Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 27, 1861, Image 1

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ATE-CITY * ADAIR, GUARDIAN. TU PUBLIC 6MB BXF6U PlIYATE ABTANTAOE. EDITORS ft PROPRIETORS. m SERIES: ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1861, VOL. I-NO. 13. tf-CAtn $uatdian. MiPTioN a advlrtisimo acheouci nun os BMoimiM. — p«r •no«n>, -•••••• N)alr«d lovartaMj in •***•“••• ADTEETISiNO- »r« of 10 Uo«* or I***. one Ineertloc, fil; • Ztor eoch eubeequent insertion lew than « f DAU <Y RATES. <1 mo. two*. 6 mo*. 4 mo*. • mo*. It mot. L W | 41 j 48 CO |y advertising, with the privilege of change, will , at the following ratal: Square, renewable once a month, f 8fi * Square*.... fourth Column, « l«:-half Column, Ill Column, - *S< bular work, with or without rules, and adver- occupying doable colamn, will be charged i above rates. .jemeuta iftit marked on copy for a specified will be published until ordered out, and charged ling W the above rstee. ertisemente inserted In the Dailt, and wiiilt ta, will be charged AO per cent additional to ttie _r dally rates. tarly advertiser* will be limited to the space coi cl for. They will be charged extra at regular rati ganta, Renta, Removals, Copartnerships, Notices t lienees, lie., and payment demanded quarterly. r Tiutinr Aovmtihuiw hist as rain fob t advartlacment will appear In the Weekly pa{>er a by special contract. rertlsements to be Inserted in the Weekly paper • at irregular Intervals in either of tire papers, will isrgcl |1 per square for every Insertion, nounclng candidates for State, County, and Muni offices, $6 each—to be paid in advance In every advertisoroenta for Charitable Institutions, Milha ud Fire Companies, Ward, Town and other Public inga, will be charged half price, irrlagea and deaths are published a aaries, Tributes of Respect and Tuners her advertisements. „ Itorial Notices in Loeal Column will be charged 90 i^napcr, under no circumstances, to be Included in OUR RAILROADS. Arrival and Departure of Train a. rfi. Kailread A Banking Company. i.ta to Atlanta. 171 Mile.—Faro, $5 40. GEORGE YON'OE, Superintendent. MORNINO PASBItltOKR TRAXX. I Atlanta, daily, at.............. 9.85, A. M. « at Augusta at P. M. I Augusta, daily, at 0.10, A. M r at Atlanta at A. M. RIGHT FASSHttaa* TRAIN. I Atlanta, daily, at .. - 8.40, P. M. • at Augusta at. 8.56, A. M. I Augusta at..... 8.80, P. M. pa at Atlanta at ..11.45, P. M. I Road runs in connection with the Trains ~outh Carolina and the Savannah and i Railroads, at Augusta. nta 4 West-Point Railroad. k to West-Point, 87 Miles—Fare,..$8 50. OBOE O. HULL, Superintendent. I at Weet-Point at - S.10, P. M. I West-Point, daily, at 3.00, P. M. I at Atlanta at 7.61, P. M. SIGHT PASSBHOHS TRAIH. I Atlanta, daily, at O.tO, A. M. a at West-Point at — 6.46, A. M. I West-Point, dsily, at 3.16, A. M. a at Atlanta at... 7.69, A. M. [Road connects with the Montgomery A dnt Road at West-Point. 4 Atlantic Railreaa- \ to Chattanooga, 138 Miles-r-Fare $6. IN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. DAT PASIBRGBR TRAIH. Uanta, daily, at 10,10, A. M. at Chattanooga at 6.40, P. M. Chattanooga at 4.06, A. M. at Atlanta at — 1.16, P. M. CVS TING PASIRRGRR TRAIN. htlanfea, nightly, at .. 7.60, P. M. at Chattanooga at 4.60, A. M. Chattanooga at 3.20, P. M. r t Atlanta at 11.46, P. M. 1 connects,each way,with the Rome ailroad at Kingston, the East Ten- ! Georgia Rial road at Dalton, and the t A Chattanooga Railroad at Chatta- i 4 Western RailmmA. |to Macon, 102 Mile#—Fare $4 66. NED L. TYLER, Superintendent. DAT F AAfBRGRR TRAIH. i at .. 1.46, I AUaita at—I 7.16, Rantaat 1.30, Kaoonat —. 7.00, BISRT PASIRNGBR TRAIN. on at. .. 12.00, Atlanta at ....... 7.16, utaet ;... 12.00, laconat 7.16, P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M Night. A. M. Night. * M. Trains will not be ran on Baa /piofifc Night Train from Atlanta, ‘h the Central Railroad for Sevan . A. ¥•, and the ftoath - Waatarn for ___ I Columbus, at 0.46, A. If. [16 Train from Atlanta, connects with 1 Railroad for Savannah at 10.00 P. the South-WeHem Ml Hoed for Co- Jet 11.50, P. M. ► Through Ticket* from Atlanta to New Deluding Omnibus fare in Savannah, ble Manufacturing business. One J cash capital, or more, will And Flu the bosieess of,not. I apply at this ofiMe. further par- yUplww FRATERNAL RECORD. MASON*. ATLANTA LODGE, No. 66, t A. M., meet* ou the sec uud sod fourth Thursday nights in each month. LBWI8 LaWSHB, W. M. Joss M. But iso, Secretary. a the first DAVIDMAYIR, W. M. R. J. Mumcv, Secretary MOUNT ZION ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. No. 16, meet* on the second and fourth Monday nights in oa«' month. L. J. GLENN, U. P. C. R. IlAiLKtra, Secretary. JASON HURR COUNCIL OP ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. 18, meets quarterly, on the first tuei day in January, April, July and October. LEWIS LAW8HK, Ts. III. Jons M. Boaiso, Recorder. i the W. W. BOYD, M.\R\ W. T. Mead, Recorder. ODD-VELLOW8. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 98, meets every Tuesday nl^bt. William Wilson, Secretary. T. P. MARSH, N. i WU H. KARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Fleming, Scribe. BANK OP PULTON—Alabama Street. K. W. HOLLAND, President. A. Acstkll, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD ft BANKING COM PA NY—Office on Alalutma Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD ft BANKING £OM- PANY-Office on Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent. ATLANTA INSURANCE COMPANY—Office, nest door to Georgia Railroad Bauk. J. P. LOGAN, Preaident. Pbbino Bbowb, Cashier. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. W M. BARNES, Chief Engineer. S. B. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. R. P. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. P. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN P. KZZAKD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets flrat Monday in each month. J. H. MKCA8LIN, President. W. K. Mi.son, Secretary. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Joskfb E. Baows, Governor. Jobs B. Campbell, I H. H. Wattkbs, VSecretaries. H. J. G. Williams, ) E. P. Watriks, Secretary of State. Joan Jokes, Treasurer. PsTtasoM Thwkatt, Comptroller General. “ “ Gener A. J. Booqkm, Surveyor General. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Tnososi L. Gcbrst, President of Senate. P. H. West, Secretary of Senate. C. J. Williams, Speaker House of Representatives. Gkorqi Htlliek, Clerk House of Representatives. PENITENTIARY. Eli McCokmsll, Principal Keeper. Charles G. Talbird, Assistant. W. A. Williams, Book Keeper. Chas. W. Lars, Chaplain. Da. K. G. Case, Physician. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dr. T. Greek, Superintendent Lunatic Asylum. Da. 8. G. Writs, ) 1). G. Campbrll, VTrustees. Miller Grieve, ) JUDICIARY^DEPARTEKNT. SOPREMS COURT—JCOOEA Joseph Hehrt Lcmpeie, of Athens. Richard H. Ltom, of Atlanta. Charles J. Jebeihs, of Augusta. PErORTBR. Geoege N. Lester, of Marietta. CLEBK. Charles W. Di Bose, of Sparta. DISTRICTS. 1st District.—Brunswick, Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits. Tims op Stsaioa—9d Monday In January and June, at tahoochee, Judicial Circuit*. Tims op Bsssiom—tth Monday in January and 8d Monday in Juno, at Macon. 8n District—Tallapoosa, Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge and Cherokee Circuits. Tims op Sbwiom—4th Monday In March and 9d Mon day In August, at Atlanta. SUPERIOR COURTS. COWET a"cIRCCIT. Oevillb A. Bull, LaGrange, Judge. N. J. Hammosd, Atlanta, Solicitor General. Coutlee. Tiros of Session. Clayton—1st Monday In May and November. Den alb—4th Monday in April and October. Payette—Ind Monday In March and September, londsy in April and October. CITY GOVERNMENT. Matob-JARED IK WIN WHITAKER. OOCXCILMSM. Ward I—PsQx Hardman, P. 0. House. Ward II—William Watkins, J. K. Orsw. Ward II1—K. B. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV-J. H. MecasUn, James Lynch. Ward V—& B. Robson, Thomas Kile. Committee on Flnanoe—Oouncilmen Robson, Crew, i Watkins, Me- Love. Committee on Ordinances—Councilor caslln, Robson. Committee on Street*—Oouncilmen Grew, Robson, Lyich. Committee on Wells, Pumps and Clstsrna—Council- men Lynch, Kile, House. Committee on Lanips and Gas—Oouncilmen Kile, Me- caslln, Crawford. ME9BR Committee on Market—Oouncilmen Hardman, Love, Lynch. Committee on Fire Department—Oouncilmen Meeas* lin, Robson, Watkins. Committee on police—Oouncilmen Love, House, Lynch. Committee on Cemetery—Oouncilmen Hardman, Wat- kins, Robson. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds—Coun cilman House, Crew, Mecaslln. Committee on Tax—Oouncilmen Watkins, Crawford, Lynch. Committee on ReUef—Councilman Crawford, Mecas lln, House, Watkins, Kile. Clerk of Council, Tax Receiver and Collector—H. C. Holcombe. Treasurer—K. J. Roach. Chief Marshal—Thomas B. Boggus. Deputy Marshal—Duke H. Brannon. 1st Lieutenant Police—B. N. Williford. 2d Lieutenant Police—J. M. Lester. Olty Surveyor—N. L. Currier. Clerk Market-J. D. Wells. City Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. Superintendent Streets—H. W. McDaniel. BOARD or UBALTS. Dr. H. W. BROWN, Chairman, G. B. Hay good, Esq., Dr. D. C. O'Keefe, Dr. J. G. Westmoreland, Dr. T. S. Powell. DENTISTRY. HUNTINGTON, M. D., DQXTI8T, ATLAITA, OBOtGIA, OFFICE in Rawaon’e new build inf, corner Whitehall and Hooter BtreeeL— Residence first house to the left of Col. Yan oay’s. Hephrekceb: Hon. R. F. Lyon, Mr. E- E. Rawson, Messrs. Beach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vaaoo, Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, Col. W. J Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan 16. DK. J. P. H. BROWN, DENTIST, SUOOSSSOB TO oampbsll s iso., OFFICE over Massey ft LansdsU'f Drug Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgia All operations pertaining to Dental Surgery performed with tne greatest ears twawlyje9 COUNTY OFFICERS. JUSTICES INFERIOR CRUET. Z. A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Watkins, J. N. Simmons, E. M. Taliaferro. Sheriff—C. C. Green—Deputy, 8. B. Love. Clerk Superior Court—B. P. Bomar. Clerk Inferior Court—Daniel Pittman. Ordinary—J. H. Mead. Treasurer—J. R. Wallace. Tax Collector—A. J. Collier. Tax Receiver—WUUam Center. Coroner—A. R. White. Surveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. lyalst ilten- eriw< Troup—8d Monday li Monday In . Meriwether—ftd Monday in February and Augast. In May *“ ‘ D. P. Hammokd, Newnau n ...... Judge. M. Kbkdrick, Cedar Town,. Solicitor GeneraL Couatles. Time of Sessions. Monday to Mar oh and September. P«MHftd Monday In April and October. Paulding—4th Monday In February and August. Polk—Sd Monday la February aud August. r’. l'.UXlM, limrtfU^...., .Solklwr U.u.r^, Co.RUM. TOM -I 0ll«rrtM-ln ¥oo4.. I. M.tch ad Mnbn. Oobb-4d Mond.jr Id March «n<l ft. pi ember. 1)..«>D—*1 ModDd, Id Tabraar, ddU lafaal. rainlD—M Monday ID May and October. Dorayth—W Maadaf In Fahnair ud Ao«nat. Ollmar—lit Maoday la Mar tad Octobar. ‘i Pickens—td Monday In Nsveh aad September. Tewne—4th Monday In Nay sad Oetobev. Peiea -ft* Memtay la Maraud October. CHtlOKKECIKCCIT. D- A. Wale ts, Spring Place, Judge. J. A. W. Jokksos, CaasrfHe,... SoHeftor General. GoaoMee. Ttasb ed Sessloaa Case—ftd Menday la Marsh aad Sentembar. Catoosa—9d Monday In May and Nevsmber. Dade—4th Monday In May and November. Gordon—Iri Monday la April and October. Wormy*—*d Monday to April and October. Walhsr Monday before first Monday Hi Mssah and THE ARMY OF GEORGIA. FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. J. Hardee, U. 8. A. Lieut. Col.—Chas. J. Williams, of Muscogee n MAJORS. 1. L. B. McLaws, U. S. A. 2. Edward R. Harden, Whitfield county. OAFTAIES. 1. Wm. D. Smith, U. A A Company A 9. Wm. J. McGill, G. M. I **... B' 8. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county “ C 4. Wm. G. Gill, U. 8. A “....D 6. Jacob Read, U. & A •*....E 4. John G. Patton, of Bibb county P 7. George H. Thompson, of Pulton county “....G 8. Francis T. Cullens, of Clay county “.... H 9. Alexander M. Wallace, of Pulton county—" I 10. 8. P. Hamilton, of Chatham county ** — J FIRST LIEUTENANT*. 1. Arthur Shaaf, U. 8. A Company E 9. 8t. Clair Hearing, U. 8. A **....B 8. A. P. Cone, U. & A.. a-.-Q 4. Thomas J. Berry, U. 8. A “.... D 5. A. A. P. Hill, of Clarke county “ — A 8. W. W. Kirkland, late Marine Corps ... M .... P 7. John Milledgc, Jr., of Richmond county ... •• C 8. T. 8. McIntosh, of Chatham county •• H 9. John M. Branch, of Chatham county “ I 10. Tomlinson Port, of Baldwin county 44 — J 11. Bednsy P. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster 1st Regiment, Company J. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 9. Garnett Andrews, Jr., of Wilkes 8. John P. King, of Glynn 4. George P. Harrison, Jr., of Chatham 0. P. M. B. Young, W. P. 0., of Oass... 6. E. 8. WUlls, W. P. C., Chatham.... T. J. G. Blount, W. P. C., Talbot 8. J. Alexander, W. P. C., Pulton 9. John McPherson Berrien, Chatham 10. Michael Cass 11. Joseph A Blance, Polk SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. W. T. Waleer, U. 8. A Lieutenant-Colonel—E. W. Ckastais, of fannln. MAJOR!. L Wm. M. Oardlner, U. 8. A. 2. Alfred Cummlng, U. 8. A. CAPTAINS 1. James McIntosh, U. 8. A 9. Thomas McCennsi, of Liberty 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., U. 8. A... 4. John D. Walker, of Bcriren... & John R. P. Tat nail, U. 8. A . 6. R. A. Wayne, of Chatham.... 7. John 8. Pain, of Union 8. Miller Grieve, Jr., of Baldwin M ....H 9. Lewis H. Kenan, of Baldwin 44 ... 1 10. Abner Sinead, U. 8. A J FiaST LIRUTBNAXTS. L John T. Mercer, U. 8. A Company A 1 Joseph P. Jones, U. 8. A M ....C 8. A. Bb Montgomery, U. 8. A M ....D A Robert II Anderson, U. 8. A 44 ....E 6. a M. Thomas, U. 8. A “....F 6. Joseph Whselsr, U. 8. A 44 ... .G T. RobL A. Crawford, of Pulton M ....H 8. 1L D. Dl Twiggs, of Richmond I 9. Henry Cleveland, of Richmond J 10. A. P. Brown, of Porsyth, “....B 11, G. Whitfield Anderson, of Pulton, J noons UBl'TSKAKTS. I. John Howard, Jr., ef Muscogee. 1 P. L. Wade, of Screven, 110. Bowdre, of Bibb, 4. B. U. Atkinson, of Bibb “ . D fi. f. M. Myers, of Cobb. “....1 A J. Barrow, W. P. G, of Clarke “....F 7. Jobs A. West, ef Morgan 44 ... G A Lewis BeLagle, of R!chmoa4 H 8. G B. Laamr, Jr.,ef RkhmomL «.... I 10. Rebsri P. Huut, ef Cobb. M ....J H. Hoftry W. Trtppe, •# Hoestea. “...J .Company A M ... .G .Company ft “....B M ....C E. J. * R. W. CRAVEN, DHKTTISTM, HAEE removed to their sew and splendid room in Parkks’s Block, opposite Beach ft Boots, where thej are prepared to wait on all who may wish their services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- price. Calls from a distance attended o with promptness. junel9-wfttw W. J. DICKEY, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DHNTI ATLANTA, MOMMA. OFFICE—Up stairs, next door to Richard s Book Store. sep24twlyr NOW OPENING —AT THE— PtJRMITtmi STORI. FIBSTDOOB WEST OF THE FU1T0N BANK ALABAMA 8THKKT, A great variety of dissolution. TBI Oral *1 Oarroll A Hi^t la thla ctay 4to- 1 avivaD, by aulaal aoaaeat. Eithar of tbo parti at an author ia*4 to tattle tka buaioeaa of tko lata Arm. Tkooa indabtad will plaaao call Ud aaUla . W. 0. CARROLL AUaata, Fob. II, 1HI. JOB. P. HIGH. Obll-tt A.nd Walnut, Covered in BROCATELLE. REPS, VEL VET, SIIALLY, and HAIRCLOTH. AI made in a workman-like manner, combining Strength, Durability and Beauty! Modelled after the «tyle of LOUIS XIV, and many of the Oriental Btyles adapted to American taste. Also may be found lOO RooU.1ng Ladies’ Parlor Chairs, Mostly of new Patterns, from $5 to $30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tete-a-Tetes, Of the latest and most fash ienable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from $1.25 to $80. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, q\ .lity and variety. Cane, Rush, aud Wood-8eat CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, and Bed-Room, with a large variety of Children’s Chairs; Rocking and Nurse Chairs, with Cane, Rush, and Wood Bottoms. WARDR0BE8, Wash-Stands, Hat-Racks, Corner Stands; Side, Centre, and Parlor TA BLES, Ladies’ Work Tables and Quartettes. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY, COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR & MAPLE. Cottage Suites in a variety of styles. Hair, Moss and Cotton Mattresses made to order. All kinds of common Mattresses usual ly found in Furniture Stores kept on hand.— Also a foil supply of Window Shades, new Patterns, together with many other articles common to this line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and saaking to order. Looking Olsss Plates kept constantly on hand. D. CHAFFEE, Agent Atlanta, Sept It—dSm INSURANCE. ATLANTA INSURANCElOMPANT JOS. P. LOGAN, President. PERINO BROWN, Cenhier. DIRECTORS. L. P. GRANT, JOSEPH P. LOGAN, THOMAS L. COOPER, JOHN W.iDUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. D EPOSITS received and commercial paper discounted. Collections received and remitted for at car- rent rates of Exchange on day of pavment. Uncurrent money, Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Loans and Notes negotiated. Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on commission. Prompt attention to correspondents, aprillfi FIRE AH LIFE INSURANCE ! W E are Agents for the Augusta Insurance Company, and the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia. Our rates of premium will compare with anv of the Northern Companies. We trust our citizens will patronize Southern Institutions, especially when they are strong, solvent aad prompt in redeeming all looses. S. B. ROBSON ft CO. april!7 Atlanta, Georgia. FIRE AND LIFE LIB1L FOR DIVORCE. AuguatTerm, 1IM. Louiaa L .Sh«a&,) »«. V John F.Bhcan. J TT nppoara to tho Court that the DofeaJnnt J. rooidet outaida tko limit! of tbo State of Goorgla. It ia ordered by tke Court that eervica upon laid Defendant be perfected by publico- Uou in tonne of tho low. D. F. HAMMOND, J. 0. a Afonta If, 1(M. nov.M 1 a aathfJmlhs. T HE auheeriher represents the following first eiaaa Companies, some of which are now the leading Comp. .iee in the country— ail having CosA Capitals and a large 8*trpliu. The Companies thill* designated divide eeventy-five per et. qf (he net earnings wits tke policy Solders: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital aud Surplus, 01,4Sbt,OOO 28 ♦CONTINENTAL IMSURANCK COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus 01.OOO.OOO. •SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 0000,383. CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y Capital and Surplus, 0324,362. NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus 0304.9(4. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCffCOMPANY, MASS. Capital and Surplus, 0484,000. •MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus 0300,000. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital mid Surplus, 0235,000. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 0400,000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, This Company offers security ana sdvsn. tsgee unsurpassed by eny Life Insurance Com pany in the country. It accomodates the in. surer in the payment of premiums, annually, Sal/yearly, or quarterly. Premiums on poli cies for life, if over 050 per annum, silty per ctnt.itonly required. Annuities granted on the moet liberal terms. All the above Companies court investigation into their condition and system of doing busi- aeflo. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. julyl* UEL SMITH. MECHANICAL. CARVING IN WOOD. T HE subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Atlanta, that he is now fully prepared to execute in the beat manner, every description of CARVING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, ftc., after any plan ; also, the internal decoration of public Halls, Churches, fte. Old Furniture of good quality will be repaired at short notice in the beat manner. THEO. MROCZKOW8KI, Marietta street, opposite Gas Works, lyjanll ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND- BRASS FOUNDRY, ON HUNTER HTKEET, Bktwekx McDohouh and Butler Strrcts, Near the City Hall. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work his line. He solicits a share of patronage, d will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULLATT. baa on hand and for sale two DRAYS. Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. 36. Rale to Perfect Service, Stillman Hoisington | L[BEL F0R DIVORCE Jan. EMsingLm. j Fallen Sup.Oonrt. Mary E. Buis* 1 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE James B.Buise. J in Fulton Superior Court. I T appearing to the Court, by the returns of the Sheriff, that neither of the above defend ant# reside in this county, and it further ap pearing, that neither of them resides in the State, It is, on motion, ordered that each of said defendants appear and answer, at the ■ext term of this Court, or thet seid eeee be ooneidered in defeult and that the Plaintiff' in each case be allowed to proceed. This 1st dey of October, 1860. By the Court. J. M. ft W. L. Oitxmnr, Attorneys pro Libelants. A true extract from the minutes of Fulton Superior Court. Nov. Ifiih, I860. DANIIL PITTMAN, Dtp. Clerk. wlamflm From the Kentucky Statesman. The People of the “ Confederate Htitei ” are not Traitors. We rarely meet with an issue of ths Louis ville "Journal," the Louis?ille "Democrat,” the Frankfort “Commonwealth,” and other organs of lbs Opposition party in Kentucky, which does not contain severe denunciations of the people of (he South, chsracterizing them as traitors, thieves, robbers, and such like. The readers aad disciples of such pas pers are generally imbued with the same feel ing, so that U is no unusual thing to hear gentlemen in our own city employing such terms of opprobrium to express their condem* nation of those engaged in tke movement of Southern independence. We have no sympa thy with such sentiments. We detest the prejudice whence such feelioga springs. Our censure applies to the other section. Ws love 'he South, and deeply, eranestly, sincerely sympathize with the people of the South in their cause. But our purpose now is to invite the attend lion of these halers of ths South to the opin ions of a Northern man, and exhibit them as exceeding even the moderate Republicans in their intense vindictive enmity to the people of the seceded States. Ws do not expeot thus to eradicate their anti Southern feeling, but would fain hope to moderate it to a degree whioh will enable our opponents to accord to the seceders that position to which, by the law of nations, they are entitled. It is only by a correct appreciation of the true relative position of the people of the existing Repub lics that the calamity of war can be escaped. The lion. Robert Dale Owen, in a recent address at Indianapolis, vindicated a princi ple of international law, now highly impor tant to the internal peace of this country, when he eaid; 44 When millions of men deliberately, by solemn declaration, combine for a common object, they are no longer traitors or rebels. " There caa be a band of five, or fifty, or five hundred, but there is no such thing as a band of five million traitors. They become revolutionists. They are entitled to this char acter in virtue of their numbers and their unanimity, no matter whether the object for whioh they combine be wise or foolish, ltgal or illegal; for indeed revolution usually con* sists in opposition to existing laws. If, by conoerted action, in bands of thousands called soldiers, they resist constituted authorities, kill, seize property, even commit depredations, whatever the moral turpitude of those acts, those who perpetrate them are not, in the eye of international law, guilty of murder or of robbery ; they are carrying on war. If taken in the act, they cannot, according to tho law, be oonsidered aa traitors, but only as enemies; they cannot be hanged or sent to the peniten tiary ; they must be treated as prisoners of war; (hat question was settled by George Washington in our own revolution. Their aots are hostile, they are not rebellious. If, then, the millions inhabiting the seced ing States be united in their present object, or become unanimous or nearly so in its favor, it is a flagrant abuse of language to oall them traitors. The law of nations declare that they are not. The world will unite in declaring that they are not. We may levy war against them, as enemies. That we have a right to do. We outrage civilisation and forfeit all claim to the respect of mankind, if we seek to do more." We regret that there are men in our State, men in our own oity, whose deep rooted hostility to the South exoeeds even tbo bitter haired of the ultra Republicans. Such men seem to have lost sight of the nullification legislation of Northern States, forget the higher law of Massachusetts, overlook the irrepressible oonflict doctrine of Seward, and forgive all the defamation and abuse of anti slavery fanatics. Their very souls overflow with relentless hatred to the South, and pour out exhaustless torrents of abuse upon all who sympathize with the Cotton States. Ws would make but one appeal to such. Uefleot upon the principle of law so forcibly stated by Mr. Owen, and don't aid in bringing upon the oountry civil war by encouraging the United States Government to treat as traitors meu who can not, consiatently with reason or justice bo so regarded. SAM K1RKMAN. JOHN W. LUKK. KIRKMAN Ac LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 176, Second 0treel, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Join Kirkuam, Jahih Woods, W GuuriftU), Nutmlle, Tenn. jnn 9—Sm WILLIAM HACIIM, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAINKR, HAYING looted perms- nentl. In AtUntn, will de- vote bis whole ottontion So tho nbovo Bronchos in all thoir dotoiio. Likewise, SIGNS of ever, deoeriplion, WIN DOW SHADES, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LETTERS made to order In anr stylo, war ranted to equal any City ia tha Union. Orders front tbo Country attended to. OFFICE—la BoMh 0 Root's BaildlB(— .tain fbbl