Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 15, 1861, Image 3

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GZA/TIEI-XTITJY) G/UTAR-DIIIA/N.; tg iktttan. FEBRUARY 16, 18*1. a,-a****—1 (aa4l*m«a are •alkor- aoljcit aubacri|*tion aad xdrer far Ida “ Gate City Guardtea." ktaawf.w aaaount of tfaa pa- (mm: A. J. Carter, Smith B. GriCo, jy»p> . «Mnl M tmaia. Davis, lb* President elect of Stat— of Amerfoa, was look up 1.15, P. M., en route for • lorn that lb* oobbooUoo the Tenn—a— Roads, whioh A special train waa dil ia, at 1.30, for tha accom- "tion of oat oitisena, ap- , who hava goM to moat to reach this citj to-inor- o'olock, and will be eaoorted qaarters by the Committee. -i we learn, he will be esoort- nga to the dapot bj the M|ll- paaies of the city. Uia In- ‘ e place on Monday next Personal. wife of the Governor of South gh this eity this morn- her relatives in this State. to the courtesy of Captain for the annexed list of His Excellency Governor Regiments of troops for the be organised under the late State Convention. Captain ! in the recruiting sera iee, up country this morning, chosen aa the headquarters usta that of the Second t Atlanta comes in for her oonferred by HisExcellen- of Captains Thompson Lieutenants Crawford and i and well made. Wa pleated, however, if allowed our Associate, become accustomed to tbe for him, before call- t tbe Governor, we suppose, own way—and we, there- areae follows: J. Hannan, Wauir. -Gxas. J. Willums, Elijah W. Chastaix. w, . Gardner, A mm ing. H. Harden. Mclntoeh, I) Smith, McConnell, J. McGill, Iverson, Jr., : Martin, » Walker. i Q. GUI, d, R. Tata all, ayne, ton, Pain, i Thompson, Grieve. Jr., .. Kenan, . Cullens, M. Wallace, 11 ton. T. Mercer, Sheaf, P. Jones, air Dearing, qderB. Montgomery, Qeoe, H. Aaderaoa, . Bertyfl; *3K 15* Wheeler, Bill, irkl.od, Crawford, K i**». •* Fort, F. WeDjn.ld, (ap. bj tha Co tonal, •aatar flrat Ka,i- Aodaraon. A. Maddox, oward, t Andrew,, Jr., Wada, : *. Bojd, Floyd Xing, . Atkinaon, P. Harrison, Jr., . Myare, . B. Young, Willi., Blount, ndar, Dabuigta, MoPharaon Barrlaa, , Jr., P. Bunt, A. Blauea, Trippr. that ax flaeratary Floyd la a coupla of Waaka to trial ad Aa iadiataasl d again,! him by tka r that tha ladlotmant on, tb, proonraraont of , aidad by tha admlaia- y ' 0*11* <j|I Paraoa, wiitiing freih Drug, and Madielna, are refarred to the axoallant itock of Upan. 1 0. K. a'J/B. Horn 11 tun, whoa, card appaar, in tbia-afternoon’s issue. Tbe addition of " ah,** to a sentence in j exborUtion, is considered by acme an esseqMpl; but mmatimad it ha, r vary JadioroO | aa la tha eaaa ol tha man who aaid, that though in tha tarly part of hi, lifa ha had bean oppoaad to good, yat for twanty ye are ha had km living on tha Laa^r aida-ah I _ t port our goods from Europe and buy of the beat American Manufacturer., and will fact, performs’all kind, ! »*“ for lhe *n>alle,t possible profit, fur “* Rocxroxn—A Rox.iu*.—A. B. Baal,, Eaq., formerly leading polhiaal aditor of Aa “ Loco motive, and a gentleman well known to moat of our citisans, has now in press a work with tha above title. Mr. Seals is a finished and Accomplished writer, and wa are assured* that bis forthcoming work will beoneof the tuoatin- teresting issued from the press for some time. We should ail ieei an interest in building up our own literature, nod encouraging, with in atari al aid. Southern authors. We hope this home enterprise will receive a liberal support from our citizens. Mr. Seals will wait on our oiti- sans and receive subscription* for tha aaue.-^ Intelligencer, \!>th. A New Sto*y.—The Corpas Christi (Text*) Ranobere ef January 12th, has the following singular statement: ‘'Great excitement exists at tha present time among tbe Mexicans in Western Texas, and, indeed, among many Americana, occa sioned by a report that a Saint has mysteri ously appeared in Mexico, at some point near Camargo, who possesses tbe power to feed thousands of people with two or three tortiUas (little oakes,) each getting all he can eat; cures all diseases that flesh iaheir to; restores sight to tbe blind of miracles. No one can tell his name or where be came from He says that he wilt be killed in Mexico, and requests that hia mur- | derer may not ba punished. He claims '.bat he is sent on a special mieelcn to the Mexican I people, and that be sba'4 perforin many won- j derful things and make many disclosures be- j fore he closes his career. Apparently but sixteen or seventeen years of age, he has i beard of patriarchal length ; and as evidence ) that he is no imposter, U is reported that Gen. j Vidaurri had him cleanly shaven, and then told him if he was really a man of God, as he profeeeed, to cause bis beard to reappear upon his face. Tbe Saint requested his interroga tor to turn bis back for a few moments, which he did, and after making a prayer and going through soma mysterious ceremony, presto! biB face was covered with beard the same as ' before. Thus the story goes, and if it is not true, certain it is that the Mexicans of this and the adjoining counties are swarming thither in Urge numbers, and some Americans are pre paring to go. The Coming or Curikt.—Many intelligent men, in bigh position in ibis couutry, believe that the present troubles here and in Europe and Asia, foreshadow tbe coming of Christ. Bishop Atkiueoo, of North Carolina, recently preached a sermon in which be argued that tbe day of judgment was not far distant, and urged upon bis hearers to be prepared. Many other distinguished divines are of the same opinion. —Georgia Forrcttcr. WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS DF FURNITURE Moss and Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C„ . PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA it AGENTS tOU— Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. mayl7 COMPETITION WITH CHARLESTON, —AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IN— ®Mtta, (fditss, Sitm, i’latrd anil ffrittatia WARE AND CROCKERY; A LARGE lot of CUT and PRESSED GLASS; WHIT*, GILT, and DECORATED OR NA, TEA. DIFFER, aad TOILET BETS, at any price; SILVER PLATED TEA SETl CASTORS. CAICR.BASKETS, FRUIT-STANDB, CUPS, GOBLETS. SPOOKS. FORKS. Ac. A. KEROSENE LAMP8. CANDLESTICKS, WAITERS, TABLE MATTS, CHINA VASES. A. A lot of FIFE TABLE CUTLERY. A large and complete Block of WHITE GKANXTE & COMMON CROCKERY. to which we invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. r CASH. ug« COLE & WYLIE, Whitehall Street, nearly Opposite Beach A Root’s, Atlanta, Georgia. ki r n ituhe i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HANKFUL for the past patrorage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping a continuance of the same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now •tore the LARGEST AND BE8T ASSORTED STOCK This Gloeious Union—Ljbf.itt Foheykr. —Oh it must be a glorious Union! How “ Southern Rights ” Union hearts will leap with joy to bsbold the magnificent military pa geant which is to give eolat to tbe inaugura tion of hU imperial highness, tbe rail splitter of Illinois. Lieutenant General Seott, with a regiment of soldiers, will form tha imperial body-guard. Southern Rights Union men ought by all means to be present. It promi ses to be a splendid affair. Marti.d music will of course enliven the scene, and Union loving hearts, beat high with this indutitablc evidence of the cordial love and affection of tbe people, and cf ibis model guarantee for the preservation of their liberties, and espe cially of Southern Rights.— Naehville Union $ American. FURNITURE. ever before offered in Atlanta, and All of SOUTHERN MAKE, and am in almost daily receipt of New and Varied Styles of all kinds of Furniture from li well known Factory of mW CBHV He of which F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the Novelty Workit. Columbus, Georgia, is Fopfvan, wht 4 ic & ArfbUin guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY ia getd «l tbe m#at substantial quality. ALL WORK W.ARRANTED^GOOD Prices from 15 to 25 per cent, lower than any other Furxiturr Stork in GlWgffc** MATTRASSEB, LOUNGES, LOOKING GLAS8E8, WINDOW SHADES, CGTUOh CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand. Picti'rk Franks made and Fcrmturk repaired with neatness and despatch. COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, Nov. 2. dtf. For JOHN D. GRAS. A •UPIRIAYWC TONIC,DIURETIC, ^ DYBPtV^O IHYICORATiNC CORDIAL W OLFE’S celebrated SCHIEDAM ARO MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept in every family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fects of ebaoge of weather, and, aa a beverage, it I* the purest Liquor made in the world. Put up In piut ned quart bottles. Also, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Cogasc Brandy, the beat quality, with bb certificate on tbe bottle, and hia seal on the cork. I DOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Port Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, put up for medicinal use, with his certificate on tbe imttle ; warranted pore and the best quality. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and botted by himself, the same UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled by blmself, for private and med icinal use, the best Wine ever offered to tbe trade In bot tles. This Wine is warrented perfectly pure. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica Bum, St* Croix Bum, Scotch and Irish Whisky. To the Public. I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years* residence in New York, that what I pledge and testify to with my seal, my label, and my certificate, Is correct, and can be relied upon by ev ery purchaser. Physicians who use Wines and Liquors In their prac tice should give the preference to these articles. For sale by all respectable Druggists and Apotheca ries. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Manufacturer and Importer of Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, No. 22, Beaver Street, Netv York. MISCELLANEOUS. Tax AxxM,XAnoi or Lax«oa«xi.—There ie 1 e growiu, tendency In Ibh age to appropriate i th*react expreaiive Word, »i other language*, I and aitar awhile to iooorporate there ialo our own; thru tbe word Cephalic, whioh it from | tha Greek, ligalf/lag “(or the head,” la now beooming popularjaed in oonneetion with Mr. Spald liog T t great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used ia a more general way, and tbe , word Cephalic will beoome as common aa Elec trotype and many others whoee distinction as foreign words has been worn away by common ueage until they seem "native and to the manor born." ’ardly Realized. Hi ’a«l ’a ’orrible 'eadache this bafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecariea, band •aya hi to the man, "Gan you heaae me of an ’eadaohe?” "Does it hache’ard,”says'e. "Hex- oeedingly," says hi, hand upon that r e gave me a Cephalic Pill, band 'pon me 'ouor it cur ed me so quick that I 'ardly realized I ’ad an ’eadache. tfiF” Hhadachz is the favorite sign bv which nature makes known &cydeviation, whatever, from the natural state of the brain, and view ed in this light, it may be looked on a* a safe guard intended to give notice of disease which HUNNICUTT, TAYLOR 1c JONES, W Jn.oleaalo Agontai, Atlanta, Oeortjia. February 18,1S61.—<1 8 m COMMERCIAL. Expon>—Per New York, <K>9 bale* upland cotton; for Liverpool, 8,488 bales upland cotton; for Havre, 1,270 bales upland cotton ; for Gotthenbsrg, (Sweeden) 1,208 bales upland cotton. ! MOBILE, Feb. 18 —Sales of cotton to-day 2,000 bales. [ Middling at 11 cents. There was a good demand and the market waa firm. DIMICK, WILSON & CO.,, (sucozssoas TO Dimes a xu,) I Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Re tail Dealers lu BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS! Also keep constantly on hand Oak and Ilcm- I lock Sole-Leather, French Calf Skins, Lining | and Binding Skins, Shoe Pees and Shoe Find ings—at the 8ign of the Big Boot, L. M. DIMICK, » Cherokee Block, WM. WILSON, > Peach-Tree Street, A. MIX. ) Atlanta, Georgia. octlfi 1 1 12,000 bales: middling at 10\ Sterling Exchange lOB^lOS. A CARD—TO THE LADIES. Mrs. J. M. Boring Announces, with pleasure, to her friends and patrons, that aha is again prepared to suit them with Great Excitement at the Shoe and Leather Em porium of Dlmlck, WI laon & Co., ( ON PEAOH-TREE STREET. A large lot of BOOTS and SHOES, just received from i the manufactory, and will be sold at prices unprecedented In this market. Ladies’ Patent Foxed Lace Heel Gaiters, al $1 25 a pair. Ladies’ Sewed Morocco Lace Heel Boots, al ■ $1 10 a pair. Men's, Boys, Misses and Children’s Boots and I Shoes, proportionally cheap, and warranted. Gents' French Calf Water-Proof and Pump J Boots—new styles—just received, and will be sold atprioes lower than any House in this city will sell aa good a Boot. | 5,000 lbs Hemlock Sole Leather, jun receiv ed and for sale at Charleaton prices, or lower | than ever before sold in this market. 50 dozen French and American Calf pkins, AJLX. TUG LATEST AND j 0 f various brands, thia day received, and will u . -*• , . , , e , . . B , be Bold at kcommission on New York prices. MOtt fashionable styles Of Bonnets, Lasts, Boots Trees, Pegs, Lining, Binding and Morocco Skina, Findings, Ac., proportionately cheep. HATS, CAPS, TT - 0 i Those wanting Good Boots, Shoes, or Leather I Jt±6ad-Uresses, <fcc. at low prices, will find it to their interest to \ At her old Stand, on WHITEN ALL-STREET, K ' V ° U * * ' a11 ^dimFcK^WIlIoN A CO., Where she will be happy to receive A Liberal Share ef the Trade —OF— Atlanta AVD 8UWOUNDIFG COUNTRY. —t». if. P A. ISAACS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Millinery and Fancy GOODS, Ribbeas, Feathers, Flowers, Head Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Stenbca, Rttdpa, ptrftuntrp, <Sco., <Sco. CONNELLY'S IRON FRONT BUILDINGS, WHITEHALL STREET, reU-dl, OA. Sign of the Big Boot. TO PIxANTERS W E h>T« no* in Store, • Urge lot oIKxtr* Heavy, Doable-Sole Rueeet Bragau*, i made with two hear, aolea of the beet quality ' of Hemlock Sole Leather and Oak Upper., with RivitSya-taama, which we hava made expraa*. { ly for the trade of thia market, and guaren- ! tee them, in every re.pect, iuperlor to any- ! thing that can be found in this market, in the : ! ltna of Broxana, aad will tell them at lower i ta and the lurroundlhgeountry, with price*, by the cafe or tingle pair. Coata, Thoea wantiag a good Brogan, at low pricea, . Paata, trill Sod it to their Tntereat to call on ut at the Veete, Sign of tha Big Booh Hlilrta, DIMICK, WILSON ICO, 1 - eetl Feeeh.Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. w fr (ft H* ATLANTA CLOTHIN G HALL. I Have jott returned from the North with a large *tock of HEADY.MADE CLOTHING, and am ready to supply the citiiens of Atlan- dUgr NOTICE. Handkerchief*, Neek-tlee, Sack., HaU, T lh *. G .?° C fj •“<* «va*ything aha ia the Clothing lh^ f AND PROVISION buiineat at th. old qu ,fj ty at LOW TRICKS. All who Hand of J. C. Hcanaix A .Co , on Alabama Satire I •treat, whan ha will ba pleared to receive tha •toad of J, C. Hxanaix A .Co , on Alabama •treat, whan ha will ba pleaied to receive the callt of hit old awatomare. and ai many new one* •• may be pleaied to favor him with their patronage. feb » 3t J. C. HE.VDRIX. FRENCH CALF SKIN*. A LAROE LOT, Jntt received direct (horn the Importer*, and for aala by the dome .rhfSgto.^.tJow^h^N belt ' Teach.Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. bargain* should givo ms a call —ALSO, OK BAWD— J evcelrv! Knives 1 Combs! And other Notion.. M. OPFEXXEIMKH. Mehtoif” 1 w THOMAS & ABBOTT, ATTOitffS^^T LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. ir b« negu fied under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceed ingly common, and Is tha precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism, and all fcbrila diseases.— In its nervous form it is sympathetic of dis ease of tha stomach constituting tick headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affec tions. Diseases of tbs heart are very frequent ly attended with Headaches; Anaemia and Plethora are also affections which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, beiDg usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes ooming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health, and prostrating at ones the men tal and physical energies, and in other in stances it comes on slowly, heralded by depres sion of spirits or soerbity of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provok ing vomiting; under this class may also be named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either class of Headache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle power eradic ating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. Bridget.—Missus wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but I’m thinking that's not just it nai- ther; but perhaps ye’ll be after knowing what it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants some more of that same as relaived her before. Druggist.—You must mean Spalding’s Ceph alic Pills. Bridget.—Och! sure now and you’ve sed it, »re’s the quarther ax * dont be all day about i Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the “many ills flesh is heir to’’ is so prevalent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits, it is regaraed as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is tbe pre cursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and, unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an un timely grave. Among tbe lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant, are Head ache, Colio, Rheumatism. Foul Breath, Piles aod others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, such as Malignant Fevera, Abcesses, Dysentary, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia Offic. in Smith'. Building, Whitehall .treet., Mrianchol/and Inanity) Q. B. Tboma», jaldtf Bax. F. A.aovr. indicate preaenca in th. ■ by WILLIAM MACKIE, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAINER, HAYING located perma nently in Atlanta, wrll de- vote his whole attention to the above Branches in all their details. Likewise, SIGNS of every description, WIN DOW SHADES, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LETTERS made to order in any style, war ranted to equal any City in the Union. Orders from the Country attended to. OFFICE—In Beach A Root’s Building— stairs febl NOTICE. , ndebted to ti _ late Hon. B. H. Ovkrby, will please call on Cel. L. E. Blkcklky, and settle up immedi ately. Most all the notes and accounts of said estate are uow in his hands. M. L. LENOIR, Adm’r, Ac. Feb. 13,1861. dim ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary will be aold before the Court Houae door in Decatur DeKalb County, on the flrat Tuesday In February next, within the leval houra of aale, the following property, to wit: Seven Hundred and Seventy-two Acrea of Land more or leas, lying in the eighteenth dial riot of original* ly Hanry, now DeKalb County, tho name being a part of Lot No. 196, one half of Lot No. 195, one-half of Lot No. 158, one-hair of Lot No. 159, one-half of Lot No. 151, the whole of Lot 15:), and a part of Lot 204. Also, Nine Negroes: America, a woman, 55 years old ; Frank; her husband, 48 years old; And8rson, 27 years old, Jane, 88 years old ; Lear, M years old; her two chil dren, Kaektei and Marta, 7 aad 4 years old ; Aaron, 24 alarming symptom. Not an frequently tbs dis eases named originate in Constipation, but take on an independent exiatenoe, unleu tbe cause ia eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of disease and destroy this dangerous foa to human life. tant of all the great medical discoveries of thia aga may be considered the system of vaccina tion for protection from Small Pox, tbe Cepha lic Pill lor relief of Headache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevera, either of whioh is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by suffering humanity long af ter their discoverers are forgotten. Tcrmfl made known on the d Decomber 12,1840* j». L. PITTS, Administrator. MARY A.GRKKB, Adm’x. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on the flrat Tueaday In February next, before the Court House door, In Uampbelltou, Campbell county, ono town lot. In the town of Palmetto, known aa the place now occupied by M. Terry, and by L. C. Bonders, at the time of his death. Said lot has a two story Building on U, with Garden and out-honsoa— Sold as tho property of L. C. Sanders, late of Campbell county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors. Terma made known on the day of eale. Dee. 22,1880. JOHN CAKLTON, Adm’r. Rule to Perfect Service. Stillman Uoi.ington | jitBEL FOR DIVORCE Ju. Hui.ington. J in Falto “ 8u P- C<mrt Muj K. Buire | LIBEL FOR DIVORCE j in Fulton Superior Court. James B. Buise. I T appearing to tbe Court, by the return* of the Sharif, that neither of the above defend ants reside ia ibis county, and it further ap- ,t neither of them resides in tbe on motion, ordered that each of •aid defendant* appear and aniwer, at the next term of this Court, or that aald caae be considered in default and that the Plaintiff in each caae be allowed to proceed, ~ * * T October, 1869. J. M. A W. L. Attorneys pro Libelants. ▲ true extra*! from the minute* of Fulton Superior Court Nov 26th, 1869. DANIEL PITTMAN, Dep* Clerk. Nov. 29. wlamfSm Georgia—Milton County, .rTSaatffcJ- ^ Battle May flaw, lata of saM Oouuty, das—mi. Tha— ara tharafore le «Ua aad adaaoalah ail and sin gular, tha klodrad and creditors af said dac—aad to mow ca—a, If any thay hava, why said l ait aw should •at he granted. O. P. BKBLTOM, " i. M, It——fm Ordinary. CURE CURE NervousHeadache Headache may be prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an at tack immediate relief from pain and siekne— will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the JVkMseaand Headache to which females are to aubjeet. They act gently upon the bowels,—removing For Literary Men, Students, Del icate Females, and all person* of sedentary habits, they are valuable m a Laxative, improving ttsmppetite, giving tone and vigor to tba digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILL8 are the result of long inv—tieation and carefully conducted ex- perimenta, having been in u— many yaars, during whieh time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain aod suffering from Headache, whether originating In the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their compo sition, and may be taken at all timsi with par- feet safety without making any change ef diet, and the absence ef any disagreeable taste renders it edty to administer them is ehUdren. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I The genuine have five signature* of Henry 0» HesMutug on each Box. •old by Druggists and all other Dealer* in Medieinea. A Box will ba sant by mail prepaid on re ceipt of tbe PRICE, aa CENTS. All orders should be ad dree**8 to HENRY C. SPALDING, M Cedar Street, New Yerfe. Hrv. U. dAwly.