Newspaper Page Text
BY W. 11. HUNT.
jit)UviCtt.i '‘U'ethy Adrmatc.
The A 1) V 0 CATE
Is iflsned every Friday morning, at the follow
ing rates : _
Twelve inni'liM - -- -- -- ’2 00.
UntC'i <rl* Advert irtin<r:
Z3~ Tea lines or less constituting a Square.-
One insertion ™
Tw /-' ; U
'-• ■ ■
« 7 ~. ... 5 oo
REN ' MH i. Al PI E
6i - te*!xe * «tl» *P* » .«••
j. ... ’7/, a' he <•’. ’ '•> »or the tx •
Fr.r. lent advei li-. '.ncnts must be paid for
in e
irCcp r d 3»uvcvt s<i*iU'nts.
Cobb "flltcriii t'al •
'ttTS’ll.l.h ■ ’..1 bi theC-nv llotimdoor- n
w r Toe* .iv in Ju’.y nW during the
legal 1 .>ot of a "1": T 1,1
H........ : 1 Lot in the Town ol -cworth,
.....••.•v G-mr-in.-a'.l Lnt b v.g oruriually
.. ..■ I.t No in l! • 1> s .j-ti: tofth• 2•!
~ 1 ... ~..,, > ui'.li-. .! 1,-et i.t '.coni and two
i.....'0 ,:7 ; b..:r 11" the by street
rui ni: .. xA:h hi I’s >n hat West by lot ov ned
; l v o-a be Win. p.on.h.
; ' . 7”t UH tey. JAS F. McCLESKY, Sh ff
M<y?'.‘l til. ‘
Admiui- rat r’s .-'ale.
•w-w-IIT be !■■. virtue : n ord r front
7 ..7 . ••. ■■ t bb county, on
th first Taes Itv in 'u .a t ntxt • etor ■ t e t onrt
I■ ' ISIX ■ ' nlinhe dy
~ Ti . r , , w htj . , br: t I tse, r.c-ir the
7• . V : I-. t’ r. . r- !• :in
.. ■ . <l.l- ■ ■ ‘
owed,. h ...... ... ur the W. A x. . r••t «• <
aipin ng t ith th. >vo lot. s dis the<rope ty
,T*r ee -I. ■ rm- ma ie
knew-; • ;!:• ■ !.’. ■■ s..le. I’LlZulEfH CURL
,i •..• i; . f7 11- A “ n x
t.i.nii .i ra'. i • a c.
V i ■ .' . Oruriar.' ,<n th Erst lu■ ta
7 ‘ 7 and
M set bb ty. P-perty <
heir r. t rs tsiidi e s t. ! cr.tis tna ic
' * A "ni*r I»his rn,
17, 1861 fds. v • will a . ■
/ . I h -by t*
r.. •• j. \ ■ • . ■ ;
7'' A..■
;» . • v . >•• El 1 C. EC;
| - .77
7 . 7 : . ed. This
M.y ■. i-’il. 2 n A. .X. Dti’ilE, A-'.st.r.
’ >T!’'E. —V! p<-r ’ ■ H ’ bt dto t’. r-ta--.
-..1 tty, d ised,
:,r • : • .■ 1 io . ■ ; id.l >■ p t.' Hl.- tto
un ■■■ . I. it d all p ts< ■- having demand ■
pf ■ 7- ' ■ ■ time prt scrib dl.
law. Tais 3Jth 31 <y, i d’, dw.
D. ;> SC IEXER, Admr.
■** i**’ • • •-* * ’! v,..»- . j ? i-.J so lb“ f'St.ltO
J* ■’ ■ e'n I. M d o. s o;- • 'i y.
m : • n i i ■ ’l. el a'i p -r-.a • ii.tvi.ig ‘
7. • .7 ' '
r 17 • -i *' >bb
tv to ell the land helo igi - to
.. . . ... . , -t , . .. a ■ . , r the
; : t, '7'7 ■ . <.t ■ ’.I deceased.
This May 30, 1 11. -tt .JEHU )■ HM S, Admr.
Gd'v'o.' 7. ; 7'77'/ 7771 7-''7'
T - ; )V - , . J -r.-- ; ’,•■■*• ]• <4
R o. M. M mtgnnery, late
•; a! therefore to ite and admonish all
, ■ he kindred nd creditors of- tid de-
.... lr obi-etions. if any they have,
; ;1 ire th fir-t Mon !ty in .Inly
I. ■ of a I nini tr tion will be
(i ; try for slide tn >ty. (liven under n:y hand,
:l ' ; ' - , . . fPBELL, Ord r.
’’a.’’’ )T i (r» i’Ni to 1
f J m Pharr, i :of U bb county, dece tsed,
unde'; I, j'j-i ;;ii •!<■:■• -•ih hiv clu.:ns ayuiust
«.<id . are r* q « -■ d o prthem, prop
el prescribed by law.
; -7 . 1. a A. .x. :> 7'7 .. .
4 < -17 JA - EUt IK ! 7
X f ty.—!>. ra . A.. . I.'.W. th. t.r ,tt .r of
dvbn Low. .le><;a-.:d i.pplo-r to nt - tor letters of
a min Jo. ti , v. nt. .■ e ate o the rail .John
L >w, at . of .ou,n j dece.-ed.
T ie.-e are tli ’ r f .ie t > cite had admonish all and
flinvu ar t <• ki ■ dr.-d •> nd 'T' d t r of said d - eased
te Bin ’heir obi o tiotrs if any th-y uve, within the
ti ne preser'ied by .aw, wliy sad lette-.- - I
not h- granted the aj.p:i'-ant. this 4t'i Aprio LS6I.
Aprif'l. * JAMES J'jRIJAN, 01 y.
rpWO ’sr)\THS fterd,.:,: npplhn ion
I v.iii be mad : to: he ourt of Ordinary of Lobb
Co mt.v for e'o ■:! the real as ate ’elonging to
the e ta’eof Cbaries Clcr, late o sa d eotioty de
ce . d, f.r tc- benefit of the heirs an 1 creditors of
sai > d—-eased.
(i ORSVTH County—Whore
Jf as Julia .E. It' Yf>, Administratrix of Wil-
Irnin oy 1, r:-e t to the Court in her petition
du.v fiied an 1 ent. re t on rec' rd tii t rhe h-.s fuL
ly adm n: tercd William Boyd’s o-tato Ibis is
thcefore tociteall persons concerned. • indeed and
credit r. J t show <-n'isc if any t cy cue, why
admiulrtratrix shouid not be discha-ge l from her
adnti ,i-I'ation on tlie first Monday io May next.
nov 30 IL BARKER, fi-l’y.
Genr"-i.i, Paulding- County.
A LI. p't-o:i b ‘Ving demandsag'ibi-' th’: <:■ tab:
/<oi A.G. Britille I.C- of-aid comity dem. ml.
are hereby r. q :• I to pro cot them to tie it-i,
d'-rsi 1 o-d p’-operly a ! -<o| within the ime r.r<
Scribed Liw, :i:i 1 all the . i■ d-b'. Ito r.i-d - ■
tale :;re her.-by I'oquo-'. :| to mak'-item'O. p.iy
ment, th:.: May 27, l-.ul. O. F. BitlX i iJ-., Ad r
maa JI, 1-iil. M. J- BItiNTLE, Adm'r.
FBjAIIE Tux Book of 1-01 is now open for tie- ptir-
Jg post: of receiving city Tax ret urns; all pi-.r-ons
will plt-a-e call at my office near Mr. I. N. Jleggies
Livery Stable.
Ladiesaml Invalids I will call on,::t their residen
ces. JOHN M. WAf.KER, t. k. k.
Alapjetta. June 7,1MJ1. if.
l -a II o< < i
®he jHatiTita Aworaic.
cssional £
ANmiEW .f. HANSiCIais,
Attoinoy. Counsellor & Solicitor,
.Marietta, O<«oi-;£-isi.
Pit \C il’ ES in the Super’;.>r Courts ot the 10l
lowing eou ties:
Cobb, t’orsytb. Ciovd, Catoosa, Cherokee. I'.iul-
[ ding. Whittirhl and Milton.
Also i » tii Mipremc (’. urt • f the St >!<• «7
G . at Atl .Ma a*, d in ih<* Distri r ‘ < urt <»t
the < itdr ue Mules ?or the 1) stri< tot Georgia.
, may I. l<6l.
( . D. PHIL.L.IPS,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
I February 22 ISG2.
vvx h. Hunt;
I attorney a.t law,
Marie tta •
Attorney & Counsellor at Law
is tsrlrf (a. Cobh Couni j . Goorjxiis.
UTILI. j'r.i t ee. tin I give prompt attention to
all ba-iness confided to his jiruf..s-iona’
: earc, in the Distri t Court at Marietta; The 'tt-
■ pr tae Court of'i. tit Atlanta: The Snp- ri
i eran : In-'criir Courts of the Blue Kid;;e Circuit,
an I the counties adj ining Cobb, of oth.-r Circuits.
Spec al tittentimi given f.i the Colle tion of debts
tin I the securing of al! manner of elaim?.
Promtit an.l efficient attention will be given to
all manner of business in the curts of Ordinary
in the county of C.J.b an I adjoining counties.
pm Li a ps .‘i bi’ ijkii t i/rim
Marietta, Ulccrgia.
ILL practice i.t Fulton. Paulding and all the
Vt e-stinties of the Blue Hidge Cireuit, in the
Supr- mo Court, and tn the District Court at .Mari-
! Ctt.l.
lan. 1. ly.
A. N. I’SOS,
5 Fai’ict ta, O coi jxia.
5; BUT’ EK,
X7O-7.G7S a.t
'fa: i tta, (fcorula.
g? U.-HNESS rrnf ’.’ to th. ir-r . r o si rm -n .-j
ent t the foil wit g coun ■ - : be
.: !; ■ !v■ -a> - ic’.-d, viz: 1 i|.- cli. I’titi -iog. P..' i
.’ ■ bb. < I’..- th. I nmpkin. Im >-..i .nil
Milt n. Also in the l-istri t f'ourt at Marietta.
. . :n C>urt at tlanta. ma. I.
J AtCoruoy sit j
’L: i• <(?., !
\V’-' : 7 r 77'77 :7 1 77\77;77 ; '7:7;
ti Di-triel C urta.t M.-rietta. (Nov. 2.;.)
k\ Itl. k.
Atloruoy sit
'-larlctfs. Georgia.
. '.Vi 1 afer-.d to all business cn’ru. ted to his
/•/.d« .-—D'-n-nc ■ I J- Wright, A. J. Hansell, :
Irwin 4 Le.-ter. Marietta, Hon. Sol. Co-
1..0- -.. d S \ utes L. vy, Savannah, <-a.
v 777 I
Marietta, Georgia.;
? L "’ve hi? cutie r-Gentirn to the ctdlec- i
V t’<ij) «»f all claims entrusted t > his care. |
March 9. ’6h i
liUis rrllanrcMS.
[Vv’e re;.’.iLlish flic follow;: g put m, us an
net of simple ju- tice tn the tiuthmess (a la- i
v nite cmitribut >r) —the omission of a line it:
the fifth stanza having occurred through I
ctiieb.sue.s~.J — I'ield <i‘ Fireside.
J.VCK'sC?,’, on-, first Maziyr.
Not where the battle rr-1
i Covers w ti; fun'.- the dead ;
Not where the trumpet calls
Vengeance I <r each that falls;
Not with his comrades dear
Not there, he fell not there.
Tie grasps no Lrother's hand,
I lie secs no patriot ba'd ;
Daring, alum*, the f io,
Ils strikes, then waits the blow,
Counting his life not dear.
His was no lieart to fear !
Shont, shout his deed of glory,
Tell it in song and story ;
Toil it where soldiers brave
Rush fearless to the grave,
Tell it—a magic spell
In that great deed shall dwell.
Yes 1 he hath won a name,
Deathless for aye to Fame,
Our flag baptised in blood,
Away as with a Hood,
Shall sweep the tyrant band,
Whose feet pollute our land.
Ills Martyr patriot fall
Shall be a trumpet call
I To hurl the tyrants low,
i To crush the invading foe,
Let not Ills blood in vain,
i Cry from the soil they stain.
Then freemen, raise the try!
As freemen live or 'lie !
Arm, arm you for the sighs,
' Ills banner in your sight,
J And this your battle-cry.—
Jackson anil Viclury !
Augusta, oa. ’!'• I'-
’ To I)!:sti:oy Flies.—To < tie pint of miik and
a quarter of a pound of raw sugar ami two
oiirn cs <>f ground poppet; simmer them togetb.
er eight or ten mitnit'-s, and place it about in
! shallow dishes. The flics attack it greedily,
and arc so m sulf mated. By this method
kitchens, &may be kept clear of flies all
: summer, without the danger attending poison.
| It is easily tried.
i’l«; v i-.iupu 1 lit o; IHe < »»«£< Gi j. Rlr
S’, eretary of Stat\
KOBER " TOOMBS, of G-m-gta.
Nccrc.On/ ot Hie Tr asnry.
C. G. .’1 ■'.?.! M i.Ni; I’.::, of s..uth Carolim.
S’.<-.- ( A.-r,7 o/’ lib-.
L. I'. WAl.KlliJ. of Aial.atmi.
SerreffJi'f/ o f the Niivi/
JOHN RE -KINS, .lit., .d L-mlsiana.
.V./sA r Co -.ri.d.
.JOHN 11. REAGA.N, of Texas.
J/Mra.-y (<’■ m;.-.-.Z.
J. P. BENJA?»II\, of L itiieiar.a.
Hon. HOWELL t'OBB, of Georgia.
J. J. ITo i’er. of Alabama.
Congress meets in Richmond, A a.,
July 20. ISGI.
W. Walker, R. 11. Smith, J.
L. M. Curry, AV. I’. Chilton, S. F. Hale, Col
lin J. Mcßae, John Gill Shorter, Daniel IL
Lewis, Thomas Fearn.
Florida— James B. Owens, J. Patton An
(l e rso n ,*J acks 11 n Mor ton.
Georgia— R .bt. Toom's, Howell Cobb, F.
S. BaHow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nisbet. B.
A. Hill, A. 11. Wrmbt. Tit. s. R. K. Cobb, A
11. Kenan, A. 11. Stephens.
Louisiana.— ••T-iliii Perkins,-If., A. L. De-
Clouet. Charles M. Conrml. !>. F. Kenner, G.
E. Sparrow, Ilemw Marshall.
.Y-' sis..ipni.—W. I’. Harris, Walter Brooke,
N. !.. Wilson.
South Carolina — R. IL Rhett,.!".. R. ?.I
Barnw. 11, L. Al. K■•itt. James Chestnut, Jr.,
C. C. Memiiiing. r, W. Porcher Jl hs, Thom
7s J. Withers. W. W
/’ yarf : c d. — S.oplr. ns, Conrad,
B y -e, Si>. rter, 1’..-- I.e.
1.1 [l\i:rs — Rhett, Ni. bet, Perkins,
W„ r,
.’Z,/?.zi7/, Miles, Spar-
.- w. K.-m,an. \ -lersin.
.V c.;Z J C.e.rii. Cl.oMmit, Smith,
Vt I gl.t, O'API.S.
Fin tn ■■ —T.mmb ,'Barnwell, Kenner, Bar-
Ci, ■. .■■■■. — AT :n:r.ingc r) Crawford, De-
I ’! hi J-loi t ■: , (Airrv.
/.. /.•..’ .m, _C la> nm, Withers H-.L>. Co:,’., i
Fo >al.— Chilton, E.iycc, Hill, Harrison,
Fa-^rJs. — Broc-ke, V, i:s >n, Lew’s, Hill Ken
T ri i'ori s — Chest:.u', Camtib' L, Marslmi’,
F.:l,!ic—Mm. hall. Harris IVarnc- ‘
Lolion A ijairs.— Merton, Hale, Sjiarrow.
Printing.— Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chilton,
Aff'iuids.— Owens, Crawford, Campbel,
DeC'i.iut, Smith.
Engrossment. — Shorter Wilson, Kenan, Me- I
Rae Bartow.
Hiirci, ot Po,ia*;ei-.i t’tc t oof* titrate State - ;
til’ Am: tit a.
fs'.y” For the convenience of our readers .
A--d the pit!,lie generally, we have prepared I
ho fallowing snnpl'.hed statement of the i
Bates of D -t:>ge m.-ler the Cmig ess of the ]
Confederate States of America, adopted mil
the 21st of Eel ruary, L’-iil. and brotignt into :
• peration by order of the I’.,s:master Gener- j
al, June 1, IH’,l.
(/.•ecu pliers u-i-hiii the Confederate Stales
of Annriei/.
Single Letters not exceeding a half ounce
For any distance under five hundred miles,
five cents.
For any distance ever five hundred m:lcs>
ten cents.
An additional single rate for each addition
al half ounce, or less.
Drop letters two cents each.
Containing other than printed or written
matter (money packages are included in this
clns< :)
To be rated by weight, as letters arc rated,
and to be charged the rates of postage on
letters, to-wit:
For any dbtance tinder five hundred miles,
five cents for each half ounce or less.
For any distance over five hundred miles,
ten cents for each half ounce or less.
In all cases to be prepaid by stamps or
stamped envelopes.
Sent to regular and bonafide subscribers
from the office of publication, and not exceed
ing three minces in weight:
Within the Confederate States. Weekly
paper ten cents per quarter.
Semi-weekly paper, twenty cents per quar
Tri-wcekly paper, thirty cents per quarter.
Daily paper, seventy cents per quarter.
In all ca«cs the postage to be paid quarter
ly, in advance, at the office of the subscri
Sent to regular and bona fide subcribcrs
front the office "f publication and riot exceed
ing on.-ami n half onneco in weight.
i Morithlv, two ami a half cents per quarter.
; Smni-nionthly, live cents per quarter.
I An additional two and a half cents each
; number for each additional ounce, or less, be-
I yotnl the first, one and a hall ounces.
I Bi-monthly or quarterly, two cents an
! ounce.
In all eases, the postage to be paid quar
terly in advance nt the office of subscribers.
Erery other newspsper, pamphlet, periodi
cal and magazine, each circular not scaled,
handbill ai d engraving not cxeeedii g three
ounces in weight, two cents fir any distance,
■ wocents additi uuil for each additional ounce,
r less, Lcyomf the first thr o oiimes.
Li al! cases the jmstage to be prepaid by
amps or stamped envoi ipcs.
FRANKINO privilege.
I he following persons only are entitled to
c franking privl’ey*, and in ail eases striet
fined to •'-.ffiel d business.”
I’ istmaster General.
His Chief Clerk.
.Auditor of the Treasury fm- the Post Os
fine Department.
J>cputy I’ -stmasters.
The disf.un-e of s inc id - I:.- m >st ini;-orr.
an', places : ’V:i<:ingto:i -by. s;c ify
below, so that our readers may preserve for
reference: Fortress Jilonroe, at the outlet of
James river ami Chesapeake Bay, distance
from Washington, by the Potomac ami Bay
225 miles.
From Washington to Rielimond, via Poto.
nine and railway from Acquht creek, 130 in
From Washington to Acquia ereek, down
the Potomac, <55 miles.
From Washington to Alexandria, below
; Washington, 7 miles.
' From Washington to Arlington Heights,
’ across the Potomac from the President’s
■ House, as the bird Hies, 2 1 u miles.
I From Washingt >n to Harper’s Ferry, by 1
: rail. 80 miles. By canal along the Potomae, !
; GO miles. I
i From Havre de Grace, down Chesapeake :
Bay, ami thenee (via Annapolis Railii ad) to ■
| Washingtor, 86 miles.
Do. via Baliimore to Washir-gton, G-l rn.
From New York to Havre de Grace, IG3 i
1-i-om New 1 oik to Washington Ly ran, :
233 miles.
From New York to Washington bv for. '
an-.l by Chcs'ipe-’.ke Bay ami Potmnac river i
Via the sea, t!;c Lay, and An utpolis Rail- ;
road ab- ut the same.
"We make the following notes res] eeting
the topography of the chief pc-iitls in ti.e ;
f."l 1 i f warlike operations e< verc.l ly r.-cont :
i.itei.,...e,>ee. ~ . „ |
7’Z<z ; Whose barb r is detended by i
Fort P:cke'is. which may ber-omo the basis of*
<q (’rations f-r carrying the war it.ll [new]
Af'i'ie-i. is 55 Titles frmn M d.tilo ami 255.
miles from M -n’gmmm-y, all the way i
now. It is lOitd n;-'.--s from Washington.
ddiut-.oniiry; Is 839 miles from AVa-hing- i
JliiFmanl, 15/.; Capitol of the S mtlicrn :
Cor.fe ’erm y. on il:e James riv< r, is 150 miles i
from its month, and 117 miles by common i
r ;:><l and. 135 by rail from Wa.- hingmn. Pop- |
ulation about 30,000.
Culp'pi e:; Is a little over 70 miles by rail !
from AV-a -iiii.gton. But there is another place
of the same name nearer Washington, which
may be m-rnnt.
Lyncl.Lur;,; Where Smithcrn troops are
concentrating, is ab.’ut 180 mil s from Wash
A'anil', D >wn the Potomac, is .55 miles
from Washington.
Fr deriolc City; Where the Maryland Le
<ris'ature has been sitting, is Gt) miles from
Baltimore. 4-1 from Washington, and 23 from
lltrper's F.-rry.
Faint of I‘oiks ; Av’herc, it is said, the Vir
ginians Imvc a heavy battery of Artillery
posted to command the approach to Harper’s
l-'errv, is I ) miles wt st of Frederick ami 12 <
miles east ol Harpei s I'erry.
U ir/'or s Ferry; 81 m los by rail from I
Baltimore, SO by rail from Washington, am! :
GO by <-.111.11.
Cairo; A.t tire junction of tlie Ohio and i
M::-.-:issi]ii rivers. 867 miles front Washingt-m’ I
Jtxet utive J»< j.nrlnieiit.
Joseph E. Brown—Governor.
John B. Campbell, |
11. IL Waters, ( Secretaries of Executive |
11. J. G. Williams, f Dep’t.
A. F. Putnam, j
E. !*. Watkins—Secretary of State.
John Jones—-Treasurer.
Peters-m I hwc.itt —Comptroller General.
A. J. Boggess—Surveyor do.
Henry 0. Wayne- Adjutant do
C J. Wellborn —Libarian.
Theodore L. Guerry—President of Senate.
F. IL West-Secretary do. do.
C. J. Williams-- Speaker of House of Rep.
George lliliyer— Clerk “ “ “
Jus. A. Green--Principal Keeper of Pen.
Charles G. Taibird Assistant" “ “
Thus. T. Windsor- -Book Keeper ‘‘ *■
Charles W. L ine—-Chaplain “ “ “
Dr. G. D. Case—Physician “ “ *'
Dr. T. F. Green—Sup’nt. Lunatic Asylum.
Dr. S. <J. WLite. )
D. C. Canqibell, • Trustees do. dex
Miller Grieve. J
Eby" We learn that Mr. Walker in reply
to Gen. Hansell in behalf of the ladies ami
citizens of Marietta, will semi a Passenger
Car with the. morning freight, leaving Mari
etta at hall-past seven and returning with the
freight, at 3, P. M. The first car will be sent
up this m >rning, Friday, June 28.
Seo z\dvcrtis':mcnt of Catoosa Springs, by
Messrs Harmon & Nichols. Mr. Nichols is
well known to our community as an a.-rec*
able and nccoinmodaiing geutjeimin, who I
understands thoroughly the business in
which he is ctigagcil. V> e know no one.
whom we would moreremlily trust to provide
every comfm t ami luxury lor his guests.
New -yviicai, :<ml (hits.
Wheat of the now crop sells at one dollar
a bushel. Oats at twenty cents the dozen
bundles. Both, it is thought will be lower.
T—■ ' 2 -Strike- ’■
Western v. Atlantic (State) Kail I.
.AUantii t > Chatt.'in ><>ga, ’3B Mile-, Fare $5.
John W. Lewis. Superintendent.
dl ty Fissenger Train.
! Leaves xV'.la nta, daily, at 10.10. a m
Matiettaat 11 30
■ Arrives at ('lmltanooga at 7 OS p. M
; Lnavi’s Chattanooga at 1 45
Arrives at Marietta - - 851
Atlanta - -' 10 a. m.
Eight Passenger Train..
Leaves Atlanta, daily, :it 7 30 p si.
.Marietta, - • 8 -10
Arrives at Cliuttano >ga, - 4 0 >
L-'aves Chattanooga, - - G3O r. :t.
I Arrives at Alurietla, - - 216 a.m.
A llama, - - - 325
Express Freight Train.
Leaves Atlanta. - - 3 00 r. m.
■Marietta, - - 4 35
I Arrives at Ckattano.-ga, - 306 a. si.
i Leaves Chattanooga, - - 4 30 p. ji.
Marietta, - - 2 16 a. m.
! Arrives at Atlanta at 3 25 a. m.
Atlanta West iteil Roa-j,
; Morning Passenger Train.
Leaves Atlanta at - 10 10 a. h.
Arrives at West Point - 3 10 p. m.
Evening Passenger Train.
■ Leaves Atlanta at - 0 30 a. m.
j Ar.ivesat We>< Point, - 546a. m.
Morning Passenger Train.
' Leaves West Point - - 3 01
Arrives at zkiianta - -7 59 a. m.
J. CC tt I itj I Tl'O. t i.
Leaves Ws>.t Point 7 59 Ji.
1 Arrives at A -anta - - 3 00
Fa::j to West Point. $3 50.
GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendint.
Cc-m-gt-; jmi.t lUsv.!.
Leaves Angm-ta at 0 30 pm.
zkrrives at Atiantaat 9 45 a ji.
I. -lives Augusta - - 2 30 pm
/Arrive at Ailanta - - Il 45 pni
Leave /Atlanta - - 845 p m
Arrive at Augusta - - ;> 56 a m
Leave Atlanta - - -9 ()5 a m
Arrive at Augusta - - 620 p m
Alliens ilrnnuli.
Leave /Augusta - - 0 30 a m
Arrive ut Athens - - 810 a m
Leave Ailanta 8 40 p m
Arrite at Athens - - 8 Io a m
Arrive at Augusta - 62) p m
■ .eave Athens - - 11 *’() a m
Arrive at Atlanta - - 11 45 p m
tfU" No trains on Athens Branch on Sun
day to connect with trains leaving Augusta
at 12 Saturday night, and Ailanta ut 8
40 Saturday evening.
Leave August;! at - 2 30 p ni
Arrive at Wasliit.gton at -7 25 p m
!■( ;.ve Wa. h.n.. t n - - 130]> m
Arrive at Align-la at - -620 p m
Leave Washington -1 30 p in
.Arrive al A’la .tu 11 45 p m
Leave Atlanta - 9 05 a in
Ariiveat Washington - -7 25 p m
Tt i-cngti F. < tg' >t intliis .Lugu .ta !■->
Leave Cinirleston - 6 00 p m
.Arrive at Augusta - - 6 00 a in
Leave Augusta - - 850 a m
Arrive ;it Atlanta - - 3 17 a m
Leave Augusta 1 -15 p m
Arrive at Atlanta - - 5 -19 a ni
TSirowxj*>. * 'r< trails Atlanta t<> Augn-ta
Leave Atlanta at - 6 '. ! O a m
Arrive at Augusta - - 31 16 ptn
Leave Atlanta - 5 15 p m
Arrive at Augusta - -513 p in
Teaim Branches.
Leave /Align ta - 8 50 a m
.Arrive at Athens ' - BJU:t m
Arrive a’ Washington -7 25 p m
Leave Atlanta ... 6 00 a tu
Arrive at Athens - - -8 10 a m
Arrive at Washington -7 25 a m
Leave Atl:i’'t:i - - - 515 p m
Arrive at Alliens - - 8 10 a m
Arrive at \\ a hington - -7 25 p m
»A'/r XeV/D / Z;//.'■;;</ •/, /.
Augusta. July 30
1. Chatham, Bryan, Effingham.
2. Liberty, Tatnall, Mclntosh.
3. Wayne, Iheree, Appling.
4. Glynn, Cnmtleii, Chariton.
5. Coffee, Ware, Clinch.
G. Echols, Lowndes, Berrien.
7. Brooks, fhoums, Colquitt.
8. Decatur, Mitchell. Miller.
9. Early, Calhoun, Baker.
10. Dougherty, Lee, Worth.
11. Clay, Randolph, Terrell.
12. Stewart, Webster, Quitman,
13. Sumter, Schley, Macon,
11. Dooly, Wileox, I’ulaski,
15. Montgomery, Telfair, Irwin.
I'3. Ln irons, Juhnso:!, E nanucl.
17. Bulloch, Scriven, Burke,
18. Richmond, Glascock, Jefferson,
19. Taliaferro, Warren, Gi eerie,
20. Baldwin, Hancock, Washington,
21. Twiggs, Wilkinson, Jones,
22. Bibb, .Monroe, Pike,
23. Houston. Crawford, Taylor,
24 Marion, Cnattalmochee, Muscogee.
25 Harris, Talbot, Iqison,
26 Spalding, Bulls, Fayette,
27 Newton, Walton, Claike,
2S Jasper, Putnam, Morgan,
29Wilk<s, Lincoln, Columbia,
30 Oglethorpe, Madismi, Elbert,
31 Hart, Franklin, Habersham,
32 White, Lumpkin, Dawson,
33 Hall, Bank-, Jackson,
34 Gwinnett, Di Kalb, Henry,
35 Clayton, Fultmi, Cobb,
36 Mciwcther, (/•vveta, CbmpLell,
37 Trott]), Heard, C'.hti-011.
38 llm-alsmi, Polk, Paulding;
39 C'hcrokee, Milton, Forsyth,
40 Union, Towns, Rabun,
■ll Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens,
42 ('ass, Floyd, fhattooga,
43 Murray, Whitfield, Gordon,
41 Walker, Dado, Catoosa.
FIRST district.
Anpling. Glynn,
Bulloch, Liberty,
Biyiqi, Mc'nto-h,
< Latham, Aloutgomery,
Camden, I’irce,
t'lrnlton, Scriven,
Clinch, Telfiiir,
Coffee. Tatnall,
Eilingtinm, Ware,
Emanuel, \\ ayne,
Baker, Irwin,
Berrien, L-wmles,
Brooks Lee,
Callmun, Miller,
Cl. IV, Milchell,
(lolquitt, Rand ilph,
Deny, 'lerrill,
: D. i-atur, 'l’m in is,
I Dmgberty, Wileox.
11 >ily, Worth.
Chattahoochee. Stewart,
Muscogee, Sumter,
Macon, Schley*
.Marion, Taylor,
Darris, 'Talbot,
Quitman, Webster.
FOURTH district.
Ja-per, . Wilkinson,
Janes, Ilnu-’ton,
Puttiiiin, Twiggs,
Baldwin, Lanrei. s,
Bibb, Pulaski.
FIFTH district.
R-li-’m, Lincoln,
Glascock, Warren,
(’• lumbia, Wa-Kington,
Ha e ck, Wilkes,
J efferson, R: climo nd,
I Johnson,
I Clarke, Hurt,
I-k’.ert, Newton;
Frivikhn, Tabafcrro,
1 irecne, V, al’oii,
’ 1 l ean, < Llethropo,
I V! i- ’ e i »
I -lad. bin,
Butts, Henry,
Clayt-m, I’.ke,
Fayet e, Troup,
Meri wither, Spalding,
Al nroe, Upson.
Campbell, Fulton,
’’o!>l>, Haralson,
Carroll, I Icard,
Coweia, Paulding,
DeKalb, Polk, ■
Banks, Lumpkin,
Diwson, Milton,
Cherokee, Pickens,
Forsyth, Towns,
tiwinmitt, Rabun,
Habersham, Union,
Hall, White,
Ca-=S, !7rd.ld)».
< hit-ifsa, Murray,
Dade, 3‘»’alker,
Fl..yd, 'Whitfield.
.. —O-u.
TJic of (lie ?forlls.
A shrewd ami observant gentlemen of
Charleston, who lias just returned front a
somewhat extended trip through the North,
gives us some interesting and reliable
accounts of the state of affairs in that sec
tion. When he left New York (on the 11th
inst.) the war feeling had not abated a
whit in bitterness, ami the sent.meat g ner
al v am mg the masses was, that the South
must be brought into submission to the
Lim oln Government, at w! a*ever cost of
mon or money. There was but little talk
of politics, anil the universal topic of con
versation was the terrible condition of the
United States. Tlie prostration of Northern
commcree is eom)-ler,-. The (1 <w of money
fr iin Ihe Sou 11 has cense.l, The grain mar
kets ni Nevi Euglami ami Europe are already
glutted, ami the West, cut iff from the
Sc’i.nern market ami unable to dispose of
,ts immense surplus stocks of grain mid
provisions, is. in turn, unable to buy goods
in New A’ork Failures all over the North
air I We.-it are multiplying to a frightfu
ext mt a . 1, dark as is the present, tlie fu
ture sci-rns even rn re dismal. Tt Ims come
tube anadmiltel f.n-t that the commercial
erasli will soon bo u.iivorsul.
Tlie depreciation of real estate in New
York is appalling, coa ling firms, which
have heretofore paid many thousands an
nually as rent for their offi-cs, now occu
py the same buildings free of charge—
the lamllor ls being anxious to keep up ap
pea ranees, and unable to retain their tenants
upon any otliCr terms. Tlie state of af
fairs is even worse in Philadelphia, where,
in the most fashionable quarters, whole
blocks of elegant residences ere tenn,ntless
and go a-begging at loss than a'thirl
of the rents they readily drew a twelve
mo!.!!: ago.
In the midst of this wide-spread ruin
of the Ninth’s commercial grandeur, the war
spirit seems to gather new strength and
ferocity. At the bidding of the Lincoln
1 Government, the starving scum of the
greatcities arcenlisting by tens of thousands,
and are armed, equipped and despatched
to the border with surprising rapidity. The
nm/erteZ of those city battalions is the poor
est that can ho imagin ’d. Not so, how
ever, with the regiments find brigades
from the interior, which, in muny instances,
are e< mj’osod of men who wo ild do cred
it to any army. The Rhode Island Reg
iments, particularly, are noticeable for their
stalwart appearance, and for the excellence
and completeness of their organization.—
On the w hole, <ur informant is of opinion
that our enemies are, to a eortan extent,
underrated by public opinion throughout the
There are signs of discontent among the i
foreign elements in New York, especially j
tlie Germans. A lending German paper lias I
roundly declared that the military power of
the North rests up >n the arms of the a lop’e 1
citizens, nul that the puling boys of the fum
ons 7th Regiment are‘ fit only to wait upon
the hysterical women of New York.”
Everything in the march of events at the
VOL. XVHi-NO. 29.
I North Lctol.cin.tlo 'itrly recognition of tho
fact that tlie non s’avelmlding States can oo
licre, omy by establishing de jure, that which
already exists am >ng tlietn de jaclo— a c m.
a ilidated, centralized, ‘‘strong” governmen .
differing from a military despotism (if it
differ at al!) only in tlie name.
| Charleston M.rc'Ty.
The Craig County correspondent of the
Lynchburg Republican, writing on the 17th,
says; Gen. Henry A. Wise sp->k in Coving
ton, A a., oi.e night week to an jimmenso
crowd; two companies were organiz’d for
his brigade at once, nit I his speeches are
arousing the people into a high state of ex
eitement, and rallying thorn to his standard
by hundreds. He had 200 men with u him at
Covington, some 2000 stand of arms, best les
artillerp, ammunition, The Richmond L.
I. Lines, commanded by O. Jennings Wise,
accompanied him. His rendezvous will bo
at Lewisburg, Va., where be will remain fir
s me two or three weeks, to muster into Rer
vice and drill. The immense number of men
that we hear have enlisted under h.'s banner
are armed mountain rifles and any weapon
they may lie able to procure. Gen. Wise is
the man fertile expedition—his presence will
strike terror into the enemies of the Sautli on
the Western border and
“ One blast upon liis bugle Lorn
Is worth a thousand men-."
CGF” 5Ve are permitted to mxko the follow
ing extract from a letter written by a mem
ber of the (>,i‘fho'pc Light Infantry, dated
“Winchester, Va„ June 23J, 1861.
“V»-e belong to Johnsons Division es North-
Western Virginia. Drevct General Bartow'.s
Brigade, vvliich is composed of Alabama,
Georgia, i’ennesflee and Mississippi troops,
have two companies of Flying Artillery (dx
teen guns.) Our army now under marching
orders amoun’s to about 8.090 men.
“M e received marching orders ttiis morn
ing, one to leave immediately fir Martins
burg, to moot the enemy said to be in force
there under Gens. Fa’terson and McLendon,
about twelve thousand to thirteen thousand
strong, including Sherman’s battery and
another under U. S. Marines. If wo meet
them you may expect to of a bloody af
fair. Vv e feel very sanguine of success.
Our regiment ha« been very fortunate :- but
lew are sick, and as yet wo have not lost a
“ I never have enjoyed better health than
since I arrived here. We carry with us on
our march to-day ono blanket each, tarpolin,
a change of clothes, and three days’ rations—
bread and boiled bacon.”— Sav. News.
■■«aa i »-
Ihe (ollo’.Viiig 'ioujxiapias,
Atlanta Volunteers, Capt. WaddaiJ,
Beauregard Rifles, Capt. Wood.
Catoosa Volunteers, Capt. McC.mnelL
( ampbell Guards, Capt, Glover.
Cedar Town Guards, Capt. Borders.
Floyd Sharp Shooters, Capt. Hamilton.
Heard Guards, Capt. Mabry.
Murray Volunteers, Capt. Tuffman.
Sardis Volunteers, Capt. Hart.
They organized by the election of the fol
lowing field officers:
James J. Morrison, of Floyd, Colonel.
Daniel S. I’rintup, of Floyd, Lieut. Colonel.
Alexander M. Wallaco, of Fulton, Major.
Gen. Beiler’s Course Approved.— Slaves
Considered Contraband. — Secretary Camer
on has sent tho following letter to Gan. But
ler :
Washington: May SO, 1861.—Sir—Your
action with respect to tho Negroes who cams
within y iur lines from the services of the
rebe’s is approved. The Department is sen
sible ofthc embarrassments which must sur
round officers, considering military operations
in a State by tho laws of which slavery is
1 sanctioned. The Government cannot recog
-1 nize the rejection by any State of tho Federal
obligations, nor can it refuse the performance
of the Federal o’,ligations resting upon itself.
Among these Federal ob’igations, however
none can be more important than that of sup
pressing and distressing armed coinbina
tions I a me 1 for tho purpose of overthrowing
ts whole c iasf.itutiona! authority.
While, there ore, yon will permit no inter
ference. by tlie persons under your command,
with th. ii relatioxs of persons held to ser
vice under the laws of any guite, you n ill, on
tho orhor hand, so long as a.iy State within
which your military operations are conducted,
is under the control of such urine 1 combina
tions, refrain frim surrendering to alleged
masters any persons who may come within
your lines. Von wiil omploj’ such person.-t
in the services to which they mly bo best
adapted, keeping an account of the labor by
them performed, of the value of it, and the
oxp -nse of their maintenance.
Tho question of their final disposition will
bo reserved for figure determination.
! S'crctarg of B’?r,
I are rapidly finding their
‘ way into our city. It is said that five or six
• hundred have reached hero within the list
• forty-eight hours, and more are on the way.
i It is probable that they will return to their
homes with the “Grand Army of tli4Mjycst ’
now preparing (or the externi.nnlion
Abolition LotJo, whose trea I pollutes the tied
ot their native Sta’e.— Gull tin.
European fame, is now a private in the ranks
of the “llil'vor Rifles” of Walton county,Ga.
ifcwa ■
Brevity the Soul or Wit.—The T-iy
i Times says: “On? of the volunteers in tho
i Troy Regiment—private in Capt. Wilson’s
■ company—writes home the following letter:
“Pear Father— l am well—send mo SO.”
A merchant advertised for a clerk “*
tomed to corfii'Cmiti:.’’ Ho received an an
swer front a parson who had been seven rears