The Southern sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1850-18??, December 30, 1852, Image 3

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Inferior Court. Tlie following gentlemen are respectfully sugges ted for Justices of the Inferior Court at the election in January. JAMES C. COOK, THOMAS RAGLAND, LOCKE WEEMS, .. } AARON FERGUSON, MA NS FILM) TORR ANCE Inferior Court. The following gentlemen will he supported for Justices of the. Interior Court of this county. Gen. JAMES N RKTHUXE, JAMES C. COOK, TIIOS. RAGLAND. MANSFJELI > TORRANCE, LOCKE WEEMS. Doc. SO. D52. ID Inferior Court. Mr. Editor —The following named gentlemen, who were suggested in tlie Times of yesterday, as suitable persons for Justices of the Inferior Court, have since been consulted, and have consented to serve if elected, vie.: Gen. JAMES X. RETITUNE, MICHAEL N. CLARKE, JAMES McGEIRE. HILLIARD J. WILLIAMS, JOHN DUNCAN Please give the same an iii**< rtion. and oblige MANY VOTERS. Dec. 30, 1852. 1 D City (htii'frs. Upon consultation with many of the citizens of Co lumbus, we take pleasure, in announcing tlie following ticket tor City Officers for the rear 1853, irrespective of political lines,and we confidently believe that elected, will serve. We most seriously call upon every good citizen to come forward and vote for this ticket, which, if elected, will; lx* an honor to our city, and re dound to the welfare mid prosjrerity of all its citizens. For, Henry T. Hall. Ft Ward—Daniel Griffin, Harvey Hall. 2d do. Dr. .8, A Billing, Harvey W. Nance 3d do. John Johnson, Legrand Wright. 4th do. George J. Pitts. sih do. Joseph L. Morton, Benjamin Wells, fnh do. W. Cromwell, John Sealey. Dee. 23, 1852. 52 ts Mr. Editor: The gentlemen composing the following 1 ticket, have consented,to run for Mayor and Aldermen | of the city at she ensuing ejection . It is proper to say that their names have been announced w tlioi t concert of action with any party, and without an understanding that they represent any individual interest of the city, to the exclusion of others: or that they reflect the senti ments of a particular chss of citizens. It is believed, however, that thr*ir nanus and their direct interest in the prosperity of the city, offer a sail-fact >ry guarantee that their official conduct wiilbe entirely directed to the pro motion of all her interests CITIZENS. Independent Citizens’ Ticket. For Mayor—Dr. Sarmi 1 A. Billing, Ist Ward—L. ‘l. Durr nil F. G. Wilkins. 2d do.. William Petty and James I*.-Bozeman. 3d do. John Johnson and VVm. A. Beach. 4tli do. Geo. J. Pitts find William Daniel. sth do. Joseph ThotriAf and T. Chaffin, Sr. 6th do. Win. Brooks akd Wm. Matheson. For .Marshal — For Deputy Marshal— \ For City Treasurer—JorduoijL. Howell For Clerk—Calvin Straiton. ‘ Dee. 23. 1352. 52 te. Wc arc authorized to (pnouneo Hon. JOSEPH L. MORT‘>N a candidate tin le-efeciion to the office of Mayor, in January next. Dec. 2. 1852. 49 te „ Wi* arc authorized to nnnomee WlLfil V'l ll* KIM ItItOIJGII asa candidati for Mayor at the next election. Nov. 25, 1852. 43 te KW WE are authorized !>• GREEN SAULS as a candidate tor Depay .Marshal, at the ensuing election. Dee. 16, 1852. 51 te We are authorized to annontce 11. XOIILE a candidate for the office of Tax Uff lector, for Alus cogee county, at the election in Jauury next. Nov. 25, 1852. 43 tde f £j-y We are authorized to announce.l \MF.S .*>{. HUGH ES a candidate lor re-election to the office o Citv Marshal Nov. 25, 1352. 48 te WE are authorized to announce IS \ VC MITCHELL, 1 candidate for the Office of Tax- Collector, for Muscogee-County, at the ensuifc Janu ary election. \ Nm. 11, 1352. 46lte ft Sgr Wc are authorized to announce ALFx C MORRISON as a candidate lor Receiver otVTax Returns of Muscogee county, at the election in Jan uary next. Oct. 21, 1852 43 fe Wc are authorized t > aicionuee HOMUT T. s| MOV’ a candidate for Marshal of the City Vt the pnsuing municipal election. \ Dec. 2, 1852. 49 t \ ZtcT” We are authorized to annonic-e John J, Mfhcmlrt'e and JorJiin 1.. Howell, the p esrit incuml ants, as candidates tor Justices ot the Peace It* tlie 773d or upper Town District, at the ensuing election Columbus, Dec. 16, 1352. 51 te. GENERAL PRESENTMENTS Os the Second Panel of the Cirantl Jury of Muse ogee Superior Court, November Term, 1852. 117 E concur with the first panel in urging up- j <9*ti she Inf rior Court early atteulinn to lilt* repair.” recommenOed to he made on the t onrt House and Jail. Also a rigid et*f ei-eineut ot the road laws. • We. also concur in the recommendation made bv the I first panel of .'hanging our Inferior t’ourt system so as to have one Judge instead of five; to accomplish which, we suppose, will require an ateration o! the Constitution. The Grand Jury allow the Tax Collector for his in sol vent list oil the State Tax. two hundred and seven- i teen dollars, and the same lunount tor his insolvent list \ on the county tax. Also the sum ot seventy-three dol- j lars and .-ixty-two cents for tlie correction ot errors oil j the ‘hate Tax. and the sain.- amount on his county tax. We ri*s]K*elf'iliy call the attention ot the Legislature \ t.i the following coni ii'inication addressed to tlie G and Jury by our worthy Solicitor General, Jack. Brown, Esq., and heartily concur in the suggestions therein con- | tained: JH| Gentlemen of th” Granny urn : I have noticed the difficulty attending hruiging criminals to trial and the i length of time which has, in many ea-es, elapsed be tween tlie commencement of prosecutions and their ter- i . mination, wherehv many escape jnstico, ami much ex- , ‘ pens** devolves on the e ‘tinty. . ; I, therefore, resiK'ettiiily recommend to the Legisla . tore such an alteration ii the t’onstittition ot the State i a will secure the e tabfi-linieut of a tribunal..having ju risdiction in all criminal cares, thereby relieving tiio . Saoerior Court of a portion of its onerous labor. I think the establishment of such ;i tsihunal,- sifting at feast three times *iariug tlie vo ir in each county, won and materially aid in euforcing tne Criminal law, save great expeme to the several counties bv shortening the time oi jail imprisonment previo- s to trial, and geneiady prevent the eommi-sion * >f crime by rendering more cer tain and speedy it* punishment. The growing popnlatioiTof the State and tne. increase of civil busines* in the Courts, renders tins step ou the part of the legislature, at the present time, of the great est importance to the bc-t interest* of the people. I re spectfully suggest to the Grand Jurors of thb different counties in this State, a similar But should tile Legislature think it nrePinexpedieiit, I earn estly recommend tin- e-tahliriiment ot such a tribunal tor the county of .Muscogee alone. Verv rosSeetfullv. .TACK. BROWN, Solicitor General. In taking leave of his Honor, Judge Iverson, we ten der him oar thank* for his kind atteulion to our body during ihe pre-ent service : also to tlie Solicitor General, Jack. Brown, Esn., and requ<*st tfijit these presentments be published in tlie citv paper*. DOZIER THORNTON, Foreman. Tilniati D. West, John Jj 1 1105. M. Ciildinps, J. W. Rjttnsoy, M m. M. Jepson, Chris. P. Witt, *? Frederick Tohv. Jacob P Tildes, Pinckney Hazelton, Edward M. Dozier, Oliver Danforth, P. F. Lanwr, * J. R. Clapp, William Matheson, George W. Cherry, E B. \Y. Spivey, Ephraim C. Handy, joseph S. Pruden. Through the req'test of the Grand Jury, it is ordered by the t'ourt th t the above pre*entments’ be published in th.* city paper*, i> *, emtvr 21, 1852. laSLre-: JACK. BROWN, Solicitor General. A tnie extract tmin tlie minute* of Muscogee Snpe n,r ( n :t. No,mber Term 1852 this 21st cay of De ronfer, U*s2. _ L JOHN R. STURGIS, Clerk. Lfeeetr.her 30, 1852. C 0 M M E I! C I A L. Latest dates from Liverpool Dec. 27. j COTTON MARKETS. Columbus, Dec 29. ‘ Prices rang; from 8J to Si for Middling and good Middling. COTTON STATEMENTS. s 2 }T. —ss: : y v. stock j 1“ ‘ j ? ; x JT < %•p on fIS-M _ 860 D7319261 21994 723 7119 8142 13352 1852. ’ 229 2133 33,.‘33 351011530 17221 13751 16650 * 1 Charleston, D**e. 24. j The sales to-day are of 400 bales at 71 id) 91. We j quote middling fair 91 cents. New York, Dec. 24. | The sales of Cotton to-day comprise 2000 bales. ■ Prices stcadv. ,■- . - - * DR. WIST Alt’S BALSAM OF WILD CIIEURV. Lenox, Madison County, N. Y.,Oct. 13, 1343. Messrs. J. E. Warner&Co., Utica, N Y.. [Agents lor Seth W. F owle.l—Gentlemen. I have seen notices of cures performed by “Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cher ry.” I have been troubled with soreness in iny throat, attended with severe and painful pough. lam now con lined to my. house in stormy and foggy weather, cold winds, &c. My bodily health is feeble, and lam now about fifty-five years of age. This tenderness of my throat caine on about the year 18*>6, and has troubled me in my private and professional business, so that I have never been free from it since. I think my oast* is a hard one for the trial of your medicine, but I enclose to you one dollar, which 1 understand is the price. Please send me a bottle. If this lias a good effect, I shall need to send to you again. Yours, rospec full v, J. S. PALMER. Lenox, Nov. 13. 1813. J. E.,Warner A Co.—-Gentlemen, about two weeks since, you.sent me a bottle of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. 1 have taken nearly all of it, and find so much relief in u=irig it that I inclose two dollars for two bot tles more. My cough which had become very severe, and was wearingme’ out very fast, has nearly subsided. 1 I rai-e without much effort by coughing, and the, tender ness in my throat i? very much relieved. It seems to me to be the only medicine to which Lean look tor penna nent relief. ltes|x*ctfully yours, .1 S PALMER. None genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS, on the wrapper. For sale, wholesale and retail, by the General Agent, | SETH W. FOW LE, 139 Washington street, Boston, i Mass., to whom all orders should be addres ed. j Price. $1 per bottle—six bottles for five dollars, i For sale by DANFORTH & NAGEL, Dr. R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga. ALSO—By Payne & Ni.-bct. .Macon; S. Kendrick, Barnesvilfe ; Bowdrc *fc Woodson, Thomaston, Ga. ; and by Agents everywhere. Dee. 3). !852. 1 2t DIED, On the 12th of October .hist, at the residence of Mr. Hartweil Greene, in Russell county, Ala., in the 20th year of her age, Mrs. Sallie E., wife of Augustus C. Greene. How sad and impressive is the death scene of the young, as we contemplate its brightest hopes—its cru-h ----ed afliTtions—and its broken associations ! When we consign the loved arid early lost to the tomb, life appears to lo e its light and beauty. How drear and cheerless would he the grave, did noi Christianity kindle a light amidst its darkness, and point far beyond its frowning portals to a higher and holier state of being, radiant with the glory of immortality and heaven ! In the hie and death of Mrs. Greene, wc have a stri king illustration ot the excellence and power of reli g.on. Early in life she was instructed in the truths of Christianity, and brought under their benign and holy influence. She became a member of the Methodist Church when 12 year- <>f age, and continued in its com munion until removed to the church triumphant in hea ven. H* r intelligence, warm affections, and consi-tent piety gave promise that her influence in liiipre litis would shed happiness upon her heaith stone, and render home a elm nu-d circle in which all the pure affections and uoMe principles of our nature would expand iri rich luxi ria* ce and beauty, di-pensing light and bliss to all her loved ones. But death came, and home lias been rilled of it-brightest gem. In her death, however, there was much to soften the severe affliction of her friends. The religion sis* professed sustained her, and -lie could truly say with the Psalmist. “ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the. shadow of death. I will tear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff’ they com fort me.’’ Daring her short illness she enjoyed blight m mile, ta,ions of the divine presence, ana “rejoiced in tie hope of the glory of God.” The day before she and and she sang the beautiful and appropriate hymn, “All’s Well.” No fat of death troubled her, but glorious visions of heaven thrilled her spirit with glowing anti cipations* of immortality and eternal life. E. COLUMBUS MALE ACADEMY. rjNIIE undersigned will resume the duties of the next I Se*sloa on MONDAY, January 3d, 1353, in tiio building recently occupied by Mr. Kvat.s JNO. IS HAM. \ fee. 3T. 1352. ___ lit GUANO. Ulf Y Guano h.a* arrived, and is at Greenwood A !it & Co.’s Warehouse for sale. .T. R. jONES. Columbus, Dec. 30, 1852. 1 3t THE GLENNVILIE MALE MGYUSiIIT JkVILL be opened again, for the reception of pupils, v v on Monday the 17sh of January next, under the dire Con of the undersigned. Tlie rates of Tuition will lie a* t retolo'-e. For further particulars, any person tiesiriirit, will be furnished with the annual circular of ; the Imitation. JOHN M. WHITE, Principal. Dee A), 1352. 1 4t TO BUILDERS. SE \L’,D proposals will h** received at the Office of the id go of Probate, for Macon County. Alabama, from thointh day of December, J 852, until th * fir-t Monday ■, Januarv, 1853. for building anew COURT i HOUSEin the T own of Tuskegee, Alabama. The plan andspeeific ations for the same, can he seen at the office*’ Judge of Probate, of said County of Ma i con. \ . LEWIS ALEXANDER, .1 \'iES H. SMITH. JOHN G. ROBINSON, , M. B. ABERCROMBIE, Ckmiissioncrs of Roads and Revenues, Macon Countv, Ala. Dee. 16, 51 3t TAPER PAPE!!’! PAPER!!! rUST reeefed front New-York, and for sale cheap, at the Agyvot Rock Island Factory. a splendid article of ENLISH CREAM and BLUE LAID lett-rpaper. Also. FRENCH EXTRA SUPERFINE4ue and white fetter paper, ruled and unruled. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Columbus, Do ]fi, 1552. 51 lm AUCTION. BETWEEN tl first a*td fifteenth of February next, we will s**i 1 iVront of our Stores. THIRTY No . 1 Negro fellows, Vi!-Road band*. The precise day cf sale will beadvtWa hereafter. Terms made known on day of sale. C. S. HART ISON & CO. A. K. AY'ER, Auctioneer. Columbus,-Ga., Eh 23, 1352. 52 ts TANARUS( RENT. ’.--i CIR CUMSTV CE S rendering it necessary l should ‘near my business, I offer the I place where l now rc*ii for rent, from the first of Jan uary next, imrii thefirsLf (fetoher following. There ‘js not a more desirable- Lee in Alabama. About eight j acres of ground are od with a good strong fence, fifteen acres iu the wood The place is one mile and a half from the city. Sevyooms in the hou*e ; kitchen, ! with two good conifbrtd.. rooms, smoke house and I storage room and stahfes,\d an excellent well of water. I For further particular^,quire of me at Sammis & 1 Rooney’s Furniture StoreAßeot cheap, j \ F. \l. GRAY. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 151852. 51 ts New ißsii* A GOOD assortment ol'\w >lkret .Music—among which may be found tfollowing : Tallahassee j Waltz, Robin Waltz. altz,&c Public WUt W, x& p , ASE ! X..K ISM. FAMILY GROCERIES. C. OGLETREE, Oglethorpe Street, opposite Kentucky llotie, WOULD say to his friends, that he has just receiv ed a fine assortment of FAMILY GROCE RIES FOR THE CITY TRADE, which h.- would be much pleased to have his friends to call and see for thern-*elves. The following comprise a part of his stock, viz ; Cod Fi-h. dried and pick fed Salmon, dned Holfeburt, pickled Shad. No. 1,2. A. 3 Mackerel, *o. 1 &, 2 Kits. Mess P*rk. Beans. Iri-h* Potatoes, Rice, Buckwheat Flour, fin.* St. Louis Flour, Butter, Cheese, Java and Rio Coffee, fine Teas, Rai-ins, dried Figs, Preserves, Pickels,Catsup, Yeast Powders, Cranberries, dried Ap ples and Peaches, fine chewing Tobacco, Powder and Shot, Mu turd, Onions, Table Salt, and many other ar ticle® too tedi- ns to mention. Dec 16, 1352. 51 3m BLANK BILLS OF LADING, J?OR safe hv J. W. PEASE, i Dec. 9, 1352. 5!) ts GUANO. ,\ SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF GUANO, ju-t ar- : T Y. rived and tor sale at GREENWOOD & CO.’S. I GEO. W. WINTER. Dec 23, 1852. 52 ts. TEAS! TEAS!! I} LACK and GR EEN, of t tie first quality, from the ) Pekin Tea Company For sale by DANFORTH & NAGEL. Dec. 23,1352. 52 ts POTASH! O ■fAA LBS. best Potash, for sale by DANFORTH &. NAGEL. Dec. 23, 1352. 52 ts NOTICE. MRS. RHODA ©'QUIN, wife of John o’Quin,de* ceased, formefty of Muscogee county, Ga., hav i ing departed this life, at the residence of John Y. Tornp -1 kins, in Marion county, on the, 31 of March last, leav i ins a small estate, the heirs of said estate are request j ed to come forward tor a division. J. Y. T. | Dec. 16, 1352. 51 3t BLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, OF the best quality, tor al* ■ J W. PEASE i Dec. 9, 1352. 50 ts BLANK H mIKS. i T AM now receiving a larg- ‘Jr mpieteassortment ; I of Blank Work, of th** N* • quality of Paper and : Binding, consisting in part of L ugi*: , Journals, and i Day Books, of various sizes and styles. Also, Cash, j Invoice, Letter, Bill Book**, Records. &,<. &re. J. W PEASE. ! Dec. 9, 1852. 50 ts SHinoL BOOKS. r pHE subscriber is now receiving the largest and mo-t 1 complete assortment of School Books ever offered in this market, and is offering them on such terms as to give satisfaction to all who will give him a call.’ .1. W. PEASE. Dec. 9, 1852. 50 ts & THE late firm of HILL, DAWSON & CO., at Apalachicola, having been dissolved by the death of John R. Dawson—the. undersigned heg leave to in form their friends and former patrons, that, the business will be continued by them as heretofore, under the name and style of .1. B. HILL & CO. ,T. B HILL, 11. K. HILL. Columbus, Nov. 18, 1352. 47 tljan UoTiLrxrii _i_. ; > TO DELINQUENT STOCKHOLDERS IN THE MUSCOGEE R. ROAD COMPANY. !> E-801 .'/ED, That notice, he given through the V Gazettes of the citv, to defaulting Stockholders, that their stock will, at the discretion of the Board, be declared forfeited sixty days from and after this date, unless full payment is made. By order ot the Board. R. A. WARE, Sec’y. Nov 4, 1352. 45 w2nf 23?” Enquirer and Times will copy. LATEST NEWS! A N attractive stock of” Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, i\ for Fall and Winter trade. , C. MYGATT, Is now openir g the most extensive and complete stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ever offered in this city ; to which he would mo-t re specttull.v solicit the attention of buyers. Come one! Come all ! 1 Sept. 30, 1852. 40 ts CARPETING. O AAA YDS. Tape-try Velvet, Tapestry Ingrain, Oil/’ m ! Imperial 3-ply. Brussels, Ingrain and Damask Hemp CARPETING, now in store and for safe by C. MYGATT. Sept. 30, 1852. 40 ts _ NEGRO BLANKETS, AC. VVERY large and complete assorting t of Negro Blankets, Bed Blankets, Kerseys, Linseys, Negro SHOES, HATS, &c., Ac,,ju-t received bv C. .MYGATT. Sept. 30, 1352. 40 ts m GO IT. BOOTS! fir*lw ■&£&'’ The Cheapest Hoot, Shoe and HA T Store in the Southern Country, is i). A. GARRETT’S, (The Heady Pay Store.) where the nimble sixpence passes fi>r the -low shilling. r TUIE Proprietor would respectfully inform the citizens J[ ot Columbus and vicinity, that he is now receiving one of the best stocks ot SHOES, principally of Phila delphia make, both lor style and quality, ever offered in this market. Don’t forget to bring the cash, as that is an article very much needed to grease the concern and keep it going. September 9, 1852. 37 ly Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS AND OILS. Sn I AM now receiving a larg** and fresh assortment sos every thing usually k<*nt i DRUG STORE, l and will offer inducement to “nciiast-rs that will be satisfactory I have ff'-ii-i-V extract Pow ders and Extracts, and cv.-rv rii the best quality. Prices to suit the time*. Choice TEAS, Black and Gr ,-n. April •23.135-2. .. W ARE. choi ci; c ? a rs. r I' , HE finest selection oi HAVANA ‘HGARS that 1 has ever been offered i.i this market, can be had at Dr. Ware's Drug store. Those who like a good smoke, and a good Cigar, e;* be accommodated. April 2?. 1852. R. A. WARE. EXTRACT OF COFFEE. ’VTOTHING to do but to have Boiling Water ami a *A Teaspoontul of the Extract stirred into it, and you have as fine Coffee us can be made. For safe by R. A. WARE. April 23, 1852. FISHING TACKLING. ITNES, Hooks, Rods, Fiats and Thongs. For j safe hv It. A. WARE. April 23. 1852. WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIIT JUST received ami for sale by April 23. 1852. R. A. WARE. L A M V OI L. TT7INTER Sperm. Bleached, Elephant and Lard V l Oil. Be*t quality. For dale bv H April 23, 1352 ‘ R. A. WARE. LEST CHEWING TOBACCO. lAOR safe by R. A. WARE. i852. ITN D il E T WS NEW CROP. T UST received and for sale by O R. A. WARE. ALSO, a few Boxes Choice Flatter Seeds, 20 varie ties-in each box. 1 hfeh; 3, 13S8. g ff Muscogee K. 1!. Company. VV r inter Arrangeiiient. ON and after the 12th of November, the Trains will ! lie governed by the following schedules: 31 ail Train seven limes a week. Leave Columbus at 10 P. M., arrive at Butler at II A. M. : Leave Butler at 5s P. M., arrive at Columbus at 9 P. M. i Accoinmodatiou Train three times a week. ‘ On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Columbus at 6 A. M., arrive at Pine Hill at 81 ; A. M. Leave Pine Hill at 101 A. M., arrive at Columbus at 1 P. M. j All through freights will go by the Mail train, and*’ way freights by the Accommodation train. ‘T-sC* Both Trains will carry passengers. SAM’L G. JONES, Chief Engineer. I Nov. 25, 1852 48 ts EVER GEARING STRAWBERRY PLANTS. PEABODY’S ACCLIMATED MONEY'S SEEDLING. THE increasing demand for there wonderful plants from all quarters of the South, and the detention to which packages are Liable m transportation, have de tmmined me to virit Montgomery and Mobile, Alaba ma, with a few thousand plants, carefully packed in Moss and Earth, put up in package* of one, two, three, five hundred and one thousand plants, with a separate package of Early Seat-let, or Impregnates, to accompa ny each hundred—price S4 for a package ot 100 j S. for it package ot 2U I ';’ §9 tor a package ot 300; §l2 for a package oi 500; S2O for a package ot 1000. These plants have been in fruit since tlie 25th of .March, up to this date, November 13th. I will bring colored plates <>f the fruit drawn from nature ; and should no severe frost intervene, specimen plants taken from the open ground loaded with fruit. The superior merits of this Strawberry have never yet been equalled in any clime or country, not only on account ot its continuous hearing, but it monstrous size and delicious flavor. For my whole system of culture, see Soil of the South, published at Columbus, Ga., at SI per year. 1 propose to be in Montgomery from the 10th to the 14tli of January, and in Mobile from the 16th to the 20tb ; mid shail be happy to meet the friends of Horti cultural improvement, and renew and increase the sub scription .>i tlie Soil oj the South. I can be found either at the Exchange or at Gilmer &. Co.’s, .Montgo mery, and Fountain & Me. Queen’s, Mobile. CHARLES A. PEABODY. Montgomery Journal, Mobile Herald & Tri i bune, and Mobile Adverti-er, will copy 3 times in city i papers and 3 times in the country issue. I will settle j your bills ori my arrival. C. A. P. November 25. 1352. 48 tt VALUABLE] PLANTATION AND MILLS FOR SALE. TfTF. will sell, on Monday, the of January, W 1853, (unless sold privately before,) our planta tion’, containing 425 acre- tine Cotton land—ls ) cleared. There is on the premises, a first rate CORN and WHEAT .MILL, together with a SAW MILL, re ! fitted out, new, with all the Into -1 improvements. ‘I he place is 20 miles South of Columbus, near the Lumpkin road, and 2 miles South of Jamestown, in one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Georgia. | We will al-o sell, at tne same time and place, all of : our stock, consi-ting ot some extra fine MULES, UX ; KN, COWS “and HOGS, Corn. I'odder, Plantation Toofe, (Ac. &c. Terms made known on the dav of sale. GUNN & WHITE. Jamestown, Muscogee Co.,Ga., Dec. 23,1352 . 52 3t I WILL OWE NO MAX. PIMIE sub-’criher will sell at his house in Muscogee, 1 on the 6ih day of January, 1853, 24 miles from : Columbus, and 6 miles from Bald Hill, on the Lumpkin load, a good Plantation, ot 630 acre*, with good im provements, a good Water Gin aiui.tinu Screw, with 1 about 300 hundred acres of op u land, in a fine state of : cultivation; also s-omc TWENTY very likely NE GROES, ooiiM-ting of men, women, boys and girls; 1 also Hor.-es, Mules and -Rock of all kinds; Corn,Fod ; der, Oats and Plantation Tool*. Terms —Twelve months’ credit, with notes with two good securities. All notes against myself will be taken as Cash. T. F. WOOLDRIDGE. Dec. 23, 1352. 52 3t GUY I’IIOPERTY FORAaLL r pill:! two s'oried brick building in which the“ Sout h ern Sentinel” is printed, situated on Randolph street, between Broad and Oglethorpe. Apply to T. Lomax, at the Sentinel office, or to the undersigned. WILLIAM H. CHAMBERS. Columbus, June 11, 1352. 24 TOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE. r PHE subscriber wishing to remove into the country, 1 offers hi* house and hit for sale. The premises consist of two full'ols running through street to I street. It is high and pleasantly located ; the improve ments new. with one of the he.-t well- of water m Cos , lutubus, and in an excellent neighborhood. For terms, fwhich vvi!! be reasonable,) apple to R. M. Gunhv. W. 11. YOUNG. Columbus, Dec. 9, 1552. 50 9t PLANTATION FOR SALE. rplIE undersigned is offering his plantation for sale, I containing eight hundred and ten acres, about one hundred and fifty acres of which is cleared, one hundred and seventy of fine hammock laud, trie balance free productive pine land The place is situated on tlie I •patoie creek, near the Rail-Road, ab ut twenty-five miles from Columbus, on the line of Talbot and Marion counties, opposite Spark’s Springs. Fo further information apply to Jud ge G. E. Thomas, Columbus, or to the undersigned on the premises. T. IT. KENDALL. Oet. 23, 1552. 41 tlstJan. J. W. PEASE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Two Doors North of the Mechanics’ Bank, COLUMBUS, GA. HAB on hand, and offers for sale on the most rea sonable terms, the largest and most complete as sortment of mvm Am statoototy, ever offered in this market. The public are respectfully INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. tdW* Teachers and Country Merchant* are particu lar! v invited to examine our large and well selected stock of SCHOOL ANT) CLASSICAL BOOKS, embracing ail the varieties used in this section of coun try, from whom orders are solicited, and a liberal dis count made. August 27. 1352. 35—ly Sh’iip and Medicines. r |''llE Subscribers having made extensive additions to JL their Stock, are. now prepared to furnish all in iir.od with every thing in their line. They offer a most extensive assortment of SOAPS &. PERFUMERIES. They have also lately received an invoice oi Dental and Surgical Instruments, a great variety, and carefully selected,<to which we in vite attention. Also, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Window Glass of all sizes, Putty, Glue, Sand Paper, &e. &c. Also, Stockton’s Premium Teeth, comprising the most extensive assettment ever before offered to Dentists in this region. Also, an ample sup ply of the most APPROVED PATENT MED ICINES, such as Sands’, Townsend’s, Pelletier’s Guysott’s. Bull’s, and all other Sarsaparillas; Jayne’s Tarrant’s,Sunt*•',Hibbard’s,and otherpreparutions,&.c Nov. 14 46 ts DANFORTH & NAGEL ! T ETTER and Cap Paper, i j A fresh supply at A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO.’S. ■tune 18, 1352. 25 * y IPLLY'S War with Mexico 11 Forsale by A. C. FLEWELLEN &. CO. June 13, 1852. 25 IRVING’S Complete Works—uniform edition. For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN- & CO. June 18. 1852. 25 \ BBOTT'S Young Christian, and Way to do Good. YjL For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. , June 13, 1852. 25 \RTHUR’S History of Georgia, Kentucky and Virginia. For sale hv A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. .Tune 18, 1852. 25 A RVINE’S Moral and Religious Anecdotes. A For sale bv A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO._ June 13,1852. 2M WI N DOW GLASS. ALL sizes usually kept—Fiet-rh and American—by April 3, 1852, R. A WARE G!‘,y V.- United States Mail Line. From Columbus, Ga., to Chunnenugyee, Ala. Via Sand Fort, lichee, Creek Stand, & Enon. THE undersigned is now prepared to carry passengers on this line; he therefore hopes to be favored with a good share of the public patronage. This line intersects, at Chnnncnuggoe, the tine to Montgomery, via I uske gee, Ala.; also, the one to Eutaula, via Clayton, Ala. SCHEDtI.E. Leave Columbus Tuesdays and Fridays, at 2 P. M. Arrive at Chunnenttggee next days, at 1 P. M. Leave Chunneriuggee Mondays and Thursdays, at 4 A M. Arrive at Columbus same days, at 8 P. M. A. HAYGOOD, Contractor. Dee. 2, 1852. 49 *(m EXECUTORS’ SALE. PURSUANT to the last Will and testament of Philip F. Sapp, deceased, will he sold before the ; Court House door, in the town ot Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the usual hours of sale.on the first 1 ties- , day in FEBRUARY next, lot of land number not known, in the nineteenth district ofsaid county >t Stew art, known as .he Mill Lot, and being a part and par- 1 cel of the late settlement of the said Philip F. Sapp, deceased. Said lands to be sold for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased WILLI \M WEST, > E . B. S. WOR RILL, Nov. 19,1852. 47 tds EXECUTOR’S SALK. ON the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, will be sold, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, the Southwest corner of lot number for ty and the Southeast corner of lot number fifty-seven, in the thirty-thin! district of said county,-containing one hundred acres, more or less, belonging to the estate of Win. O. Prather, deceased. Sold agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the bene fit of the. heirs of said estate. Terms made known on the day of saie. RICHARD PRATHER, Ex*or. Nov. 18, 1952. _ _ 47 tds ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. TTNDER the authority of an order of the Inferior U f'onrt of Muscogee county, when silting for or dinary purposes, I will sell at the Market House, in the e tv of Columbus, in said county of Muscogee, on the 1 first Tuesday in JANUARY next, the following pro perty,to wit: a negro fellow named William, about nine | teen years of age, a good painter : an undivided interest ! of one-sixth of lots one hundred and fifty-nine and one ’ hundred and sixty : and pari of lot one hundred and | sixty-five, being fifty-five feet on St. Clair street, and running back on Oglethorpe sheet one hundred and thirty five feet. All of said real estate situated in said city of Coir,mbits, and stdd as the property of the estate ! of Joseph D. Bethune, deceased. JAMES N. BETHUNE, Adnrr. Nov. 4. 1852. 45 tds EXECUTOR’S SALE. “VXJILL be sold in Lumpkin, Stewart county, Geor- VY gia, before the Court House Moor, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following negroes, to wit: Bill a boy about six years old, Jane a girl about five rears <>ld, Bet ey a woman twenty-one years old, and her child about three years old; all belonging to the estate of Alexander Nelson, late of said county, deceased. Soid agreeably to an order of the Court ot t frdinary of said county, tor the purpose of distribution. Terms made known on the dav. , william Nelson Nov. 11, 1552- 46 tds Georgia, Muscogee County. WWO MONTHS from date, application will be H made to the Court of Ordinary, ot Muscogee coun ty, Ga., fr leave to sell the real and ptr onal estate of Nathaniel Me. Robinson, late of said eonntv, deceased. ISAAC T. ROBINSON, Ex’or. Nov. 4. 1852. 45 2m Georgia, Muscogee County. VtTHEREAS. Frances L. Bai'ev appliesifor letters V V of administration on tfie estate ot Samuel A. Bailcv, late ot said county, deceased. The e are therefore u. cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any tliev have, why the administration of said estate should not he granted to said applicant, at the. Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the second Monday in January next. Given under my hand, this 7th dav of December, 1552. JNO JOHNSON, Ordinary. Dec. 9, 1852. • 59 5t Georgia, Stewart County : ‘\M7 HEREAS, Pamelia A. Thompson, applies for V V letters of administration on the estate of Abram F. Thompson, late of said county, deceased. These, are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand in office, this Ist day ct No vember, 1852. J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. Nov 4, 1852. 45 5t Georgia, Muscogee county: TXTMEREAS, Thomas Morris applies for letters of \\ .Administration on the. estate of Pearce A. Phil-- lips, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased! to be and appear at my office within the time 4 ph§- seribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, wife the administration of said estate should not be grafted to the said applicant, at the next December term q|the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand, this 2d day of N ovemberjlSs2. JNO. JOHNSON, Cjjwhiarv. Nov. 4, 1352. 15 st|| TUX E 1) AX D it fPAI RE D. THU AX P E A S E. rjtAKE pleasure in animjtncing to the public, that 1 they liaii obtained .he services of Mr. YVM. B. CARTER, m’ Boston, who comes highly recommended by Messrs. J. Chickering, and D. B. Nevvhall, and are now prepared to attend to all order- for Tuning, Repair ing, and Renovating Piano Fortes in the most thorough manner. -•-- Two doors north of Mechanics’ Bank, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jan. 1, 1852. 1 ts MW MMCSBHtfL (A FEW DOOR St BELOW HALL MOSES,} 15ROAD STREET, COLUMBUS. T'lIE undersign, and have associated themselves togeth er, under the name and stvle of TRUAX &, PEASE, for the sale of Musical Merchandise,and take, t.iis meth od to inform their friends arid the public generally, that they wiii keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Goods iu the above line, among which may be found; Os various styles, from the best makers. MELODE ONS, from the celebrated Manufactory of Prescott, At Brothers; Guitars, Violins, Aceordeona.Flutinas,Flutes, Files, Banjos and Tambourines. Also, Instruction books of all kin as; together with a fine stock of SHEET MUSIC, i of every variety. All of the above goods we offer for j sale oft terms that cannot fail to please. Purchasers are cordially invited to call and ex- i amine our stock. Orders solicited, and executed with care and dispatch. J. L. TRUAX, J. W. PEASE. i January 1,1852 1-ts DAGUERREOTYPES. WOODBRIDGFS GALLERY, Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. HAVING entirely remodeled my Rooms, they are again opened for the reception of visitors and sit ters. With everything new- in my department, I flatter myself that as ever, ail may be pleased. I have a very choice selection ot most beautiful Cases and Frames, entirely NEW STYLE, together with a great variety of Gold Lockets and .Medallions, at all prices. Please call at my rooms, where everything pertaining to the ART can be seen, and judge for yourselves. A fine engraving of the talented authoress, Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz, with or without frames. J. 8. WOODBRIDGE, Practical Artist and Daguerreotypist. Oct. 21, 1332. 43 ts Take care of the cents AJiJj THE Dollars will take care of themselves! r PHE ROCK ISLAND FACTORY will pav 4 ets. 1 a pound for CLEAN COTTON or LINEN RAGS, when delivered in quantities of 100 lbs. or more, or 34 cent? when delivered in smaller quantities, at their STORE, IN COLUMBUS, or AT THE FACTO RY. G. B. CURTIS, ikaetary. Culambw, April 2,1852. H ts **> ‘* ■ . V • ’- : .V’ • , ‘ V T The Soil of the South For 1853. A MONTHLY JOURNAL, Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and the General Planting Interests of the South. JAMES M. CHAMBERS, Agricultural Editor. CHARLES A. PEABODY, Horticultural Editor. Published at Columbus, Georgia, on the First of every Month, at the low rate of One Dollar a year, in advance . TERMS: One copy, one year SI 00 Six conies, one year, 5 00 Twenty-Five copies, one year, 20 00 One hundred copies, one year, 75 00 All subscriptions must commence with the volume. CHARACTERISTICS. Both the Editors of thi Journal are engaged in the j cultivation of the soil ot the South. j In the Agricultural Department, our list of eontribu- • tors embraces many o! the most successful agio -d'u- , rists of the South; “and each number, for 1453, will * contain a contribution from one of the most distinguish- j ed scientific agriculturists in the United States. l.i the Horticultural Department, Mr. Charles A. ; Peabody, who has attained unrivalled excellence, has j secured the co-operation of Iverson L. 11 arris, J. Van j Buren.and Dr. Camak, distinguished horticulturists oi I Georgia, who have pledged themselves to contribute regularly to our columns. _ j With a rapidiy increasing subscription list, the Pub- I fishers hope to be able to have the next volume beauti- j fully illustrated. j Every Southern man who cultivates a plantation, ; works a la’rm or garden, or grows a tree or flower, will find the Soil of the South an invaluable companion. N. B.—The cash system will be rigidly adheieu to, and in no case will the pap- r he sent unless ti e money accompanies the order. We return our thanks to our subscriber for 1852, and hope each one of them will send us his dollar before the close ol this year. The first number tor the new volume will be published by the Ist of January. T. LOMAX A CO. Dec. 1, 1852. Columbus, Ga. THE SQUTIIE~EN “SCHOOL -JOURNAL UNDER tins is proposed to publish, in this city, a Monthly Paper, devoted entirely to the cause oi general Education. Its object will be— 1. To awaken a deeper and more general interest in the subject of education. 2. To aid in devising and recommending some more practicable and efficient means ot extending tiie bles sings of education to all classed and conditions ot our white population in the South. 3. To discuss all questions relating to Schools; such as—the qualifications of Teachers-: the principles and modes of organization and discipline : the most approv ed and successful methods ot teaching: text books; 1 the co operation of Parents and Teachers: the c-ou j struction and furniture t school houses: the conipara ! five merits of private and public schools, &,e. It will thus furnish a suitable medium thiough which | Teachers,and tin-fi lends of education generally, may I communicate with each other, and with the public, upon i all topics connected with that subject. The value, not to say necessity, of such a publica : tioti, must be obvious to every one ; more especially as there is no periodical of this character in the Southern | States,so far .is we are apprised. And we are particu larly desirous it should find circulation among our country population, as their condition and wants will meet with special attention in its columns. The paper will be issued in monthly numbers, ot six ! teen pages each. Royal octavo, neatly printed and care j fuily mailed. Price, One Dollar per annum, invaria- J bly in advance. No subscription will be received tor , less time than one year, and no name entered as a sub scriber until the money is received. Advertisements in any way connected with the ob jects of the paper will be inserted at the usual price, lor cash in advance. The fust number will be issued in January, 1853. I Unless Providentially prevented, the paper wilt be pub j lushed for one near at least; so that no one need he-i ----i tate to forward bis subscription at once for that period, i We earnestly u-k the aid of all friends of general edu j cation, particularly in Georgia and Alabama, insustain j ing arid circulating the work. Several ot theOidinaries iin Georg'a, have volunteered in advance, to act as j Agents. We respectfully solicit the same favor of all. | We shall be pleased to receive as many names as pos j sible by the fifteenth of January, in time for the first ; issue. | All communications should be addressed, postage j paid, to the Southern School Journal, Columbus, Ga At the solicitation of many friends, the undersigni and lias consented to undertake the Editorial department oi the above paper. He does so with unfeigned diffidence of his own ability in this untried sphere of labor. Bmj he is cheered by assurances of aid from able hands. Op solicits contributions to its columns from theahlg*i*Sd experienced friends of the cause throughouKtHe South Let them be well studied, plainly writ tin, brief, and to the point. He will be much grafifiejpm receive cor rect accounts of the state of education in the different counties, as well as the fijJ&wn sections of country. These will furnish lmuoitaftt t&cts lor our work. THOMAS F. SCOTT. Columbus, JdtS'-l Dec. 1, 1352. 1 ff’ o’fGa. and Ala., will confer a favor | by c-Jlin Jthe attentioe of the public to the above Pros j pectus. mfF : f DE BOW’S REVIEW. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES AND PROGRESS OF THE SOUTHERN & WESTERN STATES. 11l three Large and Closely Printed Volumes, Small Type, Double Columns : Hand some Print, Paper and Binding.’ DESIROUS of supplying the large and continually increasing demand tor the complete series of the Re view, in 12 vOfuriiee, riow exhausted, and which it would require a very large outlay to icprint, tho editor has been induced to. make a selection of all the important and'valuable papers contained in them from the begin ning, condensing, re-arranging and completing to date, and throwing the subjects, after the manner ot the ency clopedias, into alphabetical order. In this manner ev erything of interest and importance, will be preserved in a convenient form for reference ; and the voi*nes will constitute the only repository for lit ■. shelves of the library, of guc-ii information, which i>v means of the monthly numbers hereafter will always bo brought down to date. The volume-? will embrace the gist of everything that has appeared in the Review relating to the Southern arid AVer-tern States, (an imperfect index of which will be found at the opening of the Kith volume.) To writ : Their History, Population, Geography, Sta tistics ; Agricultural Products of Cotton, Sugar, To bacco, Heron, grains, Naval stores, etc..etc. Manufac tures, detailed accounts, statistics and history ot all branches. Internal Improvements ; complete statistics of railroads, results, profits, expenses, costs, advantages, miles in projection,construction, completed, ete.; plank roads,canalsnavigation,etc. Statistics of Health and Dis sca cs,wealth and progress; relative, condition whites and blacks ; Slave laws andstatistics, management and ame lioration of slavery—origin, history and defences ot sla very and slave institutions ; the valuable treatises of Har per, Hammond, Drew, on slavery, etc. Commerce of the South and West in all its minute particulars, etc., to gether with an historical and statistical sketch of each of the States and cities—the domestic and foreign trade, resources, manufactures, etc. of the United State—the census returns from 1790, with the complete stat L-ties of the census of 1850. As not one in tvyenty of our present subscribers we believe have taken the work from the beginning, or have preserved tho numbers regularly, this edition is re commended to them, and the volumes hereafter will be bound uniformly with it. And the same care is taken now to print an edition of the monthly numbers so large that a reprint or condensation can never bo required again. An appeal is made to all ilieftbscribersof the Review to sustain this truly southern enterprise, and sustain us in the efforts we have been making for six years, almost unaided and alone, in this field. The terms will be $lO for 3 volumes, payable on delivery of the second, with the privilege to any one who may not be pleased to return the first on the re ceipt of it. Where the payment is bv order on a mer chant in a Southern City, and the order below i* sent, it will not be called’ for until the delivery of three vol umes to the said merchant. Should, however, any sub scriber having confidence in the established character and reputation of the Review, think fit to enclose the $lO on receipt of this circular, it will tend to facilitate ns in the large expenditure we are involving. We are not asking such prepayments, however, unless volunta rily made. - M New Orleans* August 13-ts THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL, A WEEKLY TAPER- YLTBLIfcHED IN COLUMBUS, GA. BY TENXEN'FLOMAX & CO. T E R M It One copy, (in advance,) for onlPrear, ... Sci,oo Five copies, (in advance,) for one year, - - - 8,00. Ten copies, (in advance,> for one yeuA - - - 15,00 CH A R ACTE HI STICS. - . 1. The Sentinel is the organ of no nor religious sect, but discusses all matters affoetiiig ihe public good, fearlessly and honestly. 2. it reports regularly and faithfully the NEWS from every section of the country. 3. ABLE CORRESPONDENTS,foreign and do mestic, write regularly for its columns. 4. Full and reliable reports of the, COTTON and GROCERY markets, arc curetullv prepared each w r eek. 5 The LITERARY DEPARTMENT is under the editorial charge of MRS. CAROLINE LEE HENTZ, the popular author of “LINDA,” “RENA,”&.c. Ac. who, together with other DISTINGUISHED WRI TERS of the country, will publish in even’ number, ORIGINAL ‘PALES, SKETCHES, POETRY, &.c. fifThe Sentinel is theifoatuui friend of RELIGION and EDUCATION, laboring for the ili-serimiauon ot , TRUTH and LIGHT among the people. Address T- LOMAX A CO., j Coinmbu*, Gear go April, 19*2. A kN'-’ *T CnNk Professional & Business Cards, W. F. LEE, I). D. S. A3U. StfUSEOJf. 537“ Office on Broad street, over Mygatt’s store. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 28, 1852. 44 li McCRAW & (XNNINSKAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, PIKE COUNTY, ALA. Dec. 16, 1852. 51 ly EXCELSIOR CIGAR MANUFACTORY, A few doors North of Hull S Moses’ Hardware Store BROAD STREET, Columbus, Ga. r IMIE undersigned respectfully announces to the nub. 1. lie, that lie has always on hand, at WHOLE SALE and RETAIL, a good supply of Spanish and Common Cigars, which-he will sell on the best ot terms for Cash or good paper. • Those who purchase to sell again, will be allowed a liberal discount. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. . „ __ JOEL T. SCOTT. Oct. 7, I*3l 41 D MIDWIFERY. M RS. VINCENT would inform the public, that she lets located in the city of Columbus. Resi dence, the brick house lately occupied by Miss Stallings, at the upper end of Church street, near Col. Johnson’s and Mr. McKendree’s. A successful practice of fifteen years, assures her of giving entire satisfaction to all who may need her services. The best oi references can id given in and near the city. Nov. 13, 1852. 4~ ’*2t TII 0 Y F A CT 0 It Y. HARRIS COUNTY, GA. Wareroom on West side Broad street, next door to P. McLaren. K. G. JEFFERSON & CO., PROPRIETORS of the above Works, respectfully inform the public that they have now <>n hand ior sale, and are constantly manufacturing all descriptions of WOODEN WARE.such as CHAIRS, SET I Li’S, BEDSTEADS, BUCKETS, TUBS, &c„ &c., of tho best material, and finished in excellent style under their personal supervision. They particularly call attention to their various styles and qualities of Cltairs, which, for neatness, comfort,du rability and CHEAPNESS, cannot be surpassed in any country ; varying in price front $lO to $24 per dozen-- specimens of which can le seen at their WARE* i ROOM, one door above P. McLaren’s, Broad street, I Columbus, which the public areinvired to examine. Every description of Chairs, Buckets, Tubs, &,o. j MADE TO ORDER, alter any fashion desired. -They i are also prepared to furnish WINDOW SASH atui BLINDS ot all descriptions to order. _ j# £JT Handsome premiums were awarded to the Troy Factory at the Southern Agricultural Fair at Macon tor the best specimens of Chair and Wooden Ware. jpjr’ Orders left at their Ware-Room, West side Broad street, or directed to R. G. Jefferson dc Cos., Columbus Ga., will meet with prompt attention. May 14, 1852. 20 ly VARIETY WORKS. r rMIE proprietors of this establishment are e.ndeavor- J. ing to arrest tho evil of buying at the North, by manufacturing every description of building require ment-such as PANNEf, DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS, SASH of all sizes, dressed FLOORING PLANK, and other kind- of LUMBER ; W< ‘ODEN* WARE, of every description; BEDSTEADS hand $4 50 to Sp2s each. And more remarkable than finest COTTAGE CHAIR in the world at $1 eayrh. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewnerjfc fo r we are always ir. a trading humor atiow pricesfoijSuJi. LATHS at $1 50 per thousand. WM. BROOKS & <'£*** Columbus, Ga., June 18, 1852. 25 KIXG & \VLV\UMOUK CU.M MIN Sl O MAX TS t AHHUTjpILA B AMA. [Biol.Trib.] 15 ts 1), B, THOMPSON & CO.y (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART,) Below Hill, Dawson <Sr Go. _ r plN, Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat w-ork, all mart* I. ner of Gutters, Piping. Conductors and Roofing done to order, substantially and warranted. Nov. 27 48—if Marble Works, East side Broad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grape Stones , Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American, Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carving done on stone in the best possible manner; and all kind# of Granite Work at the shortest not ice. JOHN H. MADDEN. P. S.—Plaster of Paris and Cement,alwayeon hand for sale. Columbus, March 7,1350. 10 ts ROCK ISLAND FACTORY, HAVE for sale, at their store, a good article #. RULED LETTER PAPER, at $1 25 ct*. pet Ream, and RULED FOOLSCAP, at $2 per Ream. Also, a superior article of LAWYERS’ BRIEF PAPER. Columbus, June 3,1851. 23 ts steam” factory. Corner of Oglethorpe and Franklin Sts. JOHN L. BARRINGER & BROTHER, VIIE prepared at the above establishment to make WINDOW SASH of all sizes, Primed and Gia -7,0d ; Window Blinds, painted if required ; PANEL DOORS and all other kinds of work in their line, at riiort notice, and made in tho best manner and on as good terms as can be had elsewhere, Columbus, Jan. 22, 1852. 4 ly Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! HMIE EAGLE MANUFACTURING COM TAN V L ha ving commenced the manufacture of LINSE Y 8 and JEANS nraprepared to purchase WOOL. They will pay the market price in Cash, or they will manuia.i** ture it, feithei on shares oral a stipulated price [,-r yard,, as best meets the views oi’ their customers. The Eagle Manufacturing Company are also ir/aluie SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. OSNABLRGH, aid COTTON V'ARNS, all of which they can confidently recommend. The attention of purchasers Flse iiciicd to these goods. J. RHODES BROWSH, A’gt. Columbus. April 30, 1852. 19 if GLOBE IIOTET,, BUENA VISTA. MARION COUNTY, Ga. A THE subscriber respectfully announces to Lin friends and the public general ly, that he has taken charge of this well knowu ESTABLISHMENT. The house is commodious and well furnished : arid r.o pains will be spared to render those comfortahte, who may favor him with their patronage. F.. TITCOMB. Dec. 4,1851. 4‘j ts LAMER HOUSE. Northwest corner of the Public Square, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA. r pilE Subscriber has taken the well known House JL formerly kept by Mr. Samuel Curtrigiit. in La- Grange, and now offers his services as a TAVERN KEEPER, arid-frcun his long experience, ho hopes l<y receive a liberal patronage from the public. R. LANIER. La Grange, May 21, 1852. 31 if LAND WARRANTS WANTED. BOUNTY” LAND WARRANTS for 40, 80. or 160 acres wanted, for which the highest cash pri ces will be paid, by J. ENNIS & CO. August 20, 1852. 34 ts SSHTHfIfc Jd'BiCFHGH. HAVING lately received a extensive as sortment of Material, we :ire wenared to execute at this office, with elegance and orders for JOB WORK, of ever/ plain or fancy letter. _ - We fee! confident that our reasonable terms, and thq neatness, beauty and accuracy of outwork, will gii general satL-iaction. In short, all descriptions of PRINTING which be executed at any office iri the couiitfty, will be hilly turned out,including BOOKS, BUSINESS CAKI’SK .X % BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS OF EVEWBfD£SC|i;moS hand bills, bills of ladino, . posters, Ac., Ac.. <fce. Jaa.30,1851 6714^