The La Grange reporter. (La Grange, Ga.) 184?-193?, December 11, 1914, Image 15

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THE LAGRANGE REPORTER. FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. .11,J914. Christmas Presents WitotedLerful ifeVa ric XMAS XMAS OPENING SALE CONTINUES THROUGHTHE HOLIDAYS Old Santa Claus will arrive in LaGrange from Elf Station, Fairyland, Friday morning, December 11th, at 10:00 o’clock. He will tour the city in an automobile, returning to our store at 3:00 o’clock p. m. He invites all the children in LaGrange and surrounding country to meet him in front of our Old Store; he has a present for each of the little tots, and requests that the children bring their mothers too, for the day will be a glorious one and every body will enjoy it. DOLLS! DOLLS! LITTLE GIRLS’ TOYS. Doll carriages) doll trunks, pianos, doll beds, tea sets, China, tin, and aluminum, iron cooking stoves, oil ranges, horns, banks and Indian suits. There is no little girl but what can be made happy Christ mas from this selection. BABIES’ TOYS There are so many things for the baby. Cloth and velvet ani- muls, rolling chimes, Jack in the box, music boxes, rattlerfe, rubber dolls, balls, Toddy Bears, blocks, picture book, etc. See the assort ment before it is picked over. IRON TOYS rheRC Toys are indcstructable and arc well worth the price. Fire trucks, trains and cars, coaster carts and dozens of other strong iron toys for old Santa Claus. 15c to $1.58 MECHANICAL TOYS. Children love these Toys and enjoy them at Christmas better than any other time. There are automobiles, automobile fire trucks, trains and cars, coaster boys any many toys that move and give pleasure to the little tots. 25c to $1.50 DOLL FURNITURE. To complete tho Christmas play house, the children must have a set of furniture: Beds, dressers, wash stands, side boards, chairs and so many things in our lot of toys Old Santa has left here for you to see. BOYS’ TOYS. Old Santa Claus has placed many things in our store for boys. Drums, horns, floats, wagons, tool boxes, false faces, air rifles, cap pistols, Indian suits, foot balls, all priced very cheap this year. SHOES for Xmas Gifts Old Santa Claus’ Christmas Message Never before have we gathered such a large stock of beautiful hand kerchiefs in embroidered, plain hem stitched and initial for men, women and children, all in pretty Christmas boxes. i You can make no mistake in giving gloves this year. They are always acceptable and we are showing an i How would you enjoy opening a box all tied with holly ribbon Christ mas morning and there find a pair of haudsome shoes, just the size to I fit; it would be a gift to be proud of, and there is not a member of the family that would not appreciate shoes at Christmas. We keep a record of sizes and if yon don’t know the size we can supply it. Sorosis and Ziegler shoes for Women and chil dren; Hanan, W. L. Douglas and Regal shoes for men make practical gifts. New Store. HAPPY DAYS OF CHILDHOOD, FULL OF DREAMS THAT MAKE AjLL THINGS POSSIBLE. MAY IT BE FAR FROM ANY OF US TO SPOIL THEIR ILLUSIONS WHICH WILL WEAR THEMSELVES OUT ALL TOO SOON. OF COURSE NO NE OF UIS CAN HAVE FOR OUR OWN EVERYTHING WE SEE BUT THERE ARE LOTS OF THINGS IN CALLAWAY’S BIG STORES THAT CAN BE PURCHASED AT CHRISTMAS WITH CONFIDENCE IN FULL CERTAINTY OF Effel and Buster Brown HOSE Silk, silk lisle and cotton lisle, all put up in fancy Christmas boxes make the moet attractive gifts for Christ mas. Buster Brown Hose 4 pair; Guaran teed 4 months In Holiday boxes. having the full worth of the money paid Xmas Gifts Bed room slippers .... 75c to $1.54 Slumber slippers, foot warmers 50c Quilted and wool soles in holiday boxes. New Store. Blankets for bath robes, worth $2.00, Christmas $1.00 Underwear. Union suits and sepa rate garments, 00a women and children fctO New Store. Gift Suggestion in Women Sections PRETTY' KIMONOS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Long silk kimonos,! outing kimonos and Japanese kimonos, the prettiest of fabrics and the, newest designs. They will make a g ift that aay woman will appreciate. | LADY DAINTY NOVELTIES, Manicure sets, sewing seta, darning^ sets, etc., in attractive Christmas boxes. Priced at ....25c, 5tc and $1.80' RIBBONS. There is always a great demand for ribbons at Christmas so this year we have a larger stoek than ever. Ribbons for every use. No charge for making bows and ros etts of ribbon bought of us. ROYAL SOCIETY FANCY WORK. Oar stock is complete and you will find so many useful things for gifts. Gowas, corset covers, combi nation suits, lunch cloths, lunch seta, guest towels, bath towels, sheets, pil low cases, runners, malts and pillow tops. LACE FOR FANCY WORK, Val s and ohmy at prices equally as low as before the war. New Store. Experience has taught us just what most men want. SHIRTS. Never did a man have too many shirts and these Hanhattans are attractive $1&0, $2.00, $2.50 and $8.00. STETSON HATS, the newest styles and there is no man but what en joys a hat as a gift *3.60 to $5.00. SMOKING JACKETS AND LOUNGING ROBES. When a man gets home after a hard day’s work nothin g give* him more pleasure than to make himself comfortable in one of these garments, as a gift they are suggested. FANCY VEST. A man who takes pride in his personal appearance will appreciate one of these vests for Ch ristmas. SILK TIES. Did you ever see a a man that had too many ties. Every man enjoys changing his tie once a day. These ties are made the dollar shape. Our selection is extremely* good, Priced at J5c and 58c In Christmas boxes. COMBINATION SETS, Ties, sox and Handkerchiefs 50c to $2.00 a set UNDERWEAR. To a male member of your family, Robert Reis Un derwear makes a handsome gift, also night shirts and pajamas are accept ed as practical gifts. COATS FOR GIFTS. We are showing the best assortment of over coats, sweater coats and caps that has ever been our pleasure to offer at Christmas times. Men’s Section, New Store. THIS IS A MAN’S STORE. YOU CAN MAKE NO MISTAKE IN ANT OF THE ABOVE SUGGES TIONS. OUR STOCK 13 COMPLETE CHRISTMAS BARGAINS. IN THE ECONOMY SECTION FURS Worjc gloves, cloth and leather, "Men’s pants, samples, worth to Aviation caps and toques, all sizes, Christman 29C Ladies’ and Misses’ sweaters, $2.60 values, Christmas ....$1-69 Underwear, extra special quality, shirts and drawers, per Ap%C garment Men’s dollar sweater coats, special Christmas SPECIAL IN GROCERY SECTION Customers making purchases of 60c or more Friday or Saturday will be entitled to 10 Pounds of Sugar - 50c Children school shoes, gun metal and vici, sizes QQ« Outing and flannellett, best qual ities, Christmas O’/ia sale, yard ° » Boys’ school suits, $3.50 value, sizes 6 to 16 $1.75 Ladies’ and Misses’ sweaters, $1.25 values, Christmas 7Qr good warm 45c $3.04 blankets, slightly soiled, Christmas sale $1.75 Pi* striped overalls, blue TCa and tan, $1.00 kind • Ladies’ button tan shoed*? QCj $3 and $8.60 values, onlj'P len’s $3.00 sample panttCP 1 fTP $2.60, Christmas $1.00 Sample shirts, dollar kind slight- srt $1.00 Work and plow brogan shoes, Christmas sate $1.50 Men’s and women's $6.00 rain coats, Christmas Qft If it is a lady that you desire a gift, for why not a set of these hand- Our stock is at its best some furs? and our furs are priced specially low this season. Fruits Blankets and Com forts for Christmas Gifts Christmas sale FRESH CORN WE Givrc THE FTftWF.flT MARKET PRICE FOR ALL FARM PRO PUCE, PEAS, SHELLED CORN, EGGS^ CHICKENS, MEAU OATS, WHEAT, SWEET POTATOES AND OTHER VEGETABLES, TO BE TRADED OUT, PROVIDED ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE IN ADVANCE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTAGON AND WOOD CHUCK SOAP 4 BARS 12C No Phone order or children. Economy Section. * * ❖ Friday and Saturday genu- •> ine A A A sheeting, extra * special value, 7 P ^ ❖ y£d ♦ ❖ 10 yards limit. ^ CORNER COURT SQUARE VERNON AND BULL STREESS WE PAY RAILROAD FARE WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE MILES OF LAGRANGE AND RETURN TO ANYONE MAKING A PUR CHASE OF $16.00 OR MORE. Ta GRANGE SA. WE PAY CASH FOR COTTON AND A LITTLE MORE THAN THE MARKET PRICE. WE PAY POSTAGE ON ALL MAIL ORDERS.