The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, October 04, 1877, Image 3

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A chief. iimnnp you taking nnte., And, faith, tie'll limit it. |Iton*nT Hubnk. FFICE:—UP STAIRS NO. 3B, MAIN STREET. ItiillrniiKo, Moorgln.Tliurwluy KvmiIiir, Oct. 4, 1KT7. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & CO., 00 anil 08 Whitehall Street, “ ATLANTA, OEOUOIA. Ilnvo in thotr I'ry Qnoils dopartmont ouo of tlio moot oouipluto HtUlihM ol STAPLE AND FANCY js. «* «» «**»«•» BLACK AND COLORED BILKS |and pink dbkhm GOODS, Evor offurod In tlio Btato, Sample. sent to oil ports or tlio country, on application. CJ A U P K T H clioan iih now. [they uro now display-lug i CARPETS, SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, HUGS, WALL PAPER AND II0U8E-FURNISIIING GOODS, Ah can bo found south of Philadelphia. LAMBREQUINS and CORNICE Made to order. Call ou and oxumluo or send your orders to { CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON k CO., 00 and 08 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. La 9 H is I At 0-1 y 1 THRASH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. euro for Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cohls, ., end all Lung affections. Restores lost voice, etc. (call lit BradOold le Sledge's and get a trial bottle. Only j35 cents. 12-ly xi WAITED. A ROHOOL; or tlio situation of Governed iu a family. Apply at this ollloo. al t ••MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE.” Miller A Dro., hoot nud hIioo dealers of West Point,Ga., re saving people money l»y selling good shoes lower than °)tho general trade docs sorry ones. Give them a trial, tf Don’t forget the place. Lewis II. Clarke’s, aon Whitehall Street, next to railroad crossing, ^Atlanta, (in., is the best place in the S»ato to buy a stylish hat or cap. •you go to Atlanta without visiting Lewis II. ClurkeV, and inspecting his stock of hats and caps, you will miss a treat. What every body says must be so, and it is generally conceded by all who have made the trial that a tine hat cau be bought lor less money at Lewis II. Clarke’s, thau at any placo in Atlanta. * Where did you got that nobby hat? Why at Lewis II. Clarke’s iu Atlanta, to be sure. lie sells them cheap too. Is it a hat you aro alter? Then go to Lewis H. Clarke, Atlanta. Huts, Cups and Furs. Lewis H. Clarke, at No. G Whitehall St., At lanta, lias the finest stock ami best selection of hats, caps and furs ever brought to Atlanta, lie sure to call and see them. Stray Loral Squibs# Capt. Robert E, Park, of Macon, was iu La- (drango two or throo dayfl ago. Ills uumorous friends wore glad to boo him. Mr. Hamuol J. JohnBton.of tlio Franklin Nows wan in this city Monday. Mr. Johnston pub- lislies a good pftpor rind our businosH men would consult their iutorost by fidvertisiug in il. Wo wore pleiiBod to moot thut oxcollent gen tleman find well known educator, Col. James II. Lovolnoo, ol Hamilton, ill LaGrango Monday. llov. Win. Timmons, an aged Mothodist min ister, died recontly at Cavo Bpring. Ho was ft brothor of Mr. T. I. C. Timmons, of this oouu- ty nud livod iu Troup a uutnbor of years ago. lie has four sons iu tho regular ministry of tho Mothodist Church. Hon. A. H. Cox has returned from Atlanta, with his family. Bftid a gentleman to nnothor who lmd just re turned irom ft short residouoo in tlio Louo Btar Btato: "Did you got iuto a row while you were iu Texas?” "Yes, one.” "How did you come outiuit?” "Oh, I retreated. I thought a good retreat was bottor than a bad stand.” Master Willio Wallace, in tho lower part of Troup, ground a single stalk ol sorghum which made three pints of juico. Wo had a pleasant call, last Saturday, from Mr. J. A. Haralson, of West Point, who was on his way to Athens, to attend tlio University. Cotton is comiug in right briskly. Wo have had two duyaofvery stormy weathor. Miss Lizzio Priueo and her little nephew arc still very sick, but with hotter prospects. Thero havo been gracious revivals of religion all over Heard and Troup counties. Tho Virginia Bell punch, known as tho Mof fett Register, would mako lively music in La Grango, and help us to pay our taxes. County Convention of Methodists. Thero aro nearly 1,G00 whito Mothodists in Troup county. Tho charges aro: LaGrango, G. U. Smith pastor, ono church; Ilogausville, tV. A. Simmons, four churches; Troup, II. J. Ellis, lour churches; Long Cano, J. W. Lee, three churches; West Point, W. F. Lewis, one church. Profiting by tho example of their Baptist brethren they have held during tho year two county conventions. These assemblages con vene on Thursday night, devote Friday and Sat urday to business and preaching, and conclude with a service on Sabbath. Ono was held last week at Long Cane. All tho charges save West Point were roprosented. Dr. Cook was president; Rev. J. S. Sappington,vice-president, and W. C. Freeman and J. II. Brady, secretari es Tho session was very interesting and profitable. Revivals wero reported at all tho churches ex cept two—Sunday-schools flourishing and the church generally, lively. Tho Baptist brethren attended tho meeting every day and kiudly en- tertained tho delegates. The Fair Association. The directors of tho Western Georgia Fair As sociation desired to insert an advertisement iu tho Reporter this week, but it was crowded out. Thero will be an exposition held in LaGrango on tho 31st of October. Everybody is invited to be present,and bring anything curious or useful for exhibition. No prico will be charged for admit tance, and thero will bo no entrauco fee on arti cles exhibited. It will bo a free Fair iu all re spects. Particulars will bo given next week. Gov. Colquitt will bo present. Hats for lu'ge heads, small heads nnd swell- heads, at Lewis H. Clarke’s, Atlanta, Ga. The crowning glory ol man is his hat. Buy your crowning glory from Lewis II. Clarke of Atlanta. I Not only hats, but umbrellas, trunks, va lises, canes &o., in great variety at Lewis II. Clarke’s, Atlanta, Ga. All the fashionable styles of lints, caps nnd ladies’ lurs at Lewis II. Clarke’s Atlanta. WM. A. 3HAY€00», amm w ae ATLANTA, GA. OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, CurtniiiH, Wnll-papor -AND- General Interior Decorations. MR. 13. B. LATHROP, luto of Lntlirop k Co., of Hiivnnnfth, Ga., will l)o pleased to moot 1i1h IriendH nt my Htoro any time. MR.OIIAH. G. EC'KFORD ami MR. J. 13. FRIZZELL will 1>o rcudy to give their friends a hearty wclcomo and show thorn a handsome stock, 4(My HUNNICUTT & BELLINGRATHS, 30 Ac 38 Honchtroo HI,, -A.tla.iita, Ga* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES. HOUSE FUR1SIIING GOODS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, m aLA 1 *?*: um: a.uwrac Wrought Iron Pipo fbr Steam, Gas and Water, Gas Fixtures, Pumps, Rubber Howe, Steam Fittings, any Plnmberw’ Goodw. MANUFACTURERS OF CONCRETE SEWER PIPE. Agent For KNOWLS’ STEAM PUMP. 40-2m W. J. WATT. J. A. WALKElt. C. II. WATT. CORNER STORE UNDER RANKIN HOUSE, BROAD STREET. Columbus, Ga., August 25, 1877. TO THE PUBLIC: We desire to say to the Farmers and Merchants of tho lower part of Troup and Meriwether coun ties. and all others who come to our city to trade, that we are prepared to do better by them than any other house in Columbus. Cheaper goods, more of them, better quality, than are offered in the State. We keep everything in the way of Groceries and staple Dry-Goods, such as Racon, Corn, Flour, Whisky, Bagging, Ties, Florida Syr up, Sheeting, Shirting, Osnahurgs, &c., &c. Come to sec us. WATT & WALKER, Under Rankin House. New Advertisements. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. OEOUOIA. TH0UP COUNTY. H Y VIRTUE of an order of thoOrdinnry of said county, will ho sold on tho lirst Tuesday in Novemhor next, it tlio eourthoiiHo door in LaGraugn in auid county within tho lawful hours of sulo, tho following real estate, to-wlt: nty-two aoroH of land,morn or less, and known iih the 0 plane of It. F. Thmbason, deeoaHod, partly lying In tho rfty of LaGrango, with line improvcmonle; auto ono hundred and uighty-throo acres of land known iih a part of tho J. R. Cook nlueo, uud bounded north by lundH of D. N. Spoor, eimt by J. H. IV. Darden, west by J. R. " * ndHOUth by .1. W. Tyson. Also, an undivided IntoroHt in two hundred acres of lane, ono hundred acres of which being tho north half :>f lot no. '228 in tho 4th district of said county, »nd ono hundred acrea off of tlm wont and south widen of lot no. 1427 iu tlio 7th district ol Hutd county, tho hiuiio being tho lundH deeded to Will. (Jorhum by .1. W. MoGoo, Sr., on tlio 20th of October, 1878, and recorded in deed Book, Rage 68(1. AIho ono hundred and thirty ucroR more or Iohh, adjoining tlio lands of J*. B. HutchInHon, part of lotH now. 211 and212, iu Went Point illHtrlet, hounded ortli by 1\ B. JlutchiiiHon and the Drummond place, went by Juh. Kiiinnor, euHtbyT. J. ThomuHon and Houtli by W. II. Stripling. All ol said lundH being in bald conn- Hold IIH the property of R. F. ThomuHon, deceased, the benefit of tlio holrn and creditorHoi Hiiid dcccas- Tcrms of Hide, ono hull cuhIi and the balance twelve inouuthH ufter with interest irom duto of sale. Deeds uiudo ou luHt payment. P. B. HUTCHINSON, A miuiHtrutor. October iHt, in??. APPLICATION TO SELL RAILROAD STOCK. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. October 1, 1877. Hsrncd that uppli- illnury ol Huid county, at the regular term on tho lirst Monday in No vember next, for leave to Hell fifteen f-hures of the Atlan ta k WcBt Point railroad Htoek of .»1(0.00 each belonging to tlio estate of it. F. ThomuHon, deceased, lor tho pui- poHeH of distribution and to pay the debts. P. B. HUTCHINSON, AdminiHtriitor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. October 1, 1877. B Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court ol Ordinary of Haid comity, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in No vemhor next, before the eourthoiiHo door in LaGrango. iu Halil county, within tlio legal lioiirH of Hale, tin; following property: Ono hundred and forty-live acrcH of land in the fourteenth diHtriet of originullv Carroll, now Troup coun ty, being part ol lot No. 84. Said land will he divided into purcelH and sold to miit purchUHorH. Sold uh tlie property of John Motloy, doccuHed. Terms cuhIi. Sold for dibtrihution. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY: October 1, 1877. Li range, in Li follow iug huh Coflr id, deceuHfd, known uh tho Wyatt laud belonging to thoeBtat viz: Two hundred and Hire pluce, in said county, and being on tho went Hide ol tho Clmttuhooe.lieo river, hounded on the Houth by Wehudkoe creek, euHt uud north by W. W. WilliuuiB, went by J. A. Moore. Sold for diHtributlon, Terms of nule one hull cuhIi, and hulunce due twelve months after, with intercut. Bond for titles given, uud deed mude on luHt puymeut G. M. WHITE, AdmlniHtrutor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. H Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Troup county, will lie wold ou tho lirst Tuesday in December, 1877, at the courthouHe door in said county, between the legal hours of Halo, the following real estate of Jordon Adams, late ol said county, deceuHed, to-wit: One hundred and forty-eight acres of land, more or less, being tho south sldo oi lot No. 157 in fourth district of Haid county, lying on the ca-st Hide ol the LaGrango uud WhltoHvillo road, uud udjoiuing lands of Nuthuu McCally, Neut McCally, Jaek Hogg uud others. ThiH being the en tire reul estate of said dece isod, except beventy-bix ucres laid off to the widow of suid deceubed uh a dowry. 'J’ermb mude known on duy of bale. HIRAM DENNIS, Adrn’r, October 1,1877. PHILLIPS' 8HOE STORE! IN nloro and to urrlvo a full linn of Lndlcn and MIhhch Custom made Shoes opon in front, Hide lace, nml but ton. Box ton and no box. These Shoes aro made of the following goods: Glove Kid, und Calf. All sizes froth 11 to 2, id 2 to 7. OLD LADIES’ low heel Glove Kid, Peh- ble Gout, and Calf fort und durability. A full stock of CaiiAnld’a cele brated HAND SEWED Gents’ Gaiters. Miles' Gents' Fine Gaiters, Gents’ Fine Huud and Machine Sewed and Uablo Screw Boots—a largo assortment. Root und Shoes for Old Men and Young Men. A ell selected stock of Men's Machine Sowed, Guide Screw und Pegged Shoes In Gaiters, Alexis and Ties A good stock of ROYS’ FINE ROOTS AND SHOES, MEN’S AND ROYS’ PLANTATION SAND SEAM DOOT8 BROGANS AND PLOW SHOES, ut various pricca. Women’s Plow and Ral Shoes at 75o, 00c, $1.00 nnd $1.25 per pair. Women’s good Calf Shoes $1.50 per pulr. Roys Roots 75c per pair. Copper Tips, 50c. Children's Shoes iu ubuuduuce. Infants’ Shoes from 0 to 0, button and luce in all colors. A genuine good Cull Scotch Bottom Root at f 0. WHITE OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER. French uud American Calf Skins. Kip Skins. PLENTY OF SHOE FINDINGS AND MATERIAL. STATIONERY AND ROOKS. Will buy WELL DRIED HIDES, mend Shoo* and sell First Cluss goods at Bottom Figures. A cordial invitation is extended to every one to come to the Shoe Store, east side Public Square. Noxt to J. G. Truitt's Grocery. A. R. PHILLIPS. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Troup county, will he sold before tho court house door in tlio city ol LaGrango, Troup county, Ga., on the firbt Tuesday iu November next, within the legul hours L 40 acres, lot No. 1101 in 5th district, 1st section Chero kee Georgia; 40acres, lot No. 570 iu 1st district, 4th sec tion, Cherokee Georgia; 40 acres, lot No 200 iu 18th dis trict, 3d section, Cherokee Georgia; 40 acres, lot No. 915 in 18th district, 3d section, Chcrokee[Georgia. Sold as tho property of John W. Stiu-on, late of Bald touutyof Troup, dec’d, lor the benefit of creditors of eoid dec’d. Tei New Goods. Wo havo iu store and daily receiving a full stock of groceries, boots, shoos bats, crockery ware, tobacco, bagging, ties, &o., which will be sold at bottom prices. Give us a call before purchasing. J. C. Fchides & Co. 37-3 Nkblett & Goodrich Cotton Gin at 33.f W. C. Giiolson’s. Home raised ryo and barloy seed for sale. Also winter cabbage seed at W. C. Gholsou’s. f Copies of tho History of Methodism in Geor gia and Florida are to bo found at Mr. James Turner’s book store. The book is beautifully printed, well bound, handsomely illustrated and very cheap. It is most highly commended by all who have Been it. ^ 38-tf Early payment ot acconuta will secure credit anothor year. 38-2 J. G. Truitt. Fine Boots made to order of best material, at A. It. Phillips. Tine LuGrange Variety Store. Do not fail to call and inspect tho largo and fino assortment of goods of all kinds at this new store. The proprietor, Mr. W. B. Cotter is a thorough business man, and will give entire satisfaction to all who will favor him with their patronage. IIo now occnpies tho corner under tho Sims House, and has a neat sign over his door, recently painted by Master Chas. Stukely. Ni'W Advertisements. Besides tlio legal advertisemeutB, thore aro a number of new ones from Atlanta to which aro invited attention. There aro W. A. Haygood with carpets &c., Iiuunioutt&BollingrathH with stoves and house-furnishing goods, J. P. StevenR with jewelry and engraving, E. F. Shropshire with shirts, and Lewis H. Clarke with hols. We’ll give thorn further notice next week, when we havo more time. The Female Colleges. President Cox has opened his oollego, nnd ns usual, has a good and increasing patronage. Young ladies float lower Georgia aro among his boarders, and several from Alabama. President Maysou has quite a number of new boarders. The proper kind of co-operation ought to fill each of these colleges. Death. Mr. James S. Garner, Sr., born 9th of May, 1820, died 27th September 1877, resident of this county. Ho was a substantial nnd success ful farmer, well known all ovor the county; he was a good neighbor nnd staunch friend. Cotton. The steady rains have dom considerable in jury to cotton iu this section. Much of it has been beaten to the ground, and iu some plnceB the staple will bo injured to tho amount of fivo or ten dollars a bale. Bla.k alpacas at Ilngedoru Bros., from 20 cts. to SI a yard. They sell a fair qualify for 35 cts. and their 50 cts.goods surpass anything formerly offered at that price. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPANY OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CASH CAPITAL, $250,000. CASH ASSETS $310,000 This well known Virginia Company lias deposited in the Treasury of Georgia TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY FOR POLICIES ISSUED TO^CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. SKILLFUL, CONSERVATIVE, EXPERIENCED, PROMPT AND JUST. rpiIIS COMPANY will maintaiu the well-earned reputation of past 3 JL ings Stores, Mills, Merchandise, Gin-Houses and contents at fai; State, to whom apply to or to D. F. WILCOX, General Agent, 71 Droatl Street, Columbus, Ga. «T„ T. JOHNSON, A.ociit, A.t LaOrange Rank, LtiG jjtinye, Git. APPLICATION FOR DISMISSION. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. Ordinary’s Office, Oct. 1. 187?. Richard L. Bassett, guardian of A. W. Whatley, having •plied to the Court ol Ordinary of said county for a schargo from his guardianship ol A. W. Whatley’s per- aml property. This is therefore to cite all persons jerued to show cause, by liliug objections iu my office, „• said Richard L. Bassett should not bo dismissed from his guardianship ol A. W. Whatley, and reeeivo tlio EXECUTRIX SALE OF VALUABLE PROPEUT1. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Troup county, will be sold ou tho first Tuesday in Nu mber, 1877, at the court houso door iu said county, be- •een the legal hours of sale, the following real belonging to the o f Tilnia wit: Lot No. 3 iu Uogansville, 1 street running irom the railroad t running hack 90 foot, being p *~!th district cf said county. Also u strip of eighty uci of laud across tho western part of tlio placo belouylug Wo havo tho host Imitation Oold Watch In tho Market for Trading - 1«, so closely roHomb- <t Judge* find It dim* llurotico, excogt by a ciioimciu Wat, imu^L hue tlio vlrtuoa ro- ?or 8 cold known. • GKNUINK AMF.1U- CAN MOV EM KN1 t . EXPANSION 11AL- ANCK. UEAUTII'T'LI.Y ENGRAVED OR ENGINE TURNED HUNTING CASES, too to |leu, uml If you . jnsblod to*ro§uco°tho prico $12 each with an ele- ' ''onTfill livsurj. . „ relzh about Fifty Pennvwoliffita, nnd tho same pnttora In iniro gold wouluGObt $100. Wo Boll those Chains - II tho Watch nml Chain for IteifiHUtrod Packnun, post- co in tho Unltod Stuiea. WE SELL THE WATCH WITHOUT THE CHAIN FOE $10, J. BRIDE & CO., Clinton Place & No. 11 Eighth Street, N. X, *- * y S' Go to Dollis & Gray’s for hicjios’ silk hanffkor- chiefs and ties. Just received a fresh stock of Boys’ Shoes and Hats, and a largo lot of French and American calf and homo tanned kip skins. A. It. Pniixirs. Financial and Commercial. Corrected wookly by J. G. TRUITT, Grocer. LAGRANGE COTTON MARKET. Fancy zepbyr shawls at Dallis & Gray’s. Large lot of nice goods at Dallis & Gray’s. Gent’s fitio unfinished shirts Dallis & Gray. A Reul Bargulu. Ilagedoru Bros, ofier a lot ot good undried white shirts (worth $2) for SI a piece. They cleared out tho entire balatico of stock of a man ufacturer retiring from business. Call nnd see. If You Want a fine chinchilla or beaver, or a good business overcoat, go to Hagedorn Bros. Shoes, hats, jeaus, checks, stripes, ticking, flannels, linseye, shirting, etc., just rooeived at W. B. Cotter’s. Sugar, coffee, soap, starch, potash, candles, soda, tinware, buckets, tubs, brooniB, etc., just received at W. B. Cotter’s. FINANCIAL. GOLD—Buying 4. Selling 5. SILVER-Par. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK— LA GRANGE MARKET. BACON—Clear Sides lb © C. R. Sides («* Shoulders ".. © BULK MEATS—Clear Sides— ".. © Clear Kib’d Sides— © 10‘g Shoulders— © HE Hams ibulk,) 7 © 12 Uams(bucou) ".. 15 © Mess Pork t* bbl 25 © 2(i LARD r C*lb.. 12>£© 14 FLOU R—Superfine Vo SYRTJP MABLING. CLEGGTS EVAPORATORS CANE MILLS--OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS. We offer these Evaporators to the pcoplo of Georgia, with full confidence that they aro tho BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINES of their kind iu the market. Send for circulars and price lists to M VRK w joiuvgON CO., and 34 Alabama St., Allantu, Ua. P. 8.—A large Stock of FRESH TURNIP SEED at wholesale and retail, just received. M. W. J. k CO. CORN MEAL BAGGING IRON TIES ROPE COFFEE—Rio... 3 00 © 4 00 4 00 © 5 00 4 00 © 5 O J V bushel 90 © ".... 00 @ Vyurd 12 © 12}; Vlb.. 4>jj© o None CUciipcr Thau Hagedorn Bros. They keep a full stock of everything in their line, from a hat to a pair ot boots or shoes, rubbers included. Go to W. B. Cotter’s for saddles, harness, breeching, lines, collars, oto. Carpets. Ilomp, Ingrain, Tapestry and Body Brussel, 25 cts. to S‘2 a yard ut Hagedorn Bros. W. B. Cotter has a greater variety of arti cles than any house iu town, nud can sell ns low as the lowest. Tennessee... Goshen ‘ EGGS Wov SUUAR—Brown I Yellow Coffee ‘ Clarified Clarified 1 Clarified A Crushed SALT—Liverpool Virginia CANDLES—SUir—lull weight Sperm IRON—English Roflued Swedes Horse Shoe Nail Rod NAILS STEEL—Caat Plow (wide)... ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE REAL ESTATE. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. October 1,1877. B Y VIRTUE of an order of tho Court for said county, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in November next, at tho court house door within tlio legal hours for sale, tho following parcels or tracts of land to-wit: Tho undi vided half of a tract or land containing sixty-six and two- third acres, more or less,(-aid hall being thirty-threo and one-third ucres) ol the western half of lot one hundred und niueteeu.iu the sixth district of said county,bounded on tlio north bv lands ot Godlrod Keuer.eust by Jesse McLendon’s and on tho south and west by lands formerly owned by John Gorham, all about one ami onc-iourth miles south oust of tho court house in LaGrango. Also, ut same time and place, that traot or parcel of land und all appurtenances containing sixteen and two- thirds seres more or loss about ono and ahull miles south cast of the court house bounded on the north bv lands of Godfrud Kener (formerly Jcbbo McLendon’s) on the east by land of estate of A. C. Ware, deceased, on tho south by lands of John N. Cooper, which iormerly wero owned by Jehu Gorham and on the west by Mrs. Georgo Hoard s lands. Hold ns tho property of Augustus G. Wuro, doc d, lor tho benefit of the heirs. Terms of sale cash. EMORY COLLEGE—1877 OXFORD, GEORGIA. One mile from Covington depot, between Atlanta and Augusta—Georgia Railroad. The prettiest and best shirts in town are at \Y. B. Cotter’s. LuGrunge Grunge. The next regular meeting will be held ou Wednesday the 10th inst., at 10 o’clock. A full meeting is greatly desired, as business of impor tance will oorne before the Grange. H. H. Cary, Mater. 1 \V, Tuggle* Secretary. jl kit 1 60 ‘4 bbl © « No. 1 ...^}£bl»l ©10’ WHITE FISH ^ >*l)bl 7 00 @ 8 00 TOBACCO—Chewing ^ lb ~ Smoking COTTON YARNS ^bunch Osnahurgs V yard $GOO PIANOS FOR $250. 4 ND all other styles in the same proportion,including >Y Graud, Square, and Upright-ail first-cluss-sold direct to the people ut factory prices. No agents; no commissions; no discounts. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at tho Centennial Exhibition,und were unanimously recommended for tho highest honors, ltcimlariv incorporated munuiucturing Co. Now manu- faetorv—one of tlio hugest and finest iu tho world. The Square Grands contain Mathushek’s new patent Duplex overstrung Scale, tho greatest improvement in tlio his tory of Piano making. Tho Uprights aro the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don’t fail to write tor No. 58 Broudway, N. Y. i cash, i tho first Monday iu No- WM. C. YANCEY, Ordinary. SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE. Li A GRANGE, GA. FACULTY. President, Mathern Rev. A. It. CALLAWAY, Belles Lcttres and Natural Mas. M. C. COX, Botany and English Branches. Miss A. M. COX, Modem Languages. Miss ELIZA R. TOOLE, Primary Department. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Miss SALLIE C. COX, Piano, Orgau and Violin. Miss ALICE M. COX, Piano, Guitar, aud Vocal Music. ART DEPARTMENT. J. M. TOMLINSON, Portrait Painting, Theory of Col- 1 ors, etc. Miss M. E. STAKELEY, Drawing, Painting in Oil, Water Colors, etc. This institution has been under Its present manage ment lor nearly twenty years. The teachers in all the departments have long held tliclr. present positions, and have practically demonstrated their fitness for the pi .ces they fill. Thu department of Natural Sciences is supplied with an excellent mineral cabinet, charts, chemical uud philo sophical apparatus. The Music department is furnished with ten piano3, churts, Ac. Tho art facilities are ample for thorough art culture. Drawing, Vocal Music und Calisthenics/r«e of charge. Unusual advantages aro offered in penmanship; and the training in ull departments is thorough uud practical. The pupils of this College have rcpoatcdly borne off’ pre miums for excellence iu music and urt. The expenses have been reduced to a specie basis. Tuition, literary or music, per annum, $50. Painting. $25 to $50. Board, per annum, with washing, lights and luel, $155. The collegiate year of nine aud u half months opens the last Wedn sduy in September und closes the 20th of June. Tuition from 1st of January. $33. Board $100. No deduction for lost time except for protracted sickness. Uniform lor public occasions: blues alpaca to first of May, afterward plain calico. For catalogues con taining particulars address *4 I. F. COX, President. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDC6DV i L00i) Engravings. 1840 l’agos Quarto. Price $12. A NEW FEATURE. stratlons heretofore In W< elded four pages oi COIjOillfiD ILLUSTRATIONS. 1040 Pages Octavo. COO Engravings. Prico $6. THE NATIONAL STANDARD. PIIOOF—540 TO 1. Tho Hales of Webster's Dictionaries throughout tho country in 1873 worn twenty times as Targe its tlio dales of i* ny other Dictionaries. Wo will send proof of this on ap plication, and such side still continues. More than THIRTY TIIOt'gAND copies of Webster’* Unabridged have been placed in us many Pub lic Schcols iu the United States, by State enactments or School OlllCerH. \\Te commend it as a splendid specimen of learning, TT taste uml labor. [Montgomery Ledger. J .Ivory scholur, and especially every minister should 'J have this work. {Wat J'resb., Louisville. B est book for everybody that the press bus produced iu the preseut century. [Ooh/rti Era. S uperior, Incomparably, to all others, in its definitions. //. IF. McDonald, Pres. Cumb. Univ'y rphe reputation of this work is not confined to America. 1 [Richmond Whig. J TWcry family in tho Uuited States should have this 11 work. [Gallatin Rep. R epository of useful information; as such it stands without a rival. [Nashville Dispatch. Published b\Jj, & C. MERRIAM. Hpringficld.JVIiiHs. WIDE AWAKE, FOR 1877. rpiIIS popular Pictorial Magazine for tho Young Folk** X now entering upon its Fourth Volume, offers tho fol. lowing unrivalled uttructious lor its readers during 1877 (iuinnvbamt Girls. By Sophie May. Illustrated by Miss L. B. Humphrey. This delightful Serial for the grown-up girls will tuB* through the year. Good-for-Nolliing Polly. Child Marin ft Abroad. By Win. M. F. Round, of tho N. Y. Iudcpendont,anthor of “AchBtth." Illustrated with eugravRr&H of cclohrated' spots, uud with portraits drawn from photographs by Miss C. A. Northuib. This unique serial of chlld-joan* eying iu Europe is a true record of the experience* of fe. real little American girl abroad .with aoconnta Of her visit to the pope, her play-times with the Princesa Marie Va lerie, her holidays ut Ohisclhurst with tlio Prince Impe rial, her Christmas at Maduine MacMahou’s, etc., etc. Daughter and 1.’ A scries of practical The Flossy and Bossy Stories. For the little folks. By Margaret Hammond Eckt-mo. Illustrated by Jessie Curtis. Adventures of Miltiades Peterkin Paul. Tung led Knots. department of Prize Puzzles. Edited by Kit Clinton,' rt stories, poems, piipers of travel, work for littlo fin- s, music, parlor pastimes, S. 8. Concert Exercises, will contributed by Elizabeth Stuart PlielpS, Mrs. Celia i.xter, Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, Mary C'iemmcr, Rossiter busou.Rev. W. M. Baker, Col. McAdoo, Mary Faith cyd, Mrs. Mel It. Colquitt, Mrs. Clara Doty Bates, Ed- ar Fawcett, Margaret Evtiuge, M. Quad, Jlrs. Mury B.C. lade, Miss F. P. Chaplin, Geo. B. Bartlett, Dr. Ebon ourjee, and others. • annum, postage paid. WE have for sale the very best Fertilizers for Turnips, 311 CARY & AWTREY. Pullen, deceased, to uting 47 feet on the wards Greenville uud original lot No. 11 in NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. October 1st, 1877. to all persons having de- dums, late of said county, cl, to present them to me, properly made out, ithin the time prescribed by law, so us to show their haructcruud amount. And all persons indebted to said •.used are hereby required to mako immediate pay ment. lilRAM DENNIS, Administrator on Estate of Jordan Adams. APPLICATION TO SELL REAL ESTATE. GGORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. Oudinaky’8 Office, Oct. 2nd, 1877. W HEREAS, John W. McGee, Sr., administrator ou the estate of George W. McGee, Sr., late ol said tounty, deceased, has made application to me iu proper ’ uve to sell the entire reul estate of said de- tho benefit of heirs aud creditors. Notice is hereby given to all concerned to file their objects any they cau, ou or before the first Monday ' next, else leavi i November will be grantt Wm. C. YANCEY, Ordiuary. APPLICATION TO 8PLL HEAL ESI1ATE. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. Ordinary's Office, Oct. 3, 1877. W HEREAS, J. II. Lovelace, administrator, on tho es tate of M. T. C. Lovelace, lute of said county, de based, lias made application to me in proper form for leave to sell the entire remaining real estate of said de- d for tho benefit of heirs and creditors. Notice is hereby gven to all concerned to file their objections it any they can, ou or before the first Monday iu Nove her next, else leave will be granted, Wm. 0. YANCEY, Ordinary. j |! j, Sff pESSfll tm y i i \ I : 11PI S 1 •IHKS a §1 iSdS •j;§| isisasi J if THE MORNING NEWS^ Savannah, Georgia. FOR 1877. On tho 1st of January, 1877, the Morning News entered^ upon its twentj-sevonth volume, and, it Is hoped by ita conductors, upon u prosperous year. Every returning- anniversary lias witnessed fts extending influence, and to-day it is the text of the political fattli ot thousands of readers. Its uuiiorin consistency and steadiust devotion to principle has gained for it tho confidence 3f the public, thus euubling it to contribute largely to the triumph of the Democratic party. In tlio future, us in the past, no pains will be spared to make the Morning News iu excry respect Btill more de serving of the confidence aud patrouuge which bus been so liberally extended to it by tbo people of Georgiu and Florida. The ample means ot the establishment will be devoted to the improvement of the paper in all its depart ments, und to making it a comprehensive, instructive and reliable medium of the current news. Its staff of Special correspondents—at Washington, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and other points of interest—has been re organized with a view of meeting every possible emer gency that may arise, und pains will be taken to muke its commercial news, foreign und domestic, complete aud reliable. As we are about entering upon the new year, wo desire to call special attention to our club rates of subscription. POSTAGE FREE. We will pay postage on all our papers going to mail subscribers, thus making the Morning news tho cheapest newspaper of its size und character iu the South. One copy, o Five copies Ten copies, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION!. DAILY. ...$ 10 00 V-u copies, one ye * (to one uddresB) 45 00 r (to one nddress) 80 Off TUI-WEEKLY. . - $ G 00" r (to one address 10 00 r °t«> ouo address) 15 00 r (to 6iiG address) 50 Off One copy, ouo year $ 200 Fivo copies, one year (to one address) 9 00 Ten copies, one year (to one address) 18 00 Twenty copies, one year (to one address) 36 00 Sir’ Money can bo sent by Post Ofilco Order, Register ed 1 etter, or Express, at our risk. Address, EXECUTRIX’S SALE. GEORGIA, TliOUP COUNTY. B Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Troup county, will be sold, on tho first Tuesday iu " ember, 1877, at the court house door in said county, ween tho legal bouts of sale, one house and lot in the n ol Ilogausville, in said county, whereon William Hopson resided ut the time of liis death, containing 3».i cres, more or less, adjoining lands of Jones aud Johnson n tlio north, east by Johnson, south by Mrs. Hurst and rest by Whitaker. Aud 310 acres of laud, more or less, it being lot No. 191, ono-half of No. 192, and a fraction of 1 GO, iu the Uogansville district of said couuty, aud adjoin ing lauds of Mrs. Mathews and Mrs. Attains ou tho uorth, east by Dr. Jones, south by Mrs. Norris und Mrs. Muih- , and west by the remaining lauds of tho Hopson es tate. Tho above sold as a purt of tho real estate of Wil liam Hopson, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash. I BEG to call attention to the advautago.of storing cot ton iurny It O CJ Iv W .A. RBHOUHE. 1st. There is less danger of fire, 2nd. The effects of the sun am therefore u 3rd. It is protected from all chances of stealage. 4th. My uew Fairbanks Scales aro the largest iu towu, therefore most suitable lor weighing cotton. I would also call attention to my stable as a wagon and stock yard. Can furnish l'eed.of the best quality at the lowest prices. . I have now for sale tho host homo raised Rye and Bar ley Seed. Also the celebrated winter cabbage seed. aug31-ly W. C. GHOLSON. Special attention is called to tho desirableness of Ox ford as a placo to educate young men, its location and healthfulness, as well us its social and religious fea tures offoriug peculiar advantages. Four largo uud well appointed buildings, besides tho two Society Halls, afford umple facilities for all tho work of tho College. Tho Faculty has boon strengthened by providing fully for tho chair of English Language and Literature. EXAMINATIONS. There will bo three examinations of all tho classes each year. The first will be held at tho close of the Fall Term, the second ut tho middle of tho Spring Term, uud tho third ut tho close of the Spring Term. In addition to the regular studios of tho course, these examinations will embrace tho elementary studies. Geog raphy, Arithmetic and English Grammar. All examina tions ure conducted iu writing. FACULTY: Rf.v. ATTICUS G. HAYGOOD, D. D., President ad Professor of Mental uud Moral Science. Rev. GEO. W. W. STONE, A. M., Vice-President aud ProfcBBor of Mathematics. Rev. OSBORN L. SMITH, D. D., Professor of Latin Language. Rev. ALEX. MEANS, M. D., D. D., LL. D., Professor 1 moritus ot Natural Scieuco. Rev. MORGAN CALLAWAY, D. D., Professor of English Language ami Literature. H. A. SCOMP, A. M., Professor of Greek Language aud Literature, aud of Hebrew. JOHN F. BONNELL, A. M., Professor of Natural Scienco. R. M. McINTOSH, Professor of Vocal Music, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. Ordinary’s Office, Oct. 4,1877. T O ALL whom it may concern: John S. Garner having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of James 8. Gurncr senior, lute of suid county, deceased, this is to cite all aud sin gular tho creditors uml next of kiuof James, to be ami appear ut my office ou or boforo the lirst Mon day in November next, aud show cause, it any they can, why permanent administration should not bo granted to John S. Garner ou the estato of James S. Garner, Sr, WM. C. YANCEY, Ord’y. APPLICATION FOR DISMISSAL. GEORGIA, TROUP COUNTY. Ordinary’s Officf., July 21,1877. W HEREAS, FRANK WORD, administrator on tho es tate of M. A. Pulliu, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record, thut ho has ful ly administered M. A. Puffin’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, tc show cause, it any they can, why suia administrator should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in No vember, 1877. * WM O. YANCEY, Ordinary. ATTENTION FARMERS. , ull during the seusou. GUNNY BAGGING AND THE COMMERCIAL REPORTER, A SEMI-MONTHLY COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. I T gives iu each issue a wholesale market report of Atlufita. ... Merchants who wish to keep posted should subscribo for it. TERMS—$1 PER ANNUM. Addross W. T. CHRISTOPHER, Editor and Proprietor, 88 32 Broad Street, (up stairs) Atluutu, Go. ot easily earned iu these tidies, but it be made iu three mouths by any one oj either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employ* ... furnish. jGG pci* week in your own town. Yon need not be uwuy from home over uiglit. You caa- give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We havo agents who are making over #20 per day. All who cubage at onco can mako mouey fast. At the present time money can not bo made so easily and • rapidly vt any other business. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms und $5 Outfit ft-ee. Address at once, 29 H. HALL LIT CO., Portland, Maine. KENNEDY COTTON TIE A FULL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE i hand at prices that can tot be undersold-. Very Respectfully,, ,. HUGH. .ROfclNSON, 35.9 HoganHvillo, Ga. $777 LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLE OSNAHURGS—Fluids SHIRTING—K Euglo Checks “ Fancy Fashions.... 45 © 40 © 00 © 11 @ 13}.© LIME MOLASSES.. BYUUP 7 © 10 © 10 © 10 © Vbbl 1 25 © .'Pgalou 35 © 65 © B arnes footpowerma- CHINEUY. -1 Qdifferent machines with which IXO Builders, Cubinet-Makers, Wugon Makers aud jobbers in miscellaneous work can compote us to Quality and Price with steam power manufactur ing: also Amateurs’ supplies, saw blades, fancy woods and designs. Buy whore you mid tlita uud send for catalogue and price NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA. TROUP COUNTY. A LL persons having demands against Richard F. Thomason, deceased, Into of suid county are hereby notified and required to present them, properly proven, to tho undersigned, within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebted to Bald deceased, are hereby re quired to mako immediate payment to tho undersigned. This August 21, 1877. Ot P. B. HUTCHINSON, Adrn’r. TERMS: Tuition, Spring Term, in-College Cla3scs, $35.' Tuition, Spring Term, iu Academic Dopartmont: Pal mary Classes, $25; Acadeinio Classes, #31. Board, in good families, including all expenses for fuel, lights, etc., from #10 to $20 per month. A year’s tuition in Collego may bo awarded by the Principals of tho Academic Department, and of Collins- worth Institute, at Talbotton, to tlio best scholar in those schools. Two free scholarships are offered to local preachers uml laymen iu each Prosiding Elder’s District of tho Ijlorth Georgia, South Georgia and Florida Confer ences. For particulars, consult Presiding Elders. For further information, address de30-tf ATTICUS G. HAYGOOD, President. :pi.A_:i5ro pl jx.'X'insrca. LEARNED IN A D Afl M ASON’S CHARTS, which roceutly created such 0t sensation iu Boston aud elsewhere will enablo any person of any uge, to MASTER TnE PIANO Olt ORGAN in a day, even though they havo uo knowledge of Ac. The Boston Globe says: - ••You can learn to play ou tho piano or organ in * even il you never played before, aud have not the slight- eat knowledge of notes, by the uso of Mason’s UfiartK A child ten years old can learn easily. They lire endorsed by tho best musical yeoplo iu Boston;* aud ure the graud culmination of tlui Inventive genius o# the nineteenth century.” t ^ , ... Circulars giving luff particular# and man? toHttmoniahr will be sent lreo ou application. Ouo set of Mason’s Charts mailed, post-paid, to any address for only $3. “Worth more than #100 spent ou musio lessous.” Address A. O. MORTON, General Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Agents wanted at once everywhere. Best chance over NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. sigiiud in terms of the law, und tlioso indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. au; 9-fit T. 8. BRADFIELD, Adrn’r. VICK’S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN tratious, and six Cliromo Plates of Flowers, beautifully draxvn aud colored from nature. Prico 50 cents iu paper cover; $3 iu elegant cloth. Printed iu German aud Eng lish. VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE, Quarterly, 25 conts u ye r. VICK’S CATALOGUE- 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Address JAML8 VICK, Rochester, N. Y. N . I? . SMITH, FRANKLIN STREET, OPPOSITE FLOURING MILLS, LuGrange, Georgia. NEW AND GOOD TURNOUTS DRAYS, &o . •ugh to suit th For Drovers. I have ample room, and can furnish tho very best commoilatious to drovers, aud will give them as low rates as can bo had anywhere. Wagon ffrd. Pcoplo in Troup, Meriwether aud Heard counties notified that I have a good wagon yard and can accommo- they want. Gi S. P. 8MITH- the reporter printing office I S turning out more and better printing thau any Job Otfico in this part of- tho Btato. Wo havo now one of tht best appointed country Job Offices in Georgia, anil would like tor business men iu ueed of Printing to fav— us with their patrouuge. Orders from a distance will i eoive prompt attention. A.. V. ROBISON & SON, Professors of Dancing, T EACH the latest styles of polite dandiug. The “REVERSE” iu a waltz taught in a few* lessons. A’ddresH ttio undersigned until the lst-df Muy at Atn- 1 is, Ga.; afterwards, Madison, Ga. mrSOt A. V. ROBISON k .-ON. W. J. MoOLURE, UBOCEIt AND COMMISSION MEHCIUKf, OLD STAND OF EVANS k RAGLAND. MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN, H AVfe your Cards, Postal's, Envelopes, Note Head*,, Letter Heads. Bill Hoads, Pamphlets, Dodgere, Briefs, Tickets, Circulars, Statements, Legal Blanks, In vitations, Hand Bills, Placard a, etc., printed at Tific La Guano* RKpouteu Jon Office. Tho work alwaya exe- Uiii the best Htyle. and aaohetjl^aa^jir®^^ $10 8 $25 — 'Scripturo Text, Transparent, Picture* and Chroma Cards. H'O samples, worth $4, sent post paid lor 75c. Illustrated Cuta.ugue lreo- agjUy J. H. BL’Fl-'UliD’b COM3, BObTON. Betal* d IWO