The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, March 20, 1914, Image 1

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) Will You Help Build the New Hotel tttttg Will You Help Build the New Hotel VOL. 72 ESTABLISHED 1842. FRIDAY MORNlNti MAR. 20. 1914 FIVE (ENTS A (Y»1’Y. N I'M HER 23. JOHN BURROUGHS, FAMOUS NATURALIST, IN LAGRANGE Excellent Progress Made By Gas Plant SPEAKS TO LAGRANGE PUPILS (\/| rS . J. J. Shackel- Srand Old Mai Delivers Inspir-j ford PaSSeS Away ) ing Lecture To Children On The Feathered Tribe, Pupils Tender Pretty Souvenir Before one thousand school chil dren John Burroughs, of West Park, N. Y.,- the venerable and renowned aturalist delivered an inspiring lec- ture.on the feathered trihe, their benefit to mankind and w'nv they -hould be the object of our love and protection. . . ,, Mr. burroughs hus recently been _ 0 , r , 1 | to ^ , ^‘ .isiting his intimate friend, Mr. J. C. ’ >eloach, who is director of the ex- eriment station at Experiment, On., •ind while in Georgia he has made The death of Mrs. T. J. Shackle ford, who was formerly Miss Suejette Lanier, of West Point, which occur red at Athens last Saturday after noon, the people of West Point, La- Grange and Troup county lose one of the most popular and beloved young women this section has ever known. Mrs. Shackelford had been married for just a little over a year and at the age of 28 her untimely death came as a great shock to scores of friends whom she had in many parts It, will be of interest to the La- Grange people to learn that already j ~ I the local Gas fflant has succeeded in \ getting over forty-five customers, the j Majority of which have had stoves I connected and are patronizing the new municipal industry by burning gas. Mr. R. W. Underwood, Superin tendent, and his genial assistant, Mr. Henry Caudle, have been doing ef ficient work, both in getting custom ers and connecting the houses. The MORE LETTERS ABOUT HOTEL Action May be Taken In a Few Days Toward t irculution of List for Stock ,Subscriptions. The following from the Atlanta Constitution of a few days ago shows how the men of Atlanta and how the citizens of other cities realize the valuo of a modern hotel for their Reporter Will Be Issued Semi-Weekly! following people will be customers of Mr. Letton is the proprietor of the gas plant, and with the excep-Mj 1(J Ansley Hotel in Atlanta, which tion of two or threb all have been con nected and are using gas: Dix Brosv, E. W. Milam, E. T. Fincher, l). E. Morgan, R. O. Pharr, R. W . Un derwood, T. A. Atkinson, A, L. Pow ell, J. A. Perry, G. C. Hunter, Mrs. Fleeth, W. W. Randall, L. G. Mc- Caine, W. S. Davis, Mrs. E. R. Rrad- iuTd, Mrs. Eureka Haralson, 0. W. was opened last April and has since Owing to the past rapid growth of LaGrange we have found that an issue once a week will not suffice to cany all the news in ns much “city style” as we would like and also that coming out on Friday morn ing prevented our carrying much ad vertising matter that must necessari ly be distributed ttie first part of the week, hence we will divide this in two and give to our subscribers an issue of eight pages twice a week. Publication days will be on Tuesday and Friday mornings. As there will be some more expense incurred in . ■ . 7, , . .Frank Hnaekeltord. in Ati nt cities. Mr Burroughs arrived in futleral portv was m et by Messrs, at >ranee Wmlnesnav night and was !--■ .. .* ~ ... . in i Mrs. Clif- ■ ntertained by Prof ford Smith. Thursday morning Mr. Burroughs was taken out to the famous Fer rell’s (harden, where he was shown wer the place by Prof, and Mrs. lifford Smith, Mrs. Fuller E. Call way and a number of other friends. Mr. Burroughs was delighted with the beautiful place and while there planted two trees, one for Mrs. Call away and one for the Woman's Club Jt f. LaGrange, the latter one to he r*- •-ansplanted by the Woman’s Club ..s soon as the time arrives. The distinguished nhturalist and 1 is friend, Mr. Deloach, together with -cores of school children were the guests of the Grand Theatre Thurs (iay morning, and Mr. Deloach dc • red an e li rhtening lecture on bird and what should be our relation The leeture being illustrated The body was brought by way of Atlanta to West Point Sunday, ac companied by her husband, Mr. and , ,. _ Mrs. E. C. Branson, Miss Edith I E. Market, E. T. Poythress. B. Totas, .no wnue inueorgta no has mude B rangott Mr. Lanier Branson and Mr. ... (, ml v p arre ll Frank Har- •vany interesting lectures in differ-:;, . n, Atlanta th n'*• l, m ' lallul * 1 “ al * =-l I,rank Shackelford. In Atlanta the ^ . Albright< The LaGrange Reporter, E. M. Jacobson, I’. E. Rcd- „. , ding, II. IT. King, F. M. Orr, Richard Sheppard. Simrill, R. H. Park Bradficld Drug At the Union station in Atlanta a, £ olnpany Pharr Bros. & Childs, H. large party of friends and relatives; D jj urk y city cafe, Poolis & Pap- gathered to pay tribute to the lost ’ Hatt ' on Lovejoy,-G. IT. Sargent, friend. Mrs. A. L. Waldo, Mr. andjp A Bridges. Mrs. A. F. Johnson, Mrs. Arthui Me- Underwood is very sanguine D. Wilson Jr., Mrs. < hniTfiS Andrews ypr tb( , ou y ook for a paying busi- and Miss Nell Waldo of Atlanta, ae- n( ; Rs an , companied the party to West Point, j t ^ Jlb ’ his The funeral services were conduct- j ene rgy will permit, toward attaining become noted for its excellent ser- publishing a semi-weekly it is out vice. The city of Atlanta has been j earnest desire that our advertising greatly hern-fitted by this institution rpatronage will ho such as to enable and no one realizes it more- than the ua continue this and there>y Kwe people of that great southern city.' 0 ?* subscribers a greater nows ser Jack Letton, genial host at thei v * clL ‘; Ansley hotel, spoke hotel publicity! resu ^ ^his attempt wil at the weekly luncheon of the A cl, more or less decide whether or not FLAMES RAGE AGAIN IN CITY One Store, a Barber Shop and a Resi* dcnco Destroyed by Fire- Last Tuesday Night. Brown, II. W. Caldwell, IT. J. Ash, C- Mon > s c ) u b. His subject was not en-iour present aspirations of changing Fire of unknown origin which star ted in the store house of the Elm- Unity Supply Company near Unity Mill last Tuesday night destroyed the store in which it started, the bar ber shop next to this and the resi lience of C, J. Parham. It is under stood that all three buildings were partly covered by insurance. The tire was discovered about 10 o’clock Tuesday night, and £he city firemen immediately answered the summons, but ns the fire was pome distance out of the city limits there was no water protection from the city and the efforts of the firemen were inetieient in checking the spread of the flameB. As soon as the fire alarm sounded several hundred people from every part, of the city joined in the lively demoted to publicity, hut with' into a daily paper will materialize, sledge hammer emphasis he drove! It is but' belief that in the neai fu- hottie the point that the right sort pf lure LaGrange will develop intd such publicity Is necessary to the success-' a city as to demand the service of ful promotion of u hotel, also that'an industrious daily newspaper, one the- hotel is a natural promoter of which will be able to handle news publicity. .jin such a manner as it is now han- " o .l' 01 .*. 1 m il , na . t . ural P]'omoter of j dle(1 { the Atlanta daily papers, publicity, Mr. Letton said. It is ' . .ivarHsincr claimed that there is no publicity { and one that can rewlei advei . g more general, more widespread, more service equal to them, and just so soon as we feel that the good people of this section will give us the prop- ed from the home of Mrs. Shackel ford’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lanier, Rev. L. M. Omar, pastor of the Christian church of West. Point, and who for many years was the pas tor of Mrs. Shackelford, officiated. The pall beArers were Messrs. G. H., La Fayette Tom ami J. Smith and he is certuinly doing all j effective than that which is the te- lis wonderful enthusiasm and | suit of hotel corridor conversation. The great centers of commerce and ... , • finance recognize the central impor- er support, right then we w g tance of our hotels, for in our lob- publishing a daily paper to the best hies are often completed transactions o( - our ability. * of great importance, - I ■ a city a good hotel thnt end, During the last few years the city’s growth was such that our citizens realize., the necessity of providing & n n^ d ve hL£'^ y vS ■ ii - f *7tr bout over a vear ago. That the action of I a good name. And as a publicity pro- cot ton nulls (all are making big them. . ■■■■■■ throughout by beautiful stereopticon cemetery at West Point. .dews. From the theatre the party 'j'udeceased is survived by her -as escorted to the school ground in bus hand and parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. automobiles kindly loaned by La- ^ Lanier; four brotners, Phil, Jim, Grange citizens, where there was Horace and W. C. Lanier; three sis- gathered the entire contingent of ^ ers Mrs. E. C. Branson of Athens; pupils from the LaGrange College, Mrtt a • F. Johnson of Atlanta; Mrs. the Southern College and all the pub- gcott lbl ker of West Point, lie schools of the city. i f unera ) was attended by a Mr. Burroughs spoke in open air j arge croW( | f ronl LaG.range, Opelika where hundreds of children and citi- fln( j ot bcr cities, and the floral offer- tins of LaGrange gathered around j n ^ s wer( , ^e largest and pretties’ in semicircular fashion. ever made to anyone in West Point. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Shackelford, better known U Prof. Clifford Smith, and following tbe pgople in this section as Misn f , -be introduction he was greeted with s u ,.j ( .tte Lanier was born and reared / \ , din of enthusiastic cheering amid in West Point. After graduating at I f , waving of myriads of tiny L. S. lj , c West Point High school, she at- * which had been supplied to ui tended Lucy Cobh college at Athens, ildren. ' where she inet Mr. T. J. Shackelford, fbe lecture which followed wa and with whom her association de cased on the experiences of the great veloped into perfect love, aturalist during his many trips H( ,,/ marriat'p occurred in West! the citizens of LaGrange who worked motor of a city or town a first-class nloney ) i seven per cent of this would t" bonds issued will never! hotel is a success. A wuleawaKC ^ ^175^00 hotel, and $1,500,- than 000 invested in oth(^ f jnduBtrios including. nlercuntile interests, ten iiercent ,of that, would gjvjj us a hotel, to say nothing of _ill soon be on a paying LaGrknge will be able to offer this wonderful convenience which has been found so necessary in other large cities. , . To our merchants also, who handle gas stoves much credit is due for the acquisition of this number of cus tomers in so short a time. A promin ent. merchant of this city told a rep resentative of the Reporter a short time ago that of course his prime cause in advertising gas stoves and boosting thfe city’s business was to make- a profit on the stoves^ he had to sell. But at the same time it was his earnest hope that he could help the gas plant realize another profit. This is the attitude .of all the mc-r excitement of fighting the flames 11 modern hotel of tpis kind is witlr out a doubt. The general sentiment • ^ ’ bo'n'dsV"cit5( bonds, arid United as expressed in our previous issues > l)on ds that uLp owned by some and in this issue by loyal citizens of ^ates blocUs . LaGrange is outward evidence that f g ° 0 u jt r ]oo ' ks as if we have the mon- the time has come when oui people across with it. realize that the city’s progress is ^ K but little from each if all indeed blocked until some effective L ubs cribe as they, have accuihu- work, is done toward establishing n , ^ believe a modern up-to** I arrange a hotel (hat .can render up- It is n day of to-date service and Will be in keop • people stop where they can With the modern hotel of ^ay. i ^^rtf^cominodatidna. So let MIL L < • DOE. GIVES VIEWS... Mr. 1. C. Doe, manager of the Lu-j build one. Grange Dry Goods Con^puny, and one of the eityte mont loyal boosters, told everybody talk hotel until every one ! j.. ready to subscribe for stock to Yours truly, E. B. CLARK. which were then confined to the store of the Elm-Unity Supply Company. A strong northwest wind forced an intense heat toward the barber shop on the east side of the burning store and soon the place was envelop ed in flames. Ip the same manner the residence of Mr. Parham caught and before the eyes of a thousand people the three buildings burned to ashes. An attachment was finally made with the (ire fighting facilities of the Unity Mill and a powerful pump at this place enabled the firemen to do something toward protecting the oth er houses from the eminent danger of the flames. The fire lasted for about three hoursi anti the lurid reflection of the flames could lie spen for miles around. For a‘ while it Was thought that the entire mill settlement would be de-, stroyed but by chance the three build ings thaW.vyeje consumed were some, distance from'l^e number of closely crowded tenant ^houses of the mill, and- although th/We houses were showered with ’sparks and flying mis sies the water from Unity Mill cheeked any further damage. This is the second disastrous fire, that has occurred in LaG rang* during the past week, Callaways Department Store having been destroyed on March 9. Tfie Elm-Unitv Supply Store was a co-operative husinestj^j^ conducted for the benefit of'the muT employees. For some time the mill people have enjoyed acquiring the necessities for living at a much lower rate than thev could he bought from any retail store, and no doubt the store will he rebujlt at ah early period. j gas a representative of the Reporter the JAMES NEWSOME rtisim: j other day ,that in his belief the mer- j ENCOURAGES MOVEMENT. Mr. John Burroughs and. - 1 lie vs in search p oint a little over a year ago at herj « 11 U | n 4.QKOct ions, aiid for the purpose ob j boau , aa d since that time she had; IVIUL-I I II lit/’ C-JL througn wood; <-f new Sperime—, ,--- r ,j£ coming in closer --ontact witn tne been living in Athens. 'gathered tribe which 1. so greatly vfr ,._ ghackelford had .been in su ed by hjm. perb health until recently. She was chants that are handling the stoves and no doubt the advert—, U u,.w ...... , . . and boosting has been a great as- j chants of LaGrange were sieepteg Newsome, the efficient _ . f l - ‘-^1— 1 JiskLiked To Be Took hotel was built in i.,.ur. ". > vavelimr man in his follows sooner the’merchants would realize he had with » VavbHng map^gs , n , FU I. f at * 10 haVtf ° Ut ° f *”° Wn i Stresses % £d oTa noS Ctl In Basketball Doe stated that it would not 'Grange. His letter is as ” do to put too much money in a lot; Mr. J. A. Perry. Editor, 'and building,, hut that he firmly be lieved that $40,000 could be made to realize a ijood profit if put in good -Dear'Sir: The Reeentlv Mr. Burroughs has been on i v a f ew flays prior to her : — , , on a visit to Florida wfth Mr. Thom- ( ,’ atb) was operated and came from A great deal of interest, has been is A. Edison, the great investor, and unc | el .. the influence of the anesthetic worked up in the »per o /‘{nif \, v realize a tfoou pruiiu •» pv v in;ni ' , u .. t{ > ioth Mr. H. Ford, the ^reat manufacturer a p or f ec tly normal condition, but i by the Sword and Snielo Uub ny j n n a o ran ^e and placed under Replying to your lettei 01 tne iti. of the Ford automobiles. In the lee- ., f e w- minutes later she expired with-! their initiative in making -a ! efficient management. | inst. •ure Mr. Burroughs expressed a f , ;() mucb aK - a farewell word to hoys see the fun in the gamt. Several , A neWi up-to-date hotel isu.-quc.-- areat esteem for both Mr. Edison and her love(1 one8 . ; practice games have been pulled off, MIL E. B. (.LARK tionably the greatest need Mr. Ford, who are great lovers of Shackelford was the young-! recently between the Sword& Rhudd ENDORSES HOTLvL. I progressive city. LaGrauge Reporter; LaG rang®, Ga/ of An instance <)f this While ill the city yesterday Mr. Jrhn Burroughs- whs the object of many, “shots,” from the camera, and wo are pleased to announce that in our issue of next Tuesday morning, we will be able to show many views of the exercise::, and of the.- great na'turalist. A11 irif.cresting little incident hap pened while the enthusiastic photo graphers were on the job, which re vealed, Mr. Burroughs' taste for ' ‘ especially by a good mduc-eTiis’iett’er below as’follows: room in ™*®*f* 1 nSt ‘ Such Spso^f t.lmvenerabl? answer any questions which might? be I - — - | at a cost oFiijfo"o6o or $175,0.00. We and that had •.sited him regarding the habits and - i bought by the school children of La- j reproduc individualities of the different species pigeon nest. It was not our lftten- (j ranf , e w bo contributed one cent aj Thci ,,f birds. tion to take the nest but just an ear-1 . .. ,, -*~i —a — I.-. Uncle Rufus Smith, president of nest desire to see one again / -he LaGrange College, was the, first wood pigeons had Have 1 - 1 A U) take advantage of this opportunity, cousins, the turtle doves, q,u ouestion was, “How- about the no doubt be many in the English sparrow, ought he to be Although the turtle dove is nun teni|j {,, restin g address,' in which he de-i on a solid basis. Ou^Jrtesent n ®^|^ A 8t ofiiless Vp«& tio ’ j]J (\ 7 ” • 4* /nm c riut-f fn cf\il«t t.hp f'AC.t that they ; I.u „ »n4-<l«<r.Uaf n a havirHr 1AAA uiai>p umnlp blit. todaV tnGV i WOTSt-* wtuCl Clt»0n. , * ' , Mr. Bur roughs’ answer to th that the English Sparrow no ^ f0> the stock. heepn. a large rowded Mrou-nd shaking hands and and really by thoce who to see hjm. ;han wil.ii her to get a oi l jrentle- Mr. Bur- the men hat so thnt his the sun. turned mile and id a • 1 (af l *' <l L. . ;rea t deal of Just here Mr. Burroughs turned > wag overcome with gratitude and in J without ft splendid hotel, as, rapidly Yours very tnriy^ NEWSOM. Hme he did a great deal or Just here All. uurrougns lumeu - was overcome witn g ran tune anu ui 1 without ft • '. "l ar ,i tbe books were properly and asked the crowd if dove hunting his quaint and characteristic manner as it can with one. We have been ex- hainneed it would probably he found was not a great sport in this section, thinked the children and people of 1 peeling somebody to build, some one ■hat this much despised species did Prof. Smith replied, “Not recently. ’ LaGrange for the delightful day, or more to take the lead and be , e nst about TLch good a they did This provoked a great deal of j which had been tendered him. He! Moses to lead us into a fine up-to- Another question which was laughter from the fact that a few; expressed a wish that the day would j date hotel that would do out fai. •"died him was what had become of weeks ago about- 20 of our leading C omc-, when he could return to this city credit, but that Moses has not -h " wood pigeon. Mr. Burroughs citizens were arraigned before Judge! city and participate in other such jj shown up yet. explai ned that in his opinion this Frank Harwell and fined $15 a piece j pleasant exercises a fine hotel luecies of birds had become extinct, for shooting baited doves, lie remembered in his youth having Immediately after Mr. Bwrough: ,, en great droves of * the pigeons, had taken his seat the LaGrange v>;,.h Viv their great number would college Glee Club, which is composed, ooaruell , U i avi»u-». , ,11 wmc- r--"*-— — - , cav iarken the sky as a cloud. He.fur- of some of the prettiest and most . The visit of this distinguished! crea{ , e the selling value of property Company of L « • ^ town in) ■ larsen me ^ a^a] c i entist to LaGrange was greatly j n aT) around our city a half to a, LaGr’ange, that it is ? Pension Money With Ordinary Judge H. T. Wooflyard, Oldjnftrjr of Troup County, requested us to announce that the pension .money for [JUWii up . . teasam. A fine hotel will pay for itself by. Mr. Burroughs was accompanied by j the traveling public who will gladly ds a number of friends to the eleven-1 adverted for us free, and if we do j to LaGrange: traveling ren-i?. 1 ’ ' ? e fifty train, which he and Mr. Deloach | no t hav ■ one they will knock us, and| Mr. L A. Mxcprd-Stewart l,on MIL C. V. TRUITT EXPLAINS. 'SITUATION . ( — r . - - Mr. C. V. Truitt, one of LaGrange s j t b c old Confcdarat* Soldier:; ha.s been most influential business men, deposited with him and. will be paid of the fallowing conversation he na<l )oUt as 80OI j as appli-; tion is made, with a traveling salesman who came j A) j ol j so idiers who are in need the money should make applica nt once. ,'iw.r stoted that he had seen the wood talented girls in the state rendered H cic - - ... , , ... jT... T .„ii through a grove of beach the delightful selection, “Georgia.” enjoyed by everyone, who heard him million dollars in five to ten years, wood as a great ocean wave, the birds Just here Prof. Smith announced i an d those, who missed this great in the rear constantly flying over that Mr. Burroughs would plant some | opportunity missed something, which -he one-; in front, and the effect was ivy, which had been brought fromicould have been treasured for a life- .» 1*? .1 1** wac hpRr- rKmcf’c /’•Vinrr'Vi. fltfrtpH Rutland, i fiWo > :r ., mnltkolored breaker was hear- Christ’s church, Oxford England. | time, imr down across the woodland. “One While Mr. Burroughs was kneeling! Since his birth on a farm m the _£_*• disadvantage,” said Mr. Bur- beside the school building, to begin Catskill mountains in New York, Mr. /an<rh« “in the Derpetuity of this the sprout, which will probably some Burroughs has been a nature lover, nitreon ’ tribe was the fact that they day cover the brick walls of the j and by his application and natural ver in great droves and nothing school house, Prof. Alwyn Smith ren-jlove of the wild, he has become the mild withstand the destructive arts deyed the solo, “Ivy Green.” j foremost naturalist of the world. He of mankind. They were netted, shot An interesting and touching cere- i s the author of many renowned and the nests robbed until now there mony followed in which Mr. Bur- annot be found a wood pigeon prob- roughs was presented with a walking ablv in the whole United States, cane, made from cedar, which was Recently we offered one hundred dol- taken from the old home place of ar* to any one who could find a wood Benjamin Harvey Hill. The cane was books and those, who are familiar with his quaint but intensely in teresting style of writing have be come great lovers of nature and her many wild folks. likes to come here. plac Now let us not say/times are teo However if there ever ,Kl because it is never too hard te that needed a hote f lLa ( . M ‘ £ the what we want to do. Let, us look ; s talked #f evei\ .... ,, to our resources and see if it is notjv/estern stat' hard do what we want to no. i,e k us iw". is tameu «• „ not i to our resources and see if it is notjv/estern state::, abou , A 5s only possible hut quite easy it all place and about what a - F - wili pull together. We have in bank j not to bav® a hotel. ,. r ,i er . capital and sq.-olns $850,000 and on The traveling public canT, under deposit $050,000, bank capital, sur-l stand why the good plus and deposit makes a grand total together and build omt n ke 4 ng of $1,700,000, Just ten per cent of | with all the othei tr,L P' ■ „ this, which is only ten cents out of j town. He says he hear 1 ^ each dollar, would give us $170,000,1 was the btzgesl; t'' tbe W ay which is not more than one good divi-1 not to have a ho ’ y re ^his dend. The'hotel would be easy if. it is being talked eyery where. 1 those who own our banks and depo-,has been going 1°"^ Jj"® ^ sits would come across. But that is r« time to change the tunc. Products of Arkansas, Arkansas is first among tbe states In the .produerion of two minerals, bauxite and uovaeulite, tfie former be ing the ore of aluminum and the lat ter the source of the larger part of the oil-stones pr/.duced ln : the United States. Not Entirely Satisfied. A Nemaha county farmer who took his mothor-indaw to town and left her there had a hard time convincing her that he forgot to bring her back; and slio didn’t feel much better about it when he did convince her.—Kansas City Star.