Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, March 01, 1861, Image 3

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«itg Guardian. >AY, MAUCH l, m^ Omr 4gnU». ,.m for th." (Ixla-Citj Guardian.” .1* lor money, on account of the p#- bindiuf oa ui : w Thomas, A. J. Carter, .bolt, i Smith H. Orifln, Joseph B. Wood. 1-44- UtltUrj. IU Crawford and Anderson, of tha ly, hard ostsbllshed their iwerelt- ,us id the Maaonlc Hall Baitdiag, Vsjn* baa opausd an office the eo^atlMDt of reeruila. Hardin's eoliatment readaeroaa ha D, Walker ia aleo la Delfon -e of receiriog applloatiena for Harvey Thompson's headquar- derfttand, fur the present, at Caf- Pcraoual. Browne, lafte Iditor of the Waah- -•titutiop," and the Assistant ftec- •a> .aj the Oojj federate State#, pass- this city this morning from Mont route to Washington City, and will, turn to the Capitol in a few days n the diaeharge of his dntiea. -tary of* War, Hon. fa P. Walker, upon hit datiei at hit office in the buildiogi Montgomery. -wne, Eflg., late Editor of tbeWash- nstitutioa,’* has been appointed As- tary of %tate. A. D. Capers, of South Carolina, and Randolph, of Montgomery, bare 'nted to positions in the Treaaury . Stevenson, who has been absent sine# October, has returned to his as hv file. shaw Woolen Company, rticular attention, in this issue, to -meat of “ Tnn Cnissaaw Wool- Richmond, Virginia. KVA'T 01T:Y GU ARDIiA'.Ni Georgia Railroad. sal John P. King, with hit “Iron lastly comes to the aid of the . authority of Captain John D. the Second Regiment, Georgia i that the noble President of the -ad awaits neither example nor extend bit strong arm, but al! possible facility by his reeruiting service of the Army, recruits are going forward to of the Second Regiment, at ~t every train, ut h*{f price. • are soulless bodies, the Georgia ily cd exception. range “ Reporter,” of the 28th thus of one of our townsmen : at our old friend, Maj. R. F. candidate for Oelonei. We hope He is clever, eonseienti nd, no doubt, will make an ef t and exemplary officer.” phis “Argus” statas that there «e thieves, burglars and mur- , who, like the thieves In a save, from whioh they issue iag excursions. Their leader, has just been sentenced to fif- e Penitentiary for horse steal- a full confession. from the “ Nineteenth Centu- an C. Hill died at his residence, y, on the 6th ultimo, of dropsy had baen a member of the for a sarias of years. His rae score and ten. Bond “ Dispatch,” of the 26th he proprietors of the Trede- in this city, have received or- of Georgia and Alabama, pieces of oannon immedi- ton “Courier,” of the 28th that over $100,000 _^rday for the establish- ' line of steamers between ivarpool. We hope, in a few announce the whole of the , and may this important en so auspiciously, he suc- :V nPatriot, published at Clin -d bearing date January -fterday’s mail. Whip up Sana.” States District Court, at ‘ecided that the stolen In* otiable, good bonds, in the holders. This disposes of Floyd's acceptances are verod by ftbe Court. About ■aru ia the St. Louis banks, so •» a route agent on the AU Railroad, was, on Saturday, g the mail. 11 be inaugurated in the d Lincoln immediately af- projecting from the east I. Chief Juatiee Taney oath ef office to Lincoln, that Hoa. 8. W. Pratt, of < if the prohibition of the ia to be tarried Into effect, th* Secession movement is #eok of BonhoasOo ooujrty, n expsrimsaftlngia that why, discovered a certain oora for proscription smbraeos appls a ID all quantity of taf, whjch with unfailing sna^asa. -worth (Kanaas) “Times* PROVISIONAL CiOVKHNMENT o, tea Confederate Statea of America. FEMIBSMT 1 jKrraaaoH davib. Or MiHiuippl. .Hill YICB.PfeKlSKST: A 1 AIilXANDBH 11. 8TKPHKN8, Of Georgis. . UooPCK, E»q-, of Alabama. MKUaSRS. Alabavut—R. W. Wftlkcr, R. H. Smith, J. L. If. Gur ry, W. ?. Chilton, 8. V. Wajft, CoUin J. McKee, John Gill. 8 barter, Dftulel K. Levis. Thomas Fsarii. jriuriila—)*iue« B. Ow»as,J. Patton Anderson, Jack- * 0 ^’!wro5rt^-B(»hert TooinW, Howell Cobb, P. B. Bar- u i v a wuk.i n it um a u M. Conrad, 1>. V. Kenner, G. S. Sparrow, Henry Mar- *i»U. Mi«*iMippi—W. P. Harrla, Walter Brooka, N. L. Wilson. A. M. Otaytou, W. 8. Barry, J. T. Harrison. South Carolina—R, B. ItheU, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, L. M. Keitt, James Chesnut, Jr., C. G. Memmlnger, W. Porcher Miles, Thomas J. Withers, W. W. Boyce. STAHDING (OMMITTBSS. Executive Department*- Stephens, Conrad, Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. Foreign Ajfaire—Rhett, Nlsbet, Perkins, Walker, sltb Military A fair*—Bartow, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan, Anderson. Xaral /flirt—Conrad, Chesnut, Smith, Wrlgl.ts, Owens. Finance—'Toombs, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. Commerce— Memiulnger, Crawford, DeDlouet, Mor ton, Curry. Judiciary—Clayton, Withers, Hale, Cobb, Harris. Postal—Chilton, Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Curry. Patent*—Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. Territorie*—Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nisbet, Pearn. Public Land*—Marshall, Harris, Pearn Indian Affaire— Morton, Hale,Sparrow, Lewis.Keitt. PrinUny-i'ohh, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Perkins. Accouuit—Owens, Crawford, Campbell, DtClouet Smith. fngroeetuent—Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McKae.Bsr- tow. An Aol to raise Money for the Support of tbe Government, and to Provide for the Defence of the Confederate States of America. Sec. 1. The Congreas of tbe Confederate States do enact, That the President of tbe Confederate States be and he is hereby authorised, at any time within twelve months after the passage of this Act, to borrow, on the credit of tbe Confederate States, a sum not exceeding fif teen millions of dollars, or ao much thereof ae in bis opinion the exigencies of the public ser vice may require, to be applied to the payment of appropriations made by law for the support of tbs Government and for the defences of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Treaaury is hereby authorized by the oonsent of the Pres* ident of the Confederate States to cause to be prepared certificates of stock or bonds, in such sums as are hereinafter mentioned, for tbe amount to be borrowed as aforesaid, to be signed by the Register of the Treasury, and sealed with the seal of the Treasury ; and tbe gaid certificates of stock or bonds shall bo made payable at Ibo expiration of ten years from tbeifirat day of September next; and the in teract thereon shall be paid semi annually, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum at the Treasury and such other plsoe as the Secreta ry of the Treasury may designate. And to the bonds which shall be issued, as aforesaid shall he attached coupons for the semi annu al interest) whioh shall accrue, which cou pons may be signed by officers to be appointed for the purpose by the Secretary of the Treas ury. Aid the faith of the Confederate States is hereby pledged for lbe due payment of the prinoipal and interest of the said stock and bonds. ■S'*. 8 At tbe expiration of five years, from the first day of September next, the Confede- rate Statee may pay up any portion of the bonds or stocks, upon giving three months previout public notice, at tbe seat of govern ment, of the particular stocks or bonds to be paid, and the lime and place of payment; and from and after tbe time so appointed, no fur thsr interest shall be paid on said stock or bonds. Sec. 4. Tbe certificates of stock and bonds shall be iasaed in such form and for such amounts as may be determined by tbe Secre tary of the Treasury, and may be assigned or delivered under such regulations as he may establish. But nos* of them shall be for a less sum than fifty dollars ; and he shall report to Congress at Us next session, a statement in detail of hie proceedings, and the rate at which the loans may have been made, and all ex penses extending the same. Sec. 5. From and after the first day of Au gust, 1861, there shall be levied, collected and paid, a duly of one eighth of one cent per pound, on all cotton in the raw state exported from the Confederate States, which duty is hereby specially pledged to the) due payment of interest and principal of the loan provided for in this Act, and the Seeretnry of tbe Trea sury is hereby authorised and required to es tablish a sinking fund to carry into effect the provisions of this section : Provided, however, That the interest ooupons, issued under the second seotion of this Act, when due, shall be receivable in tbe payment of the export duty on cotton. Provided, aleo, That when tbe debt and interest herein authorized to be con tracted shall be extinguished, or the sinking fund provided for that purpose shall be ade quate to that end, the said export duty shall cease and determine. Adopted, Feb. 27, 1861. An Act to raise the Provisional Forces for the Confederate States of America and for other purposes. Seo. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of Ataerioade enact, That to enable the Oonromoatpt the Confederal# Stele# to main tail it# jurisdiction over all questions of p#ace and war, and to provide for the publio defence, the President be and he it hereby authorized and directed to assume control of nil military operatises in every State having reference to or conneciion with questions between said States or any of them and powers foreign to them. Seo. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby authorised to receive from the several States tbe arms and rounitiom of war, whioh have been acquired from the Unit ed States, a»d which are now in the forts, ar senals nod navy yards in said Slates, and all other munitions whioh they may desire to turn over and make chargeable to this Government. See. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Pre ■ident be authorized to receive into the ser vice of this Government each forces now ia the service of said 8tatss as may be tendered, or who may volunteer by consent of their State in euth numbers as he may require fur any time, not Its* than twelve moaths ualees sooner discharged. Saw. 4. Be It further enacted, That auch ferete may be received with their officer* by Companies, Battalions, or Regiments, and whet* so received, shall form a part of the Provisional Army of th# ConfedjWffia ffiates, according to the term of ihetrHmffttment, pad i£e President shall appoint by and with and Boasemt of Conkress, tueh or offioers, for aiid forots, a# taxy b# neoesskry for the serviot. , JMi? A Government, shall have the aasaa pay awd al lowance* as may be provided by law for vol unteers entering the serviot, or for the Army of the Confederate States, and shall be eub- ject to th« same rules and government. An Act to define more accurately tbe Ex emption of certain Goode from Duty. The Congress of th# Confederate Statea of Amerioa do cnaot, That the exemption from dutiea allowed by the “ Aot to Exempt from duties certain commodities thereiu named and for other purposes, passed on the 18th day of February, 1861, shall eitsned only to such goods bonafide purchased on or before the 26th day of February inet, as shall have been actually laden on board of the exporting ves sel or conveyance destined for any port in this Confederacy on or before the 15th day of March in the present year. An Aei to authorize the Secretary of tbe Treasury to establish additional Ports anil places ef Entry and Delivery, and appoint officees therefor. Szo. 1. The Congress of tbe Confederates Statea of America do enact that the Secretary of Treasury be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to establish such ports of en try and delivery of goods and merchandize as in bis judgment may be necessary for the pro per collection of the oustoms and the enforce ment of the revenue laws of the Confederate Statea; andlthat he have power to change, al ter and abolish suoh ports and places of eutry and delivery at any time when the publio in terest may require it. Szo. 2. Beit further enacted, That the Se cretary of th* Treasury be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to appoint suitable persons as collectors of tbe customs at suoh ports and places of eotry and delivery, under such regulations and with such salaries as he rosy from time to time prescribe and estab lish. An Aot for the eatablishmeU and organiza tion of a General Staff for the Army of the Confederate States of America. 8ec. 1. The Congress of tLe Confederate Statea of Amerioa do enact, That from and after tbe passage of this aet the general ateff of the army of the Confederate States shall consist of an Adjustant and Inspector General’s Depart ment, Quarter Master General’s Department, Subsistenoe Department and Medical Depart ment. Szo. 2. Be it further enacted. That the Ad jutant and Inspector-General’s Department shall consist of one Adjutant and Inspector General with tbe rank of Colonel—four Assis tant Adjutants-General with the rank of Cap tain. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Quarter-Master General’s Department shall consist of one Quarter Master General, with the rank of Cononel—six Quarter-Masters with the rank of Major—and as many Assia- tant Quarter Masters as may from lime to time be required by the service, may be de tailed by the War Department from the subal terns of the line, who in addition to their pay iw the line shall receive twenty dollars per month while engaged in thit service. The Quarter-Masters herein provided for, shall also discharge the duties of Paymasters un der such regulations ae may be prescribed by the Secretary 6t War. Szo. 4. Be it further enacted. That the Commissary General’s Department shall con sist of one Commissary-General, with the rank of Colonel—four Commissaries with the rank ef Captain—and as many Assistant Commissaries as may from time to time be required by tbe service may be detailed by the War Department from the subalterns of the line, who in addition to their pay in the line shall receive twenty dollars per month while engaged in that service. The As sistant Quartermasters and Assistant Com missaries shall be subject to duties in both departments at the same time, but shall not receive the additional compensation but in one department. Skc. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Medical Department shall consist of one Sur geon-General with the rank of Colonel—four Surgeons with the rank of Major; and six Assistant Surgeons with the rank of Captain, and as many Assistant Surgeons as the ser vice may require may be employed by the Department of War, and receive the pay of Assistant Surgeons. Sec. 6. Be it farther enacted, That the offioers of the Adjutant-Generals, Quarter- Matter Generals, and Commissary-Generals Departments, though eligible to command ac cording to tbe rank they hold in tho Army of the Confederate Slates of America, shall not assnme command of troops unless put on duty under order# which specially so direct by au thority of the President. The officers of the Medical Department shall not exercise com mand except In their own department. Sic. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Staff Officer# herein provided for, shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of tbe Cougress, and shall receive such pay and allowances as shall be hereafter eatabliahed by law. ^^*The Memphis “ Enquirer" says a weal thy widow lady arrived in that city a few days age, from North Alabama, the object of whose mission was to order a large consignment of Cotton previously shipped to Memphis re- shipped to New Orleans for sale, on account of the action of Tenneesee in her recent election. ftp J. Kent Anderson, Eaq., was shot and killed by Addison Logan, in Christianburg, Virginia, on the 13th ultimo. The parties are both young men, about 19 years of age, and, up to the Gme of the difficulty, were warm personal friends. What is a Niwspafbr?— Judge Low of the Land Court, fit. Louis, has decided that a pa per published in tbe interest of a religious sect is not a newspaper, and that legal notices pub lished in such journals are null and void. Attention, Militia. We are authorized and requested to announce Maj. R. F. Maddox, of thin city, as a candidate for Colonel, to command the Regiment, Georgia Militia, at th# election to be held at the several precincts in this county, on the 7th day of March next. POST-OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS, 4c. BY GEORGIA RAILROAD. Dae, dally, at 11.46 P.M., and #.00 A.M. CIoms, dally, at H.00 A.M., aed COO P.M. BY WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAlLROAIk l)u«, dally,at. »«.....l.w P.M. ClojevdaU#* at.. v ■#•••—£ 9.00 A.M. « BY ATLANTA A WRBP-POI*T RAILROAD. Am, dally, at T.1IP.M. OloftM, dally, at. A • «> *.M. BT MACON A WEBTRRN RAILROAD. Dae, dally, at T.lft P.M. Olotea, dally, at lb## A.M. OPPICK HOURS. Until further notice, the OlBce will be kept open for the dalivery of mall matter, dally (Sundays excepted,) from T A.M. till 1 o’clock, P.M., and from half part 2 till | o’oioftk, PJL On Sunday* the OiRre will be open from 8 A.M. till 9)4 o'clock, A M., and from t* MU •* o’eleok, PJf. . T. a HOWARD, Postmaster. HYMENEAL, IVBY-T0HNEB.—Married, on Ul. 171b io- stant, at the residence of D. R. Turner, of Cobb county, by Rev. W. B. Garr, Michael J. Ivir, of Atlanta, to Ballii J. Turnsb. AUCTION SALE -OF- 30,000 YARDS Cloths, Cassimeres.&c., -OF— ■Virginia Mnnufhotur**, —IN— RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. T HE CRENSHAW WOOLEN COMPANY having entire confidence that the superi ority of thoir Goods will be appreciated, and wishing them to go into immediate use and consumption, will sell at Auction, in one of the New Stores under the Spotawood Hotel, on Wednesday, 13th day of March, 1861, all the Goods of their manufacture, which may then be on hand, consisting of about 30,000 yards of Single and Doubled-Milled Plain and Fancy Cloths, Oftssimeres, Doe Skins, Ac., Ac.,of about 100 different styles and patterns. Samples of moat of theae Gooda can be seen at our office any time previous to the day of sale; and we trust, as this enterprise seems to merit sucoess, that the sale will be attended by the trade of the far South, as well as in Virginia. Terms .* Under $100, cash ; from $ 100 to $500, 4 months; and on all sums over $500,6 months credit, for approved negotiable paper, with an allowance of one per cent, per month discount for cash. CRENSHAW A CO., Agte, Crenshaw Woolen Company, Richmond, Va. Will be added to the above sale, at the same time and place, a large lot of Domestic Cot tons, consisting of various qualities of Brown Sheeting, Shirting and Oznaburgs, manufac tured by our Factories in Petersburg. LYNCH A CALLENDER, Agts., rnl -3t Ettriok’s A Mattoax Companies. FOR SALE AT COST. T EN Shares of Stock in Atlanta Phoenix Loan A Building Association. Apply at this of fice. ml 3t SAM K1RKMAN. JOUR W. LUKE. KIRKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Jobe Kirkmatc, James Woods, W Greenfield, Nashville, Tenn. jan 9—3m NOTICE. T HE undersigned will continue the GROCE RY AND PROVISION business at the old stand of J. C. Hendrix A Co., on Alabama street, where he will be pleased to receive the calls of his old customers, and as many new ones as may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. feb 6 3t J. C. HENDRIX. Georgia—Milton County, Whereas, Giles F. Mayfield applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Kxecutorship of tbs Estate of Battle Mayfield, late of said County, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to rtiow cause, If any they have, wtgr said Letters should not be granted. O. P. SKELTON, Oct. 92, 1860—6m Ordinary SION B. ROBSON. ROBERT C. KOBBON S.B. ROBSON & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS —AND— Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA GEORGIA Sell Everything in their Line of Trade at The Lowtet Price* foi Ca»h. octlw Removal. M RS. A. ISAACS would respectfully inform her numerous lady customers and friends, that she has removed to, and is now occupying one of the spacious and elegantly fitted-up ten ement! in tne New Building on the corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets being tbe third door from the latter street. She is now opening in her New Store, one of the most Uxteuslve, Beat Assorted, and Superb Stocks of Fall and Wintei MILLINERY, comprising very rich Velvet, Satin and Fancy Bonnets, Head Dresses, Bertha Capes, Collars, Embroide ries, etc., of the latest Styles, in almost endlesa variety. She has also a fall line of 00R8ETS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, LACE VEILS, Ao., to all ef which she would most respectfully in vite the attention of her numerous customers. Her Opening Day will be on Monday, Oct. 8. oetl-dlm 'MIT 111 'PH 'uf S B. OATMAN, proprietor, and dealer in • Italian, America* and Egyptian Marble, Monumenta, Tomb#, Tablets, Head and Foot States, Urns, Vases, Marble and Enameled Slate Mantels, Statuary Figures, and Furnish ing Marble of all descriptions. Always on hand a fins assortment of Monu ments, both Plain and Carved, of #11 sises, and prices In suit. Call and see specimens, aft Ware Rooms and Yar4A$DML$r€Uorfia JlaitTUG4 Depot. PLANT* AND FliOWERW! 8PIKTJJ48 AND JURljlT I’RBJES! Just Imported from Franre. CHAPIN Sc CO., |?RINCH HORTICULTURISTS f and FLORISTS, from th# city of Paris, respectfully inform tbsj Ladies and Gentlemen of Atlanta, that they have recently arrived in this city with a splendid collection of Trees, Plants, flowers and Shrubbs, the whole offered for Cash at very moderate prices. Holland House, cor ner of Alabama street. feb23-it U 6. K. & J. L. HAMILTON, SUCCESSORS TO SMITH A EZZARO, DRUGGISTS, PHARMACE UTIHT*, AND DEALERS IN PURF. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, BURKING FLUID, CAMPHENK, KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, SURGICAL A DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, FINK FKKNCIi AND CATAWBA BRANDIES, WINES, Ac. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GUANO FOR BALE BT FRANCIS R. SHACKELFORD, Agent Pov Atlanta. Feb. 14.—5fc FRENCH CALF SKIN*. A LARGE LOT, just received direct from the Importers, and for sale by the dozen or single skin, at low prices, by DIMICK, WILSON A CO., octl Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. M ackerel- 100 Half-barrels No. 3 Mackerel; 50 Half-barrels No. 3 Mackerel ; 60 kits No. 3 Mackerel; 10 bbls No. 1 Mackerel; 10 Half-barrels No. 1 Mackerel; 20 kits No. 1 Mackerel; 1,000 lbs Cod Fish; 250 lbs Pollock ; 50 boxes of best Herring. All for sale, low, by junel4 CENTER A TREADWELL. State of Georgia, Fulton County. rr WO months afterdate application will be made to the 1 Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Real Estate of John G. Hoyt, late of said county, deceased. tl 0. RoDKS, I - . Feb. 22,1861. W. UELME, J■“ ecuto^ •• DIMICK, WJLSON & CO , . !■ (mm> w> Dno<K . m.) of end Wholenle and Re tail Dealer* 1. BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS I Also keep constantly on hand Oak and Hem lock Sole-Leather, French Calf Skins, Lining and Binding Skins, Shoe Pegs and Shoe Find ings—at the Sign of the Big Boot, L. M. DIMICK, I Cherokee Block, WM. WILRON, V Peach-Tree Street, A. MIX. | Atlanta, Georgia. octlB Greet Excitement at the Shoe and Leather Em porium ot D1 m 1 e k, Wilson At Co., ■ |.___ SHOES, iust received from the manufactory, and will be m ■* sold at prices unprecedented in this market. Ladies’ Patent Foxed Lace Heel Gaiters, at $1 25 a pair. Ladies' Sewed Morocco Lace Heel Boots, at $1 10 a pair. Men’s, Boys, Misses and Children’s Boots and Shoes, proportion ably cheap, and warranted. Gento' French Calf Water-Proof and Pump Boota—new styles—just received, and will be sold at prices lower than any House in this city will sell as good a Boot. 5,000 lbfe Hemlock Sole Leather, just receiv ed and lor cole at Charleston prices, or lower than ever before sold in this market 60 dozen French and American Calf Skins, of various brands, this day reoeived, and will be sold at a commission on New York prices. Lasts, Boots Trees, Pegs, Lining, Binding and Morocco Skins, Finding?, Ac., proportionately cheap. Those wanting Good Boots, Shoes, or Leather at low prices, will find it to their interest to give us a call before purehasing. DIMICK, WILSON A CO., dec22 Sign of the Big Boot Good Hem 3 fY/~WA LBS. best quality of j V7V/U lock Sole Leather; 3,000 lbs best quality Good Damage Sole Leather; 2,000 lbs best quality Good Oak Sole Leather—all just received and or sale, at low prices, at Wholesale or Re tail, by DIMICK, WILSON A CO., octl Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. A. ISAACS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Millinery and Fancy 0-0 O IDS, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Head Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blonds, Knctjea, jptrfnmrrji, <Sco., &sO. CONNELLY'S IRON FRONT BUILDING WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA QA. oct3-dly WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Moss and Bair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C., PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE AGENTS FOR— Wriglit’s Spring-Bed, Admitted 1o be the Best in use. mayl7 COMPETITION WITH CHARLESTON, —AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IN— CbiiM. Cjlass, S-ilvrt, i’latrd and grittania WARE AND CROCKERY; A LARGE lot of CUT and PRESSED GLASS; WHITE, GILT, mod DECORATED CR' NA, TEA, DINNER, and TOILET SETS, »t»nypric«; SILVER-PLATED TEA SETt CASTORS, CAKE-BASKETS, FRUIT-STANDS, CUP^ GOBLETS, SPOONS, FORKS, Ac. A». KEROSENE LAMPS, CANDLESTICKS, WAITERS, TABLE MATTO, CHINA VASES, A«. A lot of FINE TABLE CUTLERY. A Urge and oompletc stock of WHITE GRANITE & COMMON CROCKERY. to which we invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We import our goods from Europe and buy of the best American Manufacturer*, and will sell for tho smallest possible profits for CASH. COLE & WYLIE, sugll Whitehall Street, nearlj Opposite Bosch A Root's, A Hints, Gsorgis. FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HANKFUL for the past patronage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping a continuance of the same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now in LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED • TOOK FURNITURE, srsr before offered is Atlsnts, sad All'of • SOUTHERN MAKE, and am in almost daily receipt of New and Varied Styles of all kinds of Furniture from th well known Factory of r jroMiir mMm «-j of whioh F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the Novelty Works, Columbus, Qecrma, is Fennan, vU h i# a sufficient guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY u feed at: the m it substantial quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD Prioss from 11 to 35 per cent, lowsr the. as J other Fussitus* Stoss 1. Georgia. MATTRAS8I8, LOUNGES, LOOKOTG OLASSm, WINDOW SHADES, 0019x61 CHAIRS, AO, AC. alwys on bend. Pictusb Flash made end Fisaitoaa rgpst'rsd with neatness sad despatch. ' a«OiV1»« AIX sizes on hand. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, OBORGIA. Nor. I. dtf. *■ *fWO’HjRI'&RAt.