The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, March 17, 1905, Image 6

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I /ition for Charter. JiPGKOUOtA. i fan i’.iim i 1 /HI HONOKAIll.t SKi'IIKTARV /ATK OK THK HTATKnK iIKOKUIA. OK , |H»1l1lnn of I* A A'kwrlslii. II K i‘iiH1- ,.k I Itrartl.v.V II A111 v n I .11 M Mllnm. ai-1. ,i i w'l-uciiiiKfi. o. " linin', w r. Mini mni it i rnmi’W.iiUof whom ri'.lilA /fir rily of Atlanta. "f I In* aton.alrt Mute /irmini}.-li..».: , , ~ thi'niai'lvpH, Ihnlr a«- a-«lini-. t«» In* lnror|»M. m«ny timlrr ihflswaof f one Iniitelr**<1 nii<l on#* »f rrm wnl, nn<1«*r th«* o of /. Tin /Half* AI«mI n< ironria )T»n. corpora •'ATLANTA. BlHM f Noll AM AM' At! ASTI# IU II fcOAl» COMPANY** l»1n»r. m tcnilitifj Mnfoii, )1nr »irl ly of Tr to Birr Wat#* ol Pulton jm ratlin/ a ritllrom rna. In ih»* county of , lo Home point on ilu* ml(ionrirlfi In th#»conn- y of M« «nl. ami the tie* ■ county "f Jefferson, •otn the city of Atlanta, to no me point line N*tween t he Him* of A Ifthanm ami Octirplfi In the county of Carroll or Ihc county of Hcanl. and thence to a connection with the road flr«t dc-crlla d In the Hfatc of Alabama, at or atn.ut the town of Wedowee. or aome convenient point In Itamlolph county, Alabama J The Keiu-ral dlrectlon of the main line of aald proposed r<*#»d from Montezuma to the Ororitla and Alaliania line, and thence to Hlr- ntlnKham l« north went wnnlly, ami the count lea “* rtin In the ie coutltfea of Macon, ether ami Troup or Into the Mtate of AI• the Htnte of Alnhiitmi •olilltiea of iinmlolnh, eua. Hi. t’lalr and .fcf- Aiabanm. The leiitfth a can Im* eMtlmnted, I* a ml ten mil#** In n and about one - -one mllea In the Btate of A labnitm. makiiitf the wlmle lentfth of the road from Montezuma to IIIrtnIni/lmtti. a** near aa can la* c«tlinatcd, about two hundred and for throujfl Htate c Taylor, Heard, !mi ma • nrobnb r ham la feraon, of till* about the atai liumlre It. Th' aald rot bamii II can la* length, anvent3 are In t throuii elate Fulton, or Heft county 4 Tin In to U* pur \m! the rl»<] In the i the cn|i collat'd or both 111 the i the nhii it th ill of the other line of o the t Jeor Kla mni Ala NVedowce 1*. a* near nn lliweNtwardly. and It* lie • ntl muted, li M howl lih'li nbout alxty ttilleH <ln, and the counties probnbly run In the re tin eountlea of In-, t owetH and t at roll of (leorfrlii. and the the Mtute of A III bn inn r*k of aald corporation ed Into nharcH of the i*d dollar* each, with "iime to any amount h.v law for IncrciiNlnK ■oiid**. aucli lnerca*** a to prnferred dock, either milled »t the time, iiml lire of preferred Htock. ilKhtN and ptlvllcin • flxed III the re*o. lutlona authorizing the iMHuance of hucIi pre ferred Mock. f». The place where the principal ortlcc of aald corporation will U* located, will 1m- In Kulton county, In the Male of tieorgla. a Petitioner* Intend In pood fnlfh tog** for ward without dela> to Hcotirc aubacrlptIon** to the eapltnl H»ek. coliatnict, equip, iiiatlltnlli mid o|a-rate aald rail road, and request t hat they Im* Inco a rallni under t with III «»r hew the law 7 Pet ration » lie lawn of thl** Mat* the purpoMcHaforcMnId, nc uforcaald, together *r* and privilege-* now I road coiupuiileM under reqUCMt that the eorpo- rht to apply f«fr and iic cept, whenever authorized by a majority vole of it- voting tflmrelinlder*. un> additional power** or amendment** to It- charter, whether rundanicnlnl or Immaterial, and whether eon ferred « or mpee H. Pel of (licit tin- pul under the general lawn veil four week* notice ily f'»r *»nld elmrb*r by **pn iiientH thtiiugl *|b|y rtl ictltloti In otic of tin lie ahcrUT'-* ndvertl-c each «»f til untie* pi IHC* I load will prole r four w cckn Itefore the nbly filling of HiIm petit toil And petition**!" will ever pray. IV H. A HKWntOMT, K. K. t’n.l IN vSI S .1 It It A I * I IV. NN It MOV \ II, II M Mil AM. y. M. SINK, .1 K. \\ KIMN1NO KIt, 11 N llUIM WAITKII T C’Ol.qt ITT, It K N .1. t'liNl KHa NT ATK nr t.Kt'iBHf A, I'l l TON rot Nt\ . Personally Itefore tin* undersigned appeared 1*. 8. Arkwright, s I. Bradley and K K t’uttl* natie, three of the petitioners In the above p»* 11 (ton, who. tin until, state I hit the iuuiich sub norlbed to the foregoing petition are the genuine signatures of tin- persons named then* In and that the facts stated In the petition are true to tin* t*ost of petitioners’ knowledge. In formation and liellef. Sworn to and *uh*orlhcd before me, this 7th day of March ItMKk. J W. Mahon. Notary Public, Fulton County.«ia P. s. A UK vs 11 H.IIT, S. J. IIIIAIM.KV, K !•: Cl’ 1.1.1 N ASK. Legal Advertisements. 1'KTITIOS KOlt COX8TRCOTION OK WII.I. OF * MU .TON AI.I.IAON, DKCKASKIl, IN TKOVI- M’KK.RIOli COl’ItT, N0VKM11K1I TKKM , 100-4 . Olin Garleton, ICxenttor of Inst will and ti-Hlaim-nt of Milton Allison, de- CKHHKd, VH. John. Oiivtd, Wont Sallio. t.uln.nnd KintuaTraylor, Mr<. Mary Meadows, Mrs. Mnrv Mnttlu-ws. Jasnor, Ales, Thomas, Knima mid I’ink Smith, Mrs. I.ndy I’ollanl, Mrs. KUa Andrews, Mrs. T. J. Murchison, ,1. (J. Hattie, Mrs. Mary Woods, A. J, Hattie,.1. H. Hattie, Mrs. Cora Komhy. Hlanehe. Kate. Mil- tie, Kay anti 1’auline Hattie, Hubert llrook, Brook, Mon/o Sullivan. It. 1*. and John Allison, Mrs. Kmma White, Carrie Milton, \v a. Allison, Milton Allison. Nannie Barnes, Mattie KoltertH. Mrs. Mary Brown, Miss Diana N. Allison. Mrs Marry Buttle. Tt> the defendants named in the above stated ease : You areeommand- ed to he anti appear at the next term of Troup Superior Court, to he held on the tirst Monday in May next • o make answer to the petition of plaintiff in the above stated ease if any you have. Witness the Hon K. W. t-'rcemun. Jiul^t- of the Superior eoutts of C nveta eireuits. Hus March 1st, IPoY \V. I,. Cleaveland, Clerk Superior Court Troup County. WANTED! Millions to know tho ert-Bt merluof Alahastlns, tha Hanlmrr \S all HoRtlnj—Not a hot or cold water 'lUease-breodhiR kalsoraine, 1,curing a fanciful nam<-. LET US HEI.P YOU (ieorftift. Troup County. White ,V A whrt-y, j Petition to fore- v. , close MontRaseon I) 0. Cunningham 'realty. In Troup Superior Court. May Term 1005. To I), C. Cunningham : By virtue of an order of the llon- oroble If \V. Kreeinan. Judge of the Superior Court of said County, made wriu> n,r„<irnui-o'free roiorpl.ri.—dlfTf-rent and provided, you are hereby required • f'.r illBsr.1,1 In^u -, lielj.t» to he and appear at the Sujierior t'.iiirt of saiil County on the first Monday in May nex’t, to answer the petition of gray*, gn .-tu, pinks, blu< s, ad<] yellows, usleg Aabaslvtv A Rock Cement germa and wr rnln; <Ioch not rutiorsralo. No Waelilngof walla after once applied. Yon can brush It on—mix with cold water. Other finish' the’said White A Awbrey plaintiffs in the above staled cause. In default whereof, the said Court will proceed oetieo -hull appertain Witness as to justice shnll appertain the Honorable It. \V. Freeman. Judge of said Court, this the -3d day of Feb ruary. 1006. W. L. Cleaveland os, mixed with either hot or cold water, I Clerk of Superior Court, Troup Ce- jty. -■/. ,liii„nn„.nll„if nn.M.r. /, X,.- ■« , do not linve the cementing proper' ty of Alalmutlnc. They are stuck or with ftliie, or other animal matter tin (t Apr. 26 ; which rota, fredlng (liaeaae germs, I DISMISSION—Guardian, rubbing, •»<! ■polling I ( jH „ rK ia .Troup County wall#!. <‘IOlhlnjC,f‘tOs Buell nn!»bo«rnUht ririlinnurir»J nfflnp Mswli H 100ft U washed off evoryycaiw!o«tly f filthy work. 1 Oitimnary ■ Oltice, .March I wo. f , Alahaallna nnl* In Alh g*L*. B 1 T*l WhOIll it HlAV COflC4*Ml. F l) 1 I A? r K. rriy y ALetr3. I'n-tirVaiianrl cjiiing*<f:sigu, | Cftllaway, Guardian fur Charlie and •Jliuu ,m ber/iraiiha’ f rn jlcard, applies tome for Letters of ALABASTINE CO. Ora a* Rapids, Mich., or I0S Water St., N. V, For Hula In l.aUrantr liy BRADFIELD DRUG CO. Dismission from said Guardianship and I will pass upon his application on first Monday in April next. Witness my official signature. H. T. Wood yard, Ordinary SHERIFF’S SALE. (icorgia, Troup County Will he sold before the court house door in f.nUrange, tin., on the first Tuesday in April next, within the le gal hours ol sale the following proper ty, to-wit: one-ninth undivided inter est. in six hundred acres of laud, more or less in Troup county. Ga., known as the Hally plaee, bounded ns follows ton east by Chattahoochee river; south and west by lands of estate of J, T.‘ Boy kin, deceased ; on the north by the Chattahoochee river and lands of J T Boykin estate; said interest levied on property of W. S. Boykin, by virtue within II. la. in favor of C. \ Truitt of within Co., transferees. Tenants in posses sion notified as required bv law. This March H. I0<>5 W. T. Birdsong, Sheriff ADMINISTRATOR’S HALE. Georgia, Troup County. In pursuance to an order issued from tin Court ot Ordinary on the first Monday In February. IIH)6, will tie sold before the court house door in the city of LaOraugc, on tin* tirst Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, tlie following described real estate: A one-half undivided interest in a cer tain two-room house and lot, hounded on the north by J T. Rutland, on the east by lundf- belonging to the II. II. Highnm estate, on the south by lanus belonging to Andrew Baugh, and west by Whitcsville street ; said lot con taining one acre, more on less, and lo cated in the southern part of tho city of LaGrauge. Hold as the property of the estate of Charles Winston, de ceased. for the purpose of paying (lel)ts and division among the heirs March It, Lift ft W. T Tuggle, Adntr. Estate Chits. Winston GF A RD1 ANSI 111’. Georgia, Troup County. Ordinary’s office, Men. tl, 1005. To all whom it may concern: M U Monty has, in due form, applied to the undersigned tube appointed guar dian of the property of Esther Perry Arnold minor of John W. Arnold de ceased, and saitl application will he passed upon on first Monday in April next. Witness my official signature, II. T Woodyard. Ordinary SHERIFF’S HALE. Georgia, Troup County. Will he sold on the first Tuesday next, before the Court House door in LaOrnngc, On , within the legal hours of sale, for cash, the following realty towit: One-third undivided interest in ami to Lot and houses thereon sit uated on Enst side Chnttahoochee river in the City of West Point, Ga.. being an oblong square in the South East corner of Block 22, and lines of said lot running as follows : West along the line of Block 22, on Bridge street. 71 ft; thence North 210 ft; thence East 74 feet to original line of said block 22 on East; thence South along said line 210 feel, to South Fhist corner of said Block, to beginning point; being same liegiuuing noint property deeded to 11. V. Hargett by Sirs. R. A. Jones and Mrs. AV. V. Tyler on Nov. 1, 1004, Deed book tl, page li>5. Levied on as the property of Mrs. W V, Tyler, by virtue of the following li. fas.: issued from J. P. Court of 7"lst. Dist G. M. Troup county, towit: W. F. Vandiver Co. vs. 11. C. Jones and Mrs. W. V Tyler, and Oglesby Gro cery Co. vs. said defendants and l'ain a Stamps against the said same Defen dants, Levies made and returned to tne by Ed Houston, Deputy Sheriff, Troup county, Written notice given parties in possession as required by law. This 24th day of February 1905. \\ . T Birdsong. Sheriff of Troup County DISM IShV'N—Administrator. Georgia. Troup County. Ordinary’* Office, Mob. 0th. 1005. To all whom it may concern: Jesse G. Lancaster administrator of the Es tate of G H Lancaster deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from administration of said estate and 1 will pa-s upon his application on first Monday in April next. Witness my official signature. 11. T. W<x>d\ard. Ordinary. YEAK’S SUPPORT. Georgia. Troup County. . Ordinary’s office. Men. 7. 10 >5 To all whom it may concern: 111 jwrsons interested are hereby notified to appear nt my office on tirst Monday in April next, and file objections to re port of commissioners, setting ai'itrt a year’s support to Mrs. J 0. G Carter, widow unit live minor children of J. tj. Carter, deceased, else it will be ad mitted to record LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Troup County. Ordinary’s Office, Melt tl, 1005. To all whom it may concern: A. .1 Griggs administrator of the estate of Allen Davidson deceased, has in elite form of law applied to the undersign ed for leave to sell the laud belonging to saitl deceased, and I will pass upon his application on tirst Monday in April next. Witness my official signature. H. T. Woodyard, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, T'oup County. Will he sold before the courthouse door on the first Tuesday in April next, in the city of LaGrauge, between the legal hocrs of sale, flit- foliowing de scribed property, to-wit: North by Zeph Thomas lot; South by Lewis lot; West by Jarbo street; and Fiast by what was know n as the Lew is lot, being iu “The Sign-Painterby Inez Haynes Gilltnore, who contributes a delightful love story, “TheGods! of Hunger," and by H. G. Dwight, j who writes a charming storv en titled “Susannah and the Elder.” Bliss Carman has contributed an essay to this number, “On! Having Known a Painter," where-) in he again reveals himself as » w riter of exquisite prose. The poetry is far above fcheov-1 ernge of magazine verse, and is i written by such favorite authors] as Edith M. Thomas, Clarence Urmy, Zona Gale, Madison Ca- wein, Arthur Davison Ficke, Nan* nie Byrd Turner and Gouverueur Morris, the latter supplying an other instalment of of his inimit able verses, “Below Stairs.” The April Smart Set maintains its own high standard of excel lence, and is remarkable for tbs note of variety which it strikes. Wanted 10 men in each state to travel, tack signs and distri bute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $11.(X) per day for expenses. Kl’HEMAN CO., Dept. S.. Atlas Building, Chicago. property at described in deed from j (tf Mar. 20.) Cltarle. Hpeer to Cicero Revis, record- 1 ed iu Deed Book 5, page 130. office of | • Jerk Superior Court, said county Tennnts in possession notiffsd quired by law. Levied on a* the prop erty of Cicero Revis as state 1 to satisfy a tl. fa. issued from City Court of La- Grange in favor of J. C Roper. Terms Cash. This Fell. 28, 1906. W. T., SlieriIT. The April Smart Set. In the novelette which opens: the April Smart Set, Grace Mac-1 Gowan Cooke lias struck an en tirely new note in fiction. It is a story of the West, so saturated with the atmosphere of that part of our country and so photograph ic in its depiction of ranch life thut it will take high rank among the best tales of that class: yet it is more as a character study that “The Red-Ileaded Woman” will win praise. The heroine is the most original, the most human, tho most refreshing woman who for a long time lias stepped from a printed page. There is no read er who will not he fascinated by her vagaries and interested in her remarkable career. Tho short stories in this num ber cover a wide field. First of all, there is a wonderfully graphic* tale by a new writer, Julio Law rence Slmfter, which she has call ed “A Realist.” In it, with con summate art, she analyzes the in tricate character of a forlorn criminal who has become a sub ject of interest tor a novelist in search of “copy.” This story alone would make any magazine worth while, hut there are other excellent tales, notably by Wil liam R. Lighton, who tellsjhow a dead love was resurrectedjin “The You can depend on Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingofthe hair,also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to he disap pointed. Isn’t that so? •Mr o*>k hair fmli*i1 until It was whits. It i* Ih*u!«• nf \\rr’« llnlr Vigor to r« *t«.r*' it ft. it* former dark, rich r«*l«ir. 1 our llnlr Vtir«»r r#*rtut»il* * wh it You for It.’* —A. M. ikxjt.AN, KocklUfcL.‘U., N. C. for i Fading Hair M C GAINE & MARKET’S HEADQUARTERS FOR Eastern Seed Irish Potatoes, White and red Onion Sets, Standard Garden Seed, Full Line National BiscuitCo’s Crackers McCAINE MARKET LaGrange, Georgia ** **» PHONE 36 .** # REGISTRATION BOOKS. Are now opened for the registration of all qualified voters of the city for an election to be held on the first Wednesday in Hay next. (3rd) for Mayor and three members of the city council. Registration books will be closed ten days prior to said election. All qualified voteis are earnestly requested to come to the council room and register. T. J. Harwell, Clerk and Treas. x’ New Stock at I SCHAUB’S GALLERY { Attacked Hy a Mob f 01 1 1, . x, and.beaten, iu a labor riot, until Shadow of a Shadow; by Mrs. oovered with goreg , Chicago street car conductor applied Buck- leu’s Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. “I use it in my family,” writes G. J. Welch, of Tekousha, Mich., “and fiud per fect.” Simply great for cuts and burns. Only L’oc at Bradtield Drug Guy Bolteu, whose wit sparkles] Co. Henry Dudeuey, who writes powerful English story of 1HRS in “The Swift Ship?;” by Arthur Stringer, who goes to the Cana dian frontier, for the scene of “In the Dusk of the Goddess;” by rillCHT AND w ILI^ VS- 'PDIB f w ADMINISTRATION. Let us illustrate vividly the difference in mean ing of tho word? might and will—the child might live j the child will live. Might implies doubt; will means certainty. Might live means might die; will live means'will not die. These two words aptly illustrate the difference bet ween Johnson’s Tonic nnd the horde of commer cial remedies on the market, and that vast horde of inert professional remedies which only bear the sanction of the High Priests of medicine. Georgia, Troup County. Ordinary’s Office. March, 6th, 1905. l'o all whom it may concern: Ben jamin \V Fuller has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for permanent l etters of Admit i>tration on the es tate of W J. Fuller deceased, and l will pass upon said application on first Monday in April next. Witness my official signature, g 11 1 Woodyard. Ordinary. USE JOHNSON’S TONIC in a bad case of Grip and you will live! Use inert, or commercial products, and you might live. Johnson’s Tonic quickly drives out every trace and taint of Grip. It is not simply good, it is su- Witncss my official signature. 11. T.Woidjatd, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATION. Georgia. Troup County. Ordinary’s office. Melt. 0th. 19tV>. To all whom it may concern: T. Whitaker has indue form applied io the undersigned for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. M. E Whitaker, deceased, and I will pass on his application on lirst Monday in April next. Witness my official signature. 11. T. Woodyard. Ordinary. protnoly good—not good ns anything, but better than everything—a genuine life-saver. Those who believe in it are safe—doubters are in danger and jeopardize their lives. Summed up, Johnson’s Chill and Fever This is Tonic is the best Grip medicine on earth, the sober, serious, earnest truth. JOHNSON S CHILL S FEVER TONIC CO. At all druuBti. Savannah, Ga. T»K» no rubnitute*. PISTOLS & PISTOL CARTRIDGES A Address Lock Bov Pistols and Pistol No. 2, LaGranqe, Ga., For Cartridges at following 38 Calibre Smith & Wesson 32 Calibre Smith & Wesson, Colt’s Patent 32 Calibre Colt’s New Pocket 32 Calibre Colt’s New Police 38 Calibre Iver Johnson 32 Calibre Iver Johnson 32 S. & W. Cartridges, at per box 38 S. & W. Cartridges, at per box S' 2 '59 $15.00 $10.50 $12.59 $ 4-28 $ 3-98 50c 60c AH Mail Orders Filled Promptly : WAR HORSE PIT GAMES t EGGS PER SETTING $2 FOR 13 THREE SETTINGS FOR $5.00 A Few Cockrels and Pullets For Sale. D. L. EDWARDS, Agent, R. F. D. No. 4, LaGrange, Ga. + + + + 4* v + + + * •i'VTTTrrvvvvv 4*4* ■f , *r , *h*r , *r*r , v*r ,- 7 , *r , *r , *h NOTICE I am now representing AlTENflON. e want every reader of this is- Lcisiui -y.iBci *i_-3 1 7“ ir .. ', ,J . | sue of Southern Farm and Poultry Anyone wishing stock for either , . , .. lirL nr .mail* orchards wil, Ho 10 ** a reguhtr reader. It will be eelsior Nurseries of the Ex-! Rome. Ga. large or smalt orchards will do! • ... , .. . ,, well to see me as we only carry ] •! % T" first class stock. Drop me a card \ ’ > ear - ^end in and I will call at your residence | ^I fc “^!?P tlon now and receive whether in town or not. J. L. Anderson, LaGrauge, Ga., Route No. 8 tf. Mch. 10) every number. ] You can get both Southern Farm ! and Poultry and The Reporter for i One Dollar and Ten Cents. Ad- | dress, The LaGrange Reporter, LaGrange, Ga. 4tR AAA BANK DEPOSIT Xj) J.UV/V/ R. R. Fare Paid. Notes * ftn RFCT taken on tuiticn. BEST and cheapest on earth. Don’t delay. Write to-day. ] €E0RGIA ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE.Maoon.G* PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cl?an‘e« and beautifies the hair. Promotes a lnxur^nt growth. Never Fails to Bestoro Gra\j Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure* *ca'.p d : «e&«ea k. h».r faUicft.