The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, August 28, 1914, Image 5

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THE LAGRANGE REPORTER... •FRIDAY MORNING, AUG 28, 191* The Woman’s ' Club Notes Where They Meet SOCIETY Wedding Bells Entertainments The Comings PHONE 28 Conducted by MRS. H.‘ C. FINCHER. .j •MfS. 'iL C.. Dteft Mimed Saturday /frthti a visit wIMrP days tb rela tives in Griffin. 1 1 * * « * , : Mr, RhillLanier,and Mr. Jim Baker, of. Wefit Were, visitors to La- Q’rantrc Monday:' * * * * Mr. H. J. J, Stuckey left Saturday MISS MARGUERITE CHILDS HOSTESS. Lemon Ginger Beer. 11 This should lir made a couple of days before using. Put two gallons of cold water over six lemons sliced thin, one Miss Marguerite Childs was hostess nnd one-lialf pounds of sugar and a Thursday morning in honor of her scant ouuce of ginger root. Let It cdine guest. Miss Marium Taylor, of Luth- to a boll; then add a tnhlespoouful of ersville, and Mrs. Forrest Johnson, cream of tartar. Strain and set iu a The rooms where the games were cool place. When nearly cold add a P lu ‘>’ ed were <l uite attractive with yeast cake dissolved in 'a little luke- sunflowers, golden glow and ferns, warm water, stir thoroughly; then set P nze for h,>fhest score was s,lk 5. t ^.w”- U n ,!“ th f ®° r " °A* salad course and an ice were lng mix well, bottle, corking air tight, perve< i. The invited guests included, and lay the bottles on their sides In a Misses Marion Bryant, Sarah Seg- cold place. A small bottle of Jamaica rest, Martha Mitchell, Elizabeth ginger extract may be used In the Ward, Marium Taylor, of Luthers- pluce of the whole ginger If preferred, ville, Kate Wells, of Woodbury, Esther i Arnold, May Bagwell, Sarah Lane, steak ,nH r;,. Louise Young, Helen Reeves, Leonanie Procure about one and a half nounds Woodall, Nanulet Baugh, Echo and , ", .. . . m Julia Corless, Bess Herring, Claude of stewing steak, c«* thin. Put a table- Dunson> Marfraret Phillips, Janie Har- spoonfui of flour on a plate and season well> Dorn C line, Vivian Holmes, it well with pepper and salt. Cut the Eleanor and Sue Vaughan, Ruth Pike, steak into strips and well cover with Julia Reid, Mesdames Harvy Reid, the prepared flour. Roll them up Paul Fleeth, Forrest Johnson, Ruby tightly und place them In a stewing Strickland. jar. Have a saucepan with enough j boiling water to reach about half way j * j^ HONOR OF BRIDE. up the jur and cook the meat slowly for about two and one-half hours. Boll On Saturday ■ morning Miss Lily' a lnrge breakfast cup of rice in salted Ward will entertain with a miscel- water and well dry it until the grains laneous shower complimentary to separate. Arrange the steak in the Mrs. Forrest Johnson. As the guests FOR MISS CAROLINE SLACK OF eat MISSISSIPPI. .."Miss Mattie McGee, is spending the nionth of August in Rome. was th! 8 £!& fitart'A 1 ?- mobs, fee! L.Sh^ndM^HSn in 1 LoveJo y left Thursday for an auto, honor of\iss CaSe Slack, of,™ b » e trip through^ eastern Georgia. ^lr bU ^ck i8S The th h e nme e w»f a rt!s S l Miss Mary Daniel, of Columbus, is ticaHy decorated^ wfth vm^colSd ± *uest of Mr. and Mrs. James New- flowers, the color scheme of yellow $ ome ‘ , y and white being carried out in the dainty refreshments. Mrs. Frank Hutchinson and Mrs. Gus Lane, of Little Rock, Ark., assisted in serving. Invited to meet the visitor were; Misses Sarah Lane, Janie Harwell, Elizabeth Ward, Martha Mitchell, Ethel Cloud, of Tuskeegee, Ala., Elizabeth r ----- -•* ' ii * — Mary Scott, Roberson, Claude Dunson and Louise Slack. Miss Wilhelminp Lowe, of Atlanta, is the guest of Miss Majide Harris. * * « • Mr. and Mr^. B. B. Culberson and baby are the guests of relatives in Shellman. 1 Mrs. Ala., ft. the and'iMrs. '■ jrt rmrdilnfAkni) ■,parents, Mr. W. ' i- , center of border. a dish, with the rice aB arrive the v will be served punch by Miss Mae Dunson. •»' The friends of the honoree invited are: Misses Julia Reid Martha Mitchell, Vivian Holmes, Janie Harwell, Sarah Lane, Claiijde Dunson, Sarah Segrgst, Marguerite ,i Temperance Loving Cup. Mix together the Juice of five lemon* an« live oranges, one pint of straw her . Childs, Sarah Baugh, Eliza and Mar ry alrup, one can of grated pineapple garet Polhill, of Hawkinsville, Mpfi- and one ounce of mineral water. Make dames Sam Rakestraw, Paul Fleeth, sirup of one cupful of water, one cup- R. J. Willis, Jr., Heyward Hooker, ful of rather strong tea and two cup-,Robert Hutchinson, Harvy Reid, fuls of sugar; When cold add to the nUr tn '■» fruit mixture, with enough water to make one and one-half gallons of liq uid. This same mixture makes a good filling for the punch bowl, In which case a half pint of maraschino cher ries, chips of orange peel or a few slices of red bananas 'or muscatel grapes cut In Ualvea make an Improve ment Fried Fish. If the fish is too large for the pan, cut steaks from It, slicing down on either side of tne backbone. Small fish, to be fried whole, should have the backbone severed to prevent curling. Rub them with flour before putting in the pan—this browns them and pre vents them from absorbing grease. Fry to a golden brown, sprinkling lightly with pepper and salt Just as the color ' turns. If fish are fried In butter do not salt them. Fish should be wiped dry before frying and the grease should be hot. Oatmeal Water. Put one cupful of oatmeal In a stone jar, add a cupful of sugar and the Juice and rind of three lemons cut thin. Cover with three quarts of boiling wa ter and let It stand until the sugar Is dissolved and the water cold. Strain and put on Ice. FOR VISITOR. ' I. -iu fKl MRS. POLHILL ENTERTAINS. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. T. G. Polhill entertained at dominoes for Misses Margaret and Eliza Polhill of Hawkinsvilje. The house was deco rated with bright hued jnarigolds. Punch was served by M\ss Adelaide Park. ’ Those invited were: Misses Jane Harwell, Glaude -Dunson, ‘Pauline and LuCile Pierce, Sarah Segrest, Sarah Lane, Leonanie Woodall, Julia Reid, Martha Mitchell, Kittie Seay, Sue and ■Eleanor Vaughan, Ruby Stafford, Mary Scott, Ruth Slack, Vivian Holmes, Ruth Pike, Carrie Fall Ben- sbh, Elizabeth Ward, Margaret Keat- ififc.'Mfie Adams, Eddie Hunter, Nan ulet Baugh, Margaret Phillips, Wil- libel Monchief, Mary Robertson, C6r-I ritvne Jarrell, Carrie Williamsv Peart Wfl,iA<k lai fe Park. ^ {StRzmm&iiSSZ The domino party of Tuesday .morn ing given by Miss , Emily. Cnilds in- honor of, her gueete> Misses Florence -Trimble, of Hogansville, and Florence Askew, of Newnan, was a delightful affair to the members of the younger eet. ; At the conclusion of the game de licious sandwiches And frozen grape juice was enjoyed by Misses Mildred Dunson, Mae Dunson, Emily and Dorothy Atkinson. Elizabeth Mitchell, Adelaide and Nancv Park, Emily Park and guest. Katherine Park, Virginia Frix, Charlotte Vaughan, rVenola Woodall, Frances Williams, /Betty Clark, Ashsar Edwards, Sarah ,Lee Carlton, Miriam Fisher, Grace •Lane, Emily Childs, Anna Harwell /Floyd Childs, Mattie Mae Kaney, Serepta Dozier, Sarah Harris. MISS HARRIS ENTERTAINED. Dorsev of Onelika Ala Mr - and Mrs - Herbert Word and t of Dallas Texas’ Marv Mra - Van Brightman, of Hogansville, t, of Dallas, lexas, Mary motored to LaGttmg6 Tuesday. ♦ * * * Miss Ruby Stafford, who has been The guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Key, .will return to her home in Barnes- ville today. * * * * Mr. Frank Harwell returned Mon day from a visit to Savannah. * * * * Mrs. C. L. Smith is in Atlnnta. * * ■* * Mrs. John; Witherspoon is visit ing in Birmingham, Ala. * * V * Mrs. R. P. Abrahams spent Monday in’ Atlanta. ,-|.;il ,*;• /I*.,- #•!*!. Mist* Stella Bradfleld, -iftisg Annie Turner and Mrs.i March are- expected’ tq return from their> trip to .New York Wednesday. ■ ,& lairi n ; *** , Mrs. .fossq.pajtejr, ^ijl spawl, ,Satur- .mil ~n. -louiiflii Miss ElitribeteWillibmsferi US’ pleasantly entertained' in LftS ks the guest of Miss Ruth Tuggle. She was guest ofi honor At a-large-.dancing party given by her hostess during the past week.-r-Atlanta Journal. M South Carolina before returning home sometime during the first Of Septem ber/ * * * • Mt Rov Peach spent Sunday in Opdlika. Misses Margaret and Eliza Polhill are the guests of their Uncle, Prof. T. G. Polhill. • « • • v Misses Mabel and Marian Edmond son are being delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs.-MeElroy in Jack sonville, Fla, ,, -» * * « Mrs. Alwyrt. Smith is visiting rela tives at Hannibal, Mo. * * * * Miss Katherine Park of Athens, is visiting the family of Dr. R. H. Park. * * * * MisS Margaret Keating, of Atlanta, is the guest 1 of Mrs. George Dix. 4* * + * Mrs. Anna Duffy and daughter, Adelaide of Atlanta have been the guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. J. E. Holt. » * • * t « Mrs. G. J. Fincher and grand daugh ter, Miss Virginia Trix are spending several weeks in Atlanta. ♦ * . A , i Miss - Harriet Haynes, of Atlanta, is the guest Of Mr. and 1 Mrs." C. L. Turner.- .(/.-'V, ' Mr. and Mrl. H. J. Stuckey are spoiling,Bgygral weeks In.the moun- teips ofjNorth Carolina. One of the most unique parties,, of tee seaisoh’ teill' be given Friday aft, iterfioon hy Miss Sarah Baugh in com pliment to Mrs. Forrest Johnson, who was a class-mate of the hostess. , , DANCING PARTY. Mr. apd Mrs. C. L, Turner enter tained at a delightful informal dance Wednesday evening in honor of their attractive guest; Miss Harriet Hayes, of Atlanta. * . ' Punch was served by Miss Mildred Dunson, Those, present were Mt. gn$ Mrs. Forrest Johnson, Miss Thornton, of, Atlanta, Miss Louise Young, Miss ' Care of Linoleum. Once a week go over linoleum with a rag - dampened with kerosene olL Otherwise it needR only a simple wip ing off occasW.ually with a cloth mois tened with waim wntcr and milk. For her guest, Miss Welhelmina Lowe, of Atlanta, Miss Maud Harris entertained very delightfully on Wed nesday morning at her home on Broad street. Dominos was the- game of the morning which was much enjoyed. The house was attractively decorated for the occasion. The hostess waB as sisted by her mother; Mrs. S. A. Har ris, and Miss Eunice McGee in serv-< ing a salad course with iced tea. Among the guests Miss Julia Corless, Miss Mr. Alfred' Dunson, Mr. Hufeh Mc Kay MRS. STRICKLAND ENTERTAINS One of the most delightful enter tainments of the mid-summer season was Mrs. Ruby Strickland's, Salma gundi party Thursday afternoon, com plimentary to her house giiertg, Mjsa Kate Wells, of Woodbury, -Mbs: Ellen Goolsby, and Miss Marian Bfjjteht, of Newnan. Friends of Mrs. U. M. .Simril will be glad tp know she is rapidly im proving arid will return home soon. * * * li Miss Emma Moore, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. E, I. Holinsworth on Ridley avenue. in • -*.***. i ‘Mrs. E.- A. Jones is visiting -in Un ion Springs,, Ala, > > • , •>$ .1*1, .t, ■% Hi '!»;«• • Miss Jule Davidson, of West Point, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R.-J.. Willis:" ' ■ 1 : i,' • *-i * ■* Mrs. Roy Dallis land children’spent several days of this week in- Atlanta. ***,*<, ( t , Mi^s Evelyn Whitaker is visiting in BullocH ville. * * * * Yellow, the keynote of the color scheme, was emphasized in the ideco- present were: rations of the parlor, hallway and Pierte, verandah, which consisted of golden- MiBS Leonanie Woodall, Miss Julia glow, sunflowers, and zinneas, inter- Reid, Miss Carrie Williams, Mies- sperSed with ferns. The punch bowl Vivian 'Holmes, Miss Sue Vaughan, was arranged on the verandah and Miss Sarah Segrest, Miss Mattie Tur- was banked with asparagus fern and per, Miss, Ulaude_ Dunson, Misp Junie golden glow, and the gay color 1 was Serving Hint*. ’AH hot food should be served te hot (Urn. All dishes should he offered at tha left of the guest If the guest Is to help himself. Dlahee left for the guest moat be placed from the right side. Remove dishes from the right of guest Never reach ncross the guest to place or remove any dish. If a dessert Is served remove every thing from the previous course before serving the dessert Harwell, Mias Esther Arnold, Miss Ethel Pike, Miss Ruth Pike, Miqs Mary'Connally, Miss Dora Lane, Miss Eunice McGee, Miss Nannulet Baugh, Miss Mary Daniel, of Columbus, and the hopqree, Miss Wilhelmina Lowe, 'of Atlanta, Mesdames Harvy Reid, Jim Baker. Scorched Linen. If yon scor- b an article while Iron ing, take a towel, preferably Turkish, moisten and lay the scorched part be tween two folds of the damp towel. Then place a hot Iron directly over the ■corcbed plact* and If the stain does not disappear in a another applh ution. few seconds try Miss Luelle Jenkins has returned from Blue Ridge, N. C., where she has been spending her vacation. Miss Ruth Parker, of Waycross is the guest of Miss Martha Jenkins. • * » • Mrs. J. R. Ware, who has been visit ing at Standing Rock, Ala., spent Wednesday in LaGrange. 0 0 0* Mr. Tom Traylor, of Gabbettville, -was a visitor in the city Wednesday, • * • • Miss Harriet Haynes, of Atlanta, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lew!^Turner. carried-out in-detail in the luncheon -land ices following the game. - Much merriment was occasioned in the con tests at the. different tables and dainty piece of lingerie was presented tas first prizp aqd a bo$lp qf perfume Was drawn as consolation. Seventy-flvte young ladies and matrons were included in the inyita- -tions. Receiving with Mf 8 - Strickland in formally were the house guests, the hostess wearing '*•“«»’ irepe meteor with ,l»ce; Miss pells wore pink taf feta, Mrs. Goolsby wore pink striped organdie and Mips Bryant lavender crepe de chine with yellow tunic of lace.' Assisting Mrs. Strickland in dispensing hospitelitiaa were Mes. dames M. P.' Word aha John Griinn Misses Inez CkUdl4 and 'Echo , 'Corless Serving punch and- assisting in en tertaining were. Misses / Julia - - Reid, Leonanie Woodall, Vivian Holmes and Martha Mitchall GERMAN AUTO GUN CARRIAGE a&ifaAitors naVal otiiEF High Admiral P. T. von Tlrpltz, com- xnder of the naval forces of Geo- mr- Mrs. Lee Yow, of South Carolina, is the guest of Mi’s.' H. W. Caldwell: Miss Katherine Witherspoon is the guest of friends ip Mahchester. * /• ■ • * * '* Mrs. Alwyn Smith is -visiting in St. Louis. ■ --,/. Miss Lulie Hudson returned this week - from Mobile, Ala., where j sne has been the gut** of friend* ftr seve ral weeks. i;. •*-. ■•* , .*•*' • ‘ > :»L. Mjp John Faver was in Atlanta SujU doy - i * * * m i t I Mf. Tyre Hutchinson'iind ‘l|Ir. Char lie GWens, of Atlanta, wttte in the city Monday. * ■ * * 0 Mrs. Gus Lane, of Little,Rock, Ark., is the guest of relatives. Mrs. J. Ti B*ruce and daughter, Miss Kate, are in Bulloclwlle/ the guests of Mrs. Emmet#;," Mrs. Euler*#:* of friends in TA1 whebe shb ; haa the - stated* Mrs;-*. 1:i E. < Tignei weeks."- e ‘mt '•’ obis-i.’i iiiW'i-'te. %ii'F - ■ •- . '•• '■• •I'MW*. Conina«SlediSe and little son, Sterling; hdv*i jwkt returned from a i.pleasant : vieit-imtew Chattanooga. On i their - return -.-tarip! /(they stopped over dn Atlahta for a visit to relatives and friends,r I to .. ; v>. •• 1 ) Foil jVUSS STAFFORD OF BARNES- v. ; ,1,/VlWJB. • • "• The A1 Fresco party given Thurs day 'by Mrs. Frank Harwell at her home oh Broad street was one of the most delightful events of the Week and Was a charming expressiori of real southern hospitality. The day was -ideal apd the guests were received on the lawn where the tables werri ar ranged for forty-two. The guest of Honor was Miss Ruby Stafford, of Barnesville. Three exquisite musical nbmbers were given. Miss Claude Dunson plkyed a piano solo. Mr. Alwyn ,Sriilth sang “Perfect Day” with violin And ‘cello> obligato, and a trio consist ing- Of Mr. Frank Harwell; Mf. Joe Fnatono, and . Frank Harwell, Jr. rendered, selections on the violin and ‘c»Hoi from /B, iTfOvatore, all of which cqnirjbuted greatly to the pleasure of the afternoon. , . , , - , Miss Maidee Smith accompanied the 'nieffopmet 8 . 1 Mbs. Harwell was assist ed in the entertainment of her guests by Mrs. R. C. Key and Mrs. Jesse Carter.' From a’table banked with goMen colored marigolds, Mrs. F. C. Ferrell and Mrs. Frank Longley serv ed. -punch: I, After, -the game Misses Lulte Hudson, Janie Harwell, Nell Bgugh and Claude Dunson served dainty i refreshments. Over one hun dred friends were invited to meet the AOTioree among them being a number Oforitex MRS SPEARMAN ENTERTAINS. A brilliant eventof, last Tuesday evening was a reception given by Mrs. F. M. Spearman on Ridley avenue in honor of her house , guests,, Misses Marie Weaver Arid Janie -Watkins and Raymond Weaver >0f Wlmctto. :e wa«, psautifuJty decorated brings wlth fOrtis and' rqses. The music for the guest Motorcars are used for transporting light field artillery The guue are returned to the ground before being OttA Mrs. R. L. Christopher is Vfaiting relatives in Newborn. u. * * * * - i 8 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Xhompscrii are in Savannah for a week or ten days, * ••Or, ■ Miss Hallie Smith is expected home today from-Washington;’'D. C., where; she and Miss Rachella Killinger have Spent thisir Vacatitrii takiiigr a spfecial cdbrBeiln'aft: : v r •’ !,-i„ . • . .,M> ).!;* • * -n . Miss Marium Taylor, of Luthers- ville, is the guest of Miss Marguerite Childs. -j. • ; - ;.i • • * • «!. 'iJl -'i'V, -- < ' Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Laramore were ji}, Atlanta Sunday.' -I .- t mm ri,i; Mrs. P, E. Mlorkaij, and , re- tufridd Saturday from an extended visit to her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. MbrfoWt iri Hendersonville, N. C. i ? / /’ a, ■„ ■ * irt m- •*< - Mr. E. F. - Stovall left Sunday r, f or Vienna where he will spend his vaca tion with, relatives: I 'I' v * • * • : Miss, MsuAha Ware having com pleted a six weeks course of study at Knoxvilje,. Tenr.., is spending ' the impnth of August, in New York and Arverne, L. I. $he will sail the first of September for Savannah spending several days there and in Atlanta and will reach home in time to begin her school work September 7th, irep 8tends. 1,3<)b v .YM.r»-‘' , ' ; ' In Delhi stan^ 4 wrougnt-lron qol- urirn Which Jtes ..jpiq^d' fb«re a#? 1 * 1 l,ibd yeaft ago And tqqiiy sbos* Bf** tically no signs of deterioration. ’’' Own guests. Misses. Florence Trimble, of Ho- gan8viUe,.' , .’ > ana i-Flbrence Askew, of Newnan, who have been the guests of Mitel Efn^lyF Ohildk, lMFYor their Htenes TYiesday. ng the the evpnir Loriffiiro - were seated, dd thtf yerar B Sines ana jpot plants, Thri pririch bowl was placed, just In'front of the Orches tra and served by Misses, Mary Gib son and Nancy! liiTerrsrp the bowl being artistically decorated \yith .cutflowers and asparagusierns. ;r :" Mrs. Spearman, Mias, Ruth Huff, Miss Weayir, Miss JWatkSns,.,and Mr. Weaver received the giidst in the re ception hall. o^ylr-U Mrj. Spearman' was' gowrife'd in a white voile, lace trimmed. Miss Watkins wore a white lace bver pink satin and carried a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and ferns. Miss Weav er’s dress was a yellow crepe decline- trimmed with net and lace, carrying white carnations , apd, fe^ps. Miss Huff’s dress was a yellow silk trim med with lace and carried white roees and ferns. The color scheme was yellow, green, and white, and was carried out in all the decorations. The refreshments consisted of yel low and white block cake, arid white and Tango cream. , -.-/•■ Those present , were Miss Marie Weaver, Miss - Janio.. Watkins, Miss iRuth Huff, Miss Whitney Wudsworth, Miss. Josie Lancaster ' Miss , , Ruby Hackney,- : Misa,,,Jimmie, Upchurch, Miss Isoline Powers, Misp Willie Griggs, Miss Nancy Terry, and Miss Mary Gibson, and Messrs Raymond Weever, John Carley,,-Sledge Adams,- Claude Spinks, Jirri Ellis. Dr. D. O, Browning; Mil'- Caldwell.-Messrs. L. R. Alsobrooks,, . George Rivers,, Ralph Davis Hilyeir, Harry Reed, Snelson Davis Eugene, Rpbep# and Edgar Sperman. . The guest departed at a lpte hour; all having spent a delightful,,evening. FOR MISS CAROUN# SEX' CK. On Friday afternc Slack will eriteriairi. , guest. Miss Caroline Slack. pf Colum bus, Mia’s., , ,- f ,, , a Louise 'on-, l)pr house SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REPORTER -.......I, impm, the Doctor Says: I Laugh;- vMc. . vv hi i.ii.u. • at- him. He refers-to*hebvy Havana cigars. : You can smoke all the'-mild cigars yop-want. i j,''nu- • . L'W' /> i’i •-'’■/"■ -'H/ikhW. 1 - ” • ■ It’s not: the quantity of cigars, but the quantity of 'nicotine "that 1 'harts you; 1 Smoke blend^jtjhe,j> i * • 'Jf.! Mascot Smokor or , V" . La Clarina ■ Cigars The Smdker a BIr Smoker. ! La Clarlna a Little Smaller A NEW mts- rift' :Owmni** ^ LaGrange, Georgia O* Distributor^ -TONTOT