANNING, O. M. <\_ TO T111: 1 *rj ItDICL THER liindmifk compolling me to withdraw iny inter est from Win firm of Thornton .V Sledge, I talto great pleosuro in recommending the linn as it now stands, T. J. O r onlldent thni l r facilities for conducting a business than they, nor vc more iudueomenta to customers. With ihonsiR m 1 have had with Mr. J. J’. Thornton in imsincft a always found him correct aud willing to do lib* d S. : Georgia, Troup County. Office ok Oudinaut, Nov. 27tli. 1888. M OSES R. KIRBY bus applied for exemption of person alty, aud settiug apart and valuation of homestead, ami I will pass upon the same, at 12 o’clock, in., on tho 14th day of December, 1888, at ray office. decl-'Jt-S I 50 H. H. CARY, Ordinary. Georgia, Troup County. Office or OnniNAnv, Nov. 25th, 1808. AX. LIPSCOMB has applied for exemption of person alty, uml settiug apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the somo at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the 14th day of December, 1888, at my office. doDi-3tr$l 60 H. H. CARY, Ordinary. Georgia, Meriwether Couuty. J T. FULLER upplies for letters of guardianship, per- • son and properly, of Jonunie Freeiuau, orphuu of Madisou Freeman, dec<>;isod: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish nil concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted by moon tlio first Monday in Janu ary, 1809. This Nov. 37, 1888. dcc4-td-$3 JAS. W. BANNING, n. m. c. nnd. therefore, adviso civ them. I will remain ready to wait upi the old who wish fioods to call stand, where I will be rl setUe up tho buniiies.s * see mv old friends. ’lk H. SLEDGE. II. J. Hightower, Foreman, James P. Williams, George V. BAddie, Oreou B. Caudle, Georgia, Meriwether County. OnDiNAin's Office, Nov. 27th, 18G8. T'VANIEL JENKINS lu» applied for ov^mption of por X T sonalty, nnd scttiiig apurfc uud valuation of home- uu, aud I will p:u»n upon hie same at 10 o’clock, a. up, tho 15tli day of December, 18fi8. at my office,in Green- ilie, in said couuty. JAMES W. BANNING, dec4-2t-f 1 00 o. m. o. Rulicu J. Butt, John R. Phillips, I^arkiu G. Cleveland, John A. Shank. Joseph L. Phillips, Joseph H. Britton, Georgia, Troup Couuty. Office of Oiuunabv, Nov. Q3d, 1888. M. LIPSCOMB, acting as next friend, and in behalf of C. V. T. LijMOomh, minor, has applied for ex emption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, in favor, and for tlie oxoluslyo use, of said mi nor, and I wiU pass upon tlie same, ut 11 o'clock* a. m., on the 14tli dav or December, 18651, at my office. deo4-'2t-tl 50 H. H. CARY, Ordinary. S. : William J. Ringer, Shepherd G. Lane, William J. Harwell, Joseph U. Leonard. Tnoup Kupeuiou Court, November Term, 1808. It is ordered that tho foregoing presentments bo pub- lialiHd in Thf. LaGhan<»k Reporter pursuant to tiie — quest of the body. W. A. ADAMS, Solicitor General, Coweta Circuit. Office Clerk Superior Court, ) LaGrnnge, Troup County, Georgia, Nov. 30, 1888. J Nov. 28, 1808, Gorgia, Tro up County. Office of Ordinary, Nov. 30th. 1888. J OHN B. DeLANY, has applied for exemption of person alty, aud setting apart uud valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same, at 2 o’clock, p. in., on the 14th 'dav of Deoember, 18U8, at my office. * ~ . H. H. ( dec4-2t-|l 60 . CARY, Ordinary. Georgia, Meriwether County. W HEREAS, TUmon Pullen, administrator on estate of Jos. H. Hopkins, administrator on estate of Wm. S. Tignor, represent that they havo fully administered said estates, und apply for letters of dismission from the This Is, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause, if uny exists, why said letters should not be granted on the 1st Monday in Alay next. Given under my hand aud official signature, this 27th November, 18G8. JAH. W. BANNING, dec4-td-j6 each. o. m. c. Georgia, Troup County. J AMES R. COOK has applies for exemption of person alty. and setting apurt and valuation of homestead, and I will pass on tlie samo, ut 1 ^ o'clock, p. m. on the 14th day ot December, 1888, at my office. dec4-2t-fl B0 H. H. CARY, Ordinary. Georgia, Troup County. Office of Onnijunv, Nov. 30th, 1868. U PSON H. CLARK lias applied for exemption ol per sonalty, and setting apart and valuation of home stead, and I will pass upon tlie came, at 1 o’clock p. n on the 14tli day of December, at my office. dcc4-2t-*l 50 H H. CARY, Ordinary. ISxccutor’s Sulo. W ILL bo sold, on Thursday, tho 17th 1st., nt tho late residence of John W. McGee, deceased, a part of the porishablo properly belonging to said deceased— i of land lying on the road from LaGrango to Hamil ton, 4 miles South of LaGrangt*. belonging to dco4-2t JOSEPH BOYD. Georgia, Meriwether County. W H EREAS, the estates of Josoph J. Welbom, dew ami Tiios. Jeff. Grant, deceusod, arc unreproaonted This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any ex tots, why the administration of said unrepresented estates should not be vested in the Clerk Superior Court, or somo othor fit and proper person, on tho 1st Monday in January, 1869. JAS. W. BANNING, o.M.C. This Nov. 27, 1868.—dec4-|3• Georgia, Troup County. Office of Ordinary. Dec. 1st, 1868. J E. RINGER has applied for exemption of personalty, • aud setting apart aud valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same, ot 12 J, o’clock, a. in., ou tlio 14th day of December, at my office. dect-2tr$Vj»0 H, H. CARY. Ordinary^ Georgia, Troup County. Ordinary's Office, December 1,18ti8. ~rp H. STRICKLAND lias applied for exemption of 1 1 2, personalty, aiul setting apart and valuation of homo- stead, and I will pass on the same, at taOraugc, at 11,L o'clock, a. m., «»n the 14th of December, at my office. decl-2t-$l 50 JI. II. CARY, Ordinary, Georgia, Meriwether Couuty* Ordinarv’s Office, Nov. 27th, 1888. M as. ANTIONETTE IiCl’OR. widow of Col. Walton, Ector, deceased, lias applied fm’ exemption of per sonalty, and sotting apart uml valuation of homestead out of | ho estate "f Said deceased, and I will puss upon the i, nt Greouvillo, ID o'clock, l«. in., December 17,1808, ut my office. ,!E8 W. BANNING, dec4-3t-$l 50 P- M. C. TO OUIl C USTOMF.KS. W K fits, uml for CASH ONLY I We will be glad customers and friends of tbe old firm, where wc win ulwaya be ready to serve them. Mr. Sledge will remain with us for aomo time, aud will ) his friends. T. J. THORNTON k SON. EVANS & RAGLAND, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL GR00ER3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Boat Hide Public Square,) La Grunge, Georg in. JL Large supply fine u rpiiOSE who chew and those who don’t chow cun find X superior lot of all grades TOBACCO nt EVANS k RAGLAND. S UGARS, A, U and C, cau bo ha-1 nt EVA? D 0S oke fine EVANS k RAGT/AND. JICKLES, SAUCES, OYSTERS and CRACKERS ki EVANS k RAOL A?D by (Y llourd I Board!! Hoard!!! r two small families and a few day boarder get GOOD BOARD, in a private family, pleasant part of the city, and convenient to the square. For particulars apply ut this office. uov27-l A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. A Mo«t Wouclorl'ul Family Medicine. DAUBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID! WHAT WI UTj W DO P 11 will xnniiy tlio most offbnsivo atmosphere. It will eJ.iunso and euro Erysipelas, aU sorts of sores, ul cers, bolls, cute, wounds, et3. II will prevent gangrene. It will euro burns, aealds uud bruises. In a perfect pain-killer. It will destroy and neutralize all animal and vegetable poisons. U wiU, It wiU i. _ eellont tooth-wash uml healthful cosmetic. It will cure dlarrhtta, oven the wont chronic case. It will instantly relieve horses oi tho cholic or persons of the heartburn. It will, owing to the bleuching properties of Chlorine, remove all ink spots, mildew, vegetable stains, etc. It will euro Catarrh. It will romovo rauoiritr out of butter and lard. ’ H will, properly used, bo moro cffiutcious than any other agent, In preventing tho spread of contagious diseases, and has frequently done it. It will, used lu bathing, keen the skin healthy, soft and white, WHO SAYS IT VVIUU P Letter from Ran. A. JI. StephmU, of Georgia. CuAWFonnVH.LR, Ga., 29th Sept. 1868. D ARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID is an article of lit tle cost but great valuo. Its domestic as woll as medicinal uses are numerous, while its specialities are most wonderful. I liavu not boon without it for ten years, aud no head of a family, who cau afford to have it, should over bo without it. ALEX. II. .STEPHENS. Latter from Prof. R. T. T] nimby, Marietta. Ga. . aud l am convinced that Prut Darby’?* Prophylactic Fluid possesses ull tho merit ho claimfor it. It is very generally known and appreciated in all tho Southern States, und is sold by nearly all Southern Druggists. Marietta, Ga., Oct., lwflrt. R. T. BRUMBY. Letter from IK. O. Tuggle, K»q., LnGrange, Qa. LaGranod, Oa„ OoL 21«t, 1868. I TAKE pleasure in stating that 1 have found '* Darby’s Prophylactic" to bo an cxcellont remedy for cutupe- aus eruptions, chapped skin and bruises. It is a priceloss juwclaa a disinfectant, and niy wife status, for tho beuuflt of young mothers, that “ Durby’s Fluid" is a valuable ad junct to thu nureury. W. O. TUGGLE. These aro but n few of tho most recent testimonials re ceived in behulC of the preparation. It is as useful lu winter us in iminmor, for its disinfect ing quulity is tho least of its really valuable nscs. It is neatly put up in half pint bottles, and sells at 50 cents imr buttle. tfff- All Druggistfl kocp it. Orders tilled by tho proprietors, JOHN DARBY k CO., 1 GO William Street, New York. F„r «de by Brodfiuld k Pitman, and A. C. Ware, Drug- gists, LaGmngp, Georgia^ jaov20-6ra rnilF. price of Thf. LaGdanok Rbkporteu Is |3. for ono X jear; 5’2 fyr six muiiths; aud fl for three iponths. i«l Sim wit* styles,) KNIT SHAWLS. NUBIAS and GOODS, BABY CLOAKS AND SHOES, ♦’AS.SEMKRE BKKAKFAHT SHAWLS, single double. BLACK BOMBAZINE SHAWLS, Sic., kc. 100 acts i<f Children, Mist Kid Gloves! inndKnmo assort meut of about 75 dozen. WHITE and BLACK KIDS. I,APOIff K’S BLACK KIDS, (bettor than Alexandria. THE “GREAT DUTCHESS- KID GLOVE, (some- IIouBc-FurniHliing Goods! A fine Block of TABLE (TTiOTHS, TOWELS. NAPKINS, TABLE aud PIANO COVERS, DOYLES, CRASH. OILCLOTHS, (plain and euamolixl, for Table- Clotlw,) Carpet* aud Oilrlotlw: Before Hpoaking of this line of goods wo would remark, in answer to a good many remarks “that they can buv g<xxta cheaper in Atlanta," that we will duplicate any hilt any Atlanta honso noils; and if the bill is over $ loo we- will take off ft per cent on the bill. Adding the expenses, to buy one or two Carpets and the freight lien*, will make a difference of at least 20 por cent iu our favor. Wo Uav*> a large stock of SINGLE PLY CARPETS* 2 nnd 3 " " BRUSSELS *• (tlrn obolcent.k RUGS, HASSOCKS, FLOOR OILCIXJTHS and MATTING». Curtains, Slindrs nnd FIxtnr«n 1 DAMASK, SATIN aud LINEN WINDOW SHADER, HEAVY CORDS, TASSELS, CORNICES, LOOPS, aud everything belonging to that lfna Saratoga Trunk* and Bonnot Boxcat* of ull sixe*. NAMES MARKED without additional charge. CiotUing and Gent* 1 Furnishing Goods! fitock is too woll known to Bay murU C'AH$IMEIIE8, FRENCH DOESKIN, BROADCLOTHS, ddue and black.) BEAVER, (different colors,) COATS, PANTS. VESTS, BLACK VELVET VESTS, SHIRTS, UNDER and OVER SHIRTS, n»» iU'mci nnd *>crj-tiling else usually kept in that lino. To Country' Merchant*! nr grateful to a generous people for their libertl pnt- je'.bentowojl upon uh in Iho past, and usauring them cur endeavor, in tne future, will bo * “ To Live and Let Live! ” We remain, respectfully, WISE k DOUGLASS.