Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 28, 1861, Image 1

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ATE-CITY EITXR & ADAIR, GUARDIAN. THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. EDITORS A PROPRIETORS. MW MM'. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TH11RSDAV, FEBRifARV 28, 1861 i> I—NO. 14. atc4itg (tatttau. imOM k AOVIHTISIHO SCHEDULE TBAMS or IUBSCK1PTIOJI. reqalrwi invariably la advano*. -e of 10 line* ••■i " v "* T ’ f«» r each »ah»oquent ln*«rvlon leu than o dXiI-Y RATK8. " liao.t AMU;8 moo. 4bm.#»oi. lit fit'll gif | *»0 *8 31,40 45 on XT I AA ! (0 66 as 48 I (0 SO r »dvertW1n|t, with the privilege of change, will i at the following rate*: Square, renewable once a month, * W e Sq »ar«a, JJ half Column, Column, ►uUr work, with or without rule*, and adver- i occupjinfr double column, will be charged —*■ —e rule*. laemanu rM marked on oopy for a eperlfled I toe putotlehed until ordered out, and charged g tu the above rate*. laemeiiti tmerted In the Dailt; and Wbkklt a 111 be charged 60 |*er cent, additional to the ally rate*. advertiser* will be limited to the apace con- ,r. They will be charued extra at regular ratea i, Renta, Removal*, Copartnershi|»a, Notice* to et, Ac., and payment demanded quarterly. ‘baXMKXT ADV»ET18i*U MV8T HI PAID FOB 1* erttaeroent wltl appeal* In the Weekly paper by apeclal contract. -tiaeiuent* to be Inserted In the Weekly pi»|**r on- t Irregular Interval* In either of the paper*, will K *4 $1 per square for every Ineertlon. -ncing candidate* for State, County, and Muni- , *6 each—to be paid In odvauce In every vertisement* for Charitable Institution*, Milita- Flre Companle*. Ward, Town and other Public will be charged half price. »e* and death* are published a* new*; but m. Tribute* of Respect and fuueral luvlUtions advertUemeut*. -(Notice* in Local Column will be charged SO line. per, under no circumstances, to be Included In urtlon or variation will be made from the fore- UANLE1TEK A AD AIK. R RAILROADS. vkl and Departure of Tralua. Railroad 4 Banking Company. to Atlanta, 171 Mile*—Fare, $5 50. ROB YONGE, Superintendent. M ORIX IB Q PASSENGER TRAIN. tlanta, daily, at...- 8-05. A. M. Augusta at ®- 20 » p - JJ. rusta, daily, at 0.80, A. M Atlanta at 9.4i, A. M. BIORT PA8KKNGKR train. -nta, dally, at - 8.40, P. M. Augusta Rt —• 6.60, A. M. asta at - 2.80, P. M. tlauta at - 11.44, P. M. runs in connection with the Trains Carolina and tha Savannah and lrooda, at Augusta. 4k Wort-Point Railroad. West-Point, 87 Miles—Fare,..$3 50. G. HULL, Superintendent. AT PASiNXGKS TRAIN. to, daily, at. 10.10, A. M. est-Point at - 8.10, P. M. Point, daily, &t — 3.00, P. M. tlauta at 7.51, P. M. ~ORT PAS8RBOKR TRAIN. to, daily, at 0.30, A. M. est-Point at 5.46, A. M. -Point, daily, at 8.15, A. M. tlanta at... 7.5», A. M. connects with the Montgomery A 1 at West-Point. Ik Atlantic Railroao. tt&nooga, 138 Miles—Fare,....$5. 7. LEWIS, Superintendent. T FASSRNONR TRAIN. , daily, at 10,10, A. M. -nooga at 6.40, P. M. ooga at 4.05, A. M. nta at 1.15, P. M. IRS PASSBNeSR TRAIN. nightly, at 7.50, P. M. nooga at 4.50, A. M. - ooga at 3.20, P. M. -U at 11.45, P. M. nnects.each way.with the Rome d at Kingston, the East Ten- gia Rial road at Dalton, and the attanooga Railroad at Chatta- A Western Railroad. , 102 Miles—Fare $4 I*. L. TYLER, Superintendent. St PASSBNOBR TNAIN. 1.45, P. M. teat 7.15, P. M. t 1.80, P. M. n at 7.00, P. M T TASSBNOBB TRAIN. - 12.00, Night at 7.15, A. M. .. 12.00, Night at 7.15, A. M. 'ns will not be run on Sun il Night Train from Atlanta, e Central Railroad for Saven- M., and the South-Western for mbas, at 0.45, A. M. front Atlanta, connects with 11 road for Savannah at 10.00 P. “Ih-Western Bail Road for Co- ,P. M. h Tickets from Atlanta to New g Omnibus fare in Savannah, TNEB WANTED, e Manufacturing business. Ons eh capital, or more. Will find ent, whether be engegee oc- nets or,not Per further per- at this ottoe. Jul/H-lf FRATERNAL RECORD. Juhx M. Borinu, Secretary. &. J. Mihmi, Secretary. LEWIS LaWSIIE, W. M. i the Br«t DAVID UAYER, W. If. MOUNT ZION ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 16, meet* on the second and fourth Monday night* in each month. L. J. GLENN, II. P. . V. U. IUmuuTSa, Secretary. MASTERS, No. 18, meet*quarterly, on the day In Jauuary, April, July and October. LEWIS LAWS11K, Tm. III. Jokk M. Bobiko, Recorder. CtEUR DE LION COMMANDKIIY, No. 4, meet* op the first and third Wednesday In etch month. W. W. BOYD, M. A*. W. T. Mkad, Recorder. OI)D.FLLLOW8. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 28, meet* every Tuesday night. T. P. MARSH, N. G. William Wilson, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. 12, meet* on the second and fourth Wednesday night*. WM II. IIAKNKS, Chief Pstrlarch, W. WT. BOYD, High Prle*t. T. P. Klkmimu, Scribe. BANKING. BANK OF FULTON—Alnbama Street. K. W. HOLLAND, President. A. AraTKLL, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM FANV—Office on Alubatuu Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD * BANKING COM FANA’—Office on Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent ▲TLANTA INSURANCE COMPANY—Office, next door to Georgia Railroad Bank. J. P. LOGAN, President Friimo Baowx, Cashier. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. WM. BAKNK8, Chief Engineer. 8. B. SIIKRWOOD, 1st A**i*tant. R. P. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. F. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN F. KZZARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY No. 1, meet* first Monday In each month. J. U. MECA8LIN, President W. K. Mi.noR, Secretary, GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. Jon* B. Camfbki.l, ) H. H. Wattkbi*, VSecretarle*. 11. J. G. Williams, ) E. P. Watkins, Secretary of State. Join Jonkh, Treasurer. rsTinaoN Thwbatt, Comptroller General. A. J. Boouxsa^Surveyor Ueneral. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Tiikoboeb L. Gcbrrt, President of Senate. K. II. Wrn, Secretary of Senate. Ciiarlks G. Talbird, Assistant W. A. Williams, Book Keeper. Chas. W. Lank, Chaplain. Dr. R. U. Cask, Physician. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dlt T. Greek, Superintendent Lunatic Aaylum. Dr. 8. O. Whttb, 1 I). G. Campbell, ^-Trustees. Miller Grirvk, j JUDICIARY OEPARTEENT. Bl'FRlMK COURT—JUDGE*. Jo*Rpn Hknrt Lumpkin, of Athens. Richard H. Lyon, of Atlanta. Charlks J. Jenkins, of Augusta. PBPORTKR. Groksr N. Luster, of Marietta. CLXRK. Charlks W. DvBosi, of Sparta. DISTRICTS. 1st District.—Brunswick, Eastern and Middle Judicial -2d Monday In January and June, at 2d Ditrict.—Pat aula, Macon, Boulb-Western and Chat tahoochee, Judicial Circuit*. Tims op Session—4th Monday In January and 3d Monday In June, at Macon Circuit*. Tims Savannah. to District—Tallapoo*a, Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge and Cherokee Circuit*. Ttwi or Session—4th Monday In March and 2d Mon day In August, at Atlanta. rw District.—Ocmutgce and Southern Circuit*. Timr op Sessions—2d Monday In May and November, at Milledgevllle. SUPERIOR COURTS* COWETA CIRCUIT. Ortilli A. Bull, LaGrange, Judge. N. J. Hammord, Atlanta Solicitor General. Oeutie*. Time of Session. Clayton—1st Monday in May and November. DeKalb—4th Monday In April and October. Fayette—2nd Monday In March and September. Fulton—lit Monday In April and October. TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT. D. F. Hammond, Newnan, Judge. M. Kendrick, Cedar Towiv— Solicitor General. Oouatie*. Time of Sessions. Campbell—2d Monday In February and August. Haralson—8d Monday In April and October. Paulding—4th Monday In February and August. Polk—3d Monday In February aud August. We. Phillips, Marietta . Solicitor General. Counties. Time of Sessions. Cherokes—1*1 Monday In March aud September. Onbb-Sd Monday In March and September. Dawson—2d Monday In February and August. Fsnnln—2d Monday in May and October. Forsyth—Sd Monday In February and August. Gilmer—let Monday in M«y Bad October. Lumpkin-4th Monday In January and July. Milton—1st Monday to June and November. Picket!*-2d Monday In March and September. Towns—4th Monday i,«., and Octobei. Union—8d Monday In May and October. Catoosa—2d Monday in May and November. Dads—4U Monday In May and November. Gordon—1st Monday In April and October. Murray—8d Monday in April and October. Walker—Monday before first Monday In March nod tSZU-4* Master Is April tm* Oritew. CITY UOVURNMHNT. Mayor—JaRKD IRWIN WIJ1TAKRR. COUNCILS EM. Ward I—Felix Haidwan, F.O. House. Ward II—William Watkins, J. it. Crew. Ward III—4. B. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV—J. II. Mecaslln, James Lynch. Ward V—8. B. Robson, Thomas Kile. Committee on Finance—Councllmen Robson, Crew, Lore. Committee on Ordinance*—Councllmen Watkins, Me- caslln, Robson. Committee on Streets—Councllmen Crew, Robson, Lyncb. Committee on Well*, Pumps and Cisterns—Councll- meu Lynch, Kile, House. Committee on Lainns and Gas—Councllmen Kile, Me- caslin, Crawford. SSTX$ Committee on Market—Co.incllmen llardman, Love, Lynch. Committee on fire Department—Councllmen Mecas- lln, Robson, Watkins. Committee on Police—Councllmen Love, House, Lynch. Committee on Cemetery—Councllmen Hardman, Wat kins, Robson. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds—Coun- cilnien House, Crew, Mecaslln. Committee on Tax—Councllmen Watkins, Crawford, Lynch. Committee on Relief—Councllmen Crawford, Mecas lln, House, Waikina, Kile. Clerk of Council, Tax Receiver and Collector—II. C. Holcombe. Treasurer—K. J. Roach. Chief Marshal—Thomas B. Boggus. Deputy Maralial—Duke H. Braunon. 1st Lieutenant Police—II. N. Williford. 2d Lieutenant Police—J. M. Letter. City Surveyor—N. L. Currier. Clerk Market-J. D. Wells. City Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. Superintendent Streets—II. W. McDaniel. BOARD or HEALTU. * Dr. II. W. BROWN, Chairman, G. B. naygood, Esq., Dr. D. C. O'Keefe, Dr. J. G. Westmoreland, Dr. T. 8. Powell. COUNTY OFFICERS. JUSTICES IKPXRIOB CRUET. Z. A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Watkins, J. N. Simmons, K. M. Taliaferro. Sheriff—C. C. Green—Deputy, 8. B. Love. Clerk Superior Court—B. F. Bom* Treasurer—J. R. Wallace. Tax Collector—A. J. Collier. Tax Receiver—William Center. Coroner—A. R. White. Surveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. Atlanta—Thomas L. Thoi THE ARMY OF GEORGIA. FIRST REGIMKOT. Colonel—Wm. J. Hardee, U. 8. A. I.ieut. Col.—Chab. J. Williams, of Muscogee co. MAJORS. 1. L. B. McLaws, U. 8. A. 2. Edward R. Harden, Whitfield county. CAPTAINS. 1. Wm. D. Smith, U. 8. A Company A 2. Wm. J. McGill, G. M. I “... B 8. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county *• C 4. Wm. G. Gill, U.8. A , “....D 6. Jacob Read, U. 8. A “....E 6. John G. Patton, of Bibb county **....F 7. Georgs II. Thompson, of Fultou county “...,G 8. Francis T. Cullen*, of Clay county "... .II 9. Alexander M. Wallace, of Fulton county....“ I 10. 8. P. Hamilton, of Chatham county " J FIRST LIEUTENANTS. 1. Arthur Shaaf, U. 8. A Company E 2. St. Clair Dearlng, U. 8. A “ B 8. A. F. Cone, U. 8. A “ G 4. Thomas J. Berry, U. 8. A “... .D 5. A, A. F. Hill, of Clarke county " A 6. W. W. Kirkland, late Marine Corps “ F 7. John Milledge, Jr., of Richmond county ... “... .C 8. T. 8. McIntosh, of Chatham county . .11 ». John M. Branch, of Chatham county “ I 10. Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin county ".... J 11. Bedney F. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster 1st Regiment, Company J. SECOND LIEUTENANT*. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 2. Garnett Andrews, Jr.,of Wilkes “ ...B 8. John F. King, of Glynn "....0 A George P. Harrison, Jr., of Chatham "... .D 6. P. M. B. Young, W. P. C., of Cass *4....K «. E. 8. Willis, W. P. C., Chatham “ J 7. J. G. Blount, W. P. C., Talbot “.... P 8. J. Alexnnder, W. P. C., Fulton ..G 9. John McPherson Berrien, Chatham "....II 10. Michael Cass *— I 11. Joseph A Blsnce, Polk “ I SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. W. T. Walker, U.IA Lieutenant-Colonel—E. W. Chastain, of Fannin. MAJORB. 1. Wm. M. Gardiner, U. 8. A. 2. Alfred Camming, U. 8. A. CAPTAINS. 1. James McIntosh, U. 8. A. Company A 2. Thomas McCsnnel, of Liberty " B 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., C. 8. A " C 4. John D. Walker, of Scrlven " — D Ik John R. F. Tatnall, U. & A .. -K I LA. Wayne, of Chatham **... -F 7. John 8. Fain, of Union "....Q 8. Miller Grieve, Jr., of Baldwin " — H 9. Lewis U. Kenan, of Baldwin " ... I 10. Abner Bmead, U. 8. A "— J PIRAT LIEUTENANTS. L John T. Mercer, U. 8. A Company A 2. Joseph P. Jones, U. 8. A "—C 8. A. B. Montgomery, U. 8. A ".... D 4. Robert n Anderson, U. 8. A ".... E 6. B. M. Thomas, U.8. A "... F fi. Joseph Wheeler, U. 8. A "....G 7. Robt. A. Crawford, of Fulton " — H 8. II. D. D. Twiggs, of Richmond ** I 9. Henry Cleveland, of Richmond ".... J 10. A. P. Brown, of Forsyth "....B 11. G. Whitfield Anderson, of Fulton, ".... J SECOND LIEUTENANT*. ' 1. John Howard, Jr., of Muscogee Company A 2. P. L. Wade, of Screven, " — B A K H. Dowdre, of Bibb, "....C 4. R. II. Atkinson, of Ilibb "... D 6. P. M. Myen, of Cobb. “ — E A J. Barrow, W. P. C., ef Clark* 44 — F 7. John A. West, of Morgan 44 ... .0 A Lewi* DoLagle, of Richmond A O. B. Lamar, Jr., of Richmond. 10. Robert F. Hunt, of Cobb. 11. Henry W. Tripp*, of Houston. DISSOLUTION. T HE Arm of Carroll A High ji this day dis solved, by mutual content. Either of the parlies ore authorised to settle the buaineM of the late Arm. Tboee Indebted will please oall and settle. 8- CARROLL, Atlanta, Feb. 15, 1561. JOB. P. HIGH. feb!9-8t DENTISTRY. U. HUNTINGTON, M. U., DENTIST, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OFFICE in Rawson’s new build ing, corner Whitehall and Upnter Streest.— Residence first bouse to the left of Col. Yau- eey’s. rbfkrenckr : Hon. R. F. Lyon, Mr. E E. Rawson, Messrs. Beach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, I). A. Vason, Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, Col. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan 16. DU. J. P. H. BROW N, DENTIST, RU0CK88OR TO CAMPBELL S BRO., OFFICE over Massey A Lansdell's Drug Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgia. All operations pertaining to Dental Surgery performed with tne greatest care twawlyjc® E. J. Si R. W. GRAVEN, DENTISTS, 1IAEE removed to their new and splendid room in Farkkk’s Block, opposite Beach A Roots, where they are prepared to wait on all who may wish their services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- price. Calls from a distance attended o with promptness. junel9-watw W. J. DICKEY, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTI »T ▲TLANTA, GKOR0IA. OFFICE—Up-staira, next door to Richard*! Book Store. sep24twly: INSURANCE. ATLANTA INSURANCE L0MI'AM. JOS. P. LOGAN, President. PKRINO BROWN, Cashier. 1)1 RECTORS. L. P. GRANT, JOSEPH P. LOGAN, THOMAS L. COOPER, JOHN W.^JUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. D EPOSITS received and commercial paper discounted. Collections received and remitted for at cur rent rates of Exchange on day of payment. Uncurrert money, Gold and Silver Coin, bought and sold. Loans and Notes negotiated. Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on commission. J&r Prompt attention to correspondent* apri!14 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! W E are Agents for the Augusta Insurance Company, and the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia. Our rates of premium will compare with apv of the Northern Companies. Wo trust our citizens will patronizo Southern Institutions, especially when they are strong, solvent and prompt in redeeming all losses. S. B. ROBSON A CO. aprill7 Atlanta, Georgia. NOW OPENING —AT TDK— FURNITURE STORE, FIRSTD00B WEST OF THE FULTON BANK ALABAMA STREET, A great variety of Parlor Suite*, Made of ROSEWOOD, Hahog -A_nd "Walnut, Covered in T1ROCATELT.E, REPS, VEL VET. SHALLY, and HAIR-CLOTH. A made in . workm.n-like manner, combining Strength, Durability and Beauty! Modelled after the stylo of LOUIS XIV, and many of tho Oriental fityles adapted to American taste. Also tuay be found XOO HooUlng AND Ladies’ Parlor Chairs, Mostly of new Patterns, from $5 to $30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tete-a-Tctes, Of the latest and most fash ienable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from $1.25 to $80. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, qi ,lity and variety. Cane, Rush, aud Wood-Seat CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, and Bed-Room, with a large variety of Children’s Chairs; Rocking and Nurse Chairs, with Cane, Rush, and Wood Bottoms. WARDROBES, Wnsh-Stands, Hat-Racks, Corner Stands; Side, Centre, and Parlor TA BLES, Ladies’ Work Tables and Quartettes. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY, COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR & MAPLE. Cottage Suites in a variety of stylet. Hair, Moss and Cotton Mattresses made to order. All kinds of common Mattresses usual ly found in Furniture Storea kept on hand.— Alao a full supply of Window Shades, new Patterns, together with many other articles common to this line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and making to order. Looking Glass Plates kept constantly on hand. D. CHAFFEE, Agent. Atlanta, Sept. If—d8m Louisa L .8beau, LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. August Term, 1866. John F. Sbean r * appears to the Court that the Defendant resides outside the limits of the State of Georgia. It is ordered by the Court that service upon said Defendant be perfected by publica tion in terms cf the law. D. F. HAMMOND, J. 8. a Agents 17, 1880. nov.12 1 a mth f.3 m tha. FIRE AND LIFE IMMCfi KIICY. T HE subscriber represents the following first class Companies, some of which aro now tho leading Comp» .ies in the country—all having Cash Capitals and a largo surplus. The Companies thus* designated divide seventy Jiv< per ct. of the net earnings with the policy holders HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital aud Surplus, $1,45M,000 •CONTINENTAL IM8URANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, 81,000.000. •8ECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus $GOO,3H3. CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 8324,302. NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital aud Surplus, 8304.934. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, MASS. Capital and Surplus, 84*4.000. •MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital aud Surplus, 8300,000. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 8233,000. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 8400,000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 8I.HOO.OOO. This Company offers security and advan tages unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Com pany in the country. It accomodates the in surer in the payment of premiums, annually, half yearly, or quarterly. Premiums on poli cies for life, if over $50 per annum, sixty per cent, vi only required. Annuities granted on the most liberal terms. All the above Companies court investigation into their condition and system of doing busi ness. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. Ripley’s, opposite the "Intelligencer” office. julyl2 SAMUEL SMITH. MECHANICAL. CARVING IN WOOD. rpilE subscriber respectfully announces to X the citizens of Atlanta, that he is now fully prepared to execute in the best manner, every description of CARVING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, Ac., after any plan ; also, tho internal decoration of public Halls, Churches, Ac. Old Furniture of good auality will be repaired at short notice in the best man nor. THEO. MR0CZK0W8KI, a Marietta street, opposite Gas Works, lyianll ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND— BRASS FOUNDRY, ON III M l .11 HTKEUT, Bktwkk.x McDonovh and Sutler Streets, Near the City Hall. T HE Subscriber bogs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he ha* established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. He solicits a share of patronage, and will guarantee to give entiro satisfaction to all that may eutrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. • JAMES E. GULLATT. JWHehh* on hand and for sale two DRAY8. Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. 30. Rule to Perfect Service. Stillman Hoisington T fjBEL FOR DIVORCE Jm>. Houingtoa. J *" KuUon 8u P' Coort MaryE. B.iws! LIBEL FOR DIVORCE J in 8up.rior Curt. I T appearing to the Court, by the letorns of the Sheriff, that neither of the above defend ants reside in this county, and it further ap pearing, that neither of them resides in the •tale, it is, on motion, ordered that each of said defendants appear and answer, si the next term of this Court, or that said case be considered in default and that the Plaintiff in each case be allowed U> proceed. Thia 1st day of Ootober, 1880. Bjr the Court. J. M. A W. L. Calhoun, Attorneys pro Libelants. A true extract from tha minutes of Fulton Superior Court. Nov. Mth, 1868. DANIEL PITTMAN, Dep. Clerk. Not. 18. wlamfJm Quarto. Why the Word Slave is not Used In the United States Constitution. Mr. Millson, of Virginia, in the course of a speech in Congress on the 21st of January last, said: I have heard it said by members of the Re publican party that the framers of the Consti tution refused to use any terms that would indicate a recognition of the right of proper ty in man ; that they excluded the word Slave or Slavery, from the Constitution, because of their relutance to disclose the fact there was any such personal relation Acknowledged or established by the laws of any of our States. Sir, such an argument does great injustice to the framers of the Constitution. They were moved by no such sentimentalism. It is a re proach to them, to say that they were so in tensely hypocritical that they were not asham ed to do what they were ashamed to talk about. It is an aspersion upon them to sup pose that they were so intensely hypocritical as to consent to the continuance of the Slave trade for twenty years, with all its attendant horrors and atrocities, and yet, like timid maidens, to shrink from tho words “ Slave,” and “ Slavery,” as recognizing property i«a human being9. No, sir, they had strongor and better reasons for the adoption of the lan guage they put in the Constitution. They knew—and the gentleman from Ohio, (Mr. Corwin,) Las relieved me from much of the discussion by the able and lucid manner in which he has illustrated this subject to-day— they knew the word Slave, or Slavery, was a word of vague and indefinite signification, having a variety of meanings. Had they used tho word Slave, it would have led to infinite cavil and dispute as to the precise meaning intended. Some Abolition ists might have argued that it did not apply to Africans held to servitude under the laws of Virginia and Maryland ; that a negro sorvant escaping from his master, was not such a Slave as the Constitution required to be delivered up, because the master had not the power of life and death over him, as under the Roman law, which authorized the master to take tho life of his Slave. They might have argued, moreover, that the word Slavery, in the Con stitution, was one, and to be taken in one •ense alone, that is, that two different inter pretations could not be given to it; and, there fore, if the laws of domestic servitude in South Carolina differed from those in Virginia, the word Slavery might bo applied to one or the other of them, but it could not be applied to both, because you oould not give different in terpretations to the same word. The framers of the Constitution, then, sir, wisely substi tuted a description for a word. They said persons held to service or labor under the laws of any State.” It embraced every kind of servitude. It comprehends the servants of Virginia, of North Carolina, of South Caroli na, of Georgia, and of all tho States. It ex cluded all cavil and all doubt. But they were guilty of no such miserable hypocrisy as that sometimes attributed to them—that they wero uuwilling to introduce into the Constitution any phrase which might imply that there could bo property in mau. To insist that they are persons, as well as property, is to take the highest position on which the South can rest her claims. To say that they are property, and nothing but prop erty, is not true in any sense of the word.— It is not true in physics; it is not true in mor als ; it is not true in religion ; it is not true in politics. A slave is a mpn. He is a respon sible man ; responsible to our laws, responsi ble to God. He is a person ; a person held to service ; and it is because he is a person that the position of the South before this Congress and in the Constitution is impregnable. I nay it is beoause he is a person that gentlemon of the Republican party are forbidden to pass a law prohibiting his emigration into the Ter ritories. As mero property you might set up a plausible claim to exclude bitn. Ay, as mere property there would be a color of argu ment in favor of his exclusion ; but as a per son, a person held to service, a man holding a personal relation to another, a member of the household, a part of the family, you have no more right to exclude him from ttie privilego of going into the Territories with his master than you have to exclude a wife from going in to the Territories with her husband. The wife, too, by law, owes serviee and labor to the husband. The relation existing between husband and wife is the relation established by the laws of the Stales ; and the gentleman from Ohio cannot say that these are laws which are looal, and do not extend beyond the limits of the States where they were enacted ; beoause the same argument would force him to the conclusion that it is within the power of Congress to exclude from a Territory a wife bound to her husband under the laws of any State, and that a husband cannot carry a wife occupying that relation with him into the Territories, because the law under which that relation was established or rceognized does not extend beyond the territory of the Stale in which it was snaoted. And permit me, sir, to sty that, If they were property, and nothing but properly, they would not be represented in Congrees; for there ie no dteoriptlon of property represent ed ia Congress as property—neither lande, nor money, nor stocks, nor any other kind of prop erty. If they were property, and nothing but propertr, then we deprive ourselves or the right of representation of three-fifths of their whqle number, exoept upon the eondition that an equal representation be given to property of an equal tains ia tha ether States of the Union.