Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 23, 1861, Image 3

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*5= GrA/TiE'- ; ,(D IT Y GUARDIAN. atr-(fitn (f.uardian. VTUKDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1801. Our Jtgtmie. .„e following named gentlemen are authop- l AgooU, to solicit subecfiptlou and adver tog patrooaga for the ** G*t*-City Guardian.” r receipt# for meney, on aooount of the pa- will bo binding on at: Deorge 8. Thom at, A. J. Cartor, , F. Abbott, Smith K. Griffin, Joseph B. Wood. Particular JVMIr*. bur friends and the public are hearti- Veloome, at all hours of the day and ping, to the free use of our Reading «; but they are not permitted tv I uirotf any of the papers that are pin e- \ the round table or the Jilt*. WashJii$ ion’* BIHh-Diy. jerda/ was a proud day in Atlanta. With fsky, bright ton, pleasantly warm, and ting atmosphere, th* day was delight- ,rly in tha day, membera of tha various kry and Fire Qotnpanics made their ap- (nce on the streets in aoiforra and gala- alum*. had heard that the Female Institute be the place where ceremonies of the ould be performed, and about ten o’clock jrfed our way Ihithar. Arriving at the In- , we found a large aumber of citizens, iipally ladies, a’ready assembled to wit- I the celebration. lervthing seemed to proclaim that it was \irth-day of Washington. The bright and Ly facet, and holiday costumes that were \ seen on every side; the Institute edifice; apel and halls, adorned with many fair standing resplendant in the morning I if it was con sc ions of the occasion ; and iimate and inanimate, all united in amation of a national jubilee. i short time the procession, consisting en- | of tbe military, (and making one of the I Military displays ever witnessed in our (under command of Capt, Thompson, ef | Gate-City Guards,” made its appearance. T* Atlanta Grays” looked quits formidable I their new battery. 1 interesting feature of the day were the [companies cf juveniles—the “Fulton ’and young “Cadets.” The “Blues'* wed of youths irotn 12 to 10, and the |»t*” of boys from 8 to 12, moved with the i of trained soldiery. If “old Abe’’ ave seen them,heeeitainly would have 1st that something was wrong, and that pras danger of somebody being hurt! procession marched through an avenue ng ladies, from the gale inlo the apa- apel, where it was received by Prof. B, Principal of the Institute, in a short propriate speech. The chapel was dense- ^ded. Each one of the Military were by the young ladies of the Senior i the (bllowing order: " Gate-City Guards,” by Miss Emma (of Atlanta; tbe “Atlanta Grays,” by |ary 0. Cain, of Forayth county; the “Ful- pgoons,” by Miss Cornelia Chisolm, of 'Fulton Flues” and “Cadets,” I Lou. Cossrt, of Atlanta Messrs. Orr “Guards,” Wallace of the “Grays,” Dr. [ tbe “Dragoons/ master Wallace of " and master 8 as seen, of “ Cadet %” re- Lin behalf of tbeir respective Compa- who were more favorbly situated for ^ report that tbe speakers acquitted i with great credit. At the close of enies of tbe day, the audience were Itertained for half an hour with the of the young ladies of the Institute, jinics, under the direction of Profes- t convinced, from witnessing the ex- he Institute, that the subject should »serious and earnest attention of ev- |r, and that such exercises should be ' with every female school in the JThen oar educated young ladies will iltds for want of proper recreation 1 while at school. At the cloae of f Professor Howard was called out, 1 in his usual felicitous and elo- llon, being re-formed, was march - veral of the principal streets, After which, the several corps toodettly, tokder their respective The “Grays” fired a salute in the Georgia Railroad Depot, rds” repaired to the reeidenceof filer, where they reeled a short \ fatigue of the first, before enter- I and more thorough drill, ill this psgantry And apparent tjoyipent by the multitude, we nd was saddened by ike specia lise day with all its honors, notation of the virtues, the life fof one of tbe most illustrious of His virtues were justice, in tone* to present duty and moder- was on* of etciiflees for his l country's honor and freedom, »such that it has been and will aiding light of the patriot.— pt that troop of hors*, that grim close ranks of determined, -aye, why are those youths and pf little boy* in ranka and under pa that Washington’s example uriad with his bones, and that | large part ef his children, it t he had never been born. | drum was heard in our streets befort the stirring strains of h* brilliant array now filing ping slap. Recruiting drum 1 irhat t Why, that foroe should i part of aoma of these States Le hat tbe bayonet and cannon be drowning honor* of the 0»n- defend, in its last stronghold, liberty for which the Father of his M as gloriously—that wa aboild [ to .meet and strike the ermi of tor oar destruction—that we j enough to make and keep km for the outraged Spirit of Ra tional Faith and Freedom that now goes lashed and driven about our country as If it had no defends s, nor no resting place. But we are cheered by th* reflection that we of the South are entitled te this anniversary. We can oeiehrale, with quiet oonscienoes, the day that gave George Washington to tbs world, and to long as we follow his teachings ws may follow his example, though that example should lead ua to liberty “through all the trans migrations of fire and blood.” Cabinet Appointments The following gentlemen have been confirm ed as members of tbe first Cabinet of the 8outhern Confederacy : Hon. It. Toombs, of Georgia. Secreiary of State; Hon. C. G. Mem- minger, of South Carolina, Seoretary of Treas ury ; Hon. 3. P. Walks*, ef Alabama, Secreta ry of Wa*. It is believed (bet Mr. Mallory, of Florida, will be appointed Secretary of the Navy; Mr. Elliott, o f Mississippi, Voei-Mas- ter General, and Hon J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, Attorney Genetal. Madame Rumor also reports, 'hat Hon. W. L. Yancey will be sent as Minister to England ; Hon. K. B. Rheii to France; Hon. John Sli- del to Spain, and Hon. H. V. Jobn«on to the United Slates. Another Fire# We regret to record the destruction by fire, on Friday morning last, about 1 o’clock, of the new dwelling and school house o r Mr. S. D. Niles, in the Southern pan of the city. The building being of wood, was, together with all its oonlenis, entirely consumed—the inmates barely escaping with their livee. The build ing, we understand, was insured for $2,500. Mr. Niles’ loss, over insurance, about $2,000. Tallulah Fire Company, No. 3. The annual election for Officers of this Com pany took place yesterday, with the following result: • John F. Ezzard, President; E. A. Werner, Vice President; E. C. Murphy, 1st Director; J. K. Bennett, 2d Director; W. 8. Everstt, 3d Direotor ; W. A. Haynes, George Shearer, Ax- men ; J. L. McLendon, Secretary; J. M. Wil lis, Treasurer; R. O. Haynes, Surgeon. On trial, in the afternoon, the Engine forced a stream of water, through fifty feet of hose and an inch nozsle, two hundred and seven feet, horizontal. We observed at the pipe that whole-souled feWow and intrepid FiremaD, Jake Staddleman, who united with Tallulah on that occasion in order to get an opportunity to cele brate the Birth-day of Washington. LATEST NEWS POST-OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS, Ac. BY GEORGIA RAILROAD. Dus, dally, at 11.45 P.M., and 9.00 A.M. Closes, daily, at 8.00 A.M., and 6.00 P.M. BY WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Due, daily, at 1.15 P.M. Closes, daily, at 9AM) A.M. BY ATLANTA A WttJT-POINT RAILROAD. Due, daily,at 7.1ft P.M. Closes, daily, at 9.00 P.M. BY MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD. Due, dally, at 7.15 P.M. Cloaes, dally, at 11.00 A.M. OFFICE HOURS. Uolil further notice, .he Office will be kept open for the delivery of mall-matter, daily (Sundays excepted,) from 7 A.M. <1111 o’clock, P.M., and from half-past 2 till • o'clock, P.M. On Sundays the Office will be open from 8 A.M. till 9% o'clock, A.M., and from till 8)4 o’clock, P.M. T. C. HOWARD, Postmaster. COMMERCIAL. NAWmu.ii; Feb. 91a., 1861. Tbe • was coosdevable ac'ivityin the nroduce and , i.ce v mrrke'. bu' ve> v lUtle was done In cotton. Cotton—YheCoiton ma-'-et during th* week end nt erte dey wei fiall. Sales v**ierday e cents ?*• 'b. | tl'obacco—Sold ve*le »<»y a. t;-e Warehouse of A. Hand I oi 21 hhds a: 5 55. 620,1 50, 6 4ft. 8 05, 5 75,2 55, 8 90, 8 40, C 80, 2 80, 6 06 ; 6 00, 6 60, 4 10, 940, 4 55, 6 10, 8 65,250. J. con—The- e Is ->ot l 5 .'e oCeHng. We quote f om ({ops r fo ■ ‘ooo'de » , 10@10>^c for cle.' • aides; ;1 9<&9)^c ,'o bams. htore Is an advance on • ; wheat. $I 2ft<21 80 for white ; *1 lft©i 2U i< red ; Oat*55<&0Oc ; Rye $1 00 bushel. W iIskT—Ve v dull, wl'.i s u.*M isles at 16(^18,17(3) 19, and 8ft@60c tor rect’fted, Tennessee white and Ro bertson co-ntv. C.«c;>sati, Feb. 21. Hot;#.—The de and le better, but '>.>«*, .emain un changed. The r»<iur t Is confined to choice, 'n good shipping order for 19^18oj, end s easily obtained.— Coin non 'a very dull at Breadstuff*—The F*ow m the week, lufloenced by unf. 10a. ur'ogihe forepart of le advice* from New and Europe, wns uoH, and a decline of 10c on the >ow grades v.\ n e«.. bdshed, bm tnenew. rouiNewYoik clone of lue wee!c bHn;, belts', oricespevanced, ful'y 10c lost c'osl *g !■» ‘.'I re<ju-«t a $4 60©5 6ft for .tooil brarua o.' su ffine. $4 7 ft© ft for fair .o choice ex- $5©ft 50 fo fa r o choice r. roily, w\n small i of f. i «|6.’ Wheat, pariicu'ariv Ind'. na ar demand at 9So^|, hoUierseaUn: choice f. roll. iu Ohio dec, te In good the clo«e from 2Q tc above those ff/ure*. Tbe dam nd Is confined o «Mp* pera,ml'lem efba- r; .obuv to any eit«otai.<iMUifot>'. Whit# la In (sir request a $1 O50|t 10 fo fair to choke. Oats a e In ^ood (.emand wtlh a flr n market 26c.— Small if lea of cho'ce • 1 backs ha. e been made at 80c.— Rye •* dul* *■ u8©o9c, be ve s ou* ln*Ic. Ba.'ev la in .moderate demand 't 6ft<jfc76c for choice Full; 7o©75c. fo fa I lo choice Cc» ada Sp.l i; ; . Ea. Co n is lower, dosing in ja> demand s< 80®88; al .he opper uepola ^heMeu <a dub end slmo*. unso'.-'nle a-, the decline.— We quote H In bu*k at 84®06c or m»ve4 and White; In seamiest be 3a he demrnd a fair at 46®4Sp. Hay—The marke- remeine nnch. nged and dull. We qouie prime T.moiby, bales, on arrival, at $11® 12 and common at $6@S. Oi'—Linseed b iu good demand at 55c, In the large way Provisions—The market during the ]>a«t wee'- has been dull, tud p» ices furtbe. declined. Mess Pork dull, with mode -a e eules of count, y at $16 50 te $16 74, and •f «| y wi $14 75 U $17. Our aUroagetit uoldere don’t of fer It under $17. Lard has been In belter demand, with sale* at 7)4 and 10c for ha rel and kegs, bu. it la now held firmly at 9,<4 and 10,7c. Bacon quiet at 7Y, f\, 10 a id 10)fc for Ibooklers, Sides, clear 1b Hides and clear, with n more Bber.-‘ sup ply out of smoke. 8u.,ar-cured Hams lie In tlercee, plain 10c In hbda. Export# Balk and Bacon for the week 1 C48 hhde., 999 tlf- J * “ •Inca 8epieiul»e • 1,1869 Lard, 81 078 brto Pork, 1 same time last season, M.876brlsLard,67A and 9,761 boxra Beef—Mesa $11 Vo $19; farollv m< $18. Smoked Beef Rounds 9.5t to 10c. Tongues $6 | doaen. I NDIA RUBBER BELTING—frost t lo t iathM—for Ml. k: to 0514 tale by CENTER * TREADWELL fsbnch calf ikim. A LARGS LOT, Just received direct foM the InporUre, aid for oele by the dofea or single skin, at low tortoee, by V* PlMJlSt, WILEOM AOOh octl Peach-Treo Street, AUanU, Georgia. EUROPE. There have been two arrival* from Europe aiooe oar lacl: The steamship Kangaroo, at Now York, with Liverpool advloes to the 7th, and the deamship Nova 8ootian, at Portland, with Liverpool dates to the 8th instant. We subjoin a summary of the leading items of news by each. COMMERCIAL. Livxbpool, Feb. 7.—The sales in three days foot up 21,000 bales. The sales to day were 7000 bales. The market is dull, and has de clined td. since Friday. Breadstuff* are quiet. Provisions are quiet. In London, oonsuls closed at 91 £ (n, 91; for money and account. Liverpool, Feb. 8.—The sales of the week foot up 49,000 bales, of which speculators took 8500 bales, and exporters 11,000. Middlings have deolioed Jd. The authorized quotations are as follows : Fair Orleans 7; ; Middling Orleans 75-16; Fair Mobile 7f; Middling Mobile 7$; Fair Upland 7j Middling Upland 7. The stock on hand amounts ( o 91*9,500 bales, of which 547,000 are Amarican. Breadstuff's are steady. Provisions are steady. In London, consuls are unchanged. GENERAL NEWS. A terrific explosion of a Magazine took place at Gaeta ou (be 7th, which killed a targe number of the King’s adherents. An armistice was asked and granted to bury the dead. The Sultan of Turkey has refused to pro long the time allowed the French for the evacu ation of Syria. The Montenegrins have invaded Syria, ravaging the adjacent country, and massacre- ing women and children. In the British Parliament Mr. White offered an amendment to the address to tbe Queen, in the shape of a paragraph on reform, which was negatived by a vote of 129 lo 49. The Independence Beige says that Men tone and Roquelmne have been ceded by Franee for four millions francs. » Fifteen I housand Sardinians passed through Umbria ou their march to Naples. The Sardinians have evacuated the Papal dominions, in compliance with orders from Na poleon. The London Times regards Napoleon’s speech as unfavorable, and affairs, it says, present nothing re assuring. Tbe speech had affected English funds unfavorably. The case of Patterson vs. Bonaparte, had been further argued on both sides and adjourn ed till February 8th. Marshall Bosquet is dead. Tbe siege of Gaeia continued at last ac counts. Prince Carigan bad arrived at (ha Sardinian camp. It was reported that bis presence was in reference to negotiations for a surrender of Gaeta. Tbe Italian elaolions have proved favorable to Count Cavour. It is said that Count Cavour will propose to Parliament the proclamation of Victor Eman uel as King of Italy, with full powers for an unlimited period, to raise a loan of three or four hundred million francs, and to call out all the military reserve. The intelligence from Denmark continues warlike. • LATER! The steamship America, with Liverpool ad vices to the 9th iostant, arrived at Halifax on the 22d. She reports the sales of Cotton on Saturday were 6,000 bales of which speculators took 1600 bales. There was but little inquiry and prices were weak. Breadstuff! were quiet but steady. Povi- sions steady. In London, eonsols were quoted at 91 j (& 92. The America brings £84,000 sterling in spe cie. Lord Palmerston stated in Parliament that order* had been sent to the Governor-General of Canada not to give up the fugitive, Ander son, without express orders from the Royal Government. There is no chance of his being surrendered without a full discussion of his case. Tbe New Indian Loan has been awarded at 98iJ per centum. PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT Confederate States of America. PRBSIDBNT t JEFFERSON DAVIS, Of Mississippi. vicr-phcsidkmt: ALEXANDER II. STEPHENS, Of Georgia. Beeretarjr—JOHNSON J. HOOPER, Rsq., uf Alabama. x mi sans. Altiboma-R. W. Walker, R. If. Smith, J. L. M. Cur ry, W. ?. Chilton, 8. F. Hale, Collin J. McRae, John Gill .Shorter, Daniel 11. Levis, Thomas Fearn. Flo. Ua—James B. Owens, J. Patlon Andeison, Jack- son Morton. Geor f,ia—Robert Toombs, Howell Cobb, F. 8. Bar tow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nisbet, B. 11. Hill, A. R. Wright, Tboiuas R. R. Cobb, A. 11. Kenan, Alexander H. Stephens. shall. MUsiesippi—Vf. P. Harris, Waller Brooks, N. L. Wilson, A. M. CJsyton, W. & Barry, J T. Harrison. SouJi Carolina—R. 1). ltheti, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, L. M. Keltt, James Chesnut, Jr., C. O. Meromlnger, W. Porcher Miles, Thomas J. Withers, W. W. Boyce. STANDING COVNITT**«. Executive DtpartmenU— Stephens, Conrad, Boyce, Walker, -Bi'rtow, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan, FUsoneo—Toombs, Baiowed, Kenner, Barry, McRae. Commtroe—Memm'in^ee, Crawford, DeDlouet, Mor ton, Curry. Judicit^7—Clryton, Wilbers, Hale, Cobb, Harris. PmUil—Chilton, Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Curry. Patent*—Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Keuner. Ten'it-j. its—Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nisbet, Fenrn. p'-bltc Lands—Marshall, Harris, Fearn. Indian, AJ/toirs— Morton, Hale, Sparrow, Lewis.Keltt. Printing—Cobh, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Perkins. Accounts—Owens, Crawford, Campbell, DtClouet, Smith. Engrossment—Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McRae, Bar- J. H. JAMES, BROKER AND COLLECTING OFFICE, Atlanta, Georgia, IN HE WELL'S DRY GOODS STORE. ey bought and sold, Notes discounted, fills orders for fine Watches, Diamonds and Jewel ry at 10 per cent, only on cost. References: Park Bank, New York ; Mid dleton A Pooler, New York; C. H. Sheeon A e through th< r three years. SAM KIRKMAN. JOHN W. t.CK E. KIKKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 176, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to John Kihkman, James Woods, W Gkkenfiei.d, Nashville, Tenn. jan 9—3m WILLIAM MACK IK, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAIN EK, HAVING located perma nently in Atlanta, will de- vote his whole attention to the above Branches in all their details. Likewise, SIGNS of every description, WIN DOW SHADES, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LETTERS made to order in anv style, war ranted to equal any City in the Union. Orders from the Country attended to. OFFICE—In Beach A Root’s Building- stairs febl THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC. T HIS Daily and We*kly Political and Com mercial Journal, edited by JAMES M. 8MYTUE, Esq., and JOHN B. WEEMS, Eia., Associate, contains the latest news by Telegraph and Mail; is published in the City 01 Augusta, Georgia, by WM. J. VA80N A Co. It is the cheapest Political Paper of its size, issued Daily, in the Confederate States of Amer ica. TERMS-CASH IN ADVANCE : Daily for One Year $5 00 “ “ Six Months 3 00 « <• Three Months 1 60 “ “ One Month 5$ Weekly for One Year $2 0$ “ “ Six Months.......... 1 25 “ “ Four Months.. 1 0$ “ “ One Month 25 Post Masters are authorised to act as our Agents, to reoeive subscriptions, and forward us the Money. \f ACKKRBL— Jvl 106 Hell 106 Helf-berrels No. 3 Mackerel; 60 Half-barrels No. 3 Mackerel; 60 kits No. 3 Mackerel; 10 bbls No. 1 Mackerel; 10 Half-barrels No. 1 Mackerel; 20 kits No. 1 Mackerel; 1,000 lbs Cod Fish ; 250 lbs Pollock ; It boxes of best Herring. All for tale, lew, by ju»e!4 CENTER A TREADWELL. Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday In February next, before the Court House door, In OampbelHon, Campbell county, one town lei. In the town or Palmetto, known as tbs place now occupied by M. Terry, and by L. 0. Sanders, at the time of ala death. Said Lot has a two atory Building on It, with Garden and out-housea— Bold as the property of L. O. Sanders, late of Campbell coaaty, deceased, for tbs benefit ef the heirs and erea ltors. Terms mads known on tbe day of ante. fcDeo. 89, im JOHN CARLTON, Adm’r. J .1ROMATIC A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, ^ DYsr«£§ lNYtCORAffN& CORDIAL MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept in every family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fects of change of weather, and, as a beverage, it is the purest Liquor made in the world. Put ap in pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy, UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Port Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, put up for medicinal use, with his certificate on tbs bottle ; warranted pare and the beat quality. UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure HUerry Wine, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, for private and med icinal use, the best Wine ever offered to tbe trade in bot tles. This Wine is warrented perfectly pure. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica Rum, 8t. Croix Rnm, Scotch and Irish Whisky. To the Public. I will stake my reputation as a man, .nv standing as a merchant of thirty years’ residence In New York, that what I pledge and testify to with my seal, my label, and my certificate, is correct, and can be relied upon by ev ery purchaser. Physicians who use Wines and Llqnors In their prac tice should give the preference to these articles. FUr sale by all respectable Druggists and Apotheca ries. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Manufacturer and Importer of Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, No. 22, Beaver Street, New York. HUmiOUTT, TAYLOR A JONES, WixoleaiaJLo Jfo.cexi.tMi* Atlanta, Gsorgin. WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Ross and Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C., PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE agents for— WrigliVs Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. may!7 COMPETITION WITH CHARLESTON, —AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IN— (fhiua, (glass, film, plated and ftiilnnin WARE AND CROCKERY; A LARGE lot of CUT nod PRESSED GLASS; WHITE, GILT, and DECORATED CR' NA, TEA, DINNER, and TOILET BETS, et any price; SILVER-PLATED TEA SETt. CASTORS, CAKE-BASKETS, FRUIT-STANDS. CUPS, GOBLETS, SPOONS, FORKS, Ac. *» KEROSENE LAMPS, CANDLESTICKS, WAITERS, TABLE MATTS, CHINA VASES, i«. A lot of FINE TABLE CUTLERY. A large and compete stock, of WHITE GRANITE & COMMON CROCKERY. to which we invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We import our goods from Europe and buy of tho best American Manufacturers, and will soli for the smallest possible profits for CASH. COLE & WYLIE, aug21 Whitehall Street, nearly Opposite Beach A Root’s, Atlanta, Georgia. FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HANKFUL for the past patronage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping a continuance of the same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now i store the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK. FURNITURE. ever before offered in Atlanta, and All] of SOUTHERN MAKE, and am in almost daily receipt of New and Varied Styles of all kinds of Furniture from tk well known Factory of .VCfoXS.WT MWm GRJLY9 of which F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the Novelty Works, Columbus, Georgia, is Foubkan, whl- k is a sufficient guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY ia geed au; the intst substantial quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD Prices from 15 to 25 per cent lower than any other Furniture Store in Georgia. MATTRASSES, LOUNGE8, LOOKING GLASSES, WINDOW SHADES, COTTaGB CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand. Picture Frames made and Furniture repaired with neatness and despatch. COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, Nov. 2. dtf. For JOHN D. GRAY. ATTENTION! MILITARY COMPANIES FURNISHED WITH UNIFORMS AT SHORT NOTICE AND LOW PHIOBS, BY LAWSHE & PURTELL, AT THEIR MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, Whitehall Street, ATEAATA, dec 5 GEORGIA. DIM1CK, WILSON & CO., (SDCCR880B9 to Dimes * MIX,) Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Re tail Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES MO BROOMS! Also keep constantly on hand Oak and Hem lock Sole-Leather, French Calf Skins, Lining and Binding Skina, Shoe Pegs and Shoe Find ings—at the Sign of the Big Boot, L. M. DIMI0K, I Cherokee Block, WM. WILSON, V Peech-Tree 8treet, A. MIX. ) Atlanta, Georgia. octlB J A CARD—TO THE LADIES. Mrs. J. M. Boring Announces, with pleasure, to her friends and patrons, that she is again prepared to suit them with ALL THE LATEST AND Most Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, HAT8, CAI’S, Head-Dresses, &c. At her old SUnd.oa WHITEHALL-STREET, Where she will be happy to receive A Liberal Share of the Trade —or— Atlanta AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY, oct S. tf. Great Excitement at the Shoe and Leather Em porium ot Dlmick, Wilson di Co., ON PEACH-TR1C1 STREET. A large lot of BOOTS and SHOES, iust received from the manufactory, and will bo sold at prices unprecedented in this market. Ladies’ Patent Foxed Lace Heel Gaiters, at $1 25 a pair. Ladies’ Sewed Morocco Lace Ileel Boots, at $1 10 a pair. Men’s, Boys, Misses and Children’s Boots and Shoes, proportionally cheap, and warranted. Gents’ French Calf Water-Proof and Pump Boots—new styles—just received, and will be sold at prices lower than any House in this ty will sell as good a Boot. 5,000 lbs Hemlock Sole Leather, jusi receiv ed and for sale at Charleston prices, or lower than ever before sold in this market. 50 dozen French and American Calf Skins, of various brands, this day received, and will be sold at a commission on New York prices. Lasts, Boots Trees, Pegs, Lining, Binding and Morocco Skins, Findings, Ac., proportionately cheap. Those wanting Good Boots, Shoes, or Leather at low prices, will find it to their interest to give us a call before purchasing. D1MICK, WILSON A CO., dec22 Sign of the Big Boot. Good Hem SIOK B. ROBSOR. S. B. ROBSON & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA GEORGIA, Sell Everything in their Line of Trade at The Loweet Price* fur Cmeh. octl w beet quality of < ,UUu lock Sole Leather; 3.000 lbs best quality Good Damage Sole Leather; 2.000 lbs best quality Good Oak Sole Leather—all iust received and or sale, at low prices, at Wholesale or Re tail, by DIMICK, WIL80N A CO., octl Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. A. ISAACS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Millinery and Fancy 0-0 OHS, Ribbees, Feathers, Flowers, Head Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blonbre, Rudies, perfumers, <Sco., &TsO. OONNBLLY’S IRON FRONT BUILDINGS, WHITEHALL STREET, .. .. ATLANTA QA. octl-dly