The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, March 17, 1905, Image 7

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CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years emu TNI OCMTAUH MMMNT. NWt TONI OUT. Pastor renders made bv our deceased brother, to /pray for his son who lias never declared himself to be on the make excuses? the same. 18. Why do preachers fail to decry the evil? Too many guilty themselves. 14. Why some pastors ure no more used of God? He will not use unclean vessel. 15. Why have many no respect for saving power of the blood? Pastor denies its power to save from tobacco habit. Little power has the blood to save from penalty, if it can not save from power of sin. (“Consistency thou art a jewel.”) Are Von Engaged? Engaged people should remem ber, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keep ing their digestions in good con dition with Electric Bitters, ri. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says: “For years, my wife sutier ed'intensely from dyspepsia, com plicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Elec tric Bitters, which helped her at once and finally made her en tirely well. She is now strong and healthy.” Bradlield Drug Co. sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. George Wright. Brother Wright was born Nov. 14th 1824, died 6th of Feb. 1005. God in llis wisdom has called fiom among us, our much beloved brother and father in Israel, George Wright. While we know Lord’s side. Resolved Ord—That we tender our love and sympathy to his be reaved family and relatives in their loss, and ask them to look to God who will be a present help In time of need and put their trust in Jesus who can heal the wounded heart. May we all em ulate his virtues and follow him as he followed Christ, so that there may be no wanderer lost, no loved one missing when the glad reunion of eternity shall bring them together. Resolved 4th—That these reso lutions be spread upon our min utes and a copy published in the Graphic and LaGrange Reporter. Adopted in conferencj March 11th, 1005. J. C. Blackwood, J. C. Webb, Otis D. Hardy. Committee. Mustek Last week’s letter. i The tanners have been rushing business the last two weeks. The weather has been line. Mrs. L. P. Musick is on the sick list this week. Miss Ruth Haralson, who has been visiting at O’Neals Mill for a month, has returned home to the delight of her many friends. Mrs, J. C. Britton, of Antioch, is visiting her parents, Elder and Mrs. Rees Prather. i i ATLANTA & WEST POINT RAILROAD CO. THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA. Direct Lines Between 'North, East, South and Southwest. U S fas Mail Route. .Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. sciieihu.r'in KFI'KCT DKCEMnRH t, 1004. RKA11 DOWN. HEAD OP. No. 40 No. 341No. !lt) No. 38 Leave Arrive No. 35 No 87 9 25a 8 16p New Orleans 8 lop 1 25 p 12 40p .... Mobile ... 4 12p 12 IBn 11 05a Pensacola 4 OOp 4 OOp 6 Ola . .... Selma 5 Ola 0 15a l 30p (1 30p 6 55a Montgomery 10 55a II 80p 10 05a 2 -’<1' 7 14 p 7 32a Ar ... Millstead .. . Ar 0 07a 10 80a 2 62p 7 82 p 7 63a Ar. ... Cliehaw .. . Ar 9 42a N 20p 11 12a 3 81 p 8 12 p Ar ... Auburn .. Ar 9 Ola 7 40p 9 30p •\r . Columbus Ar 9 30a ITsbp 11 25a 8 45p 8 25p 8 5la Ar Opelika .. .Ar ;K 36a 7 34 p 12 23p 4 30p 9 02p 9 12a Ar. .. West Point.. . A r 7 65a (1 58 p 12 50p 4 57 p 9 80p 0 37a Ar. .. Lndrango.. . Ar 7 41a 6 28 p 1 60p fl OOp 10 27 p 10 35a Ar ... Newnan .. . Ar 0 34 a 5 32p 2 S7|> t) 38p Ar. ... Fairburn .. . Ar 6 19a 3 Olp 7 05p Ar. .. .Hast Point.. ..Ar 3 20p 7 30p 11 40p 11 40a Ar ... Atlanta .. . I.v 5 30a 4 20p 9 15p 6 42a Ar. . Washington ..Lv 11 15a 10 45p 11 25 p 8 Ola Ar ... Baltimore.. , TiV 0 17a 9 10p 2 56p 10 51a Ar . Philadelphia ,Lv 3 45a 0 55 p 6 13a 12 34p Ar ...New York.. Lv 12 10a 4 25 p t mrai.h No. 33 10 85p 3 17p 6 20p 5 23 p B 01 p 4 27p 1 4Bp 1 18p 12 51a 12 11a II lBp 4 IBp 3 80p 8 Olp 1 58p 1 19p 12 65p 12 85p Above trains daily. Connections! at New Orleans for Texas, Mexico, Cali- ornia. At Cheliaw for Tuskegee, Milsteadlfor/fallassee. LaGrange accommodation leaves Atlanta daily, except Sunday, at 5:30p. m. Returning, leaves LaGrange 5:6o a. m,, airive Atlanta 8: 20 a. m. Trains 35 and 38, Pullman Sleeprs New York and New Orleans. Through coaches Washington and New Orleans. Trains 37 and 88, Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman Sleep ers, compartment enrs, obsorvation||curs| nnd dining cars. Complete service New York and New Orleans. Train 97, United States Fast Mail. Through day coach Atlanta and New Orleans. Write for maps, schedules and all information. ~ J. I). HEYWARD, I>. P. A. J. P.|BILt,UP®| O. v. A„ Atlanta, On CH AS.N A XWIO K E RHHAM, President and|General Manager, Atlantn, Ga. Long Cane and Gabbettvillc. A number of our people attend ed Quarterly meeting at Bethel Saturday. Miss Nellie Greene is spending ! a day or two m Atlanta this week. Miss Leila Stinson paid a short visit to Mrs. Arthur Baker in West Point last week. Mr. II. N Brady made a busi- 1 ness trip to LaGrange Monday. Mrs. C. I). Brady returned to J West Point Saturday evening after a short visit to relatives here. Miss Camilla Huguley was the J attractive guest of Miss Leila Stinson a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hudson are convalescent from an attack of lagrippe. On last Thursday evening our community was very much shock- } ed to hear of Mitchell Hudson’s death. He had not been well for sometime and his death was not unexpected, yet when the end came the shock was almost un endurable. Mitchell was twenty- three years old and had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for a number of years. Ever ready to do his duty and lend a helping hand to those in distress, he had won for himself many friends who regret to give ’ him up. He leaves a father, moth- I er, brothers and sisters whose heads are bowed down in grief today; but their irreparable loss is his eternal gain. The funeral services were conducted at Long Cane Baptist Church by Dr. A. B. Vaughn last Friday afternoon and hish-iHv was laid to rest in the “city.of the dead” at Long Cane. TOBACCO. Questions and Answers. The following clipping was sent to The Reporter with request to publish. Question 1—Why wrong for youth to take his first “chew”? Sees his pastor do so. 2. Why should juveniles refrain from filthiness? Sees pastor's moutn in same condition. 8. Why wrong for lad to “pok er-dot” his waist? Imitating his pastor’s “tobacco-dotted” shirt bosom. 4. ' Whychide'the boy for con tinual expectorating? Trying to excel his pastor in the art. 5. Why do some sermons on “Cleanliness” go unheeded? Pas tor not practicing his preaching. 6. Why wrong for would-be- man to smoke? His pastor does it. 7. Why wrong for lad to smoke behind the barn? Pastor smokes around the sanctuary. 8. Why wrong for “dude” to inhale his deadly cigarette? The pastor likewise inhales his cigar. 9. Why so many pale-faced, shattered, cigarette fiends? Many ! pastors have added their influence. 10. Why wrong for scholar to appropriate Sunday-school money for “the weed?” Pastor uses Lord’s money for the same. 11. Why the “pew” refusing dollar per month for missions? Pastor uses five for tobacco. 12. Why necessary for youth to lJ*MWW****» 11 1 COLD SODA i === Creams of All Kinds. Cream Sundies of all Kinds. All the latest and most popular Drinks served in the most up-to-date manner. Prompt and efficient service in all orders, either large or small. Creams, either plain or Neopolitan for receptions a specialty. THE CITY DRUG CO. PHONE 34- SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SIDE. DAHL’S CUT FLOWERS DON’T FORGET GRAPE JUICE we cannot add to his happiness nor to his virtues while living, yet we desire to submit the fol lowing facts, for the benefit of all those who are left behind, that by bis life and departure, there might be made some lasting impressions for good upon the liviug, knowing that he died as he lived trusting in God. Broth er Wright was twice married, The Lord blessed lnm with six sons and two daughters by his first wife, and two 6ons by his second marriage. All survive him but one sou. He joined the Baptist church at County Line, Troup county in 1870, in which he made a useful and consistent member and dea con, loyal to liis church, true to his friends; a citizen whocheer- fully bore his part in civil affairs, sacrificing his personal interest for public good. HiB death was not a surprise to us for he had been a patient suff erer for quite a while, which he bore without murmur or com plaint, submitting himselt to the will of God who doeth all things well. By his gentle, uncomplain ing disposition, he won many friends who regretted to give him up yet feeling that our loss is his eternal gain. Brother Wright was laid to rest at the family burying ground near his home, his pastor, Rev. T. T. Davis, conducting the ser vices. He was buried with ma sonic honors, in which fraternity lie was a member, being master of Troup Factory lodge lor a num ber of years. His sons acted as pall bearers at h>s burial. Brother Wright enlisted in the 32nd Georgia regiment in 1862 and remuined in the army until the surrender. He made a true and brave soldier; he was wound ed once at Fort Sumter, showing loyalty to his country; always found on the side of right. His days being spent in usefulness here, when the summons came he was found waiting like Paul, hav ing finished his work which God had given him to do. Thus he fell asleep to awake in the like ness of our blessed Christ. Therefore, be it resolved : That in the death of brother Wright the church has lost one of its strong stays and faithful mem bers; the community, a worthy and appreciated neighbor; the cause of the Master, a faithful doer and Christian; his children, a dear and valuable friend and counselor; his wife a kind and de voted husband. Resolved 2nd—That we the members of this church enter into a covenant together that we, by the help of Almighty God, be obedient to the request so often Mr. E. J. O’Neal, of Chipley, attended services at Lebanon church last Sunday. Miss Mary Tomme, who has been spending some time at Mrs. Myrtle Smith, of O’Neals Mill, has returned home. Mr. Jarrell Warner,of the Eady- Baker House, of West Point, was here to see home folks last Sun day. Mrs. Lizzie Carter and daugh ters, Misses Van and Ruth, visit ed in our town Saturday and Sun day. Mr. A. N. Johnson came very near losing his house by fire last week, but by the heroic work of the neighbors who came in just in time. The fire was subdued with but little damage to the house. Well, it steins that our fnend, Bob Young, uncovered some things last week in his article in your paner in regard to the rela tion of the mayor of LaGrange and the dispensary. i wonder who would want the job since such relations has been revealed. So much for Bob Young. Messrs. F. R. Hendon and Mark Davenport are now travelling w'th the Sims’ Eel Tightner, who will do a good business. Mr. H, W. Haralson is now travelling and selling books for a reliable house in Chicago. Ben. WANTED—Ten men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $8.00 per day for ex penses. Kuhlman Company. Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Henry Reeves, LAWYER. Am prepared to loan money; reas onable rates on good security. Office: Over Bank of LuGrattfle. LAGRANGE, GEORGIA, Dr. R A. JUSTICE Office Over GOLDSTEIN BROS. Office Hours: <j to x» a, m.—a to 5 p. m Phone gg. Dr. L. D- MITCHELL Dentist, Office up stairs in the |Thornton Building. Dr. Henry R. Slack OFFICES IN The Sanatorium AND Bradfield Drug Co’s- hours: 9 TO 12 A. M. 2 TO 5 P. M. FRANK HARWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Will practice in all courts, ex cept the City Court of LaGrange. Lagrange, - - Ga. It Apr. 1.) I NEW RUBBER TIRE MACHINE This new machine is the wonder and admiration of every one who sees it. No better equipped Blacksmith Shop to be found, and the fact that I hold all my old customers is reason to believe that my work is satisfactory. Quite a number more can have the opportunity of becoming regulai customers if they will give me a trial. I C. p. BORDERS, LaGrange, Ga. * E. B. CLARK. ] | E. B. CLARK. GtJHN© on hand but I only want to sell you three fourths of the amount you used last season, so as to comply with the New Orleans Cotton Growers Convention. THE MAIN SEED IRISH POTATOES GARDEN SEED Full Line of all Heavy Groceries ejlclarkJ^Tji^wrk^ ARE YOU INTERESTED GOOD PIANO? THE E. E. FORBES PIANO COMPANY Montgomery, Birmingham, Mobile, Anniston Are Largest Piano Dealers in the South They handle such Pianos as Chickering Krell-French Kranich & Bach Mathushek Emerson McPhail Pease Harvard AND DOZENS OF OTHER MAKE8 We want to send you Catalogue of our Prices, Terms, etc. Our terms are easiest of any Music House in the country. We also handle all the leading makes of ORGANS E. E. FORBES PIANO CO., MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA A. B. M'PHAUl, TRAVELING SALESMAN, OPELIKA, ALABAMA