The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, December 25, 1868, Image 2

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T % I > 1 t J Hu' r f am ami nVavtlcu, 11 tor's Hulci tm Into rcMdoiu-e of 'Dioh. Jennings, riHhunlu property belonging to unlit hogs, iior^'H, mules, sheep, u’kh, pencotton Hi'oi. iMt*, blacksmith tools, \vng*um, bnrncs*. buggy, one gold tin ! - things too teiltona to mention.— to begin nt 10 o'clock, u. in., nn.I continue until nil pvoperty is Hold. Terms cAHil, unless rhnngod l\ !•:. L. JENNINOR. Executor, \<l m I it i-t rtt tor'* S»li’t in ov ler tVom the Court of Ordinary ol r count,v. " ill In- nold, on the flrwt Tuesday \t. v thin the legal nount of sale, before in sold county, tlie following IhiiUh, AN Il’AIWERH AND PLAiJTERS. • .Two Sillier, MocohhihI : The ... 1 is iiud tin'Sontliennt hull - lot No. lit). ninl iilso the interest, lu r. niiitiuler of the wldmv'11 tlowor, in the NoilhSVe.d luilf ot lot No. 119- nil tilt I of mid conuty. Sold to pay debts. ^d« elHtd$4 41) ' ’AKOI.INK t the 10th dirt- . _ *rms CASH! — MILLER, Ailin'*. V DSOT.UTE necessity, tn times gono by. fdrood yon to purchase nu occasional supply of suoh medicines nn might he administered to the various minibors of your tnniiiy n v yourselves, without the aid of it physician. Vuiioun purgative Pills, Cough Mixtures, Chill McillclncB, Dlnrrlmm rompomirts. Toulon, Blood PurtficrH, and ninny other articles, hnve boon prescribed for you •lAJVhr/Artrn Htnnd-i>oliit, and in ninny coses, tliono wnrt ptepsred them know - ’ * “ - * * -* •* Dr. John Hull’s Column. -f—f ■ , From K. J), Itarrium'l 1'amphlct of tt. /VMfe Lowi.] SUl'KKIOH (lOUHT CALKHUAR. DR. JOHN BULL’S Revised, October, 1808. UlilCAV »TKACKmifill * BLUE RIDGE CIliCUlT. Nor.L B. KHrnirr, Amigo; fi. Jobrsow, Solicitor. Ohorbkee—First Moiidny In March ntul August. Cobb— 1 Third Moudny in Mnrch and first Monday in Oct. Milton—Fourth Monduy In March and third Monday In Attguak l,('ii'iiI Advertisements. in, Troup Comity. Tn thr Superior Court of said County ntul .Stale: MIV. pi tttion of the undersigned, dtiiicns of said county, respectfully Bill inroffc Hi that they (anil their nuccoHMors) d under the name and style of the ii uui.l \ MC’i'lJAl. Ml) COMPANY,” with tliolrprlti- rlpal oilh o and place of doing ImsineM In the city of fai- ti range, Ti*t»u]» oounty Ttie object of lalion for the purpose of aiding helm and logittocH of thono members of the Asseelutt. member of the AswutuUon, each surviviut the dues to wlitcli the decvHm-d bolongcd slnii the deceased's rep- lie or she may dlrert -lobe graduated 1 according to the ago of the Hiuvivlug ite of bin or her admittance into the Ah- •tupany shall huvo tie right to graduate •on and nnnuiil dues of the Utotutom of atom, together with the classes, hud mend**# - < u> they may think best toy the interest the II, nnd the power t'* elect their o.WU officers. op* polnl iigents, till vacancies in their b*f*ly, and fix the Raln- rles of officers, make tludv o"u amt CmiAttlution, ! and do whatever in tln ie jtidjunen* will »*ch* promote the | mtereat. Hint tlio UM-fulnew* ol th*coinpaU^ and. AhhocIii nothtug niemt u«e iruuiuient rtf dlseason In any off- mute, and In the abnenco of hotter i mn**M«ifc tlifur. In ninny iuntiUieon, met with your APPROVING 8MILR8. Now, gentlnmeu, by your asslntanco and your tnrtuenee, which we lutund to MERIT, wo wlnh to effort a slight . Iiiuigc tn the programme; and no long as Wo give nntliwic- tion, shall Iioim' to hu the rcotnienta of public patronage.— ~ 1, ti»r“|B ForayIh—Find Monday tn April and fourth Monday In Augunt. umpkin—Second Monday iu ApHt «nd aocond Moni^y lh fcopbrniher. . ..... Dawnon—Third Mouday in April and second Monday iu Hoptemlinrl Our plan 1h, that the IVlorlical PrOlbiMtotli Tliono who are experleucod In 8outhorn trealmont, and have l>ceii and are In ivory ronpeoi identiUed with tlie Southern people, and who afo known and acknowledged n Hitch, shall, as far an r possible, mamiWcturc and nupply that demand, tlmrt enabling every family tn procure, at all Union, a clans of Medlduon that arc likely to givo, by far, more satisfaction than If prepared In a locality when* dl»- eiisrM are treated dlfforontly. Wc are well awaro that thcro will be arrayed against us an army of Northern Nostrum lUidoaU up hi the wntt to dtfckK. Tl»eix\ aiv tlirce uvnibcra co»vp®«ta» onr ftrnx all grad- UIiVhI amt exportcnced Sauthern Physicfann, nnd with all our ability and experience wo haw pro pared iumA u*)\v offer yon a class of ot lu violation, of iJj,c laws of this petition' Giairlift, which i.i $loO -hoi while the other is $.V100 ole. lh\t there ivro other eoil 'i greatly to pl;wco that belt of bio point of view. Iu the math are utiHurprvBfl xl by any country extreme cold of the North, an the more Southern latitu-l s. White men cau live and labor there all the year with impunity. This fact places that portion of Georgia at a pre mium in comparison with the Southwest coun ties of the State. It is a fixed fact that there a heavy crop of cotton is hard to gather. Fur which purpose your petitioners pray the p.xr.snge of un order by th.Cmir eoiubrrliiR upun yonr petitioners nmt thdr mteccjfxtrH, ensporuk' iinweruurt |*riviU'goB, to- tlier with lukbilitieN applicable_tn \l»Q ohteeta. nnd pur- This If thee... I’tvrmfal int through the winter, lire is tin question. remedy beyond f i- apes The fact that an c xeollent arli< lo of wino has i urcs n been made at Ml. Pleasant, in this county, dur- j for tlu ing the. last ten years, by inexperienced persons, I without must, scale, Acidimeter, or any of the nparatus usually employed bv wine makers, e>- tablislu s the ::up< rior.ty ol this ;* ; Dkpautmknt of Aoiuct’LTtim l sheets of tin annual report c of Agricultuvo now in presf >r distribution betbro January, r gives some interesting lig- ■ to the productions of the soil | ed. The following shows the total yield and money value of the crops nam-: cl for all the States iu the Unit d Staten, i the Dopartmo: i but not read\ the Newark .1 Ainu, at the same time and place, will be sold tie llouan d land thereunto attnelu d, il being the place whereon A. Hurrta now liven. e,outaluing 250 ucron. a>.IJoiu(ug lamlK V II. (ireeu and s. W. Kwanson on tin. West, W. It. 11)- Smith; V. HolK V A. l-Yiwl, uml ii the bust, <«i tin 1 North l\v the vinut gc- to Went lAiim; nituufed. lying and being m tim mil District, t>. M. of Troup comity, levied SBoitNT «’ FFURELL, JOHN K. MORELAND, vviu'.v i». ninth's, ROBERT A. T. KLDT.EY, ilK/.EKIAH S. WIMBISH, WILLIAM M CUNNINGHAM, CHARLES W. MABRY, SHERWOOD W. HWANSON, JOHN I CALLAWAY. cui-girt, Troup County. fkvnvr op OnnwART, Doe. 3d, ISHS. « All LET. MAFF’ETT having Applied U> me William C. Yanee d fro •opia II n nurture a I t. V.i I in Fobruai iBtuto of 'Fbomua.M. Bradford, leeeusod e. to cite nnd ndmonfaft nit concerned -.y olJJeo on of iiftfore the Urn! Monday i show cause, il any tlwy have, why : ^av- Farailjr Modfctne«* Not nncrota nor patonln, which vro thfnk am hoocntly iiuimt by every farmer, planter and family throughout tlie Southern country, and an aanorttiwml vt tlio GREAT SOUTHERN rUEI'ABATlONa nUoiUAWe tatevecj* houee. DROMGOOLE h CO.’S IINOLTSII FEMALE RITTERS Tn a ]»ow»-rftd uterine tenfanad Female Begntatav. and ii Just the ModicUa* no much »«eded by the female commu nity, both old awl young, thronghout tho South. It re- Uevcaalk hTogufarrtioa, remove# obetmotionn, curea pain ful o? Kiipprenaed meuntruation, FuUiug of the Womb, Leucorrhroa or MTiltea, CUIoroHiB. Hynkeries, Palpitation of the Heart, and all that olap.n of oomplafntn peculiar to fe- inaloH. It rentorea^ arouaen and invigorates tho womb, thereby &\tku»lng regularity and health. DnOMGOOIJ^ k CO.'S MLXWf» OF CnMEXaLtK** torpid • Hold Eight Hun ted. lying and be- tieur^la, Ti tufa the ily Am peculiarly to tho pro .* must. - '•ption, is n climate. .-•Id He- brick up County. Coonx or Okdin.vkv, Dccemlwr 3)1, IWIS. I T having lieeu represented to tlie Court that tlie estate id Wiley Womack, lati- of said county, deceased, is These aii'. therefore. f« cib* and ndmonlak all parties i "ti' i nu d. to be and appear at my oillue, on or before tlie llrst Monday iu February next, to show cause, if any they h iv, why the Clei l; of the Superior Court of Kidd ennut)' should not be ap[MiinU.'d to wledutafct 1 eJi flic rjuue tu terms of the law, <!• i ll td c-'o rr H. CARY, Ordinary. Cicorfila, TTouy t uuuty. vmtn 1. f\v lAwaxirtV, Nor. TI, ISC8. fill IN W. PATTEltSUN, Ailmiuiutnitor of John Patter- "lice thil* he will apply b) this apo. 'Hie following Slioi uvertvfo yiobl per ' pill rpuin t p- s. i evied H t I'l. Fa Cniirr for letters of dismtssion from wihl crust.- 1 hi si - nr»\ therefore, h> cije nil i»erw>nfl concert vd to bo and apivar at this .ifhce, on or befbro tho first Monday in two tho «auil gullo . this c upf : deal of tud Utly to four lmu- i nil ii g to the locality; ! nofticst tlie climate i t. st yield,), tuali xpeiimcDt. that | r mini'll «pnn'Ut max-, ; loorest land, wit iu-ut ! mt hesi- l , it any exists, why said letters IT If. CARY, Ordinary. ruble p< laimrmg. \\ • at one thousnud gnllo may be relied on, where sufficient cure has boon i taken, and tho vineyard reached the proper age. 'L’ho annual production of wine in Europe, ut T one dollar per gallon, will exceed the entire debt of the United States’ Government it tho close of the war. The Uni tod Ktuti <. osivcev.dly the Southern portion of it, can and ought to exceed iii:i nud bring i a Harris Superii ■ on or before the first Monday in June next, , it any exists, why said k-Mem fdiould not be |mw9rt-nm-$ft) H. H. GARY, Onllnury. The nim/boi ► nine per head - took iu the United SLi principals, a . will be s .l l tb-‘ uup ol said ( Ucorgla, .TrrriwGhrr County. IV’ ll LKl'.AS. Trillion Fuflon, mtuduistmtor on estate of * V Jan. H. Ifopkfim. avTutrivisti’ator on estate of Wm. S. Tignor. r. |.n sint that tin y luve fully adminteteced said estates, and apply lor letter*of diemiiHsiou from tlio .'•■7 by U. W. I ml:. , thi;rcfore, t the production of u importing wine, wo should > rcction. We can produce it and cheaper than any other [»' So far from sport i >plv di- . AS. W. BANNING. D R *. TL should bo routed by p r L. dirt upon tin t the Lei tin i undisturbed until you main wish to put them out in Deeemb February. Sou; : m.nvy objoet si upon the vine, where ii i.i cover prevent them from being torn uj the dirt more compact and helps to ret. 1 ure. It should he bomo in mind tin most impossible to propagate. Scupper tings without roots, nud that thi mIiol tended to by the first of July yet known young vines to root well, eo middle of August. ing of the T,< ing resolutio . Committee ■ > Resolved, sville h\ -At a r Club. ■s ibv Mf -rs of admlnlstratic ill Diivh, dec cased, and for l<-t- • iK-mm nud pro]K*rty of Ida .. sfonmch, fironwn . ,. t T _ r carries off tho bite, make* ipiirk and \H!mumenV c.iurou, novor uttocU the lisad, nerve# ot i. gives lone to tlie nyHicm, and ran Tie aduibiistered to infants. It cures all fennaof ChiOaand Fever, Iutermit- t ul Fever, Billons Fevely Cougcstivo Chills, and no family should bo without it Pickens—Fourth Mondays lu April and September. Gilmer—Second Mondays lu May and October. Fnnu In—Third " “ " " Union—Fourth " " " __ ‘‘ , Towns—Mondays after tho fourth Mondays In May and October. BULL'S CEORON BITTERS. • AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS ! Arliaivuns Heard From t BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. Wm. M. Sessions, Judge; J. S. Wiooinp, Solicitor. Appling—First Mondays In March and September. Camden —Fridays after tho fourth Mondays in April and Ootobor. . . . ' „ . Charlton—Monday after tho fourth Monday In April and October. Clinch—Fourth Monday In March and Boptembor. Coffoo—Second " " EoholB—Monday alter the fourth Monday tn March and BcptarnffWl Glynu—Third Monday In April and October. Pi arc o—Thursday boforo tho first Mouday In March and September. • ■ Ware—Third Monday, in March and Boptembor. ~ ‘ October. Wayue—Fourth Monday In April and C CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT. E. H. Wobbell, Judge; John Peabodt, Solicitor. Chattahoochee—Fourth Mouday in March and September Harris—Second Monday In April and October. Marion—Firet '* March and September. Mnecogoe—flecoad Monday in May and October. Schley— *' " April and October. Talbot—Third “ March and September. Taylor—Firat ** April and October. CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. JomahR. Parrott, Judge; Ciue. E. Brotuch, Solicitor Bertow—Third Monday tn March and September. Catoosa—Second ” Chattooga—Ftret *• Hawk amd September Dade—Second “ ■■J Gordon—Firat “ April and October. MBiaay—Third TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MEN! C-Dills und Fevey Stony Point, White Co^ r Auk., May 33d, IfiOB. D R. JOHN BULL—Drab Bnt ;—!«*» FebrrMry I vrm In Louisville purchasing drugs, and I got uovto of your Barsnpnrillu und Cedron Bittern. My son-in-law, who was with mo in the store, ban been down with tho Rheumatism for some time, commenced on tho Bitters aud soon found bin general huultli improvod. Dr. Gist, who ban boon iu bod health, triod tliem, nud ho also Improved, Walker—Monday before the first Monday (n Mkfch and Whitfield—Fourth Monday itX April and October. COWETA CIRCUIT, J. D. Tor*, Judge; Wm. A. Adams, Solfcftor. (After (he first of January, 1869.) Clayton— Second Monday lu Murch aud September. DoKnR)—First Farotto—'Tint “ April and October. Fulton—First •* May and November. Mori wether—First “ April aud Octubor. Troup—Third ** klareh and September. EASTERN CIRCUIT. Wm. SrnLKT, Judge; At.ram B. Hmitjt, Solicitor. tn AprK »w) te second Monday MtOMCUXVLE & COv*S AMYGDAUNK A scientific proparatimv tor Coughs, Coltto. Sore Throat, Hno|iing Cough, Pneumonia,, Phenrisy. Croup, ttoararaess. Dry Cough. Pain tn tlie Side, Tightness in the Cheat. Ix»- tiueiiza, Spitting of Blood, and for att other Puhuonnry Affoctions. It immediately loosens the ptitegm, relieves iugh ami pain, pcoamotea freo expecteratlou, and EROMGOOOr k CO.'S EXT. BEARBEUliY, CUBKBS AND BUCHU, FOR THIS. KIDNEYS. For nil uffectkms of ttie Kidney* and Bfintder, whether af- fecting old or young, male or fornate-; for gravel, urinary deposits nt nil kinds, ivteution of Urine, freo mint iucliiia- i of curly indiscrekioi ■ habits of ilisHlputiLML.— Gleet, lencorrhceo, ovll foreboding, melancholy, sleepless nights, nervousness, etc., cun bo cured by using tilts mud- icul compound. L&i*ge bottles #1 00. Of tile 1 mlmouisli all c lit! be phi.' with dirt, It also ket whethe i wus presented by i Labor: rimt tliis A8sociution rouoguiao ik n of labor than that whieli is oqnirii money contracted for it ; therefore, ntraets for labor shall be ftiliilli'd, regards the industry requisite or tlii time specified; that xvitliont - aeh .1 .thisIvy oi time contraeted for, the laborer shall be de.emu unworthy of his bin*; nud to cany out this view it is ivci miiK ialed tu fdl member.; oi this asso ciation, as well as to tho community at large that a certificate of character for industry, lion ■ sty und the fulfillment of engage quired of all seeking employment, be taken without such certificate, plover deems justice to himself, ii tects the laborer. |Tlu* necessity for the adoption action is as essential to the prosperity of tlioag- | siiin. -. ricultural community of Alabama as that uf i Gibboun. Kentucky. As is stated the law protects tho la- I ConstaDi. l.>orer, but is sadly remiss in providing fur the | vritliin tlie Your Life Blond Jfmt Ue Pui ilicd , wbv fftTt MiHiday tu January, f f-ind Vv Thia November 27, 18158. vlii- td.;;«) J. W. BANNING. O. M. C. rgla, Trailj> County. CiiriiTw OiU)ix.uiY, December 13, 1808. JBERT M. YOUNG having applied lor Mttcrs of ad- tlur ewtate of JiunoB T. Dix, Lite of . dec t thjH iiflli: id GO link I'lVS, HOllUl-V No. 280; lyiik , il on ,i.< tlie prop- 1 should not be granted, . M.... . Dm and that 'lhis th LS the lu> pro- • -ueh MODE OF PUTTING OUT VINES. Dig holes (the larger the better), thirty-five feet each wav, set up ;> -lake and till the hole half full with any good manure. Throw upon th«! manure top soil to within four or six i idles of tlie surface, cover up and pack tlie dirt well around tho cutting, leaving the surface lower than elsewhere. AY lien the vines begin to grow, bo certain to keep all the shoots br< >ken off but <me, which must bu trained up the stake by be ing tied to it, or (which is much better) by hav ing a hard twisted cord to extend up and down the stake. As the vine grows, untwist the cord, and let in p tendril which will hold the vine se curely. MODE, COST, \C., OF ERECTING AN ARBOR. This will depend entirely upon the locality, both as to mode and cost. In most places, in this country, where pine timber, and, in some places, cypress is so abundant, the best and cheapest is to get lightwood or cypress posts, and place them ten to fifteen feet apart, as you . . . . . n like, with railing from one to another. The j server, and lus ri Milts which he sends us, tally amount of railing may be very much lessened 1 v ®ry well with the views ot those who hfiVe given nv tlu>y 11. 11. UAItX, Ordinury (■corgiii, Jllcrixv**f tier County, yyriif;uEAS' ; Jaini s M. Arrington roprcuents to tlu* 'ourt thut he baa fully administered the ettkte of :r, dec sutipfy . F. Shafer to Cu.u-t of the and Patrick I till! I Si ■ite and admonish all concerned to ■ pr. scnliid l»,v bur, why letters of ist. should iio| be granted said up- ■Hoi ■f tlu; empToj-er, on whom tliu laborer is dcjicmti ivr. Li fact t!i«; apparently studied . effort to foster the inui/ediite interest of the em ployee at the sacrifice employer, is a ix>licy akin j v . Uslill thl to that of killing the goose that laid the golden j and Patrick Giliboi egg.—Livinyston Jcncninf. I 101110 by a Constat of said City, for to satisfy i 701'st Din.. iTi-onL* U S'*. -i'-.-now lives ! •i the. West side . *1 the Chill- j * la t ii, Block lit, in the mup JAS. W. banning, O. n gia, IHcriwdltci- County. T. FULLER applies for letters wf guardiaiydu'p, jv**r> , wm and pioperty, of Jolumie Freemau, ori)lum of llh- , deceased fore, to cite and admonish all concerned, objections, it any they have, why said letters j Also, a Horuo ami Lot in tin-city of West Point, West side of the Claittahoftcliei- river, whereon David F. ■- I Blunder now lives, duscribed as ljit "). Block U>. in the map s tha ]>rop.-rty David F. Rlieafor Experiments mtth Milj:.—We find the follow ing in tliat nuwt excellent paper, tlie Aincritxm ArrrciiHarist, for December. . L , 1 . •’ _ MoMilluu vb. David !■ KliactuT Mr. Frank J. Clarke, of Butts Co., instituted ; to me by n Constable, a course <•>!' experiments to guide him iu manag ing his dairy. He is, we think, ten accurate ob- Baid City as Lot 5, in Block 18. 1 vy made and returned y, 18(59. This Nov. 2T, XW58. deet-td-$3 ,r.\s. w. B \NNTNG, o. m. c. Notice to Delitors nud Creditor*. V LI* person* indebted to the estate of John Motley, de ceased, are hereby notified to make immediate pwy- nieiit; und those having eluinm ugainst said estate xvfll render them in, in compliance with the law, or tliis notice xvill he plead iu bar of their collect!) uovl:i-7t-* JANIUM Chattdiooeluf by the use of brush for the young vinos to run J the subject the most atudy. -I hey arc as lol- uuon. Where timber is plentiful aud conven- : lows: 1. 'fhe quantity of the* milk mners^ »1- ieut, all tlie arboring for the second year (first , most, il not quite as much as the quantity given year only requiring stakes) can bo erected by j by different cows. In lrnying get a samplo of hiring all the work done at »t cost of fifteen dol- ! the lars per acre. Most farmers can make them at j riel leisure times without scarcely any perceptible gives cost. The cost will increase e /ery year, a little, until the arbor extends over the entire ground. The time necessary for this to be accomplised, will depernl upon the attention paid to the yard. We think it can be doim by extra care richer t milk, if possible. J. A : milk when fat than when poor, poorer milk with the first calf than after wards, other conditions beinfc equal, d. Tlie older a cow is, the richer her milk, until her con stitution begins to fail. fi. The langu r the pe riod which has elapsed since since calving, the milk. Th** richness of the feed. and attention to enriching the soil, wutcliin; «fcc., in five or six years. Where timber is scarce, other modes will occur to the vice grower, and, if at a greater cost, perhaps, he will feel compensated by the im provements in neatness and appearance. A nice arbor could be erected, at no very great outlay of money, with ft telegraph wire. But wo are not prepared to speak advisedly as to tho risks of electricity. Wo unhesitatingly make the as sertion, based upon an experience (though upon a small scale) of twenty-five years, that extension is the “ one thing needful” for Soup- pemong vinos, and utterly condemn anything like pruning, lapping, or anything of the sort, except to procure a single stem from the ground . to the railing of tho vineyard. Then let it run in every direction, merely endeavor to keep the vine in a horizonhd position, by continually en larging tho arbor. It is exceedingly wonderful to see the area of ground that a single vine, iu a rich plucc, will cover. MAKING THE WINE. We will give the opinion for what it may be worth, with all the advantages of aparatus for ascertaining the amount of acid, sugar, Ac., and suitable cellars for keeping the wine, that wine makers elsewhere have, that tho must of the Scnppernong grape will make a wine, especially a sparifling wine, that cannot be excelled in any part of the world. This, of course, is a mere opinion, but it is based upon tho fact that, in our simplo way, we invariably make a superior wine. Our plan consists simply in expressing the jtiico from tho grapes, adding from one to two pounds of sugar, filling up a vessel and keeping it full during fermentation, by having gome extra juice on hand for the: purpose. Af ter allowing fermentation to go on from ten to fifteen days bung up, so tightly so as to exclude all possibility of air entering the cask, and leav ing it undisturbed until tho wine is made. Some close up the bung tightly at once, after about ten days; others closo ifc up gradually within the timo mentioned. No doubt but that it would he better to exclude the air entirely from the be ginning, by means of a crooked tube, with one oRd fastened in the bung of a vessel, containing the must, and tlie other end of tho tube in a ves uri containing water. It is, perhaps, Unnecessa ry for me toWy more upon mi 1 king wine, as much moro valuable information can be procured olsowlier« upon this part of the subject under consideration. Wo will say something, howev er, about the number of gathering tire grapes, and obtaining the jitter «h these things are done in a different manner than rf'roroiOther grapes.— Wait Until the grapes are fajly ripe—place a forked stick under the vi:ies nnd down upon a cloth spread for the pucr^’-'-^Arou only want to make a small quji r tub at*J mash them with) The richness of tlie cream varies—that from tlie richest milk make the most butter. U, A cow should be in a first rate condition when she/* calves; all the fat goes into the pail. 10. The stripping® or last milk, is five ta nino times bet ter than the first milk drawn. 11. A cow must be in good health, to give rich and wholesome milk. 12. Milk should be strained when 48 hours old and sweet." Corn Husks.—It has been discovered in Aus tria that sixty per cent, of tho weight of corn lmsks nro of value in the arts. They obtain from every one hundred pound;; of husks twenty pounds of excellent varieties of paper, twenty- five pounds of long fibre, suitable for spinning ami weaving into a cloth of great strength and capacity for resisting all tendency to decompo sition, and fifteen pounds of farinaceous sub stance, which by itself, or added to wheat flour, makes an excellent bread, that will keep sweet, and good for months, and is thus well adapted to supply the place of hard tack in armies and at sea. Husks arc now worth $70 per ton in St. Louis for the manufacture of mattresses. To prepare them for market it only needs to split them ouoo or twice and bale them. Recite for Scratches.—Take common bar lead and melt it as yon would to mould ballots; then take flour of sulphur and sprinkle on it un til the load is entirely burnt to a powder. It must then be pounded into a lino white powder, and a sufticioncy of hog’s lard uddtki to it to make a good ointment of proper consistence.— Now trim tho hair well from tho diseased part, and wash clean with soap and warm water each day and then rub this ointment on well with a corn-cob. Tliis will cure tho worst cases of scratches in a few days. To fix Colors..—The following very useful suggestion, from tho Ashville News and Western Farmer, will be acceptable to our lady readers: Pqt three exits’ worth ot sugar of lead in a washtubfnl of water put the dresses to be wash ed iu it, and lot them remain twelve hours; then take tliem out aud dry thoroughly, washing them iu the usual way. Charcoal for Swine,—Iq every hog pen there should be a trougln irfwhieh there should be de posited weekly a qiumtity of charcoal. Tho hog eagerly devours Mtjy substance, and is greatly benchlted and strengthened by its constant use. It prevente many mipuiaRant diseascs and con tributes Jtugcjy.t*' the fatty secretions. .-.^grietiHaro is im ert—man is the artiaL-rtke ‘ *T-Juratory—aniitutl strength his power moiefcuiv his agents David F. Sli; Bticefa Court of the 701 st Dte favor of William E. .Jones vh. David F. Skcafc 1 returned to i tint in»< Hardy rrod others. Akers to satisfy ; Superior Court iu J.cvied i Levy by a Ci mutable. time aud pluce, will be sold Lot of land • 7th District of Troup county, contain- re or less, adjoining lands of Truitt. > as the property of Samuel ige Fi. Fa. issued from Troon D. A. Bcati, transferee of T. T. Smith vs. Samuel Akers. Mortgago dated tltb May, istif.. Also, at the same time and place will bo sold, a certain square of ground railed the “Garden-Lot," with.tena- ments tliereon; situated *md Wing In the city of West L’oint, Go., West of the Cliattuuooclieo river; said House ami Lot is tlie same recently churned by Mrs. Caroline Hunter, .mil wln-retm idle resided. Levied on as property of Timothy Collins to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from Troup Superior Court in favor of Conklin .x Smith vs. T. & T. Collins. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorneys.— Lew made by J. O. Towns, fornn*r Slieriff. da*. 1 THUS. 0. MILLER, Sberitr .TANI*: MOTLEY, Executrix. Georgia, Mi riwdiur County. ■WHEREAS, the estates of JuBepli J. Welbom, deceased, T t uml Thus. Jeff. Grant, deosiscsl, are unrepresented: Tin's is to notify ulT m/net-nied t<» show cause, if any ex ists. why tlie administration of said unrepresented estates should not lie vested in the Clerk Superior Court, or some ’tlier lit and proper pei-sou, on the 1st Monday in January, JAS. W. BANNING, ojt.c. DROMQOOLE A CO. *3 CO X S TITUTIONAL MONARCH, Which will immediately otadTcate all impurities of the Blood, Constitutional Derangements, stern Discuses and Eruptions, Scrofula, Camp Itch, Tetter, Scaldhoud, Ring- w<«ii», Syphilis und all Syphilitic Dlseane*, Effects of Mi*- curj-, Tumors, Boils, old Ulcers und Sores, Pimplef Blotches, Enlargements, und ull those diseases requiring Dr. Coffbo, who has boon in bad health Kir seven)! years stotnneh awl liver affected—improved very mts h by IU» ubo of your Hitlers. )ndood, tlie CEDRON lUXL'lhBB.tuis give* you grout popuJurHy in tin* settlement. I think I could sell a groat qiumtity of your MedtcteieH this fall—es pecially ojf your Oodron Bitters and SartwyiwUa. Sih^p use via Meiucfeifa. care of Kickct A; Neelj'. RcspecUuUj'. C. B. WALKER. Bnllli Worm Destroyer. 7t> my r>iiT«f .StoiW umf S r nrtd~Wide Readers: J HAVE reooivwi many testftaouials from professfomtl and rui‘dicoA ucn, as my alimuacuautl various jmbli- niuations I have ever rvmL Dr. Cli*raent knows exactfiff what he apeak* ol, and hi* tostStuony ilosorves to h« writ ten in totters of gold. Hear what the Doctor suys of BULL'S WtAEM DESTROYER. Ynaukttost. W.xlkskCix, G*^ JlUne 29ttw I960. JUriN BULJj—Dkak Sin:—I have recently given womde staucc toUnviv tlie wished for cffbcL I uni doing a pretty large country pructa e, and have daffy Bryan—Fonvlh Mowfay foAprK a« after fxirfl* Monday fn November. Bulloch—Friday after thfril Monday lu March and Friday after tho fourth Moudny iu October. Chatham—Second Monday in January and May. Efflnghum—Mouday after the fourth Monday In March and second Monday alter the fourth Monday in October. Liberty—Third Monday in April anti Monduy after tho fourth Monday tn November. Mvlutewh— 1 Thursday after ihe second Monday fn April ami Tt>\krs«.fay alter tlue fourth Monday tn November. Maii4gouuenr—Thursday after- the sseoa*# Mcaulay lu March nnd Thursday after tdiird Monday in October. Tattnall—Third Mouday to March, aid fauiMi Monday tto October. FI,INT CIRCUIT. J.«mcs W. Gataxi*. Judge; L B. ANi>FJtsov, Soltcitee. Butte—Second Mnaiitoy in March and Se ptember. Henry—Tbini “ April and October. Mourn—Fourth Newton—Third Pike—First Spalding—Vlret Upson—First February *nd August. March and September. ApriT and October. February-and August. 3fay aud November. MACON CIRCUIT. Cmnow B. Come, Judge; XL W. Crtocmr, failtuftor. Bibb—Third Monday in May and JCwrinbrr. Crawtord—First Monday In March and September. Dooly—Fimt “ April and October. Homtton—Third “ February and Angust. Maeon—8e«ond ** March and November. Twiggs—Fear to “ “ September. MIDDLE CIRCUIT. Wst 6bk«, Judge; Jso. K. pBUvorr. Soilcttor. Fliakr—Third Mmiduy iu May and November. Coliandim -First **• Match aud Keptomler. Eliwnuel—WednuHifay after dx tfaarth Mondays 10 Marrfi and fie^iteniher. Jeflbrsou—GBcona Monduy fn May and Nevemher. . for sumo article of tliu kind. I hiu fret; to csaifcsH that I know of no rem edy recommended by the ubtost niitliors Unit is so ivrfciin und sjiet-dy in its effects. On ttw- coutrury fluty are uncer tain in the extreme. My oliiect i»» writing to joule ttml out upon vrhu* Udotih I cun get tho medicine directly from If I can get it upon oitoy terms I shall use a great deal of it. .^iparwuas tout the use of such article? te p ," trory to\ho leuchtnnLtoad praettet* of a great majority tho rtgntnr Ihm of M. but 1 sett no Just cause or go* Just cause or good Hiiuply because we n»y bo ipnoraut o| its combination.— For iny pari, I shall nvike it a mte te>«»? all and any imams to alleviate suffering hunsinfty which I xany be able to command—not hesitating bemuse wane one m*>re' hige Our other proporatfonn of equal purify ace as fiollinrs: Diomgoole k Co.’s RED DIARRHCEA REMEDY, for all form* ot Diarrhom, Vomiting, etc. Diomgoole k Co.’s DYSENTERY COMPOUND, fi>r Dysen tery. Bloody Flux. Mucus Diarrhrea, etc. Dcomgoole & Co.’s VEGETABIdu ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, a sure, sale and effectual compound lor family use. Dromgoole A Co.’s LIVER 1’ILLS, tor arousing the Liver, cleansing the Stomach and Bowelsof aU billoCM matter. Dromgoole Co.’s EUREKA SECRET CURE, fur a certuiu clast- of troublesome dfaeuses. Price f-j 50L Dromgoole A Co.’s TONIC HAIR RESl’l)RATTVE, fi»r re storing tin- tour to its natural color aud preventing bald- Dromgoole A Co.'s LONE STAB LINIMENT, for Rheu matism, Pains, Bruises, Sprains, etc. Dromgoole A Co.’s PILE SALVE—a certain, s&fa aud ef fectual remedy for all forms of Piles. Order* solicited—none sent out ou commission. J. P. DROMGOOLE k CO., Proprietors. Orders for any of tho Great Southern Preparations, cau be nddressed to any of the foOrmrfttg wholesale agents. EDWIN M0RRI8 * CO^ Louisville, Ky. BARNES, VfAJG> A CCL New Orleans. I. C. DoBOSE, MobiTo, Afa. COLLINS BROTHERS*. S*„ Lotcfa. Also, for sale by BRADFIELD A PITMAN, uut A C. WARE, I.aGmngo, Georgia, and Druggists every wherei. nov*dec ) time ul plan Also, at the s: liorsd coltw and of John W. House t<> satisfy a Mortgage Fi Fa issued from Troup Superior Court in favor of John W. Stewart vs John Vi. Houh*. Property pointed out in said Mortgage. . MOOTY. Deputy Sh’ff. Mnlwi:fixer County Shciitf’s Salt*. W . r LL liosokl, licfon.- the CMirt House dut«* in the town ofGm nville, on the tirstTuesday in January next, the Allowing property, to-wlt : One liumJred and cightj'-Hvo acres, /non) or less, of the North and Vest portion of lot No. l’i. .Also, lots Nos. 11 and 10, except a reservation of two acres for a church tliereon. Lots Nos. 206 and 267, except the mill thereon, and five acres, more or less, sold with the mill. Also, lot No. 2(58, except tivo acres, more or less, sold with the mill mi lot 2<i7, and excepting, also, ten acres sold with the church tlu roon, with the privilege of the spring, Also, tlie following lands, situated in the second district of said county, to wit: Tho West half of lot No. 162, end one hun dred and twenty-eight acres of tlie Western portion of lot No. 1(58. Also, interest In remainder* alter the termina tion of tho life interest of Mrs. Jane Campbell, (dower,) in the following lands in the* same district, to-wit: Lots Nos. Oil, and 91, the Smith half of lot No. 08; nud lots Nos. 99, 100, 129 and 127. except tho mill thereon, and ten acres sold with the mill; and Nos. 180 and 131. Also, lute Nos. 158 and ir>9—each of said wholo lots containing two hun dred and two aud one-half acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of Catlett Campbell, deceased, by virtue of, aud to satisfy, ail. fa.issued from Meriwether Superior Court in favor or Isaac B. Williamson as, Francis A. Boykin, Catlett Complied, a mV Charles II. Harris, Prin cipal, Milton P. Tucker and John Knight, Securities on stay of fi. fa. Property pointed out by U. Hill, Plaintiffs Attorney, Also, will be sold, at the same time nnd place, eight hun dred pounds of seal cotton, levied on as the property of Vi. II. Gralnini; and one thousand and twenty-four pounds of sood cotton, levied on us tlio property of J. T. Harris, to satisfy a fi. fa, issued from Meriwether Superior Court in favor of 11. M. Cherry vs. W. II. Graham, principal, and John T. Harris, scmirity. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. F. W. BLOUNT, Sheriff. docJ-td-fT £50 for first levy, j2 51? for last Administrator’s Sale. wotlier county, Go., between the usual hours of sale, tlie lands belonging to the estate of Jackson Cone, docca«ed— consisting of lots No. 212 and 237, lying and being in the 7tli and 8th Districts of said county, nb&nt three miles West of said town, containing 505 acres, more or less, (A small burying ground reserved— Vi acre.) Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county. TERMS CASn! unless changed novl8-tf--*4.8Q WM- A :^*5A_ 1 'JS,_jVdnPr Administrator’s Sale. Tucsdiiy iu January, J8(5l), ono fifth inten-est in lots of lands No. (19 and 07, lying and being in tho 8th district of said conuty, belonging to tho csUte of Joseph Moore, de ceased, Terms Cash. This Nov. 3d, 1898. nov9~td-$4 UilAB. Ii. MOORE, A.lm’r. uary fur leav^ to sell the real estate Georgia, McrlvrciUcr County, I EROY (’. MANN, Executor of the last will nnd tcRtn- j ment of Baker Mann, dec’ll, having uppliod tome for letters of dismission lYom Huid trust: This is, there fore?, to cite aud admonish all persons concerned to be and oppoar at my Office, on or before tlio first Monday iu March, 1899, to show cause, If any they cun, why wkl let ters should not be granted. Given under my luiul und official signature, rb»* tost day of August, 1898. sepL-prs feo$(i JAR. W. BANNING, o.M.r. Georgia, Troup County. V OTTCE is fu-reliy given that on tlio first Monday m De- comber next, I will apply to the Ordinary of Troup county for leave to sell the real estate of Thomas Jeuuhigir, lute of said county, deceased. _ oct2-td P, E L. JENNING8, Ex’r. Georgia, Tioup County* ^ Office of Ohdinary, Dec. lOtli, 1868. T OHN M. HOUSE has applied for exemption of person al altv, and settiug upurt :md vuluatlou iff homestead, aiul I will pass upon tlie same ij 10 o’clock, a. m., on the 28th tluy of December, lhtw, at iny omee. . 1 ™ H. H. CARY, Ordfmry. Georgia, Troup County. T -,, Omcxoir OuDfSAfiT, Doc. nth, 18C8. R. MOOTY, acting as next Mend of Suruh E. Mooty, • bus applied for exemption of personalty, and Betting apart and valuation of hoiucstoad, aud I will pass upon -<*»-* «♦ i -riock, p. in., on the 28th day of Decem- H. H. CARY, Ordinary. Notice to Debtor* uud Creditors \ LI* persons inde bted to tho estate of Gtorgo W. Hum- phroys, deceased, are requested to come forward and Kettle; and those having claims against said eBtato will present them, duly authenticated, within the time pre- scrihed by law. • THOB. M. FLOYD, _ [delS-dOd*) Ailministrator. Georgia, Troup County. Ohdinahy’s Office, December II, 1868. r. THOMPSON has applied for exenqitiou f i of personalty, and I will pass on tho same, at La Grange, ntll o'clock, a. m., on the 2Kth of December, at my l,, hcc. decl8-2t.-$ 1 50 H. IL GARY, Ordinary. Georgia, Meriwether County. OnpiKAirr's Ovtice, Dee. I6t!i, 1868. 1" OIIN T. HARRlSS lias applied for exemption of por- CK> DFHEU I£ENER, MANUFACTUHER OR ALL KINDS OF FUB.MTUBE, (At lifa Old Stand,) La Grange, Georgia, Hlfinufiu I firing und Ibjialrlng AIX JUNDS OF ^ MJ :k«, -jw jc r sv 'Ifcr ’JE Low lor Ca?4) ! Georgia,, Meriwether County. jXTY days after (late I will apply to the Honorabl^ __ MEl’ALIC BUUfAL CASES and \VOOD COFFINS, of all * l*f filled Gatdiwii. drimaeod; l'm r i Hu ala*. always kept on hamL ptopd^H to SAW TIMBER INTO LUMBER on oct23 DR. O. W. PROPHITT’S FAMILY MEDICINES, CON83SXXNU or UK CELUateXU* LIVER MEDICINE, ANODINE PAIN KIEL* IT, ANTI-DIEIOUS PILLS, AOUE PILLS and. DYSENTERY CORDIAL. T HE excellent n no reeommeui moving the diseases peculiar to our Souttiesn climate hav ing ulrvady established for them an enviable reputation in Georgia amt the adjoining Stales. As Oie majority of per sons Bring fn Mm South are predisposed to disease of the Liver, it la granted by all intelligent Fhysfctuns that most of the pains and aches of our people an* dne to organic functional derangement of that important organ. Proph- llt'a A uH.nflin*iB Ullu IW .Ul. 2,1.. iwiw wo «***• auvj luir iu* aver, wineu, in iliue cases out of ten, is at the bottom ol the Cbugb* r Dys pepsia, Cholic, Sick Headache, Rheumatism, UonetipstioM, tmai UbMMicuons, etc., so common among our peo- Earache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily pains of every kind, lice before PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT like chaff before the wind. I F you got snake bl 1 , internal and external. If you have & fresh wound of any kind, use the Pain Kill It If you get dog bit, apply tho Pain Kill it O. 8. PROPtOTT, Pr« iprietor* Govtogton, Georgia. TYBL O. S. PROPHITTfil ANTI-BILLIOUSi YfiGETABLE .17 PILLS, Purgative and Febrifuge. Theee Pills may be relied tu*** os a toto add efficient cathartic, in aU Febrile and AcuteDtoNues, atoll timeit 0.8. PROPHITT, Proprietor, Covington, Georgia. Diseases, and is safe and reliable for all to toko ut any time. 0. S. PROPHITT, Proprietor, Covington, Georgia. DR. O. 8. PROPHITT’S Compound Dysentery Cordial, \ SAFE and genuine remedy fbr all kinds eff Periodical ti D y HUuterit ‘ H * Diarrhcoa, Bloody Flux, Ac. It may be given to ufi sizes, ages and sexes, and at all times, with perfect safety, where thore is anything of that class indicated AU of the above medicines win be sold by the dogen moro at a discount of S3 VS per cont For sale by Bradikdd k Pitman, LaGrango, Ga,, and Druggists, generally in the Southwest Prepared by o. g. PROPHITT. rtec4-ly Covington, Georgia. a. #. noBxnxs, I w. a. uchaudson. Marietta, Go. | Marietta, Ga. | * Louisvillo, ky. the GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS ^HEnwjprepared to fill all orders for MARBLE, and MaiaMiiEients, Slabs, Tombs, Ac., finished in the best style, and at LOWER PRICES than the same work can be done with Northern Marblo. Our Marble is equal to the BEST AMERICAN. Dealers can be supplied with BLOCKS and SLABS of any dimensions. For any information or designs address GEORGIA MARBLE WORK8, Either at Marietta or Jasper, Pickens co., Ga. W. H. SIMS Is tho Agent at LaGrango. sepl—tf nious than myself may have learned its effects first and secured file- a»>to right to um»* that kmnrlrdgc. However, I am by no means nn ailvocute and supporter of the thou sands of worthless nostrums that flood the country, that punsirt to cure all muunev- nf dfaeusi* to which human flesh is hoir. Pksisc* reply soon, aud Inform me of your JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. BULL’S S AUSAPARIULA. A Good Rtamu Bur the Captain’s Faith. odily pall KILLIT __ If you ha vo In digestion or Dyspepsia, in any form, or any other OlironleDiseaso, use PROPHITT’S LIVER MED IC1NE. It Is suib aud reliable, purely vegetable, and • litmid ready for use at any and all times. a Prico, $2 per bottle; 33)£ percent, discount by tho dozen or moro. 0. 8. PROPHITT, Proprietor, Covington, Georgia, PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT, *»>»« tor my sou to again huvo reoourse to your Sarsapariila. He is fasriiil ofgetting- a apintona arigplo, hence his writing Bkstoh Bmouckh, Mo., April 30®r, IMG. D R. JOHN BULL—DeAn 8ra:—Knowing the efficiency * Sarsaparilla, and the healing and beneficial qualities it possesses, I send you the following statement of my vmm i I was wounded about two yearn ago—was taken prisoner sod oonfbwd for sixteen months. Befaw moved wo often, my wounda have not healed yet. I have not sat op a mo- ment sfneo I was wounded. I aia shot through the hips. My general health is impaired, and 1 need something to aseist nature. I havo more faith in your Sarsaparilla than anything ebo. I wish that that is genutoe. Please express me half a doceu bottles, und oblige CAIT. 0. P. JOHNSON. 8t- Louis, Mo. P. A—Tho tofiowfng wm written April 80,1866, by Mrs. Jennie Jobason, mother of Capt. Johnson: D R. BULL—Dea* 8n»^-My husband, Dr. C. fi. John- son, was a skinful Burgeon and Physician in Cen tral New York, where he died, leaving too above C. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of age ho had a chronic dfarrhcca and scrofula, for which I gave him yonr Sarsaparilla. IT cU&kd him. I havu for ten years recom mended it to many in New York, 5hio and Iowa ucrof. ulu, fever sores, aud general debility. Perfect sueoeaa has attended it, Tho cures vfibeted. in umieoMea of aovofala nud fover sores wow ahno^ mhacutouj I am verywix- Murch and September. Jbasrarv and*. Scrivon—First “ May und November. Wutdimg,k*i—tWvimd Motxfay at Marcia and Se^Wnaber. 3H«nrMEKN CIRCUIT. GuosnTASBMWii. Jkody* v : J- M. iltnuv*. SolK-itvr. Elbert—Seeoud Monday in Marrh nud September. Glasscock—Third **■ Jhdcxmay tarf AJignst. Hm^ork—Hecund ** JprfT »nd OtfcSer. Hart—Thinl “ liarch aud September.. Lincoln—Ktiurfii ** April and I k-tober MwBhom—First •• March and September. Ogtetiiorpe—Third Monrfay i I’ll Ua fi: m>—Fou r to Warren—First Wilkes—Fourth * Aprd ami Dvtober. February and Auguaft. Ajrrfl' im>I October, kbirch and September. OCMULGEE CIRCUIT. P. B. Ronnraov, Judge; FLRvrva Jordan*, Solfciter. Baldwin—Fourth Monday in Febmary and August. Gtvene—Second •• Murch and September. Jasper—Pbnrlb “ Aj»ril and October. March nd September. April and October. PATAULA CIRCUIT. D. B. Hximrr.i.. Judgw; 5>. ¥. Clay—Fourth Monday >: Early—First Miller*—Second *« Quitman— 1 Third ‘ Randolph—First • May and November. Webster—Second Mouday March aud September. Irwin—On Thnmday offer Tetfate Court. Iaun.-ns—Socoud Mouday in April and October. Lowndes—Mondays after Colquftt Court. Pttfaski—Third Monday in April Hud October. SOUTH-TTK8TEFN CfRCCTTR. J. M. Cuakke. Judge; R. H. Wuixeixy, Solicitor. Ikkcr—Third Monday in May and November. Calhoun—Third ** March and September. Decatur—Fourth “ Aprff and October. Dougherty—First Monday m June and December. March and September. May uud November. AprS and October. TALLAPOOSA CttCUTT. J. St Biobt, Judge; C. Z>. Finwrin, Solicitor. Campbell—Third Mouday in February aud August. Carroll—First •• April and October. Coweta—First M March and September. Floyd—Second •* January and July. Hantew—ItM ” April aad October. Heard—Third ** march aad September. Paulding—Find " Fobottary and Angnat. Folk—Fourth •* Janaary and July. WESTERN CIRCUIT- C. D. Pitia Jodga; W. L. Mawu, SaScfior. Banka—First Monday in April and October. Clarke— M *• February and seeoud te Atifvsi Franklin—Second Monday in April and October. Gwinnett—Firet " March and second in Sept. Habersham—Third •• April opd October. Hall-Third " Sfircli sud Septepaber, to you for i». HU wounds will recover. Bcipectfufyi ivehe DR. JOHN BULL, Manufacturer and Vender of too Celebrated SMITH S TONIC SYRUP, ron i«g cufiE qf Aguo aud Fever, ChllU Mud Ffver. rilHE proprietor of tola celebrated medicine JrtHy claims A for it a auneriprity over all other remediea ever offered to the public for toe safe, certain, speedy and permanent cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of ***1 or J on 8 standing. Ho refers to too entire Weatorn ff*'Jthweatorn country to boar him testimony to toe truth of toe assertion that In no ease whatever will It fail to euro, If the directions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great mauy caacs a single dose has been suffi cient to oure, and wholo families havo been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration to toe general health. It 1* however, prudent, and in every case more certain to oure, if its use is continued in smallor doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, moro especially in difficult aud long standing oases. Usually, this medicinu will not require any old to keep the bowels in good Order; should tho patient, however, require a ca- thurtic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of tho Tonic, a single doso of BULL’S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS is sufficient Tu VO® KAI ) S -)VE MONEY by tjcttlun yourrrintluijrto JL ottlie JiEEOBTEllOrpiOE. Dr. .Toliu Ball*. P,|„i lpal Oflce i NO. 10, CROSS STJtEE-r, LpUISVtLLE, KENTUCKY. W AU of tlio above ramodJee for bale by BnuMclil A ribiuB, Drngglete, LaOraidc, Ga. jr aeicBon—Fourth U.hnn—Tlrai Walvai—« Aebniftry aud Auaael. Whfto—Mayday aflov fnorlh April «i\<| OcV*er. OAVAWNAH SOUTHERN CIRCTIT. J. R. ALKXSNDUt Jodgft; W. B. Bvamjctt, Solicitor. Berrien—Monday after bwfn Court Brotfaa—Mouday after Lowndes Court Colquitt—Mouday after the third Monday te May oal !fa- l>Ifair—Friday after Hie fimrfh Mouday m April and Ott Daily and Weekly, BY R. SNEED, PROFRIRTOR, of tol« time-honored journal, entire time to making it, as a newspaper, second to nonu iu the Houth. The flberal patronage of past and better years, Yflfilo the Republican was under his charge, encour. ages him to hope that by prompt and continued support, the puL*c will onablo him to carry this purpose into effect. To % Merchants of the South, and especially of hia own State, he looks with confidence for a generous support, promising them, in return, toe best Nows. Commercial FoUttafi Journal that hia experienced capabiliUea The Weekly R^mbUtan, designed moro especially fbr the planting community, and others who have not toa privi lege of a daily {nail, will be found to contain aU toe news, of the week condensed Into a small compass, md by toe emj of toe year we expect to issue it on a large imperial sheet ol eijjbiMP*ge«. to oontain more reading matter than on, y«r, *10; rtv month.. »»; for .tew * *■ • We.Uy, per year, *9, ' either edltlQB, e Ivanoe, fbre b will ba requlr* ed, without exception, AU letters ahoidd bo addreaaod as below x . „ ... »• SNIMD, ♦« Republican” Office. Savannah, Qa. novia WRBKLY IIATlOlfAL KBPVBUCAK, Anifueta, Qeorsla, rriBF. proprietor, of the UAIIY NATIONAL 11EPUBI.I. X CAN. lu iMraplbmce with tho popular domend. com.' mouced thei pnbHeiUen, In thl. oily, on Saturday. Iho 31«l Octnljfcr, of u Weekly jQiira»l, Bllotl a . .hove. The WEMaV NATiOTfAi, Republuian contain. Twenty-Eight Column, principally from tho Dally, embracing the 1.1... now. by Telcpraph >nd Mall, hill Report, of the M»rket, Editorials, Mlbcollauy, Poetry, Hint, on Funning iiar.l,.,V lag Sh*k APd Fruit Rubdagl etc,, and SSSm at tile low prioo of Two Dollar, per annum, lu advun™,! or, lo club, of lou or more, at one Tost Oftlcc. st Ovc Dollar ANb Firry Crarrs, reeb. f. H PUOBp“ AuQtiitit, Ntatmbtri, 1508.—13tf