Newspaper Page Text
BY r W. 11. HUNT.
Marietta AVcckii JUlvavatc.
The Weekly
t, issued every Friday morning, at the follow
ing rates :
Six month* - •- •“••• ?t 00.
Twelve months - -- -- --'4 00.
TSates* of Advert i.-iiitjf :
Ten line* or !■'.** con-t tnte* a Square,
richer i.i the Semi-Weekly or Weekly.“O
One insertion Il ('*>
F.ieh nd litional insertion ;'I
One week or three insertions 2 vo
I-to > additional square l<o
Two weeks . 300
Eac.h additional square 2 00
One month •'
Each additional square “ <'■’
Two montli* 1 1,1
Il i. ha i 1:.: >nal ; ’.are » I"'
Three mon'’ • 1 t’O
l' ■■ . a.i . q-.i.ire ’
Rix months 12 of
Each additional square B O 0
Twelvemonths. 1' Os
Each u Iditional square 8 00
One square one year 120 00
Each additional square 10 tn)
X* Advertisements exeee ling the space con
rseted for, will be charged for the excess.
W Advertisements in both, the berai-Weekly
tad Weekly, will be charged the full th'ini-W eekly
rates, with only half price far the Weekly.
<«“ Transient advertisements must be pail for
ia advance.
£rqal Jdvrrt i*
Cobb Mierifi S.b .
1 ■■ *o!.i before the Court iloti-e d nor ■ n
V r the tirst Tiie-iiay m July next during the
I-gal hour* vi s ile the io I-wing pr -periy t- wit
t/e House and Lot ii ihe iowi of ca.rth,
Cobb county G.v>r.->.t. sail Lot b eg origmall.!
part of Lot No in the 2> li I'i-trict of tie- 2nd
Section being one l.undr.-d t-.-et in front and w 1
hundred leet back. I ou-id-. 4 o the hio-t by street
running Norm and S-.iu.h ami V? est In I it ow ned
bv • tni’.h Lemon t* with by iit owned by s-ic.t i
l.euiou vti i North by lot owned l>y Vi in. Hund*.
Lev ed for co*t nionev. JAS F. MeCLESKI . Sh'ti
May 2*. 161. * I
Adm inis-rat r'» Sale.
■y;-«r-iLL be -old. by virtue of an order from
Vs the ?’ iurt es Ordinary of C->bb county, on
the. nrst Tuesday iu Au.u.-t next. before the Court
Honsr d> >1 i the city of .Marietta. Cobb county, ,
between the 1 gal hours of tt'e. on* lot in the city
vs .Uart'.ra. on which is a brick house, near the
W. A A. Rm r -ad, and opposite Glover s shoe st re .
tt present sci-upi <1 by Jfr*. Cler. Also, one lot in ;
the city of O.iriatta. on whi h is a small framed |
dwelling h -use near the W. A A. Rai road and I
adjoining s nth the above lot. sold as the property
of Charles Cier. • eeeased, for the benefit ot he
heirs and creditors of . aid doce ised. I erm- m ide ■
known on the diy or sale. ELIZ > BETH CLER.
June 17, I'6 . tds Adm x
A drainls ratoi J?ale.
"S'S’TLt. I e *■■ d. by vi.'iie efan order fr .in tie ■
yf < uit of Or Ittmrs, in th first Tee.- <a > in
August next. > efo-'e the t -ort It iisi d r i; ti <’
city of Ifar et’a. <’'l ■i • unt.. 0a . b rwe ti r! t -
gai Lours ■’ .- !- 1 -is oi i,d No*. -r . 7*. ;■ i,
tve east : ass >-f • ... 7 . it; the 1■ th district : nd
2d seen : ■■•■ i.: .. .-•■.la* the ; report.
•li-ka Stewaid. d- eased, for tue betiefit .f the
1 eirs and ere it r- said d-eTsed. let as made |
kt own • n day . f sale JOH N •tA 2b .
June 17. 1861 tds. with ’he will
State of Georgia. C t>b Count.
A LI, persons concerned ire lit reby notified that
ill A. W. Hnlc'imbe of the mis (list: ict, G. .M.
t ui- before J. A. f illeson, one of the Ju* i<- s <.i .
tn- P'aee f ir-aid district, a* a 1 : c* : ray, a brown |
mare, no m irks or brand* except a slight -of ar I
mark on the i-houbler and a wind putt on the in- •
rile of Hie r gilt h mid .1 bn-it ! n y-’.tr- ol I.— ,
Appraised by John F. p Try <i'id W via.u rl.rk. in I i
fr-.-" hnltfi r* of said comity', to lie worth one hun
dred dollar*. Th owner of said estr-y is equir- |
cd to t ome forward pay ch -iges and take said
mare away or she will be dealt with as the law ■
A true extract from the F.-trnv B ok.
Mty 31, I'7l. W. W. CAitRELL, C. I. C. |
—Two month* after date, application I
wifi b'* land .• io the Court of Ordin i y of Cobb ■
county, tor leave to sell the land belonging t<> the ;
estate of John Pharr, deceased, for the benefit of '
t> e heir* aid creditors of said deceased. This ■
May 30, I'Sui. 2m A. N. Dt’PIlE, Admr.
7ATOTICE. Ai! r< rsone indebted to the estate !
k w of J une* B rd," fate of Cobb countv, d< ceased, |
ere required to make immediate payment to the |
mder-igtied, a'd all persons having demands]
against *ai<] e tab-, are requested to present them
pr pi-riy attested, within the time preserib< d by I
law. I’iris .'loti' ’-I tv. |s»,l. il'.v.
’ P. !> .-C iIBNER, Admr. ■
iTICE.—AII per*ons in-1.-iit d '•■ th- esmte ■
T.N f Allen T. M-arham, lute of Cobb county,
dec a*"d. are r -q.iin d to make immediate pay
nv-nt ■ 1 the 11 rlei signed, and ail persons having
demand* ag iiimt -aid estate, ar* req<i«-t-d to pre- i
Bent limtn prop - ly at>i--t< d, within the time pre- .
s> ribed by law. ihi- May > l-01.
t,w JEHU O. HAYS, Admr. '
PTICE.—Two montln after date, application
will In- inn !.- to the Court of <)rdin try of Cobb
cority, for l-av to -oil the land- belonging to
the i.siat's of Alien I . M a< h:im, deceased, lor the
benefit of th- heirs and creditor* of said deceased. I
Tni.« May 3<i, 1861. 2m. JEHU O. H.vYS, Admr.
ff < EORGIA, < <;BB COUNTY' —Whereas, Eliza
xliJS'Montgoniery applies to me in writing as the
widow of the d’cea.-ed for letter* of administra
tion tin the estate of R ibert M. Montgomery, late
of said county, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, io tile their objections, if any they have,
in my office, on or before the first. Monday in July
next, otherwise letters of administration will be
granted the applicant at that term of the Court of
•)rd nary for -nd coun’y. Given under my hand,
at Marietta, thi* 3'dh May, l-t;l.
■^■QTICE.— AH persons ind*btr-d to the estate
kw nf John Pharr, .i..- ot 1 "bb counly, deceased,
are reipnri-d t > mak- immediate payment to the
nn.lersig’ii-d. and all er.- i,* bavin* claim 1 against
said . are request' d to pri-senl them, prop
erly ar’e-ted. w. liei the tunc pr •e'-ribcd by law.
This Mty 30. 1 il. 6w A. N. IbiPRE, Admr.
GEO RGI A* Cll ERk )K E |<] Coun
tv.— Wh ra , Alfred bow, as the brother of
-tohn Low, deceased, applies to me tor letters of
ndrni uistr ,ii i up n toe es'ate o the said Joon
Low, ate of said counry dece-sed.
Ttii-se are thiiref re to rite find admonish all and
ringu ar t ■*•. kindred and cred t- r of said deceased
te hie their objections, if any they have, within the
time pies'ribed by iaw, why sa d letters should
not be granted the applicant, this 4t.n April, 1861.
April il. JAMES JORDAN, Od y.
Tw O AJ ON TI IS applm” ion
will be niaale to the ourt. of Ordinary of Cobb
countv for leave to sell the real estate belonging to
the enta’eof Charles Cler, late o said county do
eeased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
Baid deceased.
April I, ELIZABETH CLER, Adrn’x.
GEOKCiI 1. fORSYTH County—Where
as Julia .E. IlvY•>, Admit.i-tra’rix of ’t il
liarn 'ioyd, prere’its to ’lm Court in her petition
duly filed and enl-r'id on ree'-rd th t she h»s ful
ly administered William Boyd's i tale This i‘
theiefore tocite all persons concern! d. - iiirlr-d and
erediters. to show ■ ause if noy t ey can, why said
administratrix should rii’it. be di.-cha ged from her
administration on the first .vlocdny io .M iy next.
nov 30 H. BARKER, Od’y.
Georgia, Paulding County.
ALL persons having demands against the estate
.of A. G. Brintle late of said county deceased,
are hereby requested to present them to the un,
dersigned properly attested within the time pre-
Beribed by Jaw, aul all those indebted to said es
tate are hereby requested to make immediate pay
ment, this, May 27, 1861. O. E. BRIN I LE, Adm’r
w»ay 31, If* 1. M. J BIiIKTLE, Achn’r,
.«A.X K.-Jr TWSW 7 > .. ■ ■' . ■* - . ■u.—■ ■ T yti- . -1 — . .-- - —l —. —- U II wwbwsi I<■ 181 sa<«w*iw-. h.» in I
®he JwWa liitootute.
! LlVrlin STUJLE \OiiL.
ALL persons hiring Horses. Buggies or >ri
■ ages tr-'in the Livery Stable ot ihe sill*i rd'cr
a:e notified that ihe CASH must bo pai a ihe
time of I iriug Asli av> to pa> Ca li lot . d tor
' mv stock, 1 cannot credit opt from my tnbl
■ • 1. n.;E
JJAVE opened ia the Post Ofii.-c Rai.'in.,-, a
in whi wi. ! be found every artkl ■in ‘l-e t cviy
line, liquors ♦xci p’c ’t. l esides a great variety ot
other articles. Ti.ev -ill sell! r
Job’ ««'•* I’rttftla. 'Cia
If y u want good
M .lass's-. Cyrup, T >1 aeco, Yarn, or -uivtlii.ig in
' that. line, give us a call, an i wo wa rani s*.ti ac
tion. e will also keep
Foolscap and Letter Paper.
T. ns. ik. iii d Itl < r Irt i. les < f Stati ro-rv.
o r a l hi -d* taken in i a t ron i .. ra! t r ■ •
j ily I. I* • ly
II Eun ?r-i :• .r.k n’ f-»r < -
x. ?ti«i iu niula-uirirg an t rv| • •' g
A n n
And No.
I von .A. xlo df*.-
r’ of the Best Style at d Fmi. li
.\i. .I nll 'V a r rail 1 il.
It r u «!-»».e in •«!'. th - * brnn b ?? ’.e n’o
t ire. . nut >fut ('i p 1< <> ’ : -
lehrf j w il piv !ue ! rw -r i .»’• < s. pi.-
Muretta. 'an. I. HUMPIIRIIY REID.
Marietta. Georgia,
I ' I
. J.JAVE their fa'l stisply of Staple and r a' cy
t> 7) tz :/> ./> n a ;
! A) it I V J U
L\I>IES <f- < r. >'
SU P E RI O R Sil •» E •
j <ber w»t*a a a* * r*ni * • ‘ -. «■ •
] which thev ->t'c ojj-: in i '-n tl“t J nyo <ti 'J••
j Call nijtl beconvinceH. [■'• r 2 ’
; Marietta, Georgia.
Fren di Burr 'tone Hi e'- put up in
i 4 MiiEi'.resh’s bull-ling nearth rail -.•. I. runs
Every Wednesday and Saturday,
j nd makes the finest <pi t ity ofM’.u and Gri.-r.
Corn Ground for Toll.
mnr2l J '.RMON >■ CO
7) nzy?/ o .(77 n<’7) /
Ju U J K -91 .a BAI X a
E subscribers re pcctfuily ir.f »rrn L.c public
that they have comim'nced, in the cily < i At
i lanta,
A X w BoX BBH ry.
Blank-D<a>k«, J >urr al Day
t'-r.j. ilot.- ’i and "tabic .* ' i r ’• • 1 t ’ 1 ■‘T"
Books. with t wifi.out pi : t 7 t’ ’*l
Ruh dto any p:»tt*■» »> d- sir In- ■■ '■ * !•"
neatest and tn »>t irnpr vo 'ma rv. ■.? : .
Magazine.-. Vjhs'b, N ws. ap- *■ A . • at.
at ho t notice.
X3&.W froio nny part «>f th- ? tat- v;
‘ meet, vxitb prompt att-ntion. and B-»oks r-- ji’.«ct
t to be sent l>v mail. hand, wag nor rai r a ' <a «
i fully enveloped so as to avoid the p .ssibifity • f
injury by transportation.
I Jan C, ’«l>. J. p. M ASON
At the stand of J. H. M’Clintock,
Has now on hand a large
and well selected assortment of
to which lie invites the attenti n of the citizenF of
C Marietta imd trie couritiy The O.\ E I’RJCE
■ S VSTE M <v ' !l ,H) “(ric'ly :< iberi d to.
Hi ■ term* will I - CASH or equieident, that
i at <’i, h Prf<*H, ••r short time to prompt paying
I custorneas.
I Eillti Duo on Presentation.
His deforrnina, ion is to sell good articles at low
prices and will expect prompt payments.
A SUPPLY of Pen Meal—the hent, food in
market kept cuiihtantly on hand, at, §l per
bu.'lie). april 4 9
S’ ru II LiAE
From Marietta to Cumming-.
rp HI *lll .-criber ha* in the nlmve line a splcn li I
I F-nir ll.ns' Couch, wit'i < xi-elletit .*■■ <-k mil
ca -eful -Irivers.liy wliieh pas-el’gers lire put through
in s.-ori. r rim «in<i with f»r greater convenience
than foriu-rlk. I v ry at*. nti>>n will be pai-1 t
ther coHiiort an<l , exer ions spared to maxu this
I i-e |ii:« 1 t > u»>y Soiit h
'l’hi' i <v couoe I* w th be V. r . A A. P lilrond at
M iri Ui. on M«»n lays. vdu»* ’day s and I-cd :vs
f-r and return 'i'i.esd.'ys Tuur-du.vs
and Hninr connecting same days with
the il lek t > ui •. from ionv’xn.
WIbLl I M • - M EE IN,
M .null’, t m-. vs .-..1 i> ■ i-JS • i;il l-i <1 0 r
HIDK'iW ilv ID' ! iiiiPl
Looking- Glasses, Fl..:tos &e.
I’, a, U T. i .- IF <•;
E. JI. .aEEEN,
’ P '•ft Il T H r, ? !? f P-7
i L . iHfti - A-t® Li ill’ll i>S i t
'ltiicGa. Gcor;; In.
<"1 \itFl i. t . t’.. ei:iz- n* of ' nri-t'a arm vi-
| ci .„.y I , r.l pitromig: during Hie past
1 ■ .ea.s i- p . P-.1-.1 to rs .rn all opera-
cneili ti'.uii th.v. ■ ■ h.ivc i- '.I/ to/
■ :-•* l.e i- u-i’ig .1 pr. t'er ri m t -r lining 'he
• -.1 • , -1 .-tn I-,.■ m I'ti-.u 1..>« bud y d wayd,
ii noi .ii rw d-as ■ • -and r-n-r" .-g them
-vie f.r ? .,n Ir is glout the sum- < .dor ns
■ r - •. ... ■■■ ..<—
• • ■ ... .-I P - t
... Blue
. ■' -.■• ,-. !( •■ - x a- .
~ ■ .I.- \ F. >
‘ \ . v.
The Ju*'lee* film i i ir < 'our met for speci
al pu' puse- June I .ill. I*6l.
If.v .-lie lu-’TC-' tn the expr- -s"d resoluti-ms of 'll'
At people of the'"itirily. It'.' ' oui'i met thi* d iy
1 ,r -lie purpose of a- e-»!'ig and ordering to he
<■ -oeeted .1 e--i'i.»in tax OU each i-idividiinl fax
pur- r oi sii i ■nii’ity tor tin' purpose of raising
i 'l. i - 1-ir lit id riuing and < quipping of \ -lun
... . j; .a, ref'ir.-or lere Iby the court that
. -jg , i 1 I . e ;; be .1 vied the t.ix.ibb- pl'opei-
t, of i ci*-zcii* .'t ihi* eoiimy nod il e- iurther
Oi'iler -i - h I', e e lit til of Uliionllt In- i ntliedi-
<! -■*.• I and r.lii-.oord or so soon as prac?a- i
bl-- bv Gi ■ < i.x collector ol Illi.* c iiimy and by hi u
iii'.i ov-.r i ii.e pi '; ii coniniHiee. or to A,
\y. Hole i:-;bc t ii* riiiaii .f ■ ’id coomidte. I >r the
p- r - ■*•..■■ . :>.r-, s.i id. and it is iiiidlier ordered that
the T x .r be um! he is'by authorised
it;,.: *1 proceed to I*- lion ot the
-i , ■ I ••.: "i'.eii ! .i ■ -12 pee f‘ re*iit. mi
■; * i' v • - i.|..p..i-i-l, s-i-.i-'i a* t!i"
e . e--. i . • b pr*. .m I an I ib i.v.-r.- 1
,ii -i ■ :■ ' r u i‘. ■ *«•*•!’. and
..W.*- • I
i.,1 p ~-1 Un ■ -. •• I’.V I- il ■■ ’ ■■■ tl.' ' U '.u ■
ax vie-i on In moei ‘r ■ * <•> i ■ ' k>' <!■- m '■•
with sin i ano-'i a* B-ev have y : : i. • i*r- ■
th >• ■■ r-1 ri d -i.e < i-'i.: . 1 ■ .it <> j
U-IU v. i . .Ut ..'l..ere- *ry di .y pul '..a • ' I !' V- |
a i,,j'H i:i wi.i 'h he *m<ii •-n - r t e r ■■ ■el ..ii j
■citizens 1.1 ■he e* : i y i i'.-l ? to '. xat u : wq
li. - am*>'.r•: of :■ *.-e-ici >- - > *. ..a - re * *• .-‘i ..*: e ’. ■
Up .. urns 101 il lIX I '.'l'. r : i I.e j * r
1 .q J.... 4.. . ,'<■•>• tin- S O : il* x *. : ' ■ •' * i'
to lie ils "1 bv ii in i'l ia- eoi *.'ii . I •:« ,
1,1 -it ami o'- ' "* , e '
, record ind r-i ire ice iir ail fatur ■ ,;i :e ■< id it
~ ~.■ .. or-! r-i di t ii '-e pi:> ■ pub-
lish d . M ri tut pap
S . M’n. I. '■ 'A Ri. ■ < I .J. I. C-
T :i. ’ 1 ’■ ‘I ■ 1 ■ -I- i C•
... :i. i> MMi’. .i. t. <•-
I.J. li. • ‘> 1 . .1.
. . -i<- in hi ,he niiiiiit. ufsiil 1 f rior
. . ' W. v. . • AHRI.i.L, Clerk 1. C.
, f i(. n. y. G. 7 Li EG’,
r-oF3M ph rssciAN.
Xai'ietta, Georgia.
Ck!' Ell.- his servi.-es to the citizens of Mari
p . siiri'oii.iuisg c-untiy.
oiliee ?,'.'i't ii .-'-i .• "t I lie sq-i'ir * i.v r Page J: Jia- ■
leys tore. Feb 8, ts.
<; !>'i; t'u’.l'
ator’ss.uj:. !
e t.o s-.. I -- ill* hr. *- Tii-Riv in ,T i'v !
Vv r-ext.lwf.-r tin- (’• thi 11.... S .!*.-r in Mar-- i
tin, between h- 1 gal h ill* <-f .a'l:. f-v v.r-u- ot I
an order from tin.C.-ni .f ( *.*i
~. .v, ope N. gr.. - m.-ii. ''aired 1 ro-i *. a-' u .
30 y .irs o* ■ -"id In. tin t"‘t *f- • i<' : ' ”
ur.d ere.lit. r- ol ti-e in ' o J em-i h -• oi'i.
i'* r-* sma ’c ki’O’An r »'* d»y of ile
April 37, JMi I .-Id- AN > a H RiOK-K. dm x
n. OAT X.
Tombs Head Stones, Mantels,
Yn. SS S .A. 3XT 3D
* v- , [. on f»' Ct me'ery t,ic!r
xin-' S. -r~aa
: o i ,’i of the G ocgia Railroad Pepo l- .
I tS < ' < » *'*¥?,’ •
•j _ ,
' r.'.SH!(3A Bi.i'j AiiiJJXEK,
* o»» j’- ijc.H Kront Morr,
j Wlii»e Ibt l near Alabama Street
A EA RG !l assortment of Bonnets, Head
J < bre-ses. Bertha Capes, Embroideries, Dr. ss
i i iminings and Fancy Goo is constantly on hand.
I . made to order nt sliort noilee.
Oct 5, ly.
1-3. Tsljrs<d<.
'A; A S H ING T O N H A L L,
(1 TRt'UMST ANDES h.iviinr pr:v<-nh-i! my re-
J moving West as confempbth-.d-—I fi »• my
simcG.oo to the public as a Pin.-dciaii fbrthc cusu-
O.'ifco jn Connell’s Building, up stairs,
I where I ean be found at all times.
AS i#KEM a. 11AfrStELL,
Attorney Coliuscll Solicitor,
NI :t ri<-4 4< •* .
B J)R ve il' E.* in the f u,'i ri r C.uirts ol Ihe 10l-
E i*»\v i g iou ties :
I’olili, l-nrsylh, Flovd. Cut. ■ -'.i. Cherokee, Paul
ding, Whitfield mid .'.li toii
.Also in the supreme Cot rt of ti e St'it” of
Georgia at Atlanta axil in the l- : i uurt of
the CoiiTi d rule Mates ini' the i; eirkt oi Qci.i .i i.
mu v I. I-r 1.
Attorney end Counsellor at Law,
.Ila. .4 4Sa, 4 .».«>!;
I- 1 , brii iry 22. 1*62.
Marietta, G e orgia.
N. ii. v?!
Attorney & Conns3ll or at Faw
M ;erf ♦■SG'i, Vobh 4 Genrg'zn,
'’V-'II.L prn.-rce. an 1 g-v. pr- mpt aftcidi-.n t*
V$ all bit.-iness I ..I.tid- -1 I-I Ins p. .-!• s-ion-i
eaie, in the Di.-tri'-t Court at Marietta; Tue u
pr une tXu«rt of Gcor/i • nt AHanH: The
or»iHi Li ci i-»r Courts of the blue Ki lye ( i;< uit,
and the counties adj in in ! C )U., <d oth-r Circuits.
Spec ai attention . ivru t • tn.-coll- li n of debts
and ihe t-cuurin-.f of all manner of clai ms.
l‘ ( «m pt and ufiieioiit attention *\itt be given tn
all innituei- of business i i rle • uris <•!’ Ordinuiy
i i the c»u»ry <<bban i : i.j- i ing couiHies.
'f; 5 *’ ILL :-r:iet <•<• i i F ;!' n. F mlding in: 1 al! tl e
e unties of tin- I- u - Pi-leu 1 i-. nil. in I io
*:i ; i i.i-- C .;u t, and 1.1 inc jtisi :i t Ivuu .1 Mari
\’.-|' F'll I !.;?<, J i. :'UI: !<!!.'. LT! 11.
* * c <*., * * I - ■- Z I * * y
? f. triel t:i, C.r eo: gin.
A* <n-h I J. tb>.
ntvin ikwin, butler.
,AIIQ rce ys, g. t T<a
■Haii'tta, Georgia.
r 9 t'SJ NES> cons led to tie ir profe*si mil ma .-
J> age i-ent in the fiil-iwing < ouo i*s will I.e
t.u 11f 1v t■ a".* ic’cd. viz: <'.-imi-'-ell. l-cuhling, Pol .
<obb. Cliernl.-ee. F-ir-yth. T.innpkin. Fulton and
Mi'ron. Also in the [)i*tii t Court nt Marietta,
ami the Fprsme Court a.i Atimta. >n:i. 1.
/%. t t
If:■ i 11 i. , f o it" Lt-
’Y’lk f. - 1". F ■ t I’.C I Ti 1 r Ii I II!’.
Y V in .he '-up: 1 ■ err "t tile rt t■: :* * o
r'.-- II; tri. : C aat M .ri- i*i. ( N >v 2 ' )
!, * .. . k • - ■ - h I. *t* I-,
t t tit'-y T zr?.
n i.
Wi 1 >tl to a l cn ru?t» d t-» his
/?’ rener. D- nm- ■I .t '’’H- bt. a. T. Han-ell,
Pwi* <V i e rcr. *’a Hlta. >< '• gu». Hon. iSul. lo
hen at d > y.’Je.s Lwy, .-'av..’-><»:«; , ' a.
N<’V- 2-’. ts.
Z-J .-I.V T A
C/ J i.»* J A *> V-H -Li £ f
M arietta, eorgia.
1> T ! L g'v- hi* enti e afte'itio'l to tl-: eoi ec-
¥ t on ol all cl i'ius etitru-ted to his care.
March S>, 6i»
ATTO UM Ii Y 7- T LA W ,
M a ra et f a, €!<•«»»•’? 1 ?! •
lite 11 1 i.i ; in ti e c: u, ti- s oi < bl-,
cirni-due. 'till .'I ; Pau'di.ig
' I i A I d S col ;t Ord :iS ,<oon :i - .’. ’’li »1 he (1 T, y
.Jan 20, I'
I jnnrryncr*!*?!?*-" " —wm
r’’;:.’i'l H er. T *lll I’ d v ''-l iu- - s', n, ■' ><
-HU. 1-1 'Mil ilA'd M I f .t tl IttIVES.
N .ii e.
»TTI IE heir* of Abner ' m a ••an. ' it,» of Hi cr-
E lam <.oiinty. deei el. ,ti ■ i .*iiie I lat tl.e.-
tate ol' s ud deceased bn.- ii- ■ n r ■ ht-- ■-! to c i. tl I
is now re-ily t-ir distrimiti u-, and ■ Imy m e I-., r e v
no’ifi- d to apply ' ■ me -t ' -. • her keeeimnty,
••eorgia. bv u.e 2'>.h day oi lie.i-.m .ci- i.e.xfc or
their slmres of sod esta.e. or uUei trial lime; i
shal' ] ro.'ced to rest tile same, fir ti.eir li neiii no
cording to law.
T. <i. UNDEItWCitp, A-lmr.
•Tune 7, 1861.
''b’ r n'TH.'U’, -vo '>■ inf-s a t r .late, appii
calmn will i-e ma le to the Court o (>r-..iii i,-
i, of Hi.bii ouoty f.r lea eto s-dl t ■ r eg-oos I e
longing o limes ;<te. of .iai'lhi M a loi.-.v, ilueiime.i,
for -rm benefit of the ' cir.* ami er 'ill r of 'e
eeise-1. EDWAltlt MA 1 I'..*, .Virn'r.
Ap-il V) ISA I
fieorgia fituHliiig County.
V. TII [?!>!.- \*; ( imi-le* liolmrt* ill iiprdie to me
V t’ fir iell-. r* ol go ir-i-.u; i i over 111- persoii.s
I nr- pi-riy of Vmrm-ii V., .'d im L and Murtli.i
i'_ i' ui i-, iu i ll’ oi p '•• 1 ■ ■*' a . li * oisius, dec d.
Tii *<■ ..• i!i.-i .--oi.i 'it ,n.l admonish ail
imi-sol,* eoa'-..,ii. ;l li • ll.' .ippear al nil office
on Ha- fi. i M..mla>• i■ .1 .'y ■xf io show cause if
:i'-.y they ' live, why sui : h-lter* should not. be
gri'nteil to s-i i applicant, (liven under my liaud
.it, office thi* Mn 27, i*''.l
may 31, ’HI. MILES FinWARPS. Ord'y.
Georgia, Pickens County’.
r»l<> all whom it may concern, J imo* E. Burch
.£i having in proper form applied to me lor perm
anent letters of ailministr i im on th ■ estate of
Dyer Burch, late of *aid county deceased.
These are therefore to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Dyer Burch to Im and
appear at my office within the lime ndowed In
law. to show cause if a y they can, why perma
nent. administration shou’d no. Im gran-.ed to J ,*.
E Burch, on Dier Burch's estate. Witness my
mind mid official signature.
.May 2-t, Is'il. P F. FERGUSON, Ord’y.
not: c ii.
months aft- r date app'icatiou will tie
H made to tin- Itomirali * (’.iurt ot Ordinary ot
Paulding con oy for leave In sell that pot'iio i ol
the re I estate, which lies in said comity, of Reu
ben T. Font, late of Macon I ooldv Al.i. decciis'-d.
• nay 27, ’6l. J AMES U. N. FOO i'E, Adin’r.
HFSWO months after (Lit., nppli-'ation will lie
If made to Hie. Court, of (ir-li iarv of Pau ding
c.‘iinly for leave to s. II the leal lie of John L.
Davis, late Os .*ai.l c.-mntv dmrnase I.
May 27. 2861.
FINE Brandy and Wines tor Medicinal purpos
ca for sale by
innnw ipi?
Illiho II A li lj .
West siJeof tha Fiiblic Square.
5? tUSi.TT.i. G« O«*C»1A,
IXL :»Henii'»n is invited t» the very e<
» - :■»> J n r-i s> iert-<i slock of Ii ;n <lWare
mi. Hou.-.’ I'ar ;i-l ;•> r Goods " Lieb I haw > u v in
Store; g io pint of iron. Na:!.*, Put>.
Lafuiivs. Lu.;-k.s, Hinge.-. C •rpcnlet s i'oo:.s, Axc.B,
H••:fui-et *•, (Len.-, Pailur, Ki’v-uvu, box ;<u i Wood
i-very v »ri *tv of Bl »cksmith’s T -»oI*. Anvil*.
Vices, Bellows?, Cros.3 Cut, Tenon, ’till a».d V, oud
T Jd” Cnf’ r•, S’h’cr * I W.J’O. C->rn Sbel
lers, ScytiKd, i' -ri.s, >.*■ pa<.cs, Paints, UiLs. Glus*,
IfV'ld 'To* P llf l C 'T•*,o2'»f'£n’’3
All of which be offer' t > sell at Atlanta Prices,
He a’so manufaetures every variety of
Copper, Iron, Tin and Sheet Iron
XV -A_ T-i 1-: _ ;
J ib wml; of all kind* doeu on short notice.— ;
Call and examine mv st-., k.
W AV A U.S WORTH |, ly. |
rjAHE sui-serilmr ofleis the i>ul lie, on Cherokee;
j. Street, a lull stool . i
pi vp GPnnrPTFS
I fji Lj \J ikA J JJJ it 1 Jk?
L n! r.J ling < very nni..! • usua ly kept in that line
sueli H 3
SL*, rr nr rucX C offco ß
O L A. S 9 E S AND S ¥ HUF-'
GL e vzl r- gT o b a.c CQ< ,
kJ AM '
nnqnnn:? npMpn 11 v
PnUduuL uijlwnALLi.
Tz.kcn in b'irtcr on liberal terms.
Hovi*' ' pun-hnse ' the tore of Mr B. P. John
.-■ >n. 1«• ci; r n i-n ge stock of G rom on the very
: < 1 of terms, where Vr. v.iil take plenhure ;
.n w ikiiig on customers.
May 1. 1861.
T^TOTTCE —All pe s ms are cauti»ne<i against
j Y tr,i-;l g :m a. Pi urn;-.*>i". Not?, d-it* d 18t
n..t d 18th Jiiiuary, JSli'.i, for PIS", payable lit
January m.-xt to th.-, im-'cr-igi.ed or 'near' r, lor val
m. l received, am! • igoe-1 i-v E I'l. Brown. Mm'-iu; {
t!m said not iiariug beeu’iust. At. MYERS.
in.iy. 21, 1861.
“SJ'tWDEK. Shot, Lead and Cap* for >nln by
vwp:: are Ageu .« t ir a'l the Family or Patent
v v M-dl.-i is ot the <lav.
may I", i*i;l. H.AA'METT 3 GBOA’ES.
J' T re < ir- d. a : .rge lot • i English Dairv and
i t-.-r < i. ' y <8 BOV 1 » .V DU I A EK.
,« T, 1’ I} 1 i r. -Im -ml*. T 'i"mrt.*, Pecan,
mm ft. i-m W..l'm?*. 1 0.-mi. Nuts and
': ' -i '.*. Hi.nVl'. * * BUTNER.
to Debtors mid Creditors.
A L’ j'■ >i.a\i »g d -in;’n‘is ngninst the es
t?( i - ~f M.i’ ii.t \L>l »ue\. de-cised. late of
. ' iM.i t*. •• !•• >«-.pi rc to present them, propcrK
Mti• s» ». vv itboi t u tmi.- p (’ eribed by 11 u. to rhe
u ob-r i. ne ; an«l il< t io u ind > *te-l t » s-iid c-t-stv
*tse r« <jii’ .'t d t m ;k« ni m ; p i veu nr
.* p» ii 2• ‘ •?!. b 5» “Au>l >* s i YE'', '<l •n’’’.
JT a J . ’ •- .‘-.c-vti.r ot ifie
• .: vol Wn. \ <t.». c.v.-’ ”e<t. i h »<» me
f’»r -I’.nftis I »>i» s i'l »Jm instr.,’ion.
Th'-se n <■ ’ iHTf.ore io < i'e an .• a<Ln.. i h aH per
sons t’.mr h y ii o to ir o' j <- i>n , L o v ■ ey
ii «vc, u i hi i t.u- tim *. pre-rri td bv .. .v . Rii i
rs (,f Join s :, o .i i ho- b. joreil t ap- I
p i c;t: f .1 vAIE > J 011.: >A N Oi' v • I
A p:il 11. 1861.
UTAkTiCOF ’■■•irsvth
P7 Ccuniy: VX h.-.rvas. A G h, Athnin j
i i nt.»r of Hohe.t . i 'A hhl, represents to toe
<-■»«»: t n» his peu•••;<.ii. duly p. ed and enter- <1 on • e- I
cord. t^>a ' r litt-s fully a-iUxiiiistered .Robertson j
Ttiis is, the.rcf •re. to cite nil pers< ns known ns j
ere liters, to .show cause it any the;, en, why said
a *ministrator should n i. he discharged ruin tis !
adnrnis ration, an » receive let ers f u.isiuission I
on the fust Monday tn June next. K I.
bee. 7, I fio ‘ il. BARKER, Ord*y.
fi i 1 o G IA, P U! 45> tN < County:
....W Wimrca.-:. A. G boitum , Aci i ini-t ator of
too r-sintu ol Nam.lcon A I ester, .tecease,t a;.,
pi es 1... me tor letters of Irotu said A.’-
ininistral ion.
These re therefore to cifo and a bminiih a’l per
sons eoncer ed to be and appear at my office bv
the Ist vlonday in August, next, t ■ show cause, if
any they ■ ave, why said letters Mi mld not be gran
te I the app’icant.
Given under my hand at office this January 3
1861. MILES EDWARDS, Ordinary.
VT)T!C>I<L— A'I persons indebted t> the
X’ fl-taJe ot tsoic •• ov,«»il. dvec »,*<•.t, arc hertbx
!•. <|uired f.o m ike inimedi it-pax nient. an all those
hav iiHf duinandb against .sa'd osUni are ruqat sr.ed
to present lii -iii propjrly attest.ed to ihe unoersign
cd i iternisoi the law. H I’. HOWELL
E b I, IS»U Adin’r.
(■!:oKo üb:; ji<*• <
Clerks Office, luf-jrior Court, April 11,
A !.L PE>NS « NT»•: R t'ST- i
la.ed : rt- herebv noli <*d that. XX . L Bone. »d
Said county, tolls huf ra W illiam Adair, one <-f lho
J u.s-ices of the J’o »e for said county, as ane>lruy,
;».Gr;.y Horse, w• th sotn \e!low spo’.s on his neck
a d shmi ; <le r s, supposed to be ah »ur. fifteen xo-irs ■
< ld, four toot eleven inches high, x allied by XV. \\ .
Thomp-on and .John B. Adair, freeholders of said
county, to he worth five dollars.
Tho owner o» said estray is hereby required to
come forward pay charges, him I take said horse
away ;orhewi l• o de.til, with as the law liirevts.
A extract front the estray Book.
JN, N. BKA <l. J. r.
From the Field au l Fireside.
JI ICKSON, «>..•«■ tint Martyr.
Nut where the battle re !
Covers with f.une the dead ;
Not where the trumpet calls
Venue in-.’e fir co :li that falls ;
Not with his e intrudes dear ]
Not there, ir: f !1 not there. i
H i grasp? n > 1 rofiet’rt haul,
He see.* no p itri it band ;
Ifii'i i r, al me, the fee,
I!j strike*. tl:-..;i w.iiis t!;o L'jW,
(bill iting bi.s li'e not d >ar.
His was u i heart t i f ar !
I 8h >ut, shout his doe lof z' ,r X,
Ted it in and story ;
Tell it "hire s.iHiers bravo
Rush fearless t > the grave,
Tell it—a magij spell
In that great deed shall dwell.
Yes! lie Lath wm a name,
Deathless for aye to Fame,
Our l!a j liaptised iu bi nd,
Away as with a flood,
Shall sweep the tyrant btnd,
Whose fe ,'t p nitre our Imd.
H’s Martyr patri it fall
Shall be a trumpet call
T . crush the invading foe,
Let not his bln id in vain,
Cry from the s.)il they stain. |
Then freemen, raise the cry! I
As freemen live or die!
Arm, arm you fir the tight,
H it banner in your sight, -
And this your battle cry.— j
Jn-.kion un i Victory !
Augusta, Ga. T. F.
A plan of campaign shoal 1 anticipate
everything which the enemy can do, and
contain within i’s-’if the means of b id'ng him.
Plan ? of campaign in iy be infinitely modi
fied, accord ng to the circumstances, the
genius us tho comm in-ler, the quality of the
troops, and the to; og-aphy of the theatre ol
An army inval'.ng a c uintry may ehhor
h ive its two wings resting on coun- (
tries, or on great naniral obstacles, .*u<:h tis
riV'Ts or chains ol mountains ; or it may have
only one of its wings thus supported ; or
1 oth may 1 e without support.
In the first case, a general hag only to s«e i
that his line is not broken in front, I.i the
RW.... 4 -1..* rti tst reston tbi wirtg which
is supp'ii t.i i In the third case, ho mnst
l;e .phi:? diifireiitcorpsresting well on lii i cen
tre,and never allow them to separate from it; for
if it be a d:?i Ivantigo to have two flanks
with mt arniui, tho inconvenience is doubled
if there be four, tripled if there be six; that
is to sue, if a division be made into two or
three distinct corps.
The line of operations, In the first case,!
may rest on the left or the right wing, in Id- i
ferently. I i the second ca*e. it should rest
on tho wing which is supported. I t the
third case, it shou! 1 fill perpendicularly on
the middle of the lino formed by the army in
marching. Hit iu all the cares above men
tioned, it is necessary to have at every five
or six I iys’ march, a fort or icho !
position, where magazines of provisi’-ms and
military stores may be established and con
voys oriranize.l, and which may serve r<B a
centre of m it.ion, a point’nf supply, and thus
shorten the line of operations.
It may be 1 lid d two a* a principle, that in
invading a country with two or three armies,
each of which has its own distinct line of
operations exten ling tow ird? a fixed point
at, which nil are to unite, the union ol the -
dilr rent eorps.-houi I never be ordered Io take I
place in the vicinity of the enemy, ai by con
centrating L p forces he may ii"t only pre
vent their junction, but al o defeat them one
by one.
A!) war? pho d ! be systematic, fir every
war should have an object, and be conducted
in c ml'oruiity with the principles and rules
of the art. War should Ire undertaken with
preparati ins corret?ponding to the magnitude
of the oi'staclcs that aro to bo anticipat 'd.
At the commencement of a campaign, the
rpie*tion whether to advance or not, requires
c.ireful deliberation; but when you have
once undertaken tho uir-nsivo, it should be
maintained to the last ex’romlty. -A retreat,
however skilful the m ince ivres may bo, w 11
always produce an iiiju.-i-iu* ni >r il effect on
the army as by 1 ising the ch mces of success
yourself.y ni’tliro w them into the hands of the
enemy. Besides, retreats cost far more, both
in men and ?z» z/sr/ tZ, than the most 1 loody
engagements; with this difftrenee, that in a
battle the enemy loses nearly a? much as you
while in a reireit the loss is al! on your s' le.
An army should bo every day, every night,
and cverv hour, ready t > offer all the resist
a ice of which it is capable. Ir. is neo ’s*ary,
therefore, that the soldiers should always
I have thoir arms and ammunition at .hand:
that, tho infantry should always hive with it I
its artillery, cavalry, ant! generals; that tin' | divisions of tho army should 4 ■ :
i I
always in asitn i’ion tn nst'st, support, am! :
protect, each other : that whether erieamped, I
inarching, or halting, the troops should be ;
always in advantageous positions, possessing j
ihe qualities required fir every field nfbattle;
that is to say, the flanks should bo well j
snpporte I, and the pi< c is of artillery’ so plac- j
cd that they may all be brought into play.
When the army it? in column ol march, there ■
must, be advanced guards and flank guards,
ro observe the enemy's movements in trout,
in the right, ntt I on the L'ft, an I at sufficient
distances to allow the main body of the army
to deploy and take up its position.
A general should say to himself many
times a day, il the hostila army were to make ■
its appearance in front, on my right, or on!
my left, what should f do? —and if be is cm
!w.rnw»se<l, hip arrangements ere thsre I
VOL. XVin- NO. 29.
i? s lUiethiug wrin g ; ho mu $ rectify in*
The strength of lie army, I’ke the thorneti
tum in mechanics, is e*limat , .'d Ly the weigh?
multiplied Ly the velocity. A tepid march
exerts a beneficial moral influemre on
armv, and increases its means of victory.
When your army is iuicri ;r in nuniLer, in
ferior in cavalry and in artillery, a pitched
l.utd ■ should le nv i ltd. The want vs
1 nisinl er must le s-eppiifd l y rapidity in
imircbiug ; the wat : s't !L ry tyit e chat
| aeter of the manceuvres ; ti;u ir.iuk’fity ia
i c.tvalry by the <•! v ,'e t.f pcsiti **. In suc-fc
j i ypnation, it is of great importance that
1 coiilid.'ii'.'e sliould ' ir tn 1 *l'th e tol lisra,
■ T > operate up..;, l ots vuiotj from cash
j O’.ber, atid without c<.mn.uolc: i-'i.a betwaea
> il...•••», ; * a fr ult wLi li - -.. ;• .t i '.'y occi’..-i ms a.
i.-eeonl. The ct v. l-.aa ciders
t only for the first day. I's t l eratioris for tl •
; second day depend on wl.ut iia# happened t »
I the main body. Thus, according to circum
stances the column wastes its tiuio in wait
ing for orders, or it acts at random. It
ought then to 1 e ad opted as a principle, that
the columns of an army should l i alwaye
kept united, so that the enemy cannot thrust
himself between them. When, fur ary r«»-
son, this maxim is departed from,the detach
ed corps should be independent in tbair
operations. They should move towards a
fixed point at which they are to unite. They
should march without le-Ztation, and withcus
new order*, and should le exposed us littlu
a* pr eeilie to t):e diuigci' us Loing attacked
; separately.
I An army si out-.l 1 avel nt n single line i f
I operations, which it td ouid cateful’y pr»-
! serve aud abandon only when compelled by
! itnperious circumstances.
! Among mountains, there arc everywhere
■ numerous positions extremely strong by na-
■ titre, which you should abstain from attacking. .
The genius of this 1- ind of war consists in co
cupving camp* cither on the or th«
rear of die enemy, so an Io leave 1 itu nu
alternative but to withdraw from his position
wiihont fighting, and take one farther back,
or to come out and attack you. J i mountain
war, the attacking party acts under a d and--
vantage. Ev nin offensive war, the merit
lies i > having only defensive confii.'ls, anti
obliging your enemy to 1 ccome the assailant.
In g’ning bat 1-?, a get.era! should regard it
as his first duty to inaitiluin the lienor and
| gl-iry of liis arms. ’Jo spare his troops,
should l>e lut a sect i dary consideration.
Hut the same dctcrinimition end persever
once which promote the firmer object are ths
best means of securing the latter. In a re
treat, you 10.-e in addition to the honor ot
i your urms, more men than in two battles.
For this re.u <n, /■.;•. ehou'd never’ dci.pair
w hile there remain I . .iv<> men around the
col -rt*. Thia is the conduct which wins, aud
deserves to win, the victory.
A well established maxim of war is, not to
do anj thing which your enemy wishes—and
for the single reason that be d'.es s-j wish.
You should, tl-er. f'-re, avoid a field of bat
tle which he has reconnoitred and studied.
You should bo still more careful to avoid one
which he has fortified, and where lie has en
trenched hint-elf, A corollary from thia
principle is, never to attack in front a p-si
tion which admits of being turned.
In n war of marches and manoeuvres to Clh
cape an engagement with a superior enemy,
it is necessary to throw up e.itrenchincnte
every night, and to place yourself always in
a good position for defense. The natural
positions which are commonly mot with,can
not secure an army against the superiority of
a more numerous one, without the aid of art.
An ordinary general occupying a Lad posi
tion if surprised by a superior force, seeks
safety in retreat; but a great captain displays
the utmost determination, and advances to
meet the enemy. By this movement he dis
concerts his adversary ; and if the march of
I die latter evinces irresolution, an aide gener
: til, profiting by the moment of indecision,
may vet hope for victory, or at least, employ
the day in maiiceuvring, and at night ho can
entrench Jiim-eH or full 1 ack on a better
position. By this tcarlfs conduct he main-
I tains the honor of his arms, which f .rnis
so essential a part of the strength ol an army.
'Hie passage from the defensive to the <4-
1 fensivo is one of the most delicate ojeiatiotis
of war.
Your lino t.f operations should never, as a.
general rule, be abandoned; I nt changing -c
when circumstances require, is one of the
most skillful of military manoeuvres. An
i army which changes its line of operat'ioin
I skilfully, deceives the enemy, who no longer
l knows where its rear is, or what arc the weak
' points for hiin to thrctiten.
The art- <f encamping on a pis'-tion, :s
j nothing else than the art of forming in order
!o. battle on that petition. For this purpose,
I the pieces of artillery should allo in le.rni
l ncss for action, and lavoraLly placed ; a poai*
I tion should bo selected which is not command-
I eJ, and cannot be turned, arid from whic;. tha
ground in the vicinity is covered and com
manded, as far as poss’ble.
When y<m t-c'Mpy a P' ,s ' :n wiiic t tiro
enemy threatens to surroinid, yon should col
ilee-tyonr forces qu'ekiy, and menace him
; nith tin movement. I’y this nia
imrnvr.'i yu prevent him from detaching a
part of bis Hoops and annoying your flunks,
in ease vou nhonld deem a retreat in lispen
A military maxim which ought never to ba
no-’lectcd is I -'inble your cantonment?
at, the point which is most remit.; and liest
sheltered from Ihe enemy, e.; eeiaily when ho
makes his appearance tiiiexpecleu.y, it o.i
will then have time to unite tho whole army,
before he can attack you.
It is a violation of correct pr’nc.’p'er. to
cause corps to act separately, without com
munication with each other, in the faco
of a concentrated army with easy communica
AVhen you are driven from your first pos’-
tion, the rallying point of your columns? should
be so far in tho rear that the enemy cannot
get there before Hmm. U would lw. the