The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, December 11, 1868, Image 2

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SIM ttprSHtteto* ^a < tEr v auj).c Report eE' OH. 0. WILLINGHAM, EDITOR. Georgia In rongrcM. nt undertake to r I*A (IRAM1R, OEOUUIA, DECEMBER II. 1H8X. Mi:ca ■■ mm trc.i *■: .-m. rm' . or COWETA. Yl'hut Georgia Need* "First of all, Georgia neeiln goml ami whole- gome lawn, fliieh as will protect, in thoir right« and immunitloH as citizens, the whole people of the States—such as will produce'no conflict of interests between any class of the people giving to oil alike protection of civil an,1 political right* ! ^whiZto^haab^n admittodtato'the Congress— that pandemouilun of civilization that dead-lock in American advancement-as- 8oinblcd at Washington City on Monday last. Both Houses woro organized, and the first des patches announced that the certificates of Mr. John H. Christy, editor of the Athens Watch man, and John A. Wiiupy, contestants for the Sixth Georgia District, woro referred to the Elec tion Committee. The Credentials of Miller and Hill, Seiiat-ors from Georgia, woro up in the Senate, and that the Clerk was reading the me morial of the negroes expelled from the Georgia Legislature. The most prominent features of the proceed ings of the first day (to Georgians) was a com munication from Gov. Bullock, Addressed to Congress, representing that the laws of Congress, Gopky’r Lady’s Book. Tho January number of this sterling lady’s magazine is upon our ta- I bio. Wo regard it as superior to all other mag azines of the sort in this country. Wo may not call tho attention of our readers to its merits ns often as we ought tq, perhaps. To tho ladies of tho South wo take especial pleasure in recom mending Godey, because its fair pages have nov el* boon tarnished by anything obnoxious to Southern fooling or sentiment. It is strictly a magazine for tho ladies in ovory sense of the term, Tho price of this excellent magazine is $11.00* Address, L. A. Godey, Philadelphia Penn. New Advertisements. so far as to subserve tho public weal. Sho needs j that, her law-making powers should ho in t)io Union, have not been fully complied with, hands of her most patriotic and intelligent citi zens, who are identified with the fortunes erf* the and holding that, until such compliance, Geor gia’s government must coutinno provisional.— Iiis Accideney states in that communication that Statoby a common interest and patriotic attach- | (h| , fi>Uurc , n feiu to 0I , l0lfrom . offloora ment and love for hor welfare, those who are thus identified being “natives to the manor) born," or have bocorno identified by permanent ) habitation and pecuniary interests. With hor <lestiny thus placed in the hands of her own people, uninfiuenood by foreign or disinterested parties who only seek her offices for the sake of emoluments, Georgia will soop rise to the full statue of a givat nud prosperous State, and he roine, indeed, the “Empire State of the South,” her peoplo struggling manfully for prosperity nud against present poverty. Tho next pressing necessity is, that her whole peoplo should cost from thorn the veil of gloom which has obscured everything from their vision for the last three years but tlicir misfortunes.— Wo say to thorn, Cast away this mere cob-web delusion of misfortuno and poverty, and rise to the dignity of men, with tho coumge to over come all obstacles w*hich lio in the way of suc cess and prosperity, and show theuisolvos wor thy of fortune, by going manfully to work to re gain thorlost heritage of prosperity! Now is no timo to bewail the }xtsh We must look to tho future, and seek to improve our fortunes and work •out a nobler destiny than that which childish re pining opens up beforo us. That which is lost, is forever gone. Wo cannot recall it; but wp can secure for ourselves a bright future for the State, and for posterity, by tho sublime courage •which lias created gr$at men and great States— "the courage to surmount all difficulties that lio in tho path to progress. That courage builds fortunes, rears monuments and brings bright eyed prosperity and brilliant renown where guant poverty and black obscurity reigned supreme. The area and resources of Georgia are suffi- eleotcd tho oath proscribed by Congress, and ad ministering, instead, that provided by the propos ed Georgia Constitution, which failure to execute the laws of Congress has resulted in the defeat of the purposes which Congress had in view in passing these acts, namely, affording adequate protection for life, property, tho maintenance of peace, good order, and a freo expression of po litical opinion. Now, the trouble with the Governor (so-called' 1 , and his party is, Georgia has manifested too strong Democratic proclivities in tho lato Presiden tial election, and ho wishes to have matters fixed up so that carpet-baggers, negroes and Reala- may enjoy all tho offices of tho State. ITo, therefore, wants Georgia re-reconstructed to that end, and it may belaud wo think it probable, that Congress will undertake the work and make another big job ' for tho Radical mendicants of the State. Mr. Bullock, say the despatches, calls tho attention of Congress to this subject to the end that steps may be taken to obtain full information relative thereto; to the end that loyalty may bo protected and promoted by the enforcement of the laws enacted by the represen tatives of the American people. The word loyalty seems to be the burden of his soul. Ho and his party are so full of loyalty— which moans adherence to tho Radical party in stead of tho Constitution, and tho Union under the Constitution -that they cannot boar tho idea of Georgia being a Democratic State. .Perhaps, his Express Agency, by accident a bogus Govcr- ; nor, would like to inaugurate a socond edition of ■ tlio “situation” in Tennessee, as it exists under ! tho serene nud saintly reign of our reverend(?) Tub Supreme Court.- The first term of tlm Supremo Court of Georgia, under the new rc- yime, convened in Atlanta, at tho Capitol, on Monday last—Chief Justice Brown and Asso ciates Warner and McCav being present; also, C. W. DuBose, Clerk. Wo learn from tho Intel- liyencer that, in consideration of tho fact there was no convenience for heating tho apartment, tho Court adjourned until 10 o’clock Tuesday morning. Urorglii, Troup County. Orricr. oir Onimunr, Doo. tHh, 1868. S TEWART RHYMER Ih\h applied for exemption of per- mmulty, amt I will pass oii tho aume, at 12’£ oV’oolc, p. in. mi tlw 21 at day oi December, 1808, at my nffioo. docll-ft-ll q0 11.11 OAKY. Ordinary. Dissolution* milF, (’upnrtnoruhlp heretofore exiaUna between J. F. _ Slaughter and A. I*. Wood, under the firm Hlnugtdor A Co., in thin day (Unsolved by mutual consent. J. F. Slighter will Mettle nil the buainmw of tho old linn. J. F. SLAUGHTER, To tho Public. ferod them befot expoet to again. Co: That sweet singing, dovely messenger of Radical love, whoso balmy soul is juicy with af fection for Sambo and Dinah, the melodious Bard of the Era, is in Washington City exerting his powerful influence to have the modern Josh ua take his scat among tho saints. Oh! tlist | the sun might stand still till the battle is fought. I .aOrango, Pecombei New Advertisements. Troup County Sheriff h Solos. W ILL be Hold, on tlm brut Tuesday In January noxt, before the Court House door of Troup county, be tween tho usual hours of Male, the following property : Eighty acres of Land, lying on tho Chattahoochee river, adjoining landH of Albert F., Cox on tho Bouthj Joel (lib- son on the Knot; tho lands of Defendant on tho North and West, and North by tho Chattahoochee river. Levied on as tho property of John II, DeLauoy to anilely a Fi Fa la- aued from Troup Superior Court lu flavor of 11, II. Ilill vs John 1). Del,aitoy*. Also, at the aaine time and placn, will bo sold Lota of Lund Noh. 100, 12ft, 120 and ono hundred and thlrty-Hovon and a half nerca of lot No. 1*27, and ninety- nine acrea of lot No. 102, lying iu tho 0th District of Troup county.— Jjovled on an the property of Henry T. Hoard to aniiafy iHHiied from Troup Ruporlor Court ill favor of Jaiuoa J. Crawford vs Henry T. Hoard, and now tranaferred to J. L. ltichniond. iToporty pointed out by Trunafereo. WARE’S DRUG STORE! AUGUSTUS U. WARS, memaisT ani> apothecary, North Hide Public Square, LaGrange, tiuorgla. PRESCRIPTIONS filled at all lioura. i time and place, will bo sold two Lota LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! ?*?'• Wo learn from tlu* Montgomery Mail that Row J. M. Mitchell who 1ms been for many years the able and beloved Rector of St. John’s Church in that oitv, delivered his farewell sermon on Sunday last, beforo assuming chargo of Christ Church, Savannah, of which Bishop Elliott was so long tho Roctor. Tho Ku-Klu.v disorder, which raged so fearfully tipon tho vitality of tho Augustn 7?c- publtcan, has assumed a milder form, and it is believed the paper will survive tho attack. The Era lias exhibited u few symptoms of tho disease. We regret to learu from the Newuau Her ald that the Hon, Charles G. McKinley, Register in Bankruptcy in this (tho 3rd) Congressional District, died on Saturday morning, the 28tli ult. Peuco to his slumbers. , , , , . , . ., ,. . J friend Wm. G. Browulow. If, by any strategy, exent to sustain and give profitable employment . , .. .. , . . , . , . ® 1 , . 1 * , he should succeed in Ins undertaking, we promise to ten tunes her present population. Inc cle- . . •„ w *n , , 1 1 „ his Accideney a sweet time in Georgia, noli .volopment of those resources will give to the peo- , ,. 0 , , , . c , . _ * . , , ,, , .. ; make tho Slate so hot for him that he 11 imagine pie immense, unbounded wealth and prosperity. If the people of Georgia will not develop these resources, strangers will ami grow rich and op- the Ku-Klux after him with a bug on the end of very sharp stick. , . , . , , ..... All nonsense aside, this representation of Ru- pulent upon what our own people have within I „ . , fv.:_ W,._ »„ I fas B. Bullock to CongreHsis so destitute of ovory lanly instinct, so degrading in its promptings, .7*9* Congress manifested small symptoms ol tho Ku-Klux disease on tho first day of its re assembling, and the tendency seemed to bo to ward tho region of tho heart, indicating consid erable fear. T IIF. largest, uowoHtaml moat varied STOCK OF GOODS to b»; found in l^iGrnnoo, have Juat boon opened at tho liouao formerly occupied by J. B. llhna, next door to W. F. Dunaby, East aide public aquoiv, LaQratigo, Gourgiu. Moat of our goodH woro llouglit Ibr Cash at Punic Prices* •nabllng us to oJTor, to our oustonvre. Goods nt unparalclled Low- X’riet'M for CusU* Court in favor of Simeon Fotoftt va John W. Grlgga Hobort Urlgga. Lc\*y mado by J. O. Muwuh, former SITU. rOHTl’ONEII KALE. Alan, at the anmo timo nnd nlnco. will ho sold Lot of land 1 Bar ml allvor akin ONION SETS Jilat reroivnd and for Hide by A. C. WAKE. Wise & Doiifflass* Column. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE “CASH SYSTEM!" 11 A Window GlaaM. L Altai; lot of WINDOW OLA88, all hIzob, juat received Hardy und othcra. Levied on ns the prop Aknra to antiafy a MortflWRC FI. Fa. IhhuihI from Troup Superior Court in favor of D. A. Dcnti, trails feme of T. T. Smith va. Samuel Akers. Mortgage dated 0th May, 18Of doc. 4 THOS. C. MILLER, Sheriff. ortmont of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEKNSWARE, IlOOTS, SHOES!, HATS, GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP GROCERIES, BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, MEAL, FLOUR, FISH, PEPPEll, SHOT, TOWDER, SARDINES, OYSTERS, CANDY, PICKLES, CHEESE, fee., &c. Now is an excellent timo to make up clubs for the Reporter. Single subscription, $3; Club of ten, S15; Club of twenty, $40. Commence with tho now year. If J. E, Bryant, through penitcnco and tears, will humbly claim himself a white man, and act accordingly, we’ll lot him be one. their grasp. Who are to make these devel opments? We reply, tho white race in the State must do it, or strangers, wc repeat, will wrest our own Cornucopia from onr hands, leav ing us still poorer than ever—still bemoaning •onr poverty—still wrestling with invited misfor tune. Tho time is past when we may sit idly And listlessly, as it were, and receive into onr 1 pockets, as if by legerdemain, tho rich products ' of white fields of cotton onitured by slave labor. ' mMterI « ? > toctlon o1 ' nc « 1 ' 00s ' enrpet-bnggers Every nmn is now his own slave, or n slave to > “ nA scalawags, which failure tho miserable crea- sloth. Who would not prefer to be tho first ?— Who would prefer tho latter ? Energy, direct- ed by intelligent Enteepbise, will succeed. If ! P is0 “*« l a ° stost tho misor “ ble subterfuges to our people will only cease to bemoan tlicir mis- so manifestly mean and contemptible, that j respectable gentleman, who has ever held re- j spect for him, can longer tolerate him as a geu- ! Roman. Ho and his p^u-ty reconstructed Georgia, and tho failure of it only lies iu tho foot that ! Georgia has gone Democratic under the benign I influence of the sword and the bagonet, and the hires now affect to attrbnto to intimidation and lawlessness. No honorable man can but des- Somo think it is of no use to advertise.—Ex. Well, it aiu’t, if they can offer the public no inducements to trade with them. If tho Era should be attacked with the Ku-Klnx disorder, wc would advise it to “ open AIho, nt. tho anmo timo and plnoo, will bo Hold two Rorrol homo (xilta nnd ono mulo oolt. Loviwl on na tho property of John \V. lion ho to antial'y a Mortgage FI Fa iwmod from 'Troup Superior Court in fhvor of John W. Stownrt vh John \\. Uouho. IToporty pointed out In anid Mortgngo. N. A. MOOTY, Deputy Sli’ff. GODFRED KENim, MANVFACTpRKU OF \th KINDS OF FURNITURE, (At Uia Old Stand,) LaGraiif^, Georgia, nHlib* Tonic .Syrup. SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, for chills and fm IIufrlicN* Ague Cure. C) Dozen HUGHES* AGUE CURE Juat rc Zl Mtlll. 1IV f C) Doze Ayres* Ague Cure* i AYRES’ AGUE CURE Juat recolvod nnd for wale WISE fit DOUGLASS’ : CJ-.rn.WM MVOXftK CROWDED ALL TIT1C TIME! NSW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY l THE FINEST AN0 LARGEST STOCK Iff THE CHri ATTENTIVE HAUi-SHKN, POLITE TREATMENT, ( Unxxiiiiotx'H Fever wntl Ague Pills. inducements thau any other flout Cooking Soda. Maiiufnctnrlng and Repairing ALT, KINDH OP -nr m nor i ® v :■«. me Low for' C.’ush \ METAUC BURIAL CASES nnd WU01> COFFINS, of all ileaoriptionB, aVwnya kept on hand, Uv nluo propones to SAW TIMBER INTO LUMBER »ct23 Grove’s Mills Flour, of Kontucky-roallod for by ovory on« who evor tried it.— ' »ploaan you. JA1UJOE A WILLIAMS. Call and see us—will bo h AN APPEAL FARMERS and planters. BSOLUTE neacBsity, in times gone by, forced yon t L. S. COX, grocer and confectioner, (North Side Public Square,) I«a Grange,.., .Georgia. F Gro AMTO GROCERIES, of all kinds, for aah‘ by Cream Tartar. Yeast Poxvdcrs. LF Gross Preston k Morrill’s YEAST POWDERS Confer t ioncrlcfc. jNow Advertisements. Klrcllou of Omccri. Tlio Members of Schley Council No. It a might bo administered to tho various members of y family by yourselves, without, tlio aid of n Physician. Various purgative Pills, Cough Mixtures, Chffl Medicines, Diarrluca Compounds, Tonics, Blood Purifiers, nnd many other articles, have boon prescribed (or you at, a Northern und in many cnees, those who prepared them knew nothing about tho treatment of diseases in any eli- mutje K and in the absence of better compounds, they, in many iustpnoof), met with your APPROVING SMILES. Now, gentlemen, by your assistance and your influonce, •cipicats of public patronage. IMcdicul X^rofessioH, )• night.- i which Radical leaders resort. fortunes and poverty, and energize themselves Wo would be glad if wo could respect Bullock thoroughly for the work beforo them, ono of the ; amftD > however mnch wc de8 P fae bifl most important needs of the State will ha met, : .and a bright future will be opened up. it the Lody< /Mdcctiou of ofllcors and other i J5. r. GURTIUGHT. T. L K. 8. glu, Meriwether County. Ordikary’b Offict, Dec. 8tli, 1808. NDRF.W J. ROUTON has applied for exemption c V NDRF.W J. ROl"TON hi personalty, and I will clock, a. " *“■* * pans upon the i office a Grt u tho 15»th day of December, 1368, ut : villo, iu said county. -?1 50 JAMES W. BANNING, o. at. r ducll- •gln, Meriwether C IV The Electoral Vote op Georgia.—The Elcc- What constitute properly tlio development of | tors of tlio State of Georgia did not meet and .the resources of the resources of tho State?— j ca * t the vote of the State ou Wednesday as they Jllainly, it is improved cultivation and reclamation 'intended, because of tho following languago in .of prematurely worn out lands, mado by a reck- 1 ti 1<? commission issued by the Governor: ’less and cruel mode of farming, preventing that' “You are therefore required to attend at the full development of our soil, of which it is so j Capitol in Atlanta on the first Monday iu De- KURr*Antil)lt> Viv ra*r\nor mannoAmAnf. Tbij /»«»»_ : combor to cast the vote of the State ot Georgia for President and \ ico President of the U nited nty. Obt»inart’s Office, Dec. 8Ui. 1868. T> OBT. It. MoCRARY Luh applied for exemption oi per- inlty. and I will pass upon tho name, at 11 o’clock ou tho 19th day of December, at ll-at-$l CO — December, at my olhce. JAMES W. BANNING. o.M.r susceptible by pi*oper management. This can- not and ttrill not be accomplished by the process of cultivation which at present characterizes the policy of a majority of our farmors, who have so long followed in tho footsteps of their fathers, who lived iu a less advanced ago. Tho abridg ment of their large plantation operations must and will bo the result of the change iu the sys tem of labor—in the substitution of slave for free labor. Small farms must take the place of largo plantations; and, so far as possible, every man of energy must become a landed proprietor in a smaller way. Five men, pecuniarily interested iu lands of their own, will produce as much prosperity to the country an ten hired men.— The more the landed interests are divided, the greater will be the prosperity of the masses.— This accomplished, another great noed of the State is met in its strides to prosperity. Next in importance are the mineral, mechan- States ou the Wednesday following at 12 o’clock M.” Tlio Electoral College met in Atlanta, nt the State House (so-called) 12 o’clock M. Present, Gen. John B. Gordon, Hon. John T. Clarke, Hon. John C. Nichols, Col. Charles T. Goode, Maj. R. J. Moses, A. O. Bacon, H. P. Bell, Col. James D. Waddell. Absent, Major J. B. Cumming. Gen. John B. Gordon was elected President of tho College, and Marshitd J. Clarke, Esq., Secretary. Tho College thna adjourned until 12 o’clock M., Wednesday. Turner, the Negro Radical Orator.—The Constitutionalist, in a notice of a Radical meeting, held iu Augusta, not long since, makes the fol lowing note of a speech made by Turner, the negro Radical preacher and orator: “Tho first speaker was H. M. Turner (negro), whose most important expression wtm, that ho icftl and monufaotural interests of the State.— j wished the most glorious of all Congresses, tho The development and encouragement of theso j Republican Congress, to declare the immortal suggest end enforces the important idea of a Governor Bullock dictator of Georgia and that ,. b . , , , , ... .... I ‘ oolored troops would be sent to tho State, who diversion of labor and capital. Without this i wonM lmng every Democrat wUp winked his diversion the developments under discussion eye.’” cannot be made. We need educated, enterpris ing men to take hold of theso interests of our State. Wo would like to seo Georgians enter with spirit into these developments; and they can if they will: if they will not, then strangers must be welcomed to make Georgia what she ought to be, and will be whether our people will it or not. The richness and vastness of our re sources are inexhaustible. Georgia, Troup Count y. Ordinary's Office, DocombcrG, 1868. nfAOHARY D. ESTES has applied for t'xoinption of per- /J penalty, und I will pass on tho sumo, ut LaGrange, at 12 o'clock, a. m., on thu 21st of December, nt my otlicc. decll-2t-?l 60 H. H. CARY, Ordinary. glu, Troup County. Office of Ortoxary, Dec. 8111. 1838. ITTLETON LAY bus applied for exemption of peraon- . . d sotting apart and valuation oi homestead, and I will puss upon the same, at 11.^ o’clock, u. m., on tlio 2lst day of December, at myofllco. aecll-2t-$l 50 II. IT. CARY. Ordinary. Those who are experienced in Southern treatment, and have been and are iu every respect identified with the Southern people, and who are known and acknowledged as such, shall, as fur as possible, manufacture and supply thnt demand, thus enabling every family to procure, at all times, a class of Medicines that uro likely to give, by far, more satisfaction than if prepared in a locality where dis eases are treated differently. Wo are well aware that there will be arrayed against os au army of rtben o- making evi , ZNToslrunx Venderm, in order lo wiu t ied to bo REPRESENTED iu this matter, ? VROPJ3E U> (lochia. :• throe members_•-imposing our firm, all t frrad- E VERYTHING, in. the Coufoctiouar^flne, for sale by L. S. COX. Fruits. O RANGES, sule by A 1 Alsplcc. H ALF Barrel ALSPICE just- received aud for anle by A. 0. WAT" Shoe-Finding*. CJ-HOlcFINDINGS, of evert' description, for sale by O L. S. CO? Cnkr. I ilRESIt CAKE, constantly on luiud ami for redo by L. S. COX. I ^VRESH OYSTERS, HAMS and EGGS prepared, nt short 1 notice, by novO-tf L. 8. COX. r x ; 0 TIIETRADE! Extra Fiuc. T i: I j \ Georgia, Troup County. Office or Ordivary, Dec. 3d, 18G8. W/'M. N. EDWARDS has applied fur exemption of iK-rson- \ V alty, and sotting apart aud valuation of homestead, aud I will pass upon the same, at IU o’clock, p. w., on the 21st day of December, 1868, at my office. docll-2t-|l 50 H. II. CARY, Ordinary. Georgia, Troup County. Court of Ordinary, Doc. 3d. 1868. S AMUEL MAFFETT having upplioil mo for letters u administration ou the estate uf Thomas M. Bradford lato of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to aud admonish all concerned to be and appear at my oillco on or before the lirst Mond in February next, to show cause, if any they have, w letters should not be granted tu said applicant. dccll-td-f 3 H. H. CARY, Ordjnary U’u.mily Medicines Not secrets nor patents, which qiiim! by every fanner, plantc: the Southern country, and an assortment of the GREAT SOUTHERN PREPARATIONS should be iu every house. JORDAN, HOWARD & IIARALSON I NVITE the nttentlon'of tho trade to tlieir magnificent stock of TOBACCO* consisting iu part of the follow ing celebrated brands: Chewing Tobacco. Davis k Son’s Gold Leaf, Davis k Son’s Rattleanake, Davis k Son's Throe Belles, Magnolia of the South, Three Kings. Brown’s Best, R. E. Lee. T. J. J.ick*»on, H. P. Moore, Mountain Rose. Rosa Boll, Gold Bar. Rose Bell. Twist, McGee’s Best, Max 1 A, Max 2 A, Magnet. DROMGOOLE k CO.’S KNGLISII FEMALE BITTERS J rsl I Barrel Spirits Turpentine received and for sale by Domest ic Goods I K1UKTINGS, 8UEKTING8, (plntn nnd ntripnd,) 08NABURGS. BLEACHED HOMESPUN, »-4, 7-3 and 4-4 wide,) 42 INCH PILLOW CASING, 9-4, 10-4 and 11-4 SHEETINGS, BEDTICKING, DRILLS, JEANS, WHITE AND RED FLANNELS, OPERA FLANNELS, (all colors,) CANTON FLANNEL (lnown and bleached,> BROWN HOLLAND, (Silesia's,) PAPER CAMBRICS, Ac., Ac. Ureas Goods I WORSTED DELAINES, ALL WOOL DELAINES, (all colors,) MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, ALPACCAS, ENGLISH AND FRENCH MERINOS, SILKS, (black and colored,) TrhnmlMgs, of Every Description 1 RIBBONS, (fringe, gimp, sab'n and silk.) SATIN PIPING, (sole agency in this State) the most* Cashuinillo trimming no-w iu urn*. J rf 2 Barret Train OIL I red and for sale by Toilet Soaps, variety, just received a Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. A. C. WARE. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, ny other popular brands*. Smoking Tobacco. Pride of Virginia, Hiawatha. Here’s Yer Mule, ITu ind>Flowers, aud a variety of other brands. JORDAN. HOWARD k HARALSON. octl6-3m Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga 1000 'ft**™™”**™* I>It. C>. K. I'KOPHITTH FAMILY MEDICINES, White Gumh and L( No other house in IoiGrange keeps it. 1TATION, THREAD and VALENCIA I IMITATION. THREAD and VALENCIA LACES, REAL, OLUNY, THREAD und VAL. LACFJ4. WHITE, GREEN. BROWN, BLUE AND BLACK BILK. r trimmiag (Itchhch, FLUTING. MAGIC RUFFLING, ALEX AN 1 )III A DRI1 .UNO, SHEA MUSLINS, PUFFED GOODS, (for watataj A •■***• coRsirrs. CORSET STEELS a Thin department coutaiua bn and wo would, therefore, onl; thing iu Hint lino ununUy kept* l STRING SL luuiy articled b> mentr^n^ nay, that wo keop ovory- u tirwt claw heoju*. THE DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC FOIL 180‘J. In a powerful uterine tonic and Female Regulator, and i« ju^t the Medicine no mnch needed by tlio female commu nity, both old and young, throughout the So util. It re- licvuu all irregularities, removes obstructions, cures pain ful or suppressed menstruation, Fulling of the Womb, Leucorrtnua or Whites, Chlorosis, Hysterics, Palpitation of Hie Heart, aud nil tliut class of complaints peculiar to fe males. 11 restores, arouses and invigorulcu tho womb, thereby inducing regularity and health. Georg iu, Troup Comity. Office of Oudcnaby, Dec. 5th, 1SG8. S'* EORGE KIDD, ueting as noxt friend of Mrry Eliza Line and hor children—the suiil Mary Eliza being Ur the wife ol Isaac H. Lane—has applied for exemption .. personalty, and re tting apart and vuhiatlon of homestead, in favor, aud for the exclusive use, of said Mary Elizu deoll-2t-$l 50 n. II. CARY. Ordinary'. Georgia,Troup County. CamiT of OubiNAUT, December 3d, 1868. JT having been repr * * " Wo have been too long troubled with this pnff- ed-ap specimen of African bigotry in this State— going about promulgating evil counsels and I therefore, todtc blowing out bis Radical venom. So long as such pests are roving about over the country we shall have turmoil and bitterness between tho races, permitted to lie hidden for want of enterprise and capital. If Georgians will apply these, wealth and prosperity will follow; if not, our riches must full into the coffers of strangers far away. If our people will only nerve themselves With the determination to develop their own wealth, instead of permitting it to fall into stran ger hands, by going forward, enorgoticolly, in the development of tho mineral resources and the encouragement of mechanical and manufac- tural skill .and enterprise, another great need will be met We have hurriedly pointed out the leading ne cessities of Georgia, viz; 1. Good government to bo in the hands of tho people of the State—giving full and complete pro tection to all. 2. That our people should cease to be de- tipoudent, rise to the dignity of men and 6how themselves worthy of better fortune. 3. The development of tho agricultural re sources of tho State by improved methods of agriculture, small forms, nnd giving to every man, as for as possible, an interest as a land holder. 4. To develop tho mineral resources and en courage mechanical and manufoctural skill by becoming our own miners and manufactures. Theso are tho leading wauts of Georgia.— These met, all other avenuos to prosperity will open up. It will open tho way to wealth and respectability for those who have the manliness and energy to accept the proffered boon. Let these be kept in view, and carried into operation, and Georgia will be the greatest State in the Union! The Augusta Municipal Election. —Notwith- They will not be fi binding there was a large majority of registered and admonish nil parties _ mod, to a,R t appear at my office, on or before tho first Moniluy in February next, to show cause, if any they have, why tho clerk ol t,lf: Superior Court of said cwinty should not be appointed . to administer on the auir~ ‘~ DROMGOOLE k CO.’f? our Clf.XX.JLSk Absolutely cleanses your stomach, arouses your torpid liver, opens the bowels, carries off' tlio bile, makes quick and permanent cures, never ullecLs the head, nerves or ours, gives tone to the system, and can be administered to infanta. It cures all forms of Chills and Fever, Intermit tent Fever, Bilious Fever, Cougestivo Chills, and no furnily should be without it. C/liill.s und ID* 1869. It will contain, besides the usual matter of ull Al manacs, full and official returns of the Presidential and other elections, compared with previous ones, the most important Acts of Congress, President Johnson’s Vet' Messages and Proclamations, Lists of Federal and State OlHeers, Members ofl Congress, Statistical nnd other infor mation indispensable to ovory politician, planter, fanner, merchant or mechanic. All orders will be filial according to (he date, of their recep tion. The CASH must accompany all orders. TERMS: Single copies, by mail, prepaid .f 26 Seven copies, by mail, prepaid 1 00 Fifteen copies, by mall, prepaid 2. 00 One hundred copios, by express. 13:00 Address VAN EVRIE, HORTON & CO., Publishers, dec! No. It*.*,!. Nasreir.-.Stivrt. Nr\v York. CONSISTING C 1 i IV EIl MED I CINE, ANODINE PAIN KIBE IT, ANTI-BIBIOUS PILES, AGUE PILES and D Y SEN' L’ ERY CORD IA E. rruiE < •Rent remedies of O. S. Prophftt, M. D., noed JL no recommendation—•thoir well known power in re moving the diseases peculiar to our Southern climate hav ing already established for them an emialrie reputation in Georgia and the adjoining States. As the majority of pt living in the South ore predisposed to disease of the Liver, it is granted by nil intelligent Physicians that most of the pains and aelros of our people are due to organic or functional derangement of that important organ. Proph- itt’s Anti-Bilious Pills aud Liver Medicines strike directly ut the root of tho evil. Thoy cure tho Liver, which, in is at the bottom of the Coughs, Dya- IVotlccv P. J. Wilkiuson, F. A. Frost, F. A. Frost, F. H. Holloway, L. Bcringor. DROMGOOLE k CO/S AMYGDALINE PECTORAL, II. . GARY, Ordinary. The Atlanta Co.V8TrrUTJON.~CoL C. W. Styles lias retired from tho editorial und proprietorship p( this journal, and it has passed into tho hands pf *.V. A. Hemphill A,Co., with Muj. J. B, Bur- rick ns the principal editor. Colonel Styles has done valiant service for the Democratic or white man’s cause, and we ora sorry to lose his manly co-operation in the canso of Georgia. His suc cessor. Maj. Barrick, is a gentleman of fine lit erary attainments and largo experience in the newspaper business. We wish tho CirnstituUcn dll manner of success. ^ negro voters in Augusta, our Democratic friends carried the city by the large majority of 1136!— with Mr. Henry F. Russell heading tho ticket for Mayor. It is said to have boon a fair elec tion. The Radical paper there, the Republican, says it was conducted as fairly as any election.— We hope to hear no more of intimidation and threatening from the Radicals whenever they are beaten. They have kept up this cry wherever and whenever we have defeated them. Our Au gusta friends have much to be thankful for, in their success—in once again in having control of their own affairs. Editorial Cow-Hiding. —Gen. A. R. Wright, of the Chronicle & Sentinel, felt it necessary, as ho says, to chastise Mr. E. H. Tughe, the pub lisher and proprietor of the Augusta Republican, the other day, for personally abusive articles in that Radical sheet. It seems that Pughe is not the editor, but that one J. R. Hood, a Georgia renegade, wrote tho articles which so aggrieved Gen. Wright. From some cause the Republican has been more moderate tho last few days.— Well, as that ain’t our fight, we offer no com ment ou the immorality of personal attacks, whether through the papers or through the agen cy of the raw hide. Enhmallkd.—Tho Atlanta Era, whioh hits so long boasted of its tremendous dimensions, comes to us now", like its party in Georgia, con siderably ensmalled. We think, however, that its appearance is mnch better, and is sufficiently large to hold all the patronage it can pro cure. The Era, we must add, is one the neatest printed papers in the State, and reflects credit upon the taste of those who conduct its me chanical department. If Bard could only com pass his welling effusions for the negro, and Radicalism generally, he would have a very de cent papor. Try it, my sweot follow ! W 1 Executor’* Sale. TILL be sold, at tlio late residonco of Thofl. Jw'uingflj I. nenr HarrtaoQrtllo, on Monday, the 21 H t of December, all tho porinhublo property belonging to sola state—consisting of cows, hogs, horses, mules, sheep, oru, fodder, shucks, peas, cotton seed, oats, blacksmith tools, plantation bails, wagons, harness, buggy, ono gold watch,, aud mimy other tilings too tedious to mention.— Sule to begin at 10 o’clock, a. m., aud coutinno until all the property is sold. Terms CASH, unless changed on [deoil] F. K. L. JENNINGS, Executor, 1000 Seed Outs. Huahols SEED OATS ou hand and for sale by YyIMBISH k VO. Potatoes, T HIRTY Barrels Early Goodrich and NoshannooU Poto- toos, both very early and choice varieties, just re ceived by W1MBI8H k CO. Noxv Orleans Molasses. A Choice article, for Bale by WIMBISH k CO. Best Orleans Sugar JUST received by WIMBISH k CO. Honey i QNE Barrol STRAINED HONEY for redojjy WIMBISH k CO. A scientific preparation for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hooping Cough, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Croup, Hoarseness, Dry Cough, Pain in the Side, Tightness in tho Chest, In fluenza, Spitting of Blood, and for all other Pulmonary Affections. It immediately loosens tho phlegm, relieves the cough and puin, promotes Iree expectoration, and soothes aud quiets thu troubled nervous system, enabling them to sleep at higbt. Price $1 00. DROMGOOLE k CO.'S EXT. BEAHBEBRY, CUBEBS AND DU CHIT, FOB THE KIDNEYS, For all affections of tho Kidneys aud ZJladder, whether af fecting old or young, undo or female; foi* gravel, urinary deposits of nil kinds, rotcution of Urino, frequent inclina tion aud paiu in urinating, pain in small of tue back, and all those troublesome symptoms arising from excesses, ffects of early indiscretion, or habits of dissipation. leal compound, Lurge bottles §1 00, Your Life Blood Must bo Purified DROMGOOLE k CO.’S CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH, Which will immediately eradicate all impurities of the Blood, Constitutional Dcraugnmonta, 8kiu Diseases and Eruptions, Scrofula, Camp Itch, Tetter, Scaldlicad, Ring- ROSADAUS, Tho Great Blood Purifier, Cures Hcrofula in all Its Forms, Consumption in its earlier stages, Enlargement JE®- Onr Democratic contemporaries of Au gusta arc muddled in regard to spelling tho word bonfire. The Constitutionalist spelled it borul-jire, and the Chronicle corrected the Constitutionalist by writing it bonfire. We end the dispute by writing it right for them. Both need a diction- - Diseases of Women, tho Back, Imprudtmco in Life, Gravel, general Bad Health, and all Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladdor, it is a Perfect Renovator. ROSADALI8 eradicates every kind of humor and bod taint, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. It is perfectly harmless, never producing the slightest Injury It is not a secret qnack remedy. The articles of which it is mode are published around each bottle. Recom mended by Medical Faculty and many thousands of best citizens. Propared only b; DB. j. I. LAWRENCE h CO., 244 Baltimore fltroet, Baltimore, Md. 49* For sols by Bradfield k Pitman and A. C. Ware, and Druggist* generally. dogll worm, 8ypbilis and off Syphilitic Diseases, Effects of Mer cury, Tumors, Bolls, old Ulcers and Sores, Pimples, Blotches, Enlargements, and all tlinse diseases requiring a Our other preparations of equnl purity aro as follows: Dromgoole k Co.’s RED DIARRHOSA REMEDY, for all forms of Diarrhoea, Vomiting, etc. Dromgoole k Co.’s DYSENTERY COMPOUND, for Dysen tery, Bloody Flux, Mucus Diurrluea, etc. Dromgoole k Co.’s VEGETABLE ANTI-BILIOUS PELLfi, a sure, sufe and effectual compound for family use. Dromgoolo k Co.’s LIVER PD.Jj8, for arousing tho Liver, cleansing the Stomach and Bowels of all bilious matter. Dromgoole & Co.’s EUREKA SECRET CURE, for a certain class of troublesome diseases. Price $2 SO. Dromgoole k Co.’s TONIC HADt 11ESTORATIVE, for storing tho hair to its natural color aud preventing bald- Dromgoole k Co-'s LONE STAR LINIMENT, for Rheu- fee tu ul remedy for all forms of Piles. Orders solicited—none sent out on commission. J. P. DROMGOOLE k CO., Proprietors. Orders for any ot the Great Southern Preparations, be addressed to any of the following wholesale agents. EDWIN MORRIS k CO., Louisville, Ky. BARNES, WARD k CO., Now Orleans. I. C. DuBOSE, Mobile, Ala. COLLINS BROTHERS, 8t. Louis. Also, tor sale by BRADFIELD k PITMAN, nnd A. C. WARE, LaGrange, Georgia, and Druggists every whero. novsdec Board! Board*! Board!!! Marks V K W diamond L J. W. Hmcokly, B. G. Witcher, S. G. Gammon, M. Groduy, J. E. Moi H. R. Harrison, dec4-6t B F W BO MB hi; SMITH k O’NEAL. Mrs. S. F. Stevens, MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER, RESPECTFULLY announces to the Iadios of LaGrange uud vicinity that she has opened a fine stock o! Fall and Winter Millinery! consisting of nata, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, different kiuds of Bri dal Attire, all tho latest styles. Also, Dress-Making iu nil its forms. Mrs. Steven’ shop will bo found at tlio ■ rid stand, opposite the Baptist Church; und she To Road Commissioners. COURT OF ORDINARY, ] Kit-tino r<m County PUhpobbs, ! TfOtlp County. Go., Nov. 30th, 1868. Trout) county, make, without delay, a careful examination of all tho Bridges in their respective districts, which liuvo beeu heretofore kept up by tho county: That in making the examination they will test the soundness of the under works, particularly, with a view to the repairing, buildjng, of tho same, and report to this Court oi Menstrual Obstr . , ^ pin. Earache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily pains of every kind, flee betorn PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT like chuff before the witadL It you haw Indigestion or Dyspepsia, hi nnv form, or any other Chronic Disease, use. PROPHITT’S LIVER MED ICINE. It is safo and reliable, purely vegetable, and liquid ready for use at any and aTl times; a Price, $2peirbottlc?33)u percent, discount by the dozen or more. O. 8. PROPHITT^ Proprietor. Covington, Georgia. r F you get snake lift,, use PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT, internal and external. If you have a fresh wound of nuy kind, use tho Pain Kill It. If you get dog bit, npplv thu Pain Kill it. O. 8. PROPHITT. Proprietor, Covington, Georgia. D r. o. s. pRorniTT’s antt-billious vegetable PILLS, Purgutive and Febrifuge. Theso Pills may bn relied upon ns a safe and efficient cathartic, in all Febrile and Acute Diseases, at all times. O. S. PllOPHITT, Proprietor, Covingtnu, Georgia. "TUt. O. S. PROPHITT’S VEGETABLE. AGUE PILLS, a .1 I safe and certain remedy for Ague, and Fever, Chills aud Fever, aud all kinds of Periodical Diseases, aud is safe and reliable for all to take at any time. O. 8. PROPHITT. Proprietor. Covington^. Georgia. Cloaks and ShuwN ! * I SILK velvet: BASQUES, (newstyles > KNIT SHAWLS, NUBIAS and GOODS, BABY i •LOAKS AND SHOES, CA.S8l.MI.HE BREAKFAST SIIAWLS, single otui double, BLACK BOMBAZINE SHAWLS Ac., Ac. 100 seta of Children. Misses, and Lndios Kid Gloves!; A handsome assortment of about 73 dozei WHITE and BLACK KIDS. LA PORTE'S BLACK KTDS, (better than Alexandria. THE "GREAT DUTCHESS" KID GLOVE, (some thing new and very becoming.) UouiM-VurniidLiug UomL! A. Sue stack of TABLE CLOTHS; TOWELS. NAPKINS, TABLE and PIANO COVERS. DOYLICS, CRASH. OU.Ci.OTHS, (plain and enameled, for TaWo Cloths,) DR. O. S. PROPHITT’S. Oompouncl Dysentery CJbrcIinT, 4 SAFE and gemiine remedy for all kinds of Periodical iV. Diseases, Dysenteries, DfarrbGEa, Bloody Flux, &c. It may bo given to all sizes, ages aud sexes, and at all times, with perfect safety, whero tlueru ta any tiling of that class mdickted All of the above modicinos will be sold by the dozen or metre at a discount of 33 ^ per cent For sale by Bradfield k Pitman, LaGrange, Ga, and Druggists, generally in tho Southwest. Prepared by O. S. PROPHITT. dcel-ly Covington, Georgia. EAllTliaVAKE IN LAGllAXGE t GOODS AT COST! GOODS AT COST! BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, FINE DRESS Wanted. I WANT a man to take tho AGENCY for Lloyd’s great Double Revolving MAPS of Europe and America, with the 4,000 county colored map of the United Staten on the back, tairaed to-day. and needed by every family, school and library in tho land, with patent reverses, by which either map can l>o thrown front. Each map is 02x64 inches large, with ribbon binding ond double-faced roller; cost $100,000 and three years’ labor. Price $5 worth $50. A Buioll capital will do to start with. $10 a copy can be got for these great maps. Bond for circulars, terms, Ac.— Twenty now maps uuder way, J. T. LLOYD, (P. O. Box 122.) Atlanta, Ga. nov20-lm To Holders of County Orders. COURT OF ORDINARY, ) (Sitting kok County Puhuoseh,) J Troup County November 30th, 1868. j I T IS ORDERED BY THE COURT, That all County or ders, now outstanding, including Jury Scrip, be pre sented ta the Coquty Treasurer, by tho 20th day of Decem ber, that he may register the same, and endursc thereon “Presented.” No appropriation will bo made to meet claims not thus registered und endorsed. H. H. CARY, Ordinary, decl-Ht Attention, Teachers I TEACHERS WANTED—To take charge of theMIUtown, Ala., Male and Female Academy, Applications will bo re- until 10th of December. None need apply exoept those who aro competent, ond who can give good references,und will bo _ .U_.--l.X_, >tH President. T. A. Scott. Bocretary. band Plaster, Ac. I WUX furnish, at LaGrange Dopot, by the ton or car load, GROUND LAND PLASTER, or Gypsum, as good aa the best, In sacks (per ton) at $22 00 In Bbls. (per ton) at 21 00 LaGrange, Nov. 13—tf A. K. COX, Agent. Fresh Meats of all Kind* Eich will be sold LOW FtMl CASH. GOODS nnd LADIES' CLOAKS, At Cost for the Money. And all other goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES for the CASH! Now is tho timo ta get BARGAINS—for wo moan what wo say, and will prove it by our prices. Come and satisfy yourselves. All Indebted to Us Aro carnoatlv requested ta come forward and PAY UP. We Need the Money. IIOGANSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL. WE, the undersigned, Board of Trustees of tho above Institution, take pleasure in an nouncing to tho citizens of Hogansvillo and surrouuding couutry thnt they nave secured tho sorvices of Prof. GEORGE C. LOONEY, principal of the Institution, whoso long •dinars* ability’ as a teacher is not only iu Georgia, but in the adjniuing States. He has employed the best assistants ta be found as co-laborers in the Institution; and wo hesitate not in saying to those at a distance wishing to prepare their sons for College and their daughters taught In Music, that they vannot select a bettor school in Georgia. HogahfevUle is a thriving busi ness town, midway between Newnan and IoGrange, on the Atlanta aud West Point Railroad. Our people are in dustrious, intelligent and moral. Wo solicit patronage; and would say to those wishing board that it may be bud, in tho best families, at moderate or low prices. School opens January 11th, 1868. JAMES M. HURST, JOHN T. PULL1N, A. P. NORWOOD, WM. E. GLANTON, JAMES M. PONDER, JOHN H. OLIVER, JOEL J. LOFTIN. Hogansvllle, December 1st, 1808.—4-1m For Sale. O NE NEW ROOKAWAY AND HARNESS, and one ANO, bickering's make, LOW FOR CASH, or TIME, scoured by lien. ' JOHN A. SPEER. Carpets nnd Oilcloths!! Before speaking of this hue of goods wo would remark., answer to a good raauy remarks "that thoy can buy goods cheaper in Atlanta,” that we will duplicate any bilk any Atlanta Iiouho sells; and if tho bill is ovor $100 wc will take off ft per cent on tho bill. Adding the expenses, ta buy odd or two Carpets and tho freight here, will luako- a difference of at least 20 per cent, in our fevotv W* hav* a largo stock of SINGLE FLY CARPETS* 2 aud 3 •« BRUSSELS “• (the cfcoit*€s#,| RUGS. HASSOCKS* FLOOR OILCLOTHS and MATTINGS. Curtafns, Shades nnd Fixtures I DAMASK, SATIN imd LINEN WINDOW SHADES ITU AW PADHti TASSELS, CORNICES, LOOPS, and everything belonging to lhat lino. Saratoga Trunks and Bonnet Boxes f of all sizes. NAMES MARKED without additional chargo,. Clothing and Gents 1 Furnishing Goods! In this line our stack is tuo well known ta say much about it A full atook of PIECE GOODS, CASKIMERE8, FRENCH DOESKIN, BROADCLOTHS, (blue and black,) BEAVER, (different colors,) COATS, PANTS, VESTS. BLACK VELVET VESTS, SHIRTS, UNDER and OVER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, NECKTIES, SUSPENDERS, HATS and CAPS, TRUNKS and VALISES, WALKING CANES, GUNS and PISTOIH, and everything else usually kept in that lino. To Country Merchants! we would state that we sell at Wholesale Pricet and give the ruiuc terms thoy give. Ever grateful to a genorous people for their liberal pat ronage .bestowed ii| in tho past, and assuring them r endeavor, in tho future, will bo “ To Live nnd Let Live 1 Wc remain, respectfully, WISE & DOUGLASS, r Colton in settle-