The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, August 28, 1914, Image 7

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I i. THE LAGRANGE REPORTER.. FRIDAY MORNING, AUG 28, 1*14 BRIEF HEWS NOTES Vkit las Occurrtd knag the Wert Tbraaeboit This Gantry and Abroad. EVENTS OfTmPORTANCE 'Gathered From All Parte of Globe and Told In Short Paragrapha. According to an announcement made public in Paris following a conference of the French parliament with Presi dent Poincare, the combined forces of the French and British troops were de feated after a three days' battle in Bel gium. Ttie fighting extended from Mona to the Luxemberg frontier. The IFrench have been compelled to retreat from Alsace Lorraine. The British and French armies have taken up a defen sive position on the frontier of France. Erie M. Donalson of Balnbridge, Ga., was confirmed by the senate as the United States district attorney in the Inspired by bis latest victory, the kaiser, according to dispatches from Rotterdam, ia amassing his entire forc es on the French border and will fol low up his successees with rapid on slaughts on the FTench and German troops. Searchlights and barbed wire charg ed with electricity are said to have played an important part in the fight ing between the Belgian and German troops at Liege. When the German soldiers attempted to charge on the Belgian torts powerful searchlights were thrown on them which dazzled them. In this blinded condition they are said to have stumbled into the barbed wire fenceB and were electro cuted. Speaker Clark sent out Rergeants armed with warrants for the absent members of the United States house of representatives and many of the ab sent members were rounded up at the ball park, in cafes and other places about Washington. The London Times correspondent at Venice reports that Austria is prepar ing to quit the war on Servia and will utilise all her efforts In fighting Rus sia. It has been decided upon by the fed eral reserve board that all of the A War Map Showing Scene of Europe’s Troubles Monday in September next, and file DrrirTrQCC CktXH objections to report of commissioners, I I UgJI Coo dl IU Retting apart a year’B support to Mrs. D. S. Starr, widow, and one minor child of D. A. Starr, deceased, else it will be admitted of record. Witness s my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. southern district of Florida. Great Britain is greatly moved over twelve resera b^s wlll be ^opened the result of the first big battle of the present European war. Dispatches from Geneva state that the Italian gov ernment is mobilizing its army on the Austrian frontier. From London are received dispatch es telling of a brilliant victory for the Russians over the German troops in eastern Prussia. Tile engagement be tween the two armies lasted almost an entire week, and is said to have re sulted in the complete rout of the iGorman soldiers. All of the hotels of Vichy are filled [With wounded French Boldiers. The Guaranty Trust Company of New Yoak City has instituted Buit against the North German Lloyd Steamship company to recover $1,040,467 and in terest. The suit was the outgrowth lof the failure of the steamship com pany to deliver approximately $5,000,- 4)00 aboard to Kronprinxessln Ceceile No bankers in London, according to of- r ctals of the trust company. France has rejected the proposal of the United States that the ships of the countries at war in Europe be per mitted to register in the United States and become neutral ships of com merce on the high seas. | Japan has declared war against Ger many. This carries the European war to the Asiatic continent. The failure of Germany to respond to Japan's ulti matum resulted In the declaration of war. In her ultimatum Japan demand ed that Germany surrender Kia-Chow, China, to Japan and that in turn Ja- ipan would turn' the province over to Chins. An official notification has been re ceived by the United States from Ja pan of the declaration of war against Germany with the request that the United States look after Japan's in terest In Berlin. When the German forces invaded Brussels there was not a shot fired. The Belgian soldiers had retired in the direction of Antwerp. Soon after Invasion the Germans lev ied a war tax of forty million dollars against the city of Brussels. The remains of Pope Plus X were borne to the chapel of St. Peter's, where It will lie In state. A thorough investigation of the cause of the Increase in food prices since the beginning of the European war Is being made by the federal grand Juries in six large cities. In dictments are expected to follow these investigations. Congress has about decided that adjournment Is out of the question while the European war crisis is on Pope Pius X is dead. The end came after a short illness. Worrying over the war in Europe hastened the death of the pope. Almost his last words referred to the struggle on the European continent. Georgia has had a primary. Judge Nat E. Harris was nominated for gov ernor by a safe majority. Senator Hoke Smith was renominated for the long term senatorBhlp. The short term senatorshlp will be decided be tween Gov. John M. Slaton, Thomas S. Felder and Congressman Thomas W. Hardwick. The state house offl cials were all re-elected with one ex ception. The Germans have found a way to France through Belgium and the ar mies of the kaiser are pouring over the river Meude. It is considered probable that the French and Eng lish armies may have to change their tactics to stall the onward progress of the Germans. Thousands of Americans are strand ed In London and daily they throng to the hotels where they assemble in the tea and reception rooms. An appeal has been made by i Methodist bishop at Jackson, Miss lor a fund of at least $1,000 to be sent to Belgium for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers. Confidence has been expressed by the French military authorities that the French and English soldiers will be able to check the advance of the Germans through France. A pitiable Incident in connection with the war in Europe was enacted in Paris recently by a French woman She was coming down the steps of government building, where fond par ents and relatives are advised^ of the plight of their loved ones. V”-* proacbed by a friend, who asked if those she sought information about ■were safe, she replied they were safe in Heaven and added that she Imd given four sons to France war and was proud of it. It is reported that the Belgians have • abandoned Brussels and are retreating towards Antwerp. nt the same time and the new banking system will be syBematlcally started. Germans and Austrians who attempt ed to secure passage on the Itnliun ves sels sailing from New York were re fused passuge. The officials of the ves sels stated that they had orders from tile home office to permit only Italians and Americans to sail on their ves sels. The North German Lloyd steamer Princess Alice is reported to have sought safety at Zamboanga, accord ing to dispatches received from Ma nila. There has been a falling off in the cropB in Italy according to a report of the International Institute of agricul ture at Rome. According to dispatches from Am sterdam the German troops have about abandoned North Belgium and it Is believed that the German army is assembling between Mocs and the Luxemburg frontier. The war in Europe promises to hold congress in session indefinitely. England and France are preparing to refill the treasury of the Belgian government. It is reported that each country will contribute $50,000,000 to assist Belgium in meeting the necessi ties arising from the war. When a French colonel called for volunteers to perform an act that would mean certain death his son was among those who responded. The colonel paled, but never flinched. His son never returned. Warships and marines will be the methods used by the United States to enforce peace in the Dominican re public. England will make, a war loan of fifty million dollars to Belgium. Thrills unequaled by any other oc casion are being furnished the Amer ican tourists In Europe, and many are the stories of adventure and danger that are being told by globe trotters on their return to this country. Antwerp is making elaborate prepa rations for the defense of the city against German invasion. All classes of people are working day and night on the defenses, though little confu sion is noticed. War insurance bill providing war insurance for the American merchant marine has been passed by the senate. The amount appropriated for this pur pose is approximately five million dol lars. The German-Amerlcan societies of Florida are raising funds for the re lief of widows and orphans of Ger man soldiers killed daring the Euro pean war The Russians are reported to be gaining steadily in North Prussia. Diversity of opinion as to the ex emption of labor and agricultural or- ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, August 11, 1814. To nil whom it may concern: Mrs. D. S. Starr has in due form applied to the undersigned for per manent letters of administration on the estate of D. A. Starr, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on first Monday in September next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. Woman’s Positions- GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA, Troup Couunty— Ordinary’s office, August 11, 1814. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. L. C. Scoggins has. in due form, applied to the undersigned t e appointed guardian of the property of McKinley White and Collie White miners of H. C. White, deceased, and said application will be passed upon on first Monday in Sept. next. Witness In Suburban Life, The Countryside; Magazine for September, is an article about Mrs. Beatrice Forbes-Robert- son Hale, homemaker and suffragist, and her unique country house. Mrs.. Hale maintains that the whole woman movement is helped by the progressive humanitarian spirit of the age. ‘‘For,” she says, “those who believe in the humanities must also, of course, be lieve in woman; and the modern tend ency to rate progress in terms of the welfare and happiness of the people, rather than in terms of conquest, is of enormous benefit to us, since wo men could never be active citizens in a state whose chief object was ag gressive warfare.” This sweet and broad-minded policy is more or less at variance with the- outsider’s view. s my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. la In All Man's Power. It Is prodigious the quantity of good that may be done by one man if he will make a business of it.—Benjamin Franklin. » PUBLIC SALE. There will be sold before the court house door between the regular hours of sale to the highest bidder the first Tuesday in September 200 acres of land on what is known as the Boykin hbme place on west side of the: Chattahoochee river. 18 MISS JESSIE BOYKIN. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REPORTER. E VERYBODY seems to be fighting somebody these days in Europe. No one can tell where the terrible complications between the nations will stop. The long threatened campaign of England and France against Germany has finally burst forth in all t.lie fury of deadly war, and Russia and Austria-Huugar.T are vitally interested parties. The neoompanylut. map shows the vast stage where the tragic drama is being enacted. Legal Notices DMI GEORGIA, Troup County- ' Offh Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Kate Hogg BasB has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of N. J. Hogg, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on first Monday in September next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concera: T. L. Thomason executor of the es tate of J. J. Sturtftant, deceased, has due form of law applied to the un dersigned for leave to sell the real estate belonging to said deceased, and will pass upon his application on first Monday in September next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ord ary. DISMISSION—ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concern: Frank Wilkinson administrator for the estate of J. C. Wilkinson, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of dis mission from administration of said estate and I will pass upon his ap- jlication the first Monday in Septem- >er next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary DISMISSION—ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concern: Louis Mayer administrator for the estate of Emanuel Ketzky, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from administration of said estate and I will pass upon his application the first Monday in September next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. ganizations from the operation of the anti-trust laws has delayed the pass age of the Clayton anti-trust bill In congress President Wilson has emphatically denied that he at any time threatened to send troops Into Mexico, but stat ed that be was urged at the time Carranza and Villa refused to listen to the advice of the United States to invade the country and march to Mex ico City. The Christian Brothers, a Catbollo educational organization, have ap pealed to President Wilson to use his Influence with the Constitutionalist officers of Mexico to permit the or ganlzation to continue their education al work in Mexico. Bills have been Introduced in both houses of congress providing for the establisihment of the United States merchant marine. They further pro vide for the appropriation of $26,000,- 000 for the purchase of ships and the creation of a shipping board. Louis Hostetter, a United States consul, has been placed in Jail at Her- mosillo, Sonora, Mexico. In the mean time Carranza and Villa are having little argument over who was respon sible for the Jailing of the American consul. The Constitutionalist government in Mexico has declared the currency Issued by the Huerta government worthless. The custom house receipts at New York shows a great decrease la im ports. A naval fight between English and German warships is reported in the North Sea. Sir John French and his British army was given a rousing welcome up on their entry into France. The Montenegrin army Is reported to be marching on Ragusa, a fortified seaport of Austria-Hungary- the court of ordinary of said county, will be Bold on the first Tuesday in September next, in front of the icourt house door of said county, be tween the legal hours of sale at pub lic outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described pro perty, to-wit:—One vacant lot situat ed on the East side of Gordon street rin the city of LaGrange, Georgia, and bounded on the North by property of J. E. Dunson, east by a certain alley, South by S. W. Thornton and on the West by Gordon street. Also one share of the capital stock of the Manchester Cotton Mills of the par value of $100. Sold as the property of Mrs. John Banks deceased for the purpose of payment of debts and dis tribution. This August 4th, 1914. JOHN BANKS. Admrs. of estate of MRS. JOHN BANKS. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Troup County— Will be sold before the court house door in the city of LaGrange,. Geor gia, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber for cash to -the highest bidder the following property to-wit:—One buck skin horse 6 years old, one open buggy, said property levied on as the property of L. C. Cohen to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the city court of LaGrange in favor of A. H. Durham vs. L. C< Cohen. Also at the same time and place will be sold three bay mare nriuleB levied on as the property of H. E Newton to satisfy a fi fa issued from the city court of LaGrange in favor of Eady-Baker Grocery Company against H. E. Newton. This the 6th day of August, 1914 O. H. FLORENCE, Sheriff. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, August 11, 1914 To all whom it may concern: All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at my office on first PROFESSIONAL. DISMISSION—ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, ^ug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concern: B. D. Walker administrator for the estate of Mrs. M. A. Walker, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of dis mission from administration of said estate and I will pass upon his ap- ilication the first Monday in Septem- ier next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. DISMISSION—ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concern: W. H. Hancock guardian for Johnie Hancock applies to me for letters of dismission of said guardianship and will pass upon his application on first Monday in September next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914 To all whom it may concern: I Mrs. W. B. Stripling has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of W. B. Stripling, de ceased, and I will pass upon said ap- lication on first Monday in Septem- er next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. DENTAL OFFICE OF HENRY BIGHAM PARK, B. S. D. D. S. LaGrange Banking & Trust Co. Building Hours: 8 a. m. to 1 p. 2:80 to 6 p. m. Emergency work Sundays by special appointment JOHN (b CARTER DENTIST Trnltt Bldg, LaGrange GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA, Troup County— Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 4, 1914. To all whom it may concern: G. S. Marchman has, in due form, applied to the undersigned to be ap- f ointed guardian of the property of lattie, C. S., Louis, Lee Marion and Gilbert Marchman, minors of Cor nelius Marchman, deceased, and said application will be passed upon on first Monday in September next. Witness my official signature. H. T. WOODYARD, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATION’S SALE. GEORGIA, Troup County— By virtue of an order granted by I represent the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., of New York, the largest in the world. E. T. POYTHRESS. Residence Phone 89 Office Phone 219 DR. JOHN BANKS Physician and Surgeon LaGrange Hanking & Trust Co. Bldg. D. E. MORGAN, M. D. Diseases of Children Office over Bradfleld Drug Co. Telephones 92, 297 Phone 79 I Taxi-Cab Service Troup Garage Terms Strictly CASH At your service day and night. Prest-o -lite Service, Trou ble Service. All repair work done by Expert Mechanics at reas onable rates. Motto:- Prompt and Effi cient Service . . TROUP GARAGE WALTER ATKINSON, Prop. j'cixl ^iiiiihiiiihiiiiiihi Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective August 1st, 1914 to August 1st, 1915 and guaranteed against any reductions during that time. All cars fully equipped f. o. b. Detroit. Runabout- Touring Car. Buyers to Share in Profits s All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August 1st, 1914 to Auguust let, 1915 will share in the profits of the company to the extent of $40 to $60 per car, on each car they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and de liver 800,000 new Ford cars during that period. Ask us for particulars. J. A. & Cline Bagwell FORD CARS AND FORD ACCESSORIES Phone 146. 13 Greenville Street LAGRANGE, GA.