The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, August 29, 1913, Image 4

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THE LAGRANGE REPORTER JFK1UA Y MUKlNIWtr 'AUGUST ZB, 1B13, .1 M t Union Grove ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Liberty Hill. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦-»+■♦♦♦ Old Flat Rock Camp Meeting was enjoyed by a large crowd Sunday. A Despite the rain we had a real in teresting ball game Saturday aft good many from LaGrange were ernoon between Denver and Liberty there. Among them were Mr. Gaiss Hill, and the Denver boys were just Wood, Mr. Tom Wilson, Mr. Jeff Wil- a little off as the home team scored liams, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen. j 22 runs to their nothing in the third Quite a number of automobiles inning. The Denver boys gave up were in evidence also, there being the uneven fight and left for home 40 or 50 towns of the surrounding with sad hearts. The heavy batting country represented. Everybody ap- of the home boys shattered the nerve peared' to have enjoyed themselves, : of Denver to such an extent that and the meeting was very orderly and they were as helpless as as babes, quiet. I It was thought once they would need Old Flat Rock is the place to see , medical attention but Dr. U. K. Al- everybody. lien decided it was not necessary as Mr. and Mrs. Jesse O’Neal, from i Denver gave up in the third inning Glenn, were the guests of Mr. and,and went home. Mrs. J. L. Hunter Monday, and on i The farmers are busy pulling fod- Monday afternoon the following were der. also guests at the same place: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Middlebrooks, Mrs. R. W. O’Neal, Mrs. T. J. Whitley, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. J. L. Hill Mrs. L. S. Hunter. Mr. J. T. Bass, of near Glenn, was Mrs. B. F. Shirey and little daugh ters, Eunice arid' Evelyn, and son Paul, were guests Wednesday of Mrs. J. N. Kirk. Miss Mamie Nichols was the charming guest Saturday and Sun- in our community one day this week, j day of Miss Ethel Shidey. Glad to note that Mr. vv. C. Brown Mr. Joe Wheeless was in our com- is still able to attend religious sen’-! munity Saturday and Sunday, ices. j Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crenshaw Our people are saving a large /and little daughter, Cleo, were the •quantity of fodder this week. Mrs. Fannie Caswell, of Blueshin, is visiting friends and relatives in our community this week. The shower Friday afternoon was highly appreciated by this commu nity. Mrs. J. C. Jackson and Mrs. Mr. S. Mooney were guests oi Mrs. C. M. Hill Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hill, Mrs R. W. guests last week of relatives near here. Mr. James Barnes spent last week with relatives near Alabama. Miss Ethel Shirey has returned home after a very pleasant visit to East Vernon. Messrs. C. M. and Grover Garrett were the guests of Mr. B. F. Shirey Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Crenshaw vis- O’Neal and Mrs. J. L. Huntre were ,ited relatives near here recently, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Borgus k . Mr. W. A. Shirey was the guest one day thi3 week. ♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Saturday and Sunday of his brother, v Mr. B. F. Shirey. Mr. W. H. Houston passed through X kour community Monday. ♦ D’ TT* “'I' Mr. Grover Garrett has returned + i IIIC V 1CW ■ ■ ,to his home in Atlanta after spending T tisevedal weeks with friends and rela- ♦+♦♦♦♦♦ ♦» + ++♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | tives at this place. Mr. Milton Strickland made a bus- Protracted meeting is going onjiness trip to Atlanta this week, here now and we are having some I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Strickland good sermons by Rev. Wardlaw and' had as their guests Monday Mr. Ira Rev. Simms. Mr. W. L. Bradfield, of Riverview, Ala., is on a visit here to his sister, Mrs. S. W. Hunt. Mrs. Fletcher Pratt, of Lebanon, spent several days here recently with Mr. M. T. Colley. ’ Misses Ruby and Corinne Hamer, of Pleasant Grove, were the guests of Miss Cora Drinkard Sunday. ley, are on a visit to relatives here. Mr. Leslie Hunt called on friends in Pleasant Grove Sunday. Miss Bessie Smith, of Mountville, is on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. T. R. Estes. Miss Nannie Simmons, of La- Hubbard and sister, Miss Bessie, and Miss Tidwell. Mr. Robert Lee spent Sunday night with Mr. Bud Gadrett. Mr. B. F. Shirey and son, Roy, made a business trip to LaGrange Wednesday. Mr. J. P. Estes is the guest of rel atives in Atlanta. We are glad to know that Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore, of Chip- (Mrs. J. W. Strickland are improving. Unity. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Bartlett enter tained several of our boys and girls Saturday night. All report a nice time. Mrs. O. H. Horne and children spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Ms.r T. B. Kersey. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins have moved to our town. We are always glad to welcome good neighbors. Miss Clara Knight has a very bad arm this week. We all hope it will soon be well. Mr. J. W. Knight gave the young people a musical entertainment Tues day night. We are glad to see Mr. M. L. Gray out again after his recent ill ness. We are sorry to place Miss Janie Hines on the sick list. We hope for her a speedy recovery. We are having some very dry weather these days and are rn need of rain. Mrs. Powell has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jenkins were visiting here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knight Sunday. Mrs. Davis and children spent Sat urday night with Mr. J. G. Sayers and family. We are sorry to place Mrs. Sayers on the sick list this week. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Ida Allen is improving, and we nope to soon see her up again. Elm City Mr. and Mds. J. N. Kirk had as guests a few friends Saturday and Sunday. Hogansville. Grange, is spending the week-end - - here with friends and relatives. , ’*’ Mr. Warren Cotter and Miss Rosa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ McClung, of LaGrange, attended re ligious services here Sunday. Miss Minnie Lee Mobley has re turned to her home at LaFayette, Ala., after a week’s visit to relatives here. Mr and Mrs. S. H. Myhand, of Big Springs, were spend-the-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Colley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hogg, of Mu- sick, attended preaching here Mon day. Messrs. M. T. Colley, Leslie Hunt and Ed Drinkard are the delegates appointed to represent Pine View Baptist Church at the association at Cove the third Saturday and Sunday in September. *■♦ + ♦ +» + ♦+♦■+♦ ♦♦»♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦»» :: East Vernon +♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» The past week has been a very- busy but enjoyable one, the annual protracted meeting at this place closed Friday night with five acces sions to the church. Brother Martin was ably assisted by Rev. Stargell, of Birmingham. Master Ferrell Hamer was the week-end guest of his cousin, Master Alvin Smith, returning home Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Garrett, of Lib erty Hill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dye the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hamer, of Pleasant Grove, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith recently. Misses Vesta and Ruth Dye enter tained quote a crowd of young people Tuesday afternoon. Misses Eunice and Sarah Bell Smith charmingly entertained at din ner Tuesday Miss Ethel anirey, oi Liberty Hill, and Mr. Gilford Newell and sister, Miss Camilla, of Abbotts- ford. Misses Nettie Landreth and Sarah Lee Barnes, of Abbottsford, spent several days during the past week with Miss Vesta Dye. Mrs. F. V. Dollar entertained sev eral young people Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, of this place, are visiting realtives at Pleas- and GroVe and Salem. Miss Mamie Nicholls entertained a number of young people Wednes day. Mrs. Ab Smith, of LaGrange, and Mrs. Tobe McDonald, of Roanoke, Ala., were visiting relatives here Tuesday. Mrs. Fannie Dye and daughter, Mrs. W. C. Teaver, spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. S. A. Smith. Mrs. J. R. Emory and children spent Saturday and Sunday with rel atives at this place. Mis3 Mamie Nicholls and Mr. Will Shirey were visitors at Liberty Hill Sunday. Miss Ethel Shirey was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. B. Moore, the past week. Little Misses Olivette and Louise Cowart, of Atlanta, are spending some time with Mrs. Allen Philpot. Dr. J. B. Robins spent several days here this week as the guest of his £on, Rev. J. T. Robins. Mrs. Gordon Jones and children, of Cordele, have returned home after spending some time with Ms. Jack .Darden. Mrs. C. T. Hightower, Misses Eliz abeth Word and Doris Hightower were in LaGrange Tuesday. Mrs. Wylie Lee continues quite ill. jShe has been in feeble health for some time. Her brother, who she had not seen in 47 years, is with her. Rev. Mfllican has returned to his home in Moreland after conducting a 'series of meetings at the Methodist Church. The family of Mr. Marvin Sewell moved to LaGrange Monday. Their Hogansville friends regret that they moved away, but wish for them much success in LaGrange. Their home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. iH. Mobley. | Miss Hopkins and Mrs. Smith came Monday and will board with Mrs. Weems. They will resume their po sitions with Arnold Dry Goods Co. Miss Evelyn Brazell will return ito Atlanta this week after spending several weeks with friends and rela- |tives. Mr. William Trimble spent several days last week with Henry Brazell I in Atlanta. I Miss Katie Rosser leaves this week to accept a position as music teacher in Florida. Miss Maude Brown returned home Wednesday after spending several weeks with Elberton friends. Miss Ruth Hayes will leave Satur day to enter the G. N. I. College at Milledgeville. Miss Ferguson, of Cooksville, is the guest of Mrs. Shackleford. Rev. Dr. Pierce, presiding elder of the LaGrange District, held quarter ly meeting here Saturday and Sun- Mr. I. B. Grimes is taking his va cation this week. He will visit sev eral large cities. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Cole returned home last Saturday after spending a week with relatives in Atlanta and Villarica, and report a nice time. Messrs. W. J. Harper, B. B. Gar ner and O. Dunn were pleasant call ers down here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G* Gladney are spending the week with Mrs. Ludy Green. Mrs. Sallie Gladney is visiting friends and relatives in Alabama this week. Mr. S. S. Breed has gone to Wee- dowee, Ala., to attend court this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hollis announce the birth of a girl, which arrived Tuesday morning. Mr. C. E. WeuD is on the sick list this week. Mr. Clifford Alford has gone to Dunson Mill to work. The Elm City ball team crossed bats with Unity No. X last Saturday. The score was 14 to 6 in favor Elm City. Hurrah! for our team. They got a late start but they are playing good ball. Glenn Notes ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Rev. Morgan filled his regular ap pointment here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Whitley spent Saturday and Sunday at Corinth. Mrs. J. W. Crenshaw and son Leonard, of Corinth, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Cren shaw’s sister, Mrs. E. E. Turner. Mrs. Minnie Wilks spent Sunday iwith Miss Young, of Melrose. Mrs. E. E. Turner is on the sick list this week. Messrs. Will Wilks and Paul Tur ner spent Sunday with Mr. John W. Turner. Mrs. Mollie Phillips is spending this week with Mrs. J. P. Estes. Everybody is invited to attend the tent meeting here which starts the first Sunday in September. The se ries are to be conducted by Charlie Tillman, T. A. Morgan and otheds. Antioch Mr. J. C. C. Freeman made a busi ness trip to LaGrange Monday. Kev. C. B. Martin is assisting Rev. W. P. Cofield in a meeting this week. Misses Clelia and Lula Stephens were the spend-the-day guefcts toT Mrs. J. C. C. Freeman last Thurs day. Drs. R. P. White and W. E. Thoma son were making professional calls here several days last week. A number of our young folks at tended services at Midway Sunday . Mr. A. W. Birdsong made La Grange a visit last Thursday. Mrs. J. T. Moon and children re turned home Friday after several weeks’ visit to Mr. J. P. Baker’s family. We congratulate The Reporter up on securing the services oi the tal ented Miss Jessie Boykin as society editor. Mrs. John Guinn, of LaGrange, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Katherine Birdsong, several day3 last week. Salem, it has been written that great minds run in thte same chan nel.” Be that as it may, the fact that each thought of the other at the same time last week is proof posi tive that the telepathic current is on between Antioch and Salem, to say the least of it. Why can’t we meet in LaGrange some time? Our Commissioner, Mr. Tom Glass, was through here Friday looking after our roads. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Musick Miss Leila Wyche, of LaFayette, Ala., returned home Monday after a pleasant visit to Mrs. J. W. Wyche. Mr. and Mrs. Frost O’Neal visited relatives here Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hodnett spent Tuesday in LaGrange. The annual barbecue at Mr. J. W. Wyche’s Tuesday was a success. Everybody had a good time and plen ty to eat. Miss Bertha Mallory spent Tues day at Gabbettville. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Caudle enter tained the young people Friday night. Mr. Ed Mann, of Atlanta, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Will Pruitt and children, of Oak Grove, are spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Abb Word. Miss Nora Lee Wise left Saturday for her home in Auburn after a pleas ant visit to Miss Nora Word. Mis3 Mary Carlisle detumed to La Grange Sunday after a delightful visit here. The friends and relatives of Mr. T. J. Gilbert, S.r, were very much grieved to hear of his death which occurred Sunday morning at 3 o’clock. Mr. Gilbert’s funeral was held that afternoon at Bethel. The bereaved family have our heartfelt sympathy. Miss Susie May Alford spent the week-end with Mrs. J. R. Hogg. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Williams were visitors at Glass, Ala., Saturday and Sunday. :: East LaGrange. •: :: Independence $ A good many from .here attended the Sacred Harp singing in LaGrange Saturday and Sunday. All report a good time and heard some fine sing ing. The fish fry at Perry Pond Satur day was largely attended and very much enjoyed. Mr. W. S. Vollmer returned to his home in Gadsden, Ala., Monday after a week’s visit to his cousin, Mr. Zack vProphitt. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Thompson and family spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy, of Pleas ant Grove. Mrs. Kate Sivells, of Chipley, and Mrs. Sue Prophitt spent the day Sat urday with Mrs. Hattie Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prophitt, of near Chipley, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Prophitt Saturday aft- day. He delighted his congregation er !?9 on ’ with two excellent sermons Sunday. Mrs - Survana Murphy was the Miss Maude Weaver is the guest gji est of her sister, Mrs. Fannie Mur- of Miss Inez Johnson. Phy, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Starr announce the birth of a fine baby boy, which ar rived several days ago. I Mrs. Cook, of LaGrange, is visit ing Mrs. Hugh Darden. Mr. George Hayes, of Opelika, is spending his vacation -with his mother. Miss Vivian Holmes, of LaGirange, is the guest of Miss Thelma Hayes. Mrs. Jack Darden i3 visiting in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Cowart, of Atlanta, motored through our town Monday on their way to Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Walter Davis and daughter, Dorothy, visited in Roanoke this week. Miss Edith Darden delightfully en tertained her house guests Friday evening with a party. Mrs. Adline Thompson spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Murphy, of Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Lizzie Bass and daughter, Miss Minnie Lou, spent one day last week with her son, Mr. Jim Bass. Quite a number of the young folks went to Chipley Saturday to witness the baseball game. Mr. Jim Bass is the luckiest farm ed in getting out the first bale of new cotton in our community this season, and he said he would have another one in the near future. Mr3. Lizzie Carter and daughter, Miss Ruth, are visiting relatives in Odessadale this week and they also iwill visit Mrs. Arlene Swanson, a daughter of Mrs. Carter, in Tallu lah Falls, Ga, before returning home. Mr. J. R. McClung, of LaGrange, was the guest of Mr. F. O. Bowles Saturday. The weather is hot, dry and dusty m our part of the town. Rain is very much needed. Some of would feel a whole lot better if would rain. A great many of the children are glad to know’ that school will soon open, and w e hope it will be with the largest attendance they have ever had. After a year’s rest, Miss Lula .Ward will resume her duties as prin cipal of our school. We hope this next term will be the best and most •successful of all. Airs. McClendon and little ones re turned last Saturday after a pleas (ant week’s visit at Gabbettville, see ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Fulghum are taking advantage of lost time in the mill by visiting relatives in the country while the mill is shut down. Mr. Pierce Parrott has returned home after a short stay here. Mrs. Viola Folds has been among relatives here during the past week. Her son, Charlie, came Saturday and .spent the night at Mr W. F. Fold’s, returning to his home near St. Marks Sunday afternoon. Mr. Seth Williams said LaGrange had the biggest show one day last week he has ever seen, and that was when his double first cousin from .Carroll came to see him. He said, “LaGrange had two Seth Williams in town.” His cousin Seth he had not seen in 30 years. Mrs. W. G. Phillips ieft Tuesday for a visit to LaFayette. Grandpa and Grandma Lambert and Msr, Hodges are in Atlanta for a visit. Mrs. Hodges is a sister to Mrs. Lambert and ner home is in Atlanta Mrs. John Reed and babe have gone to Franklin this week. Mr. Walter Kersey and his sister, Miss Pearl, from West Point, have been guests the past week at the home of Mr. H. T. Kersey. They re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Stevens are visiting this week in Atlanta. Mrs. Bamey Craig has gone on a lengthy visit to the home of her parents in South Carolina. Miss Cora Brumbeloe and her sis ter, Ruth, have returned from a visit to Roanoke, Ala. At this writing Mr W. N. Davis, who was operated on at the hospital a week or two ago, is very feeble. Miss Lucile Davis, a most charm ing young lady, is home again after her visit to Montgomery. Miss Fannie Johnson, from Knott, has been visiting Miss Lucile a few days. Rev. C. S. Martin and wife are having a tough time with their ba bies, who are sick with diphtheria. We hope the little fellows will puli through all right. Master Hoyt Bennett is home again after a pleasant week’s stay in the country. Mr. Jimmy Jenkins has moved his family to Elm City this week. Mrs. Ellen Justice went to see her sister one day the past week. Miss Julia Adams visited her friend Miss O’Connor in the country a few days recently. She returned home last Tuesday. Miss Della Payne has also been on a visit to the country a few days. Mrs. Wright visited her daughter, Mrs. Doc Lester, a few days lately. Mr. Jodie Arrington (and WalHe Williams were entertained Saturday and Sunday at Mr. George Brown’s. They were here taking in the sing ing. Mr. W. N. Moore, who is an old gentleman, 82 years of age, spent Monday night at the home of Mr. El lis Wilkerson, returning to his home in Griffin Tuesday morning, Mrs. J. W. Burkes had a quilting one day last weex. A few of her friends were present to assist her. Mr. Mike Frosolono’s baby, Fred Abbottsford ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»•»♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrs. Lula Maxwell, of Augusta, is here for a week or so looking after business affairs. Misses Mary and Leila Prince re turned Monday from spending a week with their sister, Mrs. Fuller, in Wadley. Mr. Burton, of Auburn, Ala., visit ed his brother, Mr. J. L. Burton, of this place, last week. Misses Saralee Barnes and Nettie Landreth were the guests of Miss Vesta Dye in Pyne several days last week. Miss Louise Barnes and brother Carey returned Saturday from a de lightful ten days trip with friends in Atlanta. Miss Ruth Whatley a charming young lady of Franklin has been vis iting Mrs. Posey Freeman and Mrs. Leyden for the past week. Mrs. Edmundson 3pent Sunday in Warm Springs. Miss Pearl Cameron has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Burton, for a few days. Mrs. Emmett Clark and children, of LaGrange, have been here for a few days on a visit to Mrs. Thomp son and Mrs. White. Miss Nettie Landreth spent Sunday with Miss Julia Florence in Durand. Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams and son Earl spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. William’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, in Rock Mills, Ala. Mr. Wilbur Hudson and family mo tored over from Five Points Sunday to visit Mr. Barnes and family. Quite a number of our young peo ple attended the party at Oakland Tuesday night which was given by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wade Free man complimentary to Miss Ruth Whatley. Miss Irene Strong was a spend-the day guest of Miss Saralee Barnes last Sunday. Miss Thelma Bassett spent the week-end with Mrs. Charlie Wade Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Hawton Williams have moved to Lanett. We will miss them in our community. Mrs. Huff, of LaGgange, spent Sat urday and Sunday with Mrs. Estes. Mrs. Leyden, Mrs. Cook and Miss Nora Prince spent Saturday aft ernoon with Mrs. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freeman and daughter, Evelyn, went Monday to stay several days with Mrs. Strick land near Midway Church. Miss trickland has been quite sick with fever. Mr. Snelson Davis was in our lit tle city a short while Monday morn ing. Mr. Sherman, of Roanokq, Ala., was here a day or two the first of the week. Mr. Dishroom, of LaGrange, was out here Monday looking after the tuning of pianos in our community. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦» ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ! Salem. ♦ ♦4♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦+♦♦♦+♦ Street recently. Mrs. D. H. Hamer and her daugh ter, Dell, were guests in Mountville at a relative’3 home Saturday last. Miss Hattie Askew, of Columbus, who has received much social atten tion this summer as the guest of her friends, the Misses Zachry, Sands and Brawner, returned home Tuesday imorning. Mr. Robert Briley, of Florida, has been the guest of his rather, Mr. John Briley, and family several days. Mrs. Jennie Ransom, of Union, i3 visiting Mrs. John F’rank Thompson this week. Miss Nannie Mobley went up to Oak Grove Tuesday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mobley. A delegation from Salem enjoyed a pleasant trip to Warm Springs last. Wednesday. Among those going were Mr. and Mrs. Rob liadley and family, Mr. Charley O’Neal and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brawner and family, Mrs. Lilia Willis, Misses Eunice and Ethleen Sands, Pauline and Zelma Zachry, Jessie and Bessie Bryant, Hattie Askew, Wylene Braw ner, Maggie Nelson, Annie May Wright, Messrs. Lucius Sands, E. L. Floyd, Charles Hadley, Lovick Floyd ant others. They returned on a late train to Chipley, tired but happy. Mr. Cliff Anderson has returned to i Camilla after spending some time with his brothers here. Mr. Ander son is another Salem boy who has a responsible and lucrative position in his adopted town. Mi3s Maggie Floyd Nelson charm ingly entertained Misses Hattie As kew and Eunice Sands after services at Hopewell last Sunday. One of the most enjoyable affairs of the late summer was the moon light picnic given by Misses Jessie and Bessie Bryant last Thursday evening. An unusually large number of young people were present. Deli cious watermelons were served and the crowd was entertained in the- beautiful grove that surrounds thi3 hospitable home. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Floyd enter tained a number of friends last Fri day. Among them were Mesdames D. H. Satterwhite, Tom Sharpe, Vir- igil White, Misses Mary Sue Floyd,. Clotilde and May Satterwhite, Lovick and Cornelia Sharpe, Eleanor White,. Mr. Harry Floyd and children and Mr. J. M. Brawner. Dr. James N. Brawner, of Oak Wood Sanitarium, and his children, Nell and Charles, were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Braw ner, last week. Dr. "Jim,” as he is known to his friends, is another of our Salem boys who has made ex tremely good in his chosen work. He owns and conducts one of the best equipped private sanitariums in Georgia. Mr. Harvey and Mi3s Minnie Bri- (ley entertained a few friends F’riday night. Owing to the threatening weather a number of those invited failed to attend. Mrs. John F’rank Thompson and Mrs. Jennie Ransom, of Union, were afternoon visitors at the home of Mrs. John Anderson last Monday. Dr. J. N. Brawner and children, Mrs. J. M. Brawner, little Kathleen Willis and Mr. Harry Floyd were spend-the-day visitors at Mr. T. C. Floyd’s last Wednesday. Miss Julia O’Neal is spending this week very pleasantly with her cous in, Miss Emily Cotton, of Beech Springs. Mr3. John Anderson gave the young folks a very pleasant enter tainment last Saturday evening. More than 30 guests enjoyed the gaieties of the evening and all departed at a late hour wishing many returns of the happy occasion. Miss Mary Paul Smith, accompa nied by Misses Sara and May Satter white, made a shopping tour to La Grange Monday. Miss Smith is buying the material to make up her school outfit, being assisted in this pleasant occupation by Miss Sara who, during the illness of Mrs. Smith is helping her get ready for college.. She has registered at the Southern and intends to enter that time-hon ored institution September 11. Thc-y were delightfully entertained at din ner by Mrs. Leone Leith at LaGrange College, where Mrs. Leith resides. Others visiting the LaGrange Col lege were Mrs. Knapp and Misses Louise Knapp and Jewell Swanson. Both of the latter, as well as Miss Sara Satterwhite, will register at the LaGrange College when it opens in September. Our school at Saelm will open on Monday the first day of September. Miss Will O’Neal is to be principal; Mrs. Fletcher Anderson will take the primary department ana Mis3 Mary Jim Morgan is to be musical instruc tor. We were delighted to see our be loved Antioch filling her usual space and those verses were, well—you all read them and know they certainly fine. Hope to have more of the same kind in the future . •erick, has been very sick the past week, but is much improved at this time. Mr. Clarence Kelly and wife and Mrs. Possley, a sister to Mr. Kelly, who came from Gjriffin, and Mr. Jack Kelly and his daughter, Mattie, from Unity, all dine<^at Mrs. J. vV. Burke’s last Tuesday. Mrs. Herring, from near Macon, left Monday morning for her home. Miss Parry Caswell visited rela tives in Newnan Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. Maddox, from Newnan, visit ed at the home of Mr. Allen on Ware Bring YourCotton to the Security Warehouse For the season 1913-14 we are now open ready to weigh, sample and receive your cotton in the same prompt and courteous man ner as for the past two seasons. I, as weigher and manager assure you that I appreciated your patronage in the past and if I have given satisfaction tell your neighbors or some one else. If on the other hand you have any grievance tell me and if within my nower I will make it good. Arrangements can be made for liberal al lowance on cotton stored with us. Yours to serve, Z. T. GORHAM, Weigher and Manager