The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, February 05, 1869, Image 2

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mrnjje $R*jxnric?. 0. H. 0. WILLINGHAM, EDITOR. rtitjON rwv CoiiMtniir»noii», nnnfiilnluu IntotwUn* < iiAtfetMunt News, 4oltolt«nl from anv quarter. Hur»« n:t> Commumc vtiosh we cannot undertake to re- utilom postage it mint with thorn to do no. t.l (ItlAJfrlE, OEUIIGU, FEUKl'.tnV.1, 1SII9. in point of flip Rlrui'.luro of tUo building, An. | " lift l>," fbr Henveu'n Hake. o L*t l'i. ” U in four ntorian high, 162 foot In length nml BO ,, , .. . . >-> Wi.l., U is in, tlio Joists in position | ** 'l 3 *""* ° f TtftV ° 1 ' "tut flooring dried sud r«ul> to ho l,dd. It nt- he * Ovist,bltim Ima n ho has n splendid «nt«r power, being mtnnted ; a .... , . on n doseending shoal and built iu thu mM 10 Ho,,thc,n P“"P ,U ,lh,U1 >>• temperate in style of nrol.iteel.ire with the one below. Here la ”« l,K « 8; " n<1 or hho d ‘'P lw " , ‘-' B •• the we ilnd the water Inexhaustible. This eompany I ? atmR of ,n,r uxtr< ' m '’ D - ,n °- liiiH a large hoarding house ready fnroeeupation, * 1111 H ‘ v HU *' H lt ’Obtiug about S3,GUO, coutaiuiug oightoou rooms. signing hlmaolf “Quill,” who is very We«t I*oln( r.n UfttDbff OVf.Tt TUB CIl ATTAMOOCHKK V FEMATF. rOLtjKOV, -TWO OOTTON FAUTOKIKH IS PKOOHEHh or ERUOTrOH--AM SINCE THE WAR ENDEI*. It is a matter of into rest and ploasnro to ovary true friend of program to witness Llio innumom- blo maniiobtations of enterprise which are beiug raado all over the 8outh, a section of this great country so long weighed down by ita impov erished condition. But recently emerged from a disastrous and destructive wav, in whioh thoy lost tho great bulk of their property, the peoplo of tho South are showing to the world a vitality unprecedented in tho annals of history—no poople having ever shown a greater determina tion, being in a similar condition, to riso from the dust of humiliating poverty. It would seem i hat which appeared to bo our greatest disaster in the destruction ofa certain npo.'ios of property, will result as tho cause or means of our groateat prosperity. Ar a Georgian, we feel proud of tho advanced position our beloved old tstate has taken towards becoming really independent.— She is truly entitled to tho distinction given her of being the “Empiro State of the South.”— I Our peoplo are moving on to an advanced poei-1 mterprising Yankees who desire to bring capital and enterprise among 8o far about $15,000 hava boon^xpoudnffMoro I nnrt fe ,"‘ “ is no ' m '° (m ,hom 10 como •toclc cau also bo tnkon la thla company, and | fTa “ . “ d ‘ will be a aplendid invostmout lor any who have 111 wu*b. tho capital. Tho water whoo. haa already boat, | do'^^.^hurtir- ^ ; »*kuv. Aim. uh (invo no nuna ; in wrong; but lot us bo prudent. Let us abuse t arc EliHlm Tmmrn.1l T R t'°bodyl Let ua have no hmnh word* to lavibh Ll “ lm 1 mmmi 11 '■ I on those who differ from ns. Lot n» dovoto onr- „ „ . , , . _ ... , , _ - — — —«.t u.„, ., n . Let uh he right and rocoivod, and is a Lcftvl American Double Tur- | stick tlrmljr to^ tho right. Lot uh have tin hand The stoekholdi Lovelace, N. L. Atkinson, Benjamin dohnaon, I solves to onr material enterprises. Lot us start W. C. Darden, A. II. Finley, James T. Moore, railroads and manufactories. Let mon work and K. G. Richards, Lewis Schuossler, Jonathan ^ m P roVo fortunes. Whcu good men como Ware and B. L. Harris. 1 T° n * V 8 ’ them the right hand of fellow- ....... ship; wulcomo them among you, no matter what At some future day we hope to visit this on- 1 their views, or polities, or antecedents. Bury terprlBC and give it a raoro extended notice. j the war. Wipe away its sad vestiges. Rebuild Thus wo see that the enterprising citizens of * 01 £ ot bitterneas and cling ten- West Point and vicinity -Georgian, and Ala-1 ^ » . , bamiana -have invested about $175,000 or ! * , Ub “ P r “ ( uut and bio to their nnhllcl > hnrt auybndy » focDi» K H booausci they may have an idiosyncrasy to regard us as barbarians ii •. . . . i as manv of the Puritan Yankees do. Vow bo small a community moro enterprise, ether!,,. ' , ,, , ‘ ‘ ' l,c .... m, U-... , 11 known to all men, to the sons of the Pilgrim Fathers, and thu Puritans of Now Euglaml in more in a manner creditable to their public spirit. Vo do not think there can be found In so in Georgia or Alabama. The above imperfect sketches arc given as an example of what a poo ple cau accomplish when thoy havo tho will to use their mentiR to do so, and the energy to car ry out their will. TUe nallroatl to C'ulnmtiiis, particular, that oven they can live among ns in peace and perfect security, whatever may be their political inclinations or utterances, And he it further known unto those people, that if ] they come among us determined ou gain or on- . . _ , —— „ , 1 terpriHe, not attempting to force their pbouUttl- tion in tho race of progress, and in a few vears ! , 1 ' bc r '-’“ ltim ' ) crodl>y umu y of °« r readers, tics upon the Southern poople, they mav eniov tho evidences of wealth and prosperity will be | P nor to the late war a railroad company , thu largest liberty of person and expression of seen all over the State. . T* «entim,nt unmolested., unharmed. “We are led to tho foregoing reflections by a \ .. *' s '| cr * Rnlro J r suffle till 6tock j “ imtiouorwl am! unsung, visit to our sister town of West Point, ou Friday i SU ' Cl1 11 ° / 1C " 6 rilc ii u 8- Thu j And Ik* it further known unto those pcojik', that and Saturday last—two days pleasantly, and wo * " Ur IV 1 . < U operatious of tho oompa- 1 wo cordially invito all capitalists and industrious hope profitably, spent among friends and ac- ' . 0 nouctivo interest has boon taken j peTsonsamong them “who wish to live auew life.” <iuaintauce8. Unpretentiously, but steadily and , U u cu Lr l ni »o funce the close of tho war in persevoringly, her peoplo have striven, since the ^ mHe( l nouce lIlu in»lx>veriBbed condition of war ended, to better their condition, by building | lK ‘° pk ; , 1 ‘ lvfov to thiH n,rttt, ‘ r in ,,nler to up the trade and commerce of their town The ! l ,rvscut 11 * 0NV iu connectwith tho sub- ciose of tho war found them with nothing but ' for tho *-*1^ ^wid®»tion of the piople their homos, some their lands, and othem with , of , L * Umng ‘*; u, ! d oi Troup nml Hurris eownWo8 > who live op tho hue of the road oh it vms survey- Exhadhtem Ijoyalty.—It soeins that Iron loiUcc has exhausted itself. It’s becoming a playod out, and attenuated sentiment. It is a string upon the Radical fiddle worn out by constant use-it being tho key-note of that party, now going to the devil, whence it came, with tho speed of a velocipede, so far as it is concerned in tho H<mth. So mote it be. In tho Legisla ture of Georgia, tho itvol}/ toil aru subduod by tho supremo coutompt of tho intelligent and refined classes for the party whioh spouts the fossilatod slogan ary. Such loyalty as the Radi cals harp upon deservo to bo mot with such scorn. It only moans adhesion to Radicalism and not to Constitutional government. The Land AVe Love for February contains seventeen articles of unusual merit. The leader is from that old hero, General Jubal Early.— “Coucentrativo Immigration” is a powerful arti- clo on a most important subject. “JWoinon and tho lives of Women" is an eloquent robuko of the misrepresentations of tho sex, by iv Missouri auihoross of reputation. Besides this, there are historical and biographical sketches, ornithology, fiction and poetry, The poetry is by m Mrs. Downing, Mrs. Weiss, (formerly, Miss Susan Archor Talley,) aud ,T. Augustine* Signaigo. “ Where, and OmI Whehe ?”—Wo have read the proceedings of tlio Legislature pretty atten tively, and not ono word have we seeu from Old Ku-Klux. What lias become of him? Whither has be gone? Heretofore, lie luisbocu an niton- J\ew Advertisements. Ailm I Hint vn t mV Sale. nlof fmm tUo Court of Onllmirv «l —. .. u . WlU be hoM, on TaeSdnv, (lie lrtth dny Widirnary, IHfld, nil tho pertobitldn property IndenolUk to tho estate of Dr. N. N. Hinitli, lute of Trout* enuntv, tie- eeiiHeil—conHlstlnn. In port, of Parlor Furniture. li. dHunrl Hrddtnp, and l'rlv»t,< IJbrnry, llonneho'd and Kitchen K*irnltnre. Fanning Implements, Wagons, BtUftHes and llarneHH, Cattle, t'em. Fodder. Also, nil the Medic,itn>a, Medical Books niul noVernl cnaea onine^m wlcai luntrhnteuts—nil for oAsh, plane Thu sale will take place at the Into reaidenco of Dr. Ht.ilIh. J. W. CI.AHKE, 1 T. A. nODDIK, | Admlnlatrntora. , febMt MRS. K. H. SMITH, Adiulnlstratrlx. DYE A. HltADY, j ondiHil will bo rented nt the mime tliuo and naught but strong arms aud willing hearts to work out their future destiny. Their bridge, spanning tho river and dividing the town, was bumod by the Federal forces. Undaunted, they t to work to rebuild it by a union of effort and ed. •buying the Lord in holiness, of conduct, keeping that which of rigid bolougH to them and “hand ling not the unclean thing/'desiring to live a righteous life by attending to their own business ami letting other people's alone; by keeping good company and mingling socially with tho decent people of the country, and eschewing evil persons who coiuo among us, with carpet- : 2* ■yy*T. arc u<»w In receipt of a lar^c aud varied slock of FAMILY GROCERIES AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES, nt the old c Went form chimed for t >rucr lately r Piddle AHI1, and I ■enpled by N. A. Monty, South ill of • ‘ ‘ lulling t'heiip iis the Often pent. Troup County Sltei in*,' Nulrs. \X T I1L bo sold, on tho find Tuoaday iu March next, IF Uloixt tho Court HikiiMO dmu* of'lirmp eountv, bo- tween the imiial hours of sale, the followiug property' l-ot of lands Nos. one hundred and sixty; mic h imlrod and twonty-ftves oue Imrtdii d aivl ttitrty-slx; one hun dred and thirty-seven and a half acres of Is<t one hundred l twentj -wven—eatiumted to contain, in nil, eight lmn T WARE’S DRUC 8TORE ! \WHTUN c. wahk, DRTTGUIB'r AM) Al’OTl 1KCAHY, ' r ^Kortli Hide Ihibllc Hqnnro, I.nGrsngr, Georgia. dtmT ttECEIVEDi ARPAHAflttS— DUBIi LF.ANH— Rlx Woekw or Mohnwk, Ued Speckled Valentine, Drown Hpnckled Valentlm*, Burly Yellow Htx Weeka, Newington Wonder, China White, RUNNING DRANK— I.hun and Wren’H Egg. D LEI'S— Philadelphia Early Turnip Rooloil, Extra Early Turnip Rooted, Early Blood Rod, Hllcslnn Hugnr. Ronrc()ij:- Herinau Kulc. C.YDBAUE- RMPuteh, (forpickling.) Drumhead, (large tot) Drumhead Savoy, French Qx Heart, Early Sugar I.onf, Orcen Oloaed, Dr, John Hull’s Column. Dll. .JOHN nUM.H Criflu ioimb;?*! tivc ami voluble member of the House on tho fired lu res, more w Iosh, Hltunted and b Ing ln the Flttli Dis* , , .. . . , .. . trlctot Tmuneounty-ailjoinlng lauds otDr. JohnR. Hill loyal Bide, but alas! WO HIM) nothing from him. and Abner Callaway on the North; Dr. Bnnpington on tho Enat; Eueluv Jl. Lovehice oi\ thi>K<iuth; (leorge Tray Sr., on tho West, Lovicd on m« the property of Henry Heard to Hati.ifj' n FI Fa itemed from Tis>up Inferior (X Has he at lust ilesoernecl the patent fact that ho is ruallly not theriqwesentative of the poople of this county? If no, it is time—yea, it. is full time that ho should know it. State Agricultural Convention. —The Stato Agricultural Society of Georgia was in session ou Tuesday and Wednesday of tho present week. There were t wo hundred or more delegates in attendance, and the proceedings were interest ing aud hanuonious, and wo shall give them in lull next week. Court Troup in fnvor of Abuor UlautoavH llonry T. Heard, nt the wime Hnw> and phio<\ will he aoM Lota of hundred and sixty; ono hundroil aud twou- c-Bix; oue hundred aud ml two m> hundred « m mid a lialf iktch i>f 1/U one hundred and lw ■estimated tocoiitalii, inclL"i|>lit hundredu, i. nttnatPd and lying in the Fifth Diatiictof Troup county, lulloluing lands of Dr. .lohu H. Ilill aud Aimer Callaway on tho North; Dr. Kappington on the K>i«t; Lueius 11. Lovelaco on the South; (icorgo Traylor, Sr., on tho Wot. 1.0vied on an the properly of Henry T. Heard to satisfy a l’i Fu kvuiril from Troup Superior Court in favor of llones. Drown .V Co.. v» Homy T. Heard. ANo, at tho Mime time and place, will ho sold four hundred and fifty acres ot Land, moro or leas; aituatod in tho East Vernon District, Troup county. No. not known j\cw Advertisements. im. joiiy lirLL, Manufacturer and Vender «.f the pel. hniiod SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, Early York. Flat Puth, CAROTR- Ijjur Orauj;,, Early Horn. CAU 1 .riT.O WER-*- Early Aaiutir. CELERY— Largo White. CORN— Evergreen Sugar. Adams Early. CUCUMHER— I/»ug Green Turkey, Early Frame, AVlxito Spine. E -'G PLANT— Ijirge Early run»le. LETTUCE— Early Cabbage, lee Ciihhagf-. MELON—(water)— Mountain Sweet Water. Ague mill Pi ChlUa nml F< change. tide at the 1. A roail will be built either from L.. Grnuge bass iuhaml, only to create disorder and flisoon- UrorKia, Meriwether Caunty. ir t\ eat Point to Coluiubua. j tent: wo say to such, and only aueh, we extend _ OsdwasVsOrncr.Feb. 1, ■2. It is considered moro to the interest of the ' a cordial invitation to them to come and live purposo— by small subscriptions from tho eiti- i Atl “ nta * 'Vest Point Riulvoad Company, which | with us, mid he of us, and wo will give them a xens of the town and of the vicinity, both GjBorgin ami Alabama. In three months after tbs plan of raising tho means for tho erection of, tbe briilge. costing nearly $15,000, the work was completed and tho peoplo were* passing OT#T it. They have also erected n. Iarg- and spacious female college in their midst, which now affords accommodation for a large and flourishing school under the direction of A. A. C'. Thompson, a gentleman long and successfully engaged in his profession. But tho two enterprises which bhull havo our most immediate attention in this article, are two cotton manufacturing companies, which were organized in March. lhCi’, with capital stock, nt present, amounting, respectively, to $100,000 aud $00,000. Tho factory building of the first will probably take stock in such an enterprise, hearty welcome when they come. to start it from West Point. 5. Blurted from West Toint tho road will be some twelve miles shorter, and will give the At lanta *fe West Point Railroad the benefit of the freight fvmn below to Atlanta, Augusta, Ac., the * whole length of their line. •L A railroad from La Grange, via Hamilton, 1 lo Columbus, will receive more local freight, be sides serving as a trunk or feeder for the Mobile A Girard Railroad in tho transportation of iron, ; produce, Ac., from Tenues see and upper Geor- ' gin to the cotton regions of South Alabama. 5. It will also be tbo direct transportation of groceries, Ac., from Mobile and New Orleans to 1 “ Lot us luiyo ponce. ” Extruvngaucc of tho State Gorerumcni. Facts are coming to light which show the most •eekless and profligate expenditure of the peo- uifioiniugluinlnof P. U. Urwn mirUanwM U. Fannin tin- South; A .. Tntnin ou tho North; U. H. Cnnuron on | tho En«t; Jii<l*m Gixs*n on tho Wont. levied on n* tho ' property of WlUiaui C. Cline to aatiafv a Fi Fa iosui-d from ' CANTELEUPE— Troup Superior Court in favor of Trwiu Wllkirfon ih i Uivn Citron I WilliamO.Clitto. in I’ . - I Also, ut tho name time wvi pkiee. ^ JU he sold utm tv-nix 1 np — ncroH of Land, nmre or lent*, lyln" in tins Third DiatH. l of | MUSTARD— , _ Troup eouuty—(ufioiiiiUL' lan.l> on thu Eaetof JamoH M , Truitt; on tho North uuil Went by lands of Doc Robertn for exemption of personalty, South by T. A. Perry and Tlvonvis T«uh1Io. levied on a,. 1 | the property nt YounoGiwrV* KntiHf,vn FI Fa issued fi\un I l all, and Dwarf. Troup Superior Court in fnvov or Fruneia A. Front vh | ONION— Sl3 0K: ‘' r ‘ uvy ftww-v hl’l j .Silver skin. ‘ _ I Also, at the me time amt place will he sold one bale of | fitrushaig, (1. Omrn, lehntarj rill, 1859. | Cotton, welsh ins 115 lhe., (No. ■».) now In tho wa-ehouse l PARSI.EV— •mptlon of 0 f j 0 i, n N. (jouper. Lovied on uh tho property J AMES M. D< >DDS npplii aud wetting apart and vuluutiou of In I will puna upon tho same February Ifi. ISC!), nt my Ofttco. fob 5, 'mv-jt-fl r>n JAM EH W. PANNING, o. M. r. I Georg in ipilE propnVOtr of IhiricoLliraiod nu*t]ieine Jin tlyelnlsm 1 for it a Hiiporiorityover all otherrenwdieH ever ofirred to tho public lor the sn/r, rtrtmn, .«/wvdy anil ttnmanriif euro nl Ague and Fever, or Chill- ud l’ever, whether or abort or long etanding. Ho refom to tho entire Western end SonthwcHleni country to 1»oiir him teptlniony to tin* truth of the uHHcrtlon Hint in in* raw whatever will It fait to euro, if the directions are Ptrietlv followed and carried out. In u great ninny casca a plnglo done has Ikjoii miiII'i eient to cure, and wlmle thmtllcK have been rmvd hv a Hinule bottle, with a yorfuet restoration t<» the geuoral health. It in, however, prudent, and in ovorv rano more certain to cure, if Rh use in ooutlnuod in nnmlfer d«.H,«H for n week or two after the diM>nse has been cheeked, limro capcclally in dillteult and long f*landii>g canes. UhuiiII.v. this ue-dieiue will not nspilre any aid to krep the bowel* in good order: should the patient, however, require a en- ♦ hurtie medicine, niter having taken three or four (lows of the Tnuie, it single dose of RULE’S VEGETABLE FAMILY l’ll.r J) iH aiiflloiont. Hit" DR. JOHN DUEL'S Principal Olllce: \o. io Finn, c« root, himUville, Ky. pie’s mouoy. Wo copy tbo following from the I \ # foT}, 311 p C Ordin ...... I ITTLETON E. BURKE ban applied for J pcraonulty, aud I will pan* upon tho name o’clock, a. hi., on the 15th day of February IfWID. _tMuaUf 1 r>0 il. IE CARY Ordinary. UcdrglTi, ahtfloiinly. Ohdinauy’h Office. Jan. 25th, 18fio. l°.'i , Ringer to Bntiniy a Fi Fn issued Irom the Superior Troup county, in l'avor uf J. J. Ware vn \Y. N. Binge A. THAMMEEE and A. O. TRAMMELL have I*OSTI»ONKD SALK, i* timo ami place, will be Curled, j rARSNIl’— Flue Sugm Savannah h'cpuulican as an indication of tbo way “ th6 money goes;” The Cost of Legislative Clerical Services. Tho clerical services of tlio Legislature oust $45,- .'152 at tho first session of tbo Legislature. Of this amount $2(1.387 were i*aid to tho'Seeivlan- «*f the Senate for himself aud subordinates; $19,039 to the clerk of the House and Ins assist ants, and $.»,32G to clerks ol’ Iidrenchmtnii and Atlanta and all ot Upper Georgia and this part j other Committees. Tho present clerical force of tho State. 0. Such a road, therefore, will certainly pay s completed—tho walls, roof and joists, Ac., of dividends - wo think better than if started the other are up and ready for tho flooring, and we hopj will soon be completed. •ALABAMA from West Point. The foregoing considerations make nportant to the people of LaGraneo. and the surAcn siNG company. of the Senate numbers (12) twelve clerks at nine dollars per day each. The pay of the Secretary is $12 per day. •buy man with brain os large us a mustard •seed, knows tlmt tho foregoing figures an* out rageous and oppressive npou the impoverished iivo npphe .. npart on, ruination of homyKt'iul, and I will pans upon it A o’clock, p m., February 18, 180‘J, nt 11 o'clock, a. w . f' bV-’t-?! oiliMch. JAMES W. PANNING. ■*. M r. Georgia, Ulciiwcthcr County, •• Obdinaut, Jan. 2Ath, 1869. ot Audrewn 1). Ji M OKI'S ALMON apj*Iic3, n.H next friend of the minor J°*’l D. N< children of Jacob Miller | Ah»o, a dri ft and nixty-ftvo aorrn of Liiud, lying in the 5tii Uintri. 1 of Troup county, known n« tlm old Akcru plamuHon. now ; in tlio posBOHfdon ol M. F.Htimu)n, udjoluing londn ->i m. p. Dye ou the North, and tho Cbaltnhoonho liver on the ! West; Mrii. Newton eu tho Kouih. and M. F. fttinHon on tlm Ex-**. Levied on an the* property of Mirhocl F. Stinwon KntiHty a l i Fu iHaiiotl fn»m Troup Countj* Court in fnvor deec , •ulunlion of IIoincHtenil out of the eata Miller, duccoaed. and 1 will pnw* upon the houm*. ut my Alno. nt tho ... the Jd Monday in Fcbriuuw, IiST.0, (15tli day of ’ l.-iud Non. fifty; J. M*. RANNINO, and Henry R. NewHoirt, Exr’n MILLER,‘fiheriff. Michael F. , tcb.6-4t TIIOS. of Jacob I 1*111 bo sold Loin of . .. —, 'Uty-nine, aud twentv- in tho South-Went o*rnor of No. — in _ ! the »’>th District of Tix*np county; c-.*nldijing in all nix dred fl hundred and thirty u«tvh. mom or Iuhh—it being tho lands c.ouvevedby ilwd from Benjamin II. Kill to John Gorham ~ . ... , - . —n*b"fnnig lauds of Mr«. .Tnekiwm. Dr. Ix*ug and ofheri. the first lucedaj InMarch uoxt, one ban- j Levied ou ns the property of John Gorham to Hatisfv u Fi Mcrlxvidlxer County Slieriir'a .Sales. \\ r ILL be aold, before the Court House door in G \ V ville, on the first Tuesday in Mari-h uext, oue Land of the Wonl part of lot No. HI, j Fn IhhiWiV th: 11. UiU vs John Gorham AIho, nt the name time and place, will be aold fifti’en bales of cotton—alvmt 7,noi) pounds, more or less. .\L*o, feb3-M*3 5rt v w HT.OITVT : ru , 5,^ u ^L u ^ fl .. Qr L c ‘' «A^ ml ’moroor lean-lying in ulrelh’s Extra Early. Earoe While Marrowfai Dwarf Rlue Impe Early ITam Tom Largo SCpanish S*n*et Dell. g Scarlet. Golden Globe. Red Turnip Rooted.* White Turnip Ro i Troup SuperlorCourt in favorof Beiijan SALSIIT— Or Oyster Plant. SPINACH— il thirty •leventh District of originally Troup, Munty. to BUtisly suudiy 11. Ian. issued from u Jus- rt. in favor of William D. Smith and J. P. Kcwvll; state of James fiewcll, deceased. ; four hundretl F. AV, BLOUNT, Khm-ifT. the 12th District.~G. M., lauds of .1. M. Stinson; l)r. (mulding; Wlillatn JohiiaTin 1 SQUASH— Tho buildings oi this eompauy are located between six and seven miles below West Point. «>n the West side of the Chattahoochee river.— Tkt! high water-mink being the State lino ou that side of thu river, and tho building for tho machinery being erected upon a foundation below that mark, (he factory is located in Georgia, while tho touoraeat.s for operatives, offices, Ac., aro in tho State of Alabama. Tho finger of Nature Booms to havo pointed out this locality as peculiarly adapted to, and intended for, man ufacturing purposes. There i* no better site to bo found in tho world. A shoul begins just above, while the prong of tlu- river, nmning around the west side of 143 sen • i f land kimwu as Campbells Island, sub-divides and forms a smaller island. Here in .the main current of the stream, upon u solid rock basin, the foundations of tho building are laid across the stream, the upper base wall forming also the dam, throwing the surplus water over a substantial dam into the lesser channel of the river, affording a head of water of nine feet. Tho prong of the river BULL 7 S WORM DESTROYER. B HAVE n*.-<'ivi><I many i. -Miimnhln Imm prof-.-i.unG 1 uml in/Mli al im-n. uh rnr alm.mars and vurimiH pnbli- Hfm>. Th ‘ “ jwqmLir p i s.-usibh* ; iiinilinns I huvp «-vcr ivad. Dr ( h-m- nt knows ••xiiclly whnt Im s]nstIis «.f. and Ids b-fimony dr.a nvs »/. Tm writ- t.-n in l. tt. r* of gold, lli ur what tho Doctor sayu of 1 RULE'S WORM Dc-STROYER. Vii.i.asow. Wai.kfu Co., G.i., Juno 20th. 180(1. ] iE. JOHN DULL—Dkau Sik:—Iluivo recently clvm* f vour •• Wonn Di i'tri** ov” s»-v. ni| trials, ami find il wniul.-iTiillv tifiicui'ioiis. It'liua imt failed in n singh-in ►lance tn have the wished t.*r i-ffoct. 1 am doing u jmi.IIn ' large . ‘.unity practi.rc, and hav.* daily ns i for s.n ; i* urtlch- nf th.- kind, r am fear M confess that I know «*f no rem edy ri hv the abl< st authors that is so ivrtaiu nml sjHi'dy in Us effect-. On tin* contrary they are mir. r- tnin In the cr.tivme. i In writing t.> you is to find out upon what t rm 1 nuu (•« f die medicine dim tly fmn. von. If 1 ran pet it npou . isv t'winw I Kim!! use uVeaf deal of it. I uranwurt) that the mui of such artiel.-s is cm. : sense in(lis. ceding « r Simply lv.Miiifc we TT. For my part. I shall which v pi be efllrlen plante of Harris county. They, of/nil others, are t] most interested in tho building of the proposed road, being cut oft’ from all railway facilities.— To the landholders wo especially commend this important enterprise. By its consummation, thousands of acres of land will be enhanced in value at least one hundred per cent., besides the planters, living on the line, could moro readily get their produce to better markets. At least two-thirds of the through freights over the Atlanta A West Point Railroad go to Col umbus. The proposed rood would give to our Columbus friends a shorter and more direct line of transportation, and less expensive freights on thJ produce they purchase from tho grain and produce country above, and perhaps would lessen their freight bills one-third. Hence, they petont, $2,207 GO each for a whole,. .. l , : ff-'o tew men who would not be wTIlin tract with tho State (o give their services the.; f i’A K lifTI MKI/Y' NOtTcE ! whole year, and work every day, for $2,2(17 00. I _ \17'E want, tlio coming season, TUo proKont ctefcul force of the Senate boln 8 | ' a , ow , KVwaji , r .cr. dkset. . it.,, -beb. I twelve persons, besides the Secretary, gives ns ; l,r»oo •• - •• rsrEK.Tj-.D •• for three months labor, (supposing the present | iioi! •• - *.. rlAi:KBE1 vRIEK. \ session tn eontinuo that long,) only $9,4lV) GO j 1400 “ “ " FITTEDi’HERRICK, [ against $29,387 »K) for the same length of time | W* will pay for the al>oreii» Gn*«:rieivor tlm cvsH.— i of thck8t TORsiml - , So it will Ikmwcu tlmt tho | ^!S 1 "" rU - nr '"'’ “ ml brtns riSZXuj'k co. | people have been swindled to theumount of $19, i • j >j.; n \ M 14, \v V(r()\S • 927 00 in the single item of clerical labor for tho : rpllERub«Til*erijnj»a lot of tii.-se strong an.! handsome Senate tilonc ill three moutl^G L 1' A1.1I V. AGON:* fbr ».ili*. I hvy are built nj the best :u . w ; ,u 111 l ‘ uo ; mnturiulH and mUniiubly ailapb'il tuuU the envunimu-es i This is now, remember, tax-payer, only one G»r*ii hauling, mnrk. ting, tcc. 'rimy ur.* sokl nt mod- item, ami si lows the corruption of the State Gov- i WEST POINT Hmoi.ih R..L • ITat Dutfli and R»*d T<> mstruniH that tliH mniiitrv, a*nms*r •»!' diw as.* wliirh li.: n-plj sum. aud iufumi moot • ’I.EXTENT, M. D. MutUematies. * ANNIE F.. THOMPSON, English Dranrlies. ! CRATE PRICES uml wurvautod t* eminent, lt is time the people demanded an honest administration of their Stato finances.— .. . , , : Ntftte officers ami legislators should be hold to the proposed rood from 8trict a£:( . ovmla l,ilitv. In the abs the st<>r>' id wi&liing t-* !• »n: uf tW .vans \ 1 rrliase. ('allamW they an C. Rrott. at 1 (<* pel CT1AHOKS: yy Drpniluicnl, (per year.) ivo direetly iatcrcBtcd i cm the IVest bide of Campbells Island is o natural U>is plnce. • anal tokiuR in the greater bulls of water, and Witb ‘ lle r0 '“> nmning to this place from Col- I Post Optice Pilfeiuxo. — Wo regret to learn ! therefore will afford snflleient power to propell | " mbus ' inte ' rust “ ni1 P rofit snggext its ex- ■ f r0 m tho Atlanta papern that David A. Walker, ! a dozen factories in tho dryest season of the tenBlon U P through tho South-west comer of | formerly a resident of this place, a clerk in tho j year. Heartl eonnty, Ga„ through Bandolph eonnty, '■ Atlanta post office, lnts boim detected in pilfering Ab we have said, the upper lmsc wail of the n P into North-ensfern Alabama, and form4 letters containing money received nt that ofliee. building, which is 210 feet in length, by 50 in I n j"n<rtion with the road from Selina to Borne, Tho eyidcnco was so clear against him that when breadth, forms also the dam, in which five extra i um '“ u S n short transportation for tlio pro- j charged with the offense he plead guilty. lie eyes have been left for propelling as many more C00 J nntb ,roa of tboso re, o' in ns to this, part was ai-restcd and committed in default of $2,500 factories, These stone walls are of solid ma-1 < - ,cor S“, Columbus and South Alabama.— |bail, for his appearance at the next term of the eonry, laid with cement, and arc eight feet thick S,a<;b 11 ln0 of Bu ’*"'i>r would bc u safe invest- ! United States District Court. Hi's depredations ! for several feet above the highest water-mark.— : meut . ' vo ' ,1<l Aovelop tbo rich resources of a ' had been going on for a considerable length of ! The thickness of the brick walls are graduated vnst temtory now hidden in obscurity. Take a time, and ho was finally detected throngh the ’ as they riso above tho stone wall from four feet : mr T_ Rntl 5ce lf °" r i<iens f re ,lot Pbicticable. j'combined efforts of the Post Master, Mr. Sinuns, : to eighteen inches in thickness. i u 0 tb “ f<>llo '™ig plan^for bnilding | an d tlio spocial agent of the X’ost Office Depart- | LIME FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. ; Extm The building is four Ktories in height, nml if , tbo proposed road in tho event sufficient capital «a- ■«. ■> m* is HATKS OF FREIGHT OVER THE WESTERN ATLANTIC RAILRO.U). IMSDUCTIOX, CTIATTANGOGA TO ATLANTA, $25 TO $10 Prr C»r Loud of !4l)0 Riislirb. ,. Pilma | A cad ci - I Collegia Ic “ “ Muslc,^»il«tliijt a oil Fit TIIK above Iuntitutfon Ih now in Btin'cssfi jerstion. FnciliticH urn offurud for tin- a & qiiisition of n thorough education l\v tine placed uudor oitv tuition. For particulai-s, address' fcbri-ltn A. C. C. THOMPSPN. Pres. LA GUANO 12 FROST, HALL & CO., GEOOEES AND COMMISSION IIER.OHAKI'3, already completed, ready for tho maohinoiy to i ineut, Mr. 1*. IL Woodard Walker is a young man, the husband of an ac- complishod lady and the father ot five small uhililrcu, in destitute circumstances. For them . ,. ru .. mi r r Atlaufci, from $1G 00 to ?8 OOjwt wo leei much byinputhy. I no j>oor wife, one ol j cass, ir» goto i» oo do the uo\*l»»ht of wfoiimn kind, now left to grief ! ( ’«ft'’"viUe, •• 12 iki to r. m» do . . llhittNina •• !•* IN) to a tut <lr> ( in money cannot be subhcribed, viz: be put in. A tower has boon runup with the . b The landholders find comparatively a poor building, on tho upper side, for winding ..mi,.. ra,ll 'kvt for their surplus laud. They have more, ways, leaving the whole spueo in the main body | hundreds ol instances, than they need, of the building for machinery. Tho architec- ’ 2 ' Lot . 1 ' 11 ™rh invest one-fourth, ur even one- tnro has boon designed with an eye to strength j '“*»• of i‘ a« capital stock in the proposed road, . and sorrow, sliarno and mortification. Wo beg and durability as wallas beauty. The floorings ' w ^ c ^ 1 ’ ro,l( ^ °r®vniiGn, will make the to a.ssnre her tlmt the sympathies of her old aro well supported by heavy girders which ; rein ^ n ^ er moro valnablo than tiioir whole pos- friends in La Gmnge aro warm toward her. are also sustniued in the centre with up- i SC8WC,<18 Walker belongs to one of the first families in right posts along tho whole length of tho build- : ,J ’ I ,u ^ uco oapitalistsat the North, or olsowhore, ' Georgia, and at one time the wealthiest young ing. Tho flooring is doubled—first laid with 3- ! to ^ l0 rouc ^ ,in( ^ reci*ivo payment in those man in our town. Thus wc have one of tho sad j Gniy inch plank in tlie rough, and that floored over lrtn< ) K at <air P rit ' 0H ’ ! results of intemperance, which is no doubt the j i'hniton.vigu! 1 ’ with woll-seasoned and neatly dressod 2-inch " a ure ^ uc ^ DOt ^ ^°^ evo t ^ 10 propo- ; causo of Walker’s downfall, flooring 4 inches in width—thus making the j sit * on would bo readily accepted by moneyed -whole strong enough to bear tlio heaviest * FROM KINGSTON TO louil of. 200 bush 12 l > 00 (lo ► no do r. uo <V) FEMALE COLLEGE. FAC l w L» r r Y* Literarj* Doparfmcnt: NIHS. MAliY A. MONTGOMERY, MHS. MARY f. Cl'KTHIClHT. irnric: MISS. I 'DOItlD.V M. l’l!i:sr,KY. Ornamental; MISS. A. K. PISYOn. vil for thin (lopnrlm.-nt.) T K R M R : Per session of six months, Commoiiclng Moiul rt y, Jan. ar»tli. H AVF. rrST IfEfT-TVrT) nu: uvtxg • Dalton. Tauocl Hill, RingtjoUl, chinery and capable of sustaining tho severest jars or shocks The whole building is well von- tilhited wAth large gluss windows. The tenement houses for tho operatives are seven in number, all ready for occupation.— ’There is also a largo boarding house for opera tives, containing eighteen rooms, and seventeen fire-places. The architect of this factory building, is Mr. mon wlio would like to invest in real estate along j Scott’s Monthly,—The February number of tho lino of a railroad, and wc do not. .see that I thin magazine lain been received. It is neatly they could make better or cheaper investments j printed and filled with n varied assortment of in any other way. They would thus secure ) literary condiments, judging from the table of cheap lands to bo soon enhanced in value by the i contents, Wo havo so often published the prus- completion of the road they would build, ! pectus of this magazine aud noticed its monthly Tho foregoing aro suggestions thrown out for j visits editorially, we do not know that wc can what they ure worth. To us they appear prnc- i say anything better tluin to stato that the pres- ticable. We trust tboso who arc immediately ent number is more fully up to the standard of interested, will givo them the consideration wc j a first ruto monthly. Price $4,00 per annum.— AVni. Gabhott, of Atlanta; J. j. Harris of Oak ' thiuk Uiey d8861 ' ve ' U ’ tUu °f tho pro- : Kcv. W. .1. Scott, editor; H. T. Phillips, assff- Bowery, Alabama, builder; and the masonry by M. F. Echols, of Opelika, Alabama. About $77, 000 havo been, bo far, expended by this company, with the water wheel and tho machinery yet to be purchased and put in position. When com pleted this will be ono of tbo bant cotton facto ries in tbo Booth, if the same jndieions care is observed in tho pnrcliose und arranging of ti.e rauohinery that has been in the selection of the location and erection of the building. We are unformed that about $30,000 of addi tional stock can bo taken ,iu this company by proper persona. The present stockholders are not anxious to let in any moro—oroferring to hive as fow stockholders as possible. After hav ing seen this enterprise—its magnificent build- ing'l its great water power, &e., we would advise capitalists to invest their money in it as soon os possible, ns wo are certain it will bo readily taken up by sagacious mon, when it is known that additional stank will be received. The present stockholders are; George Hugnloy, M. T. Walker, Win. H. Hngtriey, A. F. Kondrick, George W. Huguley, Wyche 6. Jaokson, Thomas F. Kolan, B. L. Turner, W. C. Lanier, B. L. Harris, A. H. Finley, and tho estate of A. T. Zaehry. cnuTTiBoocasE JttNtrracixumc; companx. The location of this faetoiy Ib considered by none to be as &vorable 03 Us twin sister below. It is about three miles below Wost Point, on the same side of the river. Though not quite so large. it i«. ucvortbrlcFS. the equal of the other paper ported road to ColuralniH from this place intend } eiute editor, and Phillips & Crow publishers, to act in this mutter, the sooner they begin the | better it will be—for we toll them that, unless j -We have received under the they do act promptly, a road will bo built from lrftnk ot K‘i"ardH, M. O. from this PiH- WeHt Point to Columbns, und that in a fewycurs. j tvict ’ :l C0 Py e,Lcil nf fc h° lteport of the Secretary Wc would be glad to aoe what our Columbus j of Treusury on the State of the finances for the cGuteiupororie* think now of the proposed road. ; \ Lur u °°Py °i report of the Spc- As they are over alive to the advancement of their 1 c * ft j Commissioner ol the Revenue for the year city, wo have no doubt they will, as in the past, ! " kon we have had time to exam- do all they can to promote tho interests of their ^ iei>c ro P°ris, it may be possible that wc shall bo able to suggest u proper remedy for the disorder- 1» 75 tn a c U 25 tn 7 00 tin I t 25 t.* 7 00 do T.» 00 t>» 7 00 do IH INI t.» H 00 do 10 00 to H 00 (lo do d.» , 17 IH) to *t 00 do (In dn ( 18 00 In 8 00 do dn do ( Snnii* raten will lx.- uUowcd lo Connectin'/ lJo»dn. K. R. WALKER. KDi/rlntlon We«ti.*m ‘ E. Uulukkt, BULL’S SAaSAPAR.'LLA. A Com. Rrstsr.n far (lie C'up.nin's fal.Ii. I) 'Ml DARRELS IltR/.Y ROf»H I'CTTAHJEh*, U.vmueKK, Mo., April yoth, 18 ,R. JOHN RULT*—Dr..\u Hnt:—Knowing the efltoi «’i vnur Kirsanarillu. ivjk*’** * tics it I (Hind > as wounded nliont two year*ago—was tahpn pri. 'i>iilim'd lor sixteen months. R«ing moved so c •*Mmds huvo-imt Ivnnli'd yd. I lwivo not eat np n h.m-c I was wounded. I am shot through the iiucnd lical Ui jri rmpaiivd. and I need tunnethi t natnn-. I have more faith in y.ntr Suraai* in\ thing else. 1 wir-Ii that tiiat is g.-nuiuc. 1’ i half a do 11 buttle ml oblige people, aud will give tho subject merited conoid- evation. Pollard’a Writings and Defamations. —E. A. Pollard, the pretended historian of tho South ern Confederacy, has, by peijury, received a clerkship in the custom houso at New Y'ork, by taking the iron clad oath. Bat we are glad the rascal has been turned out alter it was ascertained that his application for the position was made under an assumed name, and his truo Character was made known. This vile and impious crea- fcuro has essayed to defame the beet men of the South. Therefore, let no publication from tlio pen of the recreant scoundrel find lodgment in the library of no Southern man. Spurn his 8cribblings from the land and ho will find that his occupation io gone and that he can no longer defame our good men among us. Whet say tlio Georgia press to our suggestion in regard to a press convention. We thiuk it a good suggestion if it did cmauote from a country dored finances of the country which will greatly appreciate “ greenbacks.” Who knows but we may? Wo have rocoived tlio Annual Report of the Officers of tho Western and Atlantic Rail road, to his Excellency Rufus B. Bullock, Gov ernor, for tho fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1808. The report is very neatly printed at the Xeio Era Jdb Office, Atlanta, Georgia. Wo have not had time to examine tho reports, but will do so at some future day aud givo the result *bf our inves tigations to the publio. J&T' If every man and woman in the South would periorm their duty in oboying the Scrip tural injunction to “multiply and replenish the earth,” there would not be such great need of foreign emigration. W. P. Edwards, M. C. from this District, * having sent tho Columbus Sun ono or two public documents, tho editor concludes that tho fellow is sober. Wlmt Disposition DuIUicfr >IucIo UNACCOUNTED FOR FUNDS. ItottMomtblc I^ricos, aud pay the pxorbitnut pr . . advuuce busim-Hu Ik a hud opo, luck’s ropurt, Rosld.-s, tin. Ktny and Homestoud Law now on forced \ und, without urriuigumcnts can be mado ho uh to overrule then), w« wifi huve to olo«o on tho lien bind- but to huoU purtios ns ran make n good lien with good security We have leu purtios us enu make a good vo will sell, or for CASH ONLY, i hand and to nrrivo— 30 CASKS BULK MEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS CORN. rtOO “ OATS, (good seed.) «0 BARRELS SYRUP, (Assorted.) 10 J ji “ m 40 BARRELS SUGAR, (nil grades,) 30 " POTATOES, 9,000 LBS. FLOUR, No. 1, (warranted,) Hardware, Woodenwaro, Hollow ware, Crookery, EVERYTHING IX THE GROCERY LINE. CLOSING 25th JULY NEXT. ..SU* nn I 24 00 | ao ini i -Cl-u** Music, jmt of nix uionthH, (ineliulinc'use'oi. Instruimuit) fm qo IscmiiNTALFat: ;» oo P.%tminns.-One-third in udvnmv; remaiuder In- the ••ud of the term. Vocal Music tanght, without additional cluirge, to the wliwi* scbo(»l. - Diumwo ajvdFkknch taught without any extm charge. 1 Jo Aim will bo furnished by Mrs. Cur t right ut tho School for $20 00 per month, inclusive of washing and lights.— Hoard can also In; sec*irod U» manv other taudlicR of the rity. o KN' i:HAL 1 i KM A fiKS'r In every department care will be taken to imparl thor ough knowledge. Especial attention will be given to Writ ing nun wmipoHition. TIm wliolf »bnoJ win t» finish. Call*llini/cn m*r tho ilfrootlon of Mrs. ITnKlr.v. Tlifi wo .loom nowroarv for the physical developnicnt of the pupil*. MORAL GOVERNMENT: The discipline will be Ann and decided, yet niild and parental, to neiuire the heart’s best cultivation. TtT-lFKHF.XCES: Rev. W. M. CUNNINGHAM, Rev. R, W. BIGHAAI, Dn. R. A. T. RIDLEY, Hon. R. C, FErSSu., Hon. B. H. BIGHAM, Col. J. M. BEALL/ Dn. H. 8. WIMllISU, Da. J. F. MORELAND. IION. F. A. FROST. A E. COX. ROUT. O. DOUGLASS, and others. I&Qrange, Qn., January im, IHO’J.—22-lm H03ANSVILLB HIGH SCHOOL,’ THE SprlnR Term nf thin R..'hool, for IHOS. is now under uucretwtul headway. Advnn- PK.WU IJJxJOM NI'AV (TlfLEAN.S RYIIIT', CART. C. I’. JOHNSON t. cj nx i-nuis. 1 T 1 ’ 77, following was written April JO, IfctGtt, by Jennie Jobnwn, mother of Capt. : fi \R. BULL—Dkau Sm:—Mr huKlxmd, Dr. C. S. . I ,1, w,n » was a Hkillful Surgeon and l’liyslcian in tml New York, where he died, leaving the above Johnson to my cure. At thirteen years of ago he! I chronic di;irrh<eii and scrofula, lor wiiicli 1 gave him I HarsHimnlla. It cumin him. I have for fen years tx n uded lt to many in New York. Ohio and Iowa, for i o which cannot bo had Stages aro offered he.. 6ut other iSchpuls iu tho State—to-wit : f 1 «. Every member of tho faculty is a thor- ongh, practical, and chuisical Scholar, and . -*» Teacher. Inufr,, 1 ^ « ad °, f five hours por day and giving *r^S‘ m i! UU „ y i n the school-room, as moat High Schools HuVt.oV.// nl aUd y< nnd givo aHBlHtanco to atudontsat nodnajltt, or any oVier time lieu doMreit. ^; v^- *• oul y *2 to $3 per month, if paid in od- \anto for tho tqnu of Q months, or for (fcut part of the term l-emaiuiug after tha student enters. V 1 Cth. It is tho boat disciplined School in the Stato. School. 1 ' 0 ^™' RowdU * a,ul l^teckguarde eannut attend this fith. Any young gentleman or lady wh School and finds ft to be other than what saute it to bo, ahull have his or her tuition and be allowed either to return home, t School, or remain here free of charco for Thte term wiU do«j.tbo 80th of Ji ir GEORGE O. . Ifofj'insvtlle, Qg. t January 25,18C9 SOHOOLKO REV. J.’hTgeOROE Will resume the duties of Ids SOIIGOr •'OR BOYS AUD OIRLS ou Monday, 25th * ..annary, Iflflil, at hi/* residonee, formerly oc- r cupied by Mrs. Bacon. Ho will be ussfated by his daughter. Music will bo tangfrE on Piano and Gnlter. For furUicr particulars coll npoft lh^rincipnl, jan8 CAR LOADS CORN, .10 BBLS. NEW ORLEANS and REFINED SUGARS CASKS BULK SHOULDERS, HAMM. 100 TONS OF GUANO, (on time.) All of tho above wo offer for ci a m h » except the GIIsiNO, which wt) propose to SELL ON TIME, at prices very little above the CASH PRICES, nu<2 ° ,f frost, Hall k co. uln. fever si.rev. and gi-nornfaiJiilitv. ivrfec ! attended it. The cures effected, in some cases, w - and fever sores were almost miraculous. I nui vur 1, ’ r ln - v , H0 ‘‘ t'» agi'in huve recourse to your Marnni He is fearful of getiing a spurious article, hence his w to yon for it. His wounds were terrible, but I be In will recover. RospecUiilly, JENNIE JOHNS BULL’S CEDRON BITTERS. Au rUKN'i'u; noee.MK.sTs i AKIv.VNKAH 1 HCAHD I. Jtc TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MEN. D t, , Foist, White Co., Ann.. May 23d |R. JOHN BULL—DK.\n Sin:—laist February ii PUrohueiug drugs, uud I got some Sursaiwiiihi and Ccdron Bittors. My sou-ln-Iaw, who was with mo In tho store, 1 rtn '!u Rheumatism for some time, com 11 ‘he Bittors aud soon found his general health in Dr. Gist, who has boon in bad health, tried them also improved. Dr. Coffee, who haa been in had health for sovei stomach aiul liver affected—improved very* rauei uso ol your Hitters, Iudeod, tho CERltON BITT given yon groat popularity in this settlement. ] could npu a groat quantity of your Medicines this peclnlly of your Cedron Bitters and Sarsaparilla I via Memphis, care of Rickct 4 Neely. Respectfully, * C. B WAI IMi- Prepared and sold by Dr. JOHN BULL ut i ratory, Fifth Street. Louisville.. Ky. ’ All nf the above remedies’ for sale br lira Pitman, Druggists, LaGruugtv On, f c