The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, November 20, 1914, Image 2

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pniniv Mnoviwr. wnf *« ***<■ TUB LAQBAM&8 COUNTY NEWS <• LIBERTY HILL • {, «;< <•*«!•♦<> & <t 6 4 <r * 4> <f <• £ BIG SPRINGS * » ** Mr. nnd Mm. B. F. Shirey had an tfccir guests Sunday afternoon, Mr. •nd Mrs. J. N. Kirk, Mr. J. W. Oar- Mtt and Mr. C. L. Ix*!. MisH Kara KorbuH had as her aacsta Sunday afternoon Misses Mattie and Ethel McClain, Messrs, ■ark Prince, Wesley Turner, Wash Orenshaw and Lehman EsterH. Misses Clcmmie and Frances I>ee r nt Sunday afternoon with Misses in and Elsie Shirey. Mr. C. J. Ixjvris virited Mr. J. W. Barrett Sunday Morning. Mr. Joan Howell and ulster, Miss Bessie, were the guests Sunday af ternoon of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Striek- land. Mrs. G. M. Forbus nnd daughter, MisR Karn, were Monday afternoon guests of Mrs. B. F. Shirey and daughter, Miss Ethel. Kr. Wesley Turner spent Sntur- Anj night with Mr. Fred Betterton. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strickland nnd daughters were the guests Sundny and Sundny night of Mr. and Mrs. taster. . „ . Mr. Tommie Garrett spent Sunday with Messrs Howard and Grover Gar rett. C.ABBETTVILLE Mins Bess Stinson attended the ■bite meeting of tho W. B. M. U. Oolumbun last weok. Mrs. C. F. Burk hnB returned to Vtmericus after a visit to Mrs. Tom Wilkinson. _ Mr. and Mrs. Grady Traylor were ■a week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs ■endon Traylor. . _ , . Mr. Willis Sima of West Point ■pent a few days with Mr. Richard Birt |lr. and Mrs. H. H. Greene, Jr wore the guests of Mr. and Mra. Tom Traylor Sunday. , Mrs. E. R. Bradfleld, Jr., nnd Mins Vaisy Jackson of LaGgange visited Mrs. Jim Hairston last weok. Mrs. Jim Hairston was hostess to the K. K. K.’h Saturday afternoon After a short business session Mrs Harriston entertained hor guests with Rook and served refreshments at the Boro of tho game. Miss Sarn Now- ton will bo hostess in December. SALEM Misses Olivia Floyd and I/oulse Morgan wore guests of Misses Mnt- Be and Ellie Booker of Union last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Mattie Colley of Pine View was calling on relatives in Salfm one day last week. Mrs. Lilia Willis and Katheleon re turned last Tuesday from a week’s visit to Mr. Goorgo Willis of South taGrange. MeRBrH. Lucius Sands and .Tip Znchory made a business trip to Mountain Hill Friday. Dr. N. B. Boddie of Chiploy was •ailed out to see Mr. John Anderson last Fridny. Miss Olivia Floyd spent several days tho pnst week with hor coiiRin, Miss Ethelone Bnnds of Cochran’s Cross Ronds. Mrs. Jennie Sturtivnnt) and Miss Grace spent Inst Wednesday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Floyd. Mr. Gicorgo Willis of LaGamge was n spend-the-dny visitor at Mr. J. M. Brawners last Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed O'Neal were apend-the-dny visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Smith Sundny. Misses Ruth nnd Rachel Colley on tertnined n spend-the-dny pnrty last Sundny. Among those enjoying their hospitality were Misses Louise nnd Lillian Morgan, ClotUdc and May Snttcrwhite, Irmn Swanson, Sara O’Neal, Mnybelle Anderson. In the afternoon a number of young gentle men joined the pnrty. Among whom were, Messrs. Fuller Sturtivant, Ray mond Anderson, Philip and taon Smith. Pierce Cleavelund, Sam Jones and others. Mr. Grayson Bryan and Mrs. I.illn Willis Rpent Sunday afternoon with Misses Lovie and Cornellia Smith. Miss Ethelone Sands spent Monday shopping in West Point. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Haralson of Un ion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Anderson. Mrs. Lilia Willis and Misses Olivia and Odessa Floyd spent Wednesday afternoon with Miss Cornelia and Lovie Smith. Mr. T. L. Floyd, Jr., of Atlanta, i the guest of his father, Mr. T. L. Flovd, Sr., at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Anderson nnd baby Clarence of Union spent Inst Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. Mary Colley was a spend-the- dpy guest of her nephew, Mr. Lije Anderson and his family last Thurs day. Mr. Pearce Smith of Woodbury was the guest of his brother, Mr. Robert Spiith a portion of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunlap of Chip loy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hendrix. Miss Vinelle Davidson was the guest of Miss Bera Hall Sunduy. We are *orry to have Miss Davidson leave our community this week. Misses Mary and Annie Lizzie Tolman and Mary Parker, of La- Grange, spent Friday night with Miss Ophelia Haynes. Mr. V. G. Langford spout Friday in Columbus. Messrs J. II. tangford and C. E. McGee, paid Ilnrris County friends a visit recently. Misses Blanche Brendle and Jewell Jones, spent Sunday with Miss Maude Jones. Owing to the threatning weather Friday night, the minstrel was not so well attended, however, those pre sent report a jolly good time. Mr. and Mrs. Comer Brooks were to see Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hall Sun day. Mr. Cleaveland Hendrix of Stovall and Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen, spent Sunday with Mr. H. Z. Hendrix and family. We trust that the school will take Educational Rally school building Tuesday November '24th. Come, bring dinner, see what good work your school is doing and Pear good speeches from Messrs J. O. Martin and Geo. D. Godard, school supervisors. Messrs J. W. Estes, W. F. Bruce and W. E. Davidson were in La- Grange on business Saturday. We are sorry to place on the sick list this week, Mrs. Bill Wright and Messrs H. Z. Hendrix and J. W. Reynolds. Mr. Wright of LaGrange spent the week with his parents here. Mr. Will Ransome and little Missj Sara Ransome, of taGrange are! visiting Mrs. Jane Ransome who has recently moved into her new home here. Mrs. W. F. Bruce visited her sis ter, Mrs. Mary Jones, Sunday. Our school is doing good work un der the management of Mr. David son, Misses Collier, Hilsman and Chastain. Mr. Davidson has charge of the higher grades, Miss Hilman the intermediate, Miss Collier the primary and Miss Chastain the music class. We are proud of our teachers und trust that the patrons will co operate with them and a good school will be ours. The Woman’s Home Improvement Club held its second anniversary meeting Saturday afternoon, Mrs. W. F. Bruce, hostess. This being the last meeting of the club year, officers were elected. Mrs. Gw T. Leslie resigned as Presi dent and Mrs. H. P. Bruce was elect ed to take her place, with Miss Lu- line Collier as Vice-President. Mrs. Mary Jones resigned and Mrs. E. C. Jones was elected te take her place. Each lady whs requested to take some good receipt which was reod and exchanged for other good ones, after which Mrs. Bruce served fruit from a hcautifui bnsket made from a pumpkin rind, and each guest was asked to guess the number of seed* in the bottom of the pumpkin. Mrs. I^slie was the fortunate guesser and received t.he prize. This was one of the most pleasant and profitabte meetings during the year and eask member returned home more deter mined to make the next year’s wort more pleasant and profitable tin* ever before. IF YOUR BUSINESS IS NO* WORTH ADVERTISING, ADVKHk- -.r — t-T r-nt? SIIF. While the Supply Lasts A Hand-Painted Japanese Silk “TEA POT” Pin Cushion To Every Purchaser of 10c Worth of TUXEDO Tobacco This beautiful little novelty will delight every lady who receives one. It is an excellent pin cushion and will make a dainty, attractive ornament for the dressing table. Take home a tin of TUXEDO, and take your wife this pretty “Tea Pot” Pin Cushion. Your gift will please her—that TUXEDO leaves no odor about draperies and furniture, will also win her heartiest approval. The clean, fresh fragrance of TUXEDO pleases everyone. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient Pouch, innerlined with moisture-proof paper . . uC Famous green tin, with gold 1 A_ lettering, curved to fit pocket 1UC In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c In Class Humidors, 50c and90c The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Thousands of famous Americans emphatically endorse TUXEDO. They find in this mild, delightful tobacco com plete relaxation, soothing comfort and healthful enjoyment. A week’s trial of TUXEDO will convince you. That is the reason this unusual free offer is made. TUXEDO is the very best Kentucky Burley tobacco —carefully ripened, cured and mellowed—then treated by the original “Tuxedo Process,” that takes out the “bite” and “sting” absolutely, fully developing the wonderful mildness, fragrance and flavor of the Burley leaf. FREE Take advantage of this Free Offer today and avoid disappointment. Dealers have only a limited supply of these Pin Cushions and cannot get more. Look for Free Offer sign in a dealer’s window—get 10c worth of TUXEDO and ask for the “Tea Pot” Pin Cushion, FREE. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Spe ~ Jeale s t cushiors. Pin Cushions can E. J. Reed, Park Hotel. ’ Pi* i • -i- d su>p,y of theee- plying at TUXEDO Headquarters. Phone 238 We Pay Cash for Cotton and a Little More than Market Price THE STORE