The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, March 17, 1905, Image 5

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LOVERS OF THE WEED PIPES Always have a treat in store for them at our Tobacco Counter. We aim to always have a full line of all the popular brands of Cigars, Smoking Tobacco, Fine Cut, Cut Plug, Granulated, Special Mixture, etc., and take pains to keep them in as good condition as when they were first made. If you haven't been able to find a brand of Cigars or Smoking To bacco that suits you exactly, we want you to trv some of ours. CIGAR CASES The nicest line of French and En- glish Briars and Meerschaum Pipes ever shown in LaGrange. SMOKING SETS Bradfield Drug Company IF IT'S FROM FREEMAN’S IT'S GOOD.” Some Attractive Prices For this Week. ««* j* It has been a long time since we had Cheese that we could consienciously brag on, but we have secured a few hundred pounds that we are not ashamed to brag on. The price is 20c per pound and if you will try one pound you will come back for more. We have also received some line Sil ver Buck Mackerel, that we are pleased to recommend to the best trade, average about 12£e each. Come to See us for Good Things to Eat,. C. T. Ereeman m Buggies, wagons and all ve hicles repaired and overhauled Alwavsglad to serve you. (t.'f.) W. D. Miller. Full Line National Biscuit Go’s Crackers. McGaine A r Market. We have the most com plete line of Wide Corset Cover. Embroideries ever seen in LaGrange, Callaway’s. Mr. A. \V. Birdsong, of Anti och, spent Thursday in the city. W. B. Cotter, who has been agent for the Mutual Life of Geor gia, is also agent for the United States Health and Accident In surance Co., of Saginaw, Mich. These companies are among the best of their kind, and anyone wishing insurance should see him. (t 17 npr.) Don’t fail to see the beau tiful line of Linen Torchon, Val and Thread Laces at Callaways’. The boys report a pleasant trip last Friday to West Point Where they gave their play, “Down East,” to a good audience. LADIES—Be at our store early Saturday morning March 18t.h, and get you a Broom for 10c and a pair of scissors for L’5c. These scissors are absolutely guaran teed or money refunded. King Hardware Co., LaGrange, Gu. Our boys line of Knee Pants Suits, for Spring have just arrived. Callaway’s. Full Liue National Biscuit Co’s Crackers. McGaine & Market. Wanted—Your job printing. The Reporter Job Office. Mrs. Jennie Lou Givms visited Mountville Sunday. Mr. G. N. Gill returned to At lanta Tuesday after a visit to .rel atives in LaGrnnge and in Heard county. Look out for the opening Schloss Bros. Fine Taylor- made Clothing,soon at Callaway’s. Resolve that you will patronize me and be happy during 1905. (t. f.) W. D. Miller. Eastern Seed Irish Potatoes. McCaine & Market. 8 STORE NEWS A. CiV IDK TO MON KV SAYING. VOL. 1, FRIDAY, MARCH 17th, 1905. THE OLD SAYING, “Monei( dared is Meneii Made” •“IF IT’S FROM FREEMAN’S IT’S COOD.’I LOCAL LEAFLETS. Mrs. J. A. Wilson, who has •been very ill for two or three ■weeks, is greatly improved. Mr. J. W. Peavy, of Oddessa- <lale, was in the city Tuesday. For the best shave or haircut go to the LaGrange Barber Shop, next to Bamk of LaGrange. W. E. Gray, manager. Mr. O. H. Florence, of Mouut- •ville, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. D. B. Stevens is entertain ing a fine boy and girl at her •home. Beautiful Stock ot new Cut Glass. Suitable for wedding presents. Lehman Jewelry Co. Ladies can get hair shampoo ^nd massage at their homes. Send message to LaGrange Barber Shop next to Bank of LaGrange. W. E. Gray, manager. Dr. O. B. Tucker and Mr. 0. D. Hardy went over to LaGrange Monday.—Chipley Enterprise. Mr. Roy Spinks, of LaGrange, •spent Sunday here.—W est Point News. The fact that our shop is al ways crowded with work is a sure sign that our work gives satisfac tion. (t. f.) W. D. Miller. Capt. Roswell Ellis, who hap pened to a painful accident last week, is improving rapidly. Capt. Ellis is one of the most honored citizen of LaGrange, and all will K ' ( be glad to know that he is on the road to recovery. The old iron fence around the court house has been removed, aud a new stone coping, as sug gested by Mr. Griffin will take the place of the iron fence. This fence was sold to the ladies for enclosing the Soldiers’ cemetery, the price paid being only a nomi nal one. The rubbish around the court house is being rapidly cleaned away, and the shade trees trimmed up. Eastern Seed Irish Potatoes. McCaine & Market. Mail orders for Job Printing promptly filled. Why not be a customer of ours for 1905. The Reporter Job Office. Beautiful Stock of new Cut Glass. Suitable for wedding presents. Lehman Jewelry Co. For a pair of Mules, a set of Harness and two-horse Wagon at $175, phone 108. (t Mch. 15.) The writer is in receipt of a beautiful gold medal, the offering of our former townsman, J. 0 Bell, now of LaGrange, to be given to the pupil of Bell Insti tute, whose record shows most excellent for the term 1905. It is a beauty, and. the winner may justly feel honored to wear it. Coolidge Cor. Thomasville Times- Enterprise. Lost—Gold Bead Necklace Thursday afternoon of last week. Finder will leave at Reporter Of fice and receive suitable reward. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Philomatheon Notes. The Philomotheou Literary so ciety is still prospering. It meets every Friday and interesting pro grams are always rendered. The last meeting we had a lively and finely presented debate on this question—Resolved, “The cotton gin has been of more benefit to mankind than the telegraph.” This is an important question and many practical points were brought out pro aud con. Those who made the first speeches on the affirmative were, Lewis Ren der, Joe Dunson, Jim Toni Loyd| Wallace Clark and Eugene Pierce. Those on the negative were, Har ry Slack, Chas. Cotter, Searcy Slack and Willie Lehman. The judges found difficulty in decid ing but the weight of the argu ment was given to the boys on the negative. These debates are generally impromptu and they re quire quick thinking, and the members agree to overlook a blun der, however, nothing of this kind ever happened. The society has made arrange ments to supply song books for the morning exercise at the school. Mr. James Handley made the motion that we get these books a s he is an enthusiast of song, and the society was unanimous in thinking it an excellent idea, so the books will soon be en route for the school. The morning ex ercises are not a part of the pro gram for the society but we have the pleasure of contributing this much to the school. When the society had finished its business, a committee of Miss es Corinne Jarrel, Mildred Han son and Corinne Heard from the Eliot Club which is the girl’s so ciety of the High School, came to offer a challenge to the Philoma theon society in a debate. A motion was made that the chal lenge should be accepted. This motion was carried and a commit tee of Lewis Render, Chas. Cot- ter and Harry Slack was appoint ed to arrange time, subject and Ladies’ Hose We had the gopd fortune to pick up ft job lot of about 50 dozen ladies’ lace striped black Hose, these goods are really worth from 15c to 35c pair, wo will sell the entire lot, IflT* this sale - - lUv White Marseilles Quilts You can buy during this sale any $1.25 or $1.35 white Marseille Quilt in the store for only Pearl Buttons If you want anything in pearl Buttons, now is your chance, 10c dozen pearl buttons to go, only CLOTHING DEPARTMENT o 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 a So now is the chance to convince yourself that this is a 0 true saying. It is a conceited fact that “CALLAWAY’S” 0 is known to always sell everything just a little cheaper 0 than any one else, we do not boast, but all we ask is to 0 try us once and see the result. o o 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O O O O O 98C shirt all our 5c Roll Calico We will sell you a 10 yard remnant Calico, the very thing for quilts, only roll of 39c Figured Pique and Duck The prettiest thing yet for a spring Shirtwaist Suit, all pretty, design, both polka dots and 10c new new figures, choice Percales Our line of spring Percale, inch wide, and sold regularly for 12jsc, this sale full 36 Tvic Lace Curtains Beautiful Lace Curtains, full 3£ yards long and 00 inches wide, OOf* worth $1.25 pair, reduced to /OC Men’s Suits Just 23 left of those $10.00 Suits in unfinished Worsted, Serge, Cheviot, and Scotchish Tweeds to d* / / / close out this lot, your ehoico*P''*''0 Hen’s Underwear Our entire line of men’s medium weight Underwear, both shirt and drawers, worth regular 75c, each, this sale - 3vv Men and Boy’s Shirts Just received 10 dozen men and hoys’ Negligee Shirts, worth regular 40c, this sale TC~ — — n— Linen Collars Our entire line of men’s linen stand ing Collars in the turn point shape, these goods sell strictly 15c, C/-» your choice, this sale Boys’ Knee Pants You can buy during this sale, our entire line of Boys’ Knee Pants, in all the new spring colors, worth regularly 35c, to go this sale "Jv See our line of Boys’ Pants, sells regular for 65c, this sale Never-rip 48c Crockery Department Beautiful line Cups and Saucers, in 4 decorations, plain white and gold hand, these goods sell every whore for $1.00 set, this special price, 69C per set You can get a set of 7 inch plain white porcelain Plates, worth 25C regular 40c, this sale Callaway’s Department Stores LAGRANGE, GEORGIA 8 terms for the debate. This committee met Misses Hanson and Jarrel of the other society and arranged for the de bate as follows: The subject shall be, “English is a more beneficial study than Mathematics.” The time is set two weeks for prepar ation ; and the speakers shall be chosen one each from the eighth, ninth aud tenth grades of eacli society; a coin was tossed for the sides, the boys getting the affirm ative. The speakers have not yet been elected but this will be done at the next meeting. The debate will be close as the socie ties make one run match and the speakers will be chosen on both sides. Already great interest is being taken in this mental clash, for there was always a friendly, though decided, rivalry between the chosen young desciples of Demosthenes DeLoach. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hand, of Truett, Ala., were visiting here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. J. Kirby and Mr. W. H. Jacobs and daughter, Miss Dora, of West Point, attended the fun eral of Mrs. Hadaway last Wed nesday. Rev. Jesse Holiday, who was to conduct the services at the burial of Mrs. Hndaway, foiled to come aud Mr. W. H. Haralson conduct ed services. A large number was present. Mrs. Hadaway leaves two sons and two daughters, quite a number of relatives and 1 a host of friends to mourn her death, I hope that other papers will follow the lead of The Reporter and take up the fight for better roads. My plan would be to levy a property tax for the improve ment of the public roads. Of course some will oppose this, but none can do so whom it will not benefit, for those who are the largest property holders will be the most benefitted by improved roads. I have never seen so many cot ton seed used for fertilizer as is being used this year. This is as it should be considering the price asked for cotton seed meal, Rob Roy. NEW FIRM. Messrs. R. E. Gibson and A. S. Wiley have purchased the bus iness of R. T. Strickland next to the post-office. These gentlemen propose to run both the grocery business and lunch stand formerly conducted by Mr. Strickland and also con tinue Mr Gibson’s repair business. See our line of Sterling Silver and Hand Paint ed China. fem| Lehmann Jewelry Co. FOR SALE OABTOHIA. Bean the _/) Tto Kind You Have Always Bought Signature ot KEEP WATCH on the little things. They grow into big ones very rapidly. IF you notice the slightest trouble with your eighty consult us at once. EYE EXAMINATION is free here, so the expense needn't bother you. It will determine just what you need to remedy the trouble and prevent it from growing. Come any time. GILBERT JEWELRY COMPANY