The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, April 16, 1869, Image 1

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HAT ICS OF SUBSCRIPTION. On** <*n\ty r*f thn Paper nn« y**ar |3 00 Ci«a (:« »>y «f tti* *1* months 2 00 onr Copy or u.« Piper threo month* 1 00 Hlngle Copy of tlio Paper 10 Cluli Raton, Tan Onploa of Uio Paper ono $25 0° Twenty OnpliiH nr too l’ftpor ono year 4° 00 ii«T All HuWrlptlonH muat ho paid Invariably In ad vance. No (ItNorlmlnatlnn In flivor of anybody. AW* Tlio Paper will h«? ntopped, In all InHUtinaa, at tlio »lnjn paid for. nnlcNN mtluioripilons ere previously rouowod. 9r Addroaa all ordora to JONES A WILLINGHAM. Attorneys. XV. O. TIIOOLK, A T T O 11 N 13 Y A T L A \V , i Orange Cicoruln. ALIIKUT II. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LaGraagr,. Georgia IlIiL practlco in all Hie Cuurta of the Tallapnow W (imiitn. OTIS JOM5S, ATTO n N EY AT law, Greenville Geo lilO llfllL praellro in all the Courts of the Tallapoosa Olr- v } cult and the adjoining counties of the Chattahoochee end FlintOlreuita. Aprils -:»m . TOOL*. TOOLffl dt JIIABIIY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LaGrangr, Georgia, WILT, practice In the Superior Courts of the counties yy of Tmup, Heard, Carroll. Coweta, Meriwether and Harris. Also, in the Supreme Court of Georgia, and in the United States District Court at Atlautn. *»“ OFFICE—East Sid.' of the Public Square. n,mi-tf c. rr.nuEi.i., I n. i. hammond, I z. w. hammond, LaGrange. Ga. | Atlanta, Ga. | IaGnuigo, Ga. FEUltULL, HAMMOND A BUO., La Gr ATTORNEYS AT LAW, iiigo, Georgia, will practice in Troup county. All business entrust- ▼ V ed to their caro will receive personal, prompt ami careful attention. N. J. HAMMOND still remain! a member of the firm of A. W. Hammond A: Sou, of Atlanta, excopt os to Troup county. Joft-tf Dentistry. II. II. ALFRED, SURGEON DENTIST, ingc Georgia. OFFICE—Northwest comer Publio Square, n Thornton’s Rock Building. January 8th, 1869. J. T. DOBBINS, SURGEON DENTIST, HAVING located at LaGrange, rospaotfully ^tenders ids professional sendees to the citizens rof the place and surrounding country. All work dotje at ids ofllceshall ho tie itly and substantially executed axil warranted to give satisfaction, at reasonable charges. For reference apply to Col. Hugh Buchanan. Col. W. F. **— 1 -• * rt.u...... »- *u . and Dr. Wright. Dr. Calhoun. Dr. Wellborn, N BtanUy and Dr. Wimblsli. LaGrange, Ga. Office up stairs over Pullen k Cox’s old staud, Northwest corner of Public Square. ja»8 Medical. H . LITTLE & IIAUGII, AYING o*a<«d in the practice of Medicine In Us various branches. respectfuUy offer tlieir services the cltizeus of LaGrange ntid surriHinding country. During the day they cat r bo found at tin -P2tf ong. re Istolv 8. D. LITTLE. * BAUGH. MEDICAL NOTICE l D R. R. A. T. RIDLEY, having associated with himself, his son. Dr. GHAKLEH B. RIDLEY, a recent gradu ate of the New Orleans School of Medicine, would offer their services in the various branches of tlio Medical Pro fession, to tlio citizens of LaGrange and surrounding A residence of thirty yoars in TjiGrange. and an exten sive practico during that time, by the senior member of the firm, is a sufficient guarantee to the people that all cases, either from the town or country, will bo promptly and faithfully otlomied to. aar* Office ono door North of Pullen k Cox’s old stand, aud three doors Houth of tlio Post office. Miscellaneous. NOTICE THIS! Cutting and Work Done 1 Georgia. Tonuesaee, TIIE OLD TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA UNITED STATES HOTEL, Atlanta, Georgia. SASSEEN «S( MANN, Proprietors. J. F. W. BRYSON AND ISAAC N. SCOTT, Clerks. FRANCIS A. FROST, BANKER, (Office West 8i<le Square, noxt door to Wise k Douglass,) LaGrange Georgia jd SILVER bought and sold. Atlanta, Ne OWEN & BARNARD, COTTON WAREHOUSE, La Grange, Georgia TtHANKFUL for the liberal patronage bestowed < last vear, wo announce to COTTON SHIPPERS AND FARMERS that we have re-opened our old Stand, near tho R. R. Depot, and will giv« prompt and personal attention to all cotton stored with us. We ulso have a NIGHT- WATCHMAN in the establishment. sopll-tf CLAGIIORN, HERRING A CO., C0TT0NC0MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, No. 7 Warren Block, Georgia ; Corner Vendue Range and Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina; 130 Chestnut Stroot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. * I IBERAL CASH ADVANCES made at all times on j signmente of COTTON. gg- JOSEPH 8. BEAN, of LaGrange, Georgia, is Agent, and will give prompt attention to thipmenU and ad- vancet. eepll-tf ATLANTA MARBLE WORK ! WM. GRAY, Prop’s-, S. B. OATMAN, Ag’t, American and Foreign Marble, MUMENTS, TOMBS, VAULTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS, Mantles, Statuary, Urns and Vases, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Adtt.i»tirkmf.nts st |1 per squsro of 10 solid line* of this trp" f r one Insertion. Hubsoquerd Insertions half prior.’ Double column advertisements, 26 per oent sstrs. 1 j Five Square* f 3 00 $ 6 00 t 6 60 6 00 W 00, 11 00 7 CO! IB 00 16 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 VOLUME XXV.} LAGRANGE, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1861). (NUMBER 16. | V 00 16 00 90 00 96 00 BO 00 ... 19 00 16 00 93 Oni 00 00 03 00 'Sj t-i 40 00, tO 00 CO 00 H6 00 60 00 66 00 80 00 19 00 10 001 34 00 14 00 92 (V)’ 97 00 76 00I 96 00 $16 00 96 0U 86 00 v 40 00 46 00 60 Wi 63 OO 06 0U 196 ( 160 00 Groceries, HU. A.©, ABRAHAM WIMBISH & CO., MEnOIIANTH TRADSBS, (XorUi r.a.t Corner Public Square.) V tothoivlargo stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, HEAVY BOOTH AND SnOE8, BUGGY AND WAGON MATERIALS, STOVES, AC., AC. STEWART’S CRUSHED. POWDERED, A. B and 0 SU GARS, and SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP and MoLASUKB, CHOICE RIO, LAO U AYR A and JAVA COFFEES, STOVES—(Wurrantod to givo satisfaction,) GUNNY and BLANKETBAGGINGf (41 to 46 lu. to3# lbs.,) GREIIN LEAF ROPE and ARROW TIES, AXLES, HUBS, RIMS and SPOKES, (buggy and wagon) BUGGY TRIMMINGS, (every kind,) GUNS, PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES Mid CAPS, PLANTATION aud MECHANIC’S, TOOLS, (every kind,) LOCKS, BUTTS and SCREWS, (great variety,) BUGGY and WAGON HARNESS, CALF SKINS, SOLE, UPPER and HARNESS LEATHER, IRON aud STEEL, (Swedes and Rofined-all aizes.) SUPERIOR CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, BACON, LARD and FLOUR, (superior quality,) COTTON YARNS, OSNABUROS, STRIPES k SHIRTINGS, NO. 1 SHORE and BAY MACKEREL and WHITE FISH, on tho most reason* WIMBISH k CO. Drugs and Medicines. WARE’S DRUC STORE JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SAI.K AUGUSTUS U. WARE, D It U CIOIS T and A I» O T1113 C A11Y La Grunge, Georgia. Drulcc’v Plantation Hitter* T U8T rocelvod aud for aalu by Old Carolina Ditto r ualu by V IVllilcr’s Stomach llittere. riLDER'H STOMACH BITTERS, just received and for enle by A. 0. WARE. H Hostetler'* Bitter*. OSTETTElt’SBITTERS, Ju*t received a Pearl Starch. jr.ARL STARCH, Just rocelvod and foraalo by Ilajoea, 11 OGEE'S BEST, Ju*t received aud lor eulo by A. C. V ('1 LITE, Juat received and lor nale by HPEECH OF RX4*BE8IUEKT .I0ICV80N, DELIVERED AT ICnoxvilh, Tennessee* on tlic 3rd Initaut, From tho Knoxville Preau aud Herald.) Whon Mr. Johnson arose, ho was rocoived with choer after cheer. Ho then addressed tho niultitudo as follows: After receiving the cordial welcome that I Jefferson Davis whon he loft the Senate. After school fund then. Where is it now f Look at tho battler nf Bull Hun, the country was dis- I the taxes of the State aud of the I od» rul Govern - mayed, and* five thousand troops marching into nient. The Federal Government collects Washington could have tuken the Capital; and I hundred nud fifty Act to make valid the acts of certain NoUnn Publio of this State—makes valid acts of all Notaries who were tho attorneys of the party Uj whon) tho oath was administered, or in whoan issued, or by whom other instrument was •**- f w llions, three times to restoro confirienoorMr.' GYitfon’don int7oducod I necessary u few years ego lor the whole expenses i favor such attachment u u resolution in one House and! in tho other, do- of Government, to pay the bondholders. You . such deed, bond, or othe daring the war wan waged for tho Union aud ! black men might us well know this, that < cuted. .. tho Constitution, and that tho States had no while they have boon enfranchising you and Aot to facilitate settlements of copartnerships power to secede. That they wero not out of the disfranchising white men, they havo been di 8 -,oiv(.d by death of one or more partnoru.-- | Union, and could not go out of tho Union.- I making you all slaves. Yes. you arc all ; Where debts of firm are all paid, assets as far a* a speech concerning tho great questions that ag itate the public mind, I should feel almost inca pacitated for speaking. 1 return my most sin cere thunks for this cordial welcome. It is unu sually gratifying to mo to bo welcomed in this manner, alter what has recently transpired dur ing my term as Executive of this great nation. not go out of tho Union.— making you all slave- —, ,, —- . . . ... • — Well WO fouizht tho war We conauered. and ' slaves together to kthe bond-holder, who never possible, may be divided Inland between aur lmvo, I coufonii that if X w«ro disponed to umko , thft ; ](jfcat °jf )0Wr .j to llie aeciidon’of war and j shod a drop ol blood. 1 would to God that the vivmg oopnrtiiora ftnd ropreBentBtiTo of decs»»».J renowed Uic-ir Bllooianoe to the Ooveniment. Oorernmeut hud not tho credit to borrow u dol- purtuer, by throe disinler-sl-ilBppiaiBera.elio*- Was not tills ull wo wanted'' ■ lur to carry on a war. It the people hud hud uu by tho parties or by the Ordlnnry. Each par It bus boon said, und wus true, tbut I Imdbcen 1 beforoband to puy the cost, of the wur, wo should ty lim tu right nftor division to sue in biB owu maltreated, persecuted and insulted, Biid when I never Imve hud one. Wo had u great talk before ■ nutne npou ull o' - v ' 1 ™ *“ caino into power, tho malicious said: Now ho i the war about a negro bIuvo aristocracy. But in the division, will carryout his own doctrines; his passions these negro slaveu wore worth $3,000,000, Q0U. Actio amend an act entitled an aot to pro- .. . . ... * t .j! t »-• i ftr j i>p vv ui neck rcvcin/* — The negro has now been freed from one man tect the planters of this btuto in the sale of far- ttrouild^ud^Vocelve'^our^ordhS'coneratuh^ i Thank God,*} emu mun tbut, when 1 am right- only to he a sieve to another, for it bus to come tillzers. Allows Inspectors DftJ.cento when in- tioiiB. The time has boon whon, as Whigs and ^ Y*** ^J»kt to the last, but when I have Democrats, we had our hitter contests, but after I 9«® re<J , nIld !"5’ foe is prostrate, thank God, I the contest was over wo laid our weapons aside ! kavo too much magnanimity not to lift him up. and met again as friends. As your late honored T ^ NVftS , Ure^idont when Gen. Lee surrendered. ItoproBontative has said, wo differed upon ques- I I thought that restoration was needed and when lions of politics und upon the construction 0 f there were no Htntos to be found I put them into the constitution; hut there was one thing that “ondmon. Governors were inaugurated slid Whigs and Democrats agreed in, and thnt wns btatos reorganized. Iho work of reorganization llie necessity for n constitutional form of gov- ! wilH complete excopt the admission of llepre- ernment; and tho only difleronce was that^^the aentativestoCougress. Tho mulls wore restored, Democrats contended for a strict construction, t,lR . hlockado removed; but the >01101 und tlio Whigs wanted ft little moro latitude to | swd = uu - tho#0 . htutc ? slia11 . 1,0 V operate the government in They negro has i to be a ale vo to anotner, ior h ubb io oouie , mixers. their toil end from the white man's, to spoofed and anulizea in lots of fifty tons or more. j)av these bondholders their one hundred and ■ und twenty-five cents for lots under fifty tons.- hftv millions. i)id they lend it in gold and ail- j All fertilizers imported in tno State must b«* ver? No: in h depreciated currency. Now, the analyzed und inspected at the port of entry lu interest must be paid in gold 4 v d silver, extort- ?d from Uie toil and sweat of whito and black. TnX DIFFERE?:OE. I asked you a little while ago what those men havo done tor you colored men. little I while ago in Washington, a colored 11 to rnp und wanted helu. 1 -van nrettv hard nush which the same is receive 1, and all fertilizers manufactured in the State, in the county wher* made and shall not bo move*] from the mill or factory until analyzed. Act to provide’lor the election of Justices of Peace und Constables throughout the State. — ()u> Juotico of the Peace and two Constables in each militia district on tho first Saturday iu does it stand now? There lias another party sprang up. I care not how you call par ties. The great distinction iH the principle upon which they are conducted. If there over was a lime, now is tho time for regarding tho princi ples of parties. In those times, as I have said, wo only differed in our construction of the con- ' stitution. Wo defended tho consul hazards, even v^hen driven from tho State for po“r v b f,°“ ' enoughTpft/h" 9 ! Y Yeast Powders. 7" EAST POWDERS juat roculvod and for sale by Potatoes. mniRTY Barrels Early Goodrich and Nesbannocb Poto- A New Orleans Molaescs. Choice article, for Bale by WIMBISH k CO. B«<it Orleans Hugi JUST received by RonadalD. TY OSADALTH. Just received aud for sain by D Darby’s Fluid. A HOT’S FLUID, just recolved and 1 A' Ayrrs’ Cherry Pectorr YRES’ CHERRY PECTORAL, Juat r uulo by liaison’s Syrup of Tar. H ABSOJTB SYRUP OF TAR, Just received and for nale by . A. c. WARE. devotion to the Constitution. I havo filled ovory office in tho gift of tlio people, from the highest to the lowest, my ambition is filled, and I have no moro to ask for. I havo endeavored to protect tho Constitution und tho result is be fore you. I am now in your midst to spend tho remainder of my days, where, as a boy, penni less and a stranger, I can truly say, l oxpocted to live, and hero I expect to die and be buried. All I ask, in returning to your midst, is a fair and impartial examination of my past kistory.— If I havo reflected honor upon you, it reflects honor upon your State. I intend to devote tho remainder of my life as a private citizen, to tho vindication of my official life, and of my native State, from tho foul obloquy that has boon heaped upon us. Though bent, I have not been broken by the utorrn which has nearly wrecked the ship of State. got I liu vo pardoned moro men "than »nv t “o^rak..o^ A bSwtog '■ MSf? 6 "- *‘" h ’ c0m -P S . n ~ tl0 “ nivt vuv wu- , • utu j i i glfid of it, and I onlj 4 man - a University and sent a preacher on. lJ itltuiion at all : pardoned many more. Somoof those cftm0 tQ Bu ; 3 l Baid X ^- ould do ^ tlia KtfltA fnr who abuso mo so for pardon, I daro say, noed i CQul(J r askt . a cou ld n ’ t he go roun other executive out I i named therein, such oums of money •lab, as compensation execution of the trust “v. 4 T conferred and for other purposes Such gift < • na. x bequest doea not interfere witn the right ulu to cre q; torjJ 0 f ruch testator. But, after declaring that tire States could not j n t ' p y tbe _ would bac £; 0 ' tt t. (Laughter). go out of tho Union, thisCJongress turned around „r. LJa.. «v d » nnd said they i blage if these some foreic F OR veil Worden’s Violet Ink, iliitectB and book-kooi>or9. Just received and for A. C. WARE. WIMBISH k CO. NE Barrel STRAINED HONEY for sale by WIMBLSH k CO. O F I THRESH ! 1 Bale b 1000 ^ WIMBISH k CO. Family Flour! d of HUporior quality, Junt received nnd for WIMBISH k CO. ra Fino Chernc I LBS. EXTRA FINK CHEESE. Juet receive WIMBISH k CO. i Carbolic Soap. J^Oit kli^jw fleas, &c„ just received aud for^ w Congress Water. /“tONGRESpWATF.R, just recolved nud for h ltenloon'k Condi lion Powder*, I POR hartetfand cattle, Just received and for sale by A. C. WARE. ting into tno tmonr let mey are your e . . - , - neiKhbors ! 40 00m P are n0 ‘ 08 c ‘°- con tst in relation to executors, and for other 8 rrrrrvo «r i A Mas or rxecE. * purposes. Ail persons who here as executors A s.r.mreo ujmsit. Mt friends, the time has now coma to consid- j without fraudulent intent, betweenJune 1,1861, At last my course in opposition to> tho cml er tl f e condition of affairs. Had my advice been j and Juno 1, 1505, done such acts as to mak. followed at the commencement of the war it J him cr her executors cie son tort, is liable only to fore Congress. Mark t ae contrast. There was wcdd hRV0 been better. War is not.the natural j the extent of the value cf the peroonal property Jeft Davis, President of the Southern Confeder- element of my life> j doaire p ea oe f and a 1 actually in the hands of such persons at th» acy, arrested »nd in Jail, and this same party peace f u i contest, within tho Union and under commencement ct the suit, or the proceeds od came forward and bailed him out and sent him f he Constitution. Thank God, mv march has not tho aale cf personalty, if the seme has been NOT DEAD TVT. to Europe while I, who bad fought m tae Senate h ^ n through Qolgotha; mv honors have not sold. Either party may give m evidence tb* rn receiving your welcome, I think that I max ; Cunh-'rie^ra.ho bo- effto s“is ’a cab ** by blood; the widows and the one- -slue of currency atthe time of sals for which ! 1)rit lr - Me ' 1 St8t N° 3 M0 ^. ct i* ; ^ l“«rh^t^T n kdicX^on- ■ Act to P amend an act entitled an act for the W1H.V that is resting upon me; I may say\ha, 11 ^^Yffln?"»rSliS2 \lZSSSSi \ 1 S Ssintno'myobLary It UYam 1 ‘f aiu8t thi " u f? r P h,|? A p 0l v a 7 i clinS to the Constitution of the country as the : in 1663. Where panics refuse to avail them- contsmm,, my ooituary. It may on uiat I aui | t i, eul to my old eounsel (Hon. Tkon. A. R. Isel- v clincn to his comnaaB ! selves of the second section of tne act, any par- “u°1rill bTi 0 va 0 ono h come a from'th^grave ‘“J A 1 c,ld it ', he l >r ™ ecule '; ,h «“ 83 8bl y 83 he d9 ‘. Let metal? you here to-fay, 'that I would rath- ; ty at interest, either as security or owner of «•• - -«-«">■ •'-« -■ I SBKSs'firiia«ra 1 saw asyss. *“ sxst aoy it m their nooks and corners and in tueir diri^ shoulder straps ortho sword crimsoned j which might accrue against such defendant, on Cofttnr’s lint Kxtormlnntor. C tOSTAR’8 RAT EXTERMINATOR, Juat received and > for h&1o by A. C. WARE. Sliigcr’* Mac 11NORR'8 MACHINE OIL, Ju T^iverpool Walt. ^NF. CAR LOAD juat received aud fnr ealo V WIMBISH k CO. On YT*E are Ajfcuta for Ober’ y\ GUANOS, rertiiin and reliable fuoiiliz 1 Will alao iurnirih genuine PERUVIAN GUANO, BONE DUST *n.l LAND PLASTER, all at Baltimore prices, with freight ».lde.l. Give ub your order* early that you may have thorn filled in time. Will Bend your order* to Ober or Merrymmi, a t you may prefer. Cun furuidh you land Plaster.iu Htreng new Backs, at £33 PJ;. r .b. , !V..®L 1 ^ 0 Large Lot liuir f l.'ST received and for n.tle by JJUTTY Putty Knives. KNIVE9, jUBt recolvod and for aalo by WIMBISII i: CO. 33ullc .Mont. WIMBISH A: CO. rAA BUSH. WHITE CORN, on band and to arrive, OUU by WIMBISH k CO. TONS A. A. GUAKO just recelved. frcHhjtnd pure. WIMBLSH k ( What X>lapo«ition Mullock Mad* UNACCOUNTED FOR FUNDS. elusion tliut if farmers wish to get their supplies a Reusonabl* Mriooa. they must buy Boon, and pay tho CASH, a« no man knows wliat bocomos of Mb money when they buy on CREDIT, und pay the exorbitant prices now charged. In Jfact. tills unforced; and, without arrangomeutu 08 to overrule thorn, wo will havo to clo<o ou tho lieu bubi- uesH but to such parties as can make a good lien with good Buuurity wo will Kell, or for CASH ONLY. i hand aud to arrive— ND all description)) of FINISHED MARBLE OF THE L BEST WORKMANSHIP AND LOWEST PRICES. W DE8ION8 FURNISHED, for tho8epurchunlng of us, ^-MODELING, in day orplastor, and othor ornamental r-All order* faithfully executed and promptly filled. rOFFICB AND YARD—Opposite Georgia R. R. Depot, anta, Ga. ALEXANDER ERGEN ZINGER, (Hatter Street, near Whitehall,) Georgia [TOULD re*pe<tfully inform his old frlond* in IaGraugo V and Hiirroitding couutry that he la prepared to fill order* for RNITURE, UPHOLSTERING, MATTRJ^SES AND BEDDING, Decorations, WINDOW CURTzVINS, Ac., &c.„ to. • All order* c*r4lly and promptly attendod to, n *.i —-v-i- octlfi-tf j moat reasonable t{i r. OOBKHTS, 1 J. AltHANBB, ,. uwun-..', 1 -• --j , ... «. HIClUAttDSOJf, Marietta, G*. | trietta, Ga. | Louisville, Ky. TIIE GEORCiv MARBLE WORKS Monnmcnt4ilab«, Tombs, Ae. t finished in the host et» and at LOWER PRICES than the Mono work can be 4o with Northern Marble. Our Marble is oqual to the BfT AMERICAN. with BLOCKS and BLABS of For any information c laddre** . MARBLE WORKS, Either at Mvriei^ jaeper, Pioknna eo., Ge. - W. H. SIMS la the 1 y_l exhibition*, medial public aels*, fee., oheerl' •ad nettiy executed it the ! p hZICRTZ^O^TJCT- ' • Usd of Printing, fox 30 CASKS BULK MF.AT, 4,000 BUSHELS CORN, 500 " OATS, (good aood.) ao BARRELS SYRUP, (Assorted,) 10 y t " 40 BARRELS SUGAR, (allgradoH.) 30 •• POTATOES, 5,000 LBS. FLOUR.No. J, (warranted.) Hardware, Woodenwaro, Hollowware, Crookery, EVERYTHING Di THE GROCERY LINE. Soliciting all to call and examine before buying, wo re main, yours. T. J. THORNTON k SON. February 6th-ty EVANS & RAGLAND, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (East Side Public Square,) La Grange, Georgia. T ARGE supply BAGGING and ROPE Just received by I i EVANSk RAGLAND. 4 Largo supply fine assorted LIQUORS at J\_ EVANS S IUOLAND. F vou want heavy BOOTS and SHOES call J PVIVfl j)> t S HOT by T~ superior lot of all gradon TOBACCO at X ' ' EVANS i RAOLAND. HOT-GUlfs, PISTOLS and CAPS on hand and for sale EVAN8 & RAGLAND. EVANS k RAGLAND. IBS finest Rio COFFEE for Bale by EVANS k RAGLAND. UGAR6. A, B end C. can be bad at EVANS it RAGLAND. JJQ you smoke fine CIGARS? If jyjOLABSES and SURUP can be_hedet pi, EITD BEET (OnMt lalUt.) >t EVANS A RAOLAND. D 2VAN8 t RAOLAND- o EnglUh Sotla. NE BARRF.L BEST ENGLISH SODA, for oooklug. Jus by A. O. WARE. 1000! ides that when Congress passed a law by two- thirds majority, it becomes valid, but it is not a part of tho Constitution—a two-thirds majority of Congress havo tried to wipe the Constitution out of existence. Tho Constitution prescribes tho duties of each department of the Govern-, mont, and when the Congress of tho U. States, excited by interost and a spirit of tyranny, transcended tho Constitution, I vetoed their bills and sent them back to them. For this I They say, produce, and cupport such _ a levy naitered, and that tha people and sale, except as provided for in the tho Con- .. f . _i\, vea, our Moses." Let ua j My confide ... Bee. If there is a colored man boro to-day, I wiil be true to thomr.elves, reoaon wfll be restor- stitution, anc . . . ‘ away by 1 ed, and we ahail again have our old form of i articiec ut .c :r* making tuo crop,^necessaries lor fiay to him not to let himself be carried his prejudices. Tho time is coming when will know who are your friends. I told you four years ago—hear me, don’t go away—that free- meant liberty to work and what you earn ed from your work to spend for your comfort.— And thiB applies to all. Freedom Is xvorthlc ' have been denounced oa a traitor, and accused unless you work. Freedom i3 not to build up a of abandoning my parly, and of being a traitor ; miserable lazzaroni to bo supported by tho^gov- to it.. If fidelity to the Constitution is treason j eminent, to party, I say let the party go. “ T government. the family, medical cervices, end tuition for ed- Fellow citizens, in parting from you, let me ‘ ucation. thank vou for my cordial reception Ynd for the ; To declare void the unauthorized sales of wild attention you have paid hopiug that you may lands by tax collectors of the counties whero tho live—we that are older and whoso heads*are gray < lend was located, and to direct the refunding of must roon pass away—let me urge you to come money received therefor. Declares all Galea to up and understand the Constitution, The soul be null and void, where parties pay tax in coun- of liberty is the Constitution, aud without the ties wkoro they reside. Parties purchasing raid Constitution thero is no liberty 1 1 Landrciltli'o Gai r DST received and for sale by aW mitl'' n E3 sic nr v bc tr » FOR SALE A DSURFXNO CONGRESS. Lot ub seo how those tJepailmenta operate. 3acli is confined to its sphere. Let us reasi i together. Where is the danger in the Govern ment? I tell you hero to-day, and as one spoalc- I lug from the dead, II is in the Lejislatiuc Depart ment--1 mean in tho Federal Government, why! j Cun tlio Executive make u law? He has only i\ ! negative power. The judiciary can only ex- I pound a law. Hut tho Legislature can pass laws i of the most arbitrary character, and under the protenno of law, tramplo upon the liberties of ’ the people. Those who urc trying to undermine tho Constitution, have given tho impression that a two-thirds majority has the power of tho Con stitution. Then they can go on until a Con gress-yes, n capricious Congress, yes, u despotic Congress, yes, a usurping Congress—will take away the liberties of the people. But I feel that In parting from you let me invoke the protec tion of Almighty God upon you, and with the land:: at cuch sales acquire no right under any color of title. To amend section 12 of the Homestead act by adding at the close cf the section the words “and tho children of her deceased hueband by her for- But ft word upon tne subject of M03- I want tho colored men to listen to me.— Who set the colored men free? Was it done by _ . . President Lincoln in bis proclamation ? No, j hope that peace may restored, I leave you. , for vou will find that Tennessee was excepted i ’ aB0U from that proclamation. Who was it, who, I From the Atlanta Constitution.] standing thero upon tho Capitol steps at Nash- Acts of the Lcgiulr.tus vi lie, iu the midst of war and tumult and strife, — --a*- declared freedom to tho colored men of Tonnes- i We annex a list of the acts of tho last Legisla- to execute and return any process by a Justio# aeo. Look to the record and you wHl aea that I ture of public interest. . ^faT^Yinadc^’SSSSJ*}? declared freedom to them then, and that after ; Act to extend the time in which Tax Collec- process to a justic declaring the colored men free, I said if there rcor rnamago. To extend the jurisdiction of Constables iu his State. Makes it lawful for any Constable BRADFEELD & PITEV2AN, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Lu (•range, Georgia. HAIR BRUSHES. Dozou •Morted HAIR BRUSHES, Just recolvod i • for Hale by liRADFlELD k PITMAN 10 DRESSING COMBS. Dona DRESSING and FINE COMBS, of every de scription, Juat received nnd for saln by RRADFIELD A PITMAN. AXLE GREASE. Dozen boxeH AXLE GREASE, for wagena, carriaqon, &o., ju*t received and for Halt; by BllADFIELD k PITMAN. WILDER S SARSAPARILLA. Dozen bottle* E. Wilder’* SARSAPARILLA and TOT- M ASH, JuHt received aud for Mal»« by BRAD1TELD k PITMAN. GRAFTON PAINT. ftAA Pounds GRAFTON PAINT, for palling* and out building*, very cheap and df-Hiruble for wuch work, for sale by BUADF1KLD A: PITMAN. ' VIOLIN STRINGS Dozen VIOLIN 3TRINOS, Just rnceivod by BRADFIELD k PITMAN. 30 TOILET SOAPS. Dozen aaHorted TOILET SOAPS, of every variety nnd price, for sale by BRADFIELD k PITMAN. KEROSINE LAMPS. Dozon KEItOSINE LAMPS Just receivod by _ BRADFIELD k PITMAN. 20 BABBITT'S POTASH. Dozen BABBITT’S POTASH, for sale by BRADFIELD k PITMAN. .•wjb-w * At Hogansvillo, Georgia. BIcIYDII, PHILLIPS & CO. firat-clttb* Drug Houses, North, B nnil fuoeTve BUpplit!* evory week. ** Dealer* aud til other person* can, therefore, depend upon getting Pure anti Frc*h Driigx nntl fictileine*, (’laamlcalM, frnra the beet manufacturer*, Paint*, Oil* and Dvc Stuff*, Window Glass and Putty, Soda, Spice* and Pepper, Keroiine Oil, be*t nuHlity, Rock Pol ash and Turpent ine, Toilet Article* and Perfumery, of superior quality, Seeds,—crop of 180S, and very thing Usually Kept In n. First-C’Iusa Drug Store, at a* low prioeaas thenamo quality of goods can be bought iu thi* Mvtlon of couutry. Hi- i'KF.SfnUPTlWNrf accunflcly filled, day and night, by Dr. Mclv*r. febl9-3Bq*-3m* #10 STITCH! STITCH! f>0 $40 $10 firatcloBH SEWING MACHINES given $37 30 $40 U* niwalnmH for $37 50 worth of subBurip- $37 60 $40 UonH^fbr WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD ADVO- $37 50 $40 CAm * first class family paper, at 75 $37 60 $10 C'.ma*y«AT. Also C37 30 TICI£! TICK! 630 832 $33 $30 $33 $30 #1*3 SIC /PICTIONARY. $13 WtbSSBrfl Unabridged Dictionary, worth $12 $19 $19, given as premium* ior $19 worth of $12 $19 su8fcyioa*. Also, $19 $100 Sxinclay Sol^ool $100 RARIES, $50 volun g tnd amou Also, «3-The ADV( ^rcocLuir.u i 4yKnowledg jf»-er larged gar Send ferj premium for an equivalent $40 Options. ^ w *80 marBtf 9SO $50 1 other premium* equally liberal. irly called the Prospectus. )■« iges, and alms to promote*^* Temperance. It has been-^B ■ f*e time* In 97 month*. Address B. B. WOOD.-«t VaaVinrah V V P. O. Buildiug, Newburgh. N.: wns none other more capable than I, I would be their Mosoa and lead them from captivitv.— IIuvo not thev been lead from captivity ( I Havo not they been lead from captivity . _ proposed to be if no one else would. V> here urn theao siraon pure Moses ? Has any one of them urpjed you to out West and talco lfiO acres of land? Oh, no. Thore’8 a great many whito men out there. But they will take you here and organize you into clubs aud secret leagues, and make you‘believe that they are your best friends. I stood os a breakwater at the head of the Amor- J j Jut t j lis maH Johnson, oh ! he’s a traitor, and icon government and arrested its progress, for a j yon muf>t beware of him. But whoro are these time at least, until the people knew what was I ot b cr Moseses? Havo they smote the rocks aud going on. And while others may boast of hov- j b RB the water gushed forth ? Have they brought ing established a government, I feel that I can, Lj ie manna from on high? Have they gone to without egotism, claim the credit ot having boon ) p( 8 g a b’s top? I suppose thev have presented effleiont in its preservation. you a blue book? (Laughter.) All they havo The time has oomo to tall: about tho first prm- | jri ven v ou is a blue book, and an oath toaup- ciples of Government. Takeaway the restraints ! £ ort t b em . TITE NEGRO'S NEW MASTER. which hold back Congress and you have a des potic Government. Wipe out the other two de partments of the Government and you havo Congress with its discretion, or perhaps I should say, its indiscretion, tho measure of its power. Jefferson describes such a body as this, as the exact embodiment of a despotism. And lot mo toll you hero that a wise and good prince is infi nitely better than a usurping, arbitrary, despotic Congress. (Voice—“That’s so, Andy, go on.”) Loot at tho course of Great Britain towards the colonics, and compare it with that ot Con gress. Look at tho Declaration of Independence aud see how the acts of Congress are similar to tho course of Great Britain. Then when that Declaration was made, and tho people saw their wrong, they were aroused to gain their freedom. Now, look at our condition. The great writ of habeas corpus suspended, and when a citizen ot the United States appealed to tho Supremo Court, an arbitrary Congress tool: from him tho rights of appeal and deprived him of his liberty. .... ^ r - - °t th8 Poacc. raiding i tors shall make final settlements with the Coinp- , the militia district where defendant resided at trailer General of tho State of tlio taxes collect- . the time of said process. ; extends time to first Mon- To authorize Clerks of C urt to amend fl. fas.. able tor the j dav in April. . anc * kiHue alias executions, Act to alter and amend go much of section 2nd j rors occur in original, of an act to lew and collect tax on circuses; in | To amend the Homestead act by allowing th* cities with a population of 10,000 and over, $100; ! applicant not possessed ol ent^mount ot 6,000 and over $60; leso than 6,000, $25. young men I sou hore must look to these things, for we gray-headed men are passing ofl of the scene, and they must soon take our places. Wo see Governors of States deposed by Lieuten ants in the army. Let mo toll a story: A party of gentlemen were roeently riding through Rich mond, tho capitol of tho Old Dominion, and seeing a house they asked “who lived thero?"— Tho driver studied awhile, and said, Oh, that’s the gentleman that has the State in charge.”— Think of it. a littlu military man had the Old Dominion in charge! SYMPATHY roll THE DOWN-TRODDEN. Congress recently, during tho latter part of mv term, passed a resolution wanting the Gov ernment to interfere in the Cretan matter, let the Cretes wero governed by a King. Still we are hunting up tho downtrodden and oppressed. Such, indeed, was our history before. You re member how we sympathized with Kossuth, and with Ireland, now struggling for liberty. ( Voice, Tlirco cheers for Feniaus.) During niv time as President, an effort was made to acquiroSt. Thomas, and we have long desired to gain Cuba. But now they havo a rebellion there, and Con gress, seeking out the oppressed and dowu-t rod- don everywhere, is in favor of acknowledging the rebels of Cuba as ft belligerent power. I'll itmko you Boowhfttlum driving nl. Ik thoro no oppression nnyvhero elso? \\ o Boom to imve token out a roviug eomimssion in searoh of tho oppressed, ftnd when wo find them, our bowels yearn for thom. but here our own brethren, our own kindred, bono of our bone, iiro found with this same United States Btauding with niftilod heel upon them. I want Cuba an nexed, hut I want it dono in accordance with law. I aupposo thoro aro none here but want Chiba annoxod and represented in Congress. NOT A TRAITOE. They say that 1 havo been a traitor to my party. Where havo I violated any pledges? (Voice, never. 1 Whoro was I nominated? Wan it a Radical Convention, a Whig Convention? No. It was a Union Convention. It was a Conati- tutional Convention, and they invited all to come into that Convention. Now examine tho plat form of that Convention. I defy you to put your Auger upon one paragraph of that platform that I have violated. HIS RECOBD HEVIEWED. I replied to the letter notifying me of my nom ination, and I want tho gentlemen who have been falsifying my reoord to recur to that letter. I accepted it as a war Democrat and I urged my old Democratio friendB to some up and join me. I refer to thiB simply to make the record right I stand now as I Btood then, battling for the Un ion and the Constitution of our fathers, but where do some of them stand now? Itoidthem that the true place to fight the battle was in the Union and under the Constitution. 601 told uoo auu over „„„, „„ .... .... , Sesltj situated iu the county of ins rostdenoe to Act to carry into effect the second clause of embrace in his application lauds in any other the Constitution; provides a general jury sya- ! oouuty of the State. tecj To amend the homestead act by allowing the Act to define tho liability of the Sheriffs, and i Ordinary of any county to file his application other mini-tcriol officers of thin State, end and schedule with the Clerk o. the Superior grant rolief to tho came; relieves them from lift- | Court, who shall receive and pass on the earn, bility for failure to execute any order or process j 69 nc^v provided by law for OromarieB, and of Court in accordance with anv Statute at tho receive the Bnme fees. time not decided by the Supreme Court to be ; To make it a penal offence tor owners or per unconstitutional. j eons controlling billiard tables or ten pm alleys Act to amend tho Garnishment Laws of the to allow minora to play 01 rob on then tablou State; requires tho garnishee to appear at the i without the consentof their parents or guardiana. next court, then and there or before that time ! Subjects them to a fine not exceeding $100, or ■im,!™..'!' | to deopose on oath, what he is indebted to, or both, at the discretion of the Court for each of- ,et mo tell you, colored men, and I have propcrtJ . or he has in hie hands be- I fence, rer deceived white men or black men, tna«. 1rmOT - T m defendant, between the timed ecr- 10 longing to defendant, between the time ct ccr vice and the time of making the return. Act to authorize the Clerks of the Superior Courts of thin State to issue executions on judgments obtained in the Inferior ar.d County Courto of this State, iu cases whero the Clerks of said Inferior and County Courts have failed to a i d0 8 °' ? carry into offect rection article 2 of tha those meu who talk about your old masters, have only delivered you up to nc-w masters.— You are slaves to the league. Let me Bay to you aa I said to my old servant—an I told him when I came back. “ Sam, tho only difference between us is, that I freed you four years ago, and I was only emancipated on tho fourth r C March.,’ So you seo I am addressing you as _ freedman. (Laughter.) . . „ ! Company and'for other purposes. It was not long since I wan accused of favor- i A ; f [u a j tpr fta( j ftmen <i section 3229 of Irwin's ing negro suffrage. You will see that I eont a j c - tlie sam0 beinR in ration to suits against ... telegram to the Governors of the several g™ 83 | Railroad Companies; embraces all causes of ac- such other lions as summary remedies are pro- iu tne South, to go as far as Borne of tho otates i&4ima<* r.nm-na-n\ra ' North had gone. Now, what is the charge? Act to incorporate the Independent Telegraph Constitution. Makeo it a misdemeanor to sell liquors on election days within one mile from election precinct, and subjects them to a fine not exceeding $60, or imprisonment in the Jail, or both at tue discretion of tho Court. To carry into effect the 39th section of the first article of’the Constitution. Prondeo that the iiena of laborers and mechanics upon property of empleyoro for labor performed or materials fur nished, shall be superior in dignity to all other liens, except factors’ and mechanics’ liens and That I am against it. Where is the proof of it? Whon I suggested that tho State of Tennessee and others should go as far in one year an other States had gone fn fifty years, it was a groat _ad- vance. THE WAR MEN NOW, Now in one more allusion to Mosea, I want to tako up tho account of these new born advocates. It in very easy for men to come in our midst and talk about rebellion, courage and Union, who, while the rebellion was going on wero not within the smell of gunpowder, but were in their closets or some secret place, and became war men when the war was over. I could tell some secrete concerning the state of affairs. Here it was dangerous for a man to bo a Uuion man, there, where men come from, they dare not bo anything but loyal. I should like to take up my sacrifices and compare with these neophitea. I asked a little while ago what they had done for tho colored man. Can any of you tell except to get into the leagues and give you now masters. Don't you know that the leagues are conspiracies the government ? If you arc free, did you become any freer to go in the oathbound leagues and become slaves to new masters? Now when iu a free country you see that these oath hound leagues, you may know they are trying to take away other roeu’o liber ties. These IcngorR will, if allowed to go on, destroy the liberties of the country. BROWN LOW ATTESTS HIS LOYALTY. If I have pardoned so many I ought to be pardoned for some of my errors, but I think, I have sorno evidence of my loyalty. I have a paper which I will read.: Received. Nashville. March 24th, 1862, of Andrew John son, Military Governor of Tennessee flfteeu hundred dol lar*, to aid in the cpUbliahment of a Union Prose -file, Tennessee, anil to dofray my exjse,—- Knox- while pasa- ing from under a secession oppress; Nashville. _ $1,500. Walt G. Bnow*low. Now, here you nee this was for a Union proas, and to aid in escaping from the oppression of secession. (Voice—“Who is it?”) Why this is signed by no less a man than Win. G. Brownlow, with his own sign manual. But now I’m the traitor. ALL SLAVES TO THE AONDHOLDEBA. But, my friends, we must reason together.— We must not allow our feelings to deceive us. So far as my presence here is concerned, I have no other objeot than to thank you for your cor diality. I have gone the round of all tjie offices. tion against B’ailroad Companies. ’ j videfi for and for debts duo the publio, bnt AaU Act to more fully carry into effect the first di- be cf equal dignity to the mat mentioned liens, vision of tho lHt section of an act entitled an They shaU be enforced in the manner presonb- \”t to define certain acta of trespass, and to ! ed in Boction 19o9tn of Irwin s Revised Code, re make the same penal, assented to February 23d ; luting to enforcing liens against steamboats, ex- '• CeclM°» the cutting or feUing of chestnut i , 18G8. diction of all caseB of S100. All the provisions for enforcing lions upon steamboats apply to liens of laborers. To dispose of money arising from fines and forfeitures in the new criminal courts. All Jus tices of the Peace and Notaries Publio authoriz ed to hold criminal courts, required to keep a strict account cf ilneB and forfeitures out of which they chall pay themselves and subordi nate officers pro rata, all insolvent criminal costa accruing in their courts, and pay remainder over to tho county treasurer. To amend section 2518 of Irwin's Revised Coda by inserting—" and notice of tbo same shall be published ouce a week for four weeks before tho hearing." To repeal the third section of the act to do- fiuo liability of railroads for injury to persons and property. . _ To oxplain section 813 of Irwin a Code. Ex- emptG Loan and Building Associations from taxation on capital stock and net annual profits. To provide more effectually for the collection o r noil tax. Applies to the 2nd rection of the | ixC of 1668 1 , to the tax law of 1808 aucUbfiff warrant to give notice of an intention to certicr- To repeal act to ouucalo indigent maims* ari, and tho 6amo shall operate as a supersedes trees upon the land of another, enclosed or un enclosed, without the consent of the owner a pe nal offence. Any person can prosecute for the offenc* and one half of the fine gooe to the inform er. The ouub of proving authority rests upon the defendant. Act to dissolve garnishments under attach ments, etc.—may be dissolved an if it had been at common law. Act to authorize Agentu and Attorneys of de fendants to make oath to pleas in certain cases. In all civil cases, founded on contract, where there is an issuable defense, and where defend ant does not reside in county whero suit ia pend- Act to alter and amend flection 4010 of Irwin's Code in relation to the issuing of distress war rants, &c. Any person who haa rent due, may, by himself agent or attorney, make application to any juRtico of the peace in the county in which debtor rosideB, cr where hia propertv may bo found, -apply for distress warrant. All sums over $100 to be lcvided by tho Sheriff or his deputy ; under that by Constable. and so far as th© corruption of the Government is concerned, my hands are fr6e from it Here I have come to Uve, with my wif6 and my child ren. I want little. Man wants but little here below, and, like Oato, I return to my little farm. But this timo is full of alarming portents.— The country ie in danger, and let me lift my warning voice. Look at the taxes. Your debt is nearly three billions of dollars, bo far aa the Federal Government ie conoemed. How much is it at home, God only knows. I know how it woe when I wo* your Goveraer. You had a for ton days. After tho erpiration of the ten days if no certiorari has been granted, tli6n the officer shall proceed to deliver the property as directed by tho Court at the time ol trial. Act in relation to tho statute limitations, and for other purposes. All acts of tho Legislature, and ordinancef of the Conventions of 1665 and 1863, having the force and effoet of law which are retroactive in their character relative to the Statute of limitation null and void in all cases whoro statute had fully run beforo tho pas- sago of such retroactive legislation. All suits upon judgments obtained outside of the State, prior to Juno 1st, 1865, not now barred; all writs of scire facias to revive any lodgment obtained in this Stato now dormant, shall be brought by January 1st, 1870, or right of action and the remedy forever barred- All actions on bonds cr othor instruments under seal, and all suite for enforcements of rights accruing to individuals or corporations under the statute or acts of in corporation, prior to June let, 1865, not now barred shall be brought by January 1st, 1870, or forever barred. Suite on notes made prior to June 1st, 1865, not now barred, against admin istrators predicated on alleged neglect or mie- oonduot in the investment of trust tunas in ourrency, bonds, or the like, without authority of Court; provided that he has not acted fraudu lently and oorruptly. shall be brought by Janua ry 1st, 187Q. or forever barred. No reoovery af ter January let, 1870 on. any liability accruing prior to June 1665. All actions for terte com mittee prior to June 1866, barred after June 15th 1869. Eight* accruing since June, Wo. limited only by the Cede. Goldioro. _ , , To amend section 35G5 of Irwin a Code, by re quiring Ordinaries to publish citations for dm- ebargo of administrators three months instead of six months. . To regulateinsurancoagonr-iea. coinsurance company, or agent, except Masonic, Odd Fellowa or Roiigior.8 Mutual Aid Societies, already char tered, 6hall transact business, without procur ing a certificate from the Comptroller General- Said agent, or insurance company, except com- panieo specified, shall furnish the Comptroller General with tho amount of capital eto:k, assets, General with the amount oi liabilities, iucoiae, expenditures and a 06rtified r. - i .e : n , A , nn ,i,i|ati XTrt fiAWifioftta copy of act of incorporation. No certificate shall be issued to oompanics unler.s they have^ an actual cash capital of 5100,000 paid in— Statements renowed annually. Fins for viola tion not lees than $100 nor more than $500 To raise a revenue for the political yrar 1869 and appropriate money for the use of the Gov ernment during said year. To prevent fraud in laying off homesteads and exemption of personalty, reoaires applicants to exhibit a full and complete schedule of prop ertv, ineluding money, stooks and bonds. To amend aeotion £6 of Irwin’s revised Coda by changing the fiscal year bo a? to make it to conform to tho calendar year. Thio clczes the list c: acts passed cf publio in terest. Tha temair.dsr ore Itcel in their char acter. Plant strawberries in rows; when the first. young berries appear, eprjtkle planter Ot. -" 07©r the patch. . ..