Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 23, 1861, Image 4

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gka / t ! e-‘6it'y' o'ljA r fy f ! A ; N [atf-tfitn fltata. at iii t|e Tower of l-nitdou. ‘ i ** Jfctol »ml Queries ” the I Btory, which is related by ally kn said ' at aig cd to leere behind I reoord of all that I persou- 1 thi* ptrange story. Forty - * iva passed, and its impres- Uy before me as on the mo- ooourrence. Aneodctage, man's dotage; and r be suspected of lap- »r exaggerations; but irs who can testify time either nmpli- lied l «] the croe resided wi^H^ftnily till my retirement, in lsod^^^^Bturday night in Octo- i-r, witching hour,’ I was at a^^^Htth my wife, our little boy, and sitting room of the Jewel then compara tively uiod^^^Hl said to have been ■ d Icfrn^^^Hu Anna Ilolcyn, and of the ten ^^^^Hpibom Oliver Crum- wrll piHiisl^^^^Hltsd therein. The iras*^^^^^Ljrregularl.y sliupvd. having ibJ^^HBVid two windows, which last M|HK>ine feet deep into thi' outer these is a chim- pieee into the then U^^HBwith a in •hers wermjjjBBSprdsrli and heavy down the windows, aufl^Hj^Mlighi the room of table. I at tn.t of -NjHjHHky son on my right his mdinnitio had wme to my wifl^N^Mp%n putting to lo r lips, and iood Gdj^^^^HEithat up, and pJH|^H&Rioal figure, like a class luHwHKpbuut the thickuv-s of uiy an^^^^HFering between the ceiling its contents jicarcd fluid white and i ale azure, T rolling and ming- linw-lH HPnder. This lasted shea it began slow- r sister-in-law; then, shape of the table, f; passing be- l for a moment over Observe, there was no no mirror oppoq^ts to her in which could then behold it Instantly she crouched down, and, with both hands covering her shoulders she shrieked out, “ Oh, Christ! it has seizsd pip) it, has seized me 1” Ev en now, wmle writing, I feel the fresh horror of that' moment. I caught up my chair, struck at the wainscot behind her, rushed up stain to the other children’s room, and told the terrified nurse what I had Been. Meanwhile, the other domes tics had hurried into the parlor, where their mistress recounted to them the scene, even as I was detailing it above stairs. “ The marvel— some will say, absurdi ty—of all this, is enhanced by the fact that neither my sistcr-in-law nor my son beheld this “ appearance.” “ Following hard at the heel of this visitation of my household, one of the night sentries at the Jewel Office, was, as he said, alarmed by a figure, like a huge bear, issuing from underneath the door ; lie thrust at it with his bayonet, which stuck in the door ovon as my chair dented the wainscot - ; he dropped in a fit, and was carried senseless to the guard room. Ills fellow seutry declared that the man was neither asleep nor drunk, he himself having seen him, the moment before, awake and sober. Of all this I avouch nothing more ^than that I saw the poor man in the guard house, prostrated with terror, and that in two or three days the ‘fatal result,’ be it in fact or fancy, was ‘//mi he died'’ “ My story may claim more space than you can afford ; desiring to be circum stantial T have been diffuse. This I leave to the editor’s discretion; let it only bo understood that to all which I have herein set forth ns seen by myself, I abso lutely pledge my faith and my honor.” BUTLER & PETERS, (Successors to High, Butler 4 Co.,) Commission Merchants, FOR THI PURCHASE AND HA LB OF t k jyjy k s tg n a pmouvce Cotton, Groceries, die., ATLANTA GEORGIA. Hare removed to the Urge Fire-Proof Ware- house, formerly occupied by Winship 4 How ell, opposite the State Road Depot. 30 Junel 1 BBL8 LARD OIL, just received signment and for tale b; nr sale by BUTLEF R A rETER8. F LOUR I. FLOUR! FLOUR!—COO barrels of 8t. Louis Family Flour, aud 300 sacks of Tennessee Extra Flour. For sale by juiie 19 BUTLER 4 PETERS. W HISKY 1-300 barrels Pure Corn Whisky in 8tore and for isle by BUTLER A PETERS. t^U'PBRFIWB FLO 1714—2,000 Moke N tb. O For sale by i«w*/ BUTLER A PETERS. WOT1CB. T HE nnderaigned will oontinue th« GROCE RY AND PROVISION busiatM at tha old stand of J. C. Human A Co, on Alabama •treat, whore ha wjll bo ploaood to roooivo tho callo of hlo ora coatbmen, and aa many naw onoa aa may bo ploaaod to favor him with thoir patronage. fob < 3t J. C. HENDRIX. :' w m o' /£ ECONOMY! 8av« ike Pirm! A S accidents will happen, ever in well-regu- I lated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, 4c. WAtDINC’S PKEPAREO CLUB meets all ouch emergencies, and n<> household can afford to be without it. It is always ready, and up to atickiug poiut. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless.dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamen tal work, so popular with ladies of relluemout and taste. This admirablo preparation is used cold, be ing chemically held iu solution, and possess ing all the valuable qualities of ths bast cabi net-makers’ Glue. It may be used in the place of odinary mucillage, being vastly more rd- hesive. 11 USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.’ N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, Twenty-Five Cents. Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedar street, New York. Address HENRY G. SPALDING 4 CO., Box No. 8,600, New York. Put up for Dealers, in Cases containing four, eight, aud twelve duaen—a beautiful Litho graphic Show-Card accompanying each pack age. pdf' A single bottle of SPALDING'S PRE PARED GLUE will save ten times its cost an nually to every household. Sold by prominent Stationers, Druggists. Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a note ol SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when mak ing up their list. It will stand any climate. jan24twswly ATLANTA CIOTHINGHALL J HAVE just returned from the North with a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and atn ready to supply the citizens of Atlan ta and the surrounding country, with Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Week-ties, Socks, Hats, Caps, and everything else in the Clothing line, of § ood quality and at LOW PRICES. All who esire bargains should give me a call. —ALSO, ON HAND— Jeweirv I Knives ! Combs! And other Notions. M. OPPENHEIMER, Whitsall street, nearly opposite marcbl5tf EdUle.nan 4 Bank Removal. M RS. A. ISAACS would respectfully inform her numerous lady customers and friends, that she has removed to, and is now occupying one of the spacious and elegantly fitted-up ten ements in the New Building on the corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets being the third door from the latter street. 6he is now opening in her New Store, one of tbo most extensive. Heat Assorted, and Superb Stocks of Fall and "VVintei MILLINERY, comprising very rich Velvet, Satin and Fancy Bonnets, Head Dresses, Bertha Capes, Collars, Embroide ries, etc., of ike latest Styles, in almost endless variety. She has also a full line of CORSETS, DRESS TPalMMINGS, HOSIERY, LACE VEILS, Ac., tc all of which she would most respectfully in vito the attention of her numerous customers. Her Opening Day will be on Monday, Oct. 8. oet2-d2m WM* HOMILLHN. T. F. FLINING. B. B. UKLKAR MCMILLEN, FLEMING 4 CD., GENERAL PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mouth Hide Passenger Depot, ATLANTA GEORGIA. K EEP always on hand, and in large quanti ties, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Cora, Wheat—in fact, everything usually to be found in a COM- HI88ION HOUSE. Thankful for the liberal patronage of thr past year, we hope, by strict attention to oue business, to merit a continuance of the same. Consignments respectfully solicited. jan7 McM^LLEN, FLEMING 4 CO. NEW FIRM. T HE undersigned have formed a copartner ship under the name of Carroll 4 Fowler, for the transaction of a General Produce and Commission business, at the old stand of Car- roll 4 High, »u<i solicit a continuance of tho patronage so liberally extended to the late firm. W. B. CARROLL, Atlanta, Feb. 18, 1881. N. R. FOWLER. In retiring from the late firm of Carroll 4 High, l take pleasure in recommending the new firm to my old friends and customers. frbW-tf JOSEm P. HIGH. NOTICE. A LL P*™”* Indebted to tha relate of tha late Hon. B. H. OraaiT, will please call oa Col. L. E. Bt.Rciti.aY, .ad aetUaup immedi ately. Moat all tho ntftee and account! of said estate are now in his hands. M-fc. LENOIR, Adnfr. *0. Fsb. 18, 1881. dim MISCELLANEOUS. Ths Amalgamation or Languages.—There is a growing tendeucy in this age to appropriate the most expressive words of other laugusges, and alter awhile to incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cepnalic, which is from, the Greek, signifying “for the bead/' is now becoming popularised in connection with Mr. 8palding°s great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as Elec trotype and many others whose distinction as foreign words has been worn sway by commou usage until they seem “nativeand to the manor born." ardly Realized. Hi 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadache this hafternoon, baud I stepped into the hapothecaries, hand says hi to the man, “Can you hease me of an ’eadache?” “Doesit hache ’ard/'says 'e. “Hex ceedingly," says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me 'onor it cur- a ed me so quick that I 'ardly realized I 'ad an B 'eadache. £gr Headache is the favorite sign by which nature mukes known any deviation, whatever, from the nutural state of the brain, aud view ed in this light, it ir&y be looked on as a safe guard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied; aud its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may bo classi fied under two names, vis: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache i9 exceed ingly common, and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism, and sll febrile diseases.— Iu its nervous form it is sympathetic of dis ease of the stomach constituting nick headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious headache, of worms, coustipatiou and other disorders ot the bowels, as well as renal aud uterine a flee - tious. Diseases of the heart are very frequent ly attended with Headaches; Amentia and Plethora are also affections which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health, and prostrating at once the men tal and physical energies, and in other in stances it comes on slowly, heralded by depres sion of spirits or acerbity ol temper. Iu most instances the pain is iu tho frout of ti.e head, over oue or both eves, snd sometime.- provok ing vomiting; under this class may also be named Neuralgia. For the treatmeut of either class of Headache j the Cephalic Pills have beeu found a sure and i safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains iu a few minutes, and by its subtle power eradic ating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. Bridget.—Missus wants you to send her a bex of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but I’m thinking that’s not just it uai- tber; but perhaps ye’ll be after knowiug what it is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants sumo more of tliut same as relsivcd her before. Druggist.—You must mean Spalding’s Ceph alic Pills. Bridget.—Och ! euro now and you’ve sed it, here’s the quarther and give me the Pills and dont be all day about it ailher. Coustipatiou or Costiveness. No ono of the “many ills flesh is heir to’’ is so prevalent, so liLtle understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits, it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is tho pre cursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and. unleBs early eradicated, it will bring tho sufferer to an un timely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant, are Head ache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dysentary, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Partlysia, Hysteria, Hy pochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence in tin system by this alarming symptom. Not un frequently the dis eases named originate in Constipation, but take on an independent existence, unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on ths first appearance of the complafnt, as their timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of disease and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. tant of all tho great i age may be considered the system of vaccina tion for protection from Small Pox, the Cepha lic Pill lor relief of Headache, and the use of Quiuine for tho prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by suffering humanity long af ter their disooverers are forgotten. Mffi jLA. Jute and Cotton Cordage, al for sale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND 4 CO. NervousHeadache *aS»<* . ic attacks ervous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an at tack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon tho bowels,— removing Costiveness. For Literary Hen,Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity andstrength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investigation and carefully conducted ex periments, having bcea in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Hoadache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their compo sition, and may be taken at all times with per fect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence any disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS? The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of the prick, aa ciwra. All order, aliould ke addraaaed to HENRY C, SPALDING, M Cedar street, New Terk. Not. II. dAwly. FEBRUARY. ! s|i|t V rlr 1 ...... J i 2 10 II 12 13 1415 16 iih u ! »2i!sa n S3 8 a 3$ rrr FKWkLIX PRIXTIXG HOUSE AND BOOK-BINDERY. Tlie I*roprictors would respectfully Inform their frieiuls anil the Public tlmt they are now fully prcimred to execute, at short notice, in the host > stylo and ut fidr prloea, every description of ' PRINTING, 6 Sueh as Hooks, Pamphlets, Cataloirues, Circulars, Kailroad and Leg*! Blanks, Jllll-Headit, l*ro- irramnit s. Business, Professional anti other Cards, Placards, Posters, Ac. BLA.NK books, Such us Ledgers, Journals, Records, Day-Books, 4c., ruled to any pattern desired, anti made- to erder, St short notice. Music, Law Hooks Magazines and Period icals bound, and old Kook* re bound. Orders respectfully solicited. WOOD, HANLKITKK, RICE. 4 CO„ Proprietors. j OCTOBER. 1 s!i!fIwjrjf 8 .. .. tl t i i 6 1 « 7 8 »:H 11 12 13 U IS It 17!1H I* 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 2S 22 36 31 .. 1 NOVEMBER. ,82 1 3' 4 S t 7 1 * 10 II 1213 It IS 14 17 IK If 26 21 22 23 I"! 25 26 27,28,22.30 <6 . LITCHBN8TADT. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! . PL. KTOL^INr Mr. W.IIENDER80N, will keepon hand, and will he receiving, constantly, a good as sortment of CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, of the latest and best styles and from the best Manufactories North. He will also manufac ture here the BE8T BUGGIES now in use, which will be sold at prices t) suit purchasers. Repairing of any triad done, from a baby’s cab to the finest Coach, in th.) best and most fashionable style. My Repoei tory is on WHITEH ALL 8TREET, next door to the Keystone Buildings, whers I shall be glad to see and wait on all in want of any article in my line. Q. R. NOLAN. Atlanta, November 6,1880. TO THE PUBLIC. Having disposed of my Interest in the Car riage and Buggy Business to Mr. Q. R, Nolan, I cheerfully recommend him to all my old pa trons and friends as a reliable, and upright, and prompt business man and gentleman, every way worthy their highest, fullest confi dence, and respectfully solicit for him a con tinuance of ths same liberal patronage bestow ed upon me. W. U. HENDERSON. Nov. b, 1880. tf. TO PIzAUTBRSI W E ha»a no* in Store, a largo lot of Bztrn Heavy, Double-Malo Huaaet Brofana, made with two haavy aoloa ot tbo boot quality of Hemlock Solo Leather and Oak Uppera, with Kivit Bye-Mam,, wkieh wa have made eapreH- ly for toe trade of thia market, and guaran- taa them, in .vary reaped, auperior to aay- thing that oan ba found in thia market, in the lina of Brogana, and will aell thaaa at lower prieea, by the caae or fin £apaiT. , Thoae wanting n good Brogan, nt low prloea, will Snd it to tkair Tntaraatto anil on ua nt tha Siga of tha Big Beat DIHIOK, WILSON * CO., oetl Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. ARE DISTRIBUTED DAILY AT THE Planters' & Mechanics lY-GOU STORK! NO. 40 WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta,- ..... Georgia, T O thousands of customers who are delight ed with the magnificent display of our EXTENSIVE STOCK OF ENTIRELY NEW dr FANCY DRY-GOODS! DRESS GOODS, OF EVERY VARIETY: Embroideries, Hosieries, Black Italian Silks, Silk Robes, Shawls, Lace Points, Mantillas, Domestics, —AND— Carpets, Hats Boots, Shoes and numerous other articles appertaining to our business—sll of which we arc now offering at the very Lowest Prices! At Wholesale or Retail. We most respectfully invite the attention ot the publio generally to au examination of our Stock, and solicit of them s share of their pat ronage. J. K. UAGKN & CO., march 18 At Herriiijf’a Old SUk4 to HORNES POD HALE. TWO large young Northern MARKS, fire and aix yaara old ; . . Oua pair Carriage U0R8K8, well breke, Pour Canada HORSES—all on reaaonabla terma. Alao, for aala, BUQGIE8. TROTTING WAG ONS and TROTTING SULKIES—all manu factured by No. 1 workmen. Apply nt <V 0. ROGERS' ’ augZl Sale Stable, Loyd afreet. CHOICE MEATS may be bed daily at my Stall in tha Market. »u«M O. 0. R. UPOBTAXT TO COiSHEBS Of «4S I T HAVE appointed Mr. WILLIAM BARNES Imy Agent far the enleof LKrmOWEU’S GAS xegulatox J. I. DAVIS. In Atlanta, Georgia, nor. 20.^^m m MISCELLANEOUS. Ifit KHHkY! —AT THE— New Book Store! —AT THE— SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Street AGRICULTURAL BOOKS of erg deeeription. ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS ol ewj| description. MEDtCAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. ■ PICTURES FRAMED TO ORPKR L PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAL1J-J INGS OF LANDSEER and odwf Artists. TKREOSOOPE AND STKRK()#»| PIC VIEWS. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—from B0 cenl>»| 930. VIOLINS—from 75 cents to $75. , | All of which will be sold cheeper* the cheapest, at tho Sign of the “BIG BOOK!” oct, 2t—tf. j. McPherson a «a. I CENTER ft TREADWBH WHITKHALL STREET, ATLANTA, Four Doors Below Brady A Boloadhl —DSALins IS— I CARRIAGE HARDWARE A trimmIJI SHELF AND BUILDER*' HARDWAlWf SWEDES, AMERICAN, CABS COUNTIl ENGLISH IRON, AND CASS C0U> AND ENGLISH CASTINGS! ' —A Lao, tv arena— K/l CASE* Shoe#, at Manofaeturea I 0\J Call aud aaaua before you buy eta** 1 You ehell be pleeaed. I juuelt CENTER A TREAnWBAl • __S| VTUTB—We bare 11 600 Ibe Pecan Nntet 600 Ibe Alioaat Almoada ; 600 Iba Herd Shell Almuudai 600 Ibe Braall Nuta { 60 bonee Aotorted Cendy t 60 bonee and Half boxaa Raiam For aala, low. bj Juneld B EST N«W Anohor Bolting Clotha, fw«! S to No. 10. For aale by , Jantl CENTER A TRK/ ’center a TREAPWitfl BAOOO AND C10ARB-of tha baa* » B ACON I- zao oaaka of Hama, Bhoul* Bldaa, arriving. ' panels BUTLER A P* F in* BaaMedT Prime Leaf Lard ' Mdfcr sale by pE junel* BUTLER A PS inn OASES Prime Blbbed^Me# I